How many rebels so far?
How many rebels so far?
<Snipped quote by Louis Dabout>
<Snipped quote by Sep>
Hmm maybe I should become one... a sadistic murderer who has taken advantage of the rebel cause to hide his activities behind a just cause?
<Snipped quote by Louis Dabout>
If you so desire.
<Snipped quote by Sep>
So it wouldn't break any of the rules? I mean... he's not going to be a friendly sort of guy from what I'm brainstorming about him. So far the keywords are: Ruthless, vindictive, Harsh, Secretive, anti-social, and rude. Is that what you'd want as a rebel?
This'll need a good explanation to why he is trying to liberate Boonta not Mandalore.
<Snipped quote by Sep>
I'm not Liar but I would assume they're going to play it as a "First Gotham Then the World!" scenario. By winning over Boonta they'd have that much more support in taking back Mandalore. But like I said, I'm not Liar; that's just how I'd go about it.
He was originally a Mandalorian insurgent aiding the Mandalorian Protectors in the Mandalore Sector, but a disastrous mission had him captured by slavers. However, while traveling aboard the slavers' ship, he made friends with the other prisoners and helped lead a mutiny (not wholly the physical part of it, but, rather, the planning of it). One of the prisoners aboard had been a dedicated member of the Open Circle Rebellion and asked Dret to aid them. Dret considered the offer, understood that Mandalore couldn't be liberated by the Mandalorian Protectors by themselves, and accepted, believing that if he gained enough influence with the Rebels he would eventually be able to aid his people.
I would go into more in the actual character sheet later, but I figure I might as well state my intentions now.
@Sep, can I bring HK-2020 into this?
He will join whichever side has the shinier guns.
I hope more people opt for Rebel characters. If both sides are matched there could be some intense battles and scenarios!
<Snipped quote by Frizan>
If players are balanced in favour of the Imperial Side (I will eventually close applications) that just makes it harder for us and perhaps make you more complacent...