Name:Matthew "Matty" Jones
Age: 17 1/2
Skills: Running, swimming, eating, video games

Power: He can control what object are made of down to the molecular level and, to a slight extents, make objects move. eg. He can change a rock to a feather with his mind.
Bio: Matthew was an ordinary boy until he had discovered his power when he was 16 years old. This came as quite the shock to him. He was on the roof of his apartment building messin with a couple of his friends when he fell over the edge. As he fell he prayed that he'd land on something soft, like a mattress in those movies and he did. He landed on a mattress exactly dead center, just like how he was hoping. He discarded it as just dumb luck. Over the past year, he noticed his power then things got either worse or better, whenever Matthew went out to get ice cream with his friends and they got the wrong flavour. Matthew would begin to rant about the flavour he wanted and, while no one was looking, he would make the flavour change. He started to feel lonely so when he found out about the camp for children like him, he begged his parents to let him go to this camp and, eventually he broke them and they let him go onto the camp.