Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago


286th Legion - General Kelen Rolin:
Deployment: None
Current Activities: Creating a Task Force to hunt down the three top separatist leaders.

136th Legion - General Joachim Hoch:
Deployment: Sluiss Van
Current Activities: CIS have invaded the planet Sluiss Van, Joachim Hoch and the 136th sent to aid local rebels to take back the planet. Has not been heard from since landing planetside...

302nd Legion - General Jason Je'and:
Deployment: None
Current Activities: Return to Coruscant to become part of a task force to hunt down the key separatist leaders headed by General Rolin.

212th Legion - General Obi-Wan Kenobi:
Deployment: Sarrish
Current Activities: Assaulted and Captured a CIS Outpost and established an FOB

419th Legion - General Silas Va'aan:
Deployment: None
Current Activities: Returning to Coruscant to become part of a Task Force to hunt down the separatist leaders headed by General Rolin.

224th Legion - General Kiana:
Deployment: Solus Moons
Current Activities: Taking over Campaign to rid the Solus System of CIS presence. Currently on Solus 4

104th Legion - General Plo Koon:
Deployment: Bespin
Current Activities: Making Aerial Assault on the cloud cities of Bespin, currently under CIS control. General Saesee Tinn will be assisting.

501st Legion - Anakin Skywalker/Ahsoka Tano
Deployment: None
Current Activities: Returning to Coruscant to become part of a Task Force to hunt down the key separatist leaders, headed by General Rolin.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

-Republic Outpost 94-0045, Solus 4-
"Log 457: It's the second week on Solus 4, and we've already had too many run ins with those tinheads. Casualties are beginning to rise, yet we have a fortified Location just south of the main cities. We are preparing to initiate a three pronged attack to retake it, hopefully that will be enough to..."
I am stopped in mid log by an explosion occurring just outside in the courtyard. I rush out to see what has happened, and one of our Walkers has gone down, taking out a few troops with it. Fire crew and medics are rushing out. My Commander, CC-7501 who everyone calls Bronze, rushes over to me.
Commander Bronze: "Sir, They've Begun Long Range Bombardments from the North Ridge, Targeting Our Heavy Vehicles."
"Have Smaller Vehicles Get Up There and Take Them Out, We Can't Afford to Lose any More Walkers!"
Commander Bronze: "Sir yes Sir! Falcon Squad, Mount Your AT-RT's and Take Those Clankers Down!"
I Walk Back Inside the Command Room to Continue the Log. I Generally Leave Bronze in Charge When These Things Happen, He's a Very Capable Commander.
"Now Where Was I... Oh Yes. Hopefully that will be enough to Break the CIS Defenses and Retake the First City, Forcing them to Run from City to City Until they are Cornered. They Redid Much of My Work Here When they Retook Solus, but Now I'm Back and I'm Gonna Take it Back for Good.
-Jedi Knight Kelen Rolin
-286th Assault Legion"

I Save the Log and head back outside. Falcon Squad is Easily Taking Care of the Droids on the Ridge, the Loss of that One Walker Could Hurt Us a Bit, But Not Much.
"Bronze, Gather All Troopers to the Main Courtyard for Briefing. We Need to Take That City Before They Decide to Bring More Tanks Next Time."
Commander Bronze: "Right Away Sir!"

After Bronze Gathered Up all the Troops, I Addressed Them All About our Battle Strategy.
"This will be a Three Part Operation. Myself and Bronze will Engage them With the Bulk of our Forces At the Front Gates. Sergeant Lucky, You Will Take a Detachment to the East Gate. And Onyx Squad, Your Mission Will be to Infiltrate the City Undetected and Deactivate their Auto Turret Grid Protecting the Gates. You Have Your Assignments, So Let's Move Out!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Coake
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Lord Coake The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clone Sergeant CS-1313, known as 'Lucky' by most the others in the 286th Legion, was in a barracks building, performing maintenance on his gear, and talking and laughing alongside the other clones. He spent a bit of time polishing the chestplate of his armor, ensuring the large black '13' had a clean appearance. After running some checkup repairs on his rifle and sidearm, he decided that this was as good as he could get his gear today, and let out a content sigh. An old friend, Trooper CT-1998, known as 'Strongarm' for when he destroyed a battle droid with another's severed arm, sat beside him. "Word is, the General's got a special assignment for ya." he chuckled, patting Lucky on the shoulder. Lucky grinned back "Well, hopefully it involves turning those blasted tinheads into scrap....Nah, scrap's too good for 'em! We outta melt them down, and use the metal to make blasters to get rid of more of them!" He stood up and called out to the barracks, "Now who's with me? We'll show these clankers what real soldiers are made of in no time at all!" Lucky's cry was met with a round of applause and whistles from the troops in the barracks. Just after, a messenger stepped into the barracks, approaching Lucky with a attentive salute before handing him a datapad. "Message from Commander Bronze, sir." Lucky took the message and saluted back "Thank you, trooper. Dismissed." As the trooper left, Lucky read over the datapad, and called out for the troops in the barracks to follow him, heading for the meeting site.

Arriving at the meeting site, Lucky and the others stood at attention. Listening intently to the orders, somewhat proud that the General had entrusted him command over the forces he did. After the meeting, Lucky rushed about, gathering those he needed for his detachment, ensuring they knew their orders to the letter, and getting them ready to march. Once they were fully assembled, Lucky would begin leading them onward to the goal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Aegis of Tython-Enroute to Sarrish

Jason Je'and

"Recent scouting shows the Clankers have re-secured the anti-air cannon in the plains and they've reestablished their defensive lines all throughout them." I sigh as Hammer relays the latest intel as we're travelling through hyper space. Obi-wan was listening and giving his input via holocommunication. The Separatists were determined to keep Sarrish, but we couldn't afford to let them.

"Then we won't attack the plains just yet. We set down and establish our staging area in the woods and hope that the droid scouts don't find us too big. Or, we attack the plains after using an orbital bombardment to soften them up." I turn to the holographic image of General Obi-wan Kenobi. "Your thoughts, Master Kenobi?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kais sat silently on his bunk in his squads barracks, with his feet up on a crate while reading a datapad. Raider and dead eye sat upon crates with a makeshift table between them, the two played a card game of sorts. Haz laid on his bunk trying to sleep. " Kais when are we gonna get our orders...I'm tired of sitting here waiting for the general's orders." Raider said as Deadeye frowns "Same boss, getting rusty just using the range." Deadeye said as he put his cards down and looked at Kais. Kais looked away from his datapad and sighed "I know boys...soon." he said as the barrack room door opened revealing a Regular clone trooper. As the door opened he quickly walked in, oddly uncomfortable with the commandos staring at him " RC-3245?" he asked to the squad as Raider, being the closest, stood up and took the data pad. with little protest from the regular clone trooper, Raider tried to read the datapad only to have the clone take it back "It is for RC-3245's eyes only" he said as he tried to stare down Raider from behind his helmet. "give it here." Kais said quickly, tired of the stupidity. "I am RC-3245." he said as he took the pad from the trooper and looked at its contents. After a few seconds he dismissed the clone trooper with a wave of his hand. "Onyx squad gear up, we got orders to gather, seems we got ourselves a mission." he said with a smile as the four quickly gather their gear.

Arriving at the site, the squad stood at ease while hearing the orders. Once Onyx squad received their orders, Kais nodded silently as they were dismissed. "Onyx squad, stand procedure, LAAT will take us as close as possible, then we will hoof it, take down the grid, and then back home." he said as the rest of his squad nodded and jogged off to the platform.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

-Gates to Ruthora, 2 Hours Later-
At the Main Gate Just South of the City, about 1000 Ft Back, I Had My Troops and Vehicles at a Complete Halt. I Had to Take Inventory of Everyone Before the Assault Began.
"Alright, Let's Tally Up Our Force Here: 4 Walkers [AT-TE], 3 Cannons [AV-7 Mobile Cannons], 1 Turbo Tank [HAVw A6 Juggernaut], 500 Troops, with 4 Gunships [LAAT/i Gunship] and 4 Headhunters [Z-95 Headhunter] on Standby."
Commander Bronze: "All Troops Accounted For and In Position Here, I Only Hope Lucky's Team and Onyx Squad Are in Position."
I Had Given Lucky@Lord Coake 2 Walkers and 100 Troops to Take the Less Guarded East Gate to the City, and Onyx Squad Was Going in With The Bare Minimum by LAAT/i Gunship. Bronze Had His Special Unit on the Front Lines, Sergeant Rocker, and Troopers Smiles and Livewire. Smiles had his PLX-1 RPG, while Rocker and Livewire had their DC-15s Carbines Ready, with Rocker's DC-15x Sniper Rifle on his Back. Bronze Of Course had his Z-6 Rotary Cannon, which he has since nicknamed the "Spin Cycle".
Sergeant Rocker: "General, Initial Scans Show a Multitude of Anti Aircraft Guns on the North Side, Onyx Squad Might Run into Trouble With Those.
"Right, Onyx Squad Come in, Adding Additional Objective to Your Mission, Disable the Three AA Guns on the North Side, and Watch Yourselves."@caliban22
I Turn back to the Battle at hand, All Troops Are Ready to Attack, So I Give the Order...
"All Troops, Forward! Let's Push These Tinnies Out of Here!"
I Pull Out my Twin Lightsabers and Swing them to my sides as they ignite, Rushing Forward Leading The Charge as the Red and Blue Blasterfire Begins to Blanket the Area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(I Guess I'll Control the Non-Custom Character Related NPCs If That's Okay)

-Command Bridge of the Venator Class Republic Cruiser "Negotiator"-
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "The Droids Also Have a Massive Blockade Surrounding the Planet that we will have to break before we even make it to the surface. This will not be an easy campaign."
CC-2224 "Commander Cody" Entered the Room, Standing Alongside Kenobi with His Assessment of the Situation.
Commander Cody: "As the General Just Said, We Will Have to Breach the Blockade Before Anything. We Currently Have 3 Fighter Squadrons on-board this Ship, with the same number spread about our other three cruisers."
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "That, Combined With Your Fighter Squadrons and Cruiser Fire "Should" Be Enough to Break Through their Defenses. One Can Never Be Too Sure However..."
A Deck Officer Now Entered the Room, Speaking to General Kenobi.
Deck Officer: "General, We Will Be Coming Out of Hyperspace In About 5 Minutes, We Should Prepare Now."
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "Agreed, Tell All Pilots to Get to Their Fighters and Standby for Launch."
Commander Cody: "Right Away Sir!"
Cody Rushed Off To the Pilot Barracks to Inform the Pilots of Their Coming Orders.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "And Master Je'and, I Look Forward to Fighting Alongside You, We Will See Each Other Shortly."
@Zarkun, @nano627
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Aegis of Tython-Enroute to Sarrish

Jason Je'and

[@Shiny Keldeo

Jason nods to Obi-wan. "And I you, Master Kenobi." The transmission ends and Hammer moves to get the pilots into their fighters while Jason heads to the hangar bay. The ship's captain stops him on his way off the bridge.

"Will you be joining the pilots?" Jason shakes his head and points to the map.

"Not directly. I intend to join the bombing runs on our target capitol ships this time." The captain nods and Jason leaves, once more heading for the hangar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Coake
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Lord Coake The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Shiny KeldeoLucky and his force were in position outside the East Gate to the city. He had given the order for their two AT-TE Walkers to bombard the defenses, to soften up the enemy position. After receiving word that the assault on the main gate had begun, Lucky ordered his force to commence their attack. Charging forward alongside the others, he fired at the remaining defenders of the gate. The bombardment seemed to have an effect beneficial to the attacking troops, as there was far less resistance than when they had arrived. Gunning down Battle Droids, Lucky watched as the Droids slowly began to fall back. "We've got these boltheads on the retreat, let's give it all we've got, boys!" He called over the radio to his men. Lucky then opened a comms channel to the main gate forces. "We've got them starting to fall back into the city. East Gate should be secure soon. I'll notify you once we've finished. Lucky out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nano627
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Defiant- Acclamator Class

Freefall sat on his bunk, staring at his helmet and twiching his leg nervously.
They were going back, after all these year they were going back.
Memories of the last battle for Sarrish flooded into his mind, it was the worst defeat of the 212th and this many years into the war there had been more than one crushing defeat. Freefall thought of all the comrades he had lost that day and in all the other battles over the last 7 years. Very few of the original pilots affiliated with the 212th were still in active service and many of them had long since gained promotions that put them aboard much larger craft than Larties.

Freefall had reached the position of squardron leader but his attitude had stopped any further advancement, which was fine by him. Freefall smirked as remembered some of his many scoldings from superior officers. He often found amusement that clones of the same man could have such different personalities, In truth as far as he was concerned they were brothers not clones sure they look similar and have alot of similarites but there were differences and that's what made him Freefall not CP-1742.

Freefall rose and inspected his armour before putting it on, the blue strips that identified him as a a member of blue squad contrasting the yellow that marked the rest of his pilot armor. There was something very personal about armour that lead to most clones having minor alterations of the standard armour, especially the older ones Freefall's modification was the number 1 in blue on his breastplate. Freefall left the bunk and began to make his way to the hanger hoping to catch his engineer Wrench before they got there.

Freefall broke into a sprint, all thoughts of meeting Wrench gone. He made it to the hanger in a little under a minute.
"Onesie!, Helix!, Blaster!, CK! On me!" He called to the rest of his squad
"All present and accounted for sir!" Helix replied as they formed up.

Freefall nodded in approval before glancing around and going in for some quick high-fives as he realised they were the first squad ready.
In a matter of moments everyone else had a arrived and Cody's orders were relayed by the ship's communications officer. The blues' job was simple use V-19s to take out the CIS fighters and then quickly redeploy using the LAAT/Is to get men on the ground as soon as possible and hope that Green squad had taken out most of the Anti-air by that time.


Blue squad rushed to the V-19s making sure all systems were Go before locking thier cockpits.
"Man, Command sure does like giving us time to get ready" Helix commented, even through the comms his sarcasm was clear.
"Don't worry I'm sure you have enough time to put on your make-up" Freefall replied
"Yeah I just don't know if i'll have enough time to put on yours sir"
"Same rules sir? Onesie questioned before Freefall had a chance to make his counter
"Yep, Lowest kill count buys first round"

" 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, EXITING HYPERSPACE NOW!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

-Ruthora, Main Gate-
The Droids had Been Little Trouble for the 286th, The Highly Accurate and Deadly Auto Turrets Positioned on the Wall, However... That Was Another Problem.
Livewire: "General, We're Losing Men Fast, Those Turrets are Ripping us to Shreads!"
"I See that, Tell the Troops to Pull Back out of Range, We'll Have to Wait Until those Auto Turrets are Offline Before we can Proceed. Rocker, Contact Onyx Squad!"
Sergeant Rocker: "Yes Sir, Onyx Squad Report."
There Is Silence over the Communicator, No Response.
Sergeant Rocker: "Onyx Squad, Respond. LAAT/i 4117 Respond. 45 Come In. Kais Come In!"
Still No Response, Which Was Strange But not Uncommon for The Commando Squad of Onyx Squad, But Not the LAAT/i Pilot.
"I'll Bet they got shot down, Pilot's Probably Dead, Onyx Should be En-Route to Objective. We'll Wait a While Longer and Hope they Reestablish Communication."
Smiles: "If They Made It Sir..."
"Oh Trust Me, They Made it. I Know Onyx Squad All too Well, They Don't Die Easily."
Commander Bronze: "I'll Contact Lucky's Detachment, Tell Them What's Going On."
Livewire: "The Troops are Proceeding Out of Range, Let's Get Going and See How Many We Lost."
"Agreed, Tactical Retreat, Let's Regroup and Re-strategize."
@caliban22 @Lord Coake

-Sarrish Orbit, Hanger of the "Negotiator"-
Intercoms: All Pilots To Your Ships, All Pilots To Your Ships!
The Three Squadrons Aboard the Negotiator Had Quickly Boarded Their Ships. General Kenobi Would Be Leading His Squadrons Engaging the Fighters, With Pilot Commander Oddball As his Co-Lead.
Oddball: "All Squadrons Check In, Prep for Launch."
One By One Each Squadron Radioed in, Until Each of 12 Squadrons was Accounted For.
Oddball: "General, We Are Green for Launch."
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "Good, Let Us Begin, All Fighters Launch, Attack Vector Alpha Three."
As the Fighters of the 212th Launched, The Fleet Commanded by General Je'and Arrived.
@nano627 @Zarkun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

En route to the squads DZ,several lucky shots from ground based missiles took took down their LAAT. Having crash landed the squad went to work, first checking on the Crew of the LAAT, then ensuring the crash site was secure. "Haz, make sure the surviving crew are stabilized...get them away from the crash sit. These are pilots so they won't be able survive long with their pistols, myself and the others will move ahead, the first thing we need to do is take out the AA towers... when we push deeper into the city, the gun could easily take down any air support we can muster." Kais said as Haz nods along "Once you are secured, send a message to the general Onyx is ground side, proceeding with objectives but we have wounded...then once that is done catch up with us" he said as Haz moved to follow his orders
"Raider, Deadeye...Lets get some kills." he said ashthe three commandos turn towards the closest objective, One of the three Gun towers. If anything he knew that it would take some of the droids attention away. Right after his squad would head to take down the auto turrets.
As the squad moved on, encountering only the occasional droid patrols, the squad moved with little resistance. Only stopping once they hit their first target. quickly the three set up explosives on the three main supporting beams holding up the tower. after retreating to a safe distance Kais sets off the bombs, while not enought to bring it down, it would ensure the next time it fires that it will collapse on its self.
"quickly to the Turrets." Kais said to hos team as he hurried to where intel had told them the hub would be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Aegis of Tython-In orbit above Sarrish

Jason Je'and

[@Shiny Keldeo

{Attention all fighters, we are exiting hyperspace...now!} Jason grinned as he felt the Aegis of Tython leave hyperspace and the hangar doors opened up. {All fighters and bombers, launch. Attack vector Delta 1. Bombers, hang back until you see an opening.} The radio came alive with "Yes sirs" and the ships all launched, Jason having told the captain one thing but he was really doing another.

The fighters of the 302nd joined those of the 212th in formation moments before they met the enemy fighters, and they expertly broke formation to engage them. Jason immediately set to fighting a group of Vulture droids as the clones under his command did, the bombers taking openings to run their bombing runs on the capitol ships, the Aegis of Tython, Stormcaller, and Thunder of Kashyyk unleashing volleys on the capitol ships as they closed the distance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nano627
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sarrish- Orbit

Blue Squad shot out of the hanger racing into the fray of lasers. The squads team work was in good form today. The enemies around them were blasted to bits scrap metal. which allowed blue squad to redirect and support other squads dealing with more numerous droids. The fighting was intense to start off with but after a few minutes the clones were clearly showing signs of winning.

Freefall:"Squad status report"
Helix:"All is green and that would be 4 wait..... make that 5 kills"
Blaster:"Woooooohooooo! I ain't buying tonight 6 kills heck yeah!"
Onesie:"That's 3 on my end sir"
Blaster:"Damn CK, Tough luck rookie looks like your buying"
Onesie:"I've been here for months! When are you gonna stop calling me rookie"
Helix:"Hang on a second. Hey captain! how many did you get"
Freefall:"Let's just say the first rounds on me and leave it at that"
Blaster:"Rookie you'll always be rookie. Now come on Captain let me hear that oh so sweet number"
CK:"He got 1"
Freefall:" CK I never thought I'd say this but you need to learn how to shut up"

The rest of the crew burst into laughter and Freefall had to turn off his comms and wait for them to settle down.

Freefall:"All right, funs over it's time to grab the Larties"

Blue squad pulled out and started heading back towards the Defiant. Freefall began to report the progress to Commander Oddball along the way.

Freefall:"Commander, this is blue 1. I repeat this is blue 1 permission to progress to phase 2 over"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

-Ruthora, Main Gate-

After Retreating to a Safe Distance, We Began Taking Our Loss Count. The Initial Push Proved Little Casulties, but as the Seps Dug in, They Started to Go Up. We Lost One Walker to Tank Fire, and 83 Men Dead or Dying. There was at least one piece of good news.
Sergeant Rocker: "General, I Recieved Comms from Onyx Squad, You Were Right. LAAT Got Shot Down from those AA Guns, Crew Survived and Onyx are Making Their Way Through the City. One AA Gun Already Down."
"That's Good News, Tell Them To Hurry and Get Those Auto Turrets Down so We Can Get in There and Finish This Battle."
Sergeant Rocker: "Sir Yes Sir."
Commander Bronze had been talking with some of the higher ranking troops in the assault force, but now came to rejoin Me.
Commander Bronze: "If They Take Out at Least One More AA Gun, We Can Send in Our Gunships and Headhunters to Finish Off the Last One and Get Troops Inside. Also, Scouts Report that the Droids are Beginning to Re-Fortify Their Defenses."
"Get Those Cannons Online and Opening Long Range Fire, Then. Don't Let Them Reform Their Defenses."
Commander Bronze: "Right Away Sir."
Not Even a Minute Later, the Loud Booming of the AV-7 Heavy Cannons Could Be Heard for Miles.
@caliban22 @Lord Coake

-Sarrish, Orbit-

Commander Cody: "We Read You Freefall, It Looks Like You Should Be Able To... Wait, What's That?"
Deck Officer: "We're Reading Several Ships Coming Out of Hyperspace in Sector 2, Unidentified."
Cody Looked out the Bridge Windows and Watched as Several Munificent Class Star Frigates Emerged from Hyperspace Right Beside the Acclamator Class Cruisers.
Commander Cody: "Cruisers One Through Four, You Got Incoming Hostiles Point Two-Six, Prepare to Engage!"
The Cruisers Immediately Obliged, Focusing Their Heavy Turbolaser Turrets on the Incoming Frigates. Cody Noticed that the Torrents of Blue Squadron Were Caught Right in the Middle.
Commander Cody: Freefall, Get Out of There Quick, Or You're About to be In for Quite a Lightshow!"
Right as he said that, the first lasers were fired, then more, and soon it was near impossible to distinguish anything in the lazer lightshow.
@nano627 @Zarkun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Jason Je'and

The firefight was intense and the Separatists had begun deploying Tri-fighters as the other ships dropped out of hyperspace and engaged Obi-wan's fleet. Jason, noting the additional ships attacking our flank, redirected. {Black and Orange squadrons, with me. We'll offer General Kenobi some assitance with his flank. Yellow squadron, prepare for a bombing run on the lead ship.} The three squadrons broke off from the main engagement to assist their general, strafing the lead attack ship and it's fighters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nano627
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sarrish- Orbit

Darkness and flashes of light. Screams and smoke.

Helix:"Freefall! Freefall!"

Freefall awoke to the sounds of the alarms and his body being jerked. He stumbled up his body felt like lead and even the slightest movements were agony. Helix helped him up and lent him against a nearby work table. Freefalls vision was blurry and it took him a few moments to get his bearings. He looked around and saw two V-19s both damaged. No, one damaged the other beyond repair. A little further to the side were 10 larties one with an attached AT-TE. Around the larties were a couple hundred troopers, all looking rather nervous.

Freefall:"we're on the Defiant?"

BOOM! The whole craft shook as it recieved a salvo from the enemy craft.

Helix:"Yes,sir" Helix's tone sounded a bit like CK's, never a good sign.
Freefall:"The others?"
Freefall noded plainly it was a sad thing to say but they were used to friends dying.
CRACK! Freefall began to understand why everyone on the hanger was looking so nervous the enemy frigates were focusing fire on the Defiant and by the sound of it the shields weren't going to hold much longer.

Freefall looked to Helix
Freefall:"Phase 2 is a go. Let's give'em the Hotdrop"
Helix looked surprised for a moment before simply wandering over to the larties and ushering the clones aboard
Helix:"All right troopers! let's load it up!"

Freefall eased towards Wrench, looked like he was in charge for the moment at least
Freefall:"I'm gonna need 9 engineers and before you argue, we both know that the Defiant probably won't be here long enough for us to make a second run and engineers are the closest thing to pilots still here. I want those troopers to at least have a chance of dying after being of some use to the Republic."

Wrench:"You're right old friend but that is why you are going to take all 20 of us we are useless here"
Freefall did a couple calculations in his head before agreeing that there was enough space to do that. The improvised invasion force waited until just after the latest barrage of fire to launch. Hoping to get down to the surface before they were all killied. Freefall was of course taking the AT-TE down after all quick drops was his specialty.

There departure was escourted by a hundred crys of "FOR THE REPUBLIC!"
@Shiny Keldeo@Zarkun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As the squad moved deeper into the city hiding in a shelled out building, the sounds of heavy cannons fill the air. "Kais, The general must be bombarding the front... That should pull away from clanker from the area...the Grid for the turrets....well as the jedi say... The force is...something or other." Raider said. The fumbling of words causes Deadeye and Kais to chuckle slightly as the wait for Hanz. The squad had already mapped out the plan, with the bombardment, Kais to go with Raider in to take out the Grid with Raider's explosives, Haz and Deadeye would find transport so that the team could make it to the pick up zone. Worst case scenario they could ride out to Republic lines, Or just hunker down and wait until Reinforcements. The bad part is, the Grid was heavily guarded with several blocks used to guard the single building housing the node. Thankfully though several of the buildings had been hit by stray Artillery rounds. Normally a crew that had fired this far off would be in trouble, but they may have the mission ten times easier. As The team waited they notice Haz coming up a side street. From the look of the oil and Carbon scoring he had run into a squad or two of droids, maybe even a few supers if looks were any indication. After waving him over Kais tells him the plan, while he goes over it Haz relays to the General they are moments away from Assaulting the Grid area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hypori, near sunset

for a moment the sun burned low in the sky, filtering it's rays through the ruined hull of the crashed Acclamator. A peace seemed to settle on the barren world, a peace that was shattered by the warbling cry of a V-19 Torrent as it cut through the atmosphere, followed by the unmistakable sound of several LAAT gunships, and two LAAT/c (each carrying a AT-TE) following in a tight formation. Dropping altitude quickly the air group skirted around the old wreak, dust kicking up from their passing. Coming around the bulk of the Acclamator the reason for the transport's haste came into view.

A battle raged between the forces of the 419th and a wave of droid attackers, a mix of what appeared to be a bulk force of B-2's and Homing Spiders. The clones of the 419th appeared to have dug them selves into several earthwork entrenchments, a mix of AT-RT's and AT-PT's harrasing enemy lines and supporting soft spots in the defensive positions. As for the large armor of the AT-TE's, their Mass driver cannons were raining fire from a long distance into large groups of droids or the Homing Spiders. Even a couple Juggernauts were in the fight, using their heavy armor, size, and anti-infantry cannons to funnel the rust buckets into the death zones.

In the middle of all this however is where Silas currently made his home. The hum of his blades an the electronic verr as they cut the air to impact and slice through droid armor, a symphony with the AT-TE's artillery providing the percussion. As the blades traced their way through the darkening light in an spinning, flipping pattern, it was clear that the modified light clone armor the Silas wore hardly impacted his speed and even dexterity. It was obvious that he had been doing this a while, and would continue to do so, had the soft beep of his communicator notpull him back to the earthworks.

Deactivating his sabers Silas touched the communicator to key its activation, the voice of Krayt coming in loud and clear over the small device "Priority message coming in for you sir, it Captain Iolis. Thought you might want to take this one in person."

Silias smiled slightly as he stood and waved a trooper to the now vacant position, and responded with a backwards glance to the waning battle "Thank you Krayt, tell the captain im on my way and tell the gunners to begin focusing fire on the remaining Spiders, the B2's have had a bad enough day already."

Breaking into a zig zagging run to avoid any incoming fire, the Jedi made his way into the ruined Assault ship, where the 419th had set up their main base of operations. Nearing the center of the base, several large holo maps displayed a constantly updating situation map of the battlefield, while others monitored and routed transmissions. The one that Silas was looking for however, stood near the center and already had the flickering blue image of Captain Iolis, the commander of the Relentless Intent, projecting from its center. As for Krayt, he was walking this way and that, his helmet slung under his arm as he shouted orders into the comms and to the support units. A grin still on his face Silas approached the Holo display and cleared his throat to catch the captain's attention "Whats your message Captian?"

Iolis turned slightly and looked a little startled, obvious that he was paying attention to something else when the Echani had spoke. "Ah yes, General Silas. We have those scans you wanted of the nearby droid foundry, and it seems that intel was just a bit off. IT seems that the Seps have left us a few... gifts surrounding key parts of the foundry, Heavy Flak Cannons. If you want to continue with plan youll have to find a way to take them out. Wish I could be of more help."

Silas waved his hand "Its alright captain, thank you for the information. Now im sure your a busy man so I'll let you get back to maintaining our orbital superiority."

Iolis only answered with a chuckle as he nodded and the holo link closed. Leaving Silas alone with his racing thoughts. If the 419th didn't take out that foundry, they would be crushed under the droids sheer numbers. But to get close to it with the AT-TE's they would need to get past the Heavy Flak Cannons, which would chew their armor up and spit it out. There had to be a way of taking those things down without unnecessary sacrifice, but how... wait... yes, that could work, the one weakness of the Flak grids found on other sep planets. Looking over to Krayt, Silas whistled a sharp sound, the sound Krayt knew to well meant that the general had an idea that he may or may not like. Still he looked up at Silas, who still somehow wore that near trademark grin, "Krayt! Put your helmet on and get me Rancor squad! You're going generator hunting."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

-Ruthora, Main Gate-

"Good work Onyx', I'm Also Going to Notify You that The Outer Walls of the City are Ray Shielded, They May Be Linked in the Same Console as the Auto Turrets, Or One Nearby. Take That Out as Well, Along With At Least One More AA Gun."
As I Ended the Transmission, I Heard Blasterfire Coming from the Front Lines. I Saw Bronze Rushing Back With His Minigun in his Hand.
Commander Bronze: "General, The Droids are Beginning to Press Their Attack, We Had to Pull Back."
"Let's Move it Up Then, We Can't Lose Our Position Here. Move the Walkers Back Up for Covering Fire."
Commander Bronze: "You Got it General!"
With Our Walkers Creeping Along, I Pushed Forward Along With Bronze, Combining my Lightsabers into my Combination Saberstaff, Igniting Both.
@caliban22 @Lord Coake

-Sarrish, Orbit-

The Battle Was Next to a Stalemate Now. Blue Squadron had Been All But Destroyed, with massive casulties beginning to mount. Finally, though, the Blockade Began to Turn and Run.
Commander Cody: "We've Got Those Tinnies on the Run, Begin Launching LAAT/i's and LAAT/c's Immediately! Get Any Remaining Transports Ready to Land!"
The Defiant was Crippled and Dead in Space, but Salvageable it seemed. The Other Two Acclamators, Much Closer to the Droid Reinforcements, Had Been Completely Destroyed. The One Farthest Away was Smoking, but not seriously damaged. Gunships poured out of all remaining Ships and Began Making Runs for the Surface. Meanwhile, Kenobi had Other Things on His Mind.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "Have Some Gunships and Remaining Starfighters Search the Wreckage for Any Survivors, We Won't Leave a Man Behind."
Commander Cody: "Yes General, I Will Personally Head Out With One of Our Shuttles and Look for Anyone Still Alive, Then Meet You at the RV Planetside."
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "Good Man, Cody, Let the Force Be With You."
With That Obi-Wan Turned his Fighter towards Sarrish, and Proceeded with the Rest of the Invasion Force to the Surface Below.
@nano627 @Zarkun
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