Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OnlyThePie
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OnlyThePie A Solitary Pastry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Thomas Pallmyr
Age: 37
General Location of Operation (include movement type (True, Born, Rooted)): True, The Baltic Sea region, preferring the Scandinavian area.
Preferred Dialogue Color(please put the color code): 2e3192
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 165 lbs
Appearance(Pictures not required, but appreciated): Thomas is a tall, sandy blonde man, with vaguely British features. He has a sharp angular face, and short scruffy facial hair. Thomas has long but well muscled arms and legs. His mouth is just the tiniest bit lopsided, and his nose has been broken more than once, giving it a bumpy appearance. He has pale blue eyes that glint impishly on occasion. He is quite pale.
General, non-combat, Apparel: A pale grey shirt and dark blue overcoat, similar to a soldier's uniform, though significantly less complicated. Wears a pair of thick leather boots to protect him from the weather, and the in-fashion tricorn hat, also a dark blue.
Armor and Weapons: When going into a hunt, Thomas dons a Spanish conquistador's breastplate, and a large dark green cloak to allow for blending in. Thomas generally fights with a single, rune-filled (which give it somewhat random magical properties) steel shortsword, though he sometimes chooses an axe, depending on the beast. He carries a crossbow across his back, but only uses it if he has to.
Affiliates(Apprentices, Partners, etc.): Recently graduated apprentice Heinrich Vraubaten, who now serves along the south Baltic Sea coast.
Afflictions(If none, don't fill out): None
Likes: His job, a good beer, well-maintained equipment, ice and snow
Dislikes: His job, dragons, centaurs, bureaucrats, monstrous people (bad people, not half-monsters), Demons
Fears: A mess he can't get himself out of, Fire-Tornados
Specialization: Generally an all-around Knight, but does have a special touch for defeating the truly evil (Grim/Hallowed Knight)
Magic (if any): Blacksense, The Warming (wards off cold temperatures), Lighttouch (a faint light for dark places), Aquarius (creates a small amount of water)
History(At least a paragraph, preferably more): Born and raised in southern Scotland, Thomas was shipped off to Norway originally to train to be a merchant. But, while in Oslo, he was attacked by a feral werebear. After handling the bear as best he could, which turned out to be lucky enough to put the beast to sleep, he was picked up by the Knighthood. He trained first in a boot-camp in the northern Sahara, where he learned his hatred of the heat. He was then paired as an apprentice to Horsch Golvik, who took him back up North to the Polish Baltic. When Thomas graduated at 24, he stayed with Horsch, operating as his partner. While on a raid looking for what were assumed to be two goblins, a high-class Demon attacked and killed Horsch. After dispatching the creature, Thomas departed farther North, trying to escape the memories of his old friend. He slowly worked his way up to greater and greater beasts until achieving his status of today. At the start of our tale he is on the southeastern coast of Sweden.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ruxandra "The Lady in Red"

Age: 34
General Location of Operation: Currently Central Europe
Preferred Dialogue Color: ed1c24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 132 lbs.

Appearance: Given that her body is immortal she still appears to be that same 15 year old girl from so many years ago. Her features are young and fresh, flawless almond skin like the purist honey, golden brown eyes like fields of wheat, silken black hair dark as the night, and the kind of solitary stare that lets you know she's just a little bit different from everyone else.
General, non-combat, Apparel: Her entire body is covered save for her eyes which are obscured by her red linen cloak. Given her unique appearance and young looks she rarely shows her face to anyone and prefers the anonimity of the cloak as well as a long red linen robe with a split along both legs to allow for freedom of movement. Were it not for her sword she could easily be mistaken for a simple traveller.
Armor and Weapons: No armor to speak of, as most weapons are ineffective against a being such as her, and she couldn't afford it anyway. Being nimble is more important. She carries a Kilij (Turkish Scimitar) that she got from her mentor.

Affiliates: Batur "The Grim Turk" Algul (deceased member of the Knighthood/Mentor)
Afflictions: Vampirism
Likes: Sweets
Dislikes: Evil creatures, sunny days, large crowds, places of worship, people lying (she can tell).
Fears: Succumbing to her baser desires, being discovered as a vampire.

Specialization: Grim. As something of a vile creature herself she feels it's only fitting that she should take on the most dangerous and ruthless creatures.

Magic (if any): N/A

Vampiric Abilities:

-Vampiric Immortality- Not to say that she can't die but she will live forever assuming her head is never seperated from her body or that she is never pierced through the heart by a holy object or sanctified weapon. Of course she must also feed regularly on blood to sustain her form.

-Night Vision- Ruxandra can see in the dark as if it were clear as day, although this carries the caveat that sunlight is extremely intense and even blinding at times but not particularly harmful as some myths would have you believe.

-Vampiric Strength- Given that her body is immortal, she can push her muscles to their limit without fear of major injury to herself and thusly can perform feats of great strength and speed exceeding that of a typical human being. She is still capable of feeling pain, however.

-Vampiric Senses- Vampires have superb hearing and sense of smell. She can hear the heartbeats of living creatures and track scents like a hound. Unfortunately this also means that loud noises are deafening by comparison and putrid scents can be overwhelming.

History: Ruxandra was a simple Romanian peasant girl with no family name and little more to worry about than feeding herself everyday. She lived a meager but relatively normal life until the age of 15 when a group of hungarian bandits raided her village. Ruxandra had been fetching water when the attack happened and did not return until the attack was already over. The bandits had left nothing of value, all the food had been looted and most buildings were on fire. With nowhere to go she wandered along the road, begging for food from passers by.

One night she was confronted by what appeared to be a man in a long cloak. He offered her shelter and all the food she could eat. No child could resist such an offer after having spent so long being destitute and alone. The man took her to a camp where others with similar cloaks waited. As she welcomed them their tone quickly changed and the man who had offered food and shelter revealed his fangs and his true intent. He sank his deadly fangs into her neck and began to turn her.

It was then that an incredible force killed three vampires in one swift movement. A Turk by the name of Batur Algul, she later found out. He had been tracking them and spotted their deception. He quickly dispatched the Vampire's underlings and fought the leader who called himself Aldric. They fought fiercly but Aldric escaped into the night. Batur was then left with the now turned Ruxandra. His training and experience told him to kill her and be done with it, but something about her spoke to him.

He took pity on her, though he never explained why. Batur taught her to resist her urges and sustain herself on animal blood instead. When she was old enough he taught her to use the Kilij she now carries and to use her new abilities to help track and kill other monsters that seek to do harm to the innocent. Batur knew that any other member of the Knighthood would try to kill her without hesitation, so they avoided areas with larger populations and Rooted Knights in particular.

They had begun to work together tracking down Aldric, the vampire who had turned her, and had followed him all the way to an abandoned castle on the outskirts of Vienna. They confronted him believing him to be alone but were ambushed upon entering the castle. The battle was long and arduous, as if they were toying with Batur and Ruxandra. They eventually killed 12 skilled vampires but Batur had sustained too many injuries during the fighting and was soon to be dead. With his dying breath he made her vow to continue their work and use her curse to protect the innocent.

She has since been tracking Aldric across europe to avenge the only father she ever knew, as well as killing monsters and demons along the way. Although she has never encountered another member of the Knighthood she considers their goals to be aligned with hers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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