Name: Kimberly (Kimmy) Connelly
Gender: Female
Role: Student
Age: 14
Grade: Freshman
Bio: Kimmy was born in the heart of New York City, where her parents had thrived in their artistic careers- her mother a painter, her father an editor for a big magazine company. However, Kimmy was born with a defect known as Albinism, which meant frequent doctor visits and eye exams, and even a couple surgeries. Her parents no longer had much time for their art. Her father took an office job to pay the bills and her mom stayed home to care for her through her youth. She grew up those first few years like any normal child, but once school started, so did the taunting. Her classmates often called her "Vampire Girl" because of the umbrella she had to carry around, and often they would lock her in closets and say, "I thought you liked the dark!" when she would cry. She was outcast for her white hair and gleaming red eyes.
Stories were told about how if you became friends with her, she would climb into your room and drain you of blood until you were as pale as she was. Of course, all of the children stayed away from her after those rumors got around. As they saw their child slowly become more and more unhappy, her parents decided it was time to move away from the city and to a smaller town where, hopefully, people would be more accepting. The excellent doctors in New York had supported her through the worst of the defect (mainly her eyesight, which has improved enough to be sustained by strong contact lenses), so they would be okay with regular small-town doctors. And her parents would have more time to continue their art, since the cost of living in this small town was more affordable. Both of her parents took part-time jobs during the day and continued their art in the evening, at home with their child.
Despite the change though, Kimmy did not become any happier. The kids in her new middle school in this new town did not spread the same nasty rumors about her, but many still felt frightened or intimidated by her demon-like appearance. Just as before, she was outcast, though more silently this time. With high school starting, and only a few of the kids from the new middle school here in the same town, Kimmy would normally be excited about the new chance to start over for a second time. However, something in her heart told her that things would be no different than before...
Anything Else We Should Know: Because she did not have many friends, Kimmy would often submerge herself in books, reading stories of epic heroes and underdogs seizing the victory. Although she will deny it to no end, she always has a small sliver of hope that one day she will become the underdog in her stories. Her parents bought her many books, seeing that they cheered her up, and she has since found herself quite comfortable being alone. She is also very intelligent because of this, so she usually has a good relationship with teachers (who are not usually as judgmental as the children).