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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 25 days ago

Her home then Constance Billard
Interacting With:
| Everett via text -@AcerRo | Jason via text -@Avanhelsing |
She was up a bit earlier than usual this morning. It was the first day back to school and she was oddly excited. Jennifer realized that there was no sun shining through her curtains as she walked over towards her curtains, opening them with a gasp. Rain. Something Jennifer absolutely hated as she closed her eyes and shook her head then opened her eyes, hoping that the rain would vanish. Of course, nothing happened. She groaned loudly as he brother barged into her room. "Ever heard of knocking, Michael!" She sort of screamed as he raised a brow. "Whoa, retract those claws, Lioness. Have you seen my Chuck Taylor's?" Michael retorted towards her as she rolled her eyes and knelt down beside her bed and grabbed his shoes, handing them to him, as well. "Now, scram! I have to get ready." She escorted off him out of her room then closed the door.

The rain was really going to put a damper on her day but she certainly wasn't going to let that stop her from enjoying her day. It was the first day back to school and luckily, it was only half a day. She just had to stay for the Senior assembly then she could leave and do whatever. It was nice, honestly. Before stepping into the shower, she grabbed her cell phone and sent a good morning text towards Everett.

To: β™₯Everett W.β™₯
From: Jennifer M.

Good Morning! R U coming 2 the assembly?

She hit the send button then stepped into the shower. After doing her bathroom routine of showering, brushing her teeth and blow drying her hair, she emerged herself back into her room and eyed the outfit laid out on her bed. Good thing they didn't have to wear their uniforms on the first day. It's September 4, she reminded herself as she checked the date, again. Her mind went back to Everett as she checked her phone to see if he had texted her back yet.

Jennifer applied a small amount of makeup upon her face along with a dab or two of lip gloss. She changed into her white blouse and white skirt that went well above her knee. Jennifer even placed on a white trench coat and white heels then grabbed her white clutch purse. She made her way out of her room and waltzed down the stairs, seeing her brother eating a small breakfast. "Where's mom and dad?" Michael handed her a slip of paper as she read it. "Of course." She scoffed then chuckled lightly. They were at a fashion event in Rhode Island so they were going to miss their first day of school. That's why they got the penthouse for them to stay in until their return.

"So, need a ride or are you riding the..." Jennifer held a hand over her heart while shuddering before speaking the word. "Bus." Michael chuckled while looking at her. "Riding the bus isn't so bad, you know. Plus, my assembly isn't until this afternoon. So, you go ahead." Michael responded as Jennifer nodded her head then eyed him. "Well, I got to go, don't want to be late." She said while walking out of the dining room and towards the elevator, where she proceeded inside and made her way down to the lobby.

Once the elevator bell dinged, she pushed her way through the small sea of people as she stood at the doors, the doorman greeted her as she smiled. "Town car, Miss McGowin?" The doorman asked as she shook her head. "Get me my car. I want to flaunt it." She said as the doorman tipped his hat and trailed off, making a call for someone to bring around her car. As she stood there, she wondered who all was going to be at the mixed assembly, between Constance Billard and Saint Jude. Of course, the assembly was at Constance Billard so she'd definitely be seeing her female friends, or the little lot she does have but she was excited to see what boys she could tease, as well.

Speaking of tease, her thoughts went towards Jason as she completely wondered how is summer was. She really wanted to hear all about it.

To: Jason K. :)
From: Jennifer M.

U better b at the assembly, goober. LOL.

She hit the send button as he car was presented right before her. She thanked the valet and handed him a twenty dollar bill before getting into her car and driving off towards Constance Billard. 'Ugh, this rain though.' She thought while taking a turn and making her way towards Constance Billard. She reached her parking space and parked her car, groaning as she reached in her glove department and grabbed her white umbrella as she stepped out of her car, closing the door and locking then making her way up the steps of Constance Billard.

Of course, she couldn't walk into the school halls alone, so she'd wait for Everett underneath the foyer of the school, which was held up by massive pillars before going in fully. She got out her cell phone again and shot another text towards Everett.

To: β™₯Everett W.β™₯
From: Jennifer M.

Where r u? I am waiting for u on the steps.

She looked up and looked out across the street, seeing the church and apartments across the way. She'd also wonder where everyone else was. Even the class presidents, aren't they always on time for everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

E V E R E T T . W I L C O X

The Cabin Garage then Constance Billard
Interacting With:
| Jennifer McGowin via text -@HushedWhispers ||

Everett was under the hood his truck. His 1978 Dodge Warlock. He loved his truck almost as much as his wolf dog, Leroy St. Germane Dagnasty. Who just happens to be laying down not far from Everett's feet. He was lost in what he was doing, time or the slight snoring of the dog, could break his concentration. On this morning, he was swapping out some parts to get a little better gas mileage. This wasn't going to make a huge change in the mileage but it should make a little easier to drive around town.

Thankfully, he was almost done when when his phone went off and broke his concentration. He had to get this done or he was gonna have to ride his bike... Or worse he would have to been driven in the back of some stupid town car. Everett was going to ignore till Aunt Lou came in and started yelling at him. "You best answer that boy. That girl is liable to whip your ass! And she can do it to!" Aunt Lou shouted while walking towards him with a steaming plate of food. I don't doubt it. If she can't she can get one of her little toys to. Just let me wash my hands first my hands first Aunt Lou. Everett said as he backed out of the hood. He wasn't happy about being pulled away from his but Aunt Lou was right. It wasn't until he started cleaning his hands that he noticed the food. "Aw, Aunt Lou, you aint gotta do all that. Ida made my own food when I got done with this." Evrette said as he looked at his phone.

From:Tsarina Barbie
To: Everette Wilcox

Good Morning! R U coming 2 the assembly?

From:Everette Wilcox
To: Tsarina Barbie

Morning sweetie. I'll be there. Can't wait to see you.

"You ever worry about that girl getting a hold of your phone and seeing that German shit?" His Aunt Lou demeaned.

"It's Russian Aunt Lou. That'd be the least of my worries. She'd be more pissed about the Barbie than the Russian." Everette said as he saw the food. Biscuits and gravy with four huge pieces. It was Everette favorite breakfast. the "DAGS A POPIN!!" Everett shouted as he scrapped two pieces of ham off the plate. Dagnasty instantly woke and started wolfing the down the ham. Everett did much the same eating like his animal. He never even used a fork. His eating habits weren't that much different than his wolfdog Dagnasty, at least when he his home. "Back before the last World War, the Russians had Tsars and Tsarina. Basically Kings and Queens. You get a good look of what happens in that school of hers, you'd think she was a Tsarina. Girls in control of damn near everything. Kinda scary when you think about it." Everett said in between bites.

Aunt Lou did nothing but laugh. In her mind, those two dating was as outlandish as Everette doing ballet. When he was done eat, Aunt Lou motioned for the plate. Everett wasn't one to enjoy being waited on hand and foot but he didn't have the time right now. Even if he had the time, he wasn't gonna win against Aunt Lou.

"Go on now child." She stated flatly. "I know you got some foolishness planned for the day, with your little Barbie doll girl." Aunt Lou said as she took his plate and started to walk away. " Don't you ever get tired of being a pain in the ass yah ole bag? Dags, go on now buddy, get." Everett and went back to work.

"Boy I'll beat the brown off your ass if you sass me again. Oh dear lord let me leave here without beating this boys ass." Aunt said while walking away. Everett couldn't smile and chuckle. Not many people got to see that side of Aunt Lou but Everett loved that about her. He quickly turned and went back to work.

The second he was finished. Everett got cleaned up and left to do what he needed to do before going to school. He was going to collect something for Jennifer. By chance he had found a jade hair thingy. The moment he saw it he knew Jen would love it. He had gotten major deal on it. Even if Jen wasn't in the picture he still would have bought it. It was too good a deal to pass up.

None the less Everett collected the item and went on to school. He was almost excited to give this to Jen. It wasn't his kinda thing and he didn't know how Jen would react to it. Everett was almost worried that she would take as an insult. They were more than different enough that he had to worry about things like that. Everett thought its what made the relationship fun. Either way it was too late to do anything else but give it to her.

As he left his truck he again had another text from Jen, or Tsarina as he called. It asking where he was, and where she was. Everett didn't bother replying to her, he would be there in a few minutes. A text was only gonna waste time. As he walked out in the rain he almost wished he had something more than his old dirty hat and a jacket. It was more of an athletic jacket than it was one for rain. Who was he kidding? He wouldn't trade anything for his hat.

Everett made his way to where he thought Tsarina was. Everett made special care to try and avoid anyone that didn't like Tsarina too much. He was already a fish out of water here, last thing he needed was to stir up a hornets nest. He found a way to sneak up behind her and wrap his arms around her. With a kiss on the cheek he presented her with a box. "I got you something special." Everett said some softly. Now all he could do was wait on the response. He had high hopes for his gift. The color was good for her and she could easily work it into her wardrobe or so he prayed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jason Kent

The Kent Penthouse Library
Then Constance Billard
Interacting With:
| Autumn Pruett via text@spooner
Jennifer McGowin via text@HushedWhispers||

When some people were feeling sad or down they would think of their favorite things. Then, according to the song, they would not feel so bad. Rain drops on roses and whispers on kittens really did not have an effect on Jason. Jason's idea feeling happy meant reading very old novels that would make different people depressed. No one in their right minds would read any of these books when they were happy. There were definitely perks to being an insomniac with a long reading list. Last week he had finished Cicero's Tusculanae Disputationes and had found it quite interesting. There was definitely something to be said for stoicism. It was as if the whole world could be understood just by reading about it. Also being able to quote long dead philosophers really helped with his "game". Some people swooned at the idea of Aristotle or jumped his bones after talking about Descartes. It was funny that Jason would really and truly like reading this topics. Most people only saw him as either that manwhore or that Kent boy. Neither were very fun to be known as. So he kept the bookish part of his nature to himself. Very few people knew about it.

Currently Jason was reading a very fitting book, Les Liaisons dangereuses or Dangerous Liaisons, in its native French. It seemed that his mother's lessons to try and make him a gentleman were working out. Jack was fluent in French and Spanish thanks to her. The latter had helped when he had been reading Don Quixote. However now he was reading Les Liaisons dangereuses. The book for some reason really resonated with him. The tale of the Vicomte de Valmont discovering how wicked and beyond help he was seemed like a cautionary tale for Jason. Valmont learned that he was so wicked that he could never gain true happiness. So he eventually killed himself in grief to try and fix what he had done so wrong. There also was the fact that it showed how corrupt and immoral high society could be. That really got to him since he had seen how rotten his society was. Then there also was the idea that everyone had a cruel plot against their other man. People were just pawns to certain people. Jason definitely not above doing this so many times. His Most people would smile as they jammed forks into their hands. Jason had learned to act that way around the people he met. Smiling through the pain of all of this

Jason would have kept going to on this happy note had he not gotten a text from his ex. Usually he would ignore it but he figured he needed to be civil so he jammed the metaphorical fork into his hand.

To: Jennifer M.
From: Jason

Goober? I'll be there.

Jason looked around after he had sent the text. Jason did not really want to talk to his ex who was now dating his best friend. He still thought that Everett had taken the rebound just a bit too fast. There was standard rules with dating your best friend's ex girlfriend. Still he had other pursuits right now and they could do whatever so long as it was not forced on him.

Jason walked through the empty halls towards the elevator. The rest of the Kent family was still in the Hamptons so Jason had the run of the house. He did not even care all that much. Having people here never seemed to have people in it. Jason had always felt like this place was a tomb. Jason knew that he was going leave this place soon for Yale just like his entire family. When the elevator finally got to the ground floor, Jason walked out the door towards the street. The doorman, Rich opened the door with his usual smile. "Morning Mr. Kent. The car should be here soon. " He said as he gave Jason an umbrella. "Thanks, Rich. My family should be coming home soon." Jason said as he got into the car. The driver, Frank, nodded as he set off into traffic. Along the way he sent another text. This time he sent it to Autumn since she seemed to understand him.

To: Autumn P.
From: Jason

Nothing says fun quite like forced school meetings. I hope we spend hours discussing nothing.

Luckily for him, he arrived at the school. Jason opened his umbrella as he got out. Frank squealed off from the street as Jason walked up the steps and inside. He did not care if he had to go in alone. He didn't need any drama right now. Jason sat down on a bench near the doorway inside. He pulled out a book and started to read. It was some dull thriller but it was the kind of book Jay Kent would read.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch PᴏʟΙͺᴛᴇ & Pα΄‡α΄„α΄œΚŸΙͺα΄€Κ€ / PΙͺʀᴀᴛᴇ PΚ€Ιͺɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Home > Constance Billard Main Office
Interacting With:
Not Available

As hot water exploded from the shower head, a gasp escaped Franchesca's lips. Her stiff shoulders raised, her back hunching as her body temperature adjusted to the new element. Eventually her body relaxed as she stepped back into the stream and began drenching her dark curls. Reaching towards the shelf she pumped a handful of shampoo into her palm and worked it into her hair, creating a lather, rinsing. She repeated the same with the conditioner, but let it sit a few more moments on her head while she washed her petite body with body wash. "Mi amor?" a soft voice called through the bathroom door, followed by a rattling of the door handle, and a few knocks. "Que? What do you want mami?" Franki called in return, speaking loud enough so her mother could hear her over the sound of the shower. "Just checking on you.." her mother replied, her voice trailing off. Franchesca's eyebrows furrowed slightly. She could barely take a shower in her own home without someone checking in on her or asking what she was doing. "Okay! I'll be done soon. I'll talk to you when I'm done!" Franki spoke again, a little bit of anger in her voice. With no response, it was assumed that her mother got the hint.

After finishing a morning routine of blowing out, brushing and styling her hair, Franki continued with some of her other bathroom activities; brushing teeth, applying lotion, etc. Having brought her clothes in the bathroom with her before hand Franki adorned herself with a pair of skinny jeans and a maroon fitted sweater. Fall weather in New York was always a pleasure for Franki, she loved layering clothes, the hats, the coats. Amazing. Exiting the bathroom, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen where her mother was busy cooking up something delicious. "Mangu?" Franki questioned cheerfully as she placed her hand on her mother's shoulder, and taking a peek at the frying pan. It was indeed the delicious Dominican dish consisting of mashed plantains, and usually paired with fried eggs and salami. Getting out of the way, Franki went around the other side of the island in the kitchen and climbed up onto a stool where her mother placed a plate for her. "So I start my first day today!" she started, as her mother gave her the food. "It's not a full day, just a senior assembly and some informational stuff. I have to go to the office to get some paperwork but, I'm really exited." she rambled, starting to dig into her food waiting for her mother's reaction.


"Get good grades and don't play with boys." Franki's mother replied eventually in a lecturing tone. Unbelievable. "Alright mami." Franki replied without much enthusiasm. She wished greatly that someone would be more excited for new adventures, rather than expecting her to do something bad. They spent rest of breakfast not speaking. Washing her plate off, she left it in the sink and gathered her umbrella and put on a pair of boots. "Don't forget your backpack!" Franchesca's mother called from the kitchen. "No one is going to have a backpack on the first day!" Franki exclaimed, embarrassed of the thought.

Hearing shuffling from the kitchen, Franchesca knew better than to stay longer and end up getting caught in the crossfire of another of her mother's lectures about how thankful she should be she even HAVE a back to carry a backpack on. No thanks. Placing the backpack on her back she popped open the umbrella and headed out to her jeep. If it was any other day she have taken the bus, taxi, or even the subway. But standing out in the rain wasn't a good start to anyone's day, and Franki's nerves and excitement for starting at Constance Billard was already at an all time high.

Reaching her destination she parked far away from all the luxury cars. It would cost her walking much farther, but it was something she was willing to pay to not be embarrassed later on. Taking her backpack, to honor her mother- she kept her head down and quickly headed into the school and walked into the main office that she had been shown during the first tour she had been given when her father and mother had first shown interest in the school for their daughter.

A cheerful woman say behind the desk and greeted Franchesca with a grin, "Welcome to Constance Billard, how can I help you?" Franki stepped up to the desk, giving an equally friendly smile. "I'm Franchesca Caradona, they told me I had to fill out some paperwork before the assembly this morning?" she commented, and the woman nodded. Handing her a few papers, a clipboard, and a pen she motioned to a luxurious leather chair in the corner. "Go ahead and fill those out, then you can head to the assembly." Franki nodded in return, and mouthed a word of thanks as she took a seat in the main office and began filling out the application forms, and various other papers the school needed for her to attend the school.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Komo
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Komo Chill vibes MKII

Member Seen 8 days ago

Collins Penthouse -> Constance Billard

Interacting with:
Celine Everhart (via text) @Liriia Leila Fox (via text) @Undine

A myriad of dull grey lights filtered through the gaps of the drapes in the bedroom of the Collins heiress. Her small alarm clock gave a shrill cry announcing that it was now six o'clock in the morning. Claire opened her eyes reluctantly, her peaceful slumber interrupted by the din. Stretching out an arm, she hammered the top of her clock, silencing it. The silence returned, absent of the usual morning preparations by the day housekeeper.

It was then that she remembered, her parents had gone to London to attend a conference, and would only be back home in the United States next week. The housekeeper, in their absence had reduced her trips to once every two days, as compared to her usual daily trips when her parents were around. She had the whole entire penthouse to herself. Oh, fun. In her sleepy state, she could still hear the pitter-patter of the rain as it struck the windows. Looks like it was going to be a wet morning. However, the heiress was not one to let that dampen her mood.

Pulling the thick comfy duvet aside, Claire got to the ground, her coppery brown hair in its tousled bed-hair form. Still half-asleep, she stumbled groggily towards her en-suite toilet, splashing cold water on her face in a bid to wake herself up. It was mostly successful. The icy cold water drove sleep from her eyes, refreshing her in an instant. She needed a shower. Getting into the shower, she let the warm water slowly wake up her, the warmth easing the stiffness of her joints and muscles. That felt great. She needed that.

When she was done with her shower, along with the rest of her morning preparations which included but not limited to brushing her teeth, Claire left her room and started to make her way to the kitchen, removing the ingredients she needed from the fridge to make herself a good breakfast. Eggs and sausages. They made for a simple but lovely breakfast. An all time favourite of hers. Before she started, she gave a call to Charles, the Collins family chauffeur.

She had known Charles for as long as she can remember, and he has been driving her family since she was a baby. After informing him that his services was required today, she began to start on her breakfast. Not more than fifteen minutes later, scrambled eggs and sausages were ready to be eaten. When she was done with breakfast, Claire went back into her room to get dressed for the occasion. They didn't had to wear their uniform today, which meant that she got to wear something else to school for a change. In normal circumstances she would drive her Beetle to school, but today, she was just way too excited to rely on her driving.

The Heiress opened her closet, beginning her selection of clothes for the day. It was senior assembly day and she would get to see her friends again today. It'd been a while since she had saw them in school, and she was noticably excited. Eventually settling on a elegant peach dress with frilly sleeves, complete with matching undergarments, Claire put on a layer of basic make-up, grabbing her small brown backpack before taking the elevator down to the lobby. Looking around for Charles, she finally spotted the middle-aged man with the salt and pepper hair sitting on a sofa, a newspaper spread wide open.

Claire greeted him in her usually chirpy form "Morning Charles!" The older man looked up from his newspaper, his weathered face breaking into a smile as he saw her. "Morning Ms. Collins! Ready to leave?" "Yup." Inside the black Rolls-Royce Phantom that was the Collins family car, Claire grabbed her phone and began sending messages to her besties, the two very girls that were her best friends in the whole of Constance Billard.

β™« To: Celine E. , Leila.F. β™«
From: Claire C.
Heyyy besties!! Guess what, its assembly day! I'll be seeing you two later so be there!
Oh Celly, will your brother be coming as well? Please say yesss..

#excited #besties

In twenty minutes, or was it fifteen? The black Rolls-Royce arrived at the already bustling carpark of Constance Billard, filled with a myriad of cars being parked or dropping off fellow students. It was still raining when Claire alighted, so she opened up a peach umbrella that went along perfectly with her outfit, her small brown backpack slung low onto her back. Her peach dress swayed lightly in the rainy breeze as she began to make her way to the entrance of the school, making her way into the hall where the assembly would take place soon. The twins should come soon enough.

β™« To: Celine E. , Leila.F. β™«
From: Claire C.
I'm here! I'm waiting at the entrance!
#iamwaiting #cantmissme
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 25 days ago

Location: Constance Billard
Interacting With: Everett @AcerRo | Jason via text @Avanhelsing
She let out a groan of frustration right about now as Everett still hasn't showed up. It was raining, well, drizzling now so she really hoped nothing bad happened to him. She looked out in the distance and saw his truck as she smiled, a little. Her phone chimed and she dug through her purse to grab a hold of it and saw that Jason texted her back. She blushed a little then quickly placed the phone back inside of her purse as Everett was making his way over towards her. She felt the kiss upon her cheek then smiled as he held out a box towards her.

"Oh, Everett, you shouldn't have." Jennifer closed her umbrella up and stuck it underneath her arm before accepting the box and opening it. "Oh, my gosh. It's perfect. I love it." She held it to her heart then leaned forward and delivered a kiss upon his lips. "Thank you but too bad I didn't get you anything. I feel terrible." She made her usual puppy dog face then linked her arm with his, basically dragging him inside. "We do not want to be late but of course, I'd like to make an entrance." She said with a slight hair flip.

Jennifer walked into the school, well her school as she removed her arm from his as a couple of girls came up to her, hugging her and she did the same. They rambled on and on about their Summer as she turned and introduced Everett to them. "This is Everett. We're together." She prided herself in that as she shooed the girls away and linked her arm back with Everett's."So, to the auditorium then?" She asked Everett while walking in that direction anyway. "Oh, before I forget. I must tweet out my back to school bash." She pulled out her cell phone, tweeting the details and address for her party later on that day. It was going to be a Seven Deadly Sins themed so everyone had to dress accordingly.

She also secretly sent a text back to Jason.

To: Jason K.
From: Jennifer M.

Okay. See you soon!

"And done." She giggled as they'd enter the auditorium and she'd turn to Everett. "Go and find us a seat, I have a few people to catch up with. Okay?" Jennifer leaned in and delivered a kiss upon his cheek before tapping his shoulder and walking off, speaking to some of her friends before the assembly started.

Location: Rockefeller Penthouse then Constance Billard
Interacting With: Ambrose via text @McHaggis
His alarm went off playing Queen's Bohemian Rhadsody and it echoed throughout the penthouse, honestly. His step sister waltzed in his room and turned off his alarm, shaking him from his slumber as he groaned. "Is it time for school already?" He asked as she shook her head then proceeded to fold her arms over her chest. His eyes fluttered open, squinting as the rain made a rhythmic pit-pat upon his windows. "Ugh. I hate this." Chandler threw the covers back over himself but his step sister snatched them off of him. "Look, Mr. President, you have an assembly to attend like now. Get up!" Jessica said while walking away.

Chandler readied himself the way he has been since he could walk. He worked out in his gym then showered and brushed his teeth. Of course, since it was the first day back to meet everyone, he had to make a statement and prove himself worthy of his presidential reign over Mark Mathers, which he still throws in his face every single chance he gets. He reached for his iPhone and called downstairs. "Cedric, have them bring around the Mustang in roughly ten minutes? Thanks." He hung up the phone then fixed his hair, gelling it up and parting it on the side. A typical look for him.

Chandler then looked at his array of clothing and tapped his chin on deciding what to wear. Deciding on which outfit was going to make a statement for this year to come. With the snap of his fingers, Chandler grabbed an outfit and held it out, examining it with his eyes. "Yep, this will definitely do." He dressed himself in short sleeved, buttoned up collar shirt, gray in color along with a pair of Khaki, long slacks and black Moccasins. Chandler grabbed his car keys and stuck his cell phone in his back pocket then grabbed a pair of shades before walking down the spiral staircase, posing at the bottom. Jessica whistled and said that he looked hot.

"Thanks. Now I am off. Be good." He said while walking past her. "Okay. I won't." She responded as he pressed the elevator button then made his way down to the lobby area. Of course, when he got there, his Mustang was parked right there before him. "Thanks, Cedric." He tipped the doorman with a hundred dollar bill then tipped the valet guy with a fifty dollar bill. His phone vibrated in his back pocket as he pulled it out while getting in his vehicle and opening the text from Ambrose. His eyes scanned over the message as he shook his head with a sigh, typing a reply.

To: Ambrose E.
From: Chandler R.

Dude! Really?! Yes u have 2 b there. Don't ruin my first day as president, please.

With another sigh after sending that message, Chandler drove off from the penthouse area and on towards Constance Billard. It wasn't a long drive from his place so he was there within a matter of minutes. He pulled up into a nearby parking space, revving his engine as he got out of his car. He ran towards the school since it was indeed raining as he bumped into a few people, not caring though and walked into the auditorium. His phone buzzed in his pocket again as he hoped it wasn't Ambrose again but no, it was Jennifer sending out a tweet about her back to school bash with Seven Deadly Sins theme. Nice.

Chandler waved at everyone and was soon bombarded with people coming up towards him, asking him about his summer. As he made his way through the sea of people and up the stage, where the podium was, he sat down in one of the chairs and waited for assembly to begin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Undine


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: 46 East 82nd Street, then Constance Billiard
Interacting with: Jason Kent via text @Avanhelsing, Ambrose and Celine Everhart @McHaggis@Liriia

Autumn sat at the dining room table looking down at her breakfast and sighed. She wished she could say that she was excited for her senior year to begin, but for some reason she just couldn’t shake the feeling like something was wrong. Why? Autumn didn’t know but since she was part of the student council she couldn’t skip the assembly. Even if she could she wouldn’t because that would leave a mark on her spotless records. Autumn was deep in her own thought when she was snapped back to reality by a loud crash as the twins cam thundering down the stairs at the same time and smashed in to a cabinet. β€œOi! It’s 7 in the freaking morning! Can we please keep the noise to a minimum?” Autumn groaned shooting an exasperated look at her brothers.

β€œAahw come on sis, rainy day got you down?” Ernest said and tried to ruffle up Autumn’s already fixed hair but she was to quick slapping his hand away from her. Growing up with 4 brothers had taught her to always be on her guard and be ready for a battle at every turn. β€œNo, for your information, the thing getting me down is you two wreaking havoc everywhere! Do you think I wouldn’t find out you tried to sneak in stink bombs in to the assembly?” She opened her bag and took out a bag of small round pellets, her brothers faces faltered for a second but then broke in to a broad grin. β€œWell a prankster can try can’t he?” Patrick said as he plopped down opposite his sister. β€œI wonder what Ambrose would say about this?” Autumn said with a pondering face tapping her chin, β€œI think I’ll find out" she said putting away the bag of stink bombs and picking up her phone.

Her brothers both scoffed β€œHah! It was ace who gave us the idea! He told us of the prank he set of in his freshmen assembly! We just wanted to one up him, that’s all!” Autumn narrowed her eyes β€œHe did, did he?” She scrolled through her phone and sent a text to her friend with a small smile spreading across her face.

The twins looked at each other with furrowed brows β€œYou didn’t have to snitch on us! Now he’ll be mad!” the protested β€œSo? It’s not like you guy’s hang out on the regular anyways? Come on we need to book it if we want to make it in time!” She snapped and flung her bag over her shoulder.

Autumn laid her head against the car window as the Audi was winding down the streets of New York City. The twins had gotten their drivers licenses over the summer, and Autumn was more than happy not to be forced to drive them around anymore. Now it was quite the other way around, because they took every chance they had to drive. Her phone buzzed in her hand as she got a text

She sent it and went back to looking out the window at the busy people bustling on the sidewalks on their way to their jobs. Soon enough the big building of Constance Billard loomed over them. When Autumn stepped out of the car and she shivered slightly in the misty breeze, it had stopped raining but the air was still wet. She was only wearing a maroon cardigan over a simple marine dress with tights thinking it would warm up later in the day, now she was praying it would be so. She waved goodbye to her brothers as they bounded up the steps to join their group of friends and started her journey up. She nodded in acknowledgement to some people that she knew on her way up, she passed Everett and Jennifer hugging and looking very close. Huh? I didn’t know they were together… Wonder what Jay thinks about this? Autumn thought as she entered the large entrance hall and crossed towards the assembly.

Autumn scanned the hall to see if she could find an empty spot to sit when her eyes fell upon her second favorite pair of twins. She smiled and almost skipped down to where they were sitting β€œWell if it isn’t the Everharts! I am filled with joy!” Autumn fluttered her eyes as she sat down beside Ambrose. β€œHow are you guys? I see you had a rough morning Ace.” She said observing her friend and noticing the dark circles under his eyes. She turned instead to Celine with a warm smile β€œYou look radiant as always Celly!” Autumn leaned over Ambrose to kiss her best friend on the cheek and give her a swift hug before settling back in to her seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

E V E R E T T . W I L C O X

Constance Billard
Interacting With:
| Jennifer McGowin @HushedWhispers |Cara Cara (Frankie)@MissCapnCrunch| Kent (Jason) via text @Avanhelsing|

It was a bit of a relief for Everett, that she loved the gift. "Don't worry about it. I got other ideas." Everett said as she took his arm and lead him inside. Today as gone good so far. She did that cute puppy dog, that was something was going to get her very far with Everett.

It didn't take long for her to getaway from him. A group of girls came and start going on and on and on about the summer and they did. They were hugging and loud. Everett knew he had a few minutes. Everett quickly pulled out his phone and shot a text to Frankie. A girl he had met due to their parents working together. It was kinda cool, whenever she came over, he got to see his parents.

From: Everette Wilcox
To: Frankie Cara Cara
Let me know when you get to bullard. You can sit us during the assembly.

Thankfully, Everett was paying just enough attention to hear his name. When he heard "we're together." He knew it was his time to put on a good face and really make a strong first impression. Now if only he cared about such things. "Morning Ladies." Everett said, his southern draw a lot stronger than he wanted it to be. He couldn't help but chuckle and grimace at just how strongly his accent came out. Everett knew all to well what he sounded like to these Northerners. He did make an effort to keep in check.

Just as soon as he got the words out it seemed they were shooed away. That suit him just dandy. That was until she said something about the party. She had been talking about that for seemed like weeks. Everett not only didn't want anything to do with the party, he also completely forgot about it. He was gonna have to ask her about that later but this wasn't the time for it, by any means.

It didn't take long for her get away from Everett when they walked into the. As ran she ran off Everett couldn't help but chuckle. "She really needs to stick around for the answers." Everett said to himself as he found an empty row of seats and took off his jacket. He sent off another text to message to Frankie telling her they were sitting. "Hope shes got that phone on vibrate." Everett said to himself. There was one more message that he had to send.

From: Everett Wilcox
To: Kent (Jason)
Brother mine, you coming to this horseshit?
Gotta huge surprise they gonna talk about.

The surprise that Everett was talking about, was an announcement. That Everett had made the USA Today All-USA preseason high school football team as a Running Back. It was a huge deal as it also meant, he was gonna be a blue chip recruit for collage ball. He was proud of that sure, it was a massive achievement by anyone standards. However, what made everything even better, what made this so sweet for Everett, was Aiden.

Last year, Everett's first year playing both ways, Iron man. It was Aiden that got all the glory around school. With Everett playing his hardest, it didn't matter how many yards or touchdown he ran or caught. No matter interceptions, sacks or fumbles he caused. It was Aiden that got the glory. In its own way that was okay for Everett, he didn't have to deal with all the fair weather friends or deal with the pressure. However, a thank you would have been lovely.

They had won the State Championship last year, which was for the school a major deal. It could done a lot easier for Everett if Aiden had put the ball where he wouldn't have taken so many hard hits. Everett never said a word to anyone about it. He wasn't gonna give him that satisfaction. They had a really good shot at repeating this year. Only two maybe three teams stood in their way, and they weren't gonna be an issue till the playoffs. Maybe this year things would be different and go a little smoother. That was a lie, it was gonna get worse but it sounded good.

So Everett sat in his seat and smiled. Adorned in his football jersey knowing that, while sitting through this assembly was suck. He was gonna have one moment. Where could look at Aiden at put him to shame, all without ever lifting a finger or saying a word and if worse came to worse. Everett already had more than a plan or two or take Aiden down a few pegs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jason Kent

Constance Billard Auditorium
Interacting With:
| Autumn Pruett via text@spooner
Everett Wilcox@AcerRovia text||

Jason looked at his book as he watched the people file into the school. It was funny how people would not see someone when they were not looking. It seemed that Jason still had his skill to keep hidden when he wanted to be. It was a skill he had learned after years of being his parent's publicity prop. It was easy to stay hidden when the crowd only saw you as the doting and perfect son. All you had to do was hide your height and hug the wall. Jason had hiding down to an art form. His book also helped with that. It was a book perfect for the lustful Jay Kent. Jason had made this alternate personality a few years before hand. Jay Kent kept the real Jason from going crazy in this mad mad world around him. Acting like some idiot seemed to really help him. Course it made him a good deal of enemies but it helped to keep the real him safe. That was all that matter. "I have got to stop reading such sad books." He said to himself as his phone buzzed. He quickly put his book away before he looked at it. It was Autumn which brought a small smile to his face. He figured he owed her for the last time he stood her up to go punch Everett in the face. It was a amazing that he could say that and mean it. He loved his life sometimes.

To: Autumn P.
From: Jason

It could be important. Or it could be nothing. However, I would love to go to lunch. I'm paying. My treat. You choose the place. I owe for the last time. I can go to the gym later.

Jason stood up and started to walk towards the auditorium. He figured he could sit near the back and never be seen. He could see Everett and Jenny sitting together. That really did not affect him all that much. He could move on easily enough. He was not the type to hold grudges or anything. Then there was that song about something like this. Jason just could not remember the name.

Before he could continue his personal rant, he got another text. This time it was from Everett. He looked at his phone and smirked at the name on the id line. That Wilcox Boy. It was his parents delightful name for Everett. They usually said it in the same tone that one would say That mildew stain or That dying Plague rat. Jason believed it was some sort of anger towards the fact that their son was friends with someone who was not on The List. That only meant that Jason was even better friends with him. He could not fully rebel against his parents since he promised his grandfather to follow their orders. Still Jason could try his best to break away from the Plan. Any kind of rebellion would have to be a peaceful one. His parents still held onto his trust fund. So that meant playing nice for now. Soon he would be the one with all the power. He looked down at his phone and started to send the text.

To: That Wilcox Boy (Everett) .
From: Jason

Of Course I will be there. My parents would have my head if I missed. Hmm... If my sources are to be believed then I think congratulations are in order, Wolf! Great job. See I told you would eventually get your reward. Also how about we meet at the gym later? I am going to lunch with Autumn but I am free after that.

Jason had his sources with different groups. He somehow had managed to get the information about Everett's team. Jay was just happy that Aiden was not going to get something like that. Jason loved to see when people he helped got their just rewards. So he stayed in the back of the the auditorium and watched the world unfold around him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch PᴏʟΙͺᴛᴇ & Pα΄‡α΄„α΄œΚŸΙͺα΄€Κ€ / PΙͺʀᴀᴛᴇ PΚ€Ιͺɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Constance Billard Main Office > Assembly
Interacting With:
Everett via text and in person @AcerRo

It wasn't too long until the paperwork had been finished and placed upon the desk with another smile towards the woman behind the desk. "All done there?" the young woman replied, grabbing the paper and beginning to type the information into the computer system. "Yep, all done. Thanks again!" Franchesca chirped to her, picking up her backpack and placing it over her back. She was still quite embarrassed by the thought of being the only one at the entire school with a large, over filled backpack on the first day. No, not even the first day- the orientation. A deep sigh escaped her lips as she opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, the faint sound of the keyboard tapping behind her.

Walking towards the assembly Franki could feel her cellphone vibrating signaling a text from the depths of her bag. She took it off promptly in the hallway and placed it on the ground. Squatting down above it she unzipped the bag and searched around for the device behind some notebooks and folders. Reading the front of the screen she saw it was from Everett. She picked the phone up in her left hand and slid the lock screen with her slender right handed pointer finger. Her dark almond eyes scanned across the text:

Let me know when you get to bullard. You can sit us during the assembly.

Franki began sliding her finger across the swype keyboard as she replied hastily. She didn't want to think her only friend here to think that he was being ignored. Everett really was her only friend here since she had moved to the upper east side. She had a lot of friends back home in the Bronx, but they lived a different lifestyle than her now, and she had often felt ostracized for this. She didn't think she had changed much, but, they had thought she did.

To: Everett
From: Franki

"Don't you mean Billard? LOL! I'm here. Had to fill out some crap. TTYS "

She sent the text, and filed quickly into the auditorium. Getting on her tip toes to see around and above some of the more vertically established members of the school. She quickly spotted Everett in the crowd wearing his football jersey and a smug grin. "What is that boy thinking.." Franchesca thought to herself as she strolled over to him on the bleachers. Her hand clenched into a fist as it found place at her hip, giving a small chuckle she spoke to him, "You're lucky I wasn't lost in the building or your ass would have been sitting here, smiling away while I was out there dying!" she teased, taking off her backpack as soon as possible and placing it up on the bleachers to be hidden from most of the eyes of her classmates. It was bad enough she had to walk across the room with it on, she didn't need to be wearing it during the whole assembly. Climbing up the few steps, Franki took a seat next to Everett to catch up on things, and possibly meet the friends and girlfriend he had been going on about for the last few times they had met for dinner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 25 days ago

Constance Billard
Interacting With:
| Everett -@AcerRo | Franchesca -@MissCapnCrunch |
Jennifer really needed to work on the flaw she had about asking people questions then walking. She hoped that Everett wasn't mad at her. Her eyes gleamed with the girls she was speaking with as she saw that Everett had sat down already. Jennifer sighed then turned back towards her friends for a brief second, apologizing that she had to leave them but they were definitely going to talk later before her party later that night. She wiggled her fingers towards them and walked off, seeing a girl sitting beside Everett and she immediately got into attack mode.

Jen approached the girl and saw what she was wearing. "Oh, my god." Jen gasped. "You might need to sue whoever let you walk out of the house wearing that." With a slight devious smile towards the female her eyes trailed towards Everett, pointing at the female. "Who is this person with the hideous clothing?" She asked towards him while looking back towards the girl, raising a hand up at Everett. "Don't answer that. You." She pointed towards the girl and fluttered her fingers in a different direction while speaking. "Shouldn't you go sit with someone much more of you caliber? Like the janitor?" She chuckled a little and her friends that were close by giggled, as well.

This girl was sitting beside her boyfriend and she didn't know who she was so saw her as a potential target. She did a hair flip with a sigh while picking up the girl's backpack and throwing it a few inches away. "Shoo. And someone please get me some hand sanitizer! I just touched her things." She was the Queen Bee of the school and everyone knew not to try her because she'd definitely make your life a living hell. Her friends watched the display as she eyed Everett. "Tell this bimbo to move out of my seat so I can sit beside my boyfriend." She stood a bit cutely towards him and batted her eyelashes, glancing towards the girl with a scowl look then looking back towards Everett with a raised brow.

"Everyone please take your seats as the assembly is about to begin." Someone spoke into the microphone on the podium as Jennifer looked at the girl while now raising then furrowing a brow at her as her nostrils also flared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

E V E R E T T . W I L C O X

Constance Billard
Interacting With:
| Jennifer McGowin @HushedWhispers |Cara Cara (Frankie)@MissCapnCrunch| Kent (Jason) via text @Avanhelsing|

The moment Cara Cara sat down. Everett knew what was gonna happen. Jen was gonna freak out.

It was a double edged sword. One on hand Everett enjoyed the possessiveness, it made him feel wanted. He didn't really ever get that from his parents. On the other hand it was a bit much to deal with. It also limited the number of friends he could have. Well, thanks to Aiden it's not like he had many options in the first place.

"Frankie, before anything happens. I want you to know, I've been there. Better than most I understand what you're going through. It's gonna suck but don't worry I got you boo-boo." Everett said with a dirty little grin, without Everett ever looking at her."There's a party tonight. We'll talk about it later." Everett said as quickly as possible.

Everett smiled at his phone. Kent wanted to go a few rounds it seemed. Who was he to say no to that?

From: Everett Wilcox
To: Kent
If you're looking for a mud hole to be stomped in your ass and have it walked dry. I'm your huckleberry. BTW, I got your girl with me. Get here now.

It was then he heard Jan's question. He smiled when he saw the hand go up. "Wrong move girlfriend." He thought to himself. He could almost get staking your ground but Everett wasn't gonna take that laying down.

There was staking your ground and going too far. This wouldn't be too far if the cackling hyenas weren't right behind Jennifer. That pissed Everett off. The janitor comment was almost funny to Everett. He'd feel more comfortable hanging out with the janitor than some of these people.

When he saw Jen toss the backpack. He knew this was gonna be a relationship defining moment. If Jen wanted to act like, that's cool but he wouldn't have any part of it. Everett knew a southernmost secret. It was fucked up to say the least and had been used on him many times before.

Everett slowly got to his feet and smiled and Jennifer. "Sweetie this is Frankie. Her father is a senior partner at my mother's law firm. She's new around here." Everett said as he learned over and picked up up Frankie's back pack."I was hoping... and... would rightly be much obliged of we could show her... A certain kindness that I was never afforded." Every word was thought out and dripping with a certain vulnerability that only Everett could pull off. Kindness, kindness so sweet it hurt. The evil gift if southern women.

If nothing else, Everett painted her into corner. She knew how bad things were at his school due to his issues with Aiden. Though he almost never talked about it. Kent would from time to time and right now, Everett really needed him to show up.

"Frankie, would you mind moving on down please? So that we three could sit together." Everett said as he handed her, her backpack. That last part was to get rid of the fucking peanut gallery behind Jen. He didn't care for them at all. He was almost certain they felt the same way about him.

"Jen I reckon Frankie might have some of that sanitizer if you'd ask her." The all important peace offer. The ball was in Jen's court now and Everett's damage had been done. It was a dangerous game he was playing and one he didn't know if he could win. But that was no reason not to play.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Constance Billard
Interacting With: Amrbose Everhart @McHaggis, Claire Collins @Symphoni

As Celine and Ambrose wandered through the auditorium, a familiar, chipper voice snag in Celine's ear, and she turned quickly to see one of her favorite faces pacing towards them. Autumn, with her bright, all knowing eyes and curling smile, leaned forward and pecked Celine's check. The twin laughed in response, returning the gesture quickly before Autumn took a seat in the row before them. Celine, knowing she was needed up on stage, nodded once to her friend before turning to look at Ambrose. Her hands folded over his, and she smiled at him cheerily though her eyes seemed to scream with panic. Even if she spent most of her life in front of crowds, it didn't make the practice any easier on her.

"I gotta go up there soon, and boy am I not feeling it." She felt no need to lie to her brother, that wouldn't make her pounding heart feel nay better. So, hoping to squeeze the expressive nerves from her body, she put all her strength into her hands, and clenched her teeth tightly. "Say something to make me laugh?" She asked quietly, finding that her stress normally faded away when she hears something stupid or funny come from someone else.

Ambrose frowned, unable to help himself; when Celine was sad, or upset, or anxious, it was something he couldn't stand. He supposed that too was his parents' fault, though it didn't bother him so much, because he did love his sister, and that was just something twins were supposed to do. Removing his hands from her grip and slinging an arm around her shoulder, he offered, β€œI could set the fire alarm off. Go all punk rock anarchist on the place.”

It probably wouldn't reflect too well on the Everhart family, though.

β€œBut you'll be fine. Just – uh, do that thing for show and tell where you pretend everyone's naked.” The suggestion was slightly hesitant, especially since Ace had only attended classes where presentation was required once or twice in total, hence the lower grades. As an afterthought, he grimaced, and added, β€œBut not me, please. Uh, anyway! You've still got some time, I think, so maybe... I dunno, meet up with your friends and do friend... stuff.”

The assembly hall was starting to get crowded as more students started coming in. Claire had yet to see the twins and her text messages had gone unanswered. The assembly was about to start soon, they have got to be in here somewhere. Frantically looking around, her eyes roving around the sea of unrecognisable heads, she finally found what she was looking for.

The twins, Celine and Ambrose were already seated as she guessed with Autumn next to them. Spotting an empty seat next to Celine, Claire scurried over to her position as quick as she could, getting over and taking the seat and she greeted the siblings with a wave. "Hey Celine! Didn't you get my message? Wait, are you still nervous?" Directing another wave towards Ambrose, she said "Hi Ace. Good morning! Nice to see you again." Leaning over to Autumn, she gave a quick wave as well, mouthing a "hi" to the her as well.

Claire then began to place her best friend's palms in hers, rubbing it to give her some support. "You'll do fine. I know it. Just do it like you've practiced it like always. If it helps just pretend that Ace and I are putting on a show here..and stuff.."

"What she said," Ace said helpfully, nodding in greeting to Claire (and feeling the familiar heat of embarrasment burn up the back of his neck). He'd checked his phone quickly while she was speaking to see what the buzz was, and realised it was from Jennifer. "You just need to – sit there and look pretty, and then we rush to get ready for this party thing or whatever. Easy. Speaking of – are you going?"

The last bit was directed to Claire.

"Party? Oh yes! Of course, I'll be attending. I hope you will be too. It'll be a shame to miss you there. The party will definitely need some of your roguishness charm, that's for sure." As she ended the statement, Claire gave him a knowing wink, hoping he caught on to what she was referring to. Turning over her attention to Celine, she echoed her brother's words. "Yes dear, you've practiced and rehearsed for this many times now, you'll do fine. Just look at us if that helps, and remember your lines. Remember we'll be rooting for ya!"

Feeling some calmness from Ace's words she sighed gently, ignoring the beading sweat that had formed on the back of her neck. The thought of him turning on the fire alarm and running around like a mad man was funny to her, and she half-wished the plan could be an actuality, but that wouldn't be very good for Mummy and Daddy's image. Sigh once, she settled in a seat and counted her worries. The thought of messing up her words or stumbling on stage terrified her, the idea that she could viewed as a stuck up brat or, even worse, a copy of her parents made her heart ache, and as she pushed down her fingers with each worry that sang in her head her anxiety seemed to waver slightly. It was an odd method she used, but counting away her problems always seemed to calm Celine. Maybe it was because she was a fan of order, and adding a number to a thought felt much neater then letting them all fester within her mind.

As suddenly as some of her worries faded, Claire appeared, and took up Celine's hand after it had been dropped by Ambrose. Relaxing strokes soothed her mind, and Celine couldn't fight the large smile that glared proudly on her face. Claire's words of wisdom managed to ease her last few doubts, and with a confident look she straightened and clutched her friend's hand tightly.

"Thanks, guys. I'm feeling a bit better now..." She said gently, gray eyes sparkling with determination. Her mind turned briefly towards the idea of the party and a sheepish grin plastered across her face. Parties weren't her strong suite either, really, but it would be a good chance to catch up with everyone. Celine's eyes connected with the stage, eyebrow raising at the familiar person sittin in one of the chairs, and then she turned to look at her brother and friend. Even though it was faint, she could see the slightest touch of pink to Ace's cheeks, and she hid a smirk as she realized it was better to leave them alone. Finally feeling a bit inspired she stood, shimmying passed Claire to stand in the auditorium aisle, "I should start heading up there, then. See you guys after the assembly." And with a final nod she wandered warily towards the stage, talking a seat next to Chandler.
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