You are an entity of the modern Veiled World; the shadowy reflection of the mortal realm that humans only perceive in their dreams and in the haze of their subconscious. With every manner of creature, from every culture, and every dark corner of the globe, it is a varied and vast realm. In this world--just as in the mortal one--there is business, entertainment, vice, crime, judgment, joy, and sadness.
The innumerable sects that are a part of the Veiled World are represented by an equally varied number of governments, cultural constructs, and interest groups. These groups supply the lattice work for society in the Veiled World, much as state governments do in the mortal world. Throughout history, these groups have warred and plotted, and while the plotting has never ceased, at the present the globe is, for the most part, miraculously at peace.
Important Factions
-The Lupus Naturae: The governing body of all the werewolf clans. Throughout history they have often been at war with their vampiric counterparts, but have recently enjoyed a shaky peace between the two sides. Though the undeniable leaders of werewolf society, some werewolf clans have not viewed the reign of the Lupus Naturae as legitimate or just. Since its inception, several acts of genocide against rogue clans have been carried out, in an effort to solidify the Lupus Naturae against any firm claim of a rival clan organization.
The most notable of these acts was carried out in the early sixteenth century when the Lupus Naturae hunted down a clan from the highlands of Ireland known as the Teachglach Mac Tíre. To this day there is only two known survivors of that clan, one of them being the werewolf cofounder of the Bain & Hoyle Company, Reginald Hoyle.
-The Court of Cain: The Court of Cain is a group of vampire lords tasked with maintaining the order, the preeminence, and the continued secrecy from humanity or vampire society. The Court was formed by Cain, the father of all vampires, following the mass genocide perpetrated by his first daughter, Decima. After exiling Decima, Cain ordered that the magic inherent in vampiric blood be split amongst eight separate objects, and then distributed for safe keeping to eight of Cain’s most trusted lords. These objects came to be known as the Pieces of 8.
The Pieces maintained their safety and secrecy until the year 2013, when Decima escaped her imprisonment, and began systematically gathering the Pieces in an attempt to absorb all their power. It was only through the daring exploits of a team from Bain & Hoyle that Decima’s plot was thwarted. Reeling from their near destruction, the Court of Cain is now a weakened and disorganized entity, with several smaller factions of vampires trying to rise up to take its place.

The history of the Bain & Hoyle Company traces its roots to the year 1522, when the vampire Archibald Bain, and his close werewolf friend, Reginald Hoyle, aided the Ottoman Empire in expelling the Knights Hospitaller during the second Siege of Rhodes. With their success and proven skill, the unlikely pair decided to pursue their penchant for subversive and clandestine action full time. After several years of operating with wild success on their own, Bain and Hoyle saw the lucrative nature of their venture, and decided to charter a company to expand their reach to a global scale. It was on September 18th, 1594, that the Bain & Hoyle Investigation and Recovery Company was officially founded with its first public office in London.
Since that time the company developed into the Veiled World’s premier private intelligence and clandestine firm, with offices opening in nearly every major country across the globe. From recovery of antiquities to corporate espionage, the Bain & Hoyle Company operates like a shadow’s shadow, and all the while raking in huge profit margins for their premium service and success rate. Its operators are as varied and unique as the clients the company represents, and its ranks contain the most diverse cadre of supernatural beings anywhere in the Veiled World.
Your character may be any manner of supernatural or mystical being. Let your imagination run wild, and have fun in the search for that unique individual. However, there has to be some limitation when you are creating your character, so here are a few notes that will be important for the process.
1. The Rule of Common Sense: This is just what it sounds like. To be fair to both your fellow players and the GM alike, use your head when creating your character. Obviously if you’re wanting to play as Whatshername: Goddess of Death and God-moding, then there is going to be an immediate issue. Your character can be a powerful being, don’t get me wrong, but let’s be reasonable. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense for Zeus to suddenly want to come work for the Bain & Hoyle Company would it?
2. You may only play as ONE character. I had some issues with this in the past, so just up front, everybody gets just the one. Now, your character can have like a pet, or some kind of magical sidekick or something, but let me be clear that these ancillary beings will be just that—ancillary. No operating your personal dire wolf as an individual character.
3. When it comes to your character’s abilities and traits, again I want them to be fun and unique, but remember the Rule of Common Sense. Stories are made better when characters have flaws and weaknesses.
4. The last rule is among the most important: Have fun and use your imagination!
Character Sheet
-Gender: Male or Female.
-Type: A succinct classification of your character, i.e. werewolf, vampire, etc.
-Appearance: This can be how your character appears naturally, and perhaps how they appear in the presence of humans, or whatever you feel is important to your character. Pictures are very much welcome.
-Age: Both apparent and actual age, if applicable.
-Background: An explanation of why and how they came to be in the service of the Bain & Hoyle Company, and anything else important or fun you would like to write up about your character. This doesn’t have to be long or all-encompassing; I leave the level of detail up to you.

Derren Krenshaw-Semyon Makarov
Lillian Thorne-Nastasiya Pavlenko (Siya)
Igraine-Victoria Tamarind "Veti" Blasko
AmongHeroes-Atticus Mac Cléirich
Clumsywordsmith-Nestor Grimsley
LimeyPanda-Jay Jay
The New Yorker-Gabriel "Gabe" Lykis
Hellis-Henry Grimm
Other GM Characters
Archibald Bain-The aloof and powerful vampire cofounder of the Bain & Hoyle Company.
Reginald Hoyle-The unassuming and likable werewolf cofounder of the Bain & Hoyle Company.
Aislinn Hoyle-The werewolf sister to Reginald Hoyle.
Zoey-The animated skeleton of a dead sorority girl from Tallahassee, Florida. She works as Atticus’ secretary at the Boston Branch of Bain & Hoyle, and she has an unhealthy crush on him.
Cornelius-The personal butler to Bain and Hoyle. His body is that of a rubber duck following the botched transmission of his soul to make him immortal.