Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tullia Magna
Silence is golden

"That will work as well."

Provided they actually believed that and let them in that was. It was a good a plan as any, and if it does work, it would make things a lot less difficult. If it doesn't, hopefully they won't have to resort to murdering everyone before the mark escapes. The barbarian priestess with the wolves should be able to handle that at least. Though... was she going to bring the entire pack into the villa? Tullia doubted the good man would simply agree to letting dirty beasts tracking mud into his home, much less the wolves.

"I shall try to be hidden as much as I can, should you wish to carry out that plan." Her disembodied voice sounded near Aelia. "I'm certain you have witnessed the effect I can have on the common folk."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Memes to Knowledge

Dullards. Pointless. Useless.

These "thugs" and "pirates" were nothing to what Oriana would accept as what could truly be considered an "individual". If there exists a finite line between what is understood as "animate" and "inanimate"; a measure of something one would consider to "coexist within another's realm", then these pirates could be considered something that was "inanimate".

Killing them was merely an act of "playing with ones toys". Of course, sometimes toys break, but as long as the user of said toys was "entertained', their purpose was fulfilled. After all, tools exist to "be used", and it was well within Oriana's right to "act upon" them. She was stronger than these people, and the strong has the right to pray upon the weak in the way they see fit.

Kill or be killed.

Either way, it appeared that it was time for Oriana to join the frey completely. She was able to fend off a single individual, "pacifying" them. At least, if this individual was not able to provide use to Rome as a living, they could find their peace in death. If anything, one could consider this a mercy killing of sorts. Those without purpose in the world should not exist and should simply be acted upon by those who have the ability to do so. Strength is the only means of this world, after all.

She would need to place this authority upon these thugs. Placing herself towards the enemy ship currently containing the raptor of sorts, she began.

"I don't think I was completely satisfied with your friend, I think I should let you join him. It is only fair~."

It appeared it was time for Ori to let it rip.


Never again.

Therein exists shadows within most all facets of existence. Simply put, the shadows Oriana held prominence over were a "lack of light". Thus, this "darkness" always existed so long as light existed. It was systematic in a way. Utilization of shadows to defend against attacks for her allies to gain an advantage and utilizing the properties of the shadows to simply cut through sinew and bone with ease. She would "push the line" towards the raptor, pressuring the battlefield until moral was lost and they were forced to surrender.

Of course, it appeared that she was one of the very few "useful individuals" in regards to this entire section of battle. Though one does not truly need raw power in order to fulfill a purpose; strength exists in other such skills as leadership and knowledge as well as raw strength. Thus, those who can lead are able to lead this power to greatness. However, those who serve no purpose were not useful and thus could be considered "irrelevant".

But Oriana definitely was not irrelevant. Desperately she wanted to prove herself loyal. To show others she could be useful. She was being useful, right Octavian?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CorpusMundus
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Road to Knowledge

With the withdrawal of the beasts, and another compelling rally from the Valkyrie above them, the crew and hired muscle once again redoubled their efforts to push back their attackers. The pirates in turn, still shaken by the events that had transpired, fell as wheat beneath a scythe, those not outright slain by blades or cracked skulls were left unconscious or writhing in pain on the deck. Their comrades on the attacking ship were even more distraught as they were assailed by magics of fear and shadow, as well as the blade of a Valkyrie. Soon those left simply dropped to their knees, pleading for their lives at the hands of their betters.

The twin to the first vessel was not in any greater position, its crew now under attack by the remaining lions and boar, as well as their Valkyrie trainer. Combined with the immovable wall of legionaries, the undisciplined pirates were being routed easily. Those still on their own ship must have deemed it better to simply abandon their others, the vessel working its best to disengage from the merchant ship. Many pirates were pushed overboard by their comrades as they tried to rush back to the safety of their own ship. Others were less fortunate, caught mere feet away from safety by the claws and jaws of lions, or the lance of the Valkyrie. Still, the mere skeleton of a crew which had managed to retreat worked their fastest to row and steer their ship away from the battle. A large cry erupted from the men as they witnessed the last of their attackers flee from them. Insults and curses were spat over the water for great beasts and Neptune to take them.

Prisoners were bound, stolen goods looted, and many of the crew were brought before the ship's single surgeon for patchwork. Cuinte, having been informed by another of his guard the conflict had ended, rose from the lower decks of the ship, to congratulate the crew and his own hired hands. He and the Shipmaster began talking, the latter of the two bleeding from a stab wound in his arm. As they spoke, the soothsayer's pleasant smile had curled into a scowl of displeasure. He glared at his 'escort' and cursed to himself, he would have to have a word with them soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stephanie Dola
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Stephanie Dola

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Road To Knowledge


Usually, Godelvia would be happy after a victory, but this felt more of a loss to her. She lost 3 precious friends, that wouldn't have died if she didn't assume that there would be good help. She would of course take partial blame, but she couldn't deny that only an idiot would hire such useless men. There would be a funeral when the time was right, they deserved that much for gallantly fighting to their death.

" Well done men! You will all be given extra food tonight, as well higher quality food when he dock!"

Supporting her animals were crucial. They were the back bone of her power, and treating them unfairly would do nothing but hurt her. It would only be appropriate that she promised them better food, as the flesh of pirates could only be so tasty. They would get an elegant dinner when they arrived at their destination.

Goldevia also felt inclined to congratulate, and thank her fellow Valkyries, soldiers, and the priestess. They performed valiantly, and they deserved recognition. The oarsmen and hired men were terrible, and whoever hired them she really reconsider what they are doing with their lives.

" Good job Amelia, and Kára. I am sure the All-Father is proud of you. You Roman soldiers, you live up to the tales told about you. And you, Priestess girl, I do not know much about you, but for a girl at your age, you fought with the skill and determination of a veteran. "

Goldevia might have praised the priestess girl a tad too much, but she deserved compliments. It was rare for a little girl to walk into combat, and still stay somewhat mature about it. The hired men should feel pathetic, a little girl was handling battle much better than they were.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Road to Knowledge

With the Pirates defeated, Amelia looked with distaste as the prisoners were rounded up and bound before reflecting on the battle. She could not say she was particularly happy with the outcome - the battle had been much too costly for what should have been an extremely straightforward pirate raid. They had the element of surprise, the pirates had no idea what they walked into and they should have been able to win from just that. So why on earth did they lose so many forces?

With Goldevia making her conversation, Amelia nodded, feeling it was only best to make a response - although she was quite concerned about several things.

"And you have fought valiantly yourself, Goldevia. I am sorry for the loss of your companions, but I am sure they died as valiantly as any warrior."

The truth was, she was quite sure their deaths were needless, but did that really matter? One's manner of death was all that mattered; the reason for that death did not matter... most of the time.

There was another matter she was concerned about - that was, of course, the Roman Priestess. The oarsmen were adults and should deal with violence. The Legionaries were soldiers, men who lived and died in battle. Cuinte knew the dangers of his jobs.

Oriana was young. While Amelia and her fellow valkyries were warriors of Odin, she was truly just a child. She should not have seen something such as this so soon in her life, and that was what drew Amelia's concern, even more than Goldevia's loss of her animals.

"...Are you alright, Oriana?" she asked softly, skipping the proud, fellow warrior tone for a more sisterly one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JSwiftTehPwnlordXD
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JSwiftTehPwnlordXD Self-declared Democratic President of North Korea

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Silence is Golden
Sanngridr gave a grunt of acceptance, if perhaps not approval. She was not a fan of such an underhanded technique, but something told her that her talents may well be used later. It was no matter. There would be other times.
Quoth ruffled his feathers in a pleased matter, glad that someone appreciated him. He had some compassion for Sanngridr, but it got annoying talking to someone with her single-mindedness after a while.
"I assume you children know the direction to this palace?" Sanngridr grunted towards Aelia, not bothering to try and talk in the direction of her hidden comrade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joseph Joestar
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Joseph Joestar The Hamon-Wielding Hero

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Road to Knowledge

Kára smiled coyly at Godelvia's praise. She still managed to seem at least somewhat cute despite being covered head-to-toe in smatterings of the blood of her enemies. It was rare that she got genuine praise; often those who praised her were just as fearful of her as those whom she had just slain moments prior, and, as a result, they would quickly tell her of her job well done before distancing themselves.

But Kára didn't mind. She was used to it.

"You too, Godelvia. I have no doubt the All-Father is proud of you as well. I apologize for your friends' passing, but I am sure they have seats reserved for them in Valhalla." Kára knew the pain of losing animal companions. Sometimes she would make friends with a squirrel or otherwise small creature only to find that she had eaten them in a fit of hunger. This was, of course, when she was much younger and has less control over her transformation, but it was painful nonetheless.

Kára approached Godelvia, the only warrior on this vessel with whom she had properly socialized. She gave another shy smile as if to ask if being this close in proximity was okay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Yuki Nagato
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Yuki Nagato Humanoid Interface

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Silence is Golden

Aelia smiled, it seemed like they would go with her plan, for now at least. Getting to the mansion would be the easy part, getting in was questionable. Provided they got in, though, it would be an easy task to complete their mission from there.

Aelia responded to Sanngridr, "Yes, I know how to reach his home. Come, provided we can talk our way in, this should be an easy affair."

With that, Aelia took the lead, heading toward Flavius' mansion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CorpusMundus
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Preservation of Democracy

Athens, patron city to the goddess of wisdom herself. Only fitting that it be a bastion of philosophical, scientific, and political progress within the Republic, with stores of knowledge second only to those of Alexandria. The city's market place was alive with the bustling of commerce and trade. Livestock, salesmen, and disgruntle customers contributing to a great roar that seemed to be alive in its own right. Philosophers and their students gathered upon the steps of great monuments or within fine gardens, discussing their views on life, the universe, and everything in it. Politicians argue with one another in their great courthouse, the process of democracy pushing ever onward!

Departed from their vessel, Pompey's agents have taken a carriage to the market place, now let loose into the city-state to bring the people to their cause. Pompey has obviously put his trust in their competence and ability, whether it is misplaced is yet to be seen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stephanie Dola
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Stephanie Dola

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Road To Knowledge:

Losing her pets was heartbreaking, but she was sure they'd get their spot in Valhalla. They might not take the form as the common man, but they were greater warriors than many, as shown by the majority of the ship's inhabitants. Godelvia would make sure that these oarsmen, as well as these hired street rats would never go to Valhalla. They were undeserving on that paradise.

" Thanks for the concern. I know they will be welcomed, and they will show skills far greater than many warriors who are already there. "

Godelvia was going to walk over and wrap the corpses of her animals up, but Kára seemed like she wanted to talk a bit. It wasn't like Godelvia really got people, but walking towards someone slowly, especially with a smile on your face, seemed like something an animal might do. If an animal could smile of course.

Well, it would be rude not to talk with the girl who fought alongside you. It would be like not petting and feeding your animals when they were done fighting.

" Thank you Kára for handling the other ship, along with Amelia. I have to ask something though, what is it like when you're in that. . . form? You didn't really seem like, well, yourself. "

Interacting with Kára became a bit more easy know that Godelvia knew she could turn into an animal, if you could consider that thing an animal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MrCellophane
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MrCellophane Wandering RPer

Member Seen 20 days ago

A Wild Goose Chase

"Hmm, it was," Titus replied to Agripena, removing his helmet to smooth his shock of hair. "Mind, I heard that the centurion had been fairly notorious in the Legion's for his overly stern discipline. Some legionaries even nicknamed him 'Bring-Me-Another' due to his habit of-"

A shout suddenly arose from one of the crewmen, causing a flurry of activity to begin on deck. Collecting his gear, Titus strode forward until he was near the prow; he shaded his eyes and peered on the sight that loomed before the ships: the coastline of Britannia.

"Thanks be to Neptune; we made it." he thanked said god of the sea, relieved that their crossing hadn't met undue disaster. Turning to Ari, he muttered an apology. "My apologies, priestess, but I can't speak any further for now - I must report to my Centurion and ready my contubernium for landing. Perhaps once we are ashore and on the march, we could speak later?"

He started towards the steps towards the lower deck when a thought struck him - he hadn't asked or given his name. Turning back to her, he quickly added, "Oh, you may call me Titus; Titus Licinius Nerva Flavianus, if you prefer the full name."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A Wild Goose Chase

Her familiar was growing agitated, hopping on the mast as land drew closer. While she wasn't going to jump and scream at the boat to go faster, she did share its sentiments. Being so long at sea was quite unnerving, especially with that dark deep ocean underneath them. If the boat capsized or should anything happen to leave her stranded in the middle of the ocean, she wasn't sure she could find her way to dry land. If she didn't die by whatever lurks in the ocean that was.

As soon as they made it to shore, she took up her gears and jumped off the ship, solidifying the air beneath her feet as she walked to dry land. The salty water wasn't good for her things after all. Not to mention it would make walking around looking for other tribes very uncomfortable. How was she supposed to go about doing that in the first place? Hopefully these people has decent trackers so they could just find out where those people were, maybe bash some heads and go home.

"Well, this should be very interesting. Working with those people with barely anyone speaking my language."
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