Don't be daunted by length. Most of this information is just for reference (:
With Voldemort defeated, the Wizarding World expects peace to reign. However, without their knowing, a movement is being spurred by the wake of the destruction. Magical creatures are no longer coming to work; children are being kidnapped and replaced with Changelings; riots are covering Muggle streets. With the war, a new understanding as dawned upon the creatures of magic – they are victims of racism, too. And so, they refuse to be pawns of wizards and witches, and are demanding equal rights. Not only are the magical creatures rebelling, but a new organization under the name of TWK has begun to rise. TWK is fighting for the right to expose magic to muggles, believing that they have a right to know and be a part of the magical world. They have done dangerous stunts such as purposely exposing witches – though the Democracy of Magical Beings has been quick to sweep it under the rug. As a student and the future of this world, what is morally right?
This is a slice of life Harry Potter roleplay where your character will have to struggle with the current chaos of the world as well as learn and grow. There is not specific plotline as this roleplay is focused more on setting and drama; however, if I need to, I can create one.
Dear _____ _____,
I would like to welcome you to Salem Witches’ Institute. This school offers a rigorous course to teach young witches and wizards such as yourself the correct and most efficient way to use magic. In the attached packet, you will find all that is needed in order to prepare for a wonderful year of school.
The school year begins the 27th of August, 2015. We will be expecting you.

The Republic of Magic is the governing body of the United States of America’s wizarding community. In Colonial times, the Republic of Magic had been under the thumb of the Ministry of Magic in Britain. However, when America declared themselves independent, the Republic of Magic decided that it would be best to follow their muggle brethren in order to ensure the newborn United States of America truly did have freedom from the Parliament. Of course, the Ministry of Magic had their reservations about it and many negotiations were held until the Republic of Magic was born. For a while, the Republic of Magic floundered as the Magical Community of America, adopting the parliamentary monarchy that the Ministry of Magic was under. However, once the Constitution was written up, the Republic of Magic followed into the path of democracy.
The president of the American wizarding community is Odin Oppenheimer.
The president of the American wizarding community is Odin Oppenheimer.
|Alvis Valentine|

Alvis Valentine is an up-and-coming politician who is fully supporting TWK and the magical rebellion. He strongly believes that it is time for wizards and witches to come out of their traditional ways and embrace a life where magical creatures, muggles, and wizards live side by side. Not only are his opinions strong and from an open-minded standpoint, he is extremely charismatic with a swaggering confidence that causes ladies to swoon.
|Heimdall Abbing|

Heimdall Abbing is Alvis Valentine’s main competitor due to his strict, aggressive way of politics. He is a crude man with a short temper who is loyal to traditions. He believes that muggles would become frightened by wizards and would cause war between the two vastly different species of human. His popularity stems from his fierce speeches that echo speeches of Puritans years and years ago.
The Rebellion began on December 15, 2014, when a centaur by the name of Alphard was shot and killed by an Auror named Etamin Fomalhaut. Fomalhaut had reported that Alphard was attacking him and he was proven innocent at his trial despite evidence suggesting that Alphard had just been walking through the woods. This caused a huge stir in the magical creatures community and they begun to riot and protest, demanding the prosecution of Fomalhaut. Many claimed it was an injustice and that pure prejudice was the reason behind Fomalhaut’s actions. As of now, there are riots erupting every day and peaceful protests being held. The magical creatures community is at war with not only the wizards, but with themselves – some believe violence is the only way and others believe peaceful protesting is best.
First and Second Year students will have eight periods each day. Third years and up will have ten classes, seven core and three electives, and will be split into block days – on Blue days, students will have first period through fifth period, and on Red days, students will have sixth period through tenth period. The first day of school will always be a Blue day and a Red day is always after a Blue day, repeating the pattern until the last day of school.
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Flying (First Years Only)
History of Magic
Health (Second Years Only)
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Flying (First Years Only)
History of Magic
Health (Second Years Only)
Alchemy (Sixth and Seventh Years Only)
Apparition (Sixth Years)
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies
Study of Ancient Runes
Apparition (Sixth Years)
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies
Study of Ancient Runes
Astronomy Clubs
Charms Club
Magical Creatures Club
Potions Club
Divination Club
Duelling Club
Charms Club
Magical Creatures Club
Potions Club
Divination Club
Duelling Club
First and Second Year students will have eight periods each day. Third years and up will have ten classes, seven core and three electives, and will be split into block days – on Blue days, students will have first period through fifth period, and on Red days, students will have sixth period through tenth period. The first day of school will always be a Blue day and a Red day is always after a Blue day, repeating the pattern until the last day of school.
SCHOOL DAY: 7:40 am – 3:20 pm
BREAKFAST: Starts to serve at 5:20 am and ends at 7:35 am
DINNER: Starts to serve at 6:00 pm and ends at 8:00 pm
CURFEW: 10:00 pm
First and Second Years Schedule
Third through Seventh Years Schedule
BREAKFAST: Starts to serve at 5:20 am and ends at 7:35 am
DINNER: Starts to serve at 6:00 pm and ends at 8:00 pm
Special Feasts: 6:30 pm – 7:50 pm
CURFEW: 10:00 pm
Weekend Nights (Friday and Saturday): 12:00 am
First and Second Years Schedule
Period Length: Fifty-Three Minutes
Break Length: Ten Minutes
Lunch Length: Twenty-Five Minutes
Break Length: Ten Minutes
Lunch Length: Twenty-Five Minutes
1st Period: 7:40 am – 8:33 am
2nd Period: 8:33 am – 9:36 am
2nd Period: 8:33 am – 9:36 am
Break: 9:26 am – 9:36 am
3rd Period: 9:36 am – 10:29 am
4th Period: 10:29 am – 11:22 am
5th Period: 11:22 am – 12:15 pm
6th Period: 12:15 pm – 1:33 pm
4th Period: 10:29 am – 11:22 am
5th Period: 11:22 am – 12:15 pm
6th Period: 12:15 pm – 1:33 pm
Lunch period: 12:15 pm – 12:40 pm
7th Period: 1:33 pm – 2:26 pm
8th Period: 2:26 pm – 3:20 pm
8th Period: 2:26 pm – 3:20 pm
Third through Seventh Years Schedule
Period Length: One Hour and Twenty-Five Minutes
Break Length: Ten Minutes
Lunch Length: Twenty-Five Minutes
Blue and Red Days
Break Length: Ten Minutes
Lunch Length: Twenty-Five Minutes
Blue and Red Days
1st Period/6th Period: 7:40 am – 9:05 am
2nd Period/7th Period: 9:05 am – 10:40 am
2nd Period/7th Period: 9:05 am – 10:40 am
Break: 9:26 am – 9:36 am
3rd Period/8th Period: 10:40 am – 12:05 am
4th Period/9th Period: 12:05 am – 1:55 pm
4th Period/9th Period: 12:05 am – 1:55 pm
Lunch Period: 12:15 pm – 12:40 pm
5th Period/10th Period: 1:55 pm – 3:20 pm

Salem Witches’ Institute uses a colonial candle holder in order to determine a student’s house. This candle holder once belonged to Sarah Good, one of the three founders of Salem Witches’ Institute. The candle holder has been enchanted to detect the inner most desires and thoughts of the person who holds it. The sorting ceremony is simple enough: the first year student holds the candle holder with their left hand and lights the candle with a match given to them by the sorting master, Professor Endymion. The flame takes to the candle quickly and sparks into the colors of the house the child is sorted into. This candle holder is known as the Sifting Lamp.

The Peregrine is an old Peugeot that travels unexpectedly 270 mph. It is driven by Mercury and Pluto; Mercury drives and Pluto navigates. Mercury is notorious for her bad directions and Pluto is infamous for her bad driving; unfortunately, at night when Mercury is too tired, Pluto drives and Mercury navigates. As such, what would usually be a four day trip for The Peregrine becomes a seven day long journey. The Peregrine makes its trip all around the United States, it even goes underwater in order to get to Hawaii and travels through Canada to Alaska, stopping at bus stops in the capitals of each state. The bus stops are usually enchanted so passers-by don’t see multiple kids climbing into the tiny car.

Pluto usually hands out room numbers to every student that gets in the car before they enter the back of the car. In the back of the car, there are no seats, but a staircase leading downwards. When you go down the staircase, you enter the stairwell of the Peregrine Hotel. There are forty floors of the Peregrine Hotel with forty rooms on each floor; usually the number rooms will have the floor first and the room number second. The floor that the student is on when they first enter the hotel is floor 40 and it counts backwards from there. The rooms are simple and small with all the furniture nailed down due to the fact that Mercury is a bit of a crazy driver and speeds severely. Each room has its own bathroom and a mini fridge as well as a small bed, a dresser, and a small TV. The hotel has managed to have wifi connection despite having been charmed since magic usually messes with electronics. Many students have tried to figure out how this is so they can replicate the solution at Salem Witches’ Institute which has no wifi and the only TVs that work there are the ones installed by the teachers. Every room has a window that shows the road and the scenery as well as blinds. The rooms also have intercoms that are used to ask Mercury and Pluto questions when they need help or need to know the distance; however, most students just keep it on so they can listen to the vulgar old women fighting and arguing, which they do nonstop. After the first floor, there is a ground floor which contains a hangout area for the students as well as a cafeteria and an arcade.
Note: The Peregrine is known by many other nicknames such as The Horse, The Cheetah, The Ugly Tan Thing (or King Tutt for short), and many more
While their European brethren prefer owls, out of American pride, the witches and wizards of America prefer to use eagles. This change happened in 1782 and, as such, Salem Witches’ Institute immediately chose the eagle for their delivery system. A falcon can be used in place of an eagle as well as an owl, but generally, owls are looked down upon due to the stigma of denying American heritage.
Most eagles are provided to students and kept in the aviary, but as such, students are allowed to bring their own eagle or falcon.
1. Forbidden Areas
a. The Blue Lake is forbidden after dark
b. The Lounge when there is no chaperone
b. The Lounge when there is no chaperone
2. No wondering outside of the common room after 10:00 pm
a. Lights must be out by 10:00 pm (12:00 am on Fridays and Saturdays)
3. Prohibition of Certain Items/Activities
a. Alcohol and Drug use
b. Bullying/Hazing/Harassment
c. Explosives
d. Firearms and Weapons
e. Gambling
f. Interference with School Authorities
g. Smoking and Use of Tobacco Products
b. Bullying/Hazing/Harassment
c. Explosives
d. Firearms and Weapons
e. Gambling
f. Interference with School Authorities
g. Smoking and Use of Tobacco Products
4. Formal Disciplinary Action
a. Probation
b. Detention
c. In-School Suspension
d. Expulsion
b. Detention
c. In-School Suspension
d. Expulsion
The school was founded in 1665, twenty-seven years before the Salem Witch Trials. It was founded by three women: Sarah Good, Tituba, and Sarah Warren. As such, the three houses were named after the three.
This house possesses strong-minded individuals. Most American leaders were in Good because of the characteristic motivation for others to admire them and their ability to produce grand ideas and bring support for it. Members are usually motivated by self-love and are visionaries. Their personalities tend to be charismatic and daring.
Colors: Red and Black
This house relies heavily on emotions and their heart. Their “motivation is to love and be loved back” and are typically sympathetic and invested in others’ welfare. They want to be accepted by others and, because of this, they do not like conflict and are very supportive.
Colors: Blue and White
This house prefers logic over reason. Members of this house strive for perfection and to continuously improve. They favor order over chaos and can be “critical and cautious.” Their moral standards are typically high and they mostly see in black-and-white.
Colors: Light Green and Copper
General Dorm Furniture Position

Due to the large size of the population of those attending Salem Witches’ Institute, the Houses’ dormitories have several rooms where the students can sit and rest in.

To get into the Good dormitories, a student must press the Portrait of Anne Jones by Joseph Blackburn into the wall located on the top floor of the Institute and towards the back of the building, triggering the stairs near the portrait into lifting up. The stairs open up towards the Good Parlor. A white door near the entrance opens into Good Den, a common area where the Good students lounge during the winter. On the left side of the Good Parlor, there are two doors, one leads to the Good Study, a room where students usually do their homework. The right door further from the staircase entrance opens to the Good Drawing Room. The Drawing Room is where most socializing happens or where the students go to participate in their particular hobbies, such as painting and of the like. The Good Lavatories are connected to the Good Den, the male and female lavatory being nearly identical. Next to the doors to the lavatories is another door that leads to a spiral staircase that leads to the male and female dorms.
The Good dormitories are known for the stars that blanket over the ceilings and the windows. They glitter always, dazzling the room with the tiny lights. If a student so wishes, they may open a window and even stick a hand out and touch the stars without burning themselves. Every night, a new constellation is seen in a different room. Anything dropped into the stars will float for a little bit before disappearing it for years. It is not odd for a student to randomly find an object a hundred years old, floating past the window or bobbing near the ceiling. It is a traditional practice for students to write letters or notes and stick them into the stars and the biggest rule is to never pull a current student’s note out of the stars. The letters and notes are usually placed through the windows, but there are always the ambitious ones who climb on top of things in order to throw them into the ceiling.

The Tituba students are the most unfortunate of all when it comes to hidden dormitories. The entrance to the Tituba Dorms happens to be a floor cabinet located in a stray hallway near the History of Magic classrooms that leads to a staircase that twists downwards. This, regrettably, means that the Tituba students must get on hands and knees in order to crawl through the cabinet hole and into the Tituba Parlor Room. There is also a more handicapped-friendly entrance around the corner, through a hidden doorway inside a broom closet. The Tituba Parlor leads to all the other rooms, the Tituba Lavatories being located to the left of the couches and fireplace, identical in appearance while the Tituba Den is through the archway and to the left. Next to the Tituba Den is an archway to the Tituba Drawing Room and the Tituba Study is located on the opposite wall of the Tituba Den and Drawing Room. An adjacent hall connected to the Parlor is lined with the dorms of the Tituba students; blue doors with white swirls carved into it belong to girls while white doors with blue swirls carved into it belong to boys and the opposite gender of the door cannot open it or their hand will be zapped.
The Tituba dorms happen to be located underneath The Great Lake and can see into the lake water through their windows as well as the floor. At night, they can sometimes see a flicker of a siren passing by in the water, but will never fully see their body. They are protected from the Siren’s Song through a soundproof from the water and thus are impervious to such things. Because of this, the sirens keep away from the students and refrain from bothering them. However, time to time, students will knock a rhythm onto the window and if a Siren particularly likes the beat, she will flicker by quickly, her tail thumping against the window in approval.

The Warren Dormitories are entered through a full-length mirror on the ground floor of the building in the very back of the building. It enters into the Warren Parlor which is surrounded with glass windows. However, on the outside, no windows are seen. In order to get to the other rooms, the student simply has to walk into the windows, despite it seeming like they will walk on to the ground. The left window leads to the Warren Drawing Room and the student seems to come out of mirror above the fireplace. To the right of the Warren Drawing Room, are the girls’ dorms and, if boys try to enter, will only appear back in the Warren Parlor. The rightmost window of the Warren Parlor leads to the Warren Study where the student comes out of the reflection of the picture frames. To the left of the Warren Study is a door that leads to the boys’ dorm and, just like with the Warren Drawing Room, if a girl tries to enter the boys’ dorm, she will reappear in the Warren Parlor. The right window of the Warren Parlor, next to the door, leads to the Warren Den, the student typically dropping to the floor in the middle of the sofas, from the chandelier. The doorway of the Warren Parlor’s doorway leads to the identical Warren Lavatories, instantly transporting the student to their gender-specific bathroom. The Warren Dormitories are a maze and it is extremely difficult to get back to the Parlor on purpose. In the study, it is mostly a guess on which picture a student must press their hand into in order to go back to the Parlor as it is random. Any reflection in the rooms, if a body part is placed into the reflection, can transport the student into a random available room as long as they are allowed into it. Many refer to the Warren Dormitories of the Warren Maze.

Due to the large size of the population of those attending Salem Witches’ Institute, the Houses’ dormitories have several rooms where the students can sit and rest in.
To get into the Good dormitories, a student must press the Portrait of Anne Jones by Joseph Blackburn into the wall located on the top floor of the Institute and towards the back of the building, triggering the stairs near the portrait into lifting up. The stairs open up towards the Good Parlor. A white door near the entrance opens into Good Den, a common area where the Good students lounge during the winter. On the left side of the Good Parlor, there are two doors, one leads to the Good Study, a room where students usually do their homework. The right door further from the staircase entrance opens to the Good Drawing Room. The Drawing Room is where most socializing happens or where the students go to participate in their particular hobbies, such as painting and of the like. The Good Lavatories are connected to the Good Den, the male and female lavatory being nearly identical. Next to the doors to the lavatories is another door that leads to a spiral staircase that leads to the male and female dorms.
The Good dormitories are known for the stars that blanket over the ceilings and the windows. They glitter always, dazzling the room with the tiny lights. If a student so wishes, they may open a window and even stick a hand out and touch the stars without burning themselves. Every night, a new constellation is seen in a different room. Anything dropped into the stars will float for a little bit before disappearing it for years. It is not odd for a student to randomly find an object a hundred years old, floating past the window or bobbing near the ceiling. It is a traditional practice for students to write letters or notes and stick them into the stars and the biggest rule is to never pull a current student’s note out of the stars. The letters and notes are usually placed through the windows, but there are always the ambitious ones who climb on top of things in order to throw them into the ceiling.
The Tituba students are the most unfortunate of all when it comes to hidden dormitories. The entrance to the Tituba Dorms happens to be a floor cabinet located in a stray hallway near the History of Magic classrooms that leads to a staircase that twists downwards. This, regrettably, means that the Tituba students must get on hands and knees in order to crawl through the cabinet hole and into the Tituba Parlor Room. There is also a more handicapped-friendly entrance around the corner, through a hidden doorway inside a broom closet. The Tituba Parlor leads to all the other rooms, the Tituba Lavatories being located to the left of the couches and fireplace, identical in appearance while the Tituba Den is through the archway and to the left. Next to the Tituba Den is an archway to the Tituba Drawing Room and the Tituba Study is located on the opposite wall of the Tituba Den and Drawing Room. An adjacent hall connected to the Parlor is lined with the dorms of the Tituba students; blue doors with white swirls carved into it belong to girls while white doors with blue swirls carved into it belong to boys and the opposite gender of the door cannot open it or their hand will be zapped.
The Tituba dorms happen to be located underneath The Great Lake and can see into the lake water through their windows as well as the floor. At night, they can sometimes see a flicker of a siren passing by in the water, but will never fully see their body. They are protected from the Siren’s Song through a soundproof from the water and thus are impervious to such things. Because of this, the sirens keep away from the students and refrain from bothering them. However, time to time, students will knock a rhythm onto the window and if a Siren particularly likes the beat, she will flicker by quickly, her tail thumping against the window in approval.
The Warren Dormitories are entered through a full-length mirror on the ground floor of the building in the very back of the building. It enters into the Warren Parlor which is surrounded with glass windows. However, on the outside, no windows are seen. In order to get to the other rooms, the student simply has to walk into the windows, despite it seeming like they will walk on to the ground. The left window leads to the Warren Drawing Room and the student seems to come out of mirror above the fireplace. To the right of the Warren Drawing Room, are the girls’ dorms and, if boys try to enter, will only appear back in the Warren Parlor. The rightmost window of the Warren Parlor leads to the Warren Study where the student comes out of the reflection of the picture frames. To the left of the Warren Study is a door that leads to the boys’ dorm and, just like with the Warren Drawing Room, if a girl tries to enter the boys’ dorm, she will reappear in the Warren Parlor. The right window of the Warren Parlor, next to the door, leads to the Warren Den, the student typically dropping to the floor in the middle of the sofas, from the chandelier. The doorway of the Warren Parlor’s doorway leads to the identical Warren Lavatories, instantly transporting the student to their gender-specific bathroom. The Warren Dormitories are a maze and it is extremely difficult to get back to the Parlor on purpose. In the study, it is mostly a guess on which picture a student must press their hand into in order to go back to the Parlor as it is random. Any reflection in the rooms, if a body part is placed into the reflection, can transport the student into a random available room as long as they are allowed into it. Many refer to the Warren Dormitories of the Warren Maze.
-may wear a gray pleated skirt or pencil skirt
-may wear a black pleated skirt or pencil skirt
-may wear any button up shirt
-wear a red cardigan over button up
-may wear Mary Jane-esque heels,Mary Jane-esque low heels, and Mary Jane-esque flats; shoes must be conservative and black, white, or brown
-accessories such as ear piercings, belts, ankle or knee socks, stockings, and tights are allowed; thigh-high socks, sheer or fishnet stockings, and promiscuous clothing is prohibited
-may wear a black pleated skirt or pencil skirt
-may wear any button up shirt
-wear a red cardigan over button up
-may wear Mary Jane-esque heels,Mary Jane-esque low heels, and Mary Jane-esque flats; shoes must be conservative and black, white, or brown
-accessories such as ear piercings, belts, ankle or knee socks, stockings, and tights are allowed; thigh-high socks, sheer or fishnet stockings, and promiscuous clothing is prohibited
-grey slacks
-black slacks
- any button up shirt
-red cardiganor blazer
-must wear a tie or bowtie
-Oxford shoes in black, brown, or white
-may wear belts
-black slacks
- any button up shirt
-red cardiganor blazer
-must wear a tie or bowtie
-Oxford shoes in black, brown, or white
-may wear belts
-may wear a gray pleated skirt or pencil skirt
-may wear a white pleated skirt or pencil skirt
-any button up shirt
-must wear a blue cardigan
-may wear Mary Jane-esque heels,Mary Jane-esque low heels, and Mary Jane-esque flats; shoes must be conservative and black, white, or brown
-accessories such as ear piercings, belts, ankle or knee socks, stockings, and tights are allowed; thigh-high socks, sheer or fishnet stockings, and promiscuous clothing is prohibited
-may wear a white pleated skirt or pencil skirt
-any button up shirt
-must wear a blue cardigan
-may wear Mary Jane-esque heels,Mary Jane-esque low heels, and Mary Jane-esque flats; shoes must be conservative and black, white, or brown
-accessories such as ear piercings, belts, ankle or knee socks, stockings, and tights are allowed; thigh-high socks, sheer or fishnet stockings, and promiscuous clothing is prohibited
- grey slacks
-white slacks
-any button up shirt
-blue cardigan or blazer
-must wear a tie or bowtie
-Oxford shoes in black, brown, or white
-may wear belts
-white slacks
-any button up shirt
-blue cardigan or blazer
-must wear a tie or bowtie
-Oxford shoes in black, brown, or white
-may wear belts
- may wear a gray pleated skirt or pencil skirt
-may wear a brown pleated skirt or pencil skirt
-any button up shirt
-light green cardigan over button up
-may wear Mary Jane-esque heels,Mary Jane-esque low heels, and Mary Jane-esque flats; shoes must be conservative and black, white, or brown
-accessories such as ear piercings, belts, ankle or knee socks, stockings, and tights are allowed; thigh-high socks, sheer or fishnet stockings, and promiscuous clothing is prohibited
-may wear a brown pleated skirt or pencil skirt
-any button up shirt
-light green cardigan over button up
-may wear Mary Jane-esque heels,Mary Jane-esque low heels, and Mary Jane-esque flats; shoes must be conservative and black, white, or brown
-accessories such as ear piercings, belts, ankle or knee socks, stockings, and tights are allowed; thigh-high socks, sheer or fishnet stockings, and promiscuous clothing is prohibited
- grey slacks
-brown slacks
-any button up shirt
-must wear a light green cardigan or blazer
-must wear a tie or bowtie
-Oxford shoes in black, brown, or white
-may wear belts
-brown slacks
-any button up shirt
-must wear a light green cardigan or blazer
-must wear a tie or bowtie
-Oxford shoes in black, brown, or white
-may wear belts

Previous House:
Slightly strict

Previous House:
Insanely Strict
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Head of:

Previous House:
Does. Not. Care.
History of Magic
Head of:

Previous House:
Head of:

Previous House:
Slightly Strict

Previous House:

Previous House:

Previous House:

Previous House:

Previous House:
Flying & Apparition

Previous House:

Previous House:
Insanely Strict
Muggle Studies

Previous House:
Slightly Strict
Care of Magical Creatures

Previous House:

Previous House:
Study of Ancient Runes

Previous House:

Salem Witches’ Institute; taken by Victoria Calliope in 1921
“Salem Witches’ Institute is an old academy located somewhere in Massachusetts, invisible to the eye of muggles, known for possessing many hidden doors and staircases. The school seems to have a mind of its own and has shown to be very mischievous, often turning students around and confusing them. If the walls are damaged, it automatically repairs it, and if the windows break, then the glass crawls back into place. It is truly a magnificently magical place.
However, the rigorous academics is anything but. The classes are far advanced and tough, the homework long and strenuous – the amount of classes alone would kill! But nobody could say that Salem Witches’ Institute does not do its job. Headmistress Gaia Endicott works hard to assimilate the Institute’s young students into the wizarding and muggle world alike. She forces the students to embrace a strong, open-minded voice and encourages the students to debate controversial, but eye-opening, topics.
Salem Witches’ Institute is the school of the future.”
However, the rigorous academics is anything but. The classes are far advanced and tough, the homework long and strenuous – the amount of classes alone would kill! But nobody could say that Salem Witches’ Institute does not do its job. Headmistress Gaia Endicott works hard to assimilate the Institute’s young students into the wizarding and muggle world alike. She forces the students to embrace a strong, open-minded voice and encourages the students to debate controversial, but eye-opening, topics.
Salem Witches’ Institute is the school of the future.”
-The Weekly Witching
|The Entrance Hall|
The Entrance Hall is connected to the main door and is a relatively square room. There is a balcony overlooking the entrance hall and two staircases facing the entrance door, curving slightly and connecting to the balcony. A beautiful chandelier hangs in the middle of the ceiling, glittering with light. The two windows that frame the white front door are draped in antique curtains. Opposite the entrance door is another door that leads to the Great Hall and on the left and right side, there are wooden arches that leads to hallways. Antique portraits of famous colonial people are hung on the antique wallpapered walls. Sometimes clubs will use the Entrance Hall for bake sales in order to raise money for their extracurricular activities and field trips.
|The Great Hall|
The Great Hall is a large rectangular room with light-colored wood and white bottom border with a light yellow paint. Two long oaken tables are horizontally situated on the left with two identical tables are next to them with simple oak chairs with ivory cushions. At the very back of the room is one more table, on a raised platform, where the teachers sit. This is where breakfast, lunch, and dinner is held. Dinner is always at 6:30 every night and breakfast is at 5:30 in the morning. Lunch is between third and fourth period. Various portraits hang on the walls, mostly Victorian and colonial in style.
|Hospital Ward|
The Hospital Ward are simply that, the Hospital Ward. It is on the hallway right of the entrance hall, the first door on the right. It is governed by Mrs. Woden, a kind but eccentrically dark witch who is always wearing dark robes. The Hospital Ward is a long rectangular room that is quite like a hallway, lined with hospital beds with a curtain that can be pulled around the bed. The floor is a dark oak and the walls are a dark beige.
|The Grand Library|
Salem Witches’ Institute is known for having a large library that spans three floors, small stairs and balconies situated in the room. The Grand Library is on the left hallway from the entrance hall and is the very last door on the left. Every wall is covered by a mahogany bookshelf, leaving no room for hanging pictures, and the room is generally open, with only the walls being occupied. Small tan tables are periodically situated in the center of the room with mahogany chairs and tan cushions. On the far back wall, there is a small door that leads to the Forbidden Section. For a student to be able to enter the Forbidden Section, they would need three signatures from three teachers. However, if a student were to be in the Forbidden Section and were to pull down a black book by the name of Secrets, Lies, and the Foretold by Quincy Delphi, the book shelf would swing open to reveal a hidden staircase.
|The Wanter’s Room|
The Wanter’s Room is a secret room that, when someone knocks on the wall three times, will change to whatever room that person needs at that one moment. To get to the Wanter’s Room, one must find the a black book in the Forbidden Section of the Grand Library and walk down a staircase which leads to a small, quaint room with no doors. Once one is in that room, they must think really hard and desperately of needing a room, and a grand black door will appear.
|Student Store|
The Student Store is located to the left of the Entrance Hall, the first door on the right. It has a tan wooden flooring and floral wallpaper walls and a golden chandelier hangs from the ceiling. The room has two rows of shelves going down the middle, back to back, with two more rows on the sides of the room. The Student Store sells school supplies, candy, magazines, newspaper, and stress balls for the students for last-minute needs.
|The Lounge|
On the first floor, the third door on the right on the left side of the entrance room, is the Lounge. The Lounge is the hang out spot for all the students and it is encouraged for students to interact with other houses. The Lounge has low lighting and has a central platform in the room, where a bar that serves chips and sodas is with vintage bar stools. On the level floor, there are multiple furry, long couches with circular ends and are a dark brown; there are tan throw pillows on it. On the end of every couch is an end table with vintage lamps and flowers on them. The walls are filled with miscellaneous portraits and paintings. Because of the low lighting, there is always a chaperone stationed in the room to ensure no funny business is going on.
|The Aviary|
The Aviary is on the uppermost floor with windows on two of the walls with white drapes. Large black bird cages fill the room, lining the two walls with no windows, and having two rows in the middle of the room, back to back. Messaging birds and birds that need rest are placed in the Aviary and this is where students and teachers go to for postage.
|The Quidditch Field|
The Quidditch Field is located a half a mile behind the school and is large and circular with four towers with the houses’ colors on their respective one. The Quidditch Field looks like a typical Quidditch Field.
|The Courtyard|
The Courtyard is immediately behind the school and is made of white stone with a large, circular fountain in the middle. It is another hangout for students are particularly sunny and pretty days. Unlike the Lounge, there is usually no chaperone on duty due to the courtyard being easily seen through the windows.
|the Garden|
The Garden is located behind the Courtyard and is filled with tall bushes, beautiful flowers, and willow trees. The Garden is large and contains exotic flowers from all over the world. Deep into the Garden is a gazebo where most couples go to have “alone time.”
|Lake Blue|
Lake Blue is a small lake off the right side of Salem Witches’ Institute and is only a two minute walk. It is known for its beautiful blue color. However, at night, a light mist comes over it and if someone were to go swimming, then they will be lured and killed by Sirens.

“Honeycutt is a small, quaint town that is a five minute walk from Salem Witches’ Institute. Honeycutt is a sweet reminder of home with its vaguely Southern style, fun shops, and kind community. By the end of a student’s education, Honeycutt will be a tender memory of toasty warmth.
Honeycutt is an unforgettable town that will make a student’s life at Salem Witches’ Institute memorable.”
-Magic Daily
|Bedbug’s Beds and Bugs|
Bedbug’s Beds and Bugs is the very first building you will lay your eyes on when you walk down Honeycutt’s street. It is an old bar with a light brown wooden bar with a polished tan surface and oak stools with tan cushions. The ground is a patterned red and green carpet and the wall is a fake gray stone. Tanned tables with matching chairs with red cushions are systematically placed throughout the bar – each table holds a small red candle. A fireplace is on the back wall with a clock above it. The bar’s walls are filled with miscellaneous pictures and coin collections. The bartender and owner is Marles Mercury and the barmaid is Aphrodite.
|Braids and Buns|
Braids and Buns is a hairdressers shop and is the fourth building on the left side of the road. The store’s walls are a pastel pink and its floors are mahogany. Matching pink pastel chairs with black pillows are placed in the front to the right side of the entrance as a sitting area and a cashier is situated in the center of the front, operated by the owner Mary May. In the back are barber seats in front of mirrors with pink borders.
|Bunko’s Joke Shop|
Bunko’s Joke Shop is solely run by the owner, simply known as Bunko. Bunko’s Joke Shop is the second shop on the right side of the road. Inside the joke shop, there is a clutter of shelves of pranking toys and how-to’s as well as gag gifts and in the back is the register. There are stairs by the register that leads up to a second floor of practical jokes. The walls are covered in funny banners and pictures.
|Calypso’s Cauldrons|
Calypso’s Cauldrons, the fifth shop on the left side, is owned by Mrs. Calypso. Calypso’s Cauldrons is a simple shop for cauldrons and cauldron polisher. It is usually kept dark with low lighting and has rows of cauldrons to pick from. The register is at the back of the building.
|Cotton King|
Cotton King is the sixth shop on the left side of the road and is handled by Zephyr James, the female students’ eye candy. He is not the owner of the store, but manages it either way. Cotton King is a candy store that is filled with rows of shelves with jars loaded with candy. They have over five hundred types of candy there.
|Foxglove and Mushrooms|
Foxglove and Mushrooms is Honeycutt’s apothecary and has every ingredient ever needed for the Institute due to collaboration between the school and the apothecary. It is the first shop on the right side of the street. The owner, Yu Di Pangu is an old friend of Headmistress Endicott and is often seen on school grounds. The apothecary has rows of shelves brimming with jars of ingredients with the register being in the back of the store. Attached to the store is a green house, in the back, where Ms. Pangu grows her herbs.
|Glenda’s Wizardwear|
Glenda Aedan is the owner of Glenda’s Wizardwear and is the eye candy for the male students at the Institute. She runs a quaint clothing store, third on the left side of the road that is known for carrying muggle clothing. The store is long lengthwise and rectangular with most of the clothing being on racks on the sides of the wall. There are a few display cases running down the left side of the store where the cash register is and the display cases are filled with jewelry and of the like. On the right side, near the entrance, is a low cabinet with a small, spinning rack of sunglasses on it. Next to the sunglasses are Glenda’s two mannequins, Freddie and Marion, clothed in vintage clothing. Beautiful muggle dresses are hung on the walls as decoration.
|Inkin’ It|
Lykos Mabon is the owner of the quill shop known as Inkin’ it and is known for being incredibly arrogant. His shop is next to Bedbug’s Beds and Bugs and is the second store on the left side of the street. It is small with display cases of expensive and inexpensive quills alike. Packets of parchment are held on the single shelf near the door and are carried in a blue package paper that says LYKOS over it.
|Lovett’s Heart|
Lovett’s Heart is run by Maeve Lovett who is obsessed with love. She is infamously known for having bad luck in romance – two husbands dying in a freak accident and being divorced or divorcing the other three – and, to fulfill her hopeless romanticism, Ms. Lovett has created a café for young couples in love at the Institute. Lovett’s Heart is the last store on the right side and is tucked away from the rest of the shops. The store has heavy deep red drapes over the windows and small round tables covered in a red tablecloth with metal black seats, red cushions, and the back of the seats being bent to look like a heart. The back of the store has a display case where baked goods are showcased and where you can order hot drinks from the blackboard menu behind Lovett.
|Post Office|
The Post office is the third store on the right, it is the most modern store of them all and is simply where muggle mail comes from in case a muggleborn’s friends who do not know of their witch heritage – which they definitely should not – can send mail.
Strums is a music shop run by Apollo Peram. Strums is the fourth shop on the right side of the street.There is a small display case to the left of the entrance where the cashier is located. Guitars are propped up on shelves behind the display case, all with signatures from famous wizarding musicians on them. On the other side of the shop, there are over three hundred records, both muggle and wizarding. In the back of the shop is where all the instruments are located, each having their own shelf.
|Volume and Tomes|
Enyo Fedelm owns the 5th shop on the right hand side of the street and sells used and, sometimes, new books. She is an old friend of some of the teachers at the Institute and often orders new textbooks for students if something happened to theirs. The bookstore is a simple one with oak shelves filled with books in rows and the cashier being in the back.
|Joe's Fantastic Foam|
The only Joe here is the high end coffee. The owner, one Erzulie Cheval, used to frequent a place as a child, a greasy spoon with a big sign that read Hot Joe. That sign now hangs over an interesting contraption that serves more French and Italian style coffee drinks. It is the foam, though, that brings people in. Any flavor imaginable seems possible on top of the hot, bitter liquid. The tables are all all plastic and covered with cheap vinyl each from a different diner, the tables also the old style, some even had cigarette burn marks.
The highlight of the establishment, though, is the wifi connection. As a result it clearly caters to students who want some time to keep in touch with the muggle world. Erzulie seems to have a good understanding of that world, perhaps because she was muggle born. She is a big supporter of the Revolution and living openly and a firm believer in the coffee house intellectual and revolutionary that dates back to the American Revolutionary period.
The highlight of the establishment, though, is the wifi connection. As a result it clearly caters to students who want some time to keep in touch with the muggle world. Erzulie seems to have a good understanding of that world, perhaps because she was muggle born. She is a big supporter of the Revolution and living openly and a firm believer in the coffee house intellectual and revolutionary that dates back to the American Revolutionary period.

Langley is a simple street in the wizarding side of Salem. The entrance to Langley is by crawling into a magical garbage can – that is completely clean – that will transport one into Langley. Langley is one long street that connects with another street horizontally going through it at the end. Most students, if not all, buy their supplies at Langley because of the great quality and cheapness of the products.
|Abby and Theena’s Apothecary|
Abby and Theena’s Apothecary is the second shop on the right side of the road. The shop has a wooden display case that holds lethal potions and behind the display case is a long shelf of potions. The cash register is on the display case and opposite the display case is long shelves of ingredients. Abby and Theena run the shop and have been best friends ever since they were little.
|Echidna’s Chimeric Dream|
Echidna’s Chimeric Dream is a pet shop filled with animals from exotic to extremely common. It is run by Echidna, a woman who takes her job seriously and wants to find the perfect homes for her animals. The pet shop is the first shop on the left hand side of the road. Echidna’s Chimeric Dream has rows of horizontal shelves that are stocked with pets’ various needs and toys while the animal cages are in the very back. The cashier is on the right side of the entrance door.
|Junk Shop|
Junk Shop is a shop of hand-me-downs and used various things that are placed randomly on shelves throughout the shop. The shop overall feels cluttered and musty and the owner, Fergus Finn, does not take care of the shop at all, but prefers to laze around and read the newspaper while sipping coffee. The Junk Shop is the fifth store on the right side of the street.
|Lacy’s Robes|
Lacy’s Robes is the first shop on the right side of the street and is where most students get their robes for school. It is owned by Lacy Mirnell, a muggle-enthusiast and naïve woman. Her store is mostly filled with black robes on racks until the back where the extravagant robes and dresses are shown for special occasions. Dressing rooms with purple curtains are on the right side and the cash register is on the left side of the entrance.
|Magic Daily Press|
Magic Daily Press is the center of Magic Daily and is the third building on the left side of the street. It is not permitted to enter inside.
|Marnes and Royals|
Dylan Eigyr is a cashier at the chain bookstore Marnes and Royals. Marnes and Royals is the fourth store on the right hand side of the street. Marnes and Royals has leaning shelves where bestselling books are stocked. The whole story is filled with these tilting shelves and the register is at the front of the store. The carpet is blue and the walls are a wooden brown.
|Mrs. Missy’s Concoctions|
Mrs. Missy’s Concoctions is the second store on the left hand side of the street and is owned by none-other than Missy herself. Mrs. Missy’s Concoctions is full of shelves with potions on them and a simple cash register at the front.
Prankster’s Haven
Prankster’s Haven is a large joke shop, more popular than Bunko’s Joke Shop, and is run by a mysterious man who is always wearing a mask. Though this is off putting, most people still continue to come to the shop due to its excellence in the practical joke making business. Prankster’s Haven is the fourth store on the left hand side. The store is very orderly and has large shelves. The register is at the back of the store.
|Stir and Slurp|
Stir and Slurp is the third store on the right hand side and is the best cauldron shop in Langley. It has cauldrons lined up on the sides of the room and the floor is divided in half by a line of large cauldrons. Stir and Slurp is run by Eber.
|Ted and Carrie’s Million Flavors|
Run by Ted and Carrie, best friends since they met at Salem Witches’ Institute, the ice cream parlor is usually overrun with laughter and people. Three walls of the store is lined with ice cream displays and the cash register is at the very end of the displays. The middle of the store has small round tables with chairs. Ted and Carrie’s Million Flavors is known for the large range of flavors of ice creams. It is the fifth store on the left hand side.
|The Arterberry Bank|
The Arterberry Bank is a huge round bank located at the very end of the street, on the other side of the road, and is a circular building. Goblins work inside and, when presented with a key, will take the person to the correct vault in the catacombs underneath the building.
|The Skinny Pig|
The Skinny Pig is a big bar with a black bar and dark brown with red cushions. Tables and booths are scattered around the bar and old western pictures are placed on the walls. The Skinny Pig is run by Sosruko, a sardonic and sarcastic man that loves to make fun of his more drunker customers. The Skinny Pig is the sixth store on the left hand side of the road.
|The Telling Stars Press|
The Telling Stars Press is the making of the Telling Stars newspaper and is the eighth building on the left hand side. It is prohibited to come into The Telling Stars Press without substantial news that regards the Republic of Magic.
|The Weekly Witching Press|
The Weekly Witching Press is the making of the Weekly Witching newspaper and is the sixth building on the right hand side. It is prohibited to come in without substantial news regarding gossip and drama.
|Uptown Girl|
Uptown Girl is a highend, expensive store for wizarding robes and is the most modern store in all of Langley. It is the seventh store on the left hand side. The cashier is located on the left side, near the entrance, and the white curtained dressing rooms are near the back. Sleek white couches surround the dressing rooms for those awaiting a dressee. Robes are hung on racks located randomly throughout the store, and the floor is covered in a furry white carpet. The walls are a dark brown and hold circular mirrors at random intervals, looking like bubbles. The owner of the store is Siri Stribog.
|Wanda’s Wands|
Wanda’s Wands is owned by Wanda Omny. The shop is the eighth shop on the right hand side. The shop, unlike her father’s messy one, is neat and tidy with nice mahogany shelves of boxes of wands. Every time someone enters her shop, she immediately knows everything about them – this makes it easier for her to figure out which wand will be better for the customer. Wanda is a good friend of Headmistress Endicott and visits time to time.
Zoom is a shop that sells broomsticks and Quidditch gear. It is organized in the typical horizontal rows with a register at the back of the shop. It is owned by Nestor Ningal. It is the seventh store on the right hand side.

The Telling Stars reports political and governmental news

Guinevere Kaiser is the Editor-in-Chief for The Telling Stars and is known for her being extremely stubborn, opinionated, and cynical when it comes to politics and of the like. She is the youngest Editor-in-Chief of The Telling Stars ever.

Eurydice Baggio is a famous journalist for The Telling Stars and is one of the most popular political journalist of all time. She is known for her exuberant personality and general kindness to strangers; she was previously a columnist for a fashion magazine before her political father was murdered. After that, Eurydice indulged in politics in order to understand her father better and has since found a passion for it.

Israfil Dahlman is a famous journalist for The Telling Stars and an active republican who often preaches about religion. He is known for being a bit of a homophobe and a masochist, but is kept around for his insightful delving into the Republic of Magic.

The Weekly Witching reports gossip and drama news, mostly murders and mystery disappearances

Olwen Akker is the Editor-in-Chief of The Weekly Witching who is also a previous business owner of a popular shop until a little girl disappeared, last seen in her shop. The little girl was never found and due to this, Akker became aware of the dangers of unknowing what is out there and decided to become a journalist. She comes from a rich family and is an extreme perfectionist.

Jocasta Pryce is a famous journalist, working for The Weekly Witching. She is a columnist and runs the column The Witching Hour. The Witching Hour covers several things, such as controversial issues, psychological delving, and answers letters from fans. Jocasta Pryce, while not totally the brightest of the bunch, is known for her amazing researching abilities and her ability to apply her research to her argument.

Agni D’Antonio is a journalist at The Weekly Witching who is a rising star in the journalism business. He is new to The Weekly Witching, previously working at a local newspaper in Florida. D’Antonio’s blunt attitude and realism is what draws people to his writing as well as his sophisticated writing that gets his point across perfectly.

Magic Daily reports on muggles, culture, magic, and magical creatures

Sheila Herschel is the Editor-in-Chief of Magic Daily and an open supporter of TWK, believing that it is time that the muggle world and the wizarding world merge. She fights for the freedom for magical creatures and is also famous in the muggle world as an activist and member of PEETA. She is a muggleborn and runs no-kill shelters in the muggle world as well as safe havens for magical creatures who have been abused and mistreated by muggles.

Martin Wieland is a columnist for Magic Daily that answers letters from readers, most of them asking about TWK and the muggle world in general. Martin Wieland, though a pureblood, had renounced his wizardry heritage when he was younger and fully accepted the muggle way of living until Sheila Herschel recruited him for Magic Daily and he was brought back into the wizarding world. While he may come off as arrogant and pretentious, he is not and he believes that humans are the sole saviors of the world.

Gawain Wagner is a political cartoonist for Magic Daily and is known for his twisted and sardonic sense of humor. His cartoon style draws in the readers and is often ridiculing the Republic of Magic, a government that boasts about its freedom, for restricting the freedom of others, such as muggles right to know and magical creatures. He can be a little arrogant and piggish, but his intentions are good.

Damon Yount is a journalist for Daily Magic who mostly reports the happenings of TWK’s movements and the magical creature rebellions. Damon Yount is the only journalist in Daily Magic who has reservations regarding the issue of TWK. Damon Yount has written that, while muggles have a right to be exposed to magic, there might be a backlash in the form of discrimination on either side and Yount has done strenuous research on society and reaction to change and has used that to support both claims.
1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T! FIND OUT WHAT IT MEANS TO ME! Aka, respect all players and my authority or else you will get kicked out
2. No drama, that’s annoying
3. Proper grammar, good writing, character development, and of the likes must be used
4. Follow all RPG rules
5. No sex, but kissing is perfectly a-okay
6. Swearing and illegal activities are allowed
7. Two paragraphs at a minimum; but quality over quantity
8. You may have up to two players, however if you can't keep up with them, you have to minimize
9. I expect a post from every individual every week
10. This is a LGBTQ+ friendly environment
2. No drama, that’s annoying
3. Proper grammar, good writing, character development, and of the likes must be used
4. Follow all RPG rules
5. No sex, but kissing is perfectly a-okay
6. Swearing and illegal activities are allowed
7. Two paragraphs at a minimum; but quality over quantity
8. You may have up to two players, however if you can't keep up with them, you have to minimize
9. I expect a post from every individual every week
10. This is a LGBTQ+ friendly environment
2. The Institute does not have as many restrictions on pets like Hogwarts does.
3. In depth personalities are needed
4. Romance is highly encouraged! However, ask the person if they would like to have a romance with your character first, and do it over PM in order not to put them on the spot. If they say no, they say no.
5. Don’t be afraid to interact with the other players
a. No. Student. Has. The. Capabilities. To. Become. An. Animagi
b. However, if the roleplay does well, as a reward I might allow a small amount of seventh years become animagi LATER ON
b. However, if the roleplay does well, as a reward I might allow a small amount of seventh years become animagi LATER ON
2. The Institute does not have as many restrictions on pets like Hogwarts does.
a. Any muggle bird is allowed except for peacocks, penguins, or any magical bird such as a phoenix.
b. House cats of any kind are allowed. I repeat: house cats. This means no big cats like tigers, lions, or panthers etcetera etcetera. No magical cats.
c. Dogs are allowed, of any size. However, big dogs will not be allowed in classrooms and cannot walk everywhere with you. However, this does not mean any canine is allowed. No wolves, no foxes, no dingoes, and of the likes. No magical dogs.
d. Rodents of any kind are allowed. Even exotic rodents. However, it has to be an animal that can be tamed and/or kept as a pet. I may accept untamable rodents depending on the kind, so check with me if you really, really want it. No magical rodents.
e. No magical animals. Period.
f. If you need help knowing how to care for gerbils, rats, hamsters, cats, or hunting dogs, I know a lot about those considering that I have some of each.
g. Wow, this is long, if your animal needs to be placed with another animal of its species, then I will allow it. But this is for birds and rodents only! Also, no male and females put together.
b. House cats of any kind are allowed. I repeat: house cats. This means no big cats like tigers, lions, or panthers etcetera etcetera. No magical cats.
c. Dogs are allowed, of any size. However, big dogs will not be allowed in classrooms and cannot walk everywhere with you. However, this does not mean any canine is allowed. No wolves, no foxes, no dingoes, and of the likes. No magical dogs.
d. Rodents of any kind are allowed. Even exotic rodents. However, it has to be an animal that can be tamed and/or kept as a pet. I may accept untamable rodents depending on the kind, so check with me if you really, really want it. No magical rodents.
e. No magical animals. Period.
f. If you need help knowing how to care for gerbils, rats, hamsters, cats, or hunting dogs, I know a lot about those considering that I have some of each.
g. Wow, this is long, if your animal needs to be placed with another animal of its species, then I will allow it. But this is for birds and rodents only! Also, no male and females put together.
3. In depth personalities are needed
4. Romance is highly encouraged! However, ask the person if they would like to have a romance with your character first, and do it over PM in order not to put them on the spot. If they say no, they say no.
5. Don’t be afraid to interact with the other players
[hider=Your Character][color=gray][center][h1]|ENTER NAME HERE|[/h1]
[img]ONLY REAL IMAGES[/img][/center]
[color=7ea7d8]Name:(Try to incorporate mythology somehow, though this isn't a requirement)[/color]
[indent]For third years and up/three electives allowed[/indent]
[indent]Maximum of three[/indent]
[color=7ea7d8]Best Class:[/color]
[color=7ea7d8]Worst Class:[/color]
[color=7ea7d8]Personality:(At least a paragraph)[/color]
[color=7ea7d8]Likes:(At least three)[/color]
[color=7ea7d8]Dislikes:(At least three)[/color]
[color=7ea7d8]Biography:(At least two paragraphs)[/color]