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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LetterE
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

December 4, 9:33pm
Wayne Tower
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the floor, Le Cirque D'etrange!"

The roar of applause filled the hall at the words of Bruce Wayne. Truth be told, most people cared more about hearing what he had to say than watching circus performers. And truth be told, he cared for neither the performers nor the Gothamites that filled his building; he cared more for the goingson in the rest of Gotham City that night. He walked to a nearby window to glance at her, in all her beauty, and in all her madness. He could hear the police sirens sounding, as they did all of her nights. He could see the scurrying of thieves and dealers as they fled for the cover of her embrace. And he could see, in the sky, the symbol. The symbol that was more often on than off. The symbol that instilled hope in the citizens, but fear in the gangs of the Gotham.

The Circus performers came out now, all keeping to the Gala's theme and wearing their own masks and costumes. They began doing all sorts of tricks like fire-breathing and knife throwing, and the attendees all applauded. Amidst their act, Bruce Wayne made his escape; presumably to return to his routine of world-traveling and lavish spending. His private security made sure he was undisturbed on his way out, and continued to keep a watchful eye on the room; knowing full well the amount of money to be had and the likelihood of trouble.

It was Gotham, after all.

GCPD Building

In front of the GCPD building, former police commissioner Ellen Yindel's press conference was beginning. Her tech crew performing the final tests and checks before she made an appearance. All the local media outlets had sent reporters to the scene, and even some far-reaching organizations like The Planet and Picture had sent their people. The crowd continued to amass and gather, filling in with interested Gothamites, city councilmen, and anyone else who had decided not to attend the Children's Hospital Gala. Several GCPD officers stood outside the building as a backdrop, but as was always the case in Gotham, the majority of the force was on the streets, attempting to keep the peace.

The Streets of Gotham

War is on the horizon; but then again, it always is, isn't it? Gotham's streets were riddled with criminals of all kinds, but within those ranks were collectives, groups of crooks who claimed a color and a name. Tonight they conspired and planned, and made their preparations; and tonight they would strike. GCPD patrols ran through the streets keeping watchful eyes on the banks and homes, trying desperately to live up to the Commissioner's vision of making Gotham safe again.

But of course, there was little that the police force could actually do. Towering above the streets of Gotham a figure sat perched, his signal illuminating the night sky. The Bat looked down on his city and smiled.

It was going to be another long night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by terrence


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The madness begins
In gotham's central park, a tent city stood. It was a popular spot for the homeless to congregate. The GCPD nominally did not approve of its existence, but always had to divert resources to more pressing matters to really do anything about it. Tonight, quite a few of the destitute, listless men and women had gathered together. A few of them had heard a speech from the underground figure that had inspired the city's beggars and homeless recently, and they were eager to spread his message. One of them had brought a battery-powered Radio, to play a taped transcript of the speech. With a sputter, the outdated device sprang to life, and the voice of anarky could be heard by everyone.
“People of Gotham, We all know this city is sick and corrupted inside. Too long have we allowed the elite to brainwash us into complacent acceptance of the injustice we see every day.”

“You might think I am just another person expressing outrage at the madmen and robbers that roam the streets of this city, but I will say already that those people are not the cause of what I am rallying against. They are but a symptom of the indifferent government that allows such degenerates to roam the streets. Therefore, do not write them off as a lost cause. Instead, see them as possible allies of circumstance .Tools of the revolution!Their reasons may not be as pure as ours, but their methods may very well coincide with our own.”

Anarky's words awakened something in the people listening to it. Event through the worn speakers of an outdated radio, the spirited charisma behind his words could be clearly heard. Those that had brought the radio in the first place already stood ready to see if anyone else felt compelled to take action. A can of white spray-paint in hand to mark anyone who so desired as an active supporter. For now, it were only four or five people. But that was to be expected. Tonight was only the first night of the revolution, and it would be absurd to expect everyone to hear its call.

Criminal Activity
Of course, the people spreading the word in the park were not the only ones that pledged themselves in alignment with Anarky's message. His speech had also included a call to more substantial action.

“Now, to show the puppeteers that squeeze us out every day that we have had enough, arm yourself and take what should be rightfully of the people. Banks, supermarkets and other such tentacles of the corporate monsters. Break them open and do some wealth redistribution.”

As said, as done. It would have seemed like little more than a spree of ill-organized robberies in the early night at first. Were it not for the fact the robbers left the same mark everywhere. A white Circle A. Often sprayed on some large commercial billboard or such.

“And let us also show the elite of this city that we will not be fooled at their attempts at posing as just and moral people. We all know the charity ball is just an excuse for the fat and wealthy to party together more than anything. So let us crash the party!”

Outside of Wayne tower, people had started congregating. Their individual reasons for being there were many. Some had beef with an attending gothamite. Others had a problem with Wayne Enterprises. There were probably also some kids that were there mostly because it seemed exciting to go and crash a large public event. Tensions were high, and the security was nervous. The entire crowd was a riot waiting to happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Do you feel that?
While the homeless went on to rise up against the ones who were the filthiest of rich, a certain Russian went to a gun store. The GCPD was out on the prowl as they were every night yet they posed no real threat for what was going to happen. Afon browsed the weapon selection before checking the time on his watch. This would be a good place to hit up and increase his weapons.

It seemed that the time was just right for him to be active with his gang. The night was still young after all. Afon walked up to the counter and asked "So, how is your day going?" "Good, can I get you anything?," the vendor asked. "I simply want every gun in this place," Afon said with a light chuckle. "Haha, unless you have hundreds of thousands of dollars then you won't be able to get every gun here," the vendor laughed, indulging in this "joke."

Criminal Activity
A van pulled up to the gun store while the two were talking and three men and women came out the back with duffle bags. "Sadly, there is no choice," Afon said before suddenly pulling out his Glock and putting a round through the vendor's throat. The group of mobsters entered and were greeted by Afon ,"Get everything that you can grab and then some more! We must be gone before the police show up. Or worse."

The gang did not want to have an encounter with the batman or the police so they made the theft quick. The guns would probably go to recruiting more people later in but for now they would just be put into storage. "Boss we're good!," a short mobster said. Burn this place, we must not leave evidence of us being here" Afon ordered. The gang poured gasoline throughout the building while Afon got any money he could from the register. Everyone loaded up and Afin threw a lit match into the building starting a fire on the inside before running into the van. Then they made their way back to the headquarters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OnlyThePie
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OnlyThePie A Solitary Pastry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Hammer stomped down the street, a squad and their Clip following behind him. He growled as his radio buzzed, telling him some punks were hitting up a gun store on the south side of town. That was his job. A cop came around the corner and saw the group of men. He shook and raised his pistol. "Freeze!" the cop said, shaking in his boots. Heinrich held up a hand. He slowly drew one of the pistols from his left side holster. He raised the gun slowly. "FREEZE!" the cop shouted again, voice quavering terrifiedly. He squeezed the trigger, and the cop collapsed. The Hammer grinned. Nobody got in his way.

Two guys came out of an alley, smirking. "Thanks man, we would've had real trouble had you not killed that guy." The Hammer looked up at them, frowning. "Tell your friends. The Firing Squad rules here now. If they want in, they just gotta ask for the Hammer. Better have experience." Then he shot the guy on the left. His friend yelped and ran off. Probably not the best way to send a message, but it would work. Always did.

Criminal Activity
A Bullet ran back around the corner. "Here they come!" he yelled. The men scattered to either side of the street. The Hammer calmly knelt down on one knee, and pulled the massive rocket launcher off his back. He clicked in a special missile of his own tampering. After 100 yards, it would explode and send pieces of metal flying everywhere. It would kill the drivers and pop the tires, but the merchandise would be safe. A truck wheeled around the corner, a large "GCPD" labeled across it's side. The van would be carrying guns. Lots of guns. He waited. He had to get the distance just right. The driver slammed on the breaks when he saw the man in black and red in the street. Heinrich fired. The tires collapsed.

The squad rolled out of the shadows and began working on the doors. The Hammer leaned into the cabin. He shot the passenger, who wasn't dead yet. The men were hauling all kinds of weapons out of the trunk now. Heinrich grinned. An easy hit. And they'd probably get new guys too. Not bad for a nights work. Now to visit the press conference. He had a statement to make after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Comrade Doge
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Black Viceroys

Someone; basically a Viceroy gunman had betrayed the organisation and Iraq, this traitor work at GCPD since the Black Viceroys became one of the most powerful militaristic syndicate in Gotham. Apparently, the traitor was already beaten by Viceroy members who are loyal to Iraq, he was tortured badly and then the traitor was thrown to Iraq's personal den, inside Iraq's personal den, Iraq looked at a battered traitor as he blows the smoke on air, Iraq stand up on his throne and slowly approach to a battered traitor. The battered traitor was coughing blood which spills some blood on the floor, this angered Iraq, Iraq kicked the battered traitor. Iraq grabs his gun and pointed to the battered traitor, "No one betrays the Black Viceroys, you fucking spy. Iraq said as he shoot the battered traitor on the head. Iraq shouted, "Get this traitor out of my den and throw this traitor to the building, oh and also, clean that floor, now!" the Elites who guarded Iraq's personal den said, "Sir, yes sir!" one of the Elites grab to pick up the body while another Elite washed the blooded floor. Iraq then sits back on his throne, putting his gun on his table.

Criminal Activity
After the battered traitor was shot. Iraq ordered one of his trusted member to come with him, the mission is to kidnapped prostitutes to become one of Iraq's slaves just for fun like stripper/pornography/sex. "Just bring your guns, just in case of Gotham copboys and the Batman." Iraq said. Iraq and his gang were fully equipped, hop on in a bulletproof van and ready to kidnap some prostitutes, baby!

In the eastern side outside of Black Viceroys' base, several prostitutes were there standing, waiting for customers to stop by. The van stop by and then Iraq's gang grab the prostitutes by using an alcohol mask, they were fainted and were thrown inside the van. A member said, "Hey sir, look at this damn girls! They are so hot!" Iraq chuckled, "All of this girls are all yours, my friends! Except that girl over there, she is mine!" Iraq pointed to a hottest prostitute ever. The members looked at the girl that was pointed by Iraq, so unlucky. "Understood!?" the members shouted, "Yes, sir!" Iraq replied, "Good, now let's get the fuck outta here before cops or even Batman interferes at our criminal activity, let's go!" the van left the criminal scene and went back to Black Viceroys' fortified base (Abandoned apartment buildings).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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As James was walking around and speaking with other influential Wayne Executives he was unable to speak with Bruce Wayne which was the whole reason he came. He was able to see who were the major candidates for the mayoral campaign and who some of the executives supported most were on the fence. He had sat for drinks with others and watch the entertainment hoping his plans tonight were already underway.
The mask he wore.

The neighborhood where the pack ruled was a poor part of the town. Which made it easy to get new bloods Especially because those in the packs were well supplied with weapons and armor and while they've yet to begun marking territory they were on the prowl.

Some of the new blood went around the area they considered their territory and get protection money to bolster income. However 12 of the more trusted packmembers headed to the police conference. They arrived masked and armored. They begun shooting up event and killing police men their main goal was to get the Former Police commissioner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LetterE
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gun Shop, 10:04pm
Two GCPD detectives made their way into the aftermath of the fire. Every wall of every floor of the building was black with soot and the damage was extensive. One detective, a portly older man, ran his fingers across the still warm surface of the cashier's counter.

The Fire Deptartment's own expert walked into the room from another space in the building. "You're looking for a firestarter, boys," he said. "It's all gasoline."

"I know." The detective responded. "It's a clean hit. They grabbed all the guns, almost all of the ammo..." he leaned over the counter to eye the smoldering corpse of the store owner. "And no witnesses."

The other detective, a taller, younger gentleman made his way to the body and crouched beside it. He took a pencil out of his coat pocket and lifted up the dead man's head by the chin, seeing the bullet wound made through the throat. He pushed the body over with his foot a bit to see the gaping exit wound at the base of the neck. "Point blank, 9 or 10 millimeter round. Probably drowned in his own blood."

The older detective lit a cigarette, mumbling "this is ironic," under his breath. He looked up to see a badly damaged video camera in a corner of the room. "Let's see what we can get from that. And let's get forensics in here asap, I'm betting these guys were sloppy somewhere, and I'm betting they're not done for the night." He started walking out of the store.

"It's going to be a long night."

Empty Street, 9:45pm
The group of men unloaded the last few weapons from the armored truck just as a stifled scream was heard from a nearby alleyway. The Bullets all froze as an uneasy and unsettling feeling filled the atmosphere.

In a blink of an eye, and before anyone could react, a black shadowy figure pounced from above like a lightning strike, taking down one of the men clutching his newly acquired weapons. As quickly as he showed up, the Bat disappeared, zipping away into the darkness of the alley.

Normally, the men would at this point be running and screaming in terror; but these were not normal gang members. The Clip acted like a professional hit unit, not even waiting for a command from the Hammer before taking defensive positions around the burning armored truck and other vehicles on the empty street.

But like a virus attacking cells in the body, The Bat was quick enough to start taking them down. Zip lines shot out from the shadows, grabbing the men and pulling them into the darkness. Batarangs flew down from the rooftops knocking the men unconscious. No one could see the target, let alone fire a round at him. It was as though the Bat knew the gang's plans and was trying to prevent them from leaving; but that was impossible. The Hammer knew that behind the mask and showmanship, Batman was just a man. Still, he had the choice to make; try to make his stand against the Dark Knight here, or take what he could and try to flee.

Wayne Tower, 10:16pm
As James checked the time, his criminal plans in mind, he barely noticed the man walking up to greet him. He was unrecognizable, but notably donned his own masquerade mask; a green mask reminiscent of a robin hood depiction. The man stretched out his hand to shake James' hand before addressing him.

"James Conrad, I'd recognize you with a bag over your head!" he joked. "My name is Simon LaCroix. I'm with Queen Industries, here on business, of course..."

The conversation trailed off, but eventually culminated to a point.

"Aubrey James made business very profitable for Industries like Queen and Wayne while he was mayor, so naturally, that's something we'd like to see. His campaign has been doing well, but I fear that there are some loose ends we'd--or, excuse me, I mean he--would like to tie up. I'm not promising anything, but if you're interested, I might be able to set up an interview to bring you on his campaign management team."
GCPD building, 10:21pm
As the pack members approached the GCPD building, masks adorned and weapons in hand, what few officers remained nearby began to scramble. Gunshots went off and attendees started to scatter. In the confusion, Former Police Commissioner Ellen Yindel barely noticed that she had been hit.

When she looked down she could see the blood drenching her outfit, but wasn't sure where the wound was. She had been shot a few times before, so when her vision blurred and her balance left her she knew she was losing too much blood too fast. A pair of officers were able to grab her and rush her off site before the masked men were able to get her.

Before long, all 12 of the Pack were either dead or wounded. But that didn't necessarily matter. Every news station in Gotham just showed one of the most daring attack attempts, with all the attribution going directly to these canine masked men. The Pack's reputation would skyrocket, and every criminal on East End knew that The Pack was putting their stake claim to Bleake Island.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time for more
With the job done, Afon went back to the HQ to begin strategizing ways to make more money. That was when it hit him, he could go to local family owned businesses and offer them a spot in protection. They could do it, especially since there were many more gangs being active that night. However, he needed to get some more professionals into his gang, sending out a single person to go and find more people.

Afon laughed to himself before one of his members came to him and said "There were GCPD spotted in the area sir, we believe they went to the building we burned down" Afon thought to himself momentarily before giving and answer "They will not be a problem, just double up on the defenses in our part of town."

"Yes sir"


A member of the Immortals went out and rounded up ten promising looking fellows, though he knew who the boss would want. "All right, technically you are all in the gang but the boss wants the best of the best for his own personal protection, and he is only taking one per batch," he said before handing everyone a XM-15 rifles. "Whoever can hit that target in the center is into the boss' personal protection." And so they all began to fire, some better than others.

Criminal Activity
A squad of four, two women and two men, were sent to a family owned diner that was still open but beginning to close down. Making sure there were no customers, the squad entered, concealing their weapons except for one with a baseball bat. "Sorry we're cl-" "Sorry ma'am, we know that you and your family run this place. It's nice, real nice. It's just, we want to protect you." A leading female said. The lady who was in charge called her husband to come in and they had suspicious looks on their faces. "Now, there are many active gangs in Gotham and the GCPD are too slow to respond, right? It's only natural that the leading gang in this area, protect its people. I'm offering you the low price of two-hundred dollars a month for quality protection," she offered. The husband looked furious and said "We will never do that! Give us a reason on exactly why we should consider."

"Because we are the ones in charge here, if we don't get the money that is needed then we can't promise your protection. Right, Vince?," the female inquired before the man with the bat when to go and smash some stuff. However, the man spoke up in time to stop "Alright, Alright. You make a, eh, valid point we'll pay you monthly." "Good! Now remember, don't call the police or this deal would be null and void, also make it 30 dollars a day, we know you make a lot more than that. Just send it to the guy that'll be arriving here tomorrow" the female spoke before the squad left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DudeTheRabbit
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