It seemed so sudden, but quickly the message was being passed along, the Paladin Commander of Therra Enclave sent for both Reina and Lyra. There were whispered words and looks of mixed types, while some looked at them with respect and faith, others gave them questioning and thoughtful glances. Everyone knew of the rumors - of the 'purifier' that was captive in Hebetude - so of course the other Paladins eyed them, sizing them up and wondering if they were right for the mission. Apparently the commander had thought they were and regardless of any opinions from veteran Paladins, they were the two who had been called.
At the end of a long hallway sat two heavy oak doors with Paladin Ryn standing guard, as he always did, and motioned them both to wait for a moment. He had never been one to talk much and saw it that he was not only the commander's personal guard but attendant as well in many matters. There were rumors of Ryn and Paladin Commander Tobias being secret lovers, but like many rumors, they had never been truly confirmed. After all, it was hard to see the black, muscled vision that Ryn was being in bed with the commander; a stoic, rigid and military-like mannered man, mostly because both seemed too masculine for each other.
Eventually after some moments, Ryn opened the doors for the two ladies and motioned them in. Inside was the commander's office, which had been surprisingly humble in it's set up. There was a sturdy spruce desk at the end of room, two windows that let the light in, and very simple (if comfortable) carpeting lining the floor. To the sides were bookshelves brimming with books - anything from tactics to notes on the new threat of the undead. Indeed, it seemed the Paladin Commander was not on for luxury in his position but instead one focused on duty. So sat the middle-aged man, scribbling away on a piece of message paper, with his slightly graying hair, firm posture, and focused intent on his task at hand. At first, he didn't even acknowledge them, dipping his quill into the ink well a few times as he wrote.
"You may sit, if you'd like," he suddenly spoke, apparently finishing the scroll with his own signature. Looking up, he looked over the two women, uncaring if they had taken his offer or not. He knew Paladins were all types, from proper knights to ex-pirates like Reina, so he didn't fret over small details like how they conducted themselves - so long as they followed orders and respected the officers of the Enclaves.
Eventually, he put the quill inside the ink well and leaned forward on the desk, moving the paper out of his way so he could fold his hands in front of him. "You know why you've been summoned, I'm sure, so I'll simply get to the point. Travel to Hebetude, find the truth behind this 'purifier,' and if she or he is real, then bring them back here." The commander paused, letting it sink in for only a brief moment. "Before you go, the obvious answer to why you two is simply this; we are the closest Enclave and both of you have proven your worth. So," he continued with a steady gaze, "unless you have any more questions, you are dismissed. Get prepared for your journey. You'll leave at sun down."

The forest leading to Hebetude was thick and not easily navigated, but luckily for the two women, they had been given tips and maps by Paladin Scouts that had found the kingdom a few times before hand. Eventually, the two came to a clearing and the view of the castle popped into sight suddenly. They had found the lake in the middle of the forest and the castle sat aloft a formation of land and rock, making it a place that would be extremely hard to siege. It was beautiful in it's own right, even if the land was devoid of color it once had and the chill of the air bit sharply.
As they approached the gates together, several guards and even a knight halted them, arrows pointed at them and blades drawn. The knight stepped forward, though kept his distance, making them all seem nervous and scared. "Halt! What is your business here!"