Name: Sir Khyssoun Maerdrym
Age: 2175 (about 32 in human years)
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Side: Light Side, Captain of the 19th Division, Lord of Haverford County, a member of the Kingsguard, and (according to some servants in his castle) Sir Prissypants
Rather skilled in the broadsword, which is his preferred weapon of choice, but he can make do with whatever pointy stick he can find. However, if all else fails, he is quite proficient in using halberds and longbows.
Heightened hearing sense
Enhanced strength
Healing - Most likely where he earned his rather unfortunate nickname from the servants. While he spent a considerable amount of time studying and practicing the healing arts, he spent most of his time training with his sword. This proves useful on the battlefield, but if the injury goes above a certain point, it requires his absolute attention. His abilities include being able to close wounds, restore broken bones, cure most ailments, and heal internal damage. Anything above that would mean him leaving the battlefield to help the patient.
A sweet talker for sure, he has a silver tongue and certainly knows his way around court(and especially the ladies). Besides his strength in battle, he's rather marvelous at chess and other mind games. He can read people rather well, especially in tone of voice and body language. Of course, he is still fluent in Elvish and can learn other languages quickly, so he often serves as a translator. Secretly, Khyssoun is talented in the art of torture and actually enjoys it more than any sane man should.
At first glance, Khyssoun is the perfect gentleman, as is expected from one of the esteemed Kingsguard. He is rather proper in the court setting, flattering the Lords and kissing hands of the Ladies. The county he rules over is fooled by this as well, believing him to be a merciful protector of the lands that truly feels for the plight of the people. However, while his love of the people is true to an extent, Khyssoun is much less perfect than he appears. He favors himself above all others and will only fight for the causes that he believes in. If the King were to make a decision he disagrees with, he would have no issue in quickly switching sides. Cunning and oft too enclosed for his own good, Khyssoun is rather sadistic as well, which makes it all the better for him on the battlefield.
Khyssoun was born in the forest to two mid-ranking elves of the Syranthr Tribe in the local forests. It wasn't a large tribe, but they managed well on their own without relying too much on the help of outsiders. They were skilled at farming and traded with the humans for clothes and other supplies they needed, depending on the season. He helped in the field, and when he wasn't, he attended a rag-tag "school" led by a well-traveled elf. Otherwise, he would train with some of the village elders in the healing arts.
After passing his tribe's "right of age" passage, Khyssoun entered the human world for the first time. Enthralled by the wondrous cities and the strange new culture, he quickly found himself at the court of one of the minor nobles. They let him stay around as somewhat of a marvel to look at, but Khyssoun took the chance to learn the ways that humans fought. Here, he learned to wield a sword, which was much different than the bow he was accustomed to in his tribe.
Life was perfect for a while, until he decided to formally enroll himself into the noble's personal army. There he learned the not-so-perfect parts of human nature. Alcoholism, gambling, prostitution, soliciting. He found himself wrapped up in it all, as was the rest of the army. There he found a taste for power. The thrill he felt when he had a life in the palm of his hands only led him on a quest for more. Having come from a humble background where no one was considered above the other, the sensation of power was a strange and oddly welcome sensation.
His first kill was not too long after he joined the army. It had been a personal hit against a merchant that had done the noble a disservice. It had been entirely too easy to corner the man, and also entirely too comforting to hear him scream as the sword plunged through his chest. And that was the moment Khyssoun knew he must have more.
Slowly, slowly, he worked his way up in not so conventional ways. And then finally, after outliving at least three generations of royal blood, he found himself as the Lord of Haverford County. After a while, he decided to join the Kingsguard in hopes to protect all that he has made for himself thus far. While he has taken the oath and whatnot, it is not within his interests to uphold it whatsoever. It's lucky for the king that their interests happen to be the same. For now.

Quite interested in expanding his powers as of late. He's just waiting for the right time.