Alright, lets see how this goes
Name: Patrick O'Malley
Nicknames/Aliases: Vape
Rank: Legionnaire
Gender: Male

Weapon(s):Merovech Model 481 "Persuader" Lasgun with 4 clips, Volg "Ripper clip" Auto pistol with 3 100 round belts, 3 Frag grenades, 1 krak grenade
Armor/Clothing: Loose ragged rags and strips of cloth wrapped and tied about himself to ward off the worst of natures punishments, woven into this are various plates and pieces of carapace armor, allowing for flexibility and fair protection, if quite weighty. Dust goggles, standard issue and a Salvar rebreather with tank, secondary rebreather tank with frenzon
Equipment: Bedroll, Aquilla pendent, Fathers colonel rank insignia, Infantryman's uplifting primer (oddly worn out, as though it's a hand-me-down), A collection of dogtags, of various names and regiments (the origin of most being a mystery to him). Chem kit (if asked it's for water and food purification and detox, and while it can infact be used for these purposes, he uses it for making various drugs) One general purpose mess bowl.
History: Born on the hive world of Necromunda, Patrick was destined right from the get to a rough life. In the lower slums of the city his family lived in a "small tenet". At least that's what it was called by the land lord, in reality it was nothing more that a makeshift flakboard hovel, small and cramped even for just his two parents and himself. As life went on, his parents honest living got them nowhere, and Patrick only wanted what was best for them, so with much reluctance, as he knew his parents would be appalled by it, he began making his living as a hive ganger. The work was messy, loathsome, and far from the Emperors grace, but the pay was worth it, the money he was able to bring home did much to help his parents. And while the Emperor may protect, he is also harsh. As he and his parents were finally amassing enough wealth to move up out of the slums, nowhere fancy by any means, but a least a structure that was genuinely designed for habitation, his choice caught up with him, and the Emperors retribution was devastating. He came home to find his parents butchered, their savings gone, and a marking of the rival gang scrawled on the walls in blood. But this was not all, as fate would have it, after weeping uncontrollably for the better part of 20 minutes while holding his deceased loved ones, he got up, resolving himself to avenge them, he'd burn the entire hive to the ground if needs must. The Arbites showed up fashionably late to the party however, and the inspector, seeing a known hive ganger in a hovel, a grim look on his face, and the blood of two dead individuals all over him, quickly shut the book on that case, by arresting him, and sending the badly over taxed Arbites on their way. The trial was about as quick as the arrest, he was sentence to life, on Savlar, to serve the imperium honestly till the day finally came when he would be judged by the Emperor. His life their seemingly blurred together until he was given an honest chance at redemption. His crimes against the Imperium could be forgiven, he could even be freed, and persue his vengence, all he needed to do was to be deemed worthy through actions in serving the Penal Legions. And so, Patrick joined the 48th Savlar Chem Dogs regiment.
Personality: Quiet and patient, Patrick is much more, obedient, than the typical legionaire, he tends to limit interaction with others outside of mission related matters, though anyone who has a drink with him will find that is the key to open him up. Patrick seemingly always wants to be the leader, though he knows his place and sits by patiently, however, on the few occasions he has had command, for whatever ill fated reasons, he has shown a grasp of the tactica imperialis far greater than that of most senior guard officers, quite the task for a man with no recollection of opening one up.