Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Einar Erikson Bane
Age: looks late 20s early 30s, is actually over 400(he stopped counting a long time ago)
Gender: Male
Bio: Einar was born in old Scandinavia, modern day Norway. He was born, raised, and lived on his family's farm his entire life. He had a wife a four children who were murdered before him by a group of vampires. In a fit of rage Einar was actually able to kill one of the vampires before they broke both his arms and legs. Before they were able to kill him though the vampires were attacked and torn apart by werewolves who had been hunting the group for a long time. Impressed by Einar's feat of slaying one of the vampires they offered to turn him into a werewolf. An offer he eagerly agreed to so that he could kill many more vampires to avenge his family.

Over the centuries, modernization and society have done a bit to tame Einar's animosity towards vampires, but not completely. While the treaty between the two houses is honored he is not allowed to kill any of the Capers family without provocation, or endorsement by the head of his house. The bane family keeps Einar on a short leash at all times, but as he is one of the oldest in the family he is also counted on for advice and guidance by the younger members.

In today's age Einar is one of the Bane family's best enforcers. Let lose only when things were expected to get really messy. The other two families know this and there have been a few times where the mere hint of letting Einar off his leash has turned the three families away from all out war.
Personality: Einar is a short tempered man, even more so with vampires. He quickly resorts to violence in one shape or form to resolve issues. Though he is also fiercely loyal to his family, going so far as to completely wipe out an entire branch family of the Blackwoods after one the young Bane's was found murdered by a hybrid. He is a very heavy drinker when kept inside the house. When in a fight against vampires he will slip into an unstoppable rage, going so far as to even hurt allies if they try to get in his way.

Other: When he is completely alone Einar still grieves for the loss of his family from so long ago. He hides a small locket around his neck with a very faded painting of them all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 42 min ago

Ember Bane

"If I cannot raise Heaven, I will raise Hell."

Name: Ember Bane. Her family members have been known to call her Em.

Age: 23.

Gender: Female.

Bio: Ember was born to a Irish family in the states, having fun in the back yard throughout her childhood while playing with her rowdy brothers. Being the middle child in a family with seven children, as well as being the only girl wasn't exactly all that easy, but, she made it work. At the age of 19, Ember made friend a school, a strange boy, but, nice enough. The two started hanging out more and more and one day, she came home to see her family dead and lifeless on the floor. Seeing a pale figure over her smallest brother, sucking the life from him, Vampire turned on Ember herself. Just then the boy from school rushed through the door, attacking the vampire and killing it. He turned Ember into a Werewolf against her will, and left without a word. Ember is still looking for the boy to this day.

Personality: Headstrong and stubborn are very dominate traits that you can find in Ember, along with her extreme violence and hot headedness. She does have a softer side for her family, though when she gets anywhere near a vampire, can become deadly, her emotions and memories clouding her judgement. However, Ember does have a goofy side, the jokester of the Bane family. Flirtatious and spunky when not around her enemies, complex is a word that would describe her well.

Sable Arabella Santiago

"Well behaved women seldom make history."

Name: Sable Arabella Santiago is the girls name. Nicknames are something that people tend to come up with on their own, anything from "Shorty" to "Sassy" she has been called.

Gender: Female

Bio: Born to a drunkard of a father, her mother dying while giving birth, Sable is one of the kids from the wrong side of town whom has raised herself. Her father simply comes home from work and begins to drink, the occasional word passing between the two of them. Sable would cook and clean, he would work and pay the bills. A plenty fair enough system. Her father always has seen her as the good girl; Good grades in school, good behavior at home, etc. But, the truth was that she would go out after he had fallen asleep to meet up with her friends in order to have parties in the abandoned building they had claimed for their own, as well as go out and graffiti buildings. It was one night when she came across a vampire feeding upon one of her friends that she learned there was things of the Supernatural world present in her town. Becoming more curious by the second, she came to realize the presence of the families, becoming good friends with them all, more precisely the Blackwoods.

Personality: A girl of her own free will, Sable is actually shy until you get to know her. Well, that or piss her off. Fortunately for you, it takes a lot to get her to that point. A partier with a love for art, the teen girl love graffiti and to draw with charcoal pencils, her fingers usual smudged with black as well as her face having a few black streaks. Very intellectual as well, and can almost always be seen listening to her music or reading a book.

Appearance: 5 foot, 3 inches tall. Her hair falls to the small of her back. The current weight of 115 pounds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chihiro


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Celestine "Celeste" Caper


Physically 19 and is over 65 years old (to be honest, she lost count).




Celeste was born during the 1950's to a large Hispanic family hailing from Mexico and grew up in the prime of the era of rock n' roll and lived it fantastically. She was a great daughter and student in school and loved being around people. Unfortunately, her naivety ended up getting her turned into a vampire by a man who promised she'd meet Elvis Presely backstage after one of the best nights of his concerts in Los Angeles where she had traveled from Texas to see him perform.

Her love for music and people ended up being a huge benefit for the Caper family as they were in dire need of a vampire who had a very human personality to boost their businesses and black markets; charismatic, warm, friendly, and "in vogue".

The process of losing her humanity was physically painful and mentally wearing but it was the music from her times and discovering classic rock from years after her generation, like AC/DC in particular, that helped in boosting her physical therapy and newfound abilities.


Quite possibly the most warmest vampire with a love for people, music, history, and seizing the moment. Because of growing up in one of the best and most traditional timeline, she is a class act yet vivacious bringing back the '50s all over again.



She wants to blend in with humans a lot more and possibly find a husband since she could not back then.

She only drinks blood from criminals, outside of the Caper businesses and affiliations, with low to high crime rates as their blood is thicker and darker but in these moments, she is vulnerable to a little chaos but has practiced to put herself together. Criminal blood is common for that. She chooses criminals of any kind, amateur and to the worst ones, as she values the people in her life that are her friends and humans.

She's also quite fond of her bat form a lot and uses it as a form of pleading, endearment, curiosity (like eavesdropping in on people and traveling).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I want to put a smile on everybody's face, even though I'm a monster."

Maki Caper

Human Age
Vampire Age


Maki never knew of her real parents, she had lost them at a young age due to an unknown cause, maybe she was kidnapped from her original family? Who exactly knows. Maki was raised to be a human pet to the vampire family, having blood drained from her even from a young age, by 'blood donations'. As she got older her blood had started to get more rich and tasty for the vampires, she allowed all of this to happen to her, believing that all of this was very normal. She had some education from the older vampires, but she doesn't really know all of that is going on in the world around the house she lived in. When Maki was fifteen, she was drained from her neck by her adoptive mother with no warning, she closed her eyes accepting what was in stock for her.

When Maki woke up, she found out that her throat was dry and thirsty, as if it was lusting for something. And at that moment, she had realized what she had become. She was joined in with her 'family', and become a blood thirsty beast.

A vampire.

Human Personality
Celestina's human personality is very caring, she always walks around with a smile on her face, and is very nice to everybody she see's. She's told that she lights the family up in the darkest of times. Her human personality can be very wimpy as well, she has never fed from anybody with her human personality, due to her not wanting to hurt them. She cares for all, no matter what species.

Vampire Personality
Maki's vampire personality is the opposite of her human personality, she no longer cares for anything once she shuts off her humanity. She never smiles kindly, the closest you could get to a smile would be a smirk, only when she insults the werewolf family. She gives no mercy to her anybody before her, despite her being a newly born vampire and all. Maki feeds on human pets with this personality, only treating them as slaves to her. She absolutely despises the hybrids, but not as much as the werewolf race.

Hunters Curse
Maki's biological parents were supernatural hunters in different cities, and the gene passed down to Maki. With this curse in her blood stream, her body is attacked, and strange markings appear on her body which send her into severe pain. The markings resemble that of black knives running up her arms to her face. There is currently no cure for her condition, but she tries to handle it as best she can. She'll have these curse attacks every six weeks or so.

December 21st

Pansexual - Human
Homosexual - Vampire

Theme Song
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Therese Voerman-Caper (left) and Jeanette Voerman-Caper (right)

Age: Our last sunrise was two lifetimes ago

Gender: Both are female


Therese is the eldest sister of the pair. They were born to your average family at the time, and then raised by their single father after their mother passed away. Much to everyone’s disbelief, Therese and Jeanette did get along at one point, when they were little girls, but this was only because their father didn’t allow Therese out much, stating that she would get hurt in the outside world. Jeanette was the only one who was there for Therese, and together they would create their own fantasy world which they would rule over, they never knew how similar their future reality would come to this fantasy.

Therese and Jeanette’s father was an abusive man, even going so far as to frequently molest Therese. Jeanette hated him for what he did to Therese, and how he made her feel, so she began to act out by committing small crimes and sleeping around, forever the problem child. Therese, however, felt a twisted version of love for her abuser, and even got jealous if he showed affection towards others. When they were teenagers, their father died. The story of how he died differs depending on which sister you ask. According to Therese, their father committed suicide because Jeanette was such a bad daughter, and she tormented their father with her promiscuity. Jeanette, however, says that their daddy came home drunk one night and mistook her for Therese, beginning to molest her instead. Therese caught them together, and in a jealous fit, she shot him with one of his own hunting rifles.

Regardless of what actually happened that night, the police put orphaned Jeanette and Therese in a mental institution, where they remained until young adulthood. Therese managed to escape with the help of her mysterious vampire sire, and the first thing she did with this newfound life was find Jeanette and embrace(pretty word for turn her into a vampire) her so she could be free as well.

Therese rose to power by being a very successful business woman. Jeanette just trailed alongside her sister, doing her own thing, and not really lusting for power. After the murder of the Capers’ previous Baron, Therese became the Baroness of New York City in his place. Her base of operations and primary business source is The Asylum, a gothic nightclub in her barony. Therese runs the finances and business side of things, while Jeanette lures in patrons for the club and keeps the party going all through the night. (Source)



Therese is very intelligent, arrogant, ruthless and cunning, with a superb mind for business. She isn’t entire awful, however, as she genuinely cares for Jeanette, and believes she is responsible for her survival as a vampire. Therese is something of a prude, pious and chaste, and is disgusted by the thought of her sister having sex with mortals, or even other vampires for that matter. As a Malkavian, Therese suffers from obsessive compulsions, being insanely preoccupied with cleanliness and order.


Jeanette is highly promiscuous, and takes many lovers, humans included. She is very needy in most things, using a mixture of her childish nature and potent sexuality to get whatever she wants out of unlife. Jeanette will often mock her older sister for her piousness and snobbery. Others see Jeanette as spontaneous, friendly, fun to talk to, and firecracker of a personality, albeit a touch annoying at times. As a Malkavian, Jeanette suffers from hypersexual nymphomania, although if you ask her, it really isn’t ‘suffering’.


Malkavian Curse:

Jeanette and Therese are of a Malkavian vampire bloodline, this means that their sire, and any new vampires that they choose to sire, will also be of Malkavian blood. Malkavians are known by many to be cursed with some form of irredeemable insanity and paranoia. Malkavians, however, see this curse as a special blessing, a gift of insight, even. Throughout history, Malkavians have been the seers and oracles of vampire clans, bound by strange compulsions and insight. Another common indicator of Malkavian bloodline is heterochromia, which both sisters have. (Source)

Additionally, while both sisters are well known in the public eye and within the Caper family, no one has ever seen them in the same room at the same time, their sibling rivalry just runs that deep.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Theta Blackwood
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Bio: Theta doesn’t like to talk about her parents a lot. Her mom was a human and her dad was a vampire, once they discovered they had a child together, they both felt it best to leave her with the Blackwood family. The former head of the Blackwoods didn’t have children of his own, so he took her in and taught her everything she needed to know about being a hybrid. He explained that hybrid was different and had their own weaknesses and special abilities. Seeing as she was half vampire, she could develop a taste for blood and she might find the sunlight a bit warmer than most humans, but that she was also faster than most people, that she had the ability to convince other humans to do whatever she wanted. Growing up, she was taunted by the other vampire and werewolf children in school. When she questioned her “father”, he finally had to explain who she was and why she was picked on. This earth shattering news destroyed her. Once full of life and ambition, she resigned to her fate to be a “worthless hybrid”. She dropped out of school and started working as a prostitute. This was her job until her adopted father died, at which point she was appointed the new head of the Blackwood family. She does not want this job and she often skips out on important business meetings to get drunk or fool around with her regular customers.
Personality: Theta believes everything is a joke. She takes nothing in her life seriously believing that she will die one day, so why worry about what you can’t control. She uses her power to get what and who she wants. Most of the time she is wither buzzed, high, or wasted. It’s very rare to see her without a bottle or flask in her hand.
Other: She is bisexual and tends not to care who she hits on, even if they are vampires or werewolves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Leila Evernight Caper



She looks 23, but her real age is 199 years old. Or that's what she thinks. Lost count.



Personality: [WTP]

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Octavia Blackwood

Human appearance of around 38, over 100 years human time.


Cultured. Tidy. Clever. Stubborn. Extravagant. Unreliable.


"If I don't get my way, there will be hell to pay!"

Octavia is the younger sister of Octavius Blackwood, the former and now deceased head of the Blackwood family. She was raised to believe that hybrids are beautiful and can be just as well cultured and civilized as any other race. Their parents were a mix of human and vampire.

Octavia led a very polished life, not too concerned with the inner workings of the family businesses and just enjoying the money it earned. It wasn't until she was 16 and began working at the bars as a waitress that she ended up having a one night stand with another hybrid mix of werewolf and vampire.

This event produced her only son Aries.

When Octavius told her that he was adopting Theta to take the lead in the family, Octavia couldn't help but feel very bitter. Granted, she had no interest in taking control in the family but she wished the offer had been presented to her before such big decisions had been made. In time Octavia came to love and care about Theta as her niece and family, but a part of her will always be a bit jealous that her and her son were not considered.

Now that Aries is old enough to do his own things within the family business, Octavia encourages him to do his best, and often goes out of her way in extravagant measures to make sure he is succeeding. Though the death of her brother was devastating to the community she has kind of ignored the chaos around her and is focusing on things within the four walls of their estate. Due to her unreliability she doesn't work directly at any of the businesses but takes care of the household rather it be cleaning, cooking, or taking care of the children that join the family.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Aries Blackwood

Age: 84 but looks 22

Gender: Male

Bio: Aries was born from a fling that his mother had with another hybrid who was that of Werewolf and vampire mix, a loner by the name of Cassius. Aries never met his father but it never bothered him since his mother made sure that he was taken care of and he had his uncle as a closer father figure.

Through his youth, Aries longed to be part of the inner workings of the family business. He loved the activities and often sought advice from his uncle Octavius on how to run the family so to one day hopefully take over. That changed when His uncle adopted his cousin Theta to take over the family business.

This was a difficult decision for both Aries and his mother for not being considered to take over. Either way, Aries had no ill-will towards his cousin. With help from his mother, Aries knew she was not into the family workings but she did whatever she could possible to benefit him and his tasks. When his uncle passed, Aries worked even harder for the family, looking to handle whatever task or position asked to do but...on a side note... he's on a mission to find out who is responsible for his death. This have awakened a much more violent side of him to have no mercy toward anyone not a hybrid.

Personality: Laid-back, charming, a little reserved but has violent tendencies. He's very protective and sensitive about his mother. Aries Cares deeply about his mother, Octavia, and is willing to do anything she asks. He's not afraid to take brutal approach to prove that he's someone not to be messed with.


Other: As a hybrid, Aries' skin change into a grayish-blue tint when transforming and gain onyx tint fangs. He's an adept sword wielder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Anya Sandrow-Caper
Age: Looks 13, is really 200.
Gender: Female(Duh)
Bio: Anya was a normal girl growing up, went to a nice school and had plenty of friends. 'Course, things were a lot different back then, vampires however never really change. She was abducted late one night while she was walking home from a friends house, by what she never fully knew until after it was over.

She was nearly drained and left on the brink of death in an alleyway, luckily she was found by a police offer and rushed to a hospital. She recovered fully, and at a surprisingly fast rate. It wasn't until a few weeks after she got home did..things..begin to happen.

She slaughtered her parents in a rage of blood-lust, terrified at what she'd done and what would happen if anyone found out, she ran away. She lived in the streets, using the occasional passerby and homeless person, traveling from city to city.

A little over a hundred years passed, and she was eventually taken in by the Capers. They were..like her. They taught her how to control her blood-lust, fit in with society, and cared for her.

Living on the streets and the trauma from killing her own parents had changed her however, far beyond any psych ward or teaching could cure. It'd warped her, turned her slightly sadistic and mental, and gave her a..'useful' skill-set.

Eventually, she became the families hit-man. In theory, she was perfect. No one would ever suspect a cute little girl would murder them, until of course it was too late. Her particular use, was of course, concealed from the other families.

And now, here we are. The older family members being killed, the ones who had raised her and cared for her all these years. And she was not happy.

Personality: Straight up yandere and sadistic, generally carefree and happy as well. Needless to say, she's a bit odd.


Other: Given the fact she's the families hit-man, she has two knives hidden. One in her boot and one in a hidden holster under her shirt.

She's afraid of losing other family members and gets upset fairly easily.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Vladimir

Age: Looks about 21 but is extremely old (don't ask... just... don't )

Type: Vampire werewolf hybrid

Abilities: hybrid type form with four canines with top canines that get longer when "hungry" he does have a sort of warning system if his eyes turn a bright red that means he is hungry and needs to either feed or inject while a darker red means he is angry ... he can go out into the sunlight and has enhanced senses along with extremely fast healing

Weakness: Iron bothers him... and if you manage to somehow take him down cutting him into pieces separating the pieces burning them and keeping the ash separate... otherwise he will pop back up pissed off

Bio: "Like I'm just going to tell you... where is the fun in that" well... he has a strange russian sounding accent that comes out every once in awhile... and he was a pirate at one point other then that he would have to tell you

Persona: Sarcastic as all heck and simply doesn't care making him either someone you want to be around or someone you want to murder

Looks: Stands at 6 foot 1 with black hair with a white streak that cover his left eye he has a silver hoop in his left ear that seems soldered shut light grey eyes canines that are longer then normal and generally wears tight jeans t shirts and pirate styled boots.. In his hybrid form his skin stays the same color but seems as hard as stone

Other: He created artificial blood that he keeps on him in plastic needles so that he doesn't have to murder people however if he misses a "feeding" his eyes will turn red and he will "eat" anything near him whether it is human werewolf vampire or even hybrid... making him a walking Russian time bomb

Occupation: Since he doesn't own any establishment but his house he generally is a body guard for hire for anyone who can handle it.... he also enjoys popping into the family's head quarters and messing with them because he refuses to officially join any one family (I mean that would limit him...and who likes limits)
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