On a side note I'll be alive later tonight definitely, probably, maybe. Hit me up with that collab Allen's been telling me about and the plan or whatevs so I can crash dat shit.
On a side note I'll be alive later tonight definitely, probably, maybe. Hit me up with that collab Allen's been telling me about and the plan or whatevs so I can crash dat shit.
@Mr Allen J No no it's not you. I'm kinda okay with you. It's other people. Specifically that one above my earlier post.
Y'know what I'm just going to lurk in the ooc unless I'm needed. That way I won't get fucked with by those that have no sense of restraint in this damn place.
Catherine has her mother's asian looks attached to her. Her skin is milky-white and she has epicantic folds around her eyes. Her oval face is proportional to her 5'1" of pure enormity and she has a perky nose with a relatively broad tip and bridge, nothing that belies her nose being small. Catherine's mouth fits perfectly on her face size, not being small or large. Her lips are slightly fleshy and the upper lip has a pointed appearance. She has a cleft chin which alongside with her green eyes colors are the only features she inherited from her father. And speaking of eyes, they have that magic that make it the most noticeable feature of her face. Her face and neck and around are free of scars, all thanks to the most expensive surgeons money can hire.
She's thin but thanks to the her small size she's in the ideal weight—if you do the fancy math and believe in it. She's in the petite core and she'll not get out of there that easy. Due to her size and weight division, she has a slightly proeminent hips—enough to not leave her with a flat visual—and she has small breasts and frame. She's A-cup. She has scars scattered throughout the body. In particular, the most perceptible that Catherine has is five scars in her belly, one nasty scar in her back, and three in the her left thighs. Interestingly, when she heals someone and the cured location coincides with one of her scars in her body, the scar disappears. She has shoulder-legth black hair, another trait of her mother.
Catherine loves black and she only dresses formal, choosing business attire whenever possible; from suits, sheath dresses, skirts, and others. And she hates trousers. She masks her height with heels, a collection which she is proud. She always use a pink Rolex watch and she's always seen in makeup, especially her eye outlined. She carries a .45-caliber Colt Model 1911 in her purse though she never used—standard security measures. At home she is extremely casual. She has a necklace with the Symbol of Chaos.
Innate & Outward Personality:
Catherine is professional to the core. She managed to have two lives, when working she can be emotionless and overconfident but when home she's just a lonely survivor. The true Catherine had traumas, the kind that would make a person go crazy or commit suicide. Early she saw her family die in front of her and she was only sixteen. She lived one year in a dirty container, poorly lit and surrounded by rats and cockroaches; the next two years in a facility, locked in a cell. Not to mention the torture, abuse and disturbing experiences. Although she escaped and faced two more years of constant psychological treatment her soul's still hurt. Depression, insomnia and constant nightmares are one of the things that affects her and she's far from getting rid of all her memories. She ever considered suicide once but she gave up on the last second. She feels lonely and not willing to long-term relationships. In fact, she is bisexual and she has a tendency to like more women than men, though she had slept with both genders. Catherine hates unecessary violence, always looking away or trying to stop when possible. She's afraid to use her weapon—she isn't pacifist, though. She has a hatred for the HoS.
The other Catherine is megalomaniac, emotionless, and overconfident manipulative girl impervious enough to act neutral in every situation; brave enough to do business with mafia, politicians and wealthy businessmen. She don't lie that easy. Her work is simple: an exchange of favors that she doens't have to lie to get what she wants. When working with Alain she's the one who usually do the talking and she always tries to look friendly, polite and serious. She isn't a stone, most of her emotional drops comes from her work. Although she's quite good at keeping her composure when working; her house is the her sanctuary, where she can throw tantrums and cry without being judged.
Due to work, she has a network of "acquaintances" who are unaware of her true personality.
Catherine leaves her taciturn in her home. At home she's a girl prone to melodrama, who uses prescription drug and sometimes drinks to forget her nightmares. She has a small circle of friends and the more you become closer to her the more chance you have to witness her throwing a tantrum. And never try to talk about HoS near her.
Now, if you want to see her smile, offer her a good coffee.
Catherine loves drinks and cocktails—essentially any colored thing, mixed with fruit, which a mini umbrella that has alcohol in it. She loves shoes and fabric dolls and collects both. She likes the beach and hikes (Although her ability prevent she from tanning). She practices tennis, although she is very bad at it, and she is always involved in a betting sport (Many of her contacts spend fortunes in this spor and someone always invites her). Catherine loves dancing and art, she's the kind of person who stares for hours a painting of a ship at sea. She has an eclectic taste in music, but she favors classical, jazz, and even synthwave music. She's also a coffee lover, her favorite is Irish Coffee.
She loves donating the money she receives from the Company to charities around the world. She is a benefactor to many charities and NGOs around the world.
Obviously Catherine first word was мама and she knows how to speak Russian fluently. Her knowledge of world languages extends to Japanese and English. She played piano as a child, but it's been so long since she last played that she shas no interest im playing again. Since she started working for Samuel she had to learn how to use guns. She knows how to handle and clean pistols and submachine guns. But despite her training, she prefers to carry a .45-caliber Colt Model 1911 and hopefully never use it.
If talk is a talent, she has the gift of charisma and she manages to always keep a good conversation with her "clients"—she was trained for that. She always looks sociable and polite when she is working—the kind of delightful person you want to have around. All thanks to her constant study of neuro-linguistic programming.
Prized Possession:
Catherine owns a masion in The Crystal Shores. Her mansion has all the modern jazz, including too many windows, black and white colors, and boring square architecture. Curiously the mansion was a Company's gift.
Catherine was born in a different reality in Russia than her father. She was born one year after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a free world in which the metahumans were no longer targets and didn't need to hide. How nice would be if reality were like that. Catherine's father was one affluent businessman in the Soviet Union. One of many that climbed with help from the Russian underworld, trading favors for protection; Catherine's mother and brother were metahumans and, at that time any metahuman was considered a threat to the Soviet Union.
It had the constant threat of metahumans being dragged out in the middle of the night for questions—a lucky few were hired by the government, others disappear from the globe. Despite not having the technology required, the Коммиттее had a foolproof technique, they used clairvoyance—any metahuman that can smell, think, dream, see, follow, or draw in paper others metahumans. And while her father was concerned with bribing the right official Catherine was having a normal life like any spoiled child of rich parents could have. Piano lessons, etiquette, the best teachers, painting, ballet and singing. She learned a little of everything.
With international barriers being destroyed and the world entering a new age, Russia has become a haven for metahumans business. All controlled by the Bratva which until then kept a low profile about the majority of metahuman. And eventually someone paid more than Catherine's father could afford. On a winter night her house was invaded by evildoers with the sole purpose of capturing all metahumans. In the confusion her father was killed while arguing with the mobsters, and her mother died protecting her. Her sister had a worse fate as she didn't possess any ability. She and her brother, the only survivors, were separated. She as sent to Hong Kong in a container and it was the last time she saw her brother.
For the Chinese Triad Catherine was the holy grail of metahumans—someone who can keep mercs alive is good merchandise and could be sold for a high price. It took three months of carcere and abuse but eventually she was sold to a group of buyers who called themselves Hands of Science. She was relocated to a HoS facility in Alaska for "testing". Soon she became a field captive, forced to cure the prisoners back to working levels, just to redo experiences on them. The free pass didn't take that long to end. A german scientist called Gregor Karsoff III became interested in her ability to heal after absorbing the injuries of others and then used her as a test subject. They already had knowledge of her abilities to heal others, now they wanted to know how her body could stand. The first tests were with superficial cuts to measure the healing process. Then came the muscle tissue cutting and burning of the epithelium. And later the removal of organs. In the most extreme case she had her back flayed and left on observation.
In many of the cases she recovered well but showed scars. In others instances she passed out but soon "returned" to life as the removed organ was replaced with a new one. Gregor theorized that she was immortal like any other metahuman with regenerative powers—as long as the damage caused directly to her doesn't blow her brains out, turn her in ashes, or worse. Even then he theorized the body's ability to produce a new head with no memories, a new person.
As was to be expected she was released—yet in constant observation, this time she became the "nurse" for the prisoners and mercenaries. It was during this period that she met Alain Boudet and many other captives. She became friendly as her mental stated allowed. It was known that she had been abused before and whilst HoS captive—not uncommon among womans and even few man kept in captivity. In the second year of captivity, the facility in Alaska was invaded by mercenaries. Apparently they captured a son of a powerful sheik. She helped and escaped with the prisoners to find out who freed them was a man called Samuel—some kind of mafioso who works only for the highest bidder. While he rescued and hired some of the metahumans, Catherine was too traumatized to anything. She was sent to Chicago for a home of her own and psychological treatment, all paid by Samuel's Company.
In the following years she stayed home for mental treatment with the best psychologists that the Company could afford. The deal was that, when she was "cured", she should join the Company. She eventually becoming partner ofAlain, one of the prisoners who she helped. After much persuasion she began working as an "intermediary". She used that position of influence to arrange clandestine business, cover fugitives, importing and exporting illegal weapons and even frame famous politicians. All that in behalf of the Company. She and Alain became so well known in Chicago that they were introduced to Samuel in person—one of the few who know him face to face—and they received their own operational unit.
With the HoS revelation to the world, Catherine and Alain moved their operation to Verthaven hoping to hunt down some of the scientists that was active in the Alaska facility.
Konstantin Wila — Father (Deceased) Kasumi Tanaka — Healing Hands — Mother (Deceased) Anatoly Wila — Regeneration — Brother (Missing) Aleksandra Wila — Sister (Deceased)
Alain Boudet | Good | Friend | "He's the only friend I know and trust. He is extremely disciplined, the kind of boring guy who complains if you don't wear the seat belt. Despite all he's like a father to me and I respect him a lot." |
Power Class:
Power: — Healing Power & Rapid Cell Regeneration
Catherine has an ability to completely heal others. Her ability range from any superficial cuts to serious injuries which otherwise would kill a person. She heals by staying with physical contact with an injured person and concentrating. Her body then takes on the physical aspects of that person's hurt, but not any pathogens that might have caused it, deteriorating to a state that exactly duplicates the copied injuries. From then on, both she and the other person regenerate at an extreme rate, completely restoring ravaged flesh, and even regrowing lost limbs. Her healing can also heal brain damage or cancer.
Her ability also works alone, allowing her body to repair itself from any injuries at unbelievable speed. The downside is that her regeneration is not perfect. Each time her body regenerates alone a scar is left in her skin. Like others metahumans with regenerative abilities, the speed her wound is self repaired depends on the severity—although in a slower rate. Another important point is that her ability prevents she from any conventional death. Do not get me wrong, she "dies" for a short period, enough time for the body to recover from the fatal injury. Her immunity is rather odd. If she is poisoned she'll be "off" until the poison is filtered. The same applies to lethal shots loss of blood. She stays "off" until the wound close completely and/or the blood level be restored.
Her ability also slows her aging. Since she reached her 20s she ages at a much slower pace than a normal woman.
Immortality is a tricky word to a metahuman with regenerative powers. While she can survive mostly lethal injuries; crushing, decapitation and disintegration can kill her. The same goes for a headshot, the head could theoretically be repaired or her body can grow a new one, but the memories would be lost—literally a new person. Her healing ability can expel bullets and similar sized objects (which is generally slows the healing process). Any larger objects or with capacity to stab or impale need to be proper manually removed. When it comes to injuries and toughness Catherine's a 104 pounds woman prone to "pass out" if hit with a strong blow or deadly shot (In those cases until the damage be repaired).
When it comes about her healing touch she can't bring back the dead, although she can heal someone who is clinically dead for a short time, often one minute or so. She's unable to cure illnesses caused by viruses and/or bacteria.
If any vital organ is damaged Catherine will pass out until the total regeneration. She is not impervious to pain and healing others is a very painful job to her. When healing herself or others she burns energy which can only be restored by sleeping and eating. If she goes in a healing rampage she'll run out energy and will become unable to cure anyone until fully recovered.
Sample Post:
Basic Information Name:
Alain Boudet
Bodyguard, Haitian
247 lbs
Home District:
Columbian-Heights Park
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Alain is the typical bouncer looking guy that can be described as a walking wall of muscles. He's from afro-haitian descent, having black skin, flattish and broad nose, and narrower ears. Alain has a oval shaped face with no hair and no beard, or any evidence that he has hair at all since he uses a straight razor to finish the job. He is strong and muscular, thanks to his twice per week training and one year as private soldier. Alain has scars across his body, evidence of shots, cuts and the experiences he endured while Hands of Science's prisoner.
He has a Symbol of Chaos tattoo in his shoulder.
He's always in a suit, choosing the most expensive and elegant possible combinations. Underneath he always wears a kevlar vest and carries his trustful Glock 17.
Innate & Outward Personality:
Alain is a cautious man, the definition of cold, profissional and, above all, a man who shows no emotions when is needed. He's a man of few words, preferring to let others do the talking. He is not ashamed to talk, though. When he is working, he has a tendency to act as a bodyguard, always staying far from the conversation, watching the place around and letting his partner do all the work. He was nicknamed Bodyguard for that reason.
He's a charismatic man, always with a smile in his face when with friends or new acquaintances. When you know him long enough you end up discovering that he is enthusiastic about life, always talking about his own dream house, sports or any other random matter. He has a tendency to correct others in the actions they do. If you want to hang out with him you need to be presentable and always be professional.
He loves his family and will do anything to protect them. He's always carrying flowers to his wife and has always a gift to his son. Speaking of son, what he most hopes in life is his son to be powerless, a normal person who will never go through he went.
His biggest dream is to have a chalet in France and see his grandchildren running around in the garden.
Carpentry and mechanics are his hobby. He has a passion for building and disassemble things. He dreams of someday living in a chalet he built himself somewhere in France, and whenever he can he works in the blueprint of his future retirement home in France. He loves his car and always keeps it clean and polished. He practices several sports and trains at least twice a week. The sport he most enjoys is basketball.
His life-time job was carpentry hands. Give him some space and mahogany and he does magic by creating beautiful furniture. He has some degree in mechanics, enough to maintain his car operating. In addition, he received training with firearms, handling pistols, rifles and submachine guns. He is a charismatic man—though quiet—always knowing how to start a conversation. Alain's most impressive talent is his driving skills.
Prized Possession:
A knive collection, his expensive suits, and a grey sedan.
Alain was born in Port au Prince, son of a family of carpenters. Early on he was chosen to be responsible for carrying the legacy of family and spent his childhood with his father learning how to work with wood, learn its cuts, techniques and how to build furniture perfectly. he was a typical child of a poor family, investing little in education, enough to read and write, he only wanted to help the family.
He continued working, making enough money to make his house himself, he had finally entered the adulthood. He bought a simple house and married a girl he had met at school. The house's garage was become a small workshop, in which he works alone. He was trying to build a life for him, earning money to support home and parents, who were now too old to work. Around this time he discovered he was a metahuman, when him accidentally teleported to the other side of the workshop. And his biggest mistake was not keeping that as secret.
Eventually he got into debt with one moneylender who thought that the best way to fix the debt would deliver him to the Hands of Science. As might be expected his family was killed and he was captured and sent to Alaska, there he was interrogated and tortured several times, apparently they were searching for other metahumans in his circle of friends, but he did not know anyone. After every torture he was cured by a metahuman girl, know to him only as Nurse.
After that, he was released to a cell and the same girl who healed him just to another torture round was trying to apologize. Apparently she was also a prisoner, forced to heal other meta-humans. The only difference is that she had free-pass. They soon became friends, the only one he could talk outside of that cell. They exchanged stories, family names and hobbies. Her name was Catherine and she was there for two years. Only luck would get Alain from there.
The luck came in the form of a boy, a sheik's son. And it didn't take a week to the installation is surrounded by mercenaries. Although many scientists fled, all metahumans were freed, all under the wings of a powerful mobster called Samuel and his Company. To him and other metahumans was offered the chance to work in the Company. Many others were traumatized or didn't fitted the profile of hireling, and they were taken back home or to US.
He was free again. He married again and had a son. He started as soldier but quickly rose to courier—the "consigliere" of the Company, the most important hierarchy below Samuel himself. Now he had the disposition a network of contacts, informants and mercenaries. As a rule of the Company, he needed a partner, specifically someone outside the company, someone who can be trusted. As Samuel suggested, he chose Catherine.
He eventually persuaded her and together they began working in Chicago. When the news that HoS was revealed to the world came to light he convinced Catherine to move to Verthaven. He didn't want to waste the chance to take revenge by himself.
Susanna Boudet — Wife James Boudet — Son
Catherine Wila | Good | Friend | "I consider her as a my own daughter. She is fierce while at work, but otherwise she is a totally different person. I know what she went through, she may seem like a tough girl but she isn't." |
Power Class:
Power: — Teleport
Alain can teleport himself or object, to another location within his line of sight. Whenever he uses his power the air displaced by the teleporting makes a "pop" noise.
The most obvious limitation is that Alain can only teleport to a location that is in his field of view. His subconscious also blocks dangerous telefrags, Alain cannot traverse to a location occupied by another organic matter or objects, as anybody—or even him—who is standing at the exit will burst into bloody bits of muscle, bones, flesh, and organs, as she occupies the same place. This is a mental block that he can't turn off.
He spends corporal energy to teleport, the heavier and larger the object is, the more energy he's going to spend. And the constant use of his ability can make him pass out due to fatigue.
WIP. I'll finish her tomorrow. I have to get to bed. I have to do makeup for a wedding tomorrow. I need my beauty sleep so I can beat for the gods.
"I never feel guilty for being privileged."
Basic Information
Zoë Gambino
Transgender Female
130 lbs.
Home District:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Caucasian, Italian
Physical Appearance:
Up until Zoe began transitioning, she was growing like any other boy. Right before she hit puberty, her parents placed her on testosterone blockers to keep her from developing male features. The estrogen she starting taking really did her justice. Zoe began transitioning into a beautiful woman as if she was a cis female. She developed curves, fair skin, long silky blonde hair, and full breasts which to her surprise were a perfect size (Since then, she's gone up a cup size after she turned 18.) Her voice sounds like a cis female, unlike some male to female transwomen who decide to transition later in life and have a slight deepness when they speak. Despite the doctors telling her that the process could stunt her growth, she is now a whopping 5’9 bombshell. Both sides of her family are tall so it was only natural she acquired those genes regardless of her transition. Her most notable features are her crisp blue eyes where one could get lost in for days. And to address the elephant in the room: yes, she has had sexual reassignment surgery. She got the surgery done at 21 and her transition is now complete.
Zoë usually wears top of the line designer clothing like Versace, Ralph Lauren, Christian Dior, Louboutin, and many more. Zoe is always up to date with her fashion and wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something out of date. Pink and black are her favorite colors so most of her wardrobe consists of such. The type of clothes she normally wears range between cocktail dresses to a simple short-short and a blouse.
Innate & Outward Personality:
Zoë can be quite the introvert sometimes. This may be hard to believe due to her expensive looking appearance. After her parents decided to let her transition, Zoë was subjected to nonstop bullying transforming her into a very depressed individual. Often times she had thought about killing herself just to make it stop. These feelings lead her to become very anti-social and awkward. Zoë always had the urge to just hide when she was in a crowd of people, especially if they were looking directly at her. After gaining a special friend, she was taught to stand up for herself and not allow bigotry to ruin her self-worth.
Zoë began to dress to impress and garnered a fuck all attitude about most things. She started to carry herself with more confidence and completely change her personality. Zoë has the tendency to be very vain at times and stare into her makeup mirror too often. Zoë also has a very addictive personality, mostly with makeup and shopping. Also due to the hormone treatment, her emotions are in a start of constant flux. She can go from sweet to bitch in a few seconds without thinking about it. There are times where she does flaunt her money around in people’s faces, making it known that she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. When not acting arrogant, stuck up, and rude, she can be quite the sweetest person. It all depends on her hormone levels that day.
So basically, if there’s something you need to know about Zoë is that she ain’t no basic bitch. Believe me; you don’t want to cross her. She is a leader, someone you’d rather have as your ally than your enemy. She can be very compassionate and nice, but won’t kneel down for anyone. Wherever she goes, she makes heads turn with her dashing looks and strong personality. She doesn’t have to ‘look’ for attention; it always seems to find her. The fact that she's cis passing only inflates her ego even more.
There isn’t a time that goes by where she does not want to buy something whether it is in a store or online. Her addictive personality is always tugging at her very being to buy something she doesn’t need or to have the latest things. Zoë is also a stickler to working out and staying healthy. She’s a full blown vegetarian and doesn’t like the taste of meat. With her workout regimen, she’s kept the perfect body. The fashion industry is a huge part of her life, especially in makeup artistry, fashion designing, and modeling.
Zoë has artistic ability and loves arts and crafts. She is a talented designer and loves sketching new outfits as well as makeup artistry. She strives to be a model, designer, or a makeup artist one day. Also with her new ability she acquired, she’s developed the talent of being stealthy and undetectable. She can get around anywhere or infiltrate just about any place without getting caught.
Prized Possession:
Her makeup bag and sketch pad.
Zoë was born Zachary Gambino in Verthaven's very own Turtle-Creek, the wealthiest part of town. Her father is CEO of a software company that's in partnership with the I.S.D. and NEST. The software is used to track down Metahumans and keep their information in a database. Born of Italian decent, family was everything and everyone stuck together. At an early age of only two, Zachary found a fascination with women’s clothing and all toys that were marketed towards girls. Every time his parents were to take them away, he would scream and throw a fit until he was allowed to play with them. Of course his parents just passed this as a phase that he would grow out of. This persisted into elementary school where he preferred to be called by female pronouns and to be referred to as Zoë named after his favorite Sesame Street character.
After taking Zoë to a doctor that specialized in gender identity disorder, it was concluded that their son was indeed transgender. Loving their now daughter very much, they went through with her transition. They began buying her female clothes, changing her documents, and calling her by her correct names. Through this, Zoë’s parents were scrutinized by young kids and even teachers, saying that allowing their son to do this was a type of abuse. However, being in a relatively liberal city, they were supported for the most part.
Before Zoë hit puberty, she was taken to a doctor to start her testosterone blockers and estrogen. Coming from a wealthy family, most of her transition steps were affordable. After beginning her hormone treatment, Zoë began blossoming into a beautiful female, and not a “nasty hairy boy” like she feared of becoming. Going into junior private high school, she was picked on relentlessly. Even though she was enrolled as a female, word got out of her being trans and it went downhill from them. There were times Zoë had to lock herself in the bathroom to stop the bullying. This caused her to go into a deep depression, even having thoughts of suicide. Teachers did nothing to stop the torment. Her personality started to change, causing her to be very anti-social and quiet.
After meeting a dear friend that summer after finishing junior high, she began changing her outlook on this. With a fresh start into a private high school, she began wearing all of her favorite brands and having flawless makeup. All the men she spoke to never knew she was born male mostly due to the fact she never started male puberty. One boy in particular she took an extreme liking to, even to the point of stalking him. This is how her ability manifested.
When trying to sneak out of her house, she suddenly turned invisible out of panic when her parents almost caught her downstairs. With this ability, she used it to stalk to boy she liked. She began to master it and use it for her own bidding. She used it to get back at all of the people who did her wrong. She took the role of Queen Bee and carried herself with utmost confidence.
Zoe is currently finishing her Masters degree in Business Administration and Fashion at a private college that is fully paid for by her parents. Even though fashion and makeup is what she wants to do, she decided to get some business experience just in case she was needed for he father's company. At the moment, Zoe is booking modeling gigs and doing fashion shows all over Verthaven and the country. She's become quite a familiar face in the social scene due to her status and her father. No one knows of her metahuman status except her family and other metahuman acquaintances she met. She ultimately wants to start her own fashion and makeup line in the near future.
However her dreams have come to halt due to recent events. Because of recent attacks and with NEST being in the middle, it has caused Zoe to distrust her father. Even though he doesn't work directly under them, he's partner's with them which caused skepticism between him and his daughter. She has on more than one occasion drilled him for information and cried if he was doing things to harm people like her. It wasn't the first time he gotten his daughter into messes and used her power to gain information from others. Zoe and her father has had a rocky relationship since her powers manifested. Even after everything began to die down, she has yet to talk to her dad but keeps a close relationship with her mom and siblings. She currently lives in a high-end apartment in Turtle-Creek with her family's mansion several blocks away.
Maria Gambino – Mother Hector Gambino – Father Alexander Gambino – Younger Brother Ashley Gambino – Older Sister
Power Class:
Super-System & Elemental
Invisible Energy Manipulation - Zoe has the mental ability to manipulate an unknown invisible energy for a variety of effects, including the rendering of herself and other objects invisible, and the construction of solid, invisible force fields. In an as yet unknown manner, this energy interacts with the cells of her entire body in such a way as to produce a new form of energy with unusual properties.
Invisibility - By a simple act of concentration, she can cause all wavelengths of visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light to bend around her without distortion; she also somehow directs enough undistorted light to her eyes to retain her full range of vision while invisible. An observer, unaware of the peculiar path light takes around her body, would have the sensation of seeing through her. Zoe can also mentally project the invisible energy produced within the cells of her body in order to render other people or objects invisible. The largest volume she can as yet turn invisible at a single time is approximately 40,000 cubic feet of volume (roughly the size of a swimming pool). She has sufficient control over her power that she can turn parts of her body selectively invisible. Her invisibility is undetected by all forms of technology and can only be sensed by strong psychics. Or one can throw water or paint in the area to see if it will create a silhouette of her body. Zoe can also make objects that are made invisible by other means visible by letting her energy interfere with theirs.
Force Fields - While the cells of Zoe's body process the invisible energy one way, the cells of her brain process it in a different, more potent manifestation. Through concentration, she is able to project a field of invisible psionic force which she can manipulate into a number of relatively simple forms: walls, domes, cylinders, etc. The complexity of the shape is limited by her ability to imagine (mentally visualize) a particular form and keep it in sharp mental focus. The size of a given psionic force projection is also limited by her mental stamina. The smallest force projection she can visualize (and maintain the visualization) is the size of a marble. The largest solid force projection she can visualize and maintain is about 20 feet in diameter. Her force projections can protect her from most impacts, energy being the easiest to deflect while physical impacts are the hardest. Since this power is an extension of her mind and body, Zoe is affected by inertial forces acting upon her projections. Thus if a car traveling at 60 miles per hour hit a wall of her force that was 6 inches thick, unless she generated a bracing shape against a sufficiently sturdy object, she would be affected as though she were hit by the car directly. Zoe is able to control the surface of the fields rigidity to a certain extent. She can cause the surface of the field to be very hard, depending on its thickness (steel-like), or as resilient as foam rubber. By making the field more resilient she is able to absorb more of the inertia of impacts within the field without having them transmitted to her body. She is also, through training, able to alter the shapes she creates while utilizing those shapes, often to absorb or deflect the force of impacts. Zoe is also able to use this ability to simulate telekinesis to an extent. She can wrap objects/people in a bubble of force energy and push/pull them to a desired area. She is capable of using her force fields offensively, throwing her force fields at opponents to knock them over. Zoe can simulate flight by wrapping herself and others in a bubble and floating to a destination. Because of mental strain, she can only carry two other people inside and can only travel a few miles before becoming fatigued. By combining her invisibility and his force field ability, Zoe can create cloaking shields, hiding everything inside a force field from being detected.
Invisible energy can only stay active for as long as the user can concentrate. While her invisibility can stay active for quite a while before having to revert back, her shields take more energy to create. Her shields limits can take more physical attacks, but are weakened when hit by bullets. Zoe’s shields are limited to so many bullets before they disperse and she’s vulnerable for attack. Her more complicated feats such as simulating TK or flight require more concentration and skill than a regular wall. Too much strain can cause nose bleeds, headaches, and cause her to pass out.
Rain and other liquids, solids, fire, etc. can show the user's shape while invisible as well as smoke. In extremely cold temperatures, Zoe’s invisibility may become distorted to wear you can possibly see her. Although she can remain undetected by most Cerebral’s, she can’t remain hidden by all of them. Powerful clairvoyants in particular are able to sense her when she’s around. People with optical powers have a higher chance of detecting her as well. The power also takes concentration. If it is broken, she becomes visible again. Zoe is unable to stay invisible for a long time due to the amount of energy it takes. As stated above, her force fields can block most things but at a cost. If she doesn't have time to brace herself before a powerful hit, she can become affected by the force impact with a shield or not. The moment she loses concentration on her force fields, they cease to exist.
Zoe has a dog named Princess. Her favorite makeup brand is MAC. Her favorite food is cheese pizza. Her favorite color is pink. Her father is the CEO of a major computer software company catering to Metahumans and their allies.