Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seeing as White Feather did update the rp very recently and it still says apply I will assume you can still join.


You may want to get in contact with Frengo, but considering his extra's suggests signing up with his rangers I imagine this won't actually be an issue.


The positions are up to date so the oldest and middle princes are open.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 3 days ago

This is still open right? The prince and eldest son it seems, any i could make an app for?

Hooray! More children!

I haven't gotten around to editing my queens history yet. But just know that the changes I intend to make aren't drastic. In fact, I'll list them here so no one feels like they have to wait for me to write the character bio:
  • Lucinda will no longer be 25 years old and will instead be about 43. I feel this gives enough room for the Prince and Princesses to be of varying ages and still be logical.
  • Lucinda will be able to give birth. In her current bio, she is unable, but when I fix it up that won't be a thing anymore. All the Princes and Princesses will be her children.
  • The name of the old King and the person she marries will have to be changed since that character doesn't exist anymore.

That's really all their is!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiNoNeko2341
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YamiNoNeko2341 Ace Trainer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@White Feather
Name: Jazmine (no family name)

Age:Frozen at 17


Race: A human girl who has been turned into a vampire.

Side: Jazmine is unaligned and self-serving she believes she has no reason to help either side, however if the
undead and other dark forces were to vercome the world that could prove problematic for her, so she tends to side
with the light, albeit only if she has motivation to do so.

Weapons(s): A silver cane, known as Leonidas, ending in a lions head, which also serves as a sheath for a hidden
sword made of blessed steel. The cane had been given to a high ranking knight named Artorius, after he retired
from service, as a gift from a bishop in honour of his years of service and the amount of undead he had slain,
however after an encounter with Jazmine in which he kicked her into the snow and called her scum, she had decided
that the cane would look much better in her hands, she broke into his estate in the night and murdered him in his
sleep with the very weapon she had come to steal, before making off with various fine garments and valuables,
including her second weapon an enchanted golden pocket watch, this watch has the power to return to its owner from
wherever it lands and is strung on an unbreakable chain which can increase or decrease in length as well as turn
razor sharp upon its owners command. She also possesses the trademark vampire weapons of retractable claws and fangs.

Abilities/Powers: She possesses greatly increased strength, stamina, agility and an enhanced healing factor as a
result off her Vampirism. She also has a Insanity Form, where her mind is clouded by darkness and her personality
changes but she gains control of nearby shadows, being able to turn them solid and direct them as she pleases, it
is yet unclear why this happens, as she has no memories of the event.

As a member of an undead race, Jazmine is relatively safe around other undead and the like unless she makes a direct
move against them

Talent(s): After years spent on the run and being hunted, jazmine has learned the skills of a master thief, she can
blend in with the background, move silently and pick pockets or locks with ease. She can also tailor her own
clothes and carry out repairs with a bare minimum of supplies, she does not often make garments for others though
as she is not confident in her work.

Personality: Her cold exterior and passive-aggressive mannerisms hide a lonely soul, crying out for a friend or
comrade, it is not easy to gain her trust or have her open up to you but once she places faith in someone she
would do anything for them. She is also very forgetful and tends to daydream and get distracted easily, also
despite her natural balance and agility while shes concentrating, the majority of the time she is more than a
little clumsy.

Biography: She woke up lying on a riverbank some years ago (she doesnt bother keeping track of time), with no memory
and injuries that should have been lethal, but as she passed in and out of concsiousness, she noticed how quickly her
injuries were knitting themselves back together, without leaving so much as a scar. Once her wounds were fully healed
and she had regained the strength to stand and walk she noticed a burning sensation that seemed not to be hunger, thirst
or lust but a combination of the three. She wandered through the wilderness clutching the tattered remains of her
clothes around herself until she ran into a woodsman out cutting lumber. He took her back to his cabin and fed her,
bathed her and gave her clean clothes but this didnt satisfy her burning hunger. In the night she lost control and
killed him, draining his blood. Early on in her vampire days, she had trouble killing humans and would cry herself
to sleep more nights than not. But as time passed she came to view herself as seperate from the humans that feared
and despised and found it easier and easier to justify killing them for food, profit or simply pleasure. She spent
years honing her fighting skills whilst trying to avoid or kill any bounty hunters that came after her.

Extras: Jazmine is short and slim, at 5"3' and weighing only 47kgs. She has waist length silver hair, sometimes held in an
elegant bun, with one of a number of extravagant pins that she has stolen over the years. She has eyes that range from a
deep blood red around the outside of the iris before shifting through hues to a bright crimson around the pupil. Her eyes
turn purple with shadowy black swirls coursing through them when she enters her Insanity form. She generally dresses in
fine dresses while around her house, but while she is out she can be seen in a tight fit, blue, black or red waistcoat
with long coat-tails that reach her ankles, embroidered with elegant and detailed patterns in gold, white or black thread
respectively, tight white linen pants, a tight fit tailored white blouse beneath the waistcoat, high black or brown leather
boots and black or white kid leather gloves with more embroidery. She will always be wearing a necklace and some combination
of rings and bracelets, although she wears only a sparse amount of jewellery at a time. She also has three piercings in the
bottom of each ear and two at the top, as well as one in the left side of her nose.

Added some more detail :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Cultural Titanhe's got other tricks up his sleeves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Alistair Proudsword








A follower of the Light - Crown Prince/Middle prince and an incredibly powerful general to boot.


Takes his steel Zweihander into battle, crafted by the kingdoms most efficient blacksmiths, designed not to look pretty, but to do its job, and do its job well, with a sharp yet durable blade, that is as light as he can manage without sacrificing too much power, a devestating weapon that can reap the lives of many.



"They said I was mad, that I was sending myself out to die. The foolish didn't realize, that if you don't throw yourself into the lions den, if your training doesn't put you at risk, then you are in no way going to become stronger. Only through knowing the consequences of failure, can you strive to make sure that death never comes to you...

Alistair has thrusted himself into many battles, all of which mandatory to improve his combat talents. Conserving his breath, to control and manage how must energy he burns through with each little movement is vital to surviving on the battlefield. Alistair has trained himself by dropping into many dangerous scenarios for the simple reason of becoming stronger through survival.

Through many battles, Alistair's combat experience has vastly improved, allowing him to increase his muscle mass, and reduce the depletion of his stamina. The constant battles he has entered also has helped his weapon techniques, allowing him to swing his Zweihander with little issue, a feat many would find impossible for a young ninteen year old man, though through sheer force of will, and through many broken bones and scars, he has surpassed his own potential.


"My strength? It is both my strength and weakness. My inability to stop, my relentless nature, my eagerness to put things to an end... Stubborn, my will shall never falter, and my desires will help me win here today...

Alistair does not possess any magic that he can openly fire from his palm or the such, however, he possesses a heavy amount of willpower, magic, generated by his own emotions which can help to fortify himself and his allies.

Channeling his willpower, Alistair can increase his speed and reaction time, or one of his allies, allowing them to move more quickly from point to point or to avoid more enemy attacks. The longer he channels this ability the more he is drained, and can thus, only speed himself up a few seconds at a time, less he succumb to overexertion, and be an easy target.

Alistair can also, increase the strength of both his and his allies moves, while also being able to increase his defenses, by casting a light magic aura over himself channeled by his will for his loved ones and himself to survive, allowing him to take a hit, without suffering damage once, as the shield over him and his allies shatters once it is struck, rebounding the opponents attack back.



When my younger brother fails to calm the situation down, it's up to me to lead the flock to their undeserved deaths... Though I have no choice but to act like the puppeteer, leading my troops to the tune of my song... Like a siren, escorting sailors to their doom. It's my job to make sure the troops know what strategy my little brother has planned... It's my job to make sure they follow through... Forgive me...

Able to command those under him from a young age, the firm, determined and firm prince has a great talent for leading others, commanding his troops to be effective in battle and to minimalise his causalities, he is a commander who cares for his people, yet knows of the atrocities that must be committed to ensure the survival of his nation. He sees things in the long term, rather than the short, which can be a blessing, or a curse for his soldiers, depending on the situation. Never the less, those he commands put their lives in his grip, he pulls their strings, and directs their blades to their rightful enemies, and with his motivational speeches, his soldiers gladly give their lives to bring peace.


Alistair understands the painful realities of war. Realistic, Alistair tries his best to show a Stoic personality, keeping his emotions at bay as best he can in order to ensure the safety of his people and his family. As a child, Alistair was a firm believer of being equal to his older and younger siblings, along with his people, never desiring to see himself as higher nor lower than anyone else, though he was very quick to anger during his younger years, and constant years of being belittled for his believes almost cracked him, however, the constant wounds both physical and mental hardened him, making him tougher and less of a coward over all.

Growing up, Alistair became frightfully mature at a young age, comfortable in his position to serve his kingdom, and to protect those under his command, Alistair as such became very cold, as the warmth in his heart barely resembles the child like fire of his youth, turned cold by the grim reality of the world, and the sacrifices that must be made to ensure a nations survival, he understands that deaths must be made, lives must be forfeited, innocents must be forgotten, for the rest of the nation to prevail and prosper, sometimes, Alistair contemplates if he is the only one who understands this.

That isn't to say the man is heartless, as i've said, Alistair cares for his people, and as such is always willing to defend the ones he loves if they are in peril, he is close to his youngest brother, and tries to remind young Lethonel that no matter how hard you try, you can't save nor protect every life, though secretly is envious of his child like naivete, wishing he could be so willingly ignorant, though this strong and realistic outlook of his would be seen as a benefit to the kingdom as a whole.


Born as the middle, the second son of the Proudsword family, Alistair had a objective placed on him the moment he was born, he needed to surpass and reveal his talents to his kingdom, he was given a duty from the moment of his conception to help his nation rise, to improve it, to increase its power, to ensure its survival, and so far, he has done a great job of making sure that he is capable of leading the family into the future for many years to come...

While not talented in the charismatic approach, his talents laid in his ability to fight. After all, should diplomacy fail, war shall rise, and when war comes, which it will always shall, as war is inevitable, strength will thus help to secure victory, and Alistair knew this the moment he first picked up a sword... A firm believer that if you do not test yourself to your fullest, you shall not become stronger, Alistair succumbed to many wounds during his training, even going against his instructors to train himself in the wilds away from his family, thrusting his well being into oblivion for the chance to grow even just one percent more capable of leading his nation ahead, he was reckless as a child, but needed to be reckless, or suffer to the jaws of fate.

If you wish to get stronger, you throw yourself at everything coming your way, and learn from your mistakes. If you die, then you died, and you were not worthy of living, as you would simply have been a piece of fodder, and nothing more, none of your training would have meant anything. Alistair understood the fear of death, that fear allowed him to channel his magic, his willpower, and as thus, helped to increase his strength over all.

Over the years, while learning and keeping himself strong, Alistair was the ideal man to become the next king, should the current king die, though Alistair, even knowing his potential, explained that he would never wish the death of his father for such selfish gains, and plans to keep him alive for as long as possible, so that he can keep the nation in order and as such as become a very loyal member of the family, and would die if it meant keeping his nation safe, a desire that he will keep till his last breath.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Some things. Is it possible for your character to be at least two years younger? possibly by regressing his development or just by making him 19.
I say this because Sariel would not of had Kids until he was at least twenty given his backstory. So the eldest son would be 20 at maximum. Alternatively I can just make Sariel at least 42, but then I actually have to go edit my perfectly good and already accepted work and who would ever want to do that.

Now I need to go read another bio and think of something to complain about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Now I need to go read another bio and think of something to complain about.

Is...i-is senpai noticing me?!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Major Ursa

I am not your senpai. I hold no power here. I just have nothing better to do and post a lot, but I promised complaints, so let's go throw stones from glass houses shall we. Going down the list. She has a lot of weapons. Is she good with all of them? I know she at least isn't a spectacular Crossbowman but what about the rest. Why does she use so many weapons despite her noble stature not necessarily requiring it of her and her gender suggesting she would have other interests. Is it normal for members of her house to train in weapons? Is it normal for both genders to do so? We don't know why she's immune to magic and maybe we aren't supposed to, but I'm pointing it out anyway. I actually feel like most of her talents make sense or add a small bit of character. The exception being her swordsmanship, but I've already asked a few questions about that. Why does she speak so candidly despite being a noble? All of this could be explained in a more expanded backstory and I would be quite interested in seeing a finished product like that.

another thing to think about is how she relates to the latent corruption of the nobility.

But yeah throwing stones from glass houses because my character sheets are not the best, but I promised complaints and have nothing better to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Some things. Is it possible for your character to be at least two years younger? possibly by regressing his development or just by making him 19.
I say this because Sariel would not of had Kids until he was at least twenty given his backstory. So the eldest son would be 20 at maximum. Alternatively I can just make Sariel at least 42, but then I actually have to go edit my perfectly good and already accepted work and who would ever want to do that.

Now I need to go read another bio and think of something to complain about.

Alright, changed the age from 21 to 19... is dat good enuuf?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I am not your senpai. I hold no power here.

Sure, senpai might be construed as a role...but it's also a feeling.
Anyhow, I figured I left something vague, I'll get to adding more detail...slowly...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


This satisfies me, but it will never be enough =P

I said some things last time and then only presented one, so here are those other things. They are not necessarily reason to change anything about your character especially as I stress often, I hold no power here.

When it came to Lethonel the word I had to describe how Sariel felt about him was proud, but in the case of Alistair I think the proper word is concerned. Sariel is concerned that Alistair is to focused on war, concerned about his seemingly quick shift from a angry hotblooded teenager to an old beyond his years cynic, concerned that he does not have the appreciation for the lives of the common folk that he needs to lead the Kingdom.

We will also have to come up with a reason why the first born son is not the heir to the thrown, but I am willing to put off burning that bridge whenever someone makes an eldest prince. Or whenever this get's started. speaking of which... @White Feather When is this starting?

Anyway, again its not reason to alter your character, just an observation and a future issue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


This satisfies me, but it will never be enough =P

I said some things last time and then only presented one, so here are those other things. They are not necessarily reason to change anything about your character especially as I stress often, I hold no power here.

When it came to Lethonel the word I had to describe how Sariel felt about him was proud, but in the case of Alistair I think the proper word is concerned. Sariel is concerned that Alistair is to focused on war, concerned about his seemingly quick shift from a angry hotblooded teenager to an old beyond his years cynic, concerned that he does not have the appreciation for the lives of the common folk that he needs to lead the Kingdom.

We will also have to come up with a reason why the first born son is not the heir to the thrown, but I am willing to put off burning that bridge whenever someone makes an eldest prince. Or whenever this get's started. speaking of which... @White Feather When is this starting?

Anyway, again its not reason to alter your character, just an observation and a future issue.

Then i suppose i'll just have to pull my character out if you're concerned, sorry my character was not suited for the rp.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


That is not what I am saying. I am not concerned. My character would be. That is not a bad thing. In fact it can be quite a good thing. STAY. Unless White Feather tells you to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


That is not what I am saying. I am not concerned. My character would be. That is not a bad thing. In fact it can be quite a good thing. STAY. Unless White Feather tells you to go.

Fair enough, i'll stay to see if i can join.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 3 days ago

Lethonel would love to have a brother like Alistair-- someone who does what Lethonel can't do, someone who is not afraid to get his hands dirty unlike the youngest prince, and someone who can finish what Lethonel started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Cubix @The_written_John

I hope you're both prepared for Lucinda to dote on both of your characters.

She'd probably share concerns about Alistair with the King, and will most likely voice her concerns often in front of him. Hopefully this will lead to some interesting mother and son dynamic.

Lucinda also wishes to pass her families sacred sword onto one of her children. I'm not even sure if they'd want it, actually.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ok, here is my application. She is a character from a previous role play, so I had to change a few things so it would fit. If I missed something, or if you would like me to change anything, let me know.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@White Feather

Inner circle? :3

Galio Sharp is not Dark-aligned. He (and the Mistwalkers as a whole) are an anarchic anti-rulership group that wants to kill leaders on both the Light and the Dark side.


Any chance you'll think of joining us? ;;) Vampires are very useful for spying on your own infrared-seeing spies to prevent betrayal, since they don't have body heat (presumably).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Good luck with that by the way. I mean ultimately you can be successful, but it will take a lot of work. The light side because there are quite a lot of them and the dark because they require some conditions to be met before they can be killed.


Do you intend to be part of Kalar Splint's Rangers?
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