Roland's Letter & Notes
I doubt you know who I am but please take a moment to read this. No doubt you have already received your invitation from the Albion Avengers to join the emissary to Neon Haven. Well I sent this letter to you and all the other pilots for some extra info on certain things in this mission that will be useful.
Albion's Avengers
First off, I have no political leanings whatsoever so this group's quest for 'global democracy' means nothing to me, but I have noticed while they have been very generous putting this group together they have been somewhat confidential about everything else about their group, I don't know how it was formed, who is the leader, or even what they really do outside of this mission. I don't know maybe I'm just being healthy and paranoid but I wouldn't be in a rush to label these 'the good guys' just because they are paying me. Decide for yourself.
Understanding the Pilot Class System:
Alright now pay attention, this might be the most important thing I explain to you. As you obviously know its a vicious world out there even for the best pilots and we have to work as a team to achieve our goals, so even if you've been a lone wolf up until now, you will now have the chance to take a role in the team which will round out the group as a whole and make you a force to be reckoned with. You will get to pick a Class and it will come with its own special abilities and weaknesses, because a team wont work if everyone is the same class there will be very limited spots for each class.
Here's the line up of what you can be:
Southwestern Gangs, Groups and Factions
Okay I'll be honest I'm not a faction encyclopedia, I spent most of my free time shooting down bandits for cash in Alberta, but I know the southwest has a few notable groups.
Understanding the info and codex system:
Okay now if you take a look over at the Personnel Codex (Characters Tab) you'll see a few profiles, obviously you'll be able to see your teammates here and my ugly mug and my trusty iron jack are on there too. But you'll also notice a few maybe half finished profiles about some notable pilots who we may run into. Remember when I said i used to be a scanner? well i picked up this info along the way, but I only got to learn so much with my limited tech back then, now whenever your scanner scans a notable plane or pilot Info will be added to the profiles in the codex. Info will also be added when you ask an Informed Person (NPC) something, but be smart with what you ask as even the friendliest of these guys will only answer a limited amount of questions before keeping quiet about anything more.
Scanning and Informed people will not only just work for pilots and planes but also about events and areas and important mission details, this will be added to this task codex right here (OOC) and its pretty empty at the moment so always be searching for more info, if we ever hope to get to new haven we will need every advantage we can get about our enemies, friendly factions, fueling stops, ambushes, and danger zones. I'm sure you can imagine.
You will have you CS in 2 parts, one for your Pilot and the Other for your Plane.
Name: (Full)
Age: (15-65)
Pilot Class: (explained above)
Appearance: (Text or Pic)
Bio: (Paragraph minimum, and I have left details of the world quite basic on purpose to give you more room to give a more freeform description, in short, the game's narrative builds around the players characters)
Theme Song: (optional)
Name: (Factory Names, Nicknames or mix of the Both)
Description: (Pic Only with text desrcription)
Plane Type: (Biplane,Dogfighter 1940s, Jet, Custom, Hybrid etc)
Extra Aircraft Notes: Anything else you want to describe about your plane (handling, weight, armor, speed)
Weapons Descriptions: (Detail which weapons you have and what they do,) All planese have a single forward facing minigun, AND 20 non homing standard rockets, any extra miniguns you hold will add to the weight of the plane and decrease agility, you may hold up to 8 missile/rocket/special gadget type weapons of any kind, for each one it will add to your weight)
Weaknesses: (you must have at least one moderate weakness for your craft)
Past Encounter: (Optional, give a description of a note worthy mission/battle/adventure that this Frame has been on)
I will leave an example CS in the characters Tab please don't post there until I've approved your character here in the OOC the 'example' CS I will leave will be a minor character in the prolouge of the IC.
Breakdown Of the Rules
1. GM is God, GM is law, argue with me and you'll be no more.
2. Commitment is important I need you engaged and posting regularly, if anything comes up where you need to drop out or not post for a while LET ME KNOW PM or say something in the OOC it only takes 5 seconds.
3. When in Combat with enemy aircraft, the battles will be conducted like 'Arena' style combat so no Auto Hitting, you can only fire your weapons at the enemy but you cant hit or damage them unless the GM reacts to the attack as them being hit. For example you can say 'Tommy fired his machine gun at the bandit's wing' but not 'Tommy riddled the opponent with bullets and the bandit exploded' until After the enemy (GM) has confirmed the hit/damage. BUT as the GM I can occasionally auto hit you, if I feel the battle calls for it or if I think you cant realistically dodge the attack that my enemy aircraft are making.
4. Because of different posting speeds, I'll need to sometimes puppet you guys mainly just to keep the plot moving, I try to do this as little as possible and mainly to hurry on past basic travelling or flavour text interactions. But if you aren't posting then prepare to be puppeted and maybe even Shot down in the next encounter.
5. One of our players brought up a good point and I thought I'd cover this here, this is an unrealist future arcade video game like fighting pilot game. Air craft specs and hyper realistic flying physics take a backseat for 'the rule of cool' and 'flashy starfox' manouvers. Not to say this is a FREE level Roleplay its still high casual-low advanced. But the game mechanics put in by the class system are governing the style of gameplay 'at least for fights' that we have such as the dueling system and damage boosts etc. Ive done this to make the game more accessible and fun and I've allowed use of ALL types of warplanes 1910s-1970 to compete on the same level for aesthetic purposes, its the rule of fun. But the RP is mainly about the story and the interaction of the pilots working as a team and surviving.