I think, technically, the outcome of who is strongest is indeterminable. It depends on the circumstances.
But lemme say something. There was this one time when I was in this Zombie apoc RP and this guy's character was a serial killer and I got in a friendly debate with him on whether who would win, him or my girl since she was a hunter. And it drove me crazy, because he was suuuuper OP on that fact. So, technically, depending on the circumstances can determine who will win.
EDIT: Also, props to Prince, our lovely GM, to make sure that no one is OP and drive me crazy and make me quit (: I hope that doesn't sound insincere, I really mean it ^_^
EDIT: Okay, so what I was trying to say was:
I love how we are all bantering friendly and stuff and not making a big deal about the powers. Because I know in a lot of RPs, people always get mad at eachother because they think they are more powerful. This is due to having bad GMs and OP characters running around amok regular, balanced characters. I have been, previously, in this situation during a Zombie apoc RP where my character was a hunter and this other character was a mafia trained guy/sociopathic serial killer(?) and was ridiculously OP. So, Imma friendly person and I like to poke fun at people - though I do sometimes word things wrong, this isn't the first time it had happened - and I tried to engage the Rper in friendly banter as to who would win in a showdown - serial killer vs. hunter. While, I was kidding at first and presenting certain circumstances in which his character would have no chance of winning, he stubbornly stood by that his character would somehow know and kick my character's ass. This pissed me off a little bit because of how OP he was. I wasn't thinking about my character even attempting to kill him, but the idea remained that no matter what happened, his character would come out on top. So it drove me crazy and I quit (though I think I used an excuse)
So, in a weird roundabout way, I was trying to compliment our lovely GM on his striving to balance characters out so this situation won't happen. Because, in certain circumstances, all of our characters would be able to somehow take each other down. So, I'm looking forward to it since anything can happen. Alliances can be made and broken. Fights can break out. Some lovin' can happen. And all that Big Brother stuff ^_^