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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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Themes: Modern Day, Dark Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery, Supernatural

Pieces of 8 Chat

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

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Name: Semyon Makarov

Gender: Male

Age: 307 (actual) / 30s-40s (apparent)

Classification: Greater Undead/Wight

Powers/Traits/Skillset: Centuries of combat experience: military, revolutionary, and mercenary. Semyon is also fluent in English and Russian, and boasts extensive knowledge of Russian history, mythology, and occult practices.

Appearance: Standing just under six feet, Semyon's skin is pale, almost grey, stretched tightly across his skull. His head is shaved clean, grey eyes and pale lips almost always bearing a downcast expression. He dresses in crisp shirts buttoned to the chin and covered in a heavy jacket. Tailored pants fall down to cover black combat boots, while dark gloves ensure that no flesh but that of his head can be seen.

Under that clothing, his body is a tapestry of decay. Flesh clings to bones, distends under gravity's pull, or has been eaten away by various insects. While it no longer rots, the years have still taken it's toll on Semyon's form.

Background: Born in a settlement somewhere in the grasslands of Siberia, a combination of sickness and famine led his townsfolk to call upon occult rituals in an attempt to 'survive'. Semyon embraced undeath at that point, spending almost two and a half centuries living in and fighting for his homeland. Shortly after the end of the second world war, however, he left Russia.

The next few decades were spent travelling through England and the United States, seemingly on a whim. Working off-and-on as a gun for hire during this journey, Semyon eventually crossed paths with Bain&Hoyle, becoming intrigued by those who desired more than his martial skills.

In comparison to other long-lived beings of the veiled world, Semyon is a somewhat recent addition to Bain&Hoyle, with barely a two decades of service to the company. He serves alternatively as researcher and bodyguard, helping those interested in locating relics long lost within the Motherland, as well as safeguarding expeditions or persons of interest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by andastra
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Sheet

-Name: Anastasia Last name: unknown, her kind does not carry last names.

-Gender: Female

Anastasia is a small women, standing only 5'5 and weighing only 109 pounds. She is of Elven decent, her family tree dating back to before the common tongue. When around humans she has white hair, it reaches the end of her back with a natural curl. Many of her people referred to it as hair of the moon. She has bright lilac colored eyes that stand out from her pale white skin. Her face appears quite young when in human form, her skin flawless from any impurities. She carries a very slender figure, but gained her families roundly curved hips and chest.

When not in the presence of humans she still keeps to her normal appearance, but the standard mark of her people is more visible. She has long slender and pointed ears. She tends to keep them covered, out of fear of judgment. Her race was never one that other supers tend to enjoy the company of.

-Age: She is 205 years old, quite young for an elf. When around humans she appears to be in her early 30's although she mixes up her age a lot when asked.

Anastasia is a necromancer, she is able to call upon the forces of death to help do her bidding. Starting as a witch she found herself dabbling in the darker magics, she from time to time still goes back to her more witch oriented spells but does not prefer them. Anastasia is known for her ability to speak to the dead, many of her people stayed clear of her as her constant communication with the dead became to eerie for them. talking to herself became normal for people who knew her.

Being able to conjure the powers of the dead was something she was able to master, being at the top of the league for necromancers she too even has weaknesses. When ever she needs to pull help from the forces beyond she finds herself tried and weakened. She had passed out on occasions, not the best help during a large fight.

Her last power, which is the most unstable of all of them is her ability to see into the past, and the future. Sometimes the dead have taken over her body giving her images of what was to come or what had come to past. In a few occasions she has been completely taken over by souls of the dead, having them command her body was not something she enjoys. The issue with this is it happens without her knowledge one moment she will be lucid and the next a soul has taken over her body. She is still trying to master the control of this aspect but has a lot of trouble.

She was born into a large community of elves, they all had their own powers but necromancy was not something that was accepted amongst her kind. She was kick out of her community at the tender age of 50 , having to live on her own and struggle to find her way. Gaining friends on the other side, she keeps mostly to herself. Not aware of things happening around her, she is quite the odd character.

her knowledge of the undead world , the power to see into the present and future, her communication with dead people all came into the spot light in the super community. She tended to keep in a rural area of living, living off the land and not much else she was picked up by bain & hoyle. Being approached and invited into the service she decided on her own that it was time to do something good with something that was deemed so evil.

Being extreamly new, she had never gone on any missions yet. She stayed in the background for a few years keeping on her own, her name circulating around as the weird women from bain & hoyle but no one ever really knowing who she was. It was time now for her to emerge from the shadows. She figured they wanted a necromancer she supposed Being able to protect others, but also finding out important details and information that no one else could really gather was an added bonus to their team. Her use of magic and other knowledge would also come into good effect. However, working with a group of people made her nervous. Essentially making her powers quite unstable.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Thanks for the submissions, I'll be getting mine up tomorrow. I will also be adding a 'Type' section to the CS that I forgot earlier. This will just allow for a quick reference regarding what kind of creature type best describes your character. I look forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Sethan Sa'ra-Neb'kha XII

Gender: Male

Type: Mummy

Appearance: While his true form is little more than a shriveled corpse, Sethan prefers to assume the appearance he held in life. At nearly all times he appears as a young African man, tall and well built with sharp, strikingly handsome features, and dusky skin inlaid with numerous symbolic tattoos. He dresses exclusively in name-brands, though his wardrobe ranges from tailored suits, to avant-garde ensembles, to "street-casual" attire. A constant, however, is the excess of gold jewellery that is constantly on his person; rings, chains, watches, earrings and several gold teeth generally add up Sethan wearing about six pounds of bling at any given time. At all times he is immaculately groomed, his hair short-clipped into a shape-up and his facial hair carefully trimmed. His natural aura is as astonishing as one might expect, as he radiates enough confidence and power that one could almost swear it was visible.

Age: Approximately five-thousand, usually appears 20-30

Powers/Traits: As one of God-Kings of Lost Irem, Sethan was a powerful sorcerer in life, and is just as powerful in death. The dark arts grant him power over the merciless forces of the desert, the flesh and souls of the dead, and the secrets of Irem itself. In addition, his deathless state grants him many boons, such as freedom from age, independence from mortal needs, freakish strength and incredible durability.

Background: Irem, the Lost City of Pillars, considered only a myth by mortal scholars, was a massive and thriving metropolis when other civilizations mucked about with clay and copper. The Iremites originated as a heretical tribe that dabbled with forces considered taboo by their peers, and communed with strange things from behind the stars. Their "gods" guided them to achieve great feats in science which the world would not see again for millennia. They mastered the mystic arts as well, though none were as powerful as those of their royal bloodline, who claimed to have descended from the Nameless Gods themselves. For the God-Kings, nothing was impossible, as they had supposedly discovered the means to defeat death itself.

However, Irem is known as the Atlantis of the Sands because, like the great city memorialized by Plato, Irem vanished overnight, as though swallowed by the sands themselves. None are sure how or why the city fell, though most speculate that the gods of the era had grown irritated by the hubris of the Iremites, and fearful of the masters they served. The Egyptians built unknowingly built on the bones of the city, though their culture was greatly influenced by Irem's few surviving inhabitants. Before long, the city had been buried by both sand and time, and memories of it were lost to its people's many graves.

In the late 1930's a Bain & Holye expedition team into Egyptian ruins happened upon a series of subterranean chambers which were architecturally distinct from the rest of the ruins. Far deeper within these anomalous caverns, the team discovered a treasure trove of relics, which they quickly determined to possess powerful enchantments. Searching for more, they happened upon a peculiar mummy in what they assumed to be a royal burial chamber. Though most definitely dead and desiccated as any mummy would be, it possessed a similar magical aura to the relics, and so it was recovered as well. Once it had been returned to B&H Headquarters in London, research on the mummy determined that it was not dead spiritually, its soul was merely dormant. A team of sanctioned necromancers managed to awaken the mummy after several months of research. Its first words (translated from proto-Egyptian) were "I am Sethan, Son of Ra, Ruler of Souls, Twelfth in my dynasty. Even in death, I am king."

Beyond his expectable eccentricities, the awakened mummy was surprisingly lucid and personable, using his considerable arcane power to take on a more palatable form. After learning English (at an astonishing rate), he was able to introduce himself properly as the last king of Irem before its fall. His transition into his current state had robbed him of most of his memories, and as such he did not remember the cause for Irem's fall. The Bain & Hoyle Company assisted in his rehabilitation and reintroduction into a society that he had been missing from for over five-thousand years. This was quite a challenging task, as global affairs changed just as quickly as he could adapt to them over the course of the 20th century. However, in exchange for their valued assistance, Sethan has agreed to provide them with exactly "one lifetime" of servitude before he goes about the task of reclaiming his lost kingdom. Sethan considers the exchange to be well in his favor, as what value is a single lifetime when compared to eternal life?

In his time spent as a B&H operative (as opposed to B&H property) Sethan has been sent to numerous different offices worldwide, with the notable exception of Cairo (as a precaution). As a master of a style of magic erased by history, as well as a thoroughly intelligent and charismatic individual, their reasoning was that his talents would be wasted if tied down in a single location. Though he is thoroughly egotistical, he still takes his work quite seriously, and is keenly aware that he is no longer a king in a political sense. He is very fond of modern culture, and in particular has a great appreciation for hip-hop music and fashion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You shall have mine in a hour or so. I won't be as extensive for the history as I was last time,. as it is the same character and you know the backstory by now >_>

edit: I lied, apperently my brain wanted me to write MORE then before.
-Name: Henry Grimm
-Type: Siren



-Age: 180 apperent age 25
-Powers/Traits: Henry is essentially a Siren, the Nack is a rivier sprit of Scandinavian folklore and their powers of suggestion is very similair to that off a Siren of the Sea. His voice carry magic with every incantation, every little word if he chooses. It can soothe the most fierce of beasts and calm the very nerves of a person who is panicking with just a single word. This power becomes far more apparent when you put a violin into his hands, his music able command and draw you in, and off a edge if you so wishes. As a water spirit, he also commands power over bodies of water, as long as it is fresh water and not the ocean.

He works for H&B for a reason after all, there are few people that can disarm and convince you to sign the dotted line with a smile. Henry can. He is practically walking PR at this point.

-Background: The Nack (Näcken in swedish) are not a single being being but race of several Siren like beings. Call them what you want; Grimmefors, Näcken or The River Man, but the are essentially fresh water sirens and male unlike their greek and germanic counterparts who are all female. Näcken is a staple in Scandinavian folklore, a being that tricks and lures people into the raging river and watches them drown. One such river is the Öre River , far up in the north of Sweden. A somewhat narrow but certainly wild river, its victims have been many over the centuries thanks to the Nack that made it its home. Näcken is born from his host river, he's a form of water elemental in the sense that he has been bound to the coursing river. And they are a arrogant kind as they were used to be feared, luring children and maidens down into waters with them. They didn't fear mankind as it progressed, as it cut down forests and built cities. They didn't fear their new god and the power of cold iron. And that became their downfall.

Henry was different however, he was born when the Näck that his river hosted died, quite suddenly so at the hands of young terrified girl and her iron crucifix. The being that was born from the foam and the rage of the river that day was instead more aware of what was happening to his brethren. And so he did what he could to escape the same fate. He used glamor to disguise his true form, for he is a fey even if he is not bound by any court. He would travel around, playing his violin at different venues and spellbind those who listened with his music. But sadly, in doing so he attracted attention from some unsavory type that used his concerts as a opportunity to feed on the poor enthralled mortals.

It soon became apparent that something was up and Henry had to leave before he faced the same fate as many of his kind before him. So he did like so many other Swedes at the time. He emigrated to America. The sea below him was strange, it was not at all like his rivers and held little comfort to the fresh water fae. He snared the heart of a rich lady on board the ship and with her blessing and money, he set out to make a career in the country of endless opportunity. He would spend the next decades accumulating wealth as a swindler and musician both. He lived a good life and when Bain and Hoyle first approached him he wanted nothing to with it. He was free, he was rich and he was enjoying life far to much.

But once more he attracted unwanted attraction. Again his concerts became feeding grounds, not to mention the envy of some less then savory Fae. Amongst them one very powerful. The Nack soon found himself embroiled with powers he could not fight or escape. He began to lose everything he once had and it was in this moment the company found him once more. As he was at his weakest and most exposed, cornered and alone . And this time he took their offer willingly, having need of their help and protection. And it was within the company he once more found himself happy and content.

After the events chasing the Pieces of 8, Henry has given up a bit of his blood to a river hag, and once more put himself on the radar for the thing that destroyed his life once allready.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Here we go, Siya as she was the first time around. I may tweak the history a little, if only by adding some of what happened last time, but I'll wait to see what is sticking etc.

Name: Nastasiya Pavlenko (Siya)
Gender: Female
Age: Apparent age 19, Actual Age 23
Creature Type: Vampire
Appearance:Tiny, petite, fragile, delicate, all these are good words for Siya. On a good day she is five feet tall, if she wears heels. Pale blond ringlet curls wreathe a face that seems sculpted by a master doll maker with lovely, even features and large bright blue eyes and a cupid’s bow of a mouth. She is well toned but feminine, a dancer’s body and a dancer’s grace to match.

Skillset: She is learning detective skills at the side of her good friend and mentor Veti who works for the company and got her the gig. She is fluent in Ukrainian, Russian and several sister languages as well as English. She has also put her early physical training to good use in honing her stealth skills and is quite accomplished in the arts of B&E as well as hand to hand combat. Both skill sets are naturally enhanced by her race’s natural physical skills of which she is still learning largely on her own due to her natural prejudices. She also is growing quite adept in the use of fire-arms thanks again to her friend’s teachings and is frequently fond of taking the role of bait, using her physical appearance to disarm and distract so that others can do their work unimpeded. She is a creature of the modern world, something she frequently finds is lacking in the older agents and she prides herself on staying up on the latest technology as a further means to increase her value to the company.

Background: Her name means rebirth, chosen to honor Christ it wound up being horribly prophetic. Nastasiya was born in a tiny town called Berdychiv in Ukraine. Her mother, once a former dancer dreamed of leaving the tiny, dying town for the west and making it big as a dancer. Her dreams were bigger than her talent and in the end she wound up pregnant and married. Her dancing days were over but her dreams were not. She taught dance and helped supplement her husband’s pitiful wages and they scraped by. When Nastasiya showed an aptitude for dancing her mother’s dreams were rekindled and found a new home in the young girl. She pushed her daughter and drove her and for a little while it seemed like her dreams would come true. Nastasiya was given a scholarship to study dance at Boston University and intern with the famous Boston Ballet Company. Her mother was ecstatic and sent Nastasiya off to live her dreams.

No one ever asked Nastasiya what her dreams were. She was a dutiful girl at first and she studied dance as she should, but began to add classes in other things as well, history, anthropology, and computers. She found she had a taste for technology something she had to catch up on coming from her backwater country. Then she began to go out dancing and drinking with her roommate, a liberal arts student of no real drive and dedication and found she had a taste for that as well. For the first time in her life Nastasiya was unsupervised and she loved it. Drinking, parties, boys and most important, Freedom. She was drunk on it and began to slip in her studies.

Things would likely have ended badly for her regardless, but she never could have anticipated exactly how badly things would go. Abandoned by her roommate who had found a hook-up for the night, Siya took a drink from an attractive stranger with the loveliest eyes and they dance for a while and then he suggested they go out back behind the club. She was drunk, but she wasn’t stupid and yet somehow the suggestion sounded perfectly reasonable coming from him, especially when she looked into his eyes. He took her out back and the inevitable happened. Except that it wasn’t just a co-ed, he was a vampire. A young, stupid one who turned her in the course of drinking from her among other things. Just before she died she watched his head explode as he was shot, execution style. She lived long enough to see the pretty face of a tall redhead peering over her in anxious concern, a red-head with a very large gun. Then, Nastasiya died.

When she rose again, in honor of her name, she was in the apartment of her savior and filled with a bloodlust like nothing she’d ever experienced. Somehow they made it through and in the process became good friends. Now Nastasyia lives on bottled blood, quick sips from lust and drink filled boys and hate. She loathes what she has become but is too pissed off at what was taken from her to face the sun. She finds her work interesting, enough to keep her going.

Since she was only just beginning to find herself after leaving her mother’s tight control she is still largely unformed as a person. Currently she is trying out anger and rebellion but sometimes she forgets and her tractable, obedient self shows through.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Hooray! Siya and Henry are back. Good morning everyone, it's great to have you guys back. Welcome to the newcomers as well. How is everyone doing this morning?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Igraine


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Victoria Tamarind "Veti" Blasko

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Creature Type: Werewolf

Appearance: Veti stands about 6' tall, and is very muscular, with long, straight blood-red hair and sapphire blue eyes. The woman has a body made for high quality leather, which she wears liberally (or provocatively liberally when she's out clubbing - or at the very least, when she did go out, prior to this last assignment for Bain & Hoyle). Veti has many tattoos that include sleeves down both arms (shoulder to wrist) with a Japanese-style koi on the left, and a tiger on the right; a serpent with its head coiled over her heart, it's body wrapped around her neck and slithering down her back, and the great tree Yggdrasil, twining from her ankle all the way to her hip.

Skillset: Veti is quite brilliant, a member of Mensa and a sought-after researcher as an acknowledged expert in occult antiquities. In short, she is a detective, fluent in modern French, ancient Norse and Japanese. As a werewolf, she has extremely heightened senses and, even in her human form, possesses supernatural reflexes, speed, strength and endurance, as well as the ability to heal from even the most egregious wounds almost instantly - well, except for anything silver through the heart. That, most unfortunately, will kill her outright.

Oh, and Veti has a serious "thing" for firearms. A huge "thing." The bigger the caliber the better, and her Desert Eagle .50 AE is a self-described "extension of her soul," and usually holstered at her leg, or at her shoulder. Her other baby is a Barret M107 .50 cal sniper rifle, along with various other much-loved bits of weaponry she keeps tucked away for use.

Background: Veti had a fairly normal childhood, despite the fact she was acknowledged to be anything but normal at a very young age. She grew up in Lake Placid, NY, her mother a middle school teacher and her father a retired professional wrestler-turned-successful-true-crime-novelist. After graduating high school at 13, Veti managed to obtain both her Anthropology doctorates (specializing in Viking/Norse archaeology in both North America and Europe, and Japanese folklore) by the time she was 18.

Obviously something of a prodigy, Veti was recruited to Bain & Hoyle's at 19 after she was turned, honing her natural research and detective skills to a razor's edge, and has been with the company ever since. Veti is also a 'lone wolf,' rejected from adoption by any of the twelve remaining packs of the worldwide werewolf governing body, the Lupus Naturae, because of the method by which she was turned. Neither bitten nor born a wolf, she was 'created' during a never-to-be-repeated act of transmutation and sex magicks with the man who became her on-again-off-again lover for the next several years, the hereditary warlock Thad (or rather "Max" as he first introduced himself, using his shape-shifting abilities to create a form he thought most appealing to Veti at the time - and then subsequently finding himself stuck inside until the moment of his death).

Veti currently lives in a 2-bedroom studio loft in Boston with her best friend, the vampiress Siya, who she loves as dearly as the sister she never had. Veti carries some regret for the unlife her dear friend possesses now. No, not because she wishes she hadn't blown that predatory blood-sucker's head off when she saw him murder the young girl Siya had been - far, far from it and the vampiric Court of Cain could get bent for all she gave a good damn. Rather, because she hadn't been quick enough with the .50 cal bullet that turned his head to a crimson pulpy spray against the night club's dumpster, to keep the beautiful young girl from an unliving existence she despised.

Veti has... Well, she's changed since returning from their last assignment, far quieter, foregoing all the drinking and fighting, partying and screwing that marked most of her world until Thad died, sacrificing himself to enter death itself and face the soul of one of their greatest foes to date. She has apparently, however, found strange companionship in the presence of the Reaper, Daisy, who says very little but remains near omnipresent whenever she's not taking care of her own deathly duties. Though they never speak a word of what happened when he died, or how Thad's promised return to the world of the living never materialized, Veti still finds even the mere presence of the Reaper - the last being to see her lover 'alive' - somehow strangely comforting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 mos ago

AmongHeroes said
Hooray! Siya and Henry are back. Good morning everyone, it's great to have you guys back. Welcome to the newcomers as well. How is everyone doing this morning?

I am well, Sir. In history class waiting for the professor. Fun times! Who doesn't love world history at 9:30am on a Saturday?

Will you be bringing back all your former characters?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I am am well and good. I am obnoxiusly thrilled for this
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Derren Krenshaw

Derren Krenshaw

Member Offline since relaunch

Lillian Thorne said
Who doesn't love world history at 9:30am on a Saturday?

I could think of a few people...

Otherwise all is good here. Excited to play around with a new character : )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

I would enjoy history anytime! That's what I got my useless degree in lol. It's great to hear that there's excitement to start this up again. Atticus and the old gang will return, along with an important new face or two.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Oh this is so exciting! I have this awesome character in mind. I'm going to start writing tonight, shamefully excited for this
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by fantasyfan28
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fantasyfan28 Legendary Sage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I like the various characters already submitted, I will definately have to step up my game with my own character sheet. Really looking forward to this one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 6 days ago

By the by before I start, would another water spirit be too much?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

It wouldn't bother me if that's what you'd like to do dreaming.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Henry has a kindred spirit this time around? :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 9 days ago

Well, well. I just woke up, but once I've had some coffee (and maybe some breakfast...) I'll get to work on something. Or, since I'm being honest, I might just look out at the lake and pet cats. We'll see how the day turns out. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

-Name: Atticus Mac Cléirich

-Gender: Male

-Type: Incubus demon


As a demon of desire, Atticus is able to change his appearance on a whim, though he prefers to maintain a likeness of a dapper Irishman with a full beard. One aspect of his appearance that he cannot control is his eye color, which is a deep crimson. His human build is slim but athletic, and he stands about six feet tall. Across his arms, shoulders, and back is a massive tattoo depicting an epic battle between angels and demons. The tattoo itself has magical properties, and the image shifts on its own accord depending on his mood or disposition. In rare occasions when he’s been particularly happy, the tattoo has been known to depict the angels and demons at peace, partying and sharing drinks like old friends.

In his demonic form, Atticus grows marginally in size, his skin becomes a rich burnt umber color, curling horns like that of a rams sprout from his forehead, and he grows large bat-like wings and a long, reptilian, prehensile tail.

-Age: 172 (actual), Late 20’s-Early 30’s (apparent)

-Powers/Traits: Atticus’ main power comes from his ability for magical persuasion. When he desires, he can use his voice to compel an individual to do just about anything, even when the action is to their detriment. His other prominent power stems from his demonic nature, which lends him the ability to take massive amounts of physical abuse before his tangible body “dies.” If this occurs, Atticus soul would merely return to hell, and he would have the opportunity to return to the world via another means.

His lesser abilities come from his natural thirst for knowledge, and his love of ancient history. He is a well-read demon, and has a weakness for old texts and classic literature. While he is certainly no Veti Blasko, his knowledge of the occult is not without merit.

-Background: Atticus was born into the world as a result of the coupling between a succubus and an Irishman making the journey to America in 1842. His first true memory was of his mother devouring the soul of his unsuspecting father once they reached New York, and her subsequently deserting him in the Irish slum of the Five Points. Though he was only weeks old when he was abandoned, he appeared to be a mature toddler, and he was taken in by one of the many Christian orphanages in the area.

It became quickly apparent to the nuns and priests that Atticus was no average boy, and after several instances where he mysteriously influenced the actions of the other orphans, the clergy became convinced that he was possessed. During the next several years, Atticus was subjected to innumerable exorcism attempts, and moved all across New York as the religious leaders in the area were dumbfounded by their continual failure in healing the demonic boy’s evil flaws. Wholly terrified and confused by his supernatural nature, and the continual abuse from his caretakers, Atticus escaped the clutches of the church in 1847.

Though only five years of age, his body had matured to that of a young adults, and his mind had far surpassed even that. He adapted quickly to the reality of his powers, and he was soon making a comfortable living stealing, extorting, and black mailing his way through New York’s underbelly. It was also during this formative period of his youth that he discovered his strong desire and ability to seduce women, and through these traits, and exhaustive research, Atticus at last was able to glean the truth about his demonic nature.

Following the eruption of America into civil war, Atticus joined the 69th New York Infantry Brigade, a unit made up of Irish immigrants that would fight with distinction throughout the war. His inexplicable ability to avoid injury throughout each of the Fighting 69th’s harrowing battles did not go unnoticed, and eventually the scrutiny of the Union brass grew strong enough that Atticus at last abandoned his unit at the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863. From that point, Atticus roamed the South, further quenching his thirst for knowledge while at the same time searching for a means to give his incredible life some meaning.

It was in Charlotte, South Carolina, that Atticus at last found what would define his life from then on. At a local saloon, he met with a strange man with a thick English accent, a bowler hat, and a full beard, that turned out to be none other than the werewolf Reginald Hoyle. Seeing the drive and inherent ability in the young demon, Hoyle offered Atticus a job with his company, and Atticus was quick to accept. Through the following months, Hoyle personally introduced Atticus to the intricacies of the Veiled World, and the shadowy work of the Bain & Hoyle Company.

Atticus took to his newfound life with alacrity, and after many years of field work, he soon found himself rising through the ranks of the company until at last he was offered the position of Director of Operations for B&H’s Boston Branch Office. He has served in that capacity since the early 1950’s.
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