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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It seemed so sudden, but quickly the message was being passed along, the Paladin Commander of Therra Enclave sent for both Reina and Lyra. There were whispered words and looks of mixed types, while some looked at them with respect and faith, others gave them questioning and thoughtful glances. Everyone knew of the rumors - of the 'purifier' that was captive in Hebetude - so of course the other Paladins eyed them, sizing them up and wondering if they were right for the mission. Apparently the commander had thought they were and regardless of any opinions from veteran Paladins, they were the two who had been called.

At the end of a long hallway sat two heavy oak doors with Paladin Ryn standing guard, as he always did, and motioned them both to wait for a moment. He had never been one to talk much and saw it that he was not only the commander's personal guard but attendant as well in many matters. There were rumors of Ryn and Paladin Commander Tobias being secret lovers, but like many rumors, they had never been truly confirmed. After all, it was hard to see the black, muscled vision that Ryn was being in bed with the commander; a stoic, rigid and military-like mannered man, mostly because both seemed too masculine for each other.

Eventually after some moments, Ryn opened the doors for the two ladies and motioned them in. Inside was the commander's office, which had been surprisingly humble in it's set up. There was a sturdy spruce desk at the end of room, two windows that let the light in, and very simple (if comfortable) carpeting lining the floor. To the sides were bookshelves brimming with books - anything from tactics to notes on the new threat of the undead. Indeed, it seemed the Paladin Commander was not on for luxury in his position but instead one focused on duty. So sat the middle-aged man, scribbling away on a piece of message paper, with his slightly graying hair, firm posture, and focused intent on his task at hand. At first, he didn't even acknowledge them, dipping his quill into the ink well a few times as he wrote.

"You may sit, if you'd like," he suddenly spoke, apparently finishing the scroll with his own signature. Looking up, he looked over the two women, uncaring if they had taken his offer or not. He knew Paladins were all types, from proper knights to ex-pirates like Reina, so he didn't fret over small details like how they conducted themselves - so long as they followed orders and respected the officers of the Enclaves.

Eventually, he put the quill inside the ink well and leaned forward on the desk, moving the paper out of his way so he could fold his hands in front of him. "You know why you've been summoned, I'm sure, so I'll simply get to the point. Travel to Hebetude, find the truth behind this 'purifier,' and if she or he is real, then bring them back here." The commander paused, letting it sink in for only a brief moment. "Before you go, the obvious answer to why you two is simply this; we are the closest Enclave and both of you have proven your worth. So," he continued with a steady gaze, "unless you have any more questions, you are dismissed. Get prepared for your journey. You'll leave at sun down."

The forest leading to Hebetude was thick and not easily navigated, but luckily for the two women, they had been given tips and maps by Paladin Scouts that had found the kingdom a few times before hand. Eventually, the two came to a clearing and the view of the castle popped into sight suddenly. They had found the lake in the middle of the forest and the castle sat aloft a formation of land and rock, making it a place that would be extremely hard to siege. It was beautiful in it's own right, even if the land was devoid of color it once had and the chill of the air bit sharply.

As they approached the gates together, several guards and even a knight halted them, arrows pointed at them and blades drawn. The knight stepped forward, though kept his distance, making them all seem nervous and scared. "Halt! What is your business here!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amy
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Amy Twelve years and four psychiatrists

Member Seen 14 days ago

Reina Lockwood

As the blonde Paladin exited her commander's office, a grin danced across her pink lips, challenging and giddy and thrilled all at once. There was a visible spark in her eyes that could have lit the gloomy skies, and a spring in her step that betrayed her enthusiasm. It was a look that has become infamous in the Therra Enclave, one that meant trouble was brewing. If the other Paladins saw her now, they would undoubtedly turn tail; they'd learned ages ago that it was best to leave the matter of a keyed up Reina within Lyra's responsible hands. There would be less damage that way.

"So, so, did you hear that, Ryn? Tobi actually complimented me!" she playfully nudged the older Paladin, but received only silence in response. Sometimes, she wondered how the other Paladin could stand not speaking for so long. Surely, his saliva must get dried up like that! Reina cleared her throat before continuing, lowering her voice in a very poor mimicry of the commander. "'You have proven your worth,' he said! And here I thought he hated me!"

Dutiful Ryn saw them out through the long hallway, ignoring Reina's nonsensical chatter as always. She was unfazed, though. His persistent stoicism only served to fuel her determination. Five years she'd been at the Enclave and she hadn't once gotten him to crack a smile. She'd been hard at work at it, and she was sort of disappointed she has to put that goal on temporary hold. It was probably for the best, though. After she and Lyra successfully return with the Purifier and they save the world, Ryn would no longer have a reason to be the stick-in-the-mud that he is!

Reina hummed happily, the promise of adventure making her giddy all over again. The weight of their duty wasn't lost to her—and if it ever comes to the point that it has, she knew Lyra would be there to remind her—but it was hard to quell the restlessness stirring inside her. This was the opportunity she had been waiting for, the surefire way to save the souls of her family. She wasn't entirely certain she believed they would be damned by the gods in the first place, but she felt compelled to do this. For peace of mind, for closure. Whatever the reason may be, she had to see this mission through.

"Meet you at the front in five," Reina called out to Lyra.

They walked for three nights and two days.

As the castle gates of Hebetude loomed in the horizon, Reina felt a surge of energy course through her body. This was it; they were but a stone's throw away from their savior. She could still remember when she first heard of the rumors, the hushed whispers being spread by the few who dared to hope. A blessed individual gifted with the power to purify the land. It sounded too good to be true, but Reina believed in it immediately.

Reina quirked a brow at their welcoming party, her keen blue eyes expertly assessing their count. A total of five guards flanked the walls, arrows nocked and their aim true, while three more guards and a knight had their blades at the ready. Her fists clenched unconsciously, quelling the lightning surging through each fingertip, and she looked to Lyra to muster some composure. Every fiber of her being urged her to step forward and fight. The guards were afraid, it was only too obvious from their bearing. She would be able to take them out in a heartbeat, and twice as fast with Lyra. But their caginess made the situation quite problematic as well. Fear tended to warp people's judgment, and there was no telling what they would do to a pair of nosy Paladins seeking out their Purifier.

In situations like these, Auran had taught her it was best to appeal to their mercy. It would trick the frightened party into believing they have some power, and in turn, this sense of assurance, no matter how slight, would help make them more rational.

"Please! We seek shelter!" Reina meekly approached, staring up at the knight with imploring eyes. She dropped her shoulders, feigning exhaustion and mirroring their fright. "My sister and I have been travelling all night. Please, we won't last another minute out here."

Although the guards did not drop their weapons, the wary knight stepped forward. He still didn't seem completely convinced, but judging from the loosened grip around his sword, he was very close to relenting.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vee
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Lyra followed a few steps behind Reina as they left their commanders offer. Like Reina she too held a soft smile on her lips. Feeling joy and pride wash over her as their commander believed them the best qualified for this most important mission. Given Lyra's past with her own father upon coming into the Therra Enclave she quickly took to the Commander as an almost father figure; someone she wished had raised her instead of her own father. But that was a secret only for herself and no one else. She would die of embarrassment of anyone found that out. So this approval was tremendously appreciated by the young Lyra.

Though her own giddyness was quickly distracted as she looked up to see Reina harassing poor Ryn. Lyra quietly groaning under her breath as she knew Ryn definitely didn't enjoy the small talk. As Reina continued her chatter Lyra let out a small chuckle. Somehow her silly banter and Ryn's statued face was quite comical to Lyra. She tried to quickly cover her mouth before the laugh but she was too late, noticing Ryn peak back at her disapprovingly. She quickly straightened up and looked away, acting as if that chuckle were someone else. Though that only made it funnier and she nearly laughed again.

Luckily they arrived at the end of the hall way and she sighed a breath of relief. She watched as Reina quickly scurried off and called back to her.

"Okay! I'll be waiting!" She called back to Reina. Stressing the fact that she'll be waiting, knowing damn well she would be there in 5 minutes and Reina would be fashionably late.

.:. ---|--- .:.

As Hebetude came into view in the distance Lyra squinted slightly to get a better view. It wasn't too long before they were almost on the front gates. Her gaze quickly scanned over the guarded. Taking note of their defensive and shaky postures. They seemed on edge which wasn't exactly the most opportune situations for strangers to happen upon. Looking over to Reina for some clue on what she wanted to do about the obstacle her gaze fell upon her clenched fist. Almost instinctively Lyra reached out and gently brushed her fingers across the back of her hand. As if reminding her that Lyra was there with her and too stay calm. Smiling sweetly if Reina decided to look her way.

As they were stopped she watched as Reina played off as a weary traveler seeking refuge within the city. Taking note that she didn't mention anything of their real mission. Quickly catching only to the ruse Lyra lightly wound her arms around her abdomen as if she were fighting hunger, also trying to seem weak and feeble; less threatening and all that.

"Please Sir?" She nearly whined, her eyes becoming faintly glossed and shiny as if on the verge of tears. "I am so very hungry..." Her arms slightly tightened around her stomach and lightly licked her lips, as if the thought of food made her salivate; playing the ruse.

It took a few moments before the Guard in charge finally lowered his blade. He still seemed hesitant though softened.

"Fine fine.. But if I hear either of you make any trouble and you'll have to deal with me." The man tried to seem intimidating but his inner nervousness betrayed him.

Lyra nearly beamed, she quickly and eagerly thanked the man as they moved past the guards and through the gates. As they began to becoming hidden with the crowded streets she relinquished her meek facade and returned back to normal. Though at that moment her stomach growled rather loudly. "I guess that last part wasn't really a lie.. Want to get something to eat? While we're at it we'll get some information on this town and prepare for the next steps of our mission?" She spoke softly, making sure she could only be heard by Reina at her side.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As the two stepped inside the castle walls, it seemed very much like other fortifications, though it was hard not to notice how small it was compared to even Therra Enclave. The basics were present though; a blacksmith, a general store, the butcher, an inn that doubled as a tavern, several noble houses, the castle itself, and a temple. It wouldn't take long for the pair to take notice of the tense air within the walls as commoners and nobles alike whispered in fearful voices, scuttling across the roads, and several knights and guard patrolling the streets.

The building that stood out the most was the temple against the eastern wall, not for it's structure, but instead because of the amount of guards that stood at the ready at it's doors - the stone slabs barred with logs of wood to keep something or someone inside. Everyone else seemed to keep clear of the details of protectors as if afraid that the doors would burst open at any moment and unleash some terror. Furthermore, many people eyed the pair of women suspiciously, giving them a wide birth as they continue along their daily chores and errands.

Meanwhile, Inside Arete's Temple...

The temple itself was nearly empty and devoid of anyone except for three people; the two guards standing at the temple doors behind a small barricade and what seemed to be a commoner woman, sitting on the steps leading to the alter. She looked beautiful in her own humble hair, adorning light brown hair, slightly tan skin that was nearly flawless, and a gentle look in her brown eyes. However she seemed worse for the wear, with her dress being slightly smudged in dirt and mud, tear cheeks having made their way down her face, and a tired expression painted across her face. She curled her knees to herself and just stared at the guards from across the room. She was tired of crying right now and only thought of why she was being held prisoner like this, praying to Arete that perhaps she would show her some mercy - save her from being treated like some sort of unfeeling weapon against things she didn't even want to fight. 'If only I hadn't been given this gift,' she thought it herself, clenching her fists in frustration and depression.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amy
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Amy Twelve years and four psychiatrists

Member Seen 14 days ago

Reina Lockwood

It was troublingly easy, getting past their guards—had they been pillagers, their small town would have been burned to the ground in no time. Still, Reina was glad their ruse worked without a hitch. Tobi probably wouldn't be too happy if she started unnecessary fights, and picking one with people who were scared out of their wits would have been no fun anyway. So instead, she thanked the knight as he ushered them through the gates, a sad little smile on her face to drive their ploy home, and followed after Lyra. They kept up with the façade until they were well past the gates, but even as they veered far out of the guards' sight, she couldn't help but feel as though she was under scrutiny.

Reina leaned closer to Lyra, about to ask whether she felt the same way, when Lyra's stomach rumbled loudly, sending her into a short fit of giggles. Her laughter pealed and cut through the tense-filled air, catching the wary attention of the people nearby. From the suspicious glances they threw her way and the hushed murmuring that accompanied then, it was almost as though they'd never heard laughter before. Was this how deeply fear had taken root in the town and its people? A frown tugged at her lips; she couldn't imagine living in constant fear. It must get tiring! And depressing.

"That looks like a tavern over there, yeah?" she pointed out, feeling her own hunger start to surface. "We can eat and scheme there!"

Reina hooked her arm around the brunette's and led her northeast, toward the establishment with thick stone walls and a timeworn hanging sign that was no longer legible. The ever vigilant eyes of the Hebetude townsfolk never strayed from the two outsiders. As they crossed through a particularly busy section of the town, the buzzing of chatter lulled and crowds parted as though they were some plague-ridden creature they didn't want to get into contact with.

"Jeez. From the way they're treating us, you'd think we were the walking dead," she whispered to Lyra, making faces at the people who stared at them still.

But as annoying as it was to be treated like a pariah, Reina was able to glean some pertinent information from the town's cold treatment. It seemed there were only two things that set off the poor townsfolks, and only two things that they wouldn't approach: the pair of women outsiders strolling freely about their town, and the curiously heavily-guarded temple at the easternmost side of town. It might have well been a coincidence, but her gut told her otherwise.

By the time they arrived at the tavern, which turned out to be an inn as well, the sun hung low over the walls, casting a dimly golden glow over the small town. The tavern housed only a handful of patrons—a group of five drunkards incoherently raging about the state of their town, three women who watched them apprehensively, and an armored man chatting up one of the barmaids. Reina took special note of him.

"So what do we do? Doesn't look like anyone's going to talk to us." Reina asked after they'd settled on a rickety table at the far end of the tavern. From where they were seated, they could glimpse the holy structure through the latticed window. The distant figures of the guards surrounding it made Reina restless, and again her hands clenched.

"It looks like something's up with the temple, though," she leaned in, whispering to Lyra conspiratorially when the tavern keeper brusquely handed them their meals. Reina looked only too eager at the prospect of some action, signature telltale grin on her lips and eyes gleaming mischievously. "Want to go check it out?"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vee
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Lyra went and sat across from Reina. The old wooden chair faintly squeaking under her petite weight; for a second making her reconsider whether her fat ass actually needs food. Though her stomach growled once more and a ravenous appetite washed over her all over again. Making her way the options of either feeling fat and gross or responsible and only eat the amount she needed to survive. Sadly, in the back of her mind she knew the answer, but she couldn't accept it just yet.

At the mention of the temple she looked out through the dirty window, taking note of all the guards standing nervously around it. It seemed to be the only building with any sort of security. "Yeah... It's strangely heavily guarded for a temple.." She whispered back. Looking away from the window to notice Reina had leaned in rather close, a sneaking blush crossing her pale cheeks. Though she shook it away, it was no time for such antics! It was food time! And food time should be her sole focus.

Like manna from heaven their food arrived and her heart went into a flutter. As if a long lost lover had returned into her left. She inhaled the yummy scent of the rustic meal and could feel her mouth watering. Today had instantly turned into a great day. She quickly grabbed her utensils and said a quick prayer before working on her food.

~A short while later....

Lyra came sluggishly stomping out of the tavern, hand gently resting on her food baby. "Yum yum yum! That was tasty!" She nearly sang as she kept a sweet, euphoric smile on her lips. Then she remembered Reina was there the whole time. She had watched her eat. Lyra was sure Reina thought she was disgusting now. Her shoulders slumped in defeat, her smile decaying into a pout. "I am so gross..." She whined quietly to herself.

She let herself have her pity party for only a few moments before getting back on track. "Okay, I will start sneaking around to the side of the building. You distract the guard who they left alone over there." She repeated the plan quietly, only loud enough for Reina to hear before setting off into the lightly crowded street. Quickly Lyra swayed and glided inconspicuously through the crowd and faded from sight.

It wasn't long after Lyra had found a dark spot to hide in wait before Reina had arrived on target. It wasn't long before the guard was easily distracted. The small girl hidden in the shadows quickly and quietly snaked out of the shadows. Closing the gap between herself and the back of the guard a large piece of wood silhouetted high in the air. Suddenly WAP! The silhouette crashed across the back of the guards head, knocking him out instantly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

None of the other guards noticed, giving both of the women the perfect chance to try and slip into the back door, though they might have to be creative since it had been locked from the outside with a key - of course if one could pick it, they could look inside without much trouble. Meanwhile inside, Joslyn perked up at the sounds outside, though her gaze quickly went over to the two guards and she decided it best to settle as soon as possible so she didn't alert them to any strange happenings. Still, she was curious what was going outside and could only think that someone had taken out the guard - the loud thump couldn't be much else, could it? But was it saviors on the other side or were they here to take her for their own purposes?

The common woman shifted in the temple's steps, fidgeting with her hands and biting at her lip nervously - both habits that she had picked up long ago. This whole situation was a nerve-wreck and at first, she thought her scholarly knowledge could see her way out of this semi-imprisonment, but obviously the town's folk and the king had entirely different ideas. She didn't like the undead anymore than anyone else, but it wasn't right holding someone against their will just because they weren't sure they wanted to risk limb and life against hordes of creatures that were already dead. Sometimes, she hated people and sometimes, especially men.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amy
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Amy Twelve years and four psychiatrists

Member Seen 14 days ago

Reina Lockwood

The guard they had singled out had lowered his, well, guard after just one touch, and Reina almost felt sorry for him. One nasty hit on the head later and he was sprawled unto the ground, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he was rendered unconscious. The plan was to be all about discretion. Find the weak spot in the sentry, take care of the obstacle, sneak in quietly. They'd successfully done two out of three, and it would seem as though it would be smooth sailing from there on. Most of the guards had been positioned in the front and the side of the temple, and while Reina (sort of, kind of, and she'd never tell Lyra this) hoped some of them would be alerted by their trespassing, none did. She suspected they were far too tense—their fear narrowed their focus and clouded their judgment.

"Oh, wait! Before we go in," Reina crouched down by the downed guard, looking much like a child in the middle of a practical joke with the playful grin on her face. She stripped the guard of his armor, quickly unhooking the latches and the belt and resetting them around her. The armor was too big on her small frame and the metal clanged with her every movement, but Reina looked pleased all the same. She winked at Lyra. "There. Don't I make a fetching knight in shining armor?"

Now that her urge for folly had been somewhat satiated, Reina went back to business. Only a locked door remained in their way, and as one should know, opening things were something of an ex-pirate specialty. Reina could pick the lock in a matter of second, but she was a knight in shining armor right now and she thought a grand entrance suited her better.

"Ready, partner~?"

Reina cracked her knuckles and inhaled deeply, centering all the energy in her fists. Pale blue lightning crackled between her fingertips and it was as though thunder rolled across the skies when she punched the door open. The guards flanking the temple's perimeter all jolted in alarm, but looked only heavenward, anticipating the rain that was supposed to follow the sky's cries.

Before the door could crash to ground and cause more of a ruckus, Reina zipped forward, intercepting the heavy oak door she had just blasted from its hinges to set it down gently. They may have escaped the outside guards' notice, but the clamor she caused would have alerted anyone inside.

Reina beckoned for Lyra to get into formation. She wasn't sure how many guards were inside, and part of her wondered if they were the cream of the crop—because save the best for last, right?—but she wasn't too worried either way. With Lyra and her side-by-side, nothing was impossible.

Footsteps scuffled from deeper in the temple, the sound of metal on metal echoing off the walls.

She turned to Lyra and smirked, "Here they come."
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