Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Drifting Pollen
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Drifting Pollen Lady of War

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

There are some lessons all Sirena learn, and one of them is this: if you can help it, don't give your opponent time to think in a fight. Imogen knows it well, and now puts it into practice, reacting to Nicoli's actions faster than he might have suspected.

From the outset, it is fairly evident what he was going to do. Allowing himself to be run through by the swords would be tantamount to suicide, unless he has some magical ability she is unaware of, and drawing his own weapons to block would barely slow her down. Such an obvious attack, he will evade, she is sure of it. The only question is, in which direction will he move?

She does not know, and it is for this reason that she had focused on the claymore while making the attack. That was the blade aimed for his midsection, and also the largest of the three, thus making it by far the most effective in dealing with evasion.

So, as Nicoli ducks downwards, the rapier and the estoc zip over him, streaking towards the other side of the arena. With a quick mental pull, Imogen slows them down before they crash into one of the barriers around the edge, but does not spend any of her concentration conducting the more complex maneuver of turning them around just yet.

This is because most of her focus is on the claymore. To an onlooker, such as she, it appears as if Nicoli simply dropped to his knees for but a moment. As that moment, however, she spins her sword.

She'd sent the swords out points-first, so that they would reach their target around the same time. The hilts, however, would pass at different intervals- simply because some swords are longer than others. Of these three, the claymore is the longest, almost a meter and a half from pommel to point. So, Nicoli ducks, the point passes overhead, and at that moment, Imogen makes the blade swing.

But this is not a swing with the blade. Instead, the point of the sword remains more or less where it was, traveling forwards. It is the hilt of the blade, with its heavy pommel and wide crossguard, that comes swinging down to meet Nicoli even as the point passes over him. Though hardly as deadly as the blade, being smashed on the head with these parts of the sword is no good whatsoever for one's health- symptoms of such a blow include dizziness, bleeding, and possibly unconsciousness. It is these that Nicoli will likely experience, unless he finds some way to avoid or mitigate the attack.

Regardless of the outcome of this move, once it is done Imogen sends another sword forwards. The scimitar, this time. It advances more cautiously, not attacking just yet- rather, waiting to lash out if Nicoli tries to get past it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShidenBlades

ShidenBlades Here to have fun!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Every movement with person, every action needed to either gain an advantage or remove a disadvantage, this was the core of Nicoli’s fighting style. Any sort of mage was a dangerous foe, they brought forth the unknown and the unexpected, were incredibly dangerous, resourceful and intelligent. While Sirena might not have been a mage in the classical sense it was the category in which Nicoli placed her.

There was a reason why he slid on his knees and didn’t attempt to dive forward, it was the same reason he went under the sword rather than attempt some other maneuver. He was still gathering information, still thinking and planning. His head snapping back briefly had allowed him to see two of the three swords continue on their path. The third and largest of the sword had not continued on, which provided Nicoli with another piece of information.

His right hand would sweep above and behind him, throwing the red dust into the air at the same moment he flexed his toes and pressed the top of his feet into the ground, slowing him a fraction of a second. He’d also tilt his head to the left and rise his right shoulder to attempt to avoid the blow.

The result would be the pommel of the claymore striking him on the right shoulder and turning his neat slide into a lop-sided skid. The move was a calculated one. The red dust he threw into the air came from the gullet of a rust monster, it would eat through any non-magical metal in a matter of a few seconds. It did nothing against magically enchanted metals, however, the blue tinted lens that Nicoli wore showed such auras to him and his opponent’s swords seemed to lack such auras.

Nicoli would recover from his side-long skid by turning it into a roll and then coming up to his feet, long-sword be drawn in his right hand and the ceramic ball back in his left, which was thrown to the ground and in front of him. It was a smoke-bomb. The dark grey smoke that spilled forth would stretch out 30 feet in all directions rather quickly, putting his opponent on the very edge of its reach.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drifting Pollen
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Drifting Pollen Lady of War

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Imogen sees the dust, and tries to move the claymore away, but it's already committed to the swing, and can't avoid it all. The edge of the small cloud cast forth by Nicoli brushes against the blade, dust caressing metal almost gently- though the consequences are anything but. Like a miniature swarm of termites, the crimson specks eat their way into the sword, ruining its integrity with frightening swiftness.

The swords-mistress raises an eyebrow at this. The weapon was certainly a good one, but this is not the first time she has lost a sword in battle, and there is no time for grief, only for analysis. That dust is no ordinary equipment, something specifically chosen to counter her fighting style. Whoever this man is, he's well-equipped, and likely has other tricks up his sleeves. His dust will not touch her weapons again, she'll make sure of that, but she'll need to watch his hands, and be ready for anything.

The dust does its work fast, and will eat through the claymore within a few seconds. But, in a fight, a few seconds is a long time, and Imogen still has control of the sword. Though the dust is already ruining the claymore's edge and its integrity, it had done little to change its direction or momentum, and she is able to swing it around quickly and easily. Nicoli, meanwhile, was sent into a skid, difficult to control and requiring him to get back on his feet before he does anything much. The initiative is Imogen's.

Obviously, she makes use of this. While Nicoli rolls forwards, the claymore follows him, swinging around as it does so until it's oriented horizontally, edge facing him. As soon as the man tries to come up on his feet, it accelerates, rushing forwards and downwards to slam itself into his lower back. Though it has already lost its cutting edge to the dust, as well as much of its mass, it is still a heavy length of metal, carrying enough force to knock Nicoli down unless he somehow intercepts or avoids it.

This simple stike, however, is only half of the threat. As the ruined claymore attacks, the scimitar rushes in towards Nicoli, as if seeking to aid its dying comrade in its last assault. Though it took a little focus to get into position, the larger sword's actual attack is hardly a complex maneuver, and requires no attention to direct once set in motion- which means Imogen is free to focus on controlling the smaller blade far more carefully. Nicoli's left arm moves to throw something, and while in motion it's difficult for the limb to make a dodge- so the scimitar strikes there, slashing upward to cut at the hand on the end of that arm, seeking to rid Imogen's enemy of some of those troublesome, dexterous fingers.

Opportunity, however, comes to a swift end as smoke begins to flood the air. The scimitar, as soon as its slash is completed, flies slightly backwards and then straight upwards, climbing into the air to hover about twenty feet above the arena floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShidenBlades

ShidenBlades Here to have fun!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Imogens tactics were more potent than even she likely realized. Nicoli had no way of knowing exactly how precise his opponent’s movements were. She proved a difficult one to close the gap with. That claymore would find its mark, likely breaking under the pressure of striking Nicoli in the back.

He staggered forward with the strike and decided to turn it into a headlong roll and carry himself out of harm’s way. Unfortunately for Nicoli his opponent had brought another sword forward and rather than find purchase on Nicoli’s hand it struck Nicoli as he rolled, coming down to crash on the back of his neck. While the force wasn’t enough to send his head rolling, it was enough to shatter the spine, killing him instantly.

When the fog cleared it would be obvious that Imogen had come out the victor with Nicoli’s lifeless form laying on the dirt, blood pooling around him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Dynamo Frokane@Drifting Pollen@Scarifar@Innue@King Tai@drallinix

Gonad frowned solemnly at the results. So much for shipping those two as a couple. But Nikolai had died a warrior's death, and what more could one ask for? He had achieved the ultimate destination of a combatant. Ah, but only so many goodbyes could be said. The second match was nigh and a slow, intensely enjoyable burning within the barbarian's gut told him he was surely next to step foot in the arena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drifting Pollen
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Drifting Pollen Lady of War

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Imogen felt the blows connect, felt the claymore snap in two as it crashed into Nicoli. But she was not immediately aware of the effects, as the spreading smoke quickly masked the scene from her sight. Cautiously, knowing just how dangerous this opponent could still be, she circled around the edge of the cloud, swords at the ready.

But nothing emerged from the dark. When the smoke cleared, only Nicoli's crumpled, bloody corpse was visible.

The swords-mistress breathed a sigh of relief, all the tension leaving her at once. It was a shame to loose the claymore that way- but she might have lost a lot more, if she had been less lucky. She drew her remaining swords back to her, letting go of the two she held, and allowing them to float in a broken circle around her, a gap being left out of habit where the claymore usually was. With her weapons thus arranged, she stood straight, and bowed, facing the remains of her opponent.

Who had he been, she wondered? An assassin, a vigilante, a mercenary? He had been cold, but efficient- no doubt a pleasure to work with, but unnerving to face. Imogen looked at what was left of him, and thought on this, thought on him, and anything she might learn from this. She had proven herself the greater warrior, but she respected Nicoli's skill, and knew that his tactics and movements were worth studying, perhaps replicating.

But for now, she still had a tournament to win.

She raised her eyes to the sky, and shouted into the air: "Dynamo, you have been watching. This is my victory- let us not delay any longer! Whatever comes next for me and the others, we would face it now."
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