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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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Name: Zebulon

Age: 15

Gender: male

Race : Shade :A race of Black-skinned people who are humanoid in appearance, Individual appearance and abilities vary from person to person.

Titles: Night-Weaver. Child of darkness. Umbral knight.

Side: Turncoat from dark to light-Zebulon was once sided with darkness but then turned on them, he is now allied with light

Mournfang - Mournfang is a black scythe with a jagged blade, along the blade is a pattern of crimson veins that branch out and curve inwards until they reach the tip.

Racial: Invisibility(only when the moon is out)

Other: Zebulon has learned overtime to shapeshift from his usual, blackskined and nightmarish appearance into a human facade with brown hair, icy blue eyes and light skin.

Racial: Moon-flames: Zebulon can manipulate an indigo colored flame that acts like normal fire but is slightly more difficult to extinguish.

Talents: Stealth, scythe-style combat.

Personality: Despite being on the side of good, Zebulon is yet to overcome his love of slaughtering enemies, wether they deserve it or not. Otherwise, Zebulon is a wise, calm, smart and clever "person" that respects all races, This does not mean he would hate killing someone of a different race, this simply implies that he wouldn't slaughter anyone of any race or disrespect them at random.

When Zebulon was 10, He moved to a town called ravenrend, The town was fairly medium sized, there was military action keeping ravenrend safe and even a training hall, Zebulon's mother, Ellis wasn't to keen on the idea of moving once she got there, but her son was eager to see what new home awaited him, Zebulon got out of the caravan and ran into town to begin exploration, the town was busy, people of several races gilded ravenrend with their presences, shops smelling of fruit and much, much more,

Unfortunately, Lack for racism was not among them.

Overtime Zebulon began to notice people being mistreated, townsfolk were beaten for no reason by guards, some guards grabbed children and threw them down, other guards would even execute public killings, One day, a guard barged into Zebulon's room and took Ellis with them, Zebulon ran fourth and asked them for their reason, and, being as young as he was, they didn't expect him to know what their answer meant:"Darkness has no empathy", but Zebulon knew fully what this meant, Soldiers of the darkness had always infested his life, and so Zebulon decided to finally do something about it

Zebulon tackled one of the soldiers and slammed his head against a wall, knocking him unconscious, he grabbed the mans sword and impaled the second, leaving him with no time to acknowledge the third guard dragging his mother away, guards who heard the ruckus came in and pinned Zebulon down, they threw a sack over his head and awoke in the dungeon of ravenrend a cloaked figure spoke to Zebulon and told him that their were worse people than the darkness, and that if he joined them, he could stop them, from there, Zebulon became a weapon of darkness,

For years had Zebulon served as a soldier of darkness, killing the weak and recruiting the strong, up until the day when he returned to ravenrend to see the town had been long burned to ashes, as he roamed through the remains of the town, he saw bodies that were decayed and bloody, as well as the head of his dead mother on a pike, from then on, Zebulon pledged his life to light, and vowed to Avenge the town of ravenrend, his mother, and do justice to the millions of lives he has ended.

Extras: Zebulon's left eye is gilded by a white painted circle with runes running around it.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Name: Sir Roland Arturious
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Position: Kings Guard

While not donning his armor Roland can normally be seen in plain trousers and tunic sporting a light chain mail shirt and tabard displaying the Tome and Blade sigil of the Paladins, Retribution sheathed at his hip. His blonde hair is kept short and a goatee is kept neat and presentable despite the multiple gray hairs that have begun sprouting up.

Side: Light. Roland is a Paladin, a Paragon of all that is just and good in the world.
Weapons(s): The Holy sword of Retribution is wielded by Roland. A blessing from the heavens so that he may banish evil from the world. Additionally his shield, dubbed Faith, is an absolute bulwark to the demonic. These weapons are fueled by Rolands Faith. In the hands of others they are simple steel. But in the hands of Roland Arturious, they are blessed instruments. His armor is equally blessed, runes and holy scripts etched into the metal to ward against dark magic.

Abilities/Powers: Words of prayer banish lesser undead and demons by sheer power of faith. Holding Retribution high, Roland can dispel darkness and cast magnificent holy light to illuminate the battle field. This Paragon of light can also heal allies of moderate wounds in the heat of battle. His mere presence inspires allies in an aura that prevents persuasion by evil beings and pushes them to fight harder.

Talent(s): Roland is a titan among men, standing a head taller than most at 6'10. He is quite proficient in the use of sword and shield in combat against both demonic and mortal enemies.

Personality: Righteous, selfless, pious, courageous, these are but a few of the words used to describe Roland the Paladin. He is also quite the jovial sort. Always in good spirits and kind.

Biography: Roland was born into the life he leads, following in the foot steps of his father and his father before him. Within Celakor, no more then a days march from what is now the ruins of house Gisele, lies the fortress of Bastion. Home to the Knightly order of Paladins, Bastion is a safe haven for any who seek refuge from the growing darkness. Nestled upon a high bluff and with walls both high and thick, Bastion is a highly defensible position rivaling that of the royal palace itself.

Roland was born in these walls, destined to join the ranks of the Paladins, whom numbered fifteen hundred or so. His training began not with the sword but with the soul, for before a trainee masters steel he must master is spirit. The days were filled with prayer, sermon, and song and the nights with quiet study of holy scriptures. At age 13 Roland began his weapons training. More Paladins prefer the Hammer to the sword but Roland took to the blade and shield with ease.

For as long as anyone can recall, the Paladins of Bastion had always maintained good relations with House Gisele. Though the Sun magic of the noble house was more arcane than divine, it served the same purpose and the Paladins oft found themselves looking to House Gisele for their outstanding healing abilities. Though their own healing was fit for battlefield wounds or expelling curses from the body, the Paladins could not heal illness or more extreme injuries as the Sunlight Sorcerers of House Gisele.

As the years progressed Roland grew in spirit and in body, venturing out with Knight Paladins on their endeavors to destroy evil. Shortly after he had completed his final trials and been fully inducted into the order of Paladins, the order caught wind of powerful demonic sorcery manifest in the mountains north west of the fort. Rolands father clasped his shoulder "A fitting first quest for our newest Knight Paladin." his hand was firm and his smile warm, beaming with pride in his son. "We shall depart at first light, let us prepare until then."

Grandmaster Ulric Arturious and his prodigal son, Roland. Together they set off as the sun broke the horizon for the mountains and they would reach their destination before the morning of the fourth day. They would make camp and rest a short distance from the mouth of the cave that the energies could be felt, not wanting to approach it in darkness. That morning they woke, donned their armor, and prayed before entering the hell mouth.

Waves of lesser demons assaulted them to no avail, the sheer power of the Grandmasters faith and prayer banishing them before they came within striking distance but as they progressed so to did the caliber of enemy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Ythreïn Methreon
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon-reborn
Rather than having inherited the power of a dragon through blood, Ythreïn was ‘reborn’ with the dragon’s power coursing through his veins. This happens when he pledges his life to an Elder Dragon when you’re at the edge of dead.

Side: Dark
Titles: Son of Fire. Immolator. Knight of Dragons.



Dragonflames - With the power from his sword, Ythreïn can summon forth balls, waves or other forms of dragonflames. Which are much harder to exstinguish and burn at a far higher temperature

Young lord of Dragons - as dragon-reborn, Ythreïn has a certain authority over younglings or adolescent dragons. Even though they are fickle in nature sometimes, Ythreïn can force them back in line. Just don’t be surprised if they eat a few allies just because they are hungry. He is often accompanied by 2 youngling dragons, whom are the size of big dogs. They are wingless, have red scales and look very much like oversized lizards. But don’t be fooled. These creatures bite like rabid dogs or breath fire to kill Ythreïn’s enemies.

Hellscape - Ythreïn’s very presence feels like a bright bonfire walking around. The air around him can become extremely hot. The ground gets scorched and burned. Soil dries up and dry shrubs might catch fire if he remains at one point for too long.

Extraordinary swordsman - Taught by both his family and Sol'Tuin, Ythreïn is an exceptionally rutheless swordsman. Wielding Valermos he can easily cut down rows of enemies, and likes doing so.

Destruction given flesh. Ythreïn wants nothing more than to destroy and annihilate his targets. Be it a person, an order or a city. He’d march forward, kill and burn for the pure delight. He enjoys a good fight though. He just likes killing, burning and destroying more. Hot tempered sometimes. He can lash out towards those of equal rank. He is very much like fire, in the sense that he will obey those who he sees ‘strong’ enough to command him.

Biography: Born from a small but prestigious family. As second son, he could never hold land. As those would go to his older brother. Instead he was trained to become a knight, so one day he may become part of the Kingsguard. As is tradition, he set forwarth to kill a demon at the age of 21. Wielding the sword his father granted him. Ythreïn encountered a village that was complaining about fiery fiend killing and burning. Coming from the hills. They, however, forgot to mention that this particular fiend had wings. Ythreïn marched onto the stone peaks. Where Sol'Tuin quikcly encountered him. The Elder Dragon quickly beat the young knight to an inche of his life. As blood poured from his chest, the dragon made him an offer. Die alone. Never to be found again. With the blade of his family lost. Or be reborn as something stronger. Better.

Ythreïn, naïve as he was, agreed to live. Sol'Tuin cut himself in the front paw and let some blood seep into one of Ythreïn's wounds. Then he breath devestating fires of him. Sol'Tuin's blood protected him from the worst of the flames. But the wounds were quickly catherized. Sol'Tuin's blood invaded Ythreïn's entire body. Fueling a deep human desire to destroy and letting it lose. Thus was the Knight of Dragons born. The last blessing Sol'Tuin gave Ythreïn was reforging his blade. After that, the Elder Dragon fled eastwards. Sensing the rise of the Dark Lord. However, he demanded that Ythreïn remained behind. And if the Dark Lord would encounter him, that he was to serve him as he served Sol'Tuin. This had nothing to do with glory or honor though. Sol'Tuin merely hoped that the destructive power within Ythreïn would be enough so the Dark Lord wouldn't go searching for the Elder Dragon.

Extras: The Dragon Cult of Destruction
Humans have always worshipped dragons for their pure power. When Sol'Tuin vanished, his human followers began to fight among eachother. One faction said that Ythreïn was their new leader, while others feared he killed him. With the help of Ythreïn he killed the second group and restructured the first.

- Initiates: Normal humans coming from everywhere. Often outcasts or outlaws. They pledge their life to Ythreïn. Most are tasked with boring jobs. Cleaning armor. Sharpening swords. Burning prisoners. Among the initiates, fighting is secretly encouraged.
- Squire: A squire pledges his services to a Knight. Squires are not yet send into battle, but must maintain the equipment of his knight. In return he gets lessons in fighting. A squire rarely survives the first 2 weeks with his Knight.
- Knights: Often refered to as Fire Knights. They are the main bulk of the Cult (though not that big). Each Knight services a Vanguard and learns fire magic from said Vanguard. Odds of survival are often higher. But the training is brutal and painful. Many knights have scars from being burned.
- Vanguard. The top of the top. Masters of fire magic. These men and women are often bald and burned pretty badly. Never the less they are filled with an incredible bloodlust & desire for destruction. Like hounds you must release them upon your enemy, for they will not stop, they won't take prisoners, they won't take orders until everything is burning and everyone is dead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

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Alistair Proudsword








A follower of the Light - Crown Prince/Middle prince and an incredibly powerful general to boot.


Takes his steel Zweihander into battle, crafted by the kingdoms most efficient blacksmiths, designed not to look pretty, but to do its job, and do its job well, with a sharp yet durable blade, that is as light as he can manage without sacrificing too much power, a devestating weapon that can reap the lives of many.



"They said I was mad, that I was sending myself out to die. The foolish didn't realize, that if you don't throw yourself into the lions den, if your training doesn't put you at risk, then you are in no way going to become stronger. Only through knowing the consequences of failure, can you strive to make sure that death never comes to you...

Alistair has thrusted himself into many battles, all of which mandatory to improve his combat talents. Conserving his breath, to control and manage how must energy he burns through with each little movement is vital to surviving on the battlefield. Alistair has trained himself by dropping into many dangerous scenarios for the simple reason of becoming stronger through survival.

Through many battles, Alistair's combat experience has vastly improved, allowing him to increase his muscle mass, and reduce the depletion of his stamina. The constant battles he has entered also has helped his weapon techniques, allowing him to swing his Zweihander with little issue, a feat many would find impossible for a young ninteen year old man, though through sheer force of will, and through many broken bones and scars, he has surpassed his own potential.


"My strength? It is both my strength and weakness. My inability to stop, my relentless nature, my eagerness to put things to an end... Stubborn, my will shall never falter, and my desires will help me win here today...

Alistair does not possess any magic that he can openly fire from his palm or the such, however, he possesses a heavy amount of willpower, magic, generated by his own emotions which can help to fortify himself and his allies.

Channeling his willpower, Alistair can increase his speed and reaction time, or one of his allies, allowing them to move more quickly from point to point or to avoid more enemy attacks. The longer he channels this ability the more he is drained, and can thus, only speed himself up a few seconds at a time, less he succumb to overexertion, and be an easy target.

Alistair can also, increase the strength of both his and his allies moves, while also being able to increase his defenses, by casting a light magic aura over himself channeled by his will for his loved ones and himself to survive, allowing him to take a hit, without suffering damage once, as the shield over him and his allies shatters once it is struck, rebounding the opponents attack back.



When my younger brother fails to calm the situation down, it's up to me to lead the flock to their undeserved deaths... Though I have no choice but to act like the puppeteer, leading my troops to the tune of my song... Like a siren, escorting sailors to their doom. It's my job to make sure the troops know what strategy my little brother has planned... It's my job to make sure they follow through... Forgive me...

Able to command those under him from a young age, the firm, determined and firm prince has a great talent for leading others, commanding his troops to be effective in battle and to minimalise his causalities, he is a commander who cares for his people, yet knows of the atrocities that must be committed to ensure the survival of his nation. He sees things in the long term, rather than the short, which can be a blessing, or a curse for his soldiers, depending on the situation. Never the less, those he commands put their lives in his grip, he pulls their strings, and directs their blades to their rightful enemies, and with his motivational speeches, his soldiers gladly give their lives to bring peace.


Alistair understands the painful realities of war. Realistic, Alistair tries his best to show a Stoic personality, keeping his emotions at bay as best he can in order to ensure the safety of his people and his family. As a child, Alistair was a firm believer of being equal to his older and younger siblings, along with his people, never desiring to see himself as higher nor lower than anyone else, though he was very quick to anger during his younger years, and constant years of being belittled for his believes almost cracked him, however, the constant wounds both physical and mental hardened him, making him tougher and less of a coward over all.

Growing up, Alistair became frightfully mature at a young age, comfortable in his position to serve his kingdom, and to protect those under his command, Alistair as such became very cold, as the warmth in his heart barely resembles the child like fire of his youth, turned cold by the grim reality of the world, and the sacrifices that must be made to ensure a nations survival, he understands that deaths must be made, lives must be forfeited, innocents must be forgotten, for the rest of the nation to prevail and prosper, sometimes, Alistair contemplates if he is the only one who understands this.

That isn't to say the man is heartless, as i've said, Alistair cares for his people, and as such is always willing to defend the ones he loves if they are in peril, he is close to his youngest brother, and tries to remind young Lethonel that no matter how hard you try, you can't save nor protect every life, though secretly is envious of his child like naivete, wishing he could be so willingly ignorant, though this strong and realistic outlook of his would be seen as a benefit to the kingdom as a whole.


Born as the middle, the second son of the Proudsword family, Alistair had a objective placed on him the moment he was born, he needed to surpass and reveal his talents to his kingdom, he was given a duty from the moment of his conception to help his nation rise, to improve it, to increase its power, to ensure its survival, and so far, he has done a great job of making sure that he is capable of leading the family into the future for many years to come...

While not talented in the charismatic approach, his talents laid in his ability to fight. After all, should diplomacy fail, war shall rise, and when war comes, which it will always shall, as war is inevitable, strength will thus help to secure victory, and Alistair knew this the moment he first picked up a sword... A firm believer that if you do not test yourself to your fullest, you shall not become stronger, Alistair succumbed to many wounds during his training, even going against his instructors to train himself in the wilds away from his family, thrusting his well being into oblivion for the chance to grow even just one percent more capable of leading his nation ahead, he was reckless as a child, but needed to be reckless, or suffer to the jaws of fate.

If you wish to get stronger, you throw yourself at everything coming your way, and learn from your mistakes. If you die, then you died, and you were not worthy of living, as you would simply have been a piece of fodder, and nothing more, none of your training would have meant anything. Alistair understood the fear of death, that fear allowed him to channel his magic, his willpower, and as thus, helped to increase his strength over all.

Over the years, while learning and keeping himself strong, Alistair was the ideal man to become the next king, should the current king die, though Alistair, even knowing his potential, explained that he would never wish the death of his father for such selfish gains, and plans to keep him alive for as long as possible, so that he can keep the nation in order and as such as become a very loyal member of the family, and would die if it meant keeping his nation safe, a desire that he will keep till his last breath.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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