Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh wow, I've never seen that series before... Did we land in Aurex when I wasn't looking or something? Oh one more thing you should probably keep an eye out for Sideways' minicon... or was it minicons? I can't remember exactly. There was something about Axiom Nexus News and something about the Offworlder Zone Security Administration. Anyways point is he/they are amazing at infiltration."

"Yes I'm sure it was their master infiltration skills and not your atrocious security that was dumb enough to fall for Beeimus Prime. Hell Rook or whoever could have probably walked around saying I'm going to herald the coming of Unicron and no one would pay attention." Chided Megatron.

"Hey now, I'm sure nothing that ridiculous ever happened. Maybe..."

"Yes I am aware of the miscreant from planet X in my possession my Liege Centuro can handle it I'm sure but even if he were to escape he would provide sufficient amusement for what is to come. You should be on your way now if I were you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The group approached the ominous ruins at Liege Maximo's behest.

"Well I guess this is what it feels like to be called to Shockwave's lab to assist in an experiment."

"I would have expected you were teachers pet and did that on a regular basis." Chimed Megatron.

"Don't be ridiculous, no one wants to be Shockwave's pet. He dissects them." The Transtech pulled out his scanner and began investigating the ruins. "What... the hell. These ruins are simultaneously older than the planet and younger than human civilization. And to top it off they seem to come from hundreds of distinct realities. I think I understand why Unicron is so interested in this anomaly. The realities merging together isn't some random side effect of the two events meeting, it's what this... thing does only when it made contact with the singularity its effects were multiplied as the events resonated. And once they fully merge... Everything will be sitting in one place for Unicron to devour like an all you can eat buffet. If I had to guess as they briefly touched their combined power cause this world, which probably has numerous parallel universes, was created and the events repulsed each other because of the tremendous energy released so we effectively got thrown into the past when we entered it."

"And how does any of this help us stop Unicron?"

"Well if we can stabilize the event or otherwise neutralize it most of Unicron's plan would fall apart. We'd still have to defeat him of course but he wouldn't be able to absorb everything, only our home multiverse and at a greatly reduced speed. Perhaps Liege Maximo can discern the frequency of the reality this event originated from so we can find someone that might actually know what caused it and possibly how to stop it. Unless the Chronarchitect would like to chime in on this."

"So... I feel the need to bring this up." Megatron gave Brainwave a dead serious glare. "Have you considered this is exactly what Liege Maximo wants you to do and there is a very good reason for it. Like he already knows something we don't and we'll effectively be leading him to a weapon he is very interested in and we have no idea why?"

"His counter to that would naturally be we don't really have a choice."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by byrdmanx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by byrdmanx>

Terry traverse through Mars searching for the base for the completion of the job.... Along the way he took notes of various landmarks as he always do. He was quite the perceptive person. Billy spoke up and said " Terry once this job is over, we can become business partners... I can find upgrades for you and even see if I can get ahold of info regarding ASTRA"... Terry responded " That would be great!! This machine is a mystery to me with all the black boxes, right now I predict we are using at least 10% of its overall power... would be amazing to see what it can really do"

2 hours on Mars

The location of the base was just in sight... Its appearance was somewhat rugged and rough... The base consisted of 3 buildings with the main building being in the center. Adjacent to the Main Building, was an abandon hangar that was no longer being used... the other building had collapse do to what Terry concluded an enemy attack. The buildings had been damaged badly by Mars Sandstorms and it seems like noone cared for its up keeping... its was perfect for a base out in Mars, which can trick enemies to thinking its abandoned. The shifting of gears was heard as a landing zone open up atleast 100 meters from the main building. Terry and Billy entered the landing zone and descended down a corridor. Once they exited the corridor, a huge dock came into view with several military mechs as well as a shitload of anti-air missiles, tanks, and any other combat related gear one can find with a militarized unit. Upon landing, they were met by soldiers and a Colonel... The colonel introduced himself as Colonel Johnson and as soon as Terry and Billy exited their rides... escorted them to the conference room of the base

Terry and Billy learned of unidentified sources arriving at Mars.... Colonel Johnson briefed that it is unknown if they are allies or not... Terry agreed to scout out the targets to confirm if they are possible allies...

"Thanks Terry for your help" Billy proclaim as he walks out the conference room towards the hanger... Terry nodded and head to his chambers as the operation will begin in about 4 hours.... He might need the rest.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TehChron


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by TehChron>

The Tornado slammed Aaron into the city sliding him into the street collapsing city as it continued devastating everything in its path for miles and continued on for hours while using Aaron as a human wrecking ball.

"OW, OH EEK" he grunted each time as he crashed into one building after another be they Masques, government facilities or skyscrapers.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAAH I guess they don't make Vok Emissary's like they used to!" Razorclaw mocked with his mouth still full with the barely living popstar.

A series of bulky, chrome-colored growths erupted from the man as he ricocheted across the city, the metallic protrusions absorbing most of the impact even as they became more and more box-like.

"...Damn furry bastard..." Aaron grumbled to himself as he shakily rose to his feet, his glare cutting across the destruction and ruin as it fell upon Razorclaw, still holding his quarry.

"COME OVER HERE AND SAY THAT ASSHOLE!" Gentles roared, calling Razorclaw out, "I'LL TAKE YOU OUT ONE ON ONE!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

A series of bulky, chrome-colored growths erupted from the man as he ricocheted across the city, the metallic protrusions absorbing most of the impact even as they became more and more box-like.

"...Damn furry bastard..." Aaron grumbled to himself as he shakily rose to his feet, his glare cutting across the destruction and ruin as it fell upon Razorclaw, still holding his quarry.

"COME OVER HERE AND SAY THAT ASSHOLE!" Gentles roared, calling Razorclaw out, "I'LL TAKE YOU OUT ONE ON ONE!"

Razorclaw casually Summoned a lightning bolt which devastated the spot Aaron was standing on
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TehChron


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by TehChron>

Razorclaw casually Summoned a lightning bolt which devastated the spot Aaron was standing on

As the bolt of power subsided, what was left behind was a large, blocky shape, vaguely humanoid in form. Standing at the same height as Aaron did before it, emblazoned with the dull black letters spelling "GUNDMA" on the front, the new transmetal Vok emissary stood unharmed from Razorclaws assault.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

As the bolt of power subsided, what was left behind was a large, blocky shape, vaguely humanoid in form. Standing at the same height as Aaron did before it, emblazoned with the dull black letters spelling "GUNDMA" on the front, the new transmetal Vok emissary stood unharmed from Razorclaws assault.

"Humph, you may be chosen by the Vok but you aren't much to look at. Seriously a box with a Corruption of the word Gundam? You make Megatron X look like the poster child for originality, oh well I can send your corpse to them as my calling card AHAHAHAAHHA!"

Razorclaw then summoned an earthquake that swallowed Aaron up and not needing air gentles was barely phased but the lack of freedom kept him from escaping.

Razorclaw then fired rapidly at the mound Aaron was buried under repeatedly, the deadly barrage tore at his transmetal skin.

For a finishing touch he gathered power for a charged shot one to destroy the entire nation and Aaron with it.

"Lets see if I can succeed where that fool bludgeon failed! Take a good long look at your homeland dear Princess its the last you will see of it!"

Lacus clinging onto dear life watched as the Multiversal Menace began to charge up.

A greater earthquake began to vibrate but this one was no natural vibration it was a Minion of Unicrons gathering deathblow to a nation!

After a full minute Razorclaw gathered enough energy to destroy the entirety of Sweden

Taking Clyne with him Razorclaw flew high in the air and unleashed his final blow to the once proud and altruistic nation.

A massive purple ball of death went at the nation drilling a hole into the ground and setting off a massive explosive mushroom cloud that seemed to take the form of the Prince of Chaos's own face
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TehChron


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by TehChron>

"Humph, you may be chosen by the Vok but you aren't much to look at. Seriously a box with a Corruption of the word Gundam? You make Megatron X look like the poster child for originality, oh well I can send your corpse to them as my calling card AHAHAHAAHHA!"

Razorclaw then summoned an earthquake that swallowed Aaron up and not needing air gentles was barely phased but the lack of freedom kept him from escaping.

Razorclaw then fired rapidly at the mound Aaron was buried under repeatedly, the deadly barrage tore at his transmetal skin.

For a finishing touch he gathered power for a charged shot one to destroy the entire nation and Aaron with it.

"Lets see if I can succeed where that fool bludgeon failed! Take a good long look at your homeland dear Princess its the last you will see of it!"

Lacus clinging onto dear life watched as the Multiversal Menace began to charge up.

A greater earthquake began to vibrate but this one was no natural vibration it was a Minion of Unicrons gathering deathblow to a nation!

After a full minute Razorclaw gathered enough energy to destroy the entirety of Sweden

Taking Clyne with him Razorclaw flew high in the air and unleashed his final blow to the once proud and altruistic nation.

A massive purple ball of death went at the nation drilling a hole into the ground and setting off a massive explosive mushroom cloud that seemed to take the form of the Prince of Chaos's own face

As Razorclaw sealed Aaron beneath the earth, he became crushed in between the bedrock, the supernatural vision of his new transmetal form allowed him to witness his new surroundings with crystal clear clarity.

And what he saw were countless buried treasures, antiques and artifacts hidden deep within the earth. His expression broke into a smile even as Razorclaw's attack struck, destroying them all in a flash.


A cardboard box tore out of the inferno, burning the air arund itself like a streaking comet as it smashed into Razorclaw's face, snapping Lacus Clyne in half even as she was held tight within the former Vok Emissaries jaws.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Razorclaw was greatly irritated

"You....damaged my prize"

Eybeams shot out and blasted Aaron into submission casually

He transformed into robot mode and began slapping Aaron in the face midair which made him go flying for miles.


Razorclaws fist connected with Aarons face














Aarons face was left heavily damaged and Razorclaw let him fall into the sea and blasted the very spot he landed in and flew off.

The Vok appeared to Aaron in his aquatic crater greatly irritated


Spying her bisected corpse being fed on by the sea creatures the vok used their infinite power to rekindle the spark of life in her, with a few improvements.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Seiryu


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>


In cooperation with the EDC and the newly formed Xcom Organization they have created a joint search and rescue/exploration taskforce called Hue for intersteller travel. The EDC sent a single ship composed of The American Captain Conrad "Ebony" Leifshitz alongside Captain Paul "Crimson" Melcamp to extract their beleaguered agent and the soon to be hostages.

"You really think the Concurrence has some kind of alien artifact on this rock?" Crimson asked

"Who knows after all General Hawk is getting paranoid in his old age. Regardless smashing these wanna be Cobra losers should be fun. " Ebony responded.

Ebony had no clue as he spoke the wheels of destiny were already turning. His fun will swiftly become a nightmare

Mars Outer Orbit

“This is US space fleet escort Cosmo Fire 129 of the Mars sector. Shuttle 104, please respond.”

“This is shuttle 104, over.”

“Your landing is on schedule and we’ll be escorting you to the checkpoint.”

“A UN Scramble squad is the first to meet us? Resources must be strained here too… or that old hag is maintaining a chokehold on them still. Damn them” Mikhail mutters as the shuttle and escorts are guided to the Red Planet.

“Is something the matter Lieutenant?” It was then Mikhail realized he accidentally left the com open. Quickly he responded to the shuttle pilot,
“There’s no problem, I’m just glad our journey ended without incident.”

Thankfully a familiar voice blared over the channel soon after as Meyer tuned out the Shuttle.
“This is Base Control. Shuttle 104, please follow the schedules flight plan.”

‘The aftershocks of the war extended even over to Mars… even now the amassing of weapons is causing great tension. There’s rumors the Decepticons have hidden bases here too.’

“I’ll feel much better when it calms down…” Meyer murmurs preparing for landing.

Deciding the shuttle’s landing was passed the stage of incurring serious problems the communications officer slouches back as the Shuttle touches down without incident. “Okay, shut down!”
“Looks like we were right on time” The shuttle pilot calls out as the Culture Club waits for the shuttle to come to a halt while chatting amongst themselves.

“We’re here! It’s Mars! It’s Mars!”
“But man there’s nothing here.” The eldest of the Club, Arthur groans in dissatisfaction at the end of their long journey.
“Look at that! A volcano!
“Where? Where?”
“Look over there!”
“That’s Mount Koroharika. It’s 14,600 meters tall.” Roanne informs the chatting girls who proceed to pay little attention while chatting loudly.
Okay okay, you’re a walking encyclopedia aren’t you?” A snide remark comes from the front as David goes back to talking with his friend Judo sitting next to him.
“The sky is really red”
“Of course, we’re on Mars after all”
The professor cleared her throat before addressing the students “Everyone, please settle down, we’ll be preparing to leave shortly.”

“We’ve finished docking. Get some oxygen in here.” A construction mobile worker calls out to Base Control as the shuttle finishes docking.

“Air entering. We’re now in normal atmospheric conditions.”

A loud round of applause fills the Culture Club’s ears as the step out of the tunnel and enter the Mars Base.
“Judo this looks great. We’re finally here!”
Continuing to pour in Simone is amazed at the amount of officers applauding in concert at their arrival.
“This is a bigger orientation than I thought…”
“Attention!” Professor Clayberry calls out as the Culture Club lines up in file in front of the officers.
“Cosmic Culture Club, First class, 16th group reporting.”

“We’re pleased to have you here. I’m Lee Bure, one of the commanding officers of this Base.” Lee extends his hand in handshake towards Professor Clayberry.
“I am Elizabeth. We’re here as the first representatives from the UN.”
“I see.”
“Here is the roster.” Clayberry hands Lee a tablet consisting of the student’s name and basic information. Glancing over it Lee stops near the middle of the list.
“Anna… Anna Stephanie?”
“I am her.” A low voice calls out from where the girls stand in attention.
“Do your best not to lose to the others, even if you are the youngest here.”
Anna merely smiles and nods at the Commanding Officer and he continues with the Orientation.

“I am sure you all have questions for the captain? If there is anything you are not sure about, please do not hesitate to ask-“

That was enough for Mikhail as he steps out, there’s more important things to be done than lengthy introductions involving a class of high school aged children. ‘This orientation looks like it’s going to take a while. In the meantime I’ll try to contact any operatives already planet side.’
Heading back to the hangar and confirming no one was nearby Mikhail sends out an encoded message to EDC Operatives in the area. “Come in Command, this is LG Meyer of the EDC, I have arrived on Mars and are awaiting further orders.”
Mikhail decided to wait until he could confirm contact before planning his next move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

Mars Outer Orbit

“This is US space fleet escort Cosmo Fire 129 of the Mars sector. Shuttle 104, please respond.”

“This is shuttle 104, over.”

“Your landing is on schedule and we’ll be escorting you to the checkpoint.”

“A UN Scramble squad is the first to meet us? Resources must be strained here too… or that old hag is maintaining a chokehold on them still. Damn them” Mikhail mutters as the shuttle and escorts are guided to the Red Planet.

“Is something the matter Lieutenant?” It was then Mikhail realized he accidentally left the com open. Quickly he responded to the shuttle pilot,
“There’s no problem, I’m just glad our journey ended without incident.”

Thankfully a familiar voice blared over the channel soon after as Meyer tuned out the Shuttle.
“This is Base Control. Shuttle 104, please follow the schedules flight plan.”

‘The aftershocks of the war extended even over to Mars… even now the amassing of weapons is causing great tension. There’s rumors the Decepticons have hidden bases here too.’

“I’ll feel much better when it calms down…” Meyer murmurs preparing for landing.

Deciding the shuttle’s landing was passed the stage of incurring serious problems the communications officer slouches back as the Shuttle touches down without incident. “Okay, shut down!”
“Looks like we were right on time” The shuttle pilot calls out as the Culture Club waits for the shuttle to come to a halt while chatting amongst themselves.

“We’re here! It’s Mars! It’s Mars!”
“But man there’s nothing here.” The eldest of the Club, Arthur groans in dissatisfaction at the end of their long journey.
“Look at that! A volcano!
“Where? Where?”
“Look over there!”
“That’s Mount Koroharika. It’s 14,600 meters tall.” Roanne informs the chatting girls who proceed to pay little attention while chatting loudly.
Okay okay, you’re a walking encyclopedia aren’t you?” A snide remark comes from the front as David goes back to talking with his friend Judo sitting next to him.
“The sky is really red”
“Of course, we’re on Mars after all”
The professor cleared her throat before addressing the students “Everyone, please settle down, we’ll be preparing to leave shortly.”

“We’ve finished docking. Get some oxygen in here.” A construction mobile worker calls out to Base Control as the shuttle finishes docking.

“Air entering. We’re now in normal atmospheric conditions.”

A loud round of applause fills the Culture Club’s ears as the step out of the tunnel and enter the Mars Base.
“Judo this looks great. We’re finally here!”
Continuing to pour in Simone is amazed at the amount of officers applauding in concert at their arrival.
“This is a bigger orientation than I thought…”
“Attention!” Professor Clayberry calls out as the Culture Club lines up in file in front of the officers.
“Cosmic Culture Club, First class, 16th group reporting.”

“We’re pleased to have you here. I’m Lee Bure, one of the commanding officers of this Base.” Lee extends his hand in handshake towards Professor Clayberry.
“I am Elizabeth. We’re here as the first representatives from the UN.”
“I see.”
“Here is the roster.” Clayberry hands Lee a tablet consisting of the student’s name and basic information. Glancing over it Lee stops near the middle of the list.
“Anna… Anna Stephanie?”
“I am her.” A low voice calls out from where the girls stand in attention.
“Do your best not to lose to the others, even if you are the youngest here.”
Anna merely smiles and nods at the Commanding Officer and he continues with the Orientation.

“I am sure you all have questions for the captain? If there is anything you are not sure about, please do not hesitate to ask-“

That was enough for Mikhail as he steps out, there’s more important things to be done than lengthy introductions involving a class of high school aged children. ‘This orientation looks like it’s going to take a while. In the meantime I’ll try to contact any operatives already planet side.’
Heading back to the hangar and confirming no one was nearby Mikhail sends out an encoded message to EDC Operatives in the area. “Come in Command, this is LG Meyer of the EDC, I have arrived on Mars and are awaiting further orders.”
Mikhail decided to wait until he could confirm contact before planning his next move.

When Crimson and Ebony landed on Mars they took to their advanced Mars Rover they advanced into unknown territory.

"Look at this I'm getting a strange signature"

"Odd these parts of Mars were mapped out already"

An ethereal Green floating formation floated before them

"What the?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Seiryu


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Seiryu>

When Crimson and Ebony landed on Mars they took to their advanced Mars Rover they advanced into unknown territory.

"Look at this I'm getting a strange signature"

"Odd these parts of Mars were mapped out already"

An ethereal Green floating formation floated before them

"What the?"

'Hm? There's nothing wrong with my communicator yet I'm getting static... did they not hear properly?' Slightly worried Mikhail tried contacting them again,

"Command Post, this is LJG Meyer. What's your status?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

'Hm? There's nothing wrong with my communicator yet I'm getting static... did they not hear properly?' Slightly worried Mikhail tried contacting them again,

"Command Post, this is LJG Meyer. What's your status?"

"An Alien city! But there has been people on mars for decades...how come no one has seen this before"

"Maybe they didn't want to be seen"

The city sent forward a probe

"We're picking up a huge surge of energy...We're under attack!" Ebony preemptively attacked the probe with missiles which annihilated the city in a blinding flash.

The once golden glow turned bright red and white.

"What have we done?"

"It was coming straight for us!"

"It could have been some kind of scan!"

"Come on Paul what were you expecting me to do wait until we were blown to pieces before firing back?"

"We've destroyed the whole city..."

A green circle appeared before them and the city miraculously returned

"Not yet we haven't. Let get out of here!"

Outrage they felt, absolute outrage. His people were destroyed in the blast even though he could recreate himself he could not recreate them. These insects had doomed his people to extinction, they had to repay these fools in kind.

The duo sped away from the city and a second probe was sent to intercept them.

They were perused until they ran down a hill and crashed into a land formation

Three green circles hovered around the vehicle

"Earthmen this is the voice of the Hystorons, we have watched you for centuries your violence disgusts us...and now you visit it upon us. You cannot destroy us earthmen but now we will crush your world."

A large green light visited them both and all the two men could do is scream in terror.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ascraeus Mons
Marie's ship was docked in the Mars Zeon base on the planet in a hanger deep underground

Marie was dealing with the captain of the base Rochester.

"Now with the materials we have requested and goods we might be able to hold out for 34 years or more if we can't terraform this hunk of rock." He exclaimed.

Asuna sat in her Zaku she had sensed something malevolent two minds screaming but suddenly silenced. Mars had already left er uncomfortable but this was merely the beginning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"General Blitz sir we have detected unidentified energy signatures"

"Interesting, it seems Mars has more alien activity then we assumed"

"We have also detected the presence of flying saucers."

"Ha how cliche. Let the EDC handle it and see if I can get my test working."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Inside A twisted Derelict

This was it, after several cycles of waiting, going in and out of stasis lock from the severe damage and the boredom of inactivity; there it was! An Energon signature! Massive, meaning a Cybertronian vessel! Typically, Sixshot would have preferred to avoid them; as the Autobots held no love for him and would have loved to take his frame apart to see just what kind of technology was inside of him and how their mortal enemies had created the Six-changer to make him so, and also the fact that no Decepticon captain wouldn't hesitate to claim the massive bounty on his head ever since his desertion. Alas, this was a desperate moment; since that accident with his cruisers transwarp drive had not only destroyed his cruiser, and offlined his entire drone crew and ended up crippling his legs, rendering him little better than a scrap pile; practically a prisoner inside of the derelict. but also sending him to some utterly fragged-up section of the Galaxy, a place that he would have gone to willingly mind you.

"Well, beats wasting away in this junk heap..."

His decision final, Sixshot drags himself from the wall he had been laying on up for the past few cycles, towards what remained of the cruiser's command console; propping himself up on the thing before staring towards the general direction of the ship his sensors had detected.

"Let's see... In the direction as that red ball of dust, fourth one from the local star... And since they didn't pick up the distress call..."

Going through the numbers, the ruined six-changer sighs to himself as he starts to perform what he believes is the stupidest thing he's ever going to do and most likely the last if he made even one tiny miscalculation... With that in mind, Sixshot launches himself towards the void; floating for a few minutes before he arms his leg-mounted plasma missiles, aims them towards an exposed bank of charge capacitors and energon cells that was meant to power a battery of plasma cannons before he lets them loose...

Just outside the view of the bridge of Liege Maximo's flagship, there was a sizable bluish-green explosion not too far off from where they were, in terms of interstellar distance anyway. Still, the explosion was too small to cause any alarm for debris damaging the ship's hull.

"Jhiaxus we have detected a energon signature" A crewmember detected

"Send Megaplex. I wouldn't want this other so called "Megatron" triggering something unpleasant if he comes back."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Guy of Z

Outer Space

At the very edge of consciousness, it took all of Sixshot's processing and willpower to tell himself that it was definitely the stupidest idea he had ever had; he can't even see more than a kilometer at this pathetic state he's in! And also that rather distinctive and tingly sense of his innermost energon leaking out of his spark core means that a piece of debris must have impaled him on his back since he can't actually see the chunk of shrapnel sticking out of his chest... Giving into the inevitable, the six-changer merely waits for his spark to fade out; which will hopefully be far quicker compared to all that time he had been stuck in that stupid tin can.

Given his mental and physiological state, there's really no way Sixshot can actually realize that there's this seeker-looking slag-licker coming for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Guy of Z

Outer Space

At the very edge of consciousness, it took all of Sixshot's processing and willpower to tell himself that it was definitely the stupidest idea he had ever had; he can't even see more than a kilometer at this pathetic state he's in! And also that rather distinctive and tingly sense of his innermost energon leaking out of his spark core means that a piece of debris must have impaled him on his back since he can't actually see the chunk of shrapnel sticking out of his chest... Giving into the inevitable, the six-changer merely waits for his spark to fade out; which will hopefully be far quicker compared to all that time he had been stuck in that stupid tin can.

Given his mental and physiological state, there's really no way Sixshot can actually realize that there's this seeker-looking slag-licker coming for him.

Megaplex swooped in front of Sixshot and transformed

"In the name of The Liege Maximo state your business throwback. Or face...TERMINATION."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by dirty slime>

Megaplex swooped in front of Sixshot and transformed

"In the name of The Liege Maximo state your business throwback. Or face...TERMINATION."
The twisted, blasted and ruined remains of what was once a Cybertronian warrior of great stature could only spark impotently in response to the overzealous clone, a closer look on its chest-wings reveals that it bears a Decepticon emblem that looked like it had been scuffed and scratched out. Also, the soon-to-be-ex-Cybertronian's back seems alight with a green glow that is slowly but surely fading away; which is odd since sparks are usually blue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>The twisted, blasted and ruined remains of what was once a Cybertronian warrior of great stature could only spark impotently in response to the overzealous clone, a closer look on its chest-wings reveals that it bears a Decepticon emblem that looked like it had been scuffed and scratched out. Also, the soon-to-be-ex-Cybertronian's back seems alight with a green glow that is slowly but surely fading away; which is odd since sparks are usually blue.

"Disappointing. I was expecting a battle not a derelict. You could have use to us."

Megaplex dragged Sixshot (What was left of him) to his ship.
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