Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alex found himself stumbling into a mess of chairs and tables as a few chairs followed him and painfully hit into his torso. He quickly pushed a chair aside and got out of the mess, rubbing his stomach in an attempt to dull the pain. This was getting to be weird to be prank. He glanced at Selene, who seemed to be examining a bruise on her side. "Oh dang... That looks bad." He moved over to his backpack, which was now on the floor amongst some of its contents, and began searching through it. He found a bottle of tylenol and tossed it to Selene. "Here."

He thought of Emma and bit his lip. Where the hell was she? "One moment,"He told everyone in the class and walked out, weaving through the panicking teens toward Emma's classroom. He peered inside. Her classmates were there and looking to each other in confusion. Alex came back to his classroom and began gathering his belongings back in his bag. He should had figured she had cut school.


Emma helped Ming Hua on board as he spoke and smirked at his words, "Yeah I probably gotta get a haircut sometime soon. Been months." She told him, "Okay. Noah it is." She wrung out her hair on to the deck and sat down to try to process eveything happening.

"Hey!" Emma glanced back to see there was a boy waving to them. "You guys?! Noah? You alright? You don't know what's going on do you? Like, where everyone went?" Everyone? Emma repeated in her head mentally. Her father wasn't the only one who had just vanished then. She paused a minute, trying to process a logical explanation. She waved back to the boy, "What do you mean by where everyone went?"She called back.

"Your father disappeared," Emma returned her gaze to Noah. She recognized him from school. It was a small town so most everyone's faces were familiar to everyone. "Maybe," - if you're really lucky - "he swam back to shore."

Emma raised a brow at his proposal. "Why would my dad randomly jump off a boat and swim to shore and ditch me?" It seemed even Noah knew it was nonsensical. He proposed going back to land and then leaned over the side to scoop up a piece of driftwood, suggesting he tow her along.

"Or-Or... We could just drive the boat back."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ming Hua/Noah

Ming Hua shrugged as Emma arched her brow. "Pretty shite reasoning, to be honest," he acquiesced. With a grin that grew larger at Emma's tentative and aquaphobic suggestion, he tossed the plank to the boat floor and nodded. With a wave to the wheel, he said, "Be my guest. I've never been in a boat till now, don't know what it takes to drive 'em."

Sitting back, Ming Hua looked back to shore and waved to the boy on the sand. "We'll get over there soon!" he hollered. "Then we can all try to find out what the bloody hell is going on."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OfficerHeadbutt
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OfficerHeadbutt Child of the Fence

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Nathan stood in confusion, not quite sure what to think or what to do. All the teachers seemed to have disappeared and no one knew why. His puzzled stupor broke as the whole room began to shake violently. Nathan went to change his stance for better balance, but as he put his foot down he slipped backwards, falling onto his backside on the linoleum floor, with his back hitting a radiator against the wall. His butt felt numb, and he felt a pain in his neck.

He stayed on the floor for a few seconds after the shaking stopped, placing his hand on the back of his neck and rolling his neck around in a circle. It hurt a little to do so but wasn’t agonising. Good, he wasn’t injured. He looked in front of him to see the cause of his slip: the shaking seemed to have knocked a bottle of water off of a desk and caused it to spill on the floor where he had put his foot down.

He looked over to Selene and Alex through the mess of desks and chairs that littered the room. Everyone else except for about 4 or 5 other bewildered kids had left the room now, off searching for any signs of teachers, or looking for their brothers and sisters, or perhaps using the first chance they could to get out of school in case the teachers suddenly popped back into existence. He saw Alex pass Selene a bottle of Tylenol before leaving the room. He must have gone looking for his little sister, Emma.

“ Could you pass me a couple of those aspirin when you’re done?” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. He began to lift himself up, turning over onto his knees and fulling himself up on the side of the window ledge above the radiator. His lower back was bruised and sore, but as he lifted himself up to look out of the window he saw something that concerned him much more than the pain running down his back.

This window was facing north, and north of the school was the main road on which the town was on, which lead Northwest towards the power plant. But directly north were large rocky hills with about half a mile of desert between them and the road. And in that space of desert was a lot of black smoke, through which he could see glimpses of white. When he looked closely he could see what looked like it might be a wing.
Nathan’s jaw dropped. That earthquake wasn't an earthquake.
“ Umm, guys.” He said, not turning his gaze from the window.
“ I know how this sounds, but… I think a plane just crashed.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 mos ago Post by aaa


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

His eyes opened slowly, a fire alarm was blaring in his ears as he registered the pain that hit his body. It was unbearable, like every nerve in his being was submerged in boiling acid, and like his veins were filled with molten steel. As he gasped, he found himself unable to breath, like his lungs were filled with something that wasn't air. Sitting up, he tried to reach for the phone on his kitchen counter, and with shaky hands he grabbed a hold of it, then dialed 9-11, only to hear nothing but the dial tone in his ears. He swallowed, then choked and coughed, coughed so hard that blood began to spew from his mouth and the pain came back again tenfold. In a finale effort to relieve the pain, he smashed his head into the wooden cabinet near where he had fallen, and suddenly, everything stopped. The hurting seized, and he felt it retreat down into his fingertips then vanish, like nothing had happened. Shakily, he pushed his arms underneath of him, supporting his movement as he stood up slowly, nearly threatening to topple back over, before he looked towards the stove and saw the smoke rising from it. His egg had been cooking the entire time, and was now nothing but black ash in the pan.

Instinctively, he moved quickly to the stove to turn it off, but due to the weakness of his knees, he fell face forward, smashing it against the pain and with a cry, a long burn sizzled into his profile. Standing up and clutching at his now scarred faced, he stiffly moved to his parents bedroom, only to see they weren't there. Stepping outside, he looked around, only to see no one was around. Moving out into the yard, he saw no one. Nothing, at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack Ashbourne

Jack's head tilted slightly to the side as a strange sound filled the air. Looking up into the air a large metal object could be seen falling. It looked like a plane, but it was massive. Something was obviously wrong with the mysterious machine. It plummeted quickly towards the ground till disappearing from his sight. A low rumble could be heard, quickly growing in magnitude till it grew into a massive roar. The earth beneath his feet began to shake. He managed to stay steady barely, watching quietly without a single word. In the distance he could see dust and fire lick the sky where it had crashed.

When the seizures subsided Jack brushed off his pants, slightly covered in unruly dirt, and set off towards the crash. His pace was fast, even more so for his unusually long stride. He needed to know what the hell was that. Maybe whatever was controlling that plane knew about his sister. Maybe they had taken her captive. His fist clenched and his eyes darkened sinisterly at the thought. Anyone who touched Elizabeth would die. There would be no mercy for them.

Stepping through the sliding sand of the desert, Jack climbed to the top of a dune. His breathing had not changed during the long walk. Even for someone of his physique, he was slightly surprised at himself. Taking the last step necessary to see over the golden hill, Jack saw something like nothing he had ever imagined. It was definitely a plane that he had seen crash, but this was... massive... It was easily bigger than a house. Hundreds of people could fit in there. And it was on fire. Instantly fear gripped at him. Elizabeth had to be there. Sliding hurriedly down the hill he started running, yelling, "Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" People could be see out of the corner of his eye, but he paid them no attention as he plunged into the burning wreckage looking for his dear little innocent sister.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWildBunnii
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TheWildBunnii The Obsessed Latina

Member Seen 10 mos ago


A slow, sensual smile steals across his features when he heard her sweet melodic voice once again. He glanced up to meet the lovely face of his tanned goddess. A picture of perfection. The little rebel was vision of pure loveliness, at least she would be if she didn’t look so wicked. James shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged his broad shoulders at the girl's question. His face harden, making little room of the turmoil running within him. To be honest, he believed this was just another stunt to finally have the famous Coates shut down. Or perhaps, it was what it truly was; a prank.

" Sweetie, I have no fucking shit what the fuck is going on. Now, just go to the-"

You know, people would say there’s probably some kind of reasonable explanation for this....And if they don’t come back, there’s going to be chaos. You can try and control everyone, be in charge but it won’t work.

Atlas became notorious before James came to Coates, and the one before and the one before that. Atlas struck fear into people's hearts, and from a young age. For that, James became quite attached to the little demon. However, boys were boys, James felt it was expected to kept Atlas in line even it meant sharing a few good punches with the boy.

A quick jab, that what that prick needs.

James' eyes followed Atlas while he headed towards the same direction the most students went. " I better not see you under Emily's skirt again. Wouldn't want that micro-penis disappearing on you." He smirked as he shouted the last of the insults and turned his attention to Shay. " Go. You would not want to be caught with Altas. Stay away from him."

James walked passed her, tilting his head, an invitation to follow him. A bold move on his part, for James, it was the perfect time to have with the girl. " I am heading to the dean's office. Might be fun to get some details on the 'delight' of Coates and it's students."


The tips of her fingers brushed along the bruised flesh causing her to flinch from the pain. Selene jumped slightly at the bottle of Tylenol hit her lap, her blue eyes flew to the one responsible for frightening her. The friendly face of Alex calmed her down a bit once she had discovered he was better than she was.

" Thank you," she whispered, confusion and fear bleeding from her pores. She took the white bottle into her hands, opening it before taking two and then, popped them into her mouth. " We need to get help," she tossed the bottle over to Nathan, glancing to make sure he was alright." Which means we need to stick-"

I know how this sounds, but… I think a plane just crashed.

Selene lifted herself up and walked carefully towards Nathan by the window. Her eyes widen at the black smoke consuming most of the sky, her fingers combed through her gold mane. She glance over her shoulder to find Alex had disappeared as well.

" We need to go. Like now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Sweetie, I have no fucking shit what the fuck is going on. Now, just go to the-" The boy began to reply, but was broken off by another voice. Her attention hadn't been caught yet. Shay titled her head, remaining motionless. Who the hell did he think he was, telling her where to go? And calling her sweetie? The last guy to have called her sweetie left with a broken nose and fractured spine. Nonetheless, this was an academy for the disturbed and troubled, so she had no idea what she was dealing with. Even so, this guy didn't seem to pose a threat.

The next speaker, however, gave the vibe off, and Shay straightened up now. "You know, people would say there’s probably some kind of reasonable explanation for this....And if they don’t come back, there’s going to be chaos. You can try and control everyone, be in charge but it won’t work.” If the people don't return, Shay had an idea of what she would do and that was leave. However, what if she was unable to leave..? The chaos was sure going to be extreme... especially with the type of academy they were in. Shay knew that she had to go back to her dormitory and soon to grab her gun. She wasn't going unarmed in this situation. She had smuggled inside her self-defense weapons. She would not leave those beauties behind.

"I better not see you under Emily's skirt again. Wouldn't want that micro-penis disappearing on you." The original boy smirked, turning back to face her. Eyebrows raised, she studied him, not impressed. What kind of people were these two? They sounded disturbed, at least the second one. The first one seemed haughty. This was not soothing, though she had no-one else to go to at this time. "Go. You would not want to be caught with Altas. Stay away from him."

"I wouldn't dream of it," she responded and watched the boy disappear, then turned her attention back to the original boy. He was, she noticed now, good-looking. With dark hair and his build, he was handsome, at the least. Shay snapped her attention back to the situation at hand. Now wasn't the time to start examining others, especially if half the school had mysteriously disappeared.

He walked passed her, nodding his head in invitation. "I am heading to the dean's office. Might be fun to get some details on the 'delight' of Coates and it's students."

Shay hesitated, then shoved off the locker with her foot. "Got it - the help would be nice." A brief pause, and then she added, "What's your name?" He was, at least, kind, though it could be a ruse. Either way, she was alone in a new town and in an academy for the disturbed and/or troubled. Shay turned to follow him when a quake jolted her off balance unexpectedly. She cried out, grabbing the boy's arm instinctively for balance. "Sorry!" she exclaimed, quickly standing up and staring around in shock. "What the hell was that? Are there earthquakes here?" Then, realizing she had been gripping his arm, she let go. Her face was red, though she remained impassive.

Way to go, dumbass, she thought with an internal groan and gazed around at the academy to break the tension.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


“ I know how this sounds, but… I think a plane just crashed.”
Alex looked up from rummaging through his back at the bizarre statement. It was just one weird situation after the other now. How was this not a dream? He followed Selene slowly toward the window and stared outside. Black smoke was billowing up in the sky not too far off.
" We need to go. Like now." She said.
"I'm way ahead of you sister."Alex mumbled, throwing his back over his shoulder. He hastily made his way out the door, not checking back to see who was following him. First, he had to go home and see if his family was okay then he'd check out what the random smoke was about.


"Good thing my dad taught me." Emma told Ming Hua and made her way over to the controls. She sat down and turned on the motor. She couldn't get the nagging worry that her dad had fell off and drowned off her mind. No one just disappeared. She paled as she clutched the steering wheel, imagining her mom and brother's faces when they heard it was her fault her father was dead. She had abandoned him and left him to die. To top it off, if she had just went to school none of this would had happened.

She swallowed. If he had indeed fallen in, he was dead by now. She bit back tears and drove the boat towards the shore. Once at the dock, she stopped it and hopped off, her wet sneakers noisily pressing against the wood. She tied it up rather hastily and turned to the boy, "That guy that was hollering at us is gone."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OfficerHeadbutt
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OfficerHeadbutt Child of the Fence

Member Seen 7 mos ago


" We need to go. Like now."
"I'm way ahead of you sister."
Nathan heard the two voices speak, obviously Selene and Alex, and his mind just about managed to process what they were saying. He was still coming to terms with the fact that all the teachers had disappeared and a plane had just crashed. He stood in a confused daze for a moment, before bringing himself back into the real world. As he turned around, Alex had already ran off, probably looking for his sister.
“ Yeah, let’s go.” He said simply, still shaking his head, still trying to fully comprehend what was going on. He pulled on his leather jacket and slung his backpack across his shoulders. He walked to the door, stopping in the doorway and turning to Selene.
“ Wait, where are we going?”


Atlas did not reply to James’s little jokes at his expense. At least, not loud enough for James to hear.
“ Wonder how funny he’d be if I cut his tongue out.” He muttered to himself under his breath. As he headed towards the cafeteria, he remembered something. Just a couple doors down was a stationery room. He sped up towards the door and tried the handle. Locked. He looked around for something to use to break into the room. A fire extinguisher on the wall. He grabbed it with one hand on the handle and the other resting along it’s body. He then slammed into the door lock a couple times, trying to break through, before some kid, no older than 14 spoke.

“ What the hell are you doing?” The kid said, and Atlas turned to him, and with a smile on his face replied,
“ Well, I’m using the fire extinguisher to try to bash this door down. But if you don’t move along, I might decide to use it to bash your skull open instead.” He spoke with a cheery tone, with a wide smile across his face. The now creeped out kid kept moving, and with a couple more bashes on the door, the lock bust and he stepped into the stationery room. After a couple of minutes trashing the room as he searched, he found the cable ties he had been looking for. He stashed a handful of them into his pocket and carried onto the cafeteria. He slipped into the cafeteria, remaining unnoticed by the large crowd of kids, and from there stepped into the school kitchen. He went to the knife board, taking a large pair of scissors, stuffing the blade into the side of his sock and using his pant leg to conceal the handle. He then took a large knife, and cut a whole inside the lining of his blazer which he then placed the knife inside of.
As he stepped back into the cafeteria, it was now time for his dramatic showcase.

“ Okaaaayyy!!” He shouted, loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear, as he stepped to the front of the room.
“ It looks to me like all the teachers are gone. Which means no class, no punishments, no nothing. I say, it’s time for us to do whatever the fuck we want!” He said, the cheek to cheek smile spreading across his face again.
“ None of us want to listen to you, you psycho! Where’s James?” asked a female voice from the crowd.
“ He’s not here right now, is he? So you’re gonna listen to me.” He said, as he grabbed a chair. The kids began booing, and a couple began to throw anything they could find at Atlas.

“ Okay…” He muttered to himself, trying to remain calm, and not start shouting and screaming, and attacking whoever he wanted. He pulled the knife out from his blazer, holding it up in the air, before quickly walking to the front row, and grabbing a girl no older than 15 by the hair, pulling her out of her seat. She kicked and screamed but Atlas was stronger than her, and he grabbed her into a hostage position, his left arm around her throat, his right hand holding the knife just under her chin, as he pulled her down into the seat, grabbing her arms and pulling them behind the seat, and pulling a cable tie around her wrists. He then tied her feet to the legs of the chair with two more cable ties, before standing back behind her. Her screaming had softened to a scared whimpering cry. He pulled the scissors from his sock, and held the scissors and knife up in the air.

“ So, I have scissors, and a knife. And you’re all gonna shut up and listen. Every time someone speaks or moves, I cut off one of this little lady’s fingers with the scissors. If I run out of fingers, then the knife comes in.” He said, and as he finished his sentence he ran the knife across her throat, and as he did so his leaned down, his head over her shoulder.

“ You won’t do it!” Some dumb kid shouted.
“ Oh, won’t I? I guess I’ll be kind for the first one. Pinky first.” He said, getting down on one knee behind the chair.
A crunching sound and a scream from the girl. The kids who had a good angle to view would see blood squirting onto the floor behind the chair. Atlas stood to his feet, holding the girl’s bloody severed little finger high in the air like some sort of sick trophy. He placed it into his pocket, and the room fell silent again.

“ Do I have your attention now? Alright, so as I was saying, the teachers are all gone, so that means-“ He was cut off as the room shaked violently, losing his balance he slipped onto his back, and as he fell the knife slid across the floor. As the shaking stopped, he regained his composure to see an older boy running for the knife. Some kind of strange instinct kicked in, and Atlas held one hand out, from which emerged a strange, black tendril, which seemed to have a dark smoke emanating from it, but instead of rising, the smoke seemed to sink towards the ground and spread out across the floor. The tendril itself shot towards the boy, wrapping around his neck and lifting him from the floor. Screams, gasps and other sounds of complete shock were heard from the crowd of students, as the boy grabbed at the strange black thing that wrapped around his neck, so that his neck was not taking the full weight of his body. Atlas felt a strange control, as he carefully stood to his feet. The tendril began growing longer, wrapping downwards along the boy’s body, like a Boa Constrictor squeezing the life out of its prey.

It was at that point the cafeteria door opened, and the mood in the room changed.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ming Hua/Noah

"Good thing my dad taught me," the girl said. Ming Hua released the breath he had been holding as the boat purred to life. Yes, very good.

As Emma took to the wheel, Ming Hua scrutinised her carefully. The thing about living on the streets, was that you were downright invisible. The street vendors knew street kids darted around like bullets and stray dogs, so they didn't bother to look. The passers-by and tourists who happened onto the lane looked away, out of discomfort, and a distinct sense of remorse that they were wealthier, had a home to return to. As though pity were scathing. Which meant a lot of Ming Hua's time as a kid had been spent staring unabashedly at people who preferred to think he was not there. Covertly - because civilians didn't seem to like being stared at, as he had had to learn - Ming Hua's eyes grazed over Emma, the open theatric play of emotion on her face, and the way her grip tightened over the wheel. He watched her throat work to swallow, and wondered what on Earth she had to feel guilty for.

But then the boat began to move and Ming Hua was fixed where he sat, feeling his face turn to whey. The boat was caught in a lull, constantly rocking as it drove against the current toward land. Which seemed so far away now.

When at last the boat beached itself, Ming Hua clambered out to sprawl on his back on the sand. He peered up at the sun, blinding himself. "That guy that was hollering at us is gone." Ming Hua gave a cursory glance around the beach, and saw that Emma was right. Reaching out for his sneakers where he had chucked them, he belched, feeling sick. He would never get on a boat again.

Ming Hua rolled onto his side, and propped himself up on an arm. His gaze returned to Emma, who looked less...conflicted now. But Ming Hua wondered how many layers he would have to peel back just to find again what he had just seen. "We should find other people then." He thought of Mrs Rochester and grimaced. Maybe he would just head to the high school. Or would he need an explanation and supplies from her home? "You've got family you need to get in touch with?" Pulling on his shoes, his eyes didn't leave Emma's. Not until he had pulled himself back onto his feet - which felt unsteady, an unsettling sensation.

He couldn't fathom why Emma would feel guilty. But he softened his gaze, to say simply. "'Twasn't your fault. And nobody's dead yet."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWildBunnii
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TheWildBunnii The Obsessed Latina

Member Seen 10 mos ago


"What's your name?"

James let out a chuckle from his lips, turning to face the young brunette once again and flash her a smile. " I guess, I need to try harder on my rep. James. James DiAndre."

The dark haired brute was going to inform the dark princess, they had meet before when the ground shook causing the two to lose balance. Instinctively, James pulled her into him and pushed her up against the wall, using his body as a shield to the incoming assault. His body was aching to the touch, his muscles scream out from the discomfort that ran through him. James glance around them, the moment the school stood still and pulled away from Shay once he felt all was well.

JAmes let out a hiss as a piercing pain jolted up to his arm. A thick, flat piece of concrete was rooted into his palm and exiting out the back of his hand.


" Are you ok?" He questioned her, ignoring the last bit that came from her mouth.

"What the hell was that? Are there earthquakes here?"

" Add it to the list to all the fucked up shit going down,"

With involuntary twitch of his fingers, the small slab of earth detached itself and floated in the air before dropping back down. A few beads of crimson dripped from the but on his hand. Focusing on his breathing, his mind was still reeling from the events of what just happened. James was flushed, short of breath, and practically having to lean against the wall of the hall to keep his knees from buckling underneath him.

I...I-I m-made..I couldn't.

" The Headmaster must have something for such emergencies."

For the next few minutes, the two walked in silence until they reached the openly wide dark oak door, printed in gold letters; Headmaster's Office. James strolled inside to find the place empty. Taking a sit behind the desk of the famous prick, that made most of the students' life in Coates Academy hell. He stared upon the opened page of the computer's screen. It appeared as if someone was reading their mail. James clicked to enlarge the mail, stating the following:

Dear Headmaster Eric Sweets

I am pleased to inform you that your school is hereby accepted to the new Juvenile Delinquency Program of San Perdido Beach. The residents of San Perdido will be happy to know that the "trouble" students will no longer be hazard to the community. It will keep the students more protected and will have the professional help they need, in order to live a normal life. Coates Academy will turn into the respected school it deserved to be by the end of the summer. Thank you, and congratulations.

Mayor Victor Hartz

" They are sending us off," each of word left his lips, oozed with hatred. It appears his mother had send her blessings along with the many other parents. " We have been sold like cattle."

A slow, dark smile clouded over James' face while a silence following which many would have taken for being fearful. Reality, it was more of an awakening for the bad boy. It was time to fight back, even if they were criminals in their eyes.

It was time, to show his true colors. Standing up without another word, he exited the expensive office.

Thump, Thump, Thump.

Blood rushing through ears, air into lungs, feet smacking the pavement…and nothing else. Adrenaline. At this moment, nothing felt better than that natural drug pulsing through his veins. And, the eerie power energy emit from underneath him. He was part of her and she was part of him. It was a power growing within him. It was him. He was the one who made the slab of earth float. It was him, and now it was up to him to lead Coates into the brighter future.

Screams echo down the corridor once the couple was close by the cafeteria. James shot a look over at Shay before breaking into a run. The doors of the cafeteria opened, James took a step inside to notice the ill sight of his friend. The dull throb in his stomach had lessened slightly since, but he could still feel it within him. James stayed still for several seconds, not moving even a muscle as he concentrated. And then, beneath his eyelids, his eyes flashed a burnt orange color.

He brought his arms forward and up in two uppercut-style movements, causing a huge mound of earth to erupt in front of him. He didn’t stop there, though – eyes open now, he rushed forwards and delivered a powerful kick to the bottom of one of the massive pillars, supporting the floor above, causing the bottom part to break off and fly straight into Atlas. With a wave of his hand, the ground beneath began to shake and crumble, creating a hole. The missing piece of earth shot out of the hole, wrapping itself around the wounded Altas. Altas' body disappeared under the grip of the earth, only his head peering out from the dirt prison.

His eyes reverted back to their regular blue color and he turned around to face Atlas.

" What the fuck is going on?" his irritated tone echoed off of the hard marble walls, impatience tracing his determined features.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Emma sat on the sand next to Noah for a moment, plopping her blue backpack on the sand next to her. She undid her pony tail and began wringing out her hair. "Yeah. I'm going to go home and see if my mom is okay and find my brother. How about you?" She inquired. Her brother was definitely still in school at this hour. She knew he'd come running out if he knew what had just happened. Letting go of her hair, she pulled her backpack between her legs and began digging through it. She finally pulled out her phone. After messing with it for a moment, she sighed. "No signal. Can you check yours?" She glanced over at him, meeting his eyes as his gaze softened. Emma listened to his words and bit her lip. Dang. She really was an open book. People always could tell how she was feeling without even asking her. Her face usually said it all.

"I just hope by some miracle my dad didn't drown out there. It just doesn't make any sense..." She told him quietly. She gathered herself to her feet. "Never mind. Don't try your phone. Let's just go to our houses. We can go to yours first if you really want but make it quick if possible. I'm not feeling these wet clothes. " She grimaced at the heavy feeling of her clothes as she spoke.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ming Hua/Noah

Despite the sinking feeling that persisted in his gut, Ming Hua smiled at Emma. "I take it back, you're not that much of a mermaid after all." Jumping on his toes lightly to shake off the tremor in his legs, he jabbed his thumb down the street. "I just need to grab a bag and food." There was no reason to go into apocalyptic-mode, Ming Hua recognised that. But hell if he wasn't going to take precautions. "And my phone," he added as an afterthought, patting his drenched but blissfully empty pocket. Nodding his head down one way, he began to jog. "Come on, I'll make it snappy."

Ming Hua wanted to sprint - his legs had always had too much energy, ready to carry him lengths away from angry merchants, and teachers exasperated with his restlessness - but he made sure to keep pace with Emma. In a town as small as San Perdido, it took just under four minutes to reach the Rochesters' home. And in a town as quiet as San Perdido, the doors were always left open.

The Rochesters' house was a modest two-storey building, with white-washed walls and a large oak door that Ming Hua bound through. He grabbed a towel that had been left folded from the pile of clean laundry and tossed it over his shoulder to Emma. "Here," he said. "Dry off. Mrs Rochester will kill me if we leave water stains. I'll grab my things, you can make yourself at home." Wasn't a lot of time for that, but what the heck? It wasn't like Emma was going to find his baby pictures put on proud display on the walls. He had none.

Ming Hua climbed the stairs two at a time, and took a satchel from his room, slipping his phone inside after glancing at its screen for a second. He thundered down to the ground floor again, zipped through the kitchen for some dry foods, and plucked the spare key hanging on the coat rack. He would lock up when they left. Things were getting strange and open doors were just an invitation for trouble. "All set," he called to Emma. "And you're right; the phones don't have service."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWildBunnii
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TheWildBunnii The Obsessed Latina

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Her limbs felt strange, they felt heavy as if she was in a pool of quicksand which was slowly engulfing her whole. The loud cries of the students in the background did little to nothing to calm her rabidly beating heart of the seventeen year old.

What is going on? I just want to go home. I just want...

Wait, where are we going?

She was certain that Alex had said something before, now he was gone. He couldn't have disappeared too?

Home! I want to go home! Mom..Dad, please...

Her hands rose to her face, with a quick motion, the two met against the flesh of her cheeks with a loud slap, jolting the teen to wake. Her head snapped up, staring straight at Nathan. " There is nothing. We are on our own," she spoke calmly to the Nathan. Selene made her way out the classroom, leaving all of her belongings behind. The hall was empty expect for a few loitering students. Pieces of broken glass crunched with each step she took. " The best thing we can do right now is wait. I need to go home and just..."

Her blue eyes stop at the entrance of the school for the first time, and it stop the blonde beauty cold. Damage was widespread, sections of the streets filled with mischief students, and numerous cars suffered irreparable damage with drivers no where to be found. " I guess driving is out of the question?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Emma had a bit of trouble keeping up with Noah despite her love for speed-walking. It always had a certain sass to it and she loved doing it especially when she was angry at someone. She gazed around the house as she entered with Noah. "This is a nice house."She commented then blinked as he threw her a towel. "Thanks." She began drying herself off as he made his way into the kitchen. She wondered why he was stocking up on food. Did he think there was an impending zombie apocalypse? She decided not to question him and waited patiently for his return. Once he was back, she gestured to the door and went outside. She made her way toward her house with haste, which surprisingly was not that far.

Once she reached the small, typical two-story home, that was on the corner of the road, she opened the door and frowned. It was not like her mom to leave it unlocked. She held it open for Noah nonetheless and went inside, "Mom?" She called. No one answered. She sighed. "Alex?"


Emma turned to find her brother lingering in the doorway, blue eyes wide and frazzled. "Where the hell have you been and who is that?"

Emma glanced at him and then to Noah. "Noah, meet Alexander, my brother. I'm going to change before I answer any questions from anyone soooo bye." She then bolted up the stairs, leaving the taller blonde with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Sorin woke up in a mass of fire and metal with bodies lying around. He felt at home. He scavenged what he could before anyone could find their way to the crash site. After he had looked around, he saw one body burning in a small flame. He had shifted the molecules in his arm to a steel blade at the thought of the flesh being sliced apart realizing what he just did Sorin smiled knowing he could use this new found power to cut a piece from the corpse and save it for later. He shoved one of the corpses arms in his backpack before reverting his blade arm to its natural state he then looked a few feet over. He found some rope and decided to take that. He saw no use in anything else and started making his way from the site.

“Well, this is quite interesting maybe I will be able to find more stuff in my old house" he had muttered to himself.

He had made it to his old home, grabbing a few things he had left before his trip to his aunts. He grabbed some water from the fridge, his face mask, and some new clothes fit for the occasion with the knowledge that all the adults had disappeared, meaning he could let loose all his hatred upon this earth. Sorin then got up and left, seeking the girl he has liked secretly and stalked for years… the one named Emma Remington.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ming Hua/Noah

With the items in his bag rattling behind him, Ming Hua strode through the door Emma opened for him, eyes panning the interior of the house - welcoming, cosy, and something Ming Hua thought would be nice to return to everyday, in stark contrast with the austere decor Mrs Rochester favoured so dearly. Behind him, Emma called for her mother and brother. When a boy's voice answered sharply, he jumped and turned.

A boy - Alex, wasn't it? - who looked at his wit's end and visibly unnerved seemed to emerge from the shadows by the doorway. "Where the hell have you been and who is that?" His eyes looked wild, and Ming Hua's palms immediately snapped up to his ears in a peaceful offering.

Before Ming Hua could reply, Emma made the introductions, and then promptly left the two to their own devices. While he lowered his hands to his sides once more, Ming Hua's eyes trailed Emma's figure climbing the stairs, before they slid back to Alexander. Ah, an older brother. And one who didn't look very pleased, what with the strange turn of events that had been popping out at them from behind all corners of the town. Ming Hua wasn't about to flatter himself into thinking it had to do with his abrupt entrance in their lives. "My real name's Ming Hua, but call me Noah. I don't think we've met," he clarified. Ming Hua had heard of Alex in school - the boy was a prominent figure around the social circles - but Ming Hua hadn't quite established much of a reputation for himself, except among teachers as an untameable child. "I just met Emma at the beach about fifteen minutes ago." He paused awkwardly. "Nice girl."

Suddenly, he perked. "Did you come from the high school? Do you know what's happening over there?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alex's gaze fell on the asian boy before him. He had seen him often but had never really put a name to the face. He ran a hand through his hair stressfully with a sigh as he introduced himself as Noah and told him that he found Emma on the beach fifteen minutes ago. He couldn't really say he was surprised. "Nice to meet you Noah. "Alex said and eyed him. He hoped this wasn't some secret boyfriend she had been running around with all day. He dropped his backpack on the couch and craned his neck to gaze in the kitchen. Was his mother missing too? Alex had been about to go check his parents' bedroom when Noah spoke up again.

"Did you come from the high school? Do you know what's happening over there?"

"Yeah I did... All the teachers and a lot of the seniors just randomly vanished. Everyone's just running through the streets like imbeciles. Also, apparently a plane crashed. There's some smoke over that way billowing up in the sky." Alex pointed him in the direction of the smoke. "I guess the pilot disappeared too."

The sound of footsteps made the blonde turn around to the stairs. Emma was running down the stairs in a white t-shirt and jean shorts, her thick, wavy hair bouncing behind her. "Whee!" She exclaimed and did a bow as she got to the floor. " Okay so before you ask, dad and I went fishing today but he randomly disappeared and I may or may not have left him to drown and-"

"No, Emma. You didn't. All the adults in our school disappeared. " Alex interrupted quietly. "Mom's gone too."

Emma glanced from Alex to Noah, twirling a lock of her hair."How can that be...?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Knowing the location of Emma's house through stalking her for years online and from afar, he started the walk to her house but was halted by a boy who looked about thirteen years old. The boy asked Sorin ”Do you know where all the grown-ups went? I am scared.“ Sorin replied with an annoyed "No you fool and you asked the wrong person to help you out and now you give me this opportunity to test my ability.” the boy started to shake trembling in fear and started to cry, fearful of what Sorin may do to him. Sorin then smiled and said, "Well why don't we get this started." Whilst thinking of crushing the child, his fists had enlarged and became a stone like texture. The boy screamed for his life as he pulled his fist back, swinging directly at the kids chest and launching him straight into a building. His bones were crushed on impact. Sorin looked at the boy, laughing hysterically at the lifeless body that lay before him. "What a useless human!” Sorin's hands now returning to normal, he walked over to the body kneeling over and searching for any valuables. Sorin stood back up and turned to continue his walk to Emma's place "I really hope she is home so I finally get to talk to her alone.” he said in an excited sounding tone.
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