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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Ash sighed and motioned for a new glass of alcohol as the roar of the crowd quieted down a bit. It seemed people were still walking in and wanting to the captain. So be it, as long as things didn't get out of control and Ash had another beer accident, life would be just peachy. Although apparently he was getting some shit from the waitress, something about not shooting guns indoors blah blah blah. People always complained. "Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. I got it. Hey, it worked though." Ash chuckled, sighing a bit of relief as the situation seemed to be diffused. Everybody could deal with the nice captain man and leave security alone so he can go back to drinking. Well, it wasn't the case.

A commotion seemed to be happening behind him, and he turned around to see some asshole come out of nowhere, walk up to the captain guy looking like tough shit, and proceeded to headbutt him square on. Was this guy a nut job or something? Ash had it with these kinds of people, and assaulting people in his bar after a clear warning was grounds to fuck his day up. Ash got up from the bar, shoving past the crowd as his tall and dark figure approached the two men. Ash saw the older, shiny-headed gentleman stand up and point a gun to Crafty's head, but he didn't think much of it. Ash grabbed Crafty by the back of his neck, squeezing. "So, you like hitting things with your head, huh?" he asked, smirking. He proceeded to slam down Crafty's head into the table with great force, shattering the table and putting Crafty through it. It seemed to have knocked him unconscious, and blood trickled down his forehead.

"Gentleman, I've got it from here." Ash brushed past Grimshaw's pointed gun, pushing the barrel lightly away from him as he picked Crafty up by the back of his collar. He proceeded to drag him out of the bar, his body dragging against the ground as the crowd parted when Ash came through. He kicked open the door, dragging Crafty through as the bar door smacked off the unconscious man's head and brought him too. As Ash slowly brought him to the cliff's edge, Crafty began violently scrambling around, trying to have Ash release him. But he just kept dragging him, and got him a few feet from the edge.

Ash dropped Crafty to the ground, before giving a swift kick to his head, causing him to roll over and grunt in pain. Crafty went for his knife, but Ash stomped down on his hand, crushing it as Crafty cried out in pain. Ash leaned down and grabbed the knife Crafty was reaching for, and proceeded to stab his other hand with it, slicing through. After a series of cries of pain, now both his hands were unusable, either broken or stabbed, they fell limp. Ash picked Crafty up by the throat, raising him above his head as he walked him over to the edge, dangling his body over it.

"Please, don't kill me." Crafty choked out, fear in his eyes as he looked into Ash's sunglasses, pleading and hoping for forgiveness. Such a tough man reduced to begging. It brought a smile to Ash's face, seeing the weak die and the strong prevail. War had no room for the weak. Ash simply said nothing, and let go of Crafty as he started falling to his death, his body bouncing off of the side of the cliff, breaking bones and slashing him up. Ash pulled out his rifle from his back, looking down at Crafty as he fell and looking through the iron sight, and watched as his lifeless, limp body fell into the shadows, and Crafty was no more.

Ash cocked back the bolt, and slung the gun on his back again before cracking his knuckles. It had been a few days since he killed a man. It felt good. "And this is exactly why I started drinking..." he sighed unamused, walking back toward the tavern.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Levi looked the guy who called himself Crafty in the eyes. The bar went silent, no one even dared to talk, like they never saw something like this before. But in this case someone like him was up against a scum like this asshole. He expected Crafty to just retreat and take back, so he flinched as the other headbutted him. First it was just a numb feel then a striking pain hit his nose. That good for nothing son of a b*** broke his nose. Just that second he saw Grimshaw and the guy who shot the warning stood up at the same time. His companion raised his handmade pistol to Crafty's head and said: "Best jus' take it back a few levels, boy. The Cap is my new bread and butter."

Levi took his glasses off and checked them if they were alright, whilst Grimshaw pointed the gun at that shitface. He sighed with relief when he saw it was still in one piece. Just as he put them back on, the hired gun of the bar pressed Grimshaw's gun away and grabbed Crafty by his neck. He saw Grimshaw getting that look at the guy, so he gently pushed his gun down. "Let me handle this." Every man in the bar now looked at the guard kicking the shit out of this wastelander. Levi checked his holster for his gun and loaded it with a fresh mag. "Just in case" He looked around the terrified bar and looked at the two who were searching for him. "You young lady, and you Sir come out with me. We shall discuss your affairs more civilized." He adjusted his coat and walked towards the door with small steps, to let the other two take their time with their decision. Grimshaw followed him without any command, and levi was pleased that he found such a reliable man. As he opened the door he looked back "So are you two coming?"

The air was fresh outside, and the atmosphere was still quiet apart from the guard kicking the living shit out of the bastard who broke his nose. Levi took a second to adjust his nostril back to it's place with a quiet swear. Loud shouts came from the bar, and a sounds like glass being broken. Grimshaw stood behind him, and the two other strangers searching for him also left the bar before getting seriously injured. When he first came to town he did expect the bar to go apeshit as he announced he was recruiting, but for people to find him in this place? A pleasant surprise indeed. And that girl knew his name too. But right now his attention hang still on the guard. "You look like you could handle a gun. What is your name if I may?" The man looked away from the canyon and stared Levi right into the eyes. His whole look radiated confidence and strength. The names Ash, and I am the one who kicks assholes like this around here. With that the man leaned on his rifle, waiting for response.

A silence fell upon the bunch for a second, and Levi stood on a small mount formed by the canyons wall, that somehow stertched out this far. He looked confident, but in fact even this extra 20 cm did not help with his relatively short size, as he just matched the other's height. The waitress exited the bar in a rush. Levi cleared his throat to catch her and everyone else's attention. "As you may know fine ladies and gents, I am recruiting for my next voyage towards the Spring of Lies. Now I ask you, will you join me? You Mr Ash could give up this garbage hole, and live up to your skills with fists and weapons. You two who came to search me, I am sure that you would have a better place on my ship, than in this town. Also you searched me, I am guessing you wanted to join. And you miss, it happens that now you are here too, I beleive you might have a place on my ship too. I will pay you all of course. So do you want to join me? And if you do, how can you help me out on the ship?" With his speech finished he waited silently for answers, and straightened his coat again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Imogen breathed a sigh of relief as the bar security hauled Crafty out the door. A few moments later she flinched as a gun went off outside. She could pretty easily guess at what had happened and felt a little bit ill at the thought. She wasn't happy with him by any means, but wasn't sure if he deserved that fate. Her thoughts were shattered as Levi addressed her directly and she stifled a squeal, following him outside, her step bouncing slightly. She listened intently to his speech, growing more excited with each word. A job. With Levi of all people. She dared not pinch herself for fear that it actually was a dream. Then he asked her what she could do.
She took a breath before speaking. "I've been trained by my father, Elliot Hollister, one of best airship engineers you'll find for clicks around. I've been formally trained for eight years and have 6 years of practical experience. I'm fluently versed in maintenance and repair of all classes of ship. I can depressurize, refit, and repressurize a B class boiler in forty minutes easy. I can strip a seized drivetrain, rebearing a propeller rig, and other complex tasks. I can weld and do some smithing and part building. I am also solidly versed in gunsmithing. I have my own tools, and can be ready to leave immediately."
She stopped, catching her breath and blushing slightly, realizing that in her excitement she had been rambling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Ash kind of just nodded, leaning on his rifle as he kind of raised an eyebrow. Even standing on the rock, the captain dude wasn't taller than Ash. But he assumed that the man wanted to have some confidence and be somewhat of a leader type, so whatever he felt he needed to do to get that across, so be it. But he couldn't help but chuckle a bit at seeing him though, but kept it to himself.

It seemed as though the man was willing to pay the lot of them money in order to go on whatever kind of adventure he wanted to go on. He didn't quite say what that adventure was, but it didn't really matter. He was willing to pay. And seeing Ash save the captain and kick the shit out of the guy, he took interest in the ex-soldier. Which Ash wasn't surprised, he didn't do much besides that, and he did his job very well. As long as there was booze on the ship he'd be fine... Yo ho, yo ho, and a bottle of rum.

Apparently the one woman had all kinds of experience in... Well, Ash guessed fixing shit. He didn't catch half the words, nor did he care what they were, he kind of wasn't paying attention. All he knew was she was some kind of mechanic. "Yeah yeah, great, good for you. You sound smart. I don't think I have to explain myself. If you want one, you can ask the guy at the bottom of that canyon." Ash nodded behind him to the cliff edge. "I'll join your little crew, as long as I get booze and ammunition, I'm happy. I'll keep you and your ship safe. As for other people and their ships... Quite the opposite."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Grimshaw had frowned as he was pushed aside from the troublemaker, though he did nod slowly in approval as he watched Ash drag the kid out the door. The gunshot that followed hadn't surprised him, and it was a sound he was all too familiar with. He stuffed the pipe pistol back into its holster and followed after his new boss, keeping silent throughout most of the conversation. He approved of Imogen, and the bouncer seemed like a good hand to have around.

"You'll do jus' fine, this line'a work." He said to the ex-soldier, arms folded and his back to the wall, as was his custom. He turned to Imogen, giving her a brief nod as well. "An' you're good as your daddy, you will too."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 1n5tant Ar50n
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1n5tant Ar50n On fire bruh. ;3

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tyra made her way out of the bar. Screw that, it could all go to hell if it wanted to. She wanted some adventure. Maybe at first she'd hightailed it out of town with no idea how to make a name for herself, but maybe this would be the best way to do it. "Hey! Captain Levi!" she called. "Got any more room for me on this ship of yours? I know I don't look like much, but I'll handle whatever you throw at me." She sounded more confident than she felt, but too late to take her words back now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 3 days ago

Nikola followed behind the captain, straightening his waistcoat by pulling down on it's hem. As they stepped out of the tavern, he looked at the floor and wrinkled his nose, there was a quickly congealing puddle of blood on the floor. The group stopped abruptly, and Levi stood on top of a rock, to talk to them, Nikola found this amusing. 'Little man syndrome.' he quipped to himself. As the woman spoke, Nikola nodded, she had skills, admirable ones in fact - especially from the point of view of a ship captain - though quickly he became overwhelmed as it seemed that she stopped breathing as she was talking, he was considering snapping her out of it before she came to. Now it seemed like it was his turn to introduce himself.

"An Engineer and a Grunt, I would propose hiring them, skills like theirs would be invaluable on long voyages." He walked around the pair and stood in front of the captain, looking him level in the eyes, despite him standing on a rock, "I initially sought you out to fill your empty holds with salt and sulfur, though now I see that you're not here for trade purposes. My name is Nikola Vanderbilt, I'm a senior clerk for the town's mining sector and former commercial scout, I flew planes and shot at things the prior proactively and the latter when needed. Now, Engineers, Pilots and Grunts are all well and good but have you ever considered hiring a merchant, or a man who can calculate the difficult numbers need to run a ship? If not, then you can consider me your first, I know the where the money goes out there like the back of my hand, we can all come out of this richer then we started."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

As the sounds of the barfight chilled Levi looked around the group. All of them good at something that could help the ship, he found it a miracle. With a cold look he scanned the docks where his ship was parked, and saw few men checking it out. He tunred back to the group. "It seems that today the stars alligned so that we could meet. As of this moment, you are all hired to work on my airship. Settle every businees you have here and meet me tomorrow at 0600 or 6 AM." He looked at the waitress who raised his hand slightly. He nodded slightly "Yes you too. Now all of you go, may the desert wind pave your way home!" With that he jumped off the rock and nodded at Grimshaw to follow him. As the group silently went their own ways, the wind started to gently blow in the canyon, making noises that would haunt the dreams of a person for eternity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Imogen literally skipped back home. She felt like she had dreamed the entire thing, but it had been real. She had just been employed by her literal idol. She would be leaving town finally tomorrow morning. She finally had a direction to head in her life. She was euphoric. But as she came closer to home the reality of the situation began to sink in more. She hadn't really planned on suddenly packing up shop and leaving. She hadn't discussed it with her fathers and Elliott was expecting her to work the docks. She was fairly confident that Dexter would be genuinely excited, but she couldn't guarantee that Elliott's well planned mindset would lead him to be as enthusiastic. Still she was resolute in her decisions. She was a gown woman and had been looking for something to do with her life. Not that she would have been unhappy working the docks, but she had always been looking for something a bit more exciting and the wastes don't just hand out golden opportunities like this every day. She approached the wooden doors to the boathouse, the hardwood and steel rivets seeming much more imposing than they normally did. She took a deep breath and pushed open the doors, getting ready to face Elliott about her sudden leaving.
Dinner that night was expectedly tense. Elliott had not been pleased to suddenly lose his daughter and one of his best engineers at once, but once Dexter had gotten back from the bar and been caught up, he talked some sense into his husband and Elliott eventually relented.
"I guess I can't stop you then. Your mind's made up is it?" He asked.
Imogen nodded excitedly. "Yes. I have literally dreamed about this since I was a child."
Elliott nodded. "Well then I guess I can't put this off much longer." He stood and gestured for her to follow. He led her into his and Dexter's room, pulling the rug aside and lifting out a loose floorboard. From the small, hidden cubby he retrieved a scuffed, wooden box that was slightly lager than his palm.
"This belonged to your mother." He said, his eyes sad and distant. "She told me to give it to you when you came of age. I waited a bit because I was hoping to keep you safe, but you're going to need it."
He handed her the box. Inside was a small, single shot pocket pistol and four rounds. It's ornate, silvered sides were tarnished with age, but it still glinted slightly. Engraved on the mother of pearl handle in curvy, elegant lettering were the initials AH.
"Your grandmother had one made for each of her children. It won't kill anyone unless you're really lucky, and hell, I don't even know it works any more, but she left it to you and now seems like the last chance I'll have to give it to you."
Imogen's eyes watered as she cradled the small gun. Elliott almost never talked about her mother, but now he had surrendered the last piece of her that he had. They embraced as Dexter watched silently from the door, smiling sadly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Grimshaw followed obediently, keeping a respectful distance. He liked his new boss. Even if be weren't famous, he'd probably follow him out of respect. He slipped his mask and goggles back on as he followed, keeping an eye out for any trouble along the way to the ship.

"Where we headed first? Recommend a stop at Wellings along the way to grab ammunition. Them bullet farmers have been makin' mountains of it with all the lead they're pullin' out of the ground. Gon' need it if ya really think nwe'll get far as ya want."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Levi slowly walked downwards along a path carved into the wall. He turned back too look at all the other shadows slowly disappearing. He looked up at Grimshaw and let out a small smile. He tunred back and gestured backwards to follow. "Indeed that is what we are going to do. But do you suggest they have the appropriate caliber for my ship? " He heard his companion stop behind him as he said these words, but the footsteps quickly caught up.

They walked down a narrow pathway in a sparsely populated area of town. The pathway lead north towards a small incline in the canyon, where numerous shadows raised towards the sky. From afar they looked like claws, but inf act they were the huge cranes they used to lift scrap from the bottom. They walked slowly, making sure not to fall in the dim light the moon provided. With silent steps they looked like ghosts haunting the narrow pathway leading into the graveyard of forgotten machines. After almost 10 minutes of monotonous walk the walkway abruptly ended in a roadsign. Levi stopped, but Grimshaw wasn't so quick to notice that, and he bumped into the captain. Levi balanced himslef backwards and felt that two hands grab him. He looked down into the deep emptyness before taking a step back. "That was too close. Thank god you catched me." He didn't want to make a fuss about his companion bumping into him, after all it was muddy dark. HE turned left to the canyon wall. H started to feel around the wall, inspecting rock by rock. S8uddenly there was no more wall and he fell insode a small unlit tunnel.

He shook his head and stood up slowly. He look back at Grimshaw who amusingly didn't chuckle. He dusted his coat, and straightened it before pulling out the gun from his holster and pressing a button on th side. With a flash the lamp under the gun's barrel lit up and the tunnel revealed it's darkness to them. It was a crude work, and seemed to be desing to last until the road would be finished. Whenever that time was, they clearly didn't fix the walkway, and lamps hang low from the ceiling, thought non of them lit. They slowly walked downwards in the curvy tunnel for minutes. There were small windows carved into the wall sometimes, from where you could see the dark night. Not much of a help. The tunnel ended in the walkway again, and as they entered the huge cranes now looked even bigger. It was only a small walk now until the rock foundation the facility was built on, and they could see the gates.

Around the whole scrapyard a huge wall of towering height lied, stopping any intruders. Int he middle a massive iron gate lied. Levi slowly walked to the gate whilst admiring the beautiful look that the canyon offered. He knocked a few times and waited. In a minute a man came and opened the door for them. "State your business!" The man was dresses in a tight leather jacket and black pants that looked like as if they had endured better times before. He looked scruffy and on his head was a goggle with one the glasses broken. Levi and Grimshaw gave him the irritated look, and both of them held firm onto their guns. Levi coughed and raise the collar of his jacket, to which the gate's guard seemed to lighten up a bit. "Here for ammo and parts eyh? Come in Captain, come in!" He opened the gates wider and stepped aside to let Levi and Grimshaw in. He threw a frowny look towards Grimshaw as he passed by, and then closed the dooors.

"We are here for ammunition only. I need 3 crates of 20mm shells, quality can be mixed. I need 5 crates of prime quality 50. cal ammo, and for that I need your finest. I also need 2 crates of 88mm artillery grenades. One box for HE and the other for solid core. If you have AP I will pay for the extra fee. I will be her tomorrow around 7 to pick the crates up. You got that? I also want to inspect your small arms ammo." The eyes of the small man lit up as Levi told him his orders. He bowed as much as he possibly could, and Grimshaw didn't know what to take for it. Levi looked at the man run off into a small warehouse nearby, whistling. He was sure they don't get such offers around here very often. He was a bit surprised such a town like Thrin had an enormous scrapyard like this. Theere were towering mounts of different machinery around, giagantics steel beams sticking out, like the ribs of an enormous monster. He fiddled with his sidearm for a bit and Grimshaw leaned agains the wall as they were waiting for the man to return. After some time the man came back with a trolley behind him, filled with ammo boxes. He stopped next to them and proudly showed at his wares. "Our finest ammo for small arms. Varying caliber, poor and prime ammo too. Take your pick Sir!" He put his fungers together like any merchant would, who is looking at a wealthy customer. Levi inspected the boxes and inspected teh shells inside. After a few minutes he choose 3 with various calibers and mixed quality. "We will take these. Now I will make my leave, as I am in a hurry. We'll be back for the ammo tomorrow morning. Be sure to make your biggest dock ready. He turned around and gestured to Grimshaw to follow him. The merchant looked a bit disappointed as his customer didn't choose his finest (and most expensive) vares, and with a small sight he took the crates back to the storage, and labeled those the Catptain choose.

Levi and Grimshaw left the Scrapyard and took their long journey back to the docks.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 3 days ago

The cold evening only helped to reinforce the surreality of the situation, initially Nikola had gone to look for the captain in an effort to fill his holds with sulfur and salt but the world had knocked him onto his head and now he was a crew member on an airship. As Nikola walked through the chill, he wrapped his arms around himself, he had come to live in Thrin years ago and made a comfortable life for himself, he had a well paying job and his own place, he was satisfied, though still disgruntled by his brother's unwillingness to hand over the reigns of the family business; it was a shame that he had to leave now. A few minutes of walking the narrow winding platforms of Thrin, Nikola arrived at the door of his place. He brushed his feet on an antique door mat and unlocked the door.

During his time in the town, he had made his house into a home. It was a one room dwelling, well two if one didn't discount the toilet, it was a square 12 yards by 12 yards and 2 1/2 yards high, cut directly into the rock. In the corner was his bed, a twin size hay mattress, two could fit on it if they didn't mind being close to one another; in the middle was a circular table with a few crates meant to be chairs thrown around it, a half finished solitaire game sat by an upturned box, he dealt himself an impossible hand. To the left of the table, mounted on the wall was a large cork board, with layers of papers and scribbled notes pinned onto it, a large map peeked out in places in the background, lengths of red twine joining point on the map.

Nikola sighed and kicked his shoes off, discarding them by the door. He locked the door behind him and went straight to his bed, though he could use the sleep, his first instinct was not to flop not the mattress, he dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed and dragged out a dusty duffle bag from under it. Vanderbilt gave it a good few smacks, sending swirling clouds of dust into the air which he fanned away, he brought his hand to the zip and pulled it to the opposite end of the bed. Nikola reached in and slowly, started to pull out the contents, his old adventuring gear. Black cargo pants, a grey turtleneck and black suspenders, he pulled out a pair of worn boots and a a green felt coat, out came fingerless gloves and a red scarf; in the gear he fit into the crowd much better then he would in his suit. He folded the pile of clothes into a neat pile and shifted them off to the side, reaching back into the bag to pull out the remaining objects, miscellaneous charts, empty shell casings among some of the junk inside. Finally he pulled out his knife, a gift from a tribal chief for setting up trade relations and a pistol holster that went under his coat, he didn't know why he kept it, he had sold his gun months ago.

Upon emptying out the duffle bag, he went around his room and assessed the situation, he spent a few hours with the papers form the cork board, sorting out what he needed and ripping up what he found useless, eventually he had a pile of paper held together by a bulldog clip. Nikola dropped the pile into the duffle bag, along with the rolled up map and the ball of red twine, everything else he would need was folded and arranged on the table, along with his gear for the next day. With a yawn, he staggered over to the bed and slipped under the covers, "Might as well get some sleep.." he mumbled to himself as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

He woke up the next day to the ring of his alarm clock, 0400, sitting up he stretched out his arms and yawned, smacking his lips together and looking at all his belongings packed up. Slipping out of bed, he picked up his alarm clock and threw it into the bag along with his papers; he proceeded to strip into his skivvies and place his folded suit into the duffle bag. Once done and in his gear, he stood in the doorway and frowned, he'd be leaving the comfort of his home for the unknown, at that moment he was having second thoughts but looking down at himself in his gear, those thoughts vanished. He locked the door behind him and went to the office, to pick up his last pay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A crescent shape arose as the scorching rays of the sun started to roam the dunes. They painted everything with a yellow hue, and quickly told all nocturnal life to seek shelter. The dock workers and the sale extractors have been working for nearly an hour now. Cranes moved relentlessly, lifting up salt and occasioanl scrap from the dark depths of the canyon. The dock workers were busy as always, most launches and arrivals were scheduled for the morning hours. They refueled ships, lifted crates and supplies into cargo holds, and did maintenace where needed.
Levi woke up about an hour earlier, and now he bent on the railing of the catwalk and drank his tea whilst watching the buzzing docks. People went by, some got into a friendly chat about what happened last night, and others seemed to be in a rush to get onto an airship. The whole place looked like a buzzing ant castle, everyone doing their job mindlessly, not even questioning why. He took a long sip from his tea and went back into the cabin to put down the empty mug. He watered his plants and checked a few gauges. After he finished with business insie the ship and waited for the others to arrive. He checked his watch. They had about 15 minutes to get here. He sighed and continued to look at the lively morning of the dockworks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The sun had just risen above the waste land. Its rays burning everything that was not in the shadow. It was beautiful yet terrifying. The waste looked empty with nothing but dust. Then a little speck on the horizon, It was a small caravan made out of a carriages. The carriages where bus sized and where pulled by horse sized lizards, Which looked like Comodo dragons packed with people, oil,food and minerals. Damien was at the front carriage sitting at the back between two other waste-landers Which seemed to be asleep. Damien really didn't care about them. He was more busy looking at Thrin which was getting closer and closer. He looked at the others in the carriages. Some of them where sleeping others where either awake Or dozing off. Damien had tried to start a conversation with some of them,but they had ignored him. The only one he had been able to have some small talk with was the driver of the Carriage. They talked about how trade was doing and The driver even gave some tips about some trade routs, which Damien wrote down on his map. The driver also mentioned how the state of the world was doing.

The information was old, A year at best. But at least it was nice to listen to something. Beside the hissing of the lizards, and the howling wind.The journey itself had taken at least a few weeks. Damien could have just gone via airship but that was to expensive. He sighed as he looked at the blue sky, Which was the only thing that did not look depressing. After a few hours of traveling they where finally at Thrin.
The town wasn't much to look at. It was a mining settlement. Nothing more nothing less. Still it was better than a small caravan by a long shot. Damien walked of the Carriage and paid the driver with 4 Dit. He then looked at the Lizard which was looking at him. Damien walked over it to pet. Something which was bad idea, Because as soon as he got close it leaped forward trying to bite Damien's hand off.

People giggled as they watched Damien fall onto the sand. Ashamed, He walked of to find the scrapyard. Since he needed some parts to craft a few guns. He had to make money somehow. After asking a few people for directions he arrived at what he had thought to be just a pile of scrap ripe for the taking. Instead he found himself looking at a wall surrounding said scrap. The only entrance was a heavy metal gate. Damien knocked at it and a man opened it."What do ya want white skin!"
Damien sighed. It wasn't the first time someone had called him that." I come to buy gun parts. If you have any that is."

The man grunted and let him in. Damien looked for anything usefull. He finally got some parts together. He walked over to the counter, and asked how much it would cost. The man grinned evilly. You could see the greed coming of him." For a white skin like you it will cost double. So that will be 20 dit please." Damien knew he was being ripped of."20 Dit my ass!" He thought to himself.
He tried to haggle but the man wouldn't budge. Damien sighed and put the scrap back. when he started to walk out of the shop his eyes spotted the crates." Sorry if you mind me asking but who are those crates for?"The man laughed." They are for someone who can actually pay for something. It was a captain if i remember correctly." Damien's eyes lit up. A captain meant a job. A job meant money, And money meant survival." You don't mind me waiting here for him do you?"The man looked at him and grinned." Youl have to pay for that too." Damien just ignored him walked outside and sat against the wall and awaited for this captian to show up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Imogen bolted awake as the alarm clock she had repaired several years ago rang early in the morning. She looked at the clock face. It was just before five. Considering her usual four am days on crane duty she was feeling brilliant, having gotten a chance to sleep in. She dressed and washed quickly, picking up the clothing that Dexter had packed last night. Elliott may have been the studious one, but Dexter was much more organized. She ate a breakfast of eggs and fried meat that Dexter had prepared before leaving for work. He had left a note for her that she read over while she ate.

Dear Imogen
Sorry I can't be there to see you in person to see you off, both my security guy and one of my barmaids quit last night so I gotta pick up some shifts at the bar. I wanted to say that I think it's great what you're doing. You've always been bound for great things and now is your chance to prove it. Get out there and be the wonderful woman that I know you can be. There's good things ahead of you. I'm so proud.
Your pop for ever,

PS Make sure that you write often. You know how El will worry.

Imogen smiled and chuckled as she finished eating and folded up the paper, sliding it into her back pocket. She went downstairs and gathered all her belongings, two duffel bags of tools, a backpack for her clothes, and Brigid. She Hugged Elliott and said her goodbyes before rushing to the docks. She ran across town, taking the steps up to the Magnificent's dock twice at a time. She took a moment to catch her breath before standing proudly before Levi, Brigid perched majestically on her shoulder. The falcon squawked as Imogen beamed at Levi.
"Engineer Imogen Carol Agnes Kelin-Hollister reporting for duty, Captaiain Levi!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 3 days ago

The walk to the where the ship was moored was an odd one, as he had never experienced anything like it. In his wasteland gear, it seemed that no one knew who he was, he was just another face in the crowd without his suit; Nikola passed by people that would normally have stopped what they were doing to say good morning, some he liked, others he didn't. As he walked, the floorboards creaked under the weight of him and his things, he had his duffle bag slung over his shoulder, filled with everything he thought useful to take and he had retrieved his typewriter from his office, he had bought a new one for himself as the one the company provided wasn't the best, that dangled in from his right hand in it's case.

Dawn light spilled over the form of the massive airship, it's brass plates glowing hotly and brightly, he was still in awe of it, he didn't believe that he would ever get over the sensation either. As he approached he regretted telling the captain he was a pilot, he didn't want to control that thing, he much preferred planes, he found the defunct between them was the difference between riding a cow and a horse. He stood by the woman who called up to Levi, she seemed to be much more over burdened then he was, two duffle bags and a backpack; he waited for her to finish calling up to the captain before making his presence known.

"Good morning, my Captain!" he called through the din of the dock, "I'm not sure what title to give myself but rest assured, you will find my services quite valuable!" He turned to the woman and put his typewriter case down, extending his hand, "Nikola Vanderbilt, it's a pleasure to meet you." he put on his best smile, "May I enquire who I'll be spending a few months on the same ship with?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Levi slowly focused his gaze onto a dot in the distance that kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon he could clearly see the shapes of the young girl as she ran towards the airship. She dodged few people with her dufflebags swinging around, leaving swears and stares behind her. Levi let out a small chuckle as he checked his watch once again. He pressed a button and the timer made a halt so he could make a note. 11 minutes early. He put his notebook away and readied his watch once again as he saw a suspicious figure approach from another direction. Quite the sight carrying a typewriter through the streets filled with dirty miners. He guessed it was that clerk guy who wanted to sell salt. He made a quick note saying - 9 minutes early. He put his notebook away once again and raised his shades as the young Imogen approached the ship. He tried to look focused and cold, but seeing the girl carrying so many things, he couldnt help but grin.
"Engineer Imogen Carol Agnes Kelin-Hollister reporting for duty, Captaiain Levi!" She looked very excited as he jumped from leg to leg, whilst his new clerk arrived. After his name stated he looked Levi in the eyes. "It be none other than Captain Levi! A pleasure to meet you both! You made a good hussle getting here! Now Nikola please help Imogen with her bags!" He cracked his back and stepped in front of a small plated door in the railing. With a swift kick the door gave up, and the metal plates folded out to make a bridge. "Welcome aboard the TSS Magnificent lads!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Thanks, but I can handle my own bags. I got them all the way here after all I can get them down to the engine room." Imogen grinned and trotted happily aboard, carrying the bags with her. Her eyes took in her surroundings with awe, her steps bouncing through the cramped, brassy corridors as though it was an elaborate manor. She quickly enough found her way to the engine room at the rear of the ship, excitedly beginning to immerse herself in and familiarize herself with the runnings of the Magnificent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was hot down here. Very hot. But that didn't matter to him. The bowls of the ship were his home, as he shunned the sunlight. Too long he had been down here, fixing anything that would break. It has always been a quiet job. Only the creaking of the pipes and the releasing of steam were the sounds that surrounded him. But today there was a new sound... an unfamiliar one. Footsteps on the metal floor. Not the usual heavy ones from the captain. No... No, lighter ones. Yes, yes! He tries to pinpoint the location of the sound and makes his way towards it.

He turns around the corner and sees an unknown figure standing over one of the many machines in the engine room. Quickly jumping back behind the corner, he starts observing the figure. What was this person doing down here? Had they been attacked without him knowing? The captain would surely have told him if that was the case, right?

Oh no! She was about to touch the Tssshhhh'er! He always got ouchies from those. Not wanting to hear the screams of pain, he quickly sprints towards the oblivious Imogen, wanting to put a stop to her actions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RhineQueen
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RhineQueen Queen of the Rhine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Brigid's head swiveled and she squawked loudly, lifting off from Imogen's shoulders and diving at the mysterious man. Imogen jumped back as Brigid leaped into action. She screamed and stumbled backwards, arms pinwheeling as she tripped on the strap from her tool bag. She tumbled to the floor as Brigid flapped around the man's head crying out loudly.
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