Nathan Stewart
Gender: Male
Role: Student
Age: 16
Grade: Sophomore
Bio: Being born blind, Nathan experienced difficulties with lots of things that people would consider mundane. His childhood was sheltered, being homeschooled until he got into high school, at which point the transition from a quiet home environment to a loud, crowded mess of sweaty people was very shocking. He had to have different books and always wrote on his computer, spending most of his lunchtimes in the library, where he'd get out his books that he'd brought from home and run his fingers over the pages, an odd sight at the corner table where no one really sat because the light had gone out, but he didn't care. He's become rather cynical, and jaded from his experiences with the others in his year, ranging from acceptance to outright bullying at his handicap.
He transferred this year, his mother having secured a job at a university in a different state after having a divorce with his father. He'd always been distant so it was an easy choice to go with her. He's transferred to Eagleton High this year.
Other: He likes making sculptures, even if they're mostly always distorted and strange. Speaks with an Irish accent as his parents were both from Ireland.