Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Ivy giggled. She took the spray and looked at it curiously. She had never seen anything like it. Kyle didn't let her around certain things saying they were too dangerous. Which seemed silly now that she was fifteen. Her brother was cautious where she wasn't. She shook the can and giggled again at the sound it made. She decided to try it. She pointed at her legs and sprayed. Foosh. Suddenly she was covered in flames. This of course made her giggle even more.
Kyle patiently waited for the other campers to get off the bus. Unlike his sister he wasn't in a hurry. He didn't mind waiting. At least until he smelled smoke. He turned towards the window. And stared stupidly at the sight of his sister cover by flames. Damn it what had she done now? She was fifteen for heaven sakr! He should be able to leave her alone for five minutes without her starting a forest fire. "IVY!!!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DaredevilSpider
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DaredevilSpider NO ONE CARES!!!!

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@Vampy @KatherinWinter
The bus came to a stop and Alex looked out the window. He saw a big campsite. This must be the place. The bus doors opened and he was one of the first to get off. One kid was already unloading all the luggage bags for everyone when Alex got there. Well that's pretty nice. He saw that his bag had already been unloaded, so he went over, picked his and Valencia's bags up , and went over to stand by her. He was about to say, "I got your bag for you." when he heard the sound of a fire lighting and he smelled smoke. He instantly turned around and saw some girl- get this- on fire! I gotta find some water! He looked around and saw a water pump sticking out of the ground. He focused as much as he could and pulled the water out of it. As soon as he had a decent amount, he moved it towards the girl as fast as he could and soaked her with it. The fire went out and there was just some smoke coming off.
"Jeez! What did you do? I guess you can control fire, eh?" he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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@DaredevilSpider @KatherinWinter @YamiCuoreLaroux
Two things were happening inside of Noah's brain. The first was a rather delayed realization that when he had set the heavy bag he had set down had squeaked. The more survival oriented part of his brain was much more focused on Ivy, who had recently taken it upon herself to burst into flames. The most maddening part of the experience was the giggling, she obviously hadn't been lying when she said that she could control fire, but even so Noah considered himself rather taken aback. Silently, never removing his eyes from Ivy, the girl literally on fire, he calmly removed a small fire extinguisher from his bag. Pays to plan ahead. He stopped, however, when he saw another one the campers obviously using his power to shift water to her. Ah that must be her brother, the one who can control water. That will be the second person he has doused today and we haven't even met the counselors yet.

When the water fell and the flames went out, he replaced the extinguisher in his bag and instead handed her a towel instead. "Excuse me." He lifted up the large, squeaky bag and walked around to the other side of the bus where none of the other new arrivals were. He carefully set the bag on the ground with the zipper on its side, facing away from him. Noah squatted down and with a wave of his hand, created the sounds of footsteps walking away to the other side. His breathing slowed and quieted, as he attempted to stay absolutely quiet, waiting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The bus came to a stop at a place that has to be where the summer camp takes place. Valencia didn't get an answer from Alex. He probably didn't heard my question. She did the lollipops in the pocked of her jacket and grabbed her back. Valencia waited until Alex got up and walked behind him to go off. As they passed the bus driver she thanked him for the ride and walked out.

A boy was pulling all the bags out of the bus already. He had to be the first one that went out of the bus. Valencia waited for the boy to place her back on the ground. It was black mixed with purple and had her name written on it with a white marker. Any one could see that it was her back from a distance. When Valencia wanted to pick up her back she saw that Alex already got it and came standing next to her. "Thanks for grabbing my back for me." and she smiled at him.

The sound of fire came up and they turned around and saw that some girl had lit her self on fire. Valencia couldn't help her self to laugh at the girl who was giggling and bouncing. Valencia decided to conrole the fire with her telekinesis so that nothing els but the girl was on fire. She saw that Alex had found a water source to end the fire of the giggling girl.

Valencia waited to asked her question again. She puts her hand on the pocked with the two lollipops and waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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Whatever was going on outside, it wasn't all that reassuring. On the bright side, it seemed that the commotion had probably distracted anyone who might have heard their unfortunate exclamation. On the less appealing side, however, it was a series of what seemed to be quite dangerous noises that were doing the distracting. Something like a sudden vacuum followed by the nearby crackling of flames, and a very loud shout. The pale child would have jumped a lot more if they hadn't been nearly paralyzed already.

Several more sounds later, the crackling wasn't nearly as noticeable and scene seemed to be calming down a bit. Of course, with the bag muffling a portion of the sound, there was much they couldn't really tell as of yet. The danger did seem to be diminished for the time being, though; that much made sense.

With very little time to relax after whatever incident had been started outside, the nervous child felt the bag being moved again and tried their hardest not to give away their presence again. Why is the bag being moved again? Is it in the way? Why so far off, though?
When they bag was dropped again, a tense feeling began creeping up on the hidden youth. Where were they now? There were still sounds of others, but they were definitely further away. Wait, did they just leave the bag?

For several seconds, there was only waiting. There was no certainty that they were far enough not to notice just yet, and taking chances was risky...then again, staying in an unknown location wasn't all that safe, either. One devil or the other, it seemed. After several more seconds, deeming that the unknown entity probably wasn't returning, Chiari shifted carefully, pulling at the reverseable zipper slowly to peek out of the bag.

...Nobody yet...but something still felt wrong...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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Patience son. Patience is the key. His father's words sounded through Noah's head as he waited. Fish are a cautious, suspicious bunch. They may poke around a bit, and wait a while before they take a bite. The best fisherman is the patient fisherman, always waiting for the best moment to reel them in. He slowed his silent, controlled breathing even further, relaxing his muscles into a more natural position. The intangible sense of existing started to fade around him, almost as though someone had turned off a switch in his head that sent out an "I am here" signal to everyone else. Noah did not so much as fade into the background as much as became a part of it. He was still easily seen, but if someone were not looking directly at him or for him, their eyes may pass right over him without ever noticing.

However, it seemed like he would not have to wait much longer, the soft sound of an unzipping bag filled the relative quiet as he tuned out the events on the other side of the bus. So, someone is in there. Let's see what this is about. Noah made no effort to move or reestablish his existence. He just watched, patiently curious as to what would happen next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ivy sputtered in dismay as the water hit her. Unfortunately it wasn't just alittle water the way Kyle usually but her out but a lot of water. They had learned when she was young not to put her fire out too quickly. Everything went grey as her flames went out. She wanted where her brother was. That was her last thought before she lost consciousness and hit the ground with a thud.
Kyle cursed. He had forgotten about the other water user. He rushed of the bus to his sisters side. "You little idiot. You know your not allowed to use that stuff. Bug spray is flammable. You know this. You are fifteen for heavens sake. I should be able to leave you alone for five minutes. But no you almost start a forest fire by starting yourself on fire. When are you going to grow up Ivy!" He growled as he scooped her into his arms. He was shaking at how close he had come to losing her again. She was the only thing he had. He couldn't lose her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The child in the bag let out a near-silent exhale. It's a trap. I know it is. And yet, they had still fallen for it. Regrettable. Through the opening left by the zipper, they could see that they were a good distance away from where the others were, just as suspected. There was absolutely no reason for that if this was just a matter of moving luggage.

After a few more seconds, the pale youth made up their mind and spoke up barely a above a whisper. "...The zipper's stuck. I can't open it."

They didn't really know if anyone was watching, but if they were, it was probably because they knew already. The zipper wasn't actually stuck, either, but if the bluff worked, the small youth could keep their hands free to counter in case of emergency. Already, one hand clutched a small collection of objects in the right pocket. Now to wait and see...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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From the inside of the bag, a muffled soft voice came out "... The zipper's stuck. I can't open it." One of Noah's eyebrows rose in an arc of disbelief. That's the same excuse I gave as a child to get out of homework. Whoever this person is their lies needed work. Still he considered his options: this person seemed to know he or at least was there whether through some mundane means or supernatural ones he was uncertain. However, it was possible that this was a bluff solely to confirm a suspicion and if he remained silent the person would come out of their own accord. If he spoke up pretending to fall for the bluff he may have a chance to gather some more information.

Ultimately, he needed to know the person's motivation before anything else. This camp had gathered people with unique gifts. Gifts that Noah was certain would be of interest to many different nefarious individuals or groups. He had been fortunate that his abilities were easy to conceal, but he had already seen obvious abilities being used. If this person represented one of those interests or even told anyone what they might see here, things could get dangerous quickly. And still, the reason this person was in a bag could be entirely benign, albeit rather strange.

Staring at the bag, Noah made his choice. He felt his power running from fingers gently weaving through the wind, casting his voice to be several feet directly above the person. Talking will do... But I need some insurance." He began to speak and his voice resounded from the separate location he had directed it too. "I'll help you with the zipper if you tell me why you are in this bag. Many of the campers here value their privacy and someone intruding could lead to unpleasantness. You can see why your suspicious arrival concerns me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Will
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Will <|°_°|>

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Hannah and Jaylyn exited the shuttle bus slowly but surely, holding their luggage with tentativeness. Hannah whispered under her breath "I don't know if I want to be here..." Jaylyn looked forward with nothing but a grin, "I'm excited, I get new subjects!" she thought of herself as an "empress" and all Hannah thought was that she was crazy. Jaylyn summoned up some soldiers and got them to carry her, "March!" she demanded, and so they did. Hannah blew hair out of her face and followed behind her. Jaylyn laid in her soldiers arms, they would normally be armed with sandstone tipped spears and shields made completely of sandstone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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At the sound of the voice, the hand clenched a little tighter around the youth's own form of 'insurance'. As expected, or half-expected at the least, someone was around to answer back. Those footsteps hadn't been a sign of safety at all.

"I could offer you the same reprimand. As my current attempted kidnapper, you're far more suspicious than I." Their own voice never changed from its near-whispered tone, just as it never did. "And so, I would ask similarly of you before you receive any answer of mine. Why would you take a bag not belonging to you? Especially one containing a trapped child? That's rather an unpleasant setup in itself."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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"I've never been one for logical fallacies, but I will answer your question regardless. I arrived on the bus and was helping out the other campers by removing their luggage from the bus for them. When I got to your bag, you squeaked. I've already gone into my concerns, so I moved the bag away from the other campers. If you have been kidnapped, you have been kidnapped all of twenty feet. Therefore, not so unpleasant a setup as you tried to make it seem. In fact, I am not certain what you expected to happen once you got here, you do realize with unclaimed luggage the first thing they do is check the inside of a bag for a name yes? And now I believe it is time you answered my question." Quietly, Noah drew out his own item for defense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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"Why would you check the inside instead of looking for a tag? I though privacy was important to you. There could be belongings of a very personal nature in that bag." The youth stayed still, not giving any reason for their watcher to attempt anything. As long as the bag stayed between them, there was only so much to be expected. Unfortunately, that left few preparation options for the bag's occupant as well.

"In any case, I have been taken to an unfamiliar location against my will by another person; therefore, I have essentially been kidnapped, whatever distance this has been carried over. And hand-offs are quite common in smuggling, so the distance traveled by one accomplice is of little defense. Nobody ever said that you were the only kidnapper, either; only the current one."

"Furthermore, I wouldn't be in the bag if I wasn't stuck, now would I? It didn't bother you to take matters into your own hands before, so what makes an immobile and confused child worth less of your assistance? It's only more suspicious that you'd treat them as an enemy first and a possible victim second."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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"A cursory glance at your bag once you squeaked showed no tags or identifying marks on it. You have not been kidnapped- you have been caught trying to sneak in for a purpose you refuse to reveal. And you are in the bag because that is currently where you want to be. You can drop the zipper act. If you were a victim, you probably would've said something like 'Help keep,I've been trapped in a bag rather than get into an argument based on the fact you won't answer the question of why are you trying to sneak into our camp." Noah frowned at the bag in mild annoyance. Still he remained where he was though, he would give the person one more chance to answer the question. "And if you know anything about the campers here, you would know why we would treat anyone who didn't belong as a potential enemy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aki turned around to see a giggling girl on fire, the guy unloading the bags pull out a fire extinguisher, and the kid who he assumed was the kid that slashed water on to the bus driver put water on to the girl on fire. After a few more seconds the girl fell over which Aki assumed as unconscious he controlled the wind under her to soften her landing. Then he ran over to the girl. As he ran another boy reached her first after hearing what he said to the girl Aki assumed that the dude was her brother. As he arrived he asked "Is she ok? When I saw her faint I used the air arround her to keep her from hitting the ground to hard."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Will
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Will <|°_°|>

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Hannah, being a bit scared to this new situation, tried to take in all these odd people. She had been around people that were not in anyway 'powerful' and now she was surrounded by them. The camp just up ahead, frightened her with it's size, it might have been designed to be homely but it did not feel that way whatsoever. She wanted to try and talk to someone at least, break the ice a bit. Alas, she was too afraid of being embarrassed to do so. Jaylyn was the loud-mouth of the two if it wasn't clear enough already. She just wanted to make herself known.

Hannah glanced over at the bus, waiting for people to get off of the bus, as some had still been collecting there carry-ons, but eventually thought people would find it odd if she just stared, so she weaved in and out of existence. Towards where Jaylyn was having her soldiers take her, it was a bench adjacent to the camp entrance. Jaylyn had her soldiers let her down slowly, onto the bench. Hannah sat down next to her and said with a clear, monotone voice, "Why are we even here. I don't see how some stupid camp is gonna keep us from getting found." Jaylyn brushed hair out of her face as she replied, while grinning, "Not too sure, sister o' mine, but I feel like I'm gonna have a good time here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Thank you for that. Ivy will be fine once she dries off. Silly little idiot. You would think that she would know better. But no. She is too cxcited and curious to think." Kyle explained as he picked Ivy up. He would have to come back for their bags. He sighed. Sometimes he felt as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. He started towards the camp. So much for a quiet summer.
"Please gather around. We would like to go over things." the counselors called in unison. The spoke and move as one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Will
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Will <|°_°|>

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hannah and Jaylyn looked up simultaneously, watching as the counselors movement and breaths were in sync. That's a bit weird.. Hannah thought. Jaylyn summoned two sand soldiers that rushed her over in front of the counselors. Hannah weaved her way over, teleporting short distances, or "hopping" as she liked to call it next to where Jaylyn stood. Up close, the counselors were even creepier with their movements. Hannah stared hopelessly as they all breathed in and out at the same time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Unlike most of the campers, James had missed the buss. Leaving her distraught, doting father at the stop she took of into the air with her bag. At around 30 feet up she spotted the bus. None of this really bothered her though, she would much rather be out here flying than in a crowded bus. Hovering high above the bus James followed until the yellow dot stopped and let off a bunch of little ants. "Well this is my stop." Unaware of the craziness below she just...dropped herself out of the sky. As she approached the ground she sent a gust upwards to soften her landing and hit the ground on her feet with a soft thud. As James took a look around she noticed golems, a passed out teenage girl, and clones. "Seems I missed the party."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DaredevilSpider
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DaredevilSpider NO ONE CARES!!!!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex realized as he asked the questions to the girl that she started falling over and she passed out. Somebody ran over to her and said something to her that made them sound like brother and sister. He apologized to the kid but wasn't sure if he heard Alex.
After a while of waiting for people to get off the bus he saw some girl with what looked to be like soldiers carrying her. Maybe some form of conjuration? He went over and stood by Valencia again and she looked to be holding something in her back pocket. He was going to ask her what it was but then he heard the what seemed to be the camp counselors asking everyone to gather around.
"Cm'on, we should probably go over there." he said to Valencia, pointing towards them.
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