Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GameGuruGG
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Juri, Joppa Road

Juri nodded and followed DIO towards Joppa Road soon hearing the drone of wings and the sounds of destruction that he had already picked up on. She wondered what sort of candy-coated creature the two of them were about to see. However, the creatures they saw were, surprisingly for this challenge, unedible and not made of food. They were however insects as large as a man, which was just as unusual. Juri watched the insects invade Joppa Road, including one that was having its own feast on a poor man. While she prefered to fight humanoids, these bugs would prove interesting to fight, especially in her weakened state. Juri found the situation humorous and chuckled morbidly, "It's like ants invading a picnic only these ants are big enough to eat people as well."

Juri watched as DIO laid waste to three of the bugs that flew at him using some form of attack from his eyes, not even breaking a sweat. She then turned to watch as four bugs sporting glowing green sacs bit into a poor woman who was unfortunate enough to have still been on Joppa Road. She watched as the bugs pumped the glowing green liquid from the sacs into the poor woman's body. The woman screamed as her body was injected with venom and she fell unconscious, being cocooned in web by one of the bugs to eat later. Then the bugs, save for the one cocooning the girl, spotted Juri and saw her as another potential source of food. Juri wasn't going to let that happen, even if she was weakened from the fight with DIO. As three of the bugs flew at her, Juri jumped into the air... and then slammed down on the heads of each and every one, crushing each of the three creature's heads and killing them. Seeing what had happened to its companions, the bug who had been busy cocooning the poor woman flew off with its future meal in tow. It didn't need to risk its life fighting Juri. Even in such a weakened state, Juri was still able to fight effective enough to kill weak threats to herself, but because of the state she was in, Juri let the remaining insect fly off.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Garie, Roanpur

The bug swarms had arrived in full force, and though none of them were really a threat, Garie still found it annoying as she was forced to exercise her full ability, even just to defend herself. Of course, it was helpful that so many other people here were armed or stupid enough to serve as bait, so she would take the help that she could get from it, at least as far as distractions went.

"Geez, this is no fun," she grumbled to herself, another gesture sending a pillar of water slamming into a bug, earning a screech and sending it flying away. She was unfazed by the carnage going on as she eyed the bugs. Sure, they were a problem, but they just weren't any fun to fight. There was no passion, no intelligence. She'd take a Gear User over them any day.

Turning, she saw another bug approaching and sighed. But she didn't move as it approached, only for herself to vanish into a hundred bubbles and water as the stinger struck, revealing it to be nothing but an illusion. Just as planned.

The real Garie appeared then, posing at the beasts side with a nonchalant grin. "You're pretty dumb, aren't you," she taunted before delivering a sharp kick, sending flesh and muscle crumpling before landing. A quick shot of icicles then and she turned back to the fight at hand, letting out another sigh. Sure, she'd fight, but this was all just so boring. Here was hoping the guy in charge of this threw an actual challenge at her soon.

Tailred, Skies over Mahora

"Haaaa!" A cry tore through the air as Tailred fought, blue energy keeping her aloft as she swung her sword amidst the swarms of flying bugs that entered Mahora. Each strike chopped off some body part, these bugs falling just as easy as the Ultimagil. Yet there seemed to be no end to them, even with the numbers that the defense systems took out. At least she wasn't alone though, as other fighters made their presence known. It would have to compensate for the lack of the rest of her team.

She spun in the sky, a blur of red amidst greens and purples. Her Blaze Sword cut sharp as she pulled up against a long creature, slicing it horizontally as she ran along the surface, before the thing practically split open while she flew away. Another one down, and....a whole lot more, to go.

She pulled away, ready to go on to another large bug, when suddenly explosions filled the air, some of them alarming close to her. What? She had bare time to think before another explosion hit, this one incredibly close and tossing her from the force of the impact. Luckily she managed to arrest her fall, but it was a close run thing.

"Hey!" she cried to no one in particular, hanging motionless as she recovered. She didn't know who that was, but she was going to give them a piece of her mind when this was over, that was for sure. Instead, for now she took out her aggression on the bugs, cutting a path through the swarm as she did what she could to thin their numbers. She could do this, she had to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Yukine Chris

Unlike her colleague, Chris wasn't having a good day--though she'd attacked some of the available food with gusto and a lack of table manners that was almost cringeworthy to behold. Unlike Hibiki, she was absolutely certain that this wasn't a dream, both because she'd actually been awake in lessons like you were supposed to be and that this was hardly the first time she'd been abducted against her will. When she found who did it, there'd be explosions for sure.

Fortunately, a distraction appeared that gave Chris an opportunity to vent her frustrations on something that would actually deserve it. Transforming, and singing a delightfully cheerful song about blowing people to bits, Chris took aim at the bugs and started firing, not sparing a thought that the familiarity of this situation was making her nostalgic for her first song.

She was, annoyingly, not on her own: various others were attacking the insect swarm, including one redhead--that seemed to implausibly be a Symphogear user--who was actually in the way. Friendly fire meant that the really big guns were out, so instead of trying to get the entire mass in this region of Mahora in one shot, the white-haired girl just went for her favourite configuration: two double-barrelled Gatling guns.

Though without the homing properties that the crossbow beams had, there was no doubt that the vast increase in firepower made up for it. Plus, if any of the bugs did make it through the people in front of her and the curtain of fire, she could keep using them, unlike most of her other attacks. Not having the idiot here made it a lot more difficult than she'd gotten used to, since there was nobody to cover Chris's back whilst she charged up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 41 min ago

Sakura Kyouko

Kyouko was about to launch her spear upwards, to yank another bug down from the sky, when suddenly yet another magical girl appeared. This one seemed more akin to the flying girl with the sword who was chopping apart the creatures in the sky than anything she was familiar with. But all magical girls looked a bit different, she supposed. Eh, wasn't the time to think about that crap, was it? Though it was kind of a surprise when the newcomer suddenly whipped out a pair of gatling guns and fired into the sky, the roar of gunfire nearly blotting out the sound of the bugs being ripped to shreds, their remains tumbling from the sky and crashing to the ground below in huge numbers. It was cutting the swarm down.

"These pieces of trash are screwed!" she commented with a fanged grin, her spear lashing up to slit one of them open as it began to fly towards her, the chains rattling as she cleaved apart its abdomen and spilled greenish blood across the ground. One swiftly landed beside her, managing to evade the gunfire. Or at least it appeared so at first. As Kyouko whirled around, she saw it had lost one wing and a limb to the newcomer's attacks even if it had managed to land close and was lunging with snapping jaws at her. Swinging her spear in an arc, the redheaded magical girl drove it downwards and through the beast's head, planting it there to use it almost like a pole vaulter would, throwing herself into the air and leaping over the corpse, yanking the tip out as she landed behind it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Filia – Moon Over Bourbon Street

@vitavitaAR@flamelord@invisible man@raineh daze

One by one, the various people surrounding Filia broke off from the group in a rush, either to combat or away from it, and rapidly the schoolgirl found herself alone in the middle of a devastated Oreo road with the unappealing corpse of a taco monster growing ripe on the nearby curb. After moving a suitable distance away from the scarcely edible carcass to give her nostrils a reprieve, Filia turned her curious, ruby-red eyes on the skies and shivered. There looked to be no end to the things whatsoever. With hope and confidence she paid close attention to the work of Kyouko, Krieg, and Ed, as well as two new arrivals on the scene, Tailred and Chris. To be more precise, Filia watched the various attacks, from rain of bullets to flashing spear to dancing blade, for more often than not some building or bunch of bugs inconveniently blocked her view. For the time being, she knew her usefulness would be terribly low, given the woeful inadequacy of her ranged options.

Her considerate interest in the condition of the others did not, fortunately, hinder her ability to notice threats to her own. A pair of insects, having swerved to avoid gatling fire and traveled around the effective range of Kyouko, bore down on Filia now with jaws poised to rip and stingers ready to strike. When she saw that these particular specimens featured bigger, toothier maws on the ends of their tails, the schoolgirl instinctively flinched, but recovered in time to throw a long tentacle of hair and snare one. With a grunt of effort, Samson pulled the bug down and beat it into the crumbly, sugar-filled ground, not direct enough to splatter it but a sufficient bludgeon to keep it stunned. “Nahh!” Filia leaped to the side to avoid the second critter's charge, and a scorpion-tail made of hair whiffed the passing bug by a disappointing foot. Samson spotted a third monster approaching, and growled, ”Enough fooling around. Meta-morphosis!” The ebony hair arranged itself into four beetlelike wings and antennae, and Filia, recognizing the call-out, dived forward to initiate flight. Her wings beat frantically and managed to trap enough air beneath them to keep Filia from eating pavement, and with a suppressed shout of laughter the schoolgirl lifted a few feet into the air. Unable to engage the insects for now, she darted around low to the ground, keeping her speed up and leading them on a merry chase. It went without saying that Filia could use some help.

DIO – Joppa Road


The brief battle between Juri and the vile arthropods narrowly preceded DIO's full restoration. After sparing a glance at the ruined and twitching husks of the insects left by his pretty friend on the pavement, he crossed his arms and observed with mounting disinterest a swarm crawling over a building further down Joppa Road. Evidently, the brownish sheen of the edifice's walls originated not from tinted glass or stonework, but from bricks now made of ham; these appeared satisfactory as appetizers to a ravenous horde of insects while they kept their countless eyes out for more suitable victims. ”Small wonder they're so hungry,” he commented offhandedly. ”Humans are simply worthless as food. Bone, skin, and intestines, really, no true sustenance to speak of. All most are good for is blood.”

Taking to the air, the swarm left behind the ham building, moving like a deadly chitinous cloud toward a bus whose human contents had betrayed themselves. Elsewhere, even greater shoals buzzed through the air or clustered on buildings. For the moment, however, DIO ceased to find them worth his attention. Instead, he focused his eyesight and interest on a rising column of fire several blocks away. If not for his experience with the supernatural, the vampire might have supposed this ascending shape to be some kind of rocket, perhaps fired by some overprepared cynic, or a missile launched by a daring do-gooder to strike at an unknown insect queen and end this invasion, but DIO could see nothing technological about it. It struck him as something more along the lines of a man on fire. ”Hm.” A pressure was building within his eyes. A lesser man might have passed out, imagining a balloon swelling inside his skull, but DIO just bared his teeth in a sadistic grin. ”Bad timing for you, burning one. Uriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

As DIO screamed, brilliantly-glowing pink jets of liquid erupted from his eyes, shooting with the force of an industrial water-cutter into the sky. It blasted straight through a single bug, a couple hundred yards away. When DIO turned his head, however, his Space Ripper Stingy Eyes altered trajectory, cutting a massive swath through an entire swarm of them; including, if fortune did not favor him today, the Super Skrull. Within the space of another two seconds, DIO whipped his head back and forth, slicing through the swarm multiple times.

The vampire let out a snarl as the beams died and he covered his eyes, dripping pink-orange fluid down his cheeks and onto his shirt. While his eyes regenerated, they could not see the deluge of bug juices and body parts raining down over the city. The swarm he'd blasted through splintered into several smaller groups, its numbers dramatically thinned. ”A lot of vampiric essence gone...be a dear and keep me safe for a few minutes, won't you?” By his side, the World blinked into existence, and turned its eyes on Juri. ”A high-power Stand requires direction, usually by sight...but if you call out, I will automatically send the World to attack wherever you are.” He stood still as a new sound greeted him. New insects were coming, ones without wings. ”Here they come.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azakma

Azakma And Zombies Are Kicking My Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Super Skrull - Skies over Roanapur

To survive a war, you had to be lucky and you had to be aware. This didn't apply to everyone, of course; Some lucky bastards were just immortal. Kl'rt, though mighty, could die as easily as any skrull. Yet he had survived more wars than most Earthlings could even name. Wars that had slain gods and torn the universe asunder. Over the decades, Kl'rt's survival had become less a matter of luck, and more the result of increasing awareness and experience. He had been swarmed by the bugs almost immediately when he took to the skies. The number of targets was too high to bother counting, while the challenge was low enough that the only satisfaction came from just how many he killed.

Surrounded as he was by rising smoke, flying bugs and falling corpses, Kl'rt may have met his end had the attack been aimed at him directly. The bright pink lines tore through one of Kl'rt's more distant foes and then swung toward the skrull, swinging back and forth and killing about half the remaining swarm; the half closer to their origin. Whether Kl'rt was at the edge of their range, or his assailant below had only fired them so far, he did not know. As soon as they had moved towards him though, the Super-skrull flew beyond their reach, wrapping himself in a force field so he could concentrate on their origin.

The figure he saw at the other end was one he recognized both from reports he had received and their arrival in this city. The human was dressed in the flamboyant manner Kl'rt had come to expect from Earth champions. It was obviously an attack on Kl'rt at least as much as it was targeting the bugs, so this one was more likely what the humans would call a villain. So be it, thought Kl'rt. Let him think himself successful. The skrull pushed forth great gouts of uneven flame, as though losing control, and then surrounded himself with an inferno, roasting and igniting everything around him. He made a force bubble, then rapidly expanded it, pushing everything away from him like a blast wave. Burning corpses and shards of flaming chitin would rain down upon the surrounding blocks like shrapnel from a grenade. He had pushed much of it towards his attacker, but not enough to be obvious. If the man survived, Kl'rt could take vengeance later, for an attack on him was an attack on the Skrull Empire.

Before the smoke cleared, the super-skrull became invisible. He stretched his body and glided to the ground. Once he landed, he took on the form of an earthling he had encountered before; The one that called himself Wolverine. If others in the city were of a mind to kill him, it wouldn't hurt to take a more close quarters approach to handling the bugs. Disguising himself as a human once again was to lower the risk of being noticed by competitors. Confining himself to fighting with an emulation of claws, that was just to bring some fun into it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LuciansMentor
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LuciansMentor The Writer Who Ruminates

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jax - Battle of the Bento Tree

Jax rushed toward the fray towards the singing combatant. He swung the Cup at a bug who was just about to sneak up on her, with a mighty CLUNK! and a crack, the bug fell towards the ground as Jax landed on the hillside. He saw the girl admist everything, she was still singing, how could she be so unaware that monsters were trying to kill her? Maybe she's like Annie. The Grandmaster thought, She might not realize her situation and something else might be taking over maybe? Another bug rose up to fight him, flapping it's reflective wings in the light. CLUNK! Down it went, screaming as most likeley it's skull had been fractured by the titanium and silver frame of the cup. Without another second to breathe, three more popped up by Jax. Flapping their wings menacingly they flew straight at him, fangs out and eyes filled with instinct. The Grandmaster's eyes lit up and a smile cracked underneath his mask, he lived for this. He began to spin his staff over his head, it whirled in the wind almost matching the high paced beat of the ravenous insect's wings. The Grandmaster with about a fourth of his strength swung the mighty pole at the three around him: Clunk! Clunk! CLUNK! Two of them dropped to the ground but the third one shook it off and without warning charged again, catching the Grandmaster by the Cup and furiously biting on it.

Jax snickered, this was a challenge and the Grandmaster at Arms loved them. He let go of his staff and instead hopped on the giant beast's back, running down it's shiny exoskeleton he slid all the way to the back of it's thorax. The bug, unware of what he was doing simply shook in order to make him fall but was unsuccessful. The Grandmaster finishing his slide front flipped into the air, his left foot began to glow with a gleaming yet empowering yellow color. He winded up his foot using the momentum of the flip and flew back down behind the creature, because of the air and the momentum of Jax falling he knew that this would hurt. Then it happened, the Grandmaster swung his left leg around and kicked the insect with such force that its wings stopped, it flew very far into another hill where it crashed and made a very convincing crushing sound. The Summoner's Cup flew back through the air, twirling as it majestically glowed in the sun.

Jax landed on the ground and caught the cup with his right hand and looked back up at the girl, still fighting and still singing. What is with this woman? Why does she sing? How the hell is she still alive even? The Grandmaster stared at the girl, confused and at the same time he punched a small fly who immediately fell to the floor and died. He looked back to his friends, the small pony firing laser beams into the air and Chun-Li kicking everything with everything she had. Jax called out to Ranma, Hey kid! Join in over here! There's lot's of stuff to rough up! And I don't think Miss Sing-Song here likes bein alone! So show me that fighting will ya?

@Grey Star@Raineh Daze
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Tachibana Hibiki

As if to inflate the grandmaster's concerns about how the singing girl was managing to avoid getting herself murdered by the horde of insects, Hibiki began to pick up pace whilst fighting the insects. The same kick that was used to crush one was used to propel her towards another, even as the targets became more plentiful. Whilst the singing did seem like an anomaly, it obviously wasn't impeding her awareness nor Hibiki's ability to strike out: each blow was clearly made with some sort of skill behind it.

The impacts, however, were clearly beyond what someone of her size and strength should be able to produce, even the unaided attacks managing to crumple the comparatively flimsy bugs. More unusually, Hibiki was using the attacks themselves as a means of mobility, moving upwards to deal with flying enemies on a more level playing field--something that, at least, Ranma would be familiar with. Despite the damage by each attack, the magical girl clearly had no way to en masse deal with enemies, aside from something like her initial punch and its shockwave.

Nonetheless, despite her inability to meaningfully thin the numbers, Hibiki was making a good job of shielding someone stuck on the ground--kicking off one of the bugs in order to slam into another, and another, knocking them both aside from where they would have dived upon Chun-Li. Even with the singing, the brunette was clearly paying attention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Green Rhapsody
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Green Rhapsody Green Is A Creative Color

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jade Harley

Oh boyyyy, this guy really was not a happy camper! Weren't caped crusaders supposed to be nice and campy. And, you know, not a big grumpy pants! At least, that's what John always said when he'd go on and on and on about the awesomeness of all those comic book heroes. Though, maybe he was one of those anti-heroes? Jade distinctly remembered her brother telling her they were kind of jerkfaces.

"Roger dodger, mr. mask!" The dog girl replied with an ever present goofy grin and a mock salute, before she began floating up into the sky. Pulling the rifle off her back, she moved the scope up to her eye. Not having her First Guardian powers was seriously inconvenient for finding out where she was. She now had to rely on good old fashioned eye sight. And, well, the scope of a high calibur rifle, but details!

She looked to the left. Nothing but lots of food plants and food animals. She looked to the right and noticed her new partner heading towards something. Getting a better look, she spotted a group of people near a Bento tree. She guessed that meant they weren't the only ones brought here.

The godtier was just about to fly down and join the group when she spotted something headed towards them. Bugs! Big gross bugs! Oh nooooooo! They were going to hurt all those potential friends! jade definitely couldn't have that. Aiming her rifle, she began taking long distance shots at the bugs. Unfortunately, there was too many for her to get them all, but it seemed the Bento Tree people had a lot of cool abilities that let them handle themselves!

Tsubomi Kido

Today had certainly been a long day for the Mekakushidan leader. Still drenched in Miso and with no idea where she was, all she could do was cross her over her chest and shiver ever so slightly. Miso Lake had been pleasantly warm before, but now out here in the breeze, she was feeling a chill starting to set in. Cold, wet, and with no where to go. She guessed this was the full runaway experience she never really had to endure. At least, she wouldn't be going hungry anytime soon.

Kido seemed to be taking this much better than before. She was, until, she felt something poke her side. Looking down, her naturally glare-like gaze actually managed to widen considerably. She felt faint. Nope. Brain does not want to accept this reality. This was all a dream~

W, what was even up with this girl's arms?! She was so... odd looking. "U-uh... I'm... uh," Brain still refused to work and her mouth was doing little to help either. "I mean, I don't..." Come on Kido, you can be cool. You can handle this. She opened her mouth to attempt communication again. And failed. Miserably.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 12 days ago

Undyne - Skies over Mahora?


Wind roared around her as she fell, 'eye' closed for but a few moments as she reveled in the thrill of gravity threatening to drag her into being crushed against the ground... "PFF! Fuck you Gravity! I'm Undyne!" She threw her limbs out to catch the wind, figuratively speaking of course, and slowed her descent by, like, a tiny fraction, since it wouldn't do to slow down so much she seemed like a wussy! Why she was even falling out of the sky at this point, whether it was the transition to another world or throwing herself in a grand leap from atop some other tall building, was a moot point.

What 'mattered' was what she saw when her eye opened... Creatures, she was sure humans would call them monsters, she was still trying to accept that it was just a word they used for evil things and dangerous beasts and that it was only coincidence that it sounded like her species... "Jeez Alphys, all that analysis turned my inner monologue into a walking tangent, UGH!." Screw it! A bunch of 'monsters' swarming over a barrier like an ocean of, She grinned suddenly, Targets!

Now she felt a familiar power coursing through her, pouring out of her hands and gathering around her in the form of those familiar energy spears, then with a swing of her arm a dozen of them launched down at the swarm... "CRAP!" and she sent herself tumbling about in the air from the motion "Screw you Physics! I preferred when I didn't know you existed!" not that this would stop her, She began re-summoning and flinging the spears at random, without a care in the world for the possibility that someone might already be flying around down there that might get hit or not... Nope! What mattered was that it was fucking AWESOME to drop hundreds of spears on a bunch of freaky Insect monsters that were trying to eat people!

Eventually she got lucky with several of her throws her caused her tumbling to start to even out, where she was able to better see her distance from the creatures, which had sense been peppered by the pointy projectiles, even if many of them were too large for 'normal' spears to kill them that instantly, the velocity of her fall augmenting the spears would've thrown the things clean through the softer ones and left big gushing holes in them "Hah! Never fails!" Next she put her hands together and summoned a much more concentrated spear, energy seemed to leak off of the pointed blade and pour around her like thin clouds as it enlarged and she angled herself into a dive towards the biggest critter she could see.

As if on que, an especially large beetle kind of thing became visible through the swarm and with a twist she aimed aimed herself for it... which really kindof meant it was directly under her to begin with. "PERFECT! HRRRAAAAAAGGGHH!" She let out a piercing battle roar as if that was going to make several hundred pounds of mostly armor and muscle falling this velocity hit the thing any harder than she already would.

The spear connected with it's head it's head with flawless precision!... Which meant 'at all' and with enough force to bury her entire self in the things shattered open head as it's momentum was suddenly and violently changed into a free-fall for the ground with a big glowing point coming out of the bottom of it, and a similar sharp rising out of the top. This ended suddenly with a Massive crash, dust, and preferably an explosion or two!... those might have just been in her head though. Regardless, the thing was still motionless save for an occasional twist of wings, and pinned to the ground by it's head.

"HAAAAAAAAH!" Came a Triumphant or possibly desperate shout from within the gorey mess which began shifting for a few moments... Then several glowing spears crashed out from within the chitinous mess of it's head and shattered a way for the mess to pour out, along with a series of clanks from something metal, which quickly stood itself up. It's helmeted head seemed to split a bit and vomit out a bunch of gooey muck before clanking shut again "UGH! Damnit, that things tastes Disgusting! At least I can clear my helmet... other than that, That was AWESOME! HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHH!" It looked rather an imposing thing probably, nearly 8 feet tall, metal armored from head to foot, holding a glowing blue spear, and with a helmet that itself looked like it would reach out and bite someone, while having only a single eye-hole that possessed a small glowing dot in it.

Finally she was on the ground! So, what's next? Oh right, figuring out what all these other not bug monster noises were.


For the first time in a long time she froze in... something. Humans, lots of them... But not just 'any' humans. Humans with weapons... big ones, making lots of noise, peppering the bugs in gunfire and slicing them up with deadly blades, and that was hardly all they were doing, some were beating them down with their bare fists too! There weren't 'just' humans either, there was some strange being covered head to toe in outlandish armor she hadn't seen before, someone with freaking 'monster hair', and a flying horse thing that was 'on fire' and currently on course to zip right over her with a plethora of bug monsters chasing it... oh hey, that's right, things to fight!

"Stupid! Gush later, Fight now!" with one excessively over done stomp that buried her left leg up to the ankle in the ground before her, accompanied by sloshing of nasty fluids that had gotten into the armor, she 'set her foundation' then spread her arms out and began summoning her spears again... This bunch were moving fast so she wouldn't have a longer period of time to pepper them, it would have to be one-"NOW!" She suddenly threw both arms forward, clapping them together as several dozen spears launched up in a converging pattern into the cluster that was passing by... Splitting one right down the middle from sheer focused hits, before the spears all scattered and embedded into various random targets. "BULLSEYE!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 41 min ago


There were a lot of things Kino was unprepared for happening at once. Everyone had jumped into attacking, with a vast variety of methods. The strangest among them was, as far as Kino could tell, singing in order to power attacks. The singing girl was using the monsters as springboards, driving fists and feet into the creatures and crushing their bodies inwards with each impact. It seemed effective, if incredibly unusual. A few bugs were reaching beyond the others, though. Swiftly, Kino raised the Woodsman, and dove to the side as one landed in the spot she had occupied moments before. As it turned entirely to face her, the small dark-haired girl took aim and pulled the trigger. The bullet penetrated in an instant and the twitching bug was sent to the ground, a smoking hole through the side of its head. Stepping back and swinging the Woodsman up, she fired again, taking out a second bug monster as it was swooping towards her. The body crashed to the ground with a thud.

Five bullets fired from the Woodsman. Five bugs dead. Nine bullets remaining before she had to reload.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mahora Campus- Ranma's Bento Tree

Ranma gaped for a moment as everyone that was combat capable ripped into the bugs with gusto ranging from the empowered martial arts that he was used to before ranging between what looked like power armor powered by singing, guns, spears of energy, and various other special abilities that he could hear erupting in the other parts of the campus. By the time he was urged int combat, quite a few of the invading insects seemed to have been dead already by his rather capable combatants. It did feel rather nice to see that the people here were good at fighting and thus the pigtailed boy was filled with a brief sense of showsmanship, especially after Jax's urging and Hibiki's aerial combat.

"Hehe, right. Might as well help sweep up then." Smirking, the boy hopped off the ground with the ease of someone who was used to going against gravity before his body blurred into motion. One leg snapped towards a giant locust, aimed in a way that let his smash its head askew by attacking the more vulnerable neck joint. The momentum was used to spin himself away like a dervish into the next enemy where he reached out and tore off the wings as he passed by, much more willing to pull this maneuver after he faced a certain phoenix king back home. The flightless thing fell down, hastened by a stomp kick that smashed it into the pavement that killed the thing while allowing the teen to somersault gaudily over a giant hornet, leading it to embed its stinger into flying centipede which then wrapped around its attacker and bit at it, the two falling down in mutually assured destruction through poison. "Why are you hurting yourself?" He couldn't help quipping to the suckers even though he knew that the things weren't intelligent enough to understand him, his habits too deeply ingrained to really not use.

It was during his pinballing through the swarm that Ranma just happened to have a view of a neighboring area, which looked more like medieval fantasy land with castles and knights on horseback racing across grassy plains to combat the giant pests alongside footsoldiers and catapults, the sound of steel on carapace ringing in the distance. Frowning thoughtfully as he descended back down to earth before clutching a beetle's leg with his ankles and pulling off what Damian Wayne did even as his ride wove through the air uneasily due to the extra weight that it couldn't get at, the upside down martial artist decided to bellow out his thoughts to everyone else since the battle seemed to be winding down.

"Hey, after we finish up here, we should see if we can help out the neighbors. Chao's place seems to be rather safe and we might be able to save people that aren't quite as well off as us." Done with voicing his thoughts, Ranma then used his ridiculous trained body's core strength and center of gravity to backflip and fling something that weighed a lot more than him to eat the pavement before jumping atop the thing to jam a sharpened piece of candy cane he picked up during the confusion into its eye to end it while it was stunned. Looking about, he nodded as he saw the battle winding down as only a handful of things were buzzing about that could easily be cleared by the people here. That was good since it meant everyone here was uninjured and that they could go help out potential victims that much faster. A martial artist had a duty to help those that needed it after all, and for all his bravado and willingness to be underhanded sometimes, the boy had a clear sense of morality.

Seedy Cesspit of Crime and Human Filth, Roanapur

Over in Roanapur, things also seemed to be winding down. Despite the place having a lot more giant arthropods to contend with than over in Mahora, it also had a much bigger population, the majority of which knew how to use brands of firearms that would be illegal even in the state of Texas. Shells, slugs, rockets, napalm, and various other deadly pieces of projectiles thinned the swarm while the more super empowered newcomers took care of the rest. That wasn't to say it was an easy victory though, considering how much blood had been spilled, mostly those who didn't have access to the more heavy weapons or those who didn't belong into the bigger gangs.

As it was, the den was now bubbling with bloodlust and excitement, the place painted brown and red with the life fluids of both humans and insects. Soon though, an announcement was made throughout the seedy place. Those that were capable would be hired for certain jobs by certain organizations, namely exploration and extermination. Assets had to be protected and if possible, alliances be made with these freaks that seemed to have popped out from comic books and the tellies. Those that had stood out would soon find (heavily armed) messengers from various crime syndicates seeking them out, asking to meet the gangs for future relations. It was completely up to people to either accept or pick another option.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Peacock - Mahora, Miso Lake

"What's up, toots? Cat got your tongue or somethin'?" Once more producing a cigar from... Seemingly nowhere, Peacock took another drag. What was up with this broad anyways? And who in their right mind would take a dip in soup? Geez, and people thought she was crazy...

"'Spose introductions are in order, though... Name's Peacock!" With this, she raised her tophat, and a small bird perched atop her head (dressed exactly like Peacock herself) repeated the gesture. "And pee-yew, you stink!" Despite how confused she was at her current predicament, the dame didn't seem like any of those weirdoes she'd ran into lately, and she definitely wasn't any Skullgirl, that's for sure. Didn't even look like she'd be fun to roughhouse either, despite how much Peacock wanted to beat the crap out of something right now.

Of course, as soon as this thought crossed her mind, the Eyes of Argus dotted upon her arms caught sight of something approaching fast from behind her. For a moment, her silver, jagged teeth were in full display to the other girl as she flashed a sinister smile, before she suddenly spun around on the spot and pulled out a comically large revolver from behind her back.

"REACH FOR THE SKY, YA LITTLE COCKROACHS!" With wild abandon, bullets larger than the barrel of the giant pistol blasted out, and the few moments of silence that followed were soon broken by the splash of a giant bug-thing's corpse landing in the miso lake... And the buzzing of a swarm of its friends heading straight for the two girls "...Don't suppose you've got any Raid on ya, toots?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ed rolled off to the side as the mutated fly thing shot a web from it's spider mouth right at him. Coming out of the roll he sprinted at it and put his blade into it's stomach before it could attack him again. As it fell to the ground Ed was beset by 3 more bugs. The first was a centipede with wings that spit acid and the other two were some weird mix of wasp and bits and pieces from other animals he couldn't identify. Ed dodged to the right as the centipede spit at him almost being hit by the glob of spit.

Suddenly something fell from the sky and landed right on the centipede killing it instantly. After the dust settled Ed was looking at a really armored person that probably shouldn't of survived a landing at that speed. But it just stood there laughing before it started summoning spears to kill the nearby bugs including the two wasps that were recovering from the blast that the armored girl made when she landed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 41 min ago

Sakura Kyouko

Hearing some commotion nearby, Kyouko looked over her shoulder, tilting her head bank as she yanked her spear from the corpse of yet another dead bug creature. There were a lot of them... but hey, they were just cannon fodder. The swarm'd be shredded. It sucked that these things didn't seem to have anything remotely worth keeping around on them, though... In any case, what she saw when she tilted her head back was the girl with the weird hair seeming to fly to avoid attack from three of the creatures.

"Tch, it's not as if I care about her..." Kyouko shrugged. Besides, she looked like she was getting away pretty easily... Then again, everyone else seemed preoccupied, didn't they? And... she could maybe tell her something about what was going on... and she'd probably have to kill those bugs sooner or later, anyway...

Kyouko's spear unlinked once more and coiled like a scorpion's tail, before lashing out, snapping forward to deliver a strike to the side of one bug monster's head. It sank in, and the force from the impact sent the limp corpse crashing into the second of the creature, both of them hitting the ground with a with a wet thud. The redheaded magical girl pulled, yanking the tip of her weapon back out and re-linking the segments as she took a running sprint for the second bug.

As she sprang over the body, she felt one of its limbs slice her leg, leaving a shallow, but long cut.

That didn't matter to a magical girl, though. She'd had worse.

"Get ready to pay for that, ya bastard!"

A wet thunk sounded the moment that the tip of her spear plunged into the creature's neck, and it twitched as it hit the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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Filia – Moon Over Bourbon Street


For all of the havoc wrecked among the legions of insects by the other players in the general area, Filia's desperate attempt to escape the double maws of her despicable pursuers struck her as particularly intense. Dispossessed of true flight, the schoolgirl did her best to evade the monsters chasing her again and again, sometimes by the slimmest of margins and sometimes by no margin at all. Streaks of blood ran down Filia's legs from the numerous punctures left in her by ravenous teeth, and the air whipping past her wounds caused her extra rounds of agony as she continued in her mad dash for survival. Samson growled, sharing his host's pain, but could not spare enough hair from his beetle wings to deal any significant damage to the vile beasts who hurt his companion.

A lucky leap boosted Filia onto the sill of a second-story window. Unfurling her hair and trying to ignore the pain, she whipped around to face the bugs. At that moment, Kyouko made her move, taking out one of the bugs and disabling another for immediate punishment. A third abomination, however, closed in on the schoolgirl quickly. Filia cried out in effort and her hair surged forward in clumps, catching the bug by a leg and yanking it back. Different tentacles grabbed different parts of the insect's body, and with a hefty tug the dynamic duo ripped their enemy messily apart. Repulsive fluids spattered down onto the pavement, and Filia sank to a sitting position on her sill. Her eyes turned to the sky to see it clearing up; the invasion had lasted less than thirty minutes, but it felt like much longer. Makeshift bandages of hair covered the bleeding gashes on her legs and thighs, and Samson said in a gruff but strangely reassuring tone, ”Good job, kid. Ain't no bug alive that can mess with us and live to bug another day.”

Filia laughed dryly. “Thanks. I can't decide if I like fighting or hate it. Everyone else seemed to have a way easier time than me.” She scanned the ground below for Kyouko in an attempt to distract herself from the throbbing hurt. Once the magical girl had been spotted, Filia waved at her. “Hi! Thanks again! If there's anything I can do to repay you, let me know, 'kay?”

DIO – Joppa Road

@GameguruGG[@uh oh]

More effort noises, satisfying crunches, and dying shrieks told DIO that Juri was doing her job. She didn't even call upon him to use his Stand to aid her. He took a moment to relax all but his hearing, waiting for the tissues of his eyes to weave themselves back together. The elimination of the fresh squadron of bugs left in its place a vacuous silence; were the insectoid legions this drained already? Gradually, he zeroed in on new sounds: burning and clattering, the evidence of flaming pieces falling to earth. DIO drew the World in close to lash out at any insect parts that came too near, and considered why exactly such fragments would be aflame. His Stingy Eyes had no such property, leading him to believe that he must have hit and at the very least greatly damaged the burning figure he'd witnessed in the sky. ”So much for that fellow.” The next few minutes were of rest, Juri and he standing at ease in the street and listening to the wondrous cacophony of heavy weapons fire. In a way, the crackle of distant explosives, shocking percussion of artillery, and steady beat of bullets sounded oddly musical.

When DIO's eyes were healed, he beheld a horizon bereft of insects. The City's inhabitants, in unknowing cooperation with the various players scattered throughout it, had triumphed over the insect hordes sent by the Viewer to trouble them. A short and knowing chuckle later, DIO turned tail and walked with Juri back toward Hotel California.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuciansMentor
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LuciansMentor The Writer Who Ruminates

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jax - The Remains of the Bento Brawl - Bento Tree

Jax looked back up that the young brawler as he proceeded to effortlessly dispatch a locust then a hornet and then a centipede. The boy's movements were crystal clear, much like the waters in Ionia's lakes and the mirrors which line Lokfar's City Hall. The Grandmaster was the least to say impressed with Ranma's versatile fighting style, it reminded him of a well known blind brawler who's mighty kicks had graced the League more often then not. This young man had spunk, he had style and he most certainly reminded the master about himself at a younger age. Then Jax heard the plan that he had said about the Neighbors, he pondered for a moment about what his next action should be and then decided to put his plan into action. "You're right about that one kid. I think we should probably check it out. What even is over there anyway? From the way you look it sounds as if there's like a whole another world over there!" Jax said as he stuck his post into the ground and jumped up on it to get a better view. He could barely make out what looked like part of a castle top and some other medieval type buildings. The first thought that came to Jax's mind was: Demacia? Did it somehow end up here too? No wait, that can't be Demacia. I'd be hearing shouting by now... Jax sighed, it was an unfortunate custom that the Demacians had that whenever they entered battle they would shout their country name in the air instead of flying a banner much like its rival Noxus would. It was really annoying.

Jumping down on the ground the Grandmaster pondered, who was over there? What was over there? It looked like a bunch of castles with weirdly designed roofs. Sure what was over there might be better than just slamming some unworthy insects into the ground but he didn't even know, what could be over there!? Jax looked back up at Ranma, "That place over there reminds me of a similar one back on Runterra, it's known as Demacia by everyone. I wonder what type of Kingdom it is over there... Do you think they'll shout their name at everyone if they charge the insects? Because that's what Demacians do. But aside from that, that place looks huge! I wonder just how many insects those people can fight off? We've been doing a good job I know but just imagine the amount of physical work those guys are doing! So in short, yeah we should go over there- it seems cool anyway." The Grandmaster said as he sheepishly scratched the back of his head, "At least, I think It does..."

Jax then looked over to Chun-Li, "What about you? You gonna stay here with that Chao girl or are you gonna head over with me and Saotome over here?" Jax said as he leaned up against the Summoner's Cup. Jax from a viewer's perspective may have been more interested in the kingdom than in the people, but the Grandmaster would never leave innocent people to die. Even on Mercenary missions where it would seem that all the odds were against him and that the assassins were closing in, he'd still go back and retrieve the captives even if his mission only told him to only bring back one. It was what made Jax not only a mercenary worth having but a legendary hero and a rightful title of the Grandmaster at Arms.

@Grey Star @GameGuruGG

Forneus - The Chaos of Positively 4th Street

The elemental lord made his way down the battered, and desolate street. In the distance the rattle of gunfire and more screaming followed by the occasional, "This is- SPARTA!" by some drunkard possibly. He didn't care, what he did care about was harnessing the grievousness of this area. This is why he liked whoever made these bugs appear already, it made for great energy harnessing and even more so it was pure music to the Abyssal Lord of Water's ears. It made him feel like he was 1500 again, back when all the other lords were going through their violent phases. Arakes was especially violent back then, killing at least 200,000 humans a day. He knew that he was the most brash and he usually restored to brute force instead of thinking, Fornues thought he was a bit blood hungry and didn't care for tactics whereas both he and Aunas did.

The cat from earlier had followed him along the road, Forneus knew its desire and immediately transformed it into a being of pure water. Now the cat, fully transparent and dripping liquid rode upon the lord's shoulder. It's eyes shown a deep emerald and upon its faced rested a very sly Cheshire grin. Forneus liked his new compatriot as they moved down the destroyed road, Forneus impaling any insect who would come within 3 meters of the duo. He finally made it to what looked like the remains of an intersection, cars and bodies were miscellaneously strewn across the bloody, cracked and steaming pavement. This was the perfect place to conduct the rite, it was a nice time at night and the atmosphere seemed ablaze with death and despair. Forneus set his partner down and motioned him over to sit on a car seat that was embedded into the ground. Forneus then clasped his hands together, a spectacle was about to begin.

Forneus channeled for a bit and then the most scalding hot water began to flow from his hand, bursting and burning the ground in front of him as he moved his arm in a circular motion. The pressure caused the pavement to simply melt and disintegrate as a pattern was engraved into the middle of the road. First a circle, then a six pointed star and finally Forneus took his time drawing runes onto the clear points. At last Forneus finished the pentagram with the sign of the abyss in the middle, a mask with wings on either side accompanied by a skull. The lord, pleased with his work walked into the center, knelt down and began to chant.

In the demon's language Latin, he began: "Dolores inferni circumdederunt me obsesso copiis, infernus et perditio ultra..." (I call upon the forces invested in me, the underworld and the abyss beyond.) He continued as the space began to show a low hue of yellow, "Gaude! Animabus damnatorum transeat ex hoc mundo serviunt abyssum irent. Tua praebe illi tormentum odio ut in novo incipiet meretur iniquitas tua!" (Rejoice! Souls of the damned, leave this world and serve the abyss. Let your torment turn to hatred as you will begin to serve a new purpose!) The ground began to rumble as the pentagram lit up with a soft and eerie amber glow, "Undas pelagi cingentibus dimittetur tibi hanc optimam in terra Nam tempus tandem huc!" (The abyss opens for you to be purged from this fertile earth! For the time has finally here!) The ground shook even harder, and suddenley what looked like little wisps started coming from every direction, some even coming out of the dead bodies that were nearby. "Nos adducturum tradam te in plura quam usquam terrarum possunt! Tuo servies dominumque novum et quod semel amisit reparari potuit!" (We usher you into a world that will deliver more than you could ever achieve! Serve your new master and let what was once lost be reinstated!) The roads beside the intersection began to crack, and the same amber light began to gleam throughout the entirety of the street. "Quid enim Elore obtexit. Quid enim Saruin quaesivit. Quid enim Shirach celavit a! Quid enim sibi Mortem timet!" (For what Elore has detested. For what Saruin has sought. For what Shirach has hidden from! For what Death himself fears!) Then, came the moaning of what sounded to be tortured souls screaming in agony filling out the area with noise. "SICANT ABYSS ACCIPITE VOBIS." (LET THE ABYSS TAKE YOU.) The souls rose to fever pitch as the pentagram illuminated at least more than half of the entire district, slowly all the souls began to amass around the pentagram. As the screams echoed throughout the entire city of Roanpur, a tear opened in the air above the pentagram. It shown colors of red, blue and purple amassing together as more screams could be heard from within. The souls began to throw themselves into the tear, one by one and then by the hundreds, then the thousands until none left had come. The tear with a wicked and high-pitched otherworldly scream shut, the shaking died down and the amber light dissipated.

The cat was astonished, Forneus' job for the time being had only begun. Within a mile radius, the dead bodies from the war no longer had souls- they were merely empty shells of what they had once been: human or insect. Forneus simply cackled as he looked up to the fading moon, the Abyss's power was returning gradually and in due time it would once again repeat the cycle. The screams and shakes before began to transfer to Jopa road, allowing all it's residents to hear what was happening.

@Lugubrious @GameGuruGG
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Overlord - Roanapur

How pitiful, both of these humans and insects. As the two groups clashed into each other, it was apparent that his slaves were decimated by the initial clash. The ones that survived could only last for so long, he imagined that they would only last for just a few more seconds until they are overpowered by the man-sized bugs. The Overlord imagined that these slaves would have a variety of strange weaponry that he had seen inside of that tavern, but they merely had weapons that could only take on other humans, not the type of monsters they were facing, pathetic. If the Overlord had minions than he would be easily winning this fight, with proper strategy anyone could win with those things! The Reds would stay close to him, burning the entire group alive with their hell fire, the Browns would keep the things in one place, the Greens would make easy work while they are distracted by the Browns, and the Blues would be used when necessary for revival. Though, now he only had two slaves left fighting, both about to be munched upon by these insects. The Overlord lifted his weapon into the air, the Apocalyptor, and smashed it into the cookie road with immense force, cracks reaching the horde of insects in front of him. Good grief.

Finishing off the rest of his slaves, the bugs turned to the nearest source of food, the Overlord. Hissing in unison, they charged at the lone man, some running upon their legs while others flew into the sky to get an aerial advantage. The Overlord merely hefted his mace back onto his shoulder, watching as the horde was gaining ground on him. What a drag, having to fight all of these creatures alone will be rather challenging, but the Overlord can survive. His eyes scanning the placement of both the ground and air units, he raised his hand almost as if was holding an invisible wine glass, and it soon sparked in flames once again. It was time for some mayhem. The ground ahead of him started to burn, the flame inside of his hand growing in intensity, and the edible road soon started to melt. The Overlord waited for just a few moments, waiting for the maximum carnage before his eyes narrowed, and he closed his hand extinguishing the flame. Burn.

The melting ground started to expand upwards, large bubbles forming underneath the horde as they continued to charge with their one-track mind. However, it would seem that the insects would have to focus on something else rather than food for what else is to come. Just as the thought passed through the Overlord's mind, the bubbles popped. A roaring flame of fire burst from the ground! The pillar of hell reaching to the sky, burning the aerial units from above as it continued to reach its way to heaven. With flames so intense, the insects that were lucky enough to find themselves under the blast were almost melted instantly, granting a painless death from the gracious Overlord. The pillar continued to raise into the sky, the Overlord straining to keep the fire up until his body could no longer support such a construct. He unclenched his fist, the pillar of flame dissipating into the crisp air. He almost bent down on one knee from the tiring activity, but he managed to stay up on his feet, the Overlord doesn't bow down to exhaustion until he is dead. So, using his mace as a cane to rest upon, he looked upon the destruction that he had brought upon. The melted streets, the burning buildings, and the goo that was left by the melted carcasses. It had been awhile since the Overlord has had to use such a momentous ability, and has he rested upon his mace, he thought about how he needed to reach Gnarl somehow. Even the most powerful required help, and his help involved an entire army of minions.

So, the Overlord made his was down the street. He slowly made his way over to his throne made up of food, but it seemed it was undisturbed since the bugs were focusing on the human bodies rather than the food. He plopped himself upon the throne, he heard several cracks beneath his weight, but it seemed to hold up. Both of his arms rested upon the sides, his legs spread apart as his head was staring at a wall. He almost sighed, it wasn't the same without slaves around to boss around or plan for his next conquest... This sucked.

He spent a good couple of minutes resting his body, his mind blank as there was nothing really interesting to around the deserted area. A familiar sound echoed through the city, it was... Screams. Yes, yes... Screaming at one of the loudest levels were being blasted through the area. Well, might as well check it out. The Overlord raised from his throne, the city seemed to be in pain from somewhere inside of the city, he wondered if it was from one of those crater people... It had to be, and he wondered how powerful they must be as well. The Overlord started to move with his slightly more energized body, making his way towards the location of screams and rumbling.

Krieg - Mahora

Krieg continued to fire, a mania filling his mind with explosions and bloodshed. He continued to fire without a care, firing rocket after rocket exploding the bugs in the sky. However, it seemed that everyone else had their own special abilities to fight such creatures as well! Some people pulled out impressive weaponry, blasting into the sky with their weapons or slicing into the horde. The Voice was getting confused, all of this chaotic fighting was getting out of hand as everyone contributed to the bloodshed with their very own fighting styles, and keeping track of all of them was just getting confusing! Krieg merely was just laughing off all of this insanity, he was used to this kind of things! Violence was something that he craved for, and he was getting it in full force by all of these bugs! Though, all goods things must come to an end sadly enough, the constant slaughter of insects seemed to trim the numbers quite a bit! It was kind of seen as most of them were dead on the ground, their twitching corpses filling the ground in front of them... Aw man.

Krieg groaned in frustration as the horde seemed to be missing from the sky, only individual insects were soaring through the area, but his shotgun could never reach such a target at this distance! The Psycho smashed his hand into the corpse of the Tacodile, apparently, he was still inside of the creature! Huh. The thing was smelling quite rotten now, these food creatures seemed to decay faster than normal animals, and Krieg being covered in all of this stinky juice was not helping him out. So, he pulled himself out of the soggy lettuce. Landing on the ground below, stretching his unused legs during the battle. Though, his eyes did see something that intrigued him. It seemed to be a girl, and the Voice was impressed as well. "Damn. Look at that, Salvador would kill for a weapon like that! Two double-barrelled Gatling guns." The Voice exclaimed. Krieg's interest was piqued.

"Who made that gun!?" Krieg yelled out as he made his way over to Yukine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GameGuruGG
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chun-Li, Bento Tree

"Li?" Chun-Li asked Jax when she was referred to by that named, not exactly being accustomed to being called that. Usually she is called Chun-Li or Chun as she knew far too many Lees to not be confused when using Li as her name. She even hyphenates her name when writing in English to prevent being called Li.

Chun-Li noticed that as she battled, nearly everyone joined in. Some fat mustached man seemed to be using the bugs as missiles against others. The talking pony was using some form of... magic unicorn powers to distract the bugs so that others can defeat them. One just plain started shooting at the bugs with an accuracy that even Chun-Li couldn't match with a gun. Miss Sing-Song, as Jax had dubbed her, even helped Chun-Li from being overwhelmed by the bugs. There were too many who helped out in the battle to name, but those were some of the more unique ones.

"Thanks," Chun-Li said as she thanked Hibiki for helping. "That is some... very interesting music."

Chun-Li still had a theory that Hibiki was using the power of song to power up her own attacks. Chun-Li continued her beatdown of the bugs even as Jax and Ranma themselves stepped in with Ranma pinballing around and Jax just destroying bug after bug after bug. Chun-Li grabbed and tossed a bug to the ground and smashed its head in with a kick. She then jumped onto the back of one of the remaining locusts and smashed it into the ground, finally noticing what Jax was talking about. The area close by looked like something out of the Medieval era with knights and castles and everything. Ranma had suggested helping out their neighbors and Jax seemed to agree with the idea.

"Of course!" Chun-Li said to Jax when he asked her if she would help, even as she turned herself upside-down and spun quickly around in mid-air using her ki to hold herself up, clearing out the bugs trying to surround and overwhelm her again. "SPINNING BIRD KICK!"

Chun-Li then landed safely on the ground right-side up after this use of a special technique of hers.

Juri, Joppa Street

"Blood?" Juri asked, having been somewhat confused at the mention of blood being the only thing useful about most humans. However, the battle was still commencing. Juri watched in awe at DIO decimating an entire swarm of bugs with liquid blasts from his eyes, even causing something of an explosion that Juri had to jump back to avoid. However, from DIO's comment, it seems like that was not a part of his eye blast's powers. The explosion did lead to the majority of the bugs near them being killed with the few stragglers left having their exoskeletons broken by Juri as DIO regenerated. DIO had mentioned vampiric essence, so he was a vampire? Had she been recruited to work for a vampire? Given his comment about most humans only being good for blood, it made sense. In any case, the people of Roanapur finally destroyed the remaining insects with their high-powered weaponry which was fine by Juri. She followed DIO in the direction of Hotel California.

"So you're a vampire, huh?" Juri asked DIO, flirtingly. "Does this mean I'm going to be a vampire bride or something like that?"

Juri still seemed entranced by DIO and in any case, there was not much she could do to resist him given his physical power. Just then she heard the loudest screaming she had ever heard in her life. Covering her ears to block some of the noise, Juri asked DIO, "The hell is ''that?!''"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Tailred - Mahora

Red continued to fight, sword swinging as she ripped into the horde. Even as she did so, she could tell that others had joined in the fight, with gunshots ringing in the air as bugs were taken out by the dozens. Individually it didn't seem like much, but over time it all added up, and she could notice as the horde thinned away to simple individual bugs, which were picked off with ease. For now, this city was safe.

She came to a stop then, holding on to her sword as she prepared to dive down and give whomever had launched those explosives a piece of her mind. But before she did so she took a moment to look around, and get an idea of the full picture. It couldn't hurt, right?

It was a good thing that she did, for she could see that things had pretty much resolved themselves here, yet there was still more that could be done elsewhere, whether it be destroying the remnants of the bugs, or simply helping civilians that had been caught in the attacks, or by the damage that had been done to the city.

So she made up her mind, flying back down to the group that had assisted her, and who had no idea who she really was. "Good job guys," she called with a grin and a thumbs up. "Now that we've got things wrapped up here we should go help out the civilians." Lord knew she had enough experience with publicity to actually care about her image, if one needed to think beyond her sense of morals.

She was still going to tell off whomever had shot those explosives at her, but this just seemed more immediately important as she waited to see who agreed with her.

Garie - Roanpur

At last the swarm of bugs seemed to subside, which Garie was grateful for as she kicked her heels against the curb, to get some indescribable off of them. That had been, as she had expected, boring and really long. But at least it was over now and she could go on to better things that were more worthy of her time. Though thus far such things had proven sparse in appearing.

Shoes clean, she looked around whilst her hands rested on her hips. The signs of combat were evident, with new craters and holes in the ground and the walls, with a bunch of dead bugs and some humans to boot. That was about as expected really. At the same time, she took mental stock, to see how she was doing. For all her expended magic, she was still doing well on power, and wouldn't need to stock up any time soon. Certainly it would be enough to deal with any Gear users that might appear, if any were even in this place.

So she began to walk, moving along with little hassle as she headed through the detritus of what had just happened without a care in the world. Oh, if only Carol were here. That would make things so much more interesting. As it stood she couldn't even be bothered to harvest memories from the shell shocked population, which was a real pity.

Before she could get too far though she found herself approached by some heavily armed men, who didn't exactly look like they were around to play. She paused, giving them a sideways glance before speaking. "Yeah, what do you want," she asked, indicating that they had better get straight to it. She didn't need them, and if she didn't like what they had for her, then they would find themselves squahsed like all these bugs.
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