@BytheSpleen @The ghost in black @ZB1996 @Bai Suzhen @Vocab @Ryuzaki @lady horatio @BubbleGumKing @Keyguyperson @PolkaDancer

A few notes note on post standards, pacing, and setting before you begin (Respectively).
First posts in a roleplay, whether by GM or by players, pretty much always end up disproportionately long compared to what's needed from later posts. And that's ok. But don't set permanent personal standards for length by your or anyone else's first post. Having standards that are too high will make posting more difficult than it needs to be, and no one wants that. Stick to the essentials, which is this: Does my post respond to other players, if necessary? Does my post give something for other players to respond to in their own ways? Do I feel like I've put enough effort into my post to make it worth reading? Are the unique and interesting parts of my character and my story arc being explored in this post? If you can honestly answer yes to all of those questions, length, ultimately, doesn't matter.
On in-game time. Time will run semi-linearly in this roleplay. I'm asking you to use discretion here (but feel free to ask if you have a question). Two gods in conversation with one another obviously will be interacting on the same time scale, which will be pretty slow (doesn't take an hour to say a sentence). However, gods working on their personal projects will usually take longer, and to keep an interesting pace, in-game time in these posts will be pretty fast. Try to maintain a balance between interactions that take place quickly and actions that take place slowly, so that characters don't get left too far behind. This will have to be a team effort, to some degree. If you make a post that details your character taking a long while to produce something big, you may have accidentally shot ahead of the others a bit, so ping your Sense of Attraction and slow down to interact with other characters. If you've been debating with other characters for a while, the participants may get a little left behind time wise, so have them do some time-consuming divine acts in the space of a single post or so to get up to speed. Don't stress too much about it, but I'll be keeping an eye on you all to see if you guys ever need to speed up or slow down relative to one another. If everyone's doing something fast or something slow at the same time, then perfect, but that won't always be the case.
Lastly- Your character can appear anywhere nearby the wreckage. They might remember their death, or they might not. You may actually want to write up their death, and that's ok, but don't drag it out too long. They may take to their powers like a duck to a pond or they may not even realise the extent of what's happened. They may do something rash with their powers. That's cool, but try to give other players a chance for their characters to finish their internal monologues and start interacting with one another before that. Gods can tell the difference between humans and other gods, mostly by the fact that gods don't have souls (at least not in the way that humans do). Gods will be able to sense and remove the soul of a human, but they'll see one another as humans see each other. Feel free to shoot me any questions. If I don't get any questions I'm probably the smoothest GM the world has ever seen.
@darkwolf687 Yep, he's still good.
Mostly this thread. If it blows itself too far up size wise, I might look at alternatives, but I strongly doubt that'll happen. Of course, you're free and encouraged to make collab posts, so long as you can complete them quickly and use them only when necessary- For example, for a fast, close conversation between gods or when they collaborate to make something.

A few notes note on post standards, pacing, and setting before you begin (Respectively).
First posts in a roleplay, whether by GM or by players, pretty much always end up disproportionately long compared to what's needed from later posts. And that's ok. But don't set permanent personal standards for length by your or anyone else's first post. Having standards that are too high will make posting more difficult than it needs to be, and no one wants that. Stick to the essentials, which is this: Does my post respond to other players, if necessary? Does my post give something for other players to respond to in their own ways? Do I feel like I've put enough effort into my post to make it worth reading? Are the unique and interesting parts of my character and my story arc being explored in this post? If you can honestly answer yes to all of those questions, length, ultimately, doesn't matter.
On in-game time. Time will run semi-linearly in this roleplay. I'm asking you to use discretion here (but feel free to ask if you have a question). Two gods in conversation with one another obviously will be interacting on the same time scale, which will be pretty slow (doesn't take an hour to say a sentence). However, gods working on their personal projects will usually take longer, and to keep an interesting pace, in-game time in these posts will be pretty fast. Try to maintain a balance between interactions that take place quickly and actions that take place slowly, so that characters don't get left too far behind. This will have to be a team effort, to some degree. If you make a post that details your character taking a long while to produce something big, you may have accidentally shot ahead of the others a bit, so ping your Sense of Attraction and slow down to interact with other characters. If you've been debating with other characters for a while, the participants may get a little left behind time wise, so have them do some time-consuming divine acts in the space of a single post or so to get up to speed. Don't stress too much about it, but I'll be keeping an eye on you all to see if you guys ever need to speed up or slow down relative to one another. If everyone's doing something fast or something slow at the same time, then perfect, but that won't always be the case.
Lastly- Your character can appear anywhere nearby the wreckage. They might remember their death, or they might not. You may actually want to write up their death, and that's ok, but don't drag it out too long. They may take to their powers like a duck to a pond or they may not even realise the extent of what's happened. They may do something rash with their powers. That's cool, but try to give other players a chance for their characters to finish their internal monologues and start interacting with one another before that. Gods can tell the difference between humans and other gods, mostly by the fact that gods don't have souls (at least not in the way that humans do). Gods will be able to sense and remove the soul of a human, but they'll see one another as humans see each other. Feel free to shoot me any questions. If I don't get any questions I'm probably the smoothest GM the world has ever seen.
@darkwolf687 Yep, he's still good.
[@Antartic Termite] Just wondering, would there just be one huge thread for the entire roleplay or several locations in which the players can interact?
Mostly this thread. If it blows itself too far up size wise, I might look at alternatives, but I strongly doubt that'll happen. Of course, you're free and encouraged to make collab posts, so long as you can complete them quickly and use them only when necessary- For example, for a fast, close conversation between gods or when they collaborate to make something.