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Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Undine


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Francis Coleman
"Ah Mister skinhea- too rude? What? Can't I freely speak my mind like you told me I coul- Bah whatever. Alright, he's one of the towns many misfits and anarchist. Can't stand the system and all that jazz, you know, that whole 'Against the system' spiel that everyone is so up and about against. Honestly it's really, boring."

Malcolm Okada
"The Asian who grew too tall for his ow- What? That's not even rude, it's true! *Sigh* Alright, he's pretty tall for an asian, I think he's taller than me too which is surprising. His stoic face is always there, hard to tell what he's always thinking which is very curious... Enough about that, he plays an instrument like many Asians, studious blah blah. Atleast he's not too boring in this boring town."

Ashton Bryant
"You know the growing trend of sad and regretful pasts are really odd- what fourth wal- oh. I mean, yeah he's pretty laidback like me, has that aura where he could lead these bunch of misfits and they would probably listen to him? I don't know. Another extrovert in the mix too, I guess. I get along with him fine, though one odd sighting was him getting annoyed and was it a sight to behold, well enough about that, onwards."

Scout Presley
"Well well, one in the mix that's somewhat different. I mean aside from the whole anarchist 'shake our fists against the system' agenda that almost everyone has going on, she's pretty observant. Once I was in a room with her and she was just silently watching me as if I was being evaluated or something, those gleaming eyes pierced right through me. Other than that she's a general misfit like the others, and I fear for my house if she's in it. A joke, it's a joke."

Richard King
"Why not add another pretty boy, Scottish to boot too, I am sure all the females swoon to that accent haha. In all seriousness, I can't get along well with this dude, has that air of 'royalty' or what i'd like to call, 'assholely' I mean sure he's a tad smart but that shouldn't give anyone the right to be a dick. I try to avoid him when I can, I guess. Well atleast he's not another anarchist, amirite?"

Alice Malone
"Smart but Ditzy are the key words I describe her with. As much flak I give her for, she's innately insightful with everyone around her and very observant. Well, sometimes her energy can be a bit too bright for my taste, and sometimes she just has these odd moments where she slips up and says something kinda dumb. Her innocence too is pretty odd, well, comparatively. I guess I might consider her a friend, I don't know, ask her yourself."

Nina Jelen
"I'm mostly neutral aren't I, Yes yes you already told me about that damned wall. An atheletic, silent but sharp tongued individual. Unique from the bunch, I guess? Well she got denied by the cheerleaders from what I recall, but eh, who would want to be in their damned sorority anyway, full of thickheaded females. I digress, she's a bit of a bro-con. You don't know what a bro-con is, really? Well it's like- you know what nevermind. Let's just say she likes to stick close to her brother but has fiery words?"

Jade Taylor
"Oh here we go again, back to the anarchist, shake your fists against the system and rules spiel. I mean, she does look pretty and all, can't say I haven't turned my head once I saw her out and about. Even a blind guy can notice that she carries damaged goods, I can tell she hangs around those shady hoodlums and burnouts. Even the whole town has set a reputation of her- some incredible, some credible. Doesn't matter, many who are in Verona come with damaged goods anyways."

Jay Hunter-Darling
"It's odd really, when you're unique for not being against the rules and all that. Well Mister Jay isn't that, he's another rebel like the others. Maybe not as extreme as the others, yeah, but one nonetheless. Atleast, he's a good listener, he'll let you listen until his damned ears will fallout and he'll still have that hippy like smile on him while slowly nodding his head. I guess he's another friend? Play games with him a few times, and he's kinda smart, atleast in the sciences."

Immanuelle Dutoit
"Immanuelle huh, well other than her name taking almost a breath of air each time you enunciate it, she's alright. Interesting and mysterious are the key words to describe her. From the bunch that are around my age, she's one I could call a friend, I guess?""

Everett Wilcox
"Oh, a sparring buddy of mine. Fights usually ends in a tie/draw, sometimes he wins, sometimes I do. Guy hits hard and his technique is way better than mine, if not for his form then I would probably lose. Always has an itch for fighting, never really backing down if someone asks him for a spar. Bit of a fighting nut, I guess? Nothing bad about that. One of the few non-anarchist I know makes him unique in that aspect, hell I guess he's a friend too."

Tessa Gray
"Well, an interesting- or rather, normal person. Relatively anyway, eyes say something else. Some sort of regret or bitter self-hatred. I wouldn't know, I'm no psychiatrist. She likes astrology so that's something, only few can appreciate the finesse of stars, I guess? Pretty artsy too, another oddly unique thing about her. Guess it's a nice change of pace with all the all the misfits, normal is unique huh?"

Olivia Johnson
"And it continues. We drink Cocoa together a few times, and it's nice I guess, only few like the nectar of the Gods for some reason. Honestly, if I had to pick, she's the most sane- most normal person in the teenager bunch, naive and innocent are the words right? Might, no it WILL not fly in this damned place. Oh well. She always carries around these books, no rather, novels. From what I gather their mostly romance, so maybe she's a romance-nut? Odd, since I've seen her around strangers or even people she know and just turn a pinkish red, pretty obvious that she gets nervous or bashful, whichever, she gets teased alot because of this hah. All in all, pretty interesting, and anyone who likes cocoa, is a friend in my book."

Alicia Smith
"You know, I am tired, I've been here half the day and it's within my interest to go back home and sle- Last one? But I'm tire- Fine, fine. The town lesbia- why are you interrupting me again? Rude? It's her damned sexuality! You know what, whatever. Alright she likes females alright, and she's not closeted about it either. Artistic yet a gym-hea- okay, sports oriented too, odd combo. Never really got the chance to talk to her since our interests don't really align. I am done, that's it, I am going home and eating then sleeping." *Chair grates against the floor soon followed by a door opening then shutting close, loudly*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Tessa Gray

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Francis "Cole" Coleman
"Cole is into woodworking as well, which is neat, but he's a bit intense for me. I'll keep my distance."

Jay Hunter-Darling
"I never would have made friends with Jay if Janice hadn't have died. For now though it's nice to have someone that isn't like anything that makes me think of her. He's good people, and it pisses mom off to no end because she thinks he'll make me become a druggie or something terrible. I'll let her think that, but I know I can trust him."

Malcolm Okada
"Plays soccer... Even if he is kinda cute."

"Oh Ash you're too attractive for your own good. At least you swim mostly. You seem cool, but I'd rather not get wrapped in whatever drama you probably bring with you."

"If I know anything about how this town paints people Scout is probably the sweetest person you could meet. I remember a few fights she got into, but I'd have to say I don't think she's ever been the one to start them."

Richard King
"Another Soccer player. Janice never cared for him, she called him stuck up."

"Alice is sweet and I appreciate her kindness. She does it in the best possible way. I hope she sees me as a friend that she could come to if she needed to talk."

"I wish I could be anything other than pissed or jealous of Nina right now, but I can't. I miss my friend but it hurts too much right now, I just need some space. I don't know if we'll ever go back to the way it was, well in all honesty it can't. Janice is gone and Nina and her brother are too wrapped up in the memories of everything that Janice and us were."

"This is another friend that's wrapped up in just too many memories. Like with Nina I wish it could go back to the way it was, but I don't think it ever can."

"Jade's childhood has been spoken of around the kitchen table a few times, sounds like it was pretty awful.

"Gerard is cool, he's part of the astronomy club. I think he and I could be better friends, but I'm too afraid to try."

"An old friend of Janice's... way too painful there."

"Ali's cool. She's in art with me and friends with Jay."

"Moon is cool, she's friends with Jay. Mom doesn't mind her as much, which is hilarious considering her Wicca ways. I think that's neat."

"I don't Olivia very well, except she's friends with Grant. I've seen her around, she seems nice. I could see being on better terms with her, we just haven't made the effort, and that's what friendship is right?"

"I don't know much about Katalina. She seems nice though. Maybe in another world we would be better friends. At this point though we're just friendly. Talk sometimes and such, but we don't know much about each other."

"Too cute. He's ridiculous too, but in a good way. He's always good for a laugh. He just makes me so happy <3"

"Grant is my cousin. He's a friend too, he's the closest in age to me of all of the Wells kids. He's quite and I like that. Recently when we have "Teddis family" time, the two of us tend to stick together. I wish I could protect him more, he doesn't deserve what he's gotten."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

F R A N C I S . C O L E M A N

His Dad's in jail and his mothery is gone, that tells you a lot. Sadly. He's a fighter to his core. Even of its something stupid. I really hope he doesn't try that with me. I'd hate to have to put him down.

J A S O N . H U N T E R - D A R L I N G

Dude is cool. I never got around to talking to him but seems like the decent so rt. Pretty sure he's not a drug dealer like I've heard.

M A L C O L M . O K A D A

I've taken to calling him Oak. I can't remember ever get sideways with him. We've always seemed to have a good talk. We've chewed the fat a lot and always had a good time doing it.

I know his pops really well. Hes had to patch me up or my one our clients more than I'd like to admit.

A S H T O N . B R Y A N T
He's alright, seems nice enough

S C O U T . P R E S L E Y

If what I've heard I'd true. Girls got it rough. Her parents are dead beats and she seems like she hates them. I can't blame her. Her friends say she's awesome.

One thing I really hate about her, the way she looks at me. That I feel sorry for you look. I know there's no harm meant to but I don't need fuckin pity. Yeah it's been hard without my parents but I'm lonely and hurt, I'm broken yet.

R I C H A R D . K I N G

I hear the guy is a complete ass, but I've never had am issue with him. We hang out from time to time. He's always been cool with me.

I know his mother pretty well, cause she's the mayor. She's fake, I don't care for her much but she makes life easier for me and my clients. There something about her that just rubs me the wrong way.

N I N A . J E L E N

She'd be so much more if she tried.to
Me and Nina have always gotten a long pretty well, the same could be said for me and her brother. When Nina isn't being nine kinds of shy and sitting in the corner shes awesome. I like her a lot, I can't really tell if she likes me or the bike the more. She wants one like mine but a Kawi.

I know her family is having a hard time. I really want to help her out. She's a sweet girl and her brother isn't half bad either.
I could offer them a job, it'd take a load off off me and Aunt Lou but what could they do?

J A D E . T A Y L O R

I've never had an issue with her. Everyone says she does all this horrible stuff but I never had an issue with her.

I have gotten to know her Uncle Charlie and I've ridden with him a little. I ain't hanging out with them too much but Charlie seems to be a half way decent guy

G E R A R D . W E S T
I punch him the face as often as possible. Its good time all around.
Gerard is my favorite sparing partners. For everything that I am good at Gerard is just as good but in the opposite directions. My weaknesses are his strength and so on. Fights with him can go either way depending on... well anything but thats what makes so fun. Away from the gym I don't get to hang out with him as much as I would like. He seems really cool, I wouldn't have an issue calling him my friend.

T E S S A . G R A Y
"I haven't seen her in forever. I wonder how shes doing."
I used to hangout her and her sister a lot. Her sister died not long before my parents. I hope she's doing alright. I should call her.

A L I C E . M A L O N E
"Who...? Oh yeah, that girl. "
I see her around plenty and hear good things about her. I just... I don't know why but I don't like her. She reminds me of someone, it's around the eyes. She makes me feel uncomfortable. I hear tell she likes flowers a lot. Momma did too.

Olivia Johnson
I love most things she hates. Which is a major pitty cause she's prettier than sin. She seems really nice but I never got to know her. We have pretty different interests so our paths don't cross as often as one would think.

I've heard she's really shy, sounds adorable but hey. It is what it is. I've also heard she almost made the Olympic team out in Colorado. That's cool I guess.

You know now that I think about... I don't have many friends... Or any close one for that matter.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Undine


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
Avatar of kittyluna45

kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 2 days ago

Nina Jelen

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Petyr Jelen
"What can I say about my brother? He's honestly my best friend and gets me the best of anyone in this whole damn world. I know some people whisper nasty thing that we're... y'know... doing each other. But no. We're not weird like that. Just, we only have each other growing up. Dad was always working, so we had to rely on one another. He gets me. We've been through the ups and downs together. Every heartbreak, set back and ect. So yeah, we're close. But we're not gross. Just, we know we can count on one another. However, doesn't mean we don't got secrets from one another. I mean who doesn't keep things secret from family?

Jay Hunter-Darling
"Always orders green tea. He seems kinda cool. Pretty sure he's a nerd, with his BSG tattoo. The pink hair is kinda cute. Hangs out with Tess a lot. ...Was I replaced by Jay? No... Tess is just mad at me. Anyways, not Jay's fault."

Malcom Okada
"Black coffee. Simple enough. Plays soccer, like Jan. Hangs out with 'The King.' Not even in my realm of friends. In home ec with him. Usually nice there."

Ashton 'Ash' Bryant
"What a sweetie. One of my good friends, and he always makes sure I'm doing well. Give me his cherry off of sundays and shakes, since he hates those things. ...When did he get cute? What no? Crush? On Ash? Nah... He's just a sweetie. Wouldn't like a girl like me. Anyways, good friend, but that's where the line is. Always orders hot cocoa when he comes into the shop, and always asks me to make it when I'm working. Sometimes when I'm not. Silly Ash."

Scout Presley
"Doesn't really stand out much in my mind. Seems like a nice person."

The King
"Who doesn't know 'The King'? Whatever... outside of my realm. Spoiled rich brat. Whatever. Not his fault my family is poor off and his isn't. I know he's a bully and a jackass. However he tips well sometimes. Eh. Mostly an ass. I tend to avoid him."

Alice Malone
"Tea drinker. Comes in the shop rarely, seems to prefer making her own stuff. Comes in with Moon sometimes. Seems nice, but also a little stuck up. Also a rich kid, but doesn't flaunt it like King does. I suppose that's nice."

Jade Taylor
"The town slut. What? It's kinda true. She goes after most guys, no matter if they were married, had girlfriends or gay. She didn't care. If it was over nineteen she was trying to hump the guy's brains out. Everyone knows it. I personally avoid her. Not my kind of person. I just hope she doesn't try this with Petyr or I'll have to cut a bitch."

Gerard West
"Another cocoa drinker. He seems nice. Just don't talk to him much. One of the few guys in home ec. That was kinda cool."

Tessa Grey
"Tess changed after Jan was... killed. She was and still is one of my best friends, but... now she's just avoiding me. I guess she might be mad at me for telling our counselor and her mother about what she was doing, but damnit. I wasn't going to let my best friend do something stupid. I can't lose her too. We learned how to read and write together, and I'm not going to let her toss away our friendship so easily. However, she seems to be busy with her new friend Jay, and she isn't responding to her texts. I know she's going through a lot of pain right now... but.. that doesn't mean I don't need her too. I hope we can go back to how it was before. However, if she keeps avoiding me I guess I'll have to start accepting the fact that I've lost her."

Everett Wilcox
"Another cute sweetie, who has a passion and love for dogs. Also another motorcycle enthusiast. What happened to his parents was terrible. Two friends that lost loved ones to that awful killer. However, Everett hasn't pulled away. I'm glad for that. I just hope he knows we're good enough friends that he can ask me for almost anything. However, I may be bad at showing that. Also hopefully he'll take me on a ride on his 'cycle soon. Man that thing is gorgeous. He does offer help where he can. Grew up in a similar situation to Petyr's and mine. He gets how tough it is."

Alicia Smith
"Ah Alicia. Work buddy and friend. Super cute. I had a bit of a crush on her when we first met, but with me being in the closet still and all that, it never went anywhere. Still think she's cute. We got to know each other well over the course of many hours working together, and I'm glad to call her my friend. She keeps trying to get me to watch Anime, but I'm not really interested. Books are more interesting. Also, don't really have a tv to watch things on. Still, nice girl, and a good friend."

Immanuelle 'Moon' Dutoit
"The cute french girl. Always comes in with either Jay or Alice and orders either some weird iced coffee or even weirder tea. She seems nice. Her accent is cute."

Olivia Johnson
"Olivia. She's a sweetie. We did gymnastics together as kids before money got tight. She got to continue, which is something I envy a bit. But I don't blame her for it. She always gets hot cocoa to drink at the coffee shop, with maybe the occasional mocha thrown in there. I wish I had more time to hang out with her, like most of my friends. However, part-time job, school. Makes it hard. Not just with Livvie."

Grant Jackson Wells
"Tess and Jan's cousin, but I never got to know him all that well. He's very quiet and shy, much like his cousin. I think we could be friends, but I don't think he really likes hanging out with me with out Tess, and since Tess is avoiding me right now, well, that kinda kills that idea huh?"

Austin Williams
"Austin is the British guy right? He seems nice, a bit nerdy, but nice. I don't know him too well, but that is because I'm terrible at getting to know people."

Noah Santiago
"Fuck. Him. He's insulted me numerous times, calling me ugly, and second hand slut. Fuck you. Just because you're privileged dose not give you the right to judge me. If you don't like how I dress, maybe you can spare a few bucks instead of insulting my clothing. Until you have to live like I do, don't fucking insult me, zmrd."

Katalina Hargrave
"I don't know Katalina that well. She comes into the cafe sometimes to see Ali. I hear she's a good swimmer. Other than that... I got nothing. Seems like a nice girl."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kimono
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Kimono Forgotten Dreams

Member Seen 11 mos ago

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Francis Michael 'Cole' Coleman
"To be honest, I'm inexplicably intrigued by his presence, his persona, his aura. Though we have never spoken, there's this strange underlying sense that I get when I see him and how he interacts with others, or lack thereof. Sometimes, I just watch him for long periods of time, and I've even followed him home once or twice. It's soooooo unlike me, I'm creeping myself out. It's best he doesn't know that or anyone for that matter."

Jason 'Jay' Hunter-Darling
"Such a heartfelt guy I'm so grateful to have met. I think I'm developing strong feelings for him. The stars are aligned nicely and that's a good sign because these butterflies rumble every time we are together. I try and play it off when he does something corny or playfully romantic, but I think he knows. Kiss me already you idiot!"

"Look for me by moonlight, mon amour."

Alice Malone
"I love Alice so much and her spiritual energy is aromatic and vibrant. People think its weird that we get along so well. Which, to be honest, it is weird. But we are so different that it works. I tease her all the time by calling her 'Snow White' because of her Disney Princess mentality and in return, she forces me to wear a pink bow in my hair. The worst! But It's so funny cause I have to constantly remind Alice that I'm not a barbie doll---but on occasion, I do give in and wear something frilly or flowery, just as long as she promises to visit an abandoned hospital with me. And to be honest, I'm always giving advice to people, it's nice having someone I can confide my problems and darkest secrets to."

Richard Shannon 'King'
"King is so misunderstood. He's like the fragile puppy who lashes out and appears tough and mean. But people really don't get to see his lovely side, which is unfortunate, especially Jay, who doesn't like the fact that we chat sometimes. Our friendship started off a bit awkwardly(and slightly still is) to be honest, cause one day, he just came up to me in need of someone to confide to. And till this day, he still does. And of course I listen. We have a very special bond. Kind of like--mother and son. Next time I see him, I have a special seed to give him."

Alicia Smith
"In one of my books on the connection between astronomy and sexuality, it states that homosexuality is a misalignment of the stars. But I think that's completely ridiculous. There's nothing misaligned about it. Who she is and who she will become later on in her life is completely natural. Goofy, playful, and a prankster, she's like a younger sister with a killer eye for art. The world is your canvas my dear."

"Your character's thoughts on this character..."

"Your character's thoughts on this character..."

"Your character's thoughts on this character..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Jade Taylor

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

"Oh look, it‘s Mr. Loner. He thinks he‘s so cool being all alone. Even with we‘re all hanging out at the construction site, he always acts like he doesn't enjoy the company."

Truth be told, Jade doesn't know what Cole's thinking half the time. She doesn't know that if he's into her or not. She has made plenty of advanced towards him, but there hasn't been anything concrete from him. Sometimes Jade doesn't even know why she tries with him. She'd be better off going after someone else, like Petyr or hit up Jay again.

Jay Hunter-Darling
"We dated a while back. People could call it puppy love or whatever. He was my first boyfriend."

There's a lot of history between Jason and Jade. Before Jade turned to drugs and all that stuff, they were pretty tight. Jay was her first boyfriend. At the time, she considered him as one of her best friends. However, when Jade found the other side of town(that meaning where the burnouts hang out at), that caused a rift between them. Jade didn't(still doesn't) know why he broke up with her. Maybe it was her getting into drugs and the wrong crowd. Maybe there was something else entirely at play. Jade often wonders about that, but it's often an afterthought after she does some blow or shrooms.

Malcolm Okada
"Not much to really say about this one. He and I are just in different crowds."

Jade doesn't have any feelings for Malcolm(good, bad, or otherwise). They don't hang out at all, they don't have mutual friends, and they sure as hell don't see each other at school or around town. Yes, despite it being a small town, there is hardly any interaction between them. Jade only knows of him because of him playing soccer, but that's about it.

"Ash is pretty hot. We have hung out a few times. I think we're on good terms. I mean, I made a move on him once and he didn't run away, so there's that."

Always flirting and always testing each others patience, Jade and Ashton seem to have a game going on. That game being who can out-flirt each other. It's true that they never dated, but they have hooked up a few times. It was nothing major, but Jade recalls it fondly. In either case, they seem to mostly have a fun-and-games kind of friendship and Jade values that deeply, even though she would never outwardly admit it.

"Scout? Yeah she's cool. We hang from time to time. I'm not sure I would call her my best friend, but we get into some trouble every now and again."

Two trouble-makers who always seem to be looking for a good time, Jade and Scout have often found that they enjoy each other's company most when they're throwing shit around the abandoned construction site in town. They have also found some fun in just roaming around Verona at night. They're usually fucking with people by playing ding-dong ditch or some other irresponsible shit like that.

Richard King
"Not a bad looking guy, but he has to be quite the narssisitic to refer to himself as "King". If not, then I'm missing the punchline. "

There isn't a lot of history with King and Jade. They're not with the same crowds(mostly) and they really don't know each other aside from hellos and reputation. Jade won't go out of her way to talk to him, but if he made the effort to get to know her or talk to her or whatever the powers may be, she won't deny him of a conversation, maybe even something more if he wanted to.

"Hey look, it's miss-I-can't-form-a-single-bad-thought-about anyone. To be honest, I have no real problem with her. Hell, I think we could actually be friends..maybe, but she's just always SO cheerful. It's almost to the point of annoyingly so. "

Jade, much like everyone around her age group, has known Alice for a good while(at least since they were early-teens). Though Jade took a different turn in the way she lives her life, she keeps note of her former friends. Alice is no exception to this. Thing is though, Jade doesn't see her and Alice being close buddies. Fact is, Jade's just too different from Alice. Plus, there's also the fact that Jade thinks Alice's overly-cheerful vibrato is too much for her to stand. How Alice can remain so cheerful and omptimistic is beyond Jade's comprehension.

"This bitch! She gets on my nerve every damn time I see her. She thinks she's above me or something. I bet she won't think that way when her brother is above me."

Truthfully, Jade doesn't really know when she started disliking Nina. Maybe it was around the time Jade became so sensitive to what everyone thought about her that she assumed even a "look" at her would mean that people were judging her. As such, she often feels like that Nina's always judging her. And sure, Jade has given her reason to. The hostitlity that Jade has shown Nina probably didn't help that. In either case, there's not a lot of love — or even like — between these two ladies.

"Talk about hot! Oh my god, this is one hell of a man. His abs, his hair, his eyes — everything is so perfect. If only he wasn't related to that Nina. Oh well, maybe that'll be one thing to get under her skin."

Though not a lot of history between the two of them, Jade definitely has the hots for Petyr. Due to Cole never giving her the time of day(most of the time), Jade often tries to make a play/pass for Petyr. It also helps that just giving him attention will get under Nina's skin. So, you know, bonus points and all that shit.

"I hardly notice her around. She's like a wallflower or something. I heard she lost her sister a few years back. I feel bad for her. Now I hear she's somewhat of a loner. I guess I can understand that feeling. A lot of people seem to talk about me in a similar manner that they do her. Maybe I should include her in the "scene". I wonder if she would go for it,though."

Though she hasn't really spoke to Tessa since their younger years(they all were pretty social in the good old days), Jade has always felt that her and Tessa had some kind of connection with each other. She has always felt that there's something between them that they can partially relate with. Jade never was one to be accepted by the masses and Tessa suffered a great tragedy at the murder of her beloved sister. That's at least something, right?

"Who? Oh right, that Gerard person. Yeah, don't really know him."

To be fair, Jade doesn't really pay attention to those that don't interest her. Gerard is one of those people. Aside from being mildly attractive, Jade really doesn't see any reason to talk to him or acknowledge him. She'll say hi if she needs to. After that, however, Jade won't bother.

"Tall, rugged, and fine all in the right places. That's one southern boy that I know can handle me. If only he have to come over to see my Uncle Charlie. Hello, dumbass! I'm right here. Idiot. "

To put it simply, Jade has the hots for Everett. That's pretty much it. She wants him and as often as he comes over to see her uncle charlie for whatever reason, one would think he would make an effort to get at her sometime. Either that or he has an eye for someone else. Regardless, Jade somwhat likes him, mainly for that accent of his. Oh god yes~

Alicia Smith
"A bit odd and weird, but she's cool. I think she's the only one that really gets me. I don't share my inner-most secrets with a lot of people, but she's one of the few that I would consider a close friend, even if she's a bit weird. I guess that's part of her charm."

A close friendship that has confused the students of Lincoln Memorial High ever since word got around about how Jade liked to spend her free time. Truly, how the best friendship between Alicia and Jade came to be never really was never really clear to the masses, but to those two girls, it doesn't need to be understood by the many. The only thing that matters was that they knew they would be best girlfriends. To hell with what the others think. Still, Jade often comments rather honestly to Alicia about how she could be sometimes, but then Alicia often reminds her that Jade wasn't exactly the beacon of normality, either.

Immanuelle Moon Dutoit
"Oh yeah, she's that mystical chick. I guess she's cool. I've never had any problems with her myself. We're in different circles, so it's whatever. I've seen her gawking at Jason a couple of times. A bit creepy if you ask me, but nobody does."

Jade and Moon don't hang out and they probably never will. Taking aside the fact that Moon's obviously into Jason, the two of them are just too different. They don't hang out with the same crowds(as seen from Moon's tendency to hang with the Astronomy Club and Jade with The Misfits). They don't even have interests that would have them interacting aside the generic hello when they occasionally see each other around town. All-in-all, Jade has no reason to talk or bother with Moon. It seems to be best that way.

Olivia Johnson
"She's cool, I guess. There hasn't really been any reason for me to dislike her. She pretty hot, but a bit on the shy side."

There's not really a lot to say about Jade and Olivia. The only thing that they have in common is that they're female and blonde. Jade really doesn't have any problems with Olivia. As if there has ever been any reason for Jade to take a personal offense to anything that Olivia did. If Jade saw Olivia around Verona, she might wave to her, but nothing really past that. There's just not a lot of logic or reason for Jade to go out of her way to socialize with Olivia. If there was, then Jade would have done it by now.

Katalina Hargrave


Austin Wiliams


Grant Jackson Wells

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Francis Coleman

Jay Hunter-Darling

"Jay Hunter-Darling, what can I say about him? Well, he's someone I can trust to stand by my side. He decked King in the face after that asshole insulted me! Though I had to help him out a bit by then end of the fight, I'm still very flattered he would fight for me. I guess I love him? He's helpful and kind, and a bit of a hippie, but such a good kid. He's valuable to have around and he treats me well. That's love, right?"

Olivia Johnson

"When I think of warm and inviting people, my mind instantly turns towards Olivia Johnson. She has this lovely air around her, and I don't think I've ever seen someone with such a radiant smile. She's very sweet, quite humble, and I can say I am proud to call her a friend. I'm especially glad that she seems to like being in my presence as well, and I hope I can keep her out of harms way with all my might!"

Malcolm Okada

Ashton Bryant

Richard King

"Fucking asshole. He said I would end up just like my parents, and Jay hit him for that, but he punched back! He HURT Jay! I was ten seconds away from beat his ass but I just... I needed to pull Jay away. Whatever, this kid is spoiled and not worth my time... But there is something off about him. I just don't know what, yet."

Alice Malone

"A girl of the past, a face I remember from far back. Alice was a sweet girl but... It just didn't seem to work for us. She's a good person, and she's lovely, and I would defend her with my life even now, but we don't talk. I don't know if she's just forgotten about me or... Never mind. It doesn't really matter now, does it?"

Nina Jelen

Jade Taylor

Gerard West

"West is a curious one. He notices me staring often, and then he stares back and I guess that's nice? He's a bit witty I suppose, and very blunt, but I'm not hurt very easily. Over all I like watching him, he's funny and doesn't seem to ignore me like some others do. He and Jay are both in the astronomy club and seem pretty friendly, perhaps we'll grow closer somehow? I don't care either way, though."

Tessa Gray

Immanuelle Dutoit

Everett Wilcox

Alicia Marie Smith

"Video games and art? I can get behind this chick, really! She's got an eye for colors I feel, and seems very artistic and goofy. I don't know her personally, but I see her out and about and while in school. She's.... Interesting to watch, and I almost feel drawn to her, like a magnet to metal or something. Despite this, she's just so full of energy, so much so that I feel tired just by observing her."

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Francis Coleman

Malcolm Okada

"Mal? He's my best friend! He's the guy who keeps me going, the guy who keeps me interested and happy! I've never met another guy like Malcolm, he's sweet and fun and man so fucking hot! Sometimes he acts a bit weird when we hang out, and sometimes he drinks himself into oblivion for no good reason, but that's okay cause I wouldn't change him for the world! Plus, his folks love me! They're like, my home away from home, and damn do they love to cook. Maybe Mal will be as good a cook as them soon... Heheh, Mal, won't you be mine~?"

Ashton Bryant

Jay Hunter-Darling

"This fucking prick hit me! Over something I said about someone else! I gave him a good shiner as punishment, but seriously? This scrawny asshole needs to calm down and stop hanging out with Little Miss Rebellion over there. Seriously, is everyone in this town an anarchist-hippie of some kind?"

Scout Presley

"What a little freak! She's tried pick-pocketing me more than once and her god damn folks are just dead beats to the tenth degree. I'll be surprised if she doesn't end up like her folks. Anyway, I said something about them to her and her goddamn fuck-buddy Jason Darlin' socked me in the jaw. She looked pretty pissed when I hit back, but whatever. I could kick her ass any day!"

Alice Malone

"My little Princess! Ha, is it weird to call her that? Whatever, Alice is a good girl. Maybe a bit ditzy at times, but she's got a good heart and hey! She likes flowers! Don't spread this around, but I'm a flower stamper, and I love it when Alice talks about plants with me. The language of flowers is powerful, you know? Anyway, Alice is great. I'm glad she's around."

Nina Jelen

Jade Taylor

Gerard West

Tessa Gray

Immanuelle Dutoit

"Moony? She's an odd one, but also very sweet. I.... Talk to her about some of my issues, and she helps me out. It feels nice to vent to someone and ya know what she smells like a god damn spice garden all the time! I dig that! Moony is pretty and sweet and maybe just a tad strange but that's fine. I guess if I could fir her into one word, it would be "mother" and ya know, that's good enough for me. "

Everett Wilcox

Alicia Marie Smith
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jay Hunter-Darling
"What can I say about Jay? Well for one he is my best friend in Verona, and have been for as long as I can remember he is way better in science class then I am and I get help from him sometimes. He sometimes tries to get me to do some graffiti, but I always turn him down because I don't want to get busted by the cops. Jay and I nerd out on video games especially when E3 always comes along, that and I can totally kick his ass in any game, and love his pink hair matches his personality."

Alice Malone
"Alice, she is so god damn cute! I may or may not have a crush on her a little bit, but I know she's straight so that's totally fine, we get along well together in class and she likes my art and drawings. She totally has this thing for flowers which fits her perfectly, when we do hangout I sometimes help her out with her garden, all in all shes a good friend and like hangin with her."

Tessa Gray
"Tessa shes such a sweetheart, I felt bad for her when Janice was murdered I try and be there for her whenever she does need it and we sometimes hang out with her and Nina. I see her art its really good, maybe we can at some point work on a painting or something?"

Ashton Bryant
"Ashton, we get along pretty well he likes video games and board games which I like as well we hang out sometimes, but not that often but we get along pretty well and hes a good kid."

Nina Jelen
"Nina? Shes a really good friend, I saw her, Tessa and Petyr used to hang out a lot i'm guessing they were really close friends at one point before Janice died, and they all took it pretty hard. Nina and I are coworkers and we work pretty well together, and we occasionally hang out with each other after work and school, and I know she hates smelling like coffee by the end of her shift."

Jade Taylor
"Jade we are very close friends and I know a lot about her that most people don't know about her, though she hangs out with her own group of friends while I have my own. I see her more of the party girl, really into the hard stuff which I probably will never do unless you get me really drunk. Her style of clothes is pretty sexy which I like, I remember when Jay and her were dating they were pretty cute couple but I guess things didn't work out. All in all shes a good person if she lets you get to know her I guess i'm one of the lucky few who as."

Scout Presley
"Scout? A pretty cute name, we don't hangout all that often I usually am hanging out with her when Jay is around, they both have a thing for graffiti but I don't do it but I don't mind being the lookout if they did something like that together. I consider Scout a friend but we haven't gotten that close to know each other."

☯Richard King☯
"Richard or Dick as I like to call him, I don't like him that much since he picked a fight with Jay. I don't know what caused it I wasn't there at the time, but I am glad Jay kicked his ass will we be friends? That I don't know."

Petyr Jelen
"Petyr hes Nina's brother we hangout together and we get along pretty well Tessa, Nina and Petyr used to be close friends, like I said before they took Janice' death pretty hard. We hang sometimes but not a whole lot, but hes a good person and hes fun to work with as well."

Malcolm Okada
"Mally? My own little pet name for him. He likes hanging out with King however so when they are hanging out usually I keep my distance because of King. He is into art to so that's pretty cool we don't hang out as often as i'd like to but he is pretty cool in my book."

Katalina Hargrave
"Kat, I love her she has the same personality like me and shes very cute and is into almost the same stuff as I am into. We have been friends for I don't know how long, and she is a hell of a swimmer she told m she was scouted out for by the Olympics, but turned it down but it was her decision to turn them down. We hangout a lot and I may have a little bit of a crush on her. Man, I never knew that she had the same feelings towards me I feel so happy and even agreed to be my girlfriend I love her so much!"

Grant Jackson Wells
"Grant? He is such a sweet kid he was quiet when I first started talking to him. He listens really well in class I sometimes ask to take a look at his notes if I need help, or we even play DCUO whenever we both feel like playing, or sometimes watch anime either way I like hanging out with him."

Sienna Hartwell
"Sienna? She is a really good friend to me, shes very energetic and has such a great taste in clothes she has even helped me pick out some clothes for a few school events and i'm grateful for that. We get along pretty well. Her fathers seem to always lock her up in her house since the eclipse happened I don't know why, maybe she is one of us?"

Foxtrot Olivier Sinclair
"Foxtrot such a weird name, but he did bring me some cookies after the chaos that was Everett's party. Cookies are one of my favorite kind of sweets. I don't know much about him but he seems like a good guy, hes one of the newer faces in town."

☯Bryce Francis Sanders☯
"Another new face in town like Fox, I don't know anything about him but I did see him come in with a cute dog while I was in the clinic after the party."

☯Jesse James Callaghan☯
"Jesse, I see him around school he seems like to get into a lot of fights or makes a lot of sarcastic comments. I talk to him sometimes but seems like he keeps things bottled up a lot, we don't hang out that much."

"Lucy" Sang-mi Kim
"Lucy? She seems really nice, I first met her about a month ago when my dad invited Richard over for dinner and met the rest of her family. I remember my dad mentioning that Richard got married while in South Korea, Anyway Lucy and I get along pretty well. Shes very smart, and gets pretty pissed off if she gets distracted from her studies I learned that the hard way when she threw a stapler at my head for annoying her."

"Levi" Byung-Woo Kim
"Levi, is Lucy's twin 'brother' Its cool that he identifies himself as a dude, we hang out sometimes and I see him at Simone's when he gets a coffee I always serve him when the Kim's moved in a month ago. He has a rebellious side which is awesome, but I don't get involved when he decides to do something like that."

Mickey Keahi
"Micky! The big old loveable guy, he is a pretty cool person to hang out and pretty dorky pretty much like me. We get along great together and we pretty much do the same things together."

Charles Alexander Collins
"Charlie, he is pretty cool though a bit socially awkward at times. We play video games together and we hangout together from time to time."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Komo
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Komo Chill vibes MKII

Member Seen 5 days ago

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Ashton 'Ash' Bryant

Ash is really chill, a relaxed and laid-back guy who does not seem like he is on an adrenaline rush like most guys seem to be in these days, yet he always manages to get things done, somehow. His charming and charismatic personality makes it easier to talk to him, easing her nervousness and occasional social awkwardness. She likes him and thinks him to be a great guy. It definitely helps that he is easy on the eyes as well. She thinks she may have a crush on him, but she isn't exactly sure.

Scout Presley

Another laid-back individual, Scout is one who lurks in the surroundings, observing and seeing everything. She is known to be rather rebellious and Olivia secretly loves her antics although she doesn't really voice it out. She thinks that the girl is often misunderstood and she can see a special quality in her that makes her want to continue being besties. Heck yeah!

Nina Jelen

Known to be a rather quiet one as well, that struck a chord with Olivia, and the two soon became fast friends. In several occasions, she has seen Nina let off several barbed insults at others. A fellow lover of gymnastics, Olivia frequents the cafe that Nina works at for a nice cup of chocolate, both iced or hot.

Gerard West

Gerard is a real lazy bum, this one. However, he is witty and sharp-tongued and an equally curious individual. Fellow cocoa lover, and enemy of boredom he somehow manages to catch-up on his studies while still retaining his lazy self. She consider it quite an amazing feat. Also a star-gazer. He likes stars. A good friend. One day they should maybe go and satiate their curiosities together.

Jay Hunter-Darling

Jay is pretty much the stereotypical rebel character. She sometimes wonder if he is that's his natural self or his just putting up a front and pretending to be somebody else. She says that as she had witnessed that Jay is actually a happy-go-lucky and fun loving geek. He lovess video games, obviously. He's a nice guy that's for certain. His pink hair is kinda cute too.

Alice Malone

Alice is really similar to Olivia in quite a number of ways. They're both bright and cheerful, with that tell-tale sparkle in their eyes and equally energetic to boot. She is shy as well, though noticeably more reserved than Olivia. They're both kinda spacey. So similar they could very well be sisters.

Petyr Jelen

Nina's brother. Just like his sister, he is a really peaceful and quiet person as well. She don't really know much about him though, they've never really hung out or really talked all that much.

Richard King

Ah, Richard King, aka 'The King'. Olivia don't know what to think of King, really. The hatred he gets seems to be justified, yet she seems to think that there isn't something else there as well. As if, he is just intentionally putting up a front, wanting to be misunderstood. She doesn't believe that he is the jerk he makes himself out to be.

Jade Taylor

Jade is.. rather free-spirited. Okay, maybe more than that. She seems to be very liberal with her morals and her provocative and revealing dressing reflects them well. The girl's pretty though, there's no denying that. She knows that though and doesn't hesitate to use it to her advantage. Olivia doesn't like how she behaves, but its her life.

Malcom 'Mal' Okada

Mal is really tall. Really. She feel like such a hobbit next to him. He also plays the saxophone really well! How cool is that?! He also has a great poker face. A really amazingly great one. Oliva should maybe see if he can teach her how to do that. Yeah, maybe she should.

Alicia Smith

For some reason, Olivia gets along really well with Alicia. Maybe its that energy and playfulness that they both share. Alicia loves music and video games too, two of which belong of Olivia's list of interests as well. She works together with Nina at the cafe Olivia frequents. A loving friend.

Tessa Grey

Olivia don't really know much about Tessa. All she knows about the red-haired girl is that she once had a sister who fell victim to the serial killer that plagued the town not too long ago. It must have been such a difficult experience to lose someone so dear to you. She hope she won't need to experience that ever.

Everett Wilcox

Everett doesn't exactly have much in common with Olivia. Most of his likes are her dislikes, and more likely than not, their paths would not cross. He's a fighter, while she's not that big on violence.

Immanuelle 'Moon' Dutoit

Olivia knows Moon as the French girl. Her accent is definitely recognizable and rather melodious to the ears. She seems to love everything horror though, just one of the things Olivia does not fancy. She scares easily, and horror is definitely not for her.

Francis 'Cole' Coleman

The stereotypical bad boy. Most people in Verona knows about him. He's a survivor and a fighter. Heard that his father's in jail and his mother went missing. He's a really intense person. Could there be something other than violence in him?

Grant Jackson Wells
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Grant Jackson Wells

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Francis Coleman
"I don't like Cole that much. Or rather, I guess I don't know him enough to like him, but I don't think he and I will be close in any regard."

Cole and GRant really don't partake in any similar interests. There's also the fact that both of them seem to be totally different people. Grant doesn't dislike him, but that's probably because Grant isn't the type to dislike anyone. He just doesn't know Cole that well, and he probably never will.

Jason "Jay" Hunter-Darling
"I see him around school, but Jay and I don't really hang out there. I see him on Steam a couple of times and we've gamed. So, I guess that makes us friends."

Though not normally one of the people that Grant would hang out with at school, there have been times where Jay and Grant have partaken in conversations. Most of these, however, were mostly in Steam gaming sessions. Still, Jay always seems to give Grant a smile whenever they pass each other in the halls. There have even been times where the two of them have eaten lunch together; though, that's when Grant would join Olivia. Oh well, at least that counts, right?

Malcolm "Mal" Okada
"I think Mal's mother or father works with my dad and brother. I don't remember which, but I see him hanging around King a lot. They seem really close. We hang out sometimes, but not all that much."

Through their father's mutual profession and how Mal is always with King, Grant has run into Mal a few times. There's always a friendly atmosphere about him and Grant doesn't seem to have any problem with him. They have hung out a few times, but not a lot.

Ashton Michael Bryant
"Ash and I seem to be cool with each other. I think he enjoys my company, but I can't too sure. He seems to not mind it when "

Grant rather likes Ash's company. Being one of the more laid-back people he knows, Grant feels like he can approach Ash without any troubles of feeling awkward. Whenever Grant sees him at school, he always says hi to him. Unlike most, he actually takes an interest in how Grant doing. They share a common interest of video games, reading, and photography, so perhaps that is why Grant likes to hang out with Ash.

Alice Malone
"She's so nice to me. I really like her. I mean, she's one of the few people that I can approach at school without feeling awkward. "

Alice and Grant seem to have a really good friendship between them. She's incredibly nice to him and there isn't anything about Alice that Grant finds intimidating. Even though their interests seem to be different, Grant has no problem talking to her because she's always so welcoming with her smile and her kind words. Grant thinks highly of her.

Scout Presley
"Even though I don't talk to Scout that much, she's a pretty good friend of Olivia's, so she can't be all that bad, right? Besides, she seems to enjoy reading and writing, which explains why her and Liv seem to be such great friends. I wonder if she even likes me as a friend? Probably not."

Grant and Scout have an interesting friendship. She's obviously a lot different than him. She likes crowds and he doesn't. Despite that, there seems a decent amount of similarities among their individual tastes that forms, at the least, a friendship of understanding. Plus, she's besties with Olivia, so Grant has to have at least some level of friendliness with her. They seem to have a common ground when it comes to writing and reading. Still, due to Grant's insecurities, he often wonders if she, too, thinks of him as a friend as he does to her.

Richard King
"King and I go way back. We grew up in the same neighborhood, so I've known him pretty much my entire life. Before middle school, we used to be almost inseparable, but because of his social status with the majority of people and mine, we never hang out at school. I still like to think that he thinks of me as a good friend."

This is a tricky subject. King and Grant grew up together. It's not like everyone else in their age group. Sure, everyone went to the same school and grew up with each other in that sense, but Grant and King literally grew up with each other. They grew up in the same neighborhood. Their parents worked with each other, so they were always around each other as kids. As they grew up, they did so apart as time went by. Grant misses the days when they would be able to talk on a regular basis. Sometimes they talk, but not really at school. It's not because King is too popular, but just because they seem to be in different social circles. Often, however, Grant will catch King help him out if he's being bothered by the bullies at school. That is when Grant gets a moment of the good ol' days.

Nina Jelen
"I don't know Nina that much. She has a nice leather jacket, but I really don't seem to know her past that."

There isn't much to say about Grant and Nina. They know of each other, but they don't know each other. He likes her jacket, though.

Petyr Jelen
"He's Nina's brother. Like her, I don't know him either. He doesn't seem to be mean, though, but I never spoke to him."

Same with Nina. They know of each other, but don't really talk.

Katalina Hargrave
"Your character's thoughts on this character..."

Jade Taylor
"Your character's thoughts on this character..."

Tessa Gray
"Your character's thoughts on this character..."

Everett Wilcox
"Your character's thoughts on this character..."

Alicia Smith
"Your character's thoughts on this character..."

Moon Dutoit
"Your character's thoughts on this character..."

Olivia Johnson
"Your character's thoughts on this character..."

Austin Williams
"Your character's thoughts on this character..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 2 days ago

Katalina Hargrave

– Best Friend
– Friend
– Neutral
– Rival
– Nemesis
– Love Interest
– Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Jay Hunter-Darling
"Jay! We play a lot of games over steam, sometimes with Alicia. He's pretty chill. Runs the astronomy club. Usually hangs out with Moon. He's a good friend and I enjoy spending time with him online."

Malcom Okada
"I don't really hang around Mal that much. He hangs out with 'The King' and that usually involves booze and drugs. No thanks."

Ashton 'Ash' Bryant
”Ash! My swim buddy! He’s cute, and if I was bi or straight I’d be totally into him, but I’m not so… yeah. We bonded over swimming a long time ago, and have been good friends since then. He’s super friendly and I appreciate his friendship.”

Scout Presley
"Scouts got a rep. I don't really know her that well personally, but, yeah."

The King
"King. Most people know him. I don’t associate with him really."

Alice Malone
"Alice is a sweetie! She knows all sorts of plants that she puts in tea to help me with muscle pains. We’ve been friends for a few years, and honestly, she’s a cutie. I know she’s always up for hanging out, and is super polite. I know her nick name is the Princess, but she acts more like Princess Kate than some spoiled brat."

Jade Taylor
"I’m aware that Jade has a less than stellar reputation, but she’s friends with Alicia, so I know there’s good in her. We don’t really hang ourselves, but I’d like to get to know her better. However she does act a little catty towards me, but I think it’s because I’m trying to get Alicia’s attention. I’m not mad."

Gerard West
"Gerard. Seems like a nice guy, but we don't tend to cross paths very much. He seems like he'd be pretty chill to hang with, but other than that, I don't know that much about him."

Tessa Grey
"Tessa, we're friendly, but I wouldn't call us super close. She kinda keeps to herself. I notice that she kinda pushes anything away that reminds her of her sister. She's nice, but she needs some help before she just fades away."

Everett Wilcox
"Everett… he sometimes supplies my family with fresh meat to sell in the store. I know his folks were killed by that horrible serial killer. I think there is a hole in that boy that he lets someone help heal. He kinda has this lone wolf vibe about him. Also, he has a dog."

Petyr Jelen
"Petyr... I know he and his sister work at the cafe with Ali, but beyond that, not much. He and his sister seem close, but not in the creepy weird way. He seems like a nice person. I know he's in band, and can play drums well. But that's it."

Nina Jelen
"I don't know Nina that well. She works with Ali, and keeps to herself it seems. However, I know that she can be a bit sharp tongued if you get on her bad side. We could be friends, if she'd open up maybe a little?"

Alicia Smith
“Ali! My sweet friend! She’s a cutie, and we spend quite a lot of time together. We play games over skype/ steam. I come in to see her at work a lot, and do some of my schoolwork there. It might be because I have this massive crush on Ali… And I honestly want to tell her soon. She’s a talented artist, and I love seeing her work.”

Immanuelle 'Moon' Dutoit
"I don't know Moon very well, even though she's like besties with Jay. She seems sweet, and has like this other world vibe around her. Seems really in touch with nature. I think if I got to know her better we could be friends."

Olivia Johnson
"Olivia and I were scouted by the same Olympic scout when he came to Verona. While I turned him down, she seemed interested. She's a great gymnast and friend. We hang out sometimes at the cafe when we come to see our friends that work there. Very pretty."

Grant Jackson Wells
”Grant! We get along pretty well, play some games over Steam. He’s pretty cool. I get the feeling there’s something he’s hiding but I won’t pry if he doesn’t wanna talk about it. Pretty friendy dude, does not do the party scene, much like me.”

Austin Williams
"I don't know Austin that well, but he has that cute British accent, and is super nerdy. I could see us being friends."

Noah Santiago
"What a bastard! He called Alicia an ugly pig and me some nasty things as well. He made Ali cry! He's rude, crude and I'm pretty sure he's up to no good. I wouldn't dare get mixed up with him."
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