First Name:Watson
Middle Name(s) (Optional):N/A
Last Name (Must have Last Name): Charles
Nickname (Optional):Wats
Age (Between 8-38):21
Birthday:August 6

Weight:136 Kg
Personality (Optional):Quiet, ruthless, quick thinker, survivalist, inpatient
And Skillful.
Bio (Optional):Life was never easy for Watson. His father was a simple office drone, and his mother stayed at home. They were very poor, and used only what they needed. He did very average in most classes at his public school, but was a very skillful tactician. He started different sports like basketball, football, and tennis by the time he was 12. he began to excel in sports and tactics. and when he left college, he quickly joined the army. He learned most of his survivalist skills there, and also put he tactician skills to good use. He was deployed into an infected zone to help evacuate civilians, but he was the only one that made it out alive. He was left in the infected city, and had to survive on his own.
Weapons:Small automatic rifle with a 4x range scope with two stun Grenades.
Skills: Tactics, close range combat, survivalist.
Strengths:works well in groups, friendly, trustworthy.
Weaknesses:codependent, controlling
Outfit:Zombie riot gear
