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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sonya Mayfield, Quentin Taylor, & Task Force RAVEN.
Written in collaboration with @tsukune, @Zombiedude101, @Mr Allen J

Sonya pressed her back against the wall, her eyes peaking around the corner ever so slightly. The rest of her team did the same. The Frog woman managed to spot some cells - Good. It means they are right on track. All Sonya saw was some unconscious scientists... Oh, if they're unconscious, then that means that the prisoners might be, too. That'll make her job a little harder. Okay, their mission should be securing the area, then they'll go get around to getting the prisoners out of here. Sonya couldn't sniff the air - this mask stopped that - so she would have to rely on her sight and hearing.

Quentin looked to her for further, taking slow and steady breaths to make wearing that damned mask as comfortable as possible without giving his position away from the Vader-like respiratory noise it could give off. Somehow, he had a hunch he'd wind up encountering one of the fuckers from that facility again - either the huge bastard wearing the mask or that obnoxious bitch who'd first got the jump on him.

"Swarm Queen," Sonya started off, turning to her team-mate in the back. "Can you get us eyes on the location?"

Nikki nodded. "I'll try." She releashed her swarm of insects, and mentally pushed them into the surrounding area. Their senses were thrown off by the narcotics in the air, but Nikki was able to tag all of the unconscious REAPERs. She put them all over the halls just as reference so they could get around. Otherwise, there wasn't anyone standing. "I don't see any guards or anything - none that are conscious."

"Alright, RAVEN," Sonya said, "Our job is to secure the area, and get those prisoners out of here. Got it?" She asked, and the rest of RAVEN nodded their heads. "Alright, move out." Sonya stepped into the hallway, sticking to the walls. The rest of RAVEN followed right behind here, with Quentin and his shotgun taking point.

After a short trip, they made it to a moderately wide hallway. It was lined with rows of metal doors, and it was long. There were some unconscious REAPERs and scientists lying around. Otherwise, that was it. Sonya felt as if something wasn't right here. Which is why she was hesitant to step into the open like this... a sniper always sticks to the shadows, takes a shot, then vanishes without a trace. An open firefight like this would not be preferable.

However, the real threat came from behind them, and not from where Sonya expected. The group heard ice freezing behind them, and Sonya peaked around her shoulder to spot Snowblind - only getting a second to look before the cyro-witch fired a spear of ice at the center of the ground.

"Behind us, move!" Sonya shouted as she dove out of the way.

It was unnecessary, as Adam swiped his arm across, and created a gust of wind powerful enough to knock the spear into the wall. RAVEN immediately pointed their guns at her - but Snowblind managed to teleport away before they could pull the trigger.

"Bloody teleporter..." Sonya hissed underneath her breath. "You guys know the drill."

Another sound of cracking ice came from the other end of the hallway, and it was followed by another blast of ice, which hit the wall because Sonya managed to dodge. When they looked down the hallway, they were greated with some old friends....

"... Well, well, well." Heartbreaker said as she stepped down the hallway, twirling her revolver around her fingers. "I heard that you joined up with NEST, Quentin-boy, but I couldn't believe it." Heartbreaker laughed from underneath her mask. The sound of her voice was enough to grind his teeth together behind the mask's filter, prompting him to answer that by pointing his 870 towards her side of the hallway and firmly squeezing back on the trigger.

Heartbreaker's reflexes and body-control were so great that she managed to kick an operating table up, and duck behind it. Shooting a shotgun at that range wasn't that good of an idea to begin with - but, hey, she got under his skin there. "... Rude as fuck." Heartbreaker taunted. Coming from one of the side hallways were the Mannequin, and Fig. The Mannequin's eye twitched as he stared down the hallway.

Snowblind teleported right in front of them. Holding her hands behind her back.

"Heartbreaker?" Sonya said, "Damn it. RAVEN, take cover!" They knew that her shooting ability meant that any one of them could get their heads blown off in an instant. Sonya ducked behind an opened cell door with Inkshade and Quentin swallowed his frustration and pressed up against another. While Adam and Nikki stood in the room, seemingly in clear fire of Heartbreaker.

However, Adam called out his own Echo. A golden copy of himself that was easily twice his own size. It acted as a shield - Heartbreaker whipped out both revolvers, and opened fire on Adam's Echo. Bullets slid off it's body. Nikki had summoned her swam of insects, ready to act as a smoke-screen - but she knew that Snowblind and Fig would decimate hem. However, she had some of her bugs push forward, and try to sneak up on them.

Sonya poked out for a moment to shoot at them, but Snowblind teleported out of the way. Quentin, on the other hand, knew he'd be better off saving his remaining shells until he got closer to them and loaded in another.

"Damn it, of course we get the annoying ones." Sonya said to herself. She turned to Inkshade. "We're gonna need..." Sonya looked down at the cannister of Metahuman depressant gas that was hanging off her vest, and Inkshade's. She got an idea.

Sonya peaked outside, and saw that Adam and Nikki were standing there. While Adam's Echo was tanking all the hits. Which would come in handy.

"All-Father," Sonya said. "Grab your canisters and toss it at them." She said. The gas won't bother anyone that's wearing a mask - but it'll definitely act as smoke-screen, and give Sonya and the rest of RAVEN to pull their heads together and create a plan.

Adam nodded his head, and pulled the cannisters off his vest, and Nikki handed him hers. Adam gave the cannisters to his Echo, and he held all of them in one hand. With two fingers, the Echo pierced the cannisters, and quickly tossed them down the hallway. The Changeling Unit, and Heartbreaker quickly scattered - but the gas quickly filled up the entire hallway.

Sonya grinned. They now had the perfect window of opportunity, and Quentin was the first to seize it - pushing forward, passing cell after cell, using the opened doors as cover.

Adam and Nikki started pushing down the hallway, using Adam's Echo as a shield.

Sonya and Inkshade had another idea... They both turned invisible. Using their out of sightness as cover, they both clung to the ceiling. Climbing towards them quickly as they could.

"Damn it!" Heartbreaker hissed, taking steps backwards. She knew that the NEST bastards would be pushing in, which is why she held onto her revolvers tightly. She hated to lose ground to them. Only thing that Heartbreaker thought of would be a good idea is to retreat. She can't shoot what she can't see, after all. "Changelings, fall back!" Heartbreaker ordered, and the group pulled back into one of the side hallways. Snowblind teleported away.

Heartbreaker's order didn't go unnoticed. "Shit, the bastards are pulling back." Sonya said into the comms. "Gotta push in after them. We need Heartbreaker and the Mannequin!" Sonya hopped down, and turned visible. Inkshade stayed clung to the ceiling, invisible.

They went down the same hallway the Changelings did. Sonya, followed by RAVEN, chased after the Changeling Unit. She was following their footsteps - however, she stopped when it came to her that this could be a trap. "Swarm Queen." Sonya said.

"I already tagged them." Nikki said, "They're right down this hallway... they're in some room. Let me get some more bugs in there." She quickly sent down more of her insects, and scanned the room. Placing them on everything just to get a feel of it. Insects didn't have the best senses, but the way Nikki was gathering information, it was like feeling everything in the room to make a map. She felt, armor, weapons... Oh No. "... They're in an armory." Nikki said, worried.

"Why can't we ever have someone with magnetic powers?" Quentin complained over the comms, before finally suggesting "Fuck it - what about the containment foam or something, will that work?"

"... Those poor bastards." Sonya said, grinning. She put her hands on her hips, and shook her head. She had a plan. A perfect plan! She grabbed her cannister of the Metahuman depressant gas. "They forgot that we have, Inkshade, the sneakiest of all the RAVENs." Her tongue flopped out of her mouth - contained by her gas mask. She rolled her eyes. "Boys, and gals, can you give me your gas cannisters?" She put her hand out, and the RAVENs gave up their canisters.

"Alright, here's my little game-plan," Sonya started off, raising a finger up into the air. "I'll toss these down the hallway, and Adam will use his air powers to force the gas into their little armory. If it works, it should fill up their room - or, at very least, cover a great deal of it. While that's going on, Inkshade will slip in through a vent or something, and set off a few explosives. Which should be distraction enough for us to push in, and take them out!"

"That works too, I guess." Quentin remarked. If it worked, it was a chance to get his hands on the bitch hiding inside. If not, they'd have wasted more than just the cannisters, but he wasn't planning on going down that road.

"Ready Adam?" Sonya said with a grin.

Adam switched over to his air manipulation, and took in a deep breath. "Yes." Adam said, preparing himself.

"Now, when we get in there, I can't stress this enough, but don't kill Heartbreaker or the Mannequin!" Sonya said, "They might be our only way to getting to the bottom of this madness! Understood? Alright, go!" Sonya pressed the button on all of them, and tossed them down the hallway. They started dispensing the gas all over the place - but Adam pushed them into the room using the best of his ability. It did fill the room.

Inkshade converted to her liquid state, and went up into the airvents.

"Stay safe, Inky." Sonya said, throwing her wife the peace sign.

Inkshade quickly moved through the vents, and made it to the vent that lead to the armory. Like she had suspected, the room was filled with the gas. She could hear Heartbreaker shouting, and she could get a good idea of where everything is. Inkshade crawled out of the vents, clinging to the ceiling. She changed her color to match the enviroment. Maria came close to the grenades, and created inky tentacles - she pulled the pinn on all of them, and hopped far away as she could - making it back into the vent just as they exploded.

"... What the hell?" Heartbreaker said, "God damn it, Snowblind." She said to her Hands of Science associate. "Thought you said this stupid plan of yours would work!" She grit her teeth. "Alright, we need fall back-"

The explosion was rude enough to cut her off - the sheer explosive pressure knocked Heartbreaker over, and burned her badly. She let out a cry of pain, as she hit the ground. Bloody, and beaten... However, what was worse was that her mask was damaged. The gas that RAVEN filled the room with started pouring into her lungs. Her last sight was seeing that cyrokinetic bitch teleport away, and RAVEN walking up to her.

She had to grin, as they aimed all of their weapons at her. She could barely make out anything. "Ah... damn it..." Heartbreaker said, before passing out.

Sonya quickly looked around - she couldn't smell a damn thing in all this gas - but she saw that the Witch Mother, and Fig were also unconscious. She grinned. "Mission accomplished?" She shrugged.

"Not yet." Quentin had his 870 trained on Heartbreaker from point blank range. He looked ready to squeeze the trigger, yet he'd remembered what she'd said about needing her alive - despite the trouble it had been last time. Instead, he planted a boot on one of her shooting hands and crunched down, knowing it'd be a fun experience for her wake up to. She deserved that, at the very least - from his perspective, anyways.

"Agent Tay- Counterpoint!" Sonya immediately piped out. She knew that Heartbreaker and Quentin had some bad blood, but that was no reason to injure a downed opponent. "We took her down, that was unnecessary!"

Quentin released his boot from Heartbreaker's fingers and looked towards her. "We had her once and she got away, and you've seen what she's like with a weapon. This'll even the odds if she tries anything again." was his excuse, though in truth he hadn't forgotten walking into an ambush with her gun planted against the back of his head, then later waking up to her in that hellhole and the nightmare it entailed.

"... And so will handcuffs." Sonya pulled her handcuffs from her belt as she knelt down and put them on Heartbreaker's hands. Tying them together. The rest of RAVEN put cuffs on the Witch Mother and Fig - followed by power inhibitior collars around their necks. "Agent, you need to stay in line." Sonya reprimanded Quentin. "I don't want you getting hit with a suspension, too." She pointed at him, reminding him of another person who he'd come to respect.

Rolling her green eyes, Sonya stepped off. "Grue, prison wing has been secured - we ran into opposition, but we managed to handle them. Changelings were present on the base. We managed to capture Heartbreaker, Fig, and the Witch Mother - Mannequin seemingly got away."

"Understood. Agents on on route to lend a hand." Dana said. "Good work, RAVEN."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shizuka Takashiro, & Cindy Gabrielle Keagan.

(Written in collaboration with @Mr Allen J)

Cindy had to admit that it was hard as hell to traverse Knightdale taking the - you know - fucking district-wide blackout into account. She could only see so far. Only taking into account reference. Since she's spent almost her whole life in Knightdale Rows and quite awhile in her apartment, it wasn't that hard to tell that she was going the right way. She came up to her apartment, and the glass pane lowered to street level, and Cindy hopped off. Shizuka followed suit, somewhat disappointed that the ride was over. He quite enjoyed the feeling of flying - or rather, hovering - in the sky. He made a mental note to practice more, practice harder, so that eventually he would be able to use his power to walk (or even run!) on air.

"Come on," She said as she ran off the pad to the door. She pulled out her keys, and looked behind her... "Oh no..." Cindy groaned. On the rooftops, she saw more glowing eyes. The same purple eyes that were the exact same as the monster they just killed. There were at least five. Okay, stay calm. All she has to do is hit up NEST or something, and pray that they can handle this.

There was a sentiment in her head which knew that it wouldn't be that easy.

"...We're gonna have to run, boy." She quickly opened the door and ran down the hallway - that kooky little bastard Shizuka better be behind her.

...And he was. Shizuka swore inwardly - he shouldn't have brushed off his gut feeling and dropped his guard when Cindy managed to kill just one of these monsters. "What the hell? These minions are so fucking persistent!"

The five eyes appeared on the other side of the glass entrance. They used their claws to punch at the glass - eventually breaking through.

"You fuckers want in?!" Cindy shouted as she turned around. She pulled her hands back and pushed them outwards, sending the glass flying at them. There was a collection of screeching among the creatures. Implying that she did some damage. Cindy didn't even stay behind as she kept running down the hallway with her friend behind her. She ran up the stairs - but she heard one of the creatures running up right behind them.

Using quick thinking, Cindy created large shards of glass that levitated around her. When the creature - running on four legs like a cat, except it's body was much wider - ran up, it got pelted with heavy glass shards that dug it's way into it's body. Knocking it back down the stairs. Cindy pulled the glass back to her, as she kept running up the stairs. Creating more and more glass that floated off her body.

She couldn't do this forever.

In line with other Metahumans, Cindy's power was stamina-dependent, and she was getting a little fatigued with all this running and using her superpower. Not to mention the glass she was actively creating. Cindy made it up to the second floor of the complex. She ran down the hallway, hearing the sounds of the beasts, Cindy came up with an idea. She put the glass shards together, creating a little bomb (Lihua gave her this idea), and threw it down the hallway behind her.

"Pick up the pace!" Cindy shouted, running a little faster. Because this required timing.

"Oi, at least gimme a warning when you want to do that!" Shizuka gasped behind her, annoyed. He had been running in phased mode the whole time, dodging Cindy's sudden glass assaults before him and the whipping tentacles behind him. Whatever this crazy girl was planning now, he seriously didn't want to get caught in them.

"Well, I'm sorry! Let me just warn them, too!" Cindy shouted. When they got out of the way, the shards of glass violently exploded. Sending powerful shards of glass in all directions. Effectively creating a nail bomb. The beasts were shredded to bits, Cindy could hear their cries of pain from all the way from the hallway. What she didn't know is that she killed one, and it was dissolving. Any glass that came too close to Cindy was caught, and added back to her glass arsenal.

Shizuka stretched out a hand to grab for Cindy's arm, going intangible once more. They were near the end of the hallway - but who needed to stop to fumble with the door lock when you could just pass right through it? Besides, they didn't have any time to waste with four freaks still hot on their tails. "Don't breathe!" Those four were closing in, and he could feel that Cindy might be at her limits. They needed to rethink of another strategy.

Again with the holding breath? Cindy complied, and held her breath to the best of her ability. Shizuka pulled her through the door just in time - it groaned under the weight when one of the beasts rammed into it. Okay, now what? They would need a place to at least catch their breath for all this madness, and he couldn't let Cindy to handle all those four creatures on her own, not after going through a shitstorm to bring down just two. "Ok, Meifeng's mum is a NEST agent, right? Do you have her number? Should we call her for help?" He still held on to Cindy - just in case they needed to phase out of this place immediately when the monsters got through the door, which could be any moment now. The hinges were screaming to break from the continuous body-slamming outside.

"Lihua lives in Central Valley - halfway across the city." Cindy said as she put her back against the door. The glass she was manipulating gracelessly fell onto the ground. There was no way that the Vuhongs could lend a hand.

"Who else do you know who's a NESTie and is near here?"

"...You know, have you thought about that big ass building over the city? That's their Headquarters." Cindy said over the pounding. She wondered if she could get help from Lucy, or the Obotts - but Trevor wouldn't do shit. Only problem was that - even if they did call for help, they would have to hold them off, or at least find a good place to haul ass.

So, the NEST headquarters was nearby, but how the hell were they going to get there? And what's more, what about those four thingies beyond the door?

The door was breaking, and it wasn't going to be long before it breaks - Cindy knew it. Only choice was to haul ass.

"Forget about goddamn NEST then!" Guessed they were on their own. Shizuka sighed - he really hate to do the extra work. He would give this idea a shot, but that would mean he had to leave Cindy to fend the freaks off by herself. What other choices did he have? At least he could trust that girl to take care of her own back from the fight previously. "Now's your turn to distract them," he said jokingly.

"Huh?" Cindy had to ask. What the hell was this kooky boy up to this time? "Wait, what are you cookin' up?"

"You keep them busy, while I sneak up behind them, sticking them into the walls and the floor." A tentacle poked through the gap in the door, and Shizuka forced the door back harder to keep the tentacle out. "Probably won't kill them, but that should keep them still long enough for you to finish them all at one go instead of running around like a stupid cat and mouse game." Then he had another idea. "How about you give me a few glass bombs, and I can stick them right into their core?"

Shizuka had a point there. It's clear that they weren't losing them by running. Cindy nodded her head and glass started floating up into the air. They stuck together, and formed another glass bomb, and created a second one the same manner. She handed the non-pointy end to Shizuka. "...Just be careful." Cindy said. Okay, she just has to distract them...though, she could just reinforce the window, and be on her way.

Don't be silly... They'll just follow you...

Shizuka received the bombs from Cindy. "Deal." He moved away from the door - more tentacles were slipping through the widening gap. The door wasn't going to hold much longer. He ghosted through the door and face the first one on the other side. Before its glowing purple eye could refocus on the boy, Shizuka already put his fist through the eye and dropped the bomb in his hand inside the monster. He quickly moved out of the way, dashing towards the next target, the deafening explosion behind him telling him that his insane plan actually worked.

The monster screamed as the glass explosive went off inside of it. Horribly damaging its body. It wasn't long before it fell over, dissolving. The rest tried to attack Shizuka. He did the same to the second monster, and it soon met the same fate as the first - Plan B was a great success! Cindy only gave him two bombs, so for the remaining minions he would have to use Plan A. He ducked as the third creature thrashed angrily around the hallway, its tentacles slashing the air like whips. He managed to slip next to its orb-like body and placed his hands on its slippery armor, sinking it halfway into the ground. Yuck - what the hell is this slime? While this wouldn't kill the creature right away, it's good enough to distract it with a dose of extreme pain by temporarily merging its interior organs with the concrete floor.

He wasn't so lucky with the last monster.

It caught him from behind with a tentacle - wrapping itself around his middle, tightening around him, trying to crush his rib-cage. "Fuck you, bitch!" He grimaced, then expanding his power to the creature and both of them began to fall into the ground. Once the monster was stuck to the ground he broke the link with it and phased out of its grasp, rolled away from it, panting heavily. He slowly raised a thumb into the air. "All...yours, C-Cindy."

Looked like Shizuka got this. Even with his strange ghost-like power, he was still capable of fighting. Though, the last part was down to Cindy, because Shizuka was obviously tired. Cindy was tired, too, but not tired enough to miss out on taking these last two freaks out. She pushed down what was left of the door (it was almost about to break, so even the skinnest girl could break it). She gathered all of the glass, and created a tornado of glass around their body. Simply by spinning her hands in a circle in front of her. Every sharp glass edge cut deeper into their flesh, and forced shards of glass inside. Up until the creatures downright dissolved. Which means it's over.

"...Thank God!" Cindy loudly shouted as she knelt forward, putting her hands on her knees. She was panting just as much as Shizuka. "...Thank you." She said, in between her pants. She wasn't sure if there were anymore out there.

Once his breathing had calmed down, Shizuka got up, looking around to make sure that this was truly over (well, at least for now). "My sixth sense is telling me that we're safe at the moment. Why are they chasing you anyway?"

"Uh, yeah. Up until the army shows up." Cindy muttered underneath her breath. Shizuka asked about why this happened. Man, if Cindy knew the answer to that... Cindy let out a sigh. "I have no god damn idea." She answered his question as blankly as it gets. "I just ran out real fast to go get my phone..."

Cindy thought about it for a moment. The rain...it had to be connected to the rain. None of this happened until it rained. However, that's a while another discussion. Far as Cindy remembered, Shizuka was from Chinatown...which was a bridge away. She latched onto his wrist. "Actually, I'm not letting you head out in the dead of the night, with these damn freakshows running around... You're spending the night with me." Then she realized what she just said. "...And not in that way, yo!"

Shizuka raised an eyebrow when Cindy gripped on his wrist, but he couldn't hold back his urge to laugh at what she said. "Thanks for the concern and gracious invitation, but I'm not a kid, yo!"

"But you're definitely kooky, and that warrants a little extra supervision." Cindy answered, putting her hands on her hips, barely resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

The power to Knightdale Rows came right back on. Looks like Verthaven's technicians work fast...but she totally could have used the power like ten minutes ago. Cindy could finally take a look around - and she realized something was wrong. She looked at the door that was broken down.

"Um..." Cindy said. "That wasn't my apartment...they're going to be soooo pissed."

"Who cares? At least we're still alive, and that's way more important than a damn door."

"You're not going to be the one they bitch at, and you ain't going to be the one paying..." Cindy trailed off when she realized something. She remembered that she had suffered a great loss. "...Speaking of which - you better be paying for that scooter, too! Because I heard, clear as day, that you'd pay for it."

She still remembers. Shizuka raised his hands in defeat, but he didn't wipe the smirk off his face. "Yeah I did, but as you know I just arrived here not long ago, so I'm afraid I don't have the money right now. I promise I'll pay you back eventually, I swear!" He slipped out of her grasp and turned to leave.

Cindy let out a sigh. Firmly planting her hands on her hips and shaking her head. Insurance will probably cover the scooter - if she can come up with a good story... Hmmm, maybe she crashed it while trying to dodge a jackass in the road? Whatever. As Shizuka walked off, Cindy didn't say another word to him - though, she was tempted to ask what the hell he was doing in Knightdale in the first place. She'd rather be asking what the hell just happened.

Shizuka stopped in his tracks. Speaking of money... He walked back towards Cindy. "Hey, you work in that Candy Club that Trevor brought us to where we first met? How much is the pay?"

He's asking about that of all times? I swear, there's something wrong with this boy. Cindy thought to herself, briefly wondering if all the Japanese were this eccentric (or at least that twin of his). "Yeah, my Dad owns it. He gives me like fifty dollars a week to work there..." Cindy trailed off as she narrowed her eyes, "...Why?"

That's more than the allowance that what Akemi gave the twins for helping out with her boring (not to mention, tiring) cleaning job. "That settles it. If I work there, you can deduct your bike money from my salary."

An interesting proposal... Cindy would definitely have to think about it. "I'll have to talk about it with my dad, I guess. He might be down for it long as he doesn't have to buy me another scooter." Cindy shrugged, letting out an exhale. "...You know, I'm sorry about some of the things I said back there... Uh, it was..." Cindy trailed off again. Realizing that it was essentially redundant.

He waved off Cindy's apology. "And I don't mind staying for the night. I'm dead tired anyway."

"Yeah, yeah, let's go..." Before they walked off to her apartment, the girl turned her head to the window. It was raining harder than she ever seen before. What was out there...?

"...This city is weird as all hell," Cindy muttered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
Avatar of Mixtape Ghost N


Member Seen 9 days ago

Sonya Mayfield, John Cole Sykes, Quentin Taylor, & Task Force RAVEN.
Written in collaboration with @tsukune, @Zombiedude101, & @DJAtomika

As Agents poured into the base, the RAVENs met up at the very place that they first struck. Sonya's group stepped into the atrium, and a group of Agents poured in behind her. Agents also pulled out the Changeling Unit on haulers - strapped up tightly so they wouldn't remember anything. Quentin seemed to be keeping an eye of one of them, but said no more. Sonya put her hands on her hips as she stood in the center of the room, both her ACR, and her Barrett attached tightly to her back. "Well, that's the end of that." She said, as her RAVENs came into the room behind her.

Maximilian was hauled into the center of the room by several NEST Agents. While they had to pull out the extra-strength hauler to get Henry out of there. "Maxi, you, nor my partner aren't looking all that good. The hell happened?"

"... We encountered two high ranking REAPERS - Argh!" Maximilian groaned in agony as he clenched his arm. "One put up one hell of a fight - but me and Dragonfly put him down."

"Glad to hear that... what about your mission to "put an end to this"?" Sonya asked - and Maximilian swore that, for a moment, she was teasing him.

"Those REAPERS we were talking about...." Maximilian said. "They were just buying time for their top brass to get away. They're probably long out of here by now."

"... However," Dana chimed in. "I believe if Cyber extracts enough information off their systems, we can find them anyway."

Maximilian tried to reach for his datapad - but it was impossible with a broken arm. He pressed his earpiece. "Grue, can you send Cyber a message asking for progress?"

"Gladly, sir." Dana quickly typed up a message for their technopathic ally.

Cyber, what's your progress?

Upload at 99%, Grue. The data wipe worm's been deleted.

The battle had been harrowing and had consumed all of his attention, but he'd finished it. Fighting viruses in cyberspace wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. He floated above a server as he watched the virtual progress bar over the room slowly fill, panting a little in exhaustion.

That done, Cole flew back to the main hub and accessed the camera feeds. The little battles within the base were slowly finishing, and the big battle was already won by NEST.

We'll be extracting you now. You'll be heading to a safehouse to stay for the next day or so.

"Done." Dana said. There was still more for the wheelchair bound woman to note. "Agents are going through the base, and detaining every scientist they come across." Though, that went without saying, as Agents were literally dragging members of the Hands of Science out of there. "Even without pulling data off their databases, we are finding files and research that really gives us insight into the organization. Along with the fact that we have brought down a major Hands operation. Even if we don't have the Chairmen, we have dealt a major blow against the Hands."

"Good," Maximilian said. "Now, I believe we have properly paid them back for the damage PR-1 did."

That wasn't all Dana had to say, "Along with the fact that Agents are pulling out what has to be hundreds of test subjects. It's going to take ages to sort through all of them - but we found them."

Daphne, who had been quietly enjoying the telepathic chatter with her floras on what they had seen during the raid (too much, in fact, she almost forgot that she's still on duty), finally said the things she should have told everyone a long time ago. "Pancrea are now safe and sound."

"Pana- Know what? Good to hear." Maximilian said into the comms. "They'll be in a special hideout... Oh, God." Then it hit Max. Now that the mission is a success now they have to honor Trevor's ridiculous demands.

"Oh!" Sonya piped up, almost as if she just remembered something. "There's something I have to do - sorry, Maxi." She turned around, and started running back down the path she came. Followed by Inkshade.

Sonya was going after the woman that the Hands kidnapped, and they tracked her here. Quentin had opted to follow her, if only because he knew waking up in one of those cells was a nightmare and wanted to help ensure no-one else did.

Going through the cells, Sonya held a clipboard that had held the names of all the test subjects. Sonya had to remember her name... A squad of NEST Agents came by, hauling some test subjects out that were in terrible condition. Quentin looked on at them with a guilty stare, knowing fully well what they'd probably been through. Agent knew that they were hopefully going to get that person the help she needed - but this was a personal mission that she had to do. When she was done, she was going to do all that she could.

She kept going through the cell doors, running her finger over the clipboard, until she stopped.

Vannessa Smith.

Sonya grinned as she opened the door - every door was unlocked when NEST took control of the facility - and stepped inside. Vanessa Smith was curled up against the wall on the ground, hugging her knees. She didn't took that bad, but her hair looked a little worse for the wear. Vanessa looked up at Sonya, and her eyes widened... Oh Dear. She thinks that she's a REAPER. That really hurt Sonya's heart.

At the same time, it was more motivation to keep fighting. Defeating the Hands of Science.

For Quentin, the look on her face was heartbreaking, causing memories of his time in captivity to come flooding back all over again. He broke eye contact the both of them and turned away, taking out his frustrations on one of the empty cell doors with his boot. It really made him reconsider whether or not he should've crunched more than just one of Heartbreaker's hands.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm with NEST, no one's going to hurt you...." Sonya said, outstretching her slippery hand to the woman. "Came here to get you out of here. Sorry about taking so long, darling."

Vannessa took Sonya's hand.

Sonya Mayfield, Task Force RAVEN, & Heartbreaker.

RAVEN was standing in one of the observation rooms behind the interrogation room. With a certain Changeling being on the other side of the two-way mirror. Maximilian was leaning up against the wall, with a arm-cast on, Sonya was on the ceiling, Dana was across from Max, and Leon was facing the window. In the center of the room, was a table, that had some... firearms.

"The base is secure." Dana said, nodding her head. "I can't believe this. We got our hands on a stockpile of weapons, research, and test subjects... speaking of the test subjects, we're still going through them." Dana nodded her head. She scratched the side of her head, trying to find the best way to convey her satisfaction about the turn of events. "Some of the people that we found down there were missing for years!" Dana said.

"That's good, that's good!" Sonya loudly said, clapping her hands. "It feels great to finally stick it to those Hands of Bastards!" She looked over to Maximilian. "... Even if we didn't come close to getting the top brass, it's still a victory, right?"

Maximilian let out a sigh. "I guess so, Mayfield."

Sonya flicked a thumb in the direction of the window... Which Heartbreaker sitting in the interviewing room. Wearing a bright orange prison suit. Sonya poked a thumb in Heartbreaker's direction. "So! What's the 4-1-1 on her?"

"Well..." Dana started off. "We can't track her actual identity. DNA isn't traced to any records, and we can't get her name."

"Workin' on that." Leon chimed in, before he went back to peeking into Heartbreaker's head.

"Oh, then let's just register her for future reference!" Sonya said, cheerfully.

"Way ahead of you." Dana answered. "But, continuing, she didn't wake up particularly happy... with a broken hand and all."

"... Yeah, I'd be mad if my shooting hand was broken." Sonya thought about telling Max about what Quentin did... but, it wasn't like Heartbreaker didn't deserve it or anything. Just that Quentin shouldn't have been so excessive against an opponent they already stopped.

"After we brought her in, we had to do a full on cavity search... she was hiding seven guys on her body." Dana turned over to the table that held all of Heartbreaker's weapons. Seven guns in total, all revolvers, neatly lined up. "All stolen."

Sonya reached for one of the guns to examine it.

"Oh, I wouldn't touch that one if I were you." Dana immediately noted.

"Uh, yeah... I'll take your word for it...." Sonya trailed off, losing her demeanor.

"Max, if you need to, we have the Obotts in their safe house. They'll gladly heal you."

"No... I would like to have a word with her." Maximilian said, getting up from off the wall. Nodding his head in the direction of Heartbreaker.

"Oh, really?" Dana asked.

"We got her so we can get at Bloodsucker - and that's what we're going to do."

"Okay." Dana put her finger to her earpiece, and said, "Agent Harwave, you can step out now."

"Just make sure that this one doesn't get out and go on a rampage, heh..." Sonya said, throwing Max a peach soon.

All of the RAVENs looked at her - none too pleased with her comment.

"Oh, sorry. Too soon?"

Maximilian was sitting across with Heartbreaker - who sported a cocky grin, despite the fact that she was cuffed, and ankle chained. He would have folded his hands on the table - but his arm is currently broken (He would have to get this fixed). This woman was up to something, but Max wasn't phased even in the slightest. He knew what he was dealing with, and Heartbreaker couldn't touch him.

"Hello, I am Maximilian Cornell, and I will be-"

"Fuck you." Heartbreaker immediately interrupted him.


"Fuck. You." Heartbreaker said with a cocky smile on her face. "I ain't telling you shit. So you can just roll under this table, and blow me. Because I'm not going to be here for too long." She crudely said.

This woman was certainly crude, but Maximilian knew what he was dealing with a little better now... she was cocky that her team would bust her out. "Feeling a little cocky, huh?" Maximilian rhetorically asked.

"Yup." Heartbreaker said. "Enjoy this pretty face while you can, because my group will be breaking me out in no time."

"Hmph, is that so...?" Max, rhetorically asked again. Leaning back in his own chair.

... Because that's exactly what we're counting on.

"Maximilian," Dana started off, speaking through the comms. "We might have a problem."

"What is it?" Max asked.

"It's Mark Emerson, Agents went by his house and..." Dana trailed off.

"... He and his daughter have been killed."

The Hands of Science.

Escaping her enemies with the help of REAPER, Dr. Cross ran into a room on the other side of the base that could be best described as a loading dock. A dark room, with loading ramps, and trucks. Ignatius, Snowblind, and Revenant were standing in the room.

Dr. Cross knelt over, panting. She looked up, and saw that she was missing a certain REAPER. "Where is Wendigo...?" She asked.

Ignatius shrugged. "I let him go on a rampage... if he isn't here, then he's dead."

"Well, he played his part. His sacrifice won't be forgotten." Dr. Cross said.

Snowblind was the next one to speak, "The Changeling Unit was also grabbed by NEST."

"God damn it!" Dr. Cross facepalmed. The Hands are losing everything. She stood straight up, and scoffed it off, "Well, we can't afford to bail them out at this hour. They're on their own."

"Just the words I wanted to hear!" Ignatius said, laughing.

Dr. Cross walked up to them, "Revenant, get us out of here." She grabbed onto the REAPER's hand, and Snowblind grabbed her hand. The four disappeared in a flash of light. Far away from the base.

When they reappeared, they appeared in a dark room that looked much like an expensive hotel room. The only hint to where their location was the fact that the large windows were overlooking the city. The four appeared in the room, and Revenant immediately stumbled over to a sofa. Exhausted from all of the teleportation.

"... You're here." Eliza said, turning to face them from over by the bar. "What a beautiful clusterfuck that was, yeah?" She said, her accent especially thick.

The Hands Chairmen were scattered around the room. All teleported here by Revenant - except for Suan-Ni, who opted to take his own escape.

Dr. Cross sighed. "... I have no idea how they found the base."

"It's great to see that you have security nailed." Eliza said with a cocky grin on her face.

"Don't start." Dr. Cross hissed. "We all took a loss."

"Now, tell me..." Nathaniel said, sitting on the opposite end of the bar from Eliza. "This is your safehouse?"

"It's in fact my home." Dr. Cross said. "Slash personal lab. Don't worry, there's no way in hell that NEST will find this place - and if they don't, I have a surprise for them."

"So, what the hell do you expect us to do?" Eliza asked, raising an eyebrow and her glass. "Stay here?"

"Yes." Dr. Cross said. "Since they have found my headquarters, we have no choice but to lay low. We cannot risk them finding us."

"... While your kind generals will be taking those risks." Ignatius bowed sarcastically.

Dr. Cross ignored him. "Even if you have to stay here for months, we have no choice - every base might be compromised."

"Excellent," Eliza said. "We come to you for help, and they're on the verge of pulling your operation from under you."

"I can fix this. Just give me time." Dr. Cross said. "It's all about the pursuit of science. We can't let this set-back stop us."

"But, we have to launch a counter-attack against them... RAVEN is proving to be more of a threat than taking out our lower-tiered Agents." Ignatius said.

"Ignatius, do just that."

"Can I blow up stuff?"


"Then I'll burn the RAVEN'S nest. To. The. Ground...."

The Changeling Unit

"Now where were we...."

Luis said, leaning into his victim - a bald-headed man with blue eyes, wearing NEST armor, strapped to a chair in the middle of what had to be in some house's basement. It was dark other than the light above. Luis' brown eyes were looking into his, giving him a wry grin. He poked his finger into the man's chest. "Since you won't listen to our compelling arguments and give us what we want...." He pulled out a knife that was hanging off his hip, and pressed it up against the man's cheek. Drawing a trickle of blood as he dragged it down through his flesh. "... What good are you, really?"

The man spat right in Luis's eyeball. Before he snarled, "Fuck you. I'm not telling you shit."

"Thank you, you didn't get that point across the last twenty times you said that...." Luis rolled his eyes. Wondering what way he should end this Agent's life. Quick and easy? Or drag it out? So many possibilies, and so much time. It's not like-

"Bloodsucker," A man stepped into the room, standing quite tall, and wearing a black duster, and black body armor underneath it. A wide-brimmed cowboy hat covered his badly scarred face. "We have a problem." The man said in his harsh voice.

"Shade, can it wait?" Luis said, turning his head halfway over to his companion. His gaze fixed itself on their prisoner. "God, tonight, we have soooo many interruptions..." He trailed off.

"They have Heartbreaker."

"... What?!" Luis nearly jumped up, and turned around to face Shade.

"NEST has Heartbreaker in custody... Mannequin personally phoned me and said the base got attacked - he's the only one of the four that got away.." Shade said, lowering his hat.

"So..." Luis said, utterly in disbelief, he stepped over to Shade, and poked him in the chest. "... You're telling me that Heartbreaker, while helping the Hands, got captured by NEST?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I said."

"GOD DAMN IT!" Bloodsucker shouted, throwing his knife back at the Agent - but his body armor stopped it. He facepalmed. "This is not good..." He muttered.

"We know that NEST has telepaths..."

"Yes." Luis said, "And who do you think knows just as much about what goes on 'in the shadows' as I do...?"

"It's obviously Heartbreaker." Shade said. "... Which is why we're getting her back soon as possible."

"Good God..." Bloodsucker said. "Alright, we're going to Verthaven. And we're going to fuck up NEST. Even if we have to drop the Berserker on them."

"Um, boss..." Shade said, pointing at their prisoner.

"And you're acting like they aren't already expecting us..." Luis rolled his eyes. "... Or that we're going to leave him alive." He started pacing into the shadows. "We'll have to put a halt to our Toronto plans... You know the drill Shade; give NEST a fake tip, wire the surrounding base to explode, and blow the whole hideout to kingdom come right when they show up."

Shade nodded his head, and turned towards their prisoner. A roll of duct tape floated from no where into his hand, and he wrapped the Agent's mouth with duct tape. Before a C4 bomb floated from the darkness and landed on the Agent's lap.

Shade pulled out a phone.

A few hours later... The rest of the Changeling Unit finally arrived in Verthaven. In the dead of the night, they moved through the Eastover woods to one destination, each of them were obscured by hoods... The Emerson household was their objective.

When the group arrived at the steps, Luis pulled down his hood, and grinned evily. He was the one that took heavy steps up their stairs, and walked up to the door. He opened the screen door, and took a step back as he kicked down the door. Displaying such strength that he sent the door flying down into the house. He took steps in, and looked around. He heard someone run downstairs, and he came face to face with his target.

Mark Emerson.

Naturally, the bird-man's eyes opened widely upon seeing the Changeling Unit. Almost as if he dreaded this moment. Well, Luis was definitely something to be afraid of... but, he didn't strike enough fear into Mark's heart, or else he wouldn't have betrayed the Unit. Luis was grinning widely. "What is it, Mark?" He shrugged as he took a step forward. "Seen a ghost?"

Shade stepped in, and pointed his hand at Mark - the bird man went flying through his house until he stopped when he hit the wall. The sound of bones cracking was followed by Luis quickly running up. He grabbed the slumping Mark by the neck, and raised him, pressing him up against the wall. Luis looked down for a moment, and saw the collar around his neck.

"B-Bloodsucker!" Mark managed to mouth out the words. Terrified because it felt like Luis could crush his throat in one clench.

"No." Luis said, "Call me Luis... only my enemies call me Bloodsucker. Though, at this point, you've made an enemy out of me."

"I'm sorry, they caught me!" Mark said.

"Hmmm... Nah... from the way I heard it, they asked you to come, and you went right up to them." Luis tilted his head to the side, and started tapping his chin. "... Nah, I can't make sense out of why."

"I jus-just wanted to protect my daughter!"

"And we would have helped you if you just let us." Luis said, "But, no, you betrayed us the first chance you got." Luis tilted his head, grinning. "Where is your loyalty, Emerson?" He stared him right in the eye. "I thought that your initiation would have been enough to secure your place in the group for years to come."

Luis remembered Mark's initiation like it was nothing. The bastard barely carried himself through it, and somehow - against all odds - survived. It was like a Christmas Miracle. He earned Luis' respect... Only to toss it away like the bastard he is. "I see it like this, Emerson," Luis started, tightening his grip on Mark's neck that it got a lot less comfortable for him to breath. "The Changeling Unit is like one big family, a family that helps each other." Luis said, grinning. "Your problem was that you never saw us as a family, and saw us as enemies, I see." Luis released his grip a little bit to let Mark breath. "... And that makes me very disappointed in you."

"... But, but-"

"Oh, no. No buts." Luis tossed Mark into the ground like it was nothing. He hit his shoulder really hard, but Luis stood overtop of Mark, and slammed his boot down on Mark's back. "NEST killed a great deal of the Unit, that I selected. And while you didn't shoot the gun, you sure as hell aimed it."

"... Daddy!" The voice of a young girl appeared in the hallway, and the Mannequin dragged Sophia into the room. Holding an extended blade to her throat.

"Sophia! Leave her alone!" Mark said.

"Oh, you should have thought about that one before you crossed us." Luis picked Mark up by the neck yet again, and held him over his head. "You really should have... You knew exactly what you're dealing... and it's clear that NEST doesn't give a shit about you, or else they would have at least given you a little bit more protection." Luis shrugged. "But it is what it is."

"I'll do anything!" Mark said. "Please, just leave her alone!"

Only to be ignored by Luis. "I would take that collar off, and give you a fair fight, but we're a little short on time." Luis pulled two fingers back, almost like he was cocking them. A shame his daughter would have to watch this. He drove them into Mark's skull. Piercing it. Mark was still very much alive, shaking as his eyes peeked upwards. However, that wasn't the end of it. Blood was pulled out through the wounds, which traveled down his arm, and was absorbed into his skin. Mark screamed violently as this process went on, shaking uncontrollably. His skin desaturated, and turned grey. He started looking more and more like a corpse.

Until Luis took the last drop of blood.

"Aaaaaaaaah! That was refreshing!" Luis said, sporting a wide slasher-smile stood over what was left of Mark's bodyon the ground. A withered husk. "Very refreshing, indeed!" He raised his boot up into the air, and slammed it down on Mark's skull. Crushing it underneath is foot. "No mercy, Mark."

Sophia loudly screamed - and her mouth was covered by Mannequin's hand.

Shade pointed a thumb at Sophia. "What do we do about the brat, boss? She's too old to be sold."

"Hmmmm..." Luis thought about it for a moment as he stepped over to Sophia, and knelt down until they were eye-level. He stared the terrified girl in the eyes. "Just kill her. We don't have time to play around." He shrugged as he stood straight up.

The Mannequin was disappointed he didn't get to work with her... However, he has to follow orders. He retracted the blade that was hovering over her throat - and slashed it open. A stream of blood came out of her throat, and painted the carpet, until she dropped over dead.

"Well," Luis dryly said, as he stood over her. "I guess that's the end of that. Who's up for Poker?"

The Changeling Unit left the Emerson household. Leaving behind a grim warning for NEST.

One week later... 4:31 PM

Once again, TVs across Verthaven showed news with Molly Schuler.

"Hello, hello, Verthaven. This is Molly Schuler with the news. It has been a week since the newly formed Task Force RAVEN has dealt a major blow against the Hands of Science's operations in Verthaven. Agents have located, and attacked a base. Disabling their security, and all of their active personel. After a brief skirmish with their forces, NEST has successfully secured the base. Managing to recover a treasure trove of research, weaponry, and illegal test subjects. Arresting hundreds of members of the Hands of Science."

"Speaking of those test subjects, they are hundreds of Metahumans gathered from all over the west coast. Men, women, children - and some of which have been down there for years. NEST is sorting out what will happen to these former test subjects, and getting them homes as we speak. It's apparently been a long one, but everyone is pulling together to make sure that everyone comes out unscatched."

"However, information that RAVEN has taken from the base has put them in the direction of other Hands of Science operations. And in just a week, three labs have been discovered and knocked over. Those labs weren't as large as the big one they've raided, however, and they're lead to believe that there are several more in Verthaven. On the other side of things, the Changeling Unit fugitives have been discovered in the base, and have been arrested. They are Heartbreaker, Witch Mother, and Fig. The Mannequin is still out there, and extremely dangerous. Do not approach if spotted."

The screen switch to Maximilian Cornell, standing behind a podium in front of NEST Headquarters. His arm has been healed by Trevor Obott a few nights back. "Hello, hello. I am glad that Task Force RAVEN has been successful thus far - but we will not stop working hard until the Hands of Science, and all their allies, are in prison. But this is more than just fighting the Hands of Science, this is about regaining public trust in NEST. I know many Agents caused grief and harm to innocent people. I know they ruined many lives. And I know that people have a legitimate reason to hate us. But I will do my best to correct the damage they caused. Starting by bringing down the corrupt men and women who carelessly started all of this. We won't stop until everything is as it should be!"

The screen went back to Molly. "However, NEST has released to the press that Miranda Caryl has died during a prison break last week. She was murdered by one of the escapees. Every one of the prisoners were killed, or detained again, during the efforts by NEST to capture them again."

"Finally, the rain has seemingly reaked it's peak. It's gotten to the point where sunshine seems to be rare now. However, I also have to report that there have been an increasing amount of attacks while in the rain. Particularly against Verthaven's metahuman population. People have reported strange looking monsters. NEST has gotten involved, and they are investigating the matter as we speak."

Sonya Mayfield, & Trevor Obott.

"... Yeah! You tell 'em!"

Sonya shouted as the news report went on by. She was sitting on the sofa on the NEST lounge. Once again, it was downtime for the RAVENs. Everyone was off doing their thing, waiting for the next mission. Sonya, on the other hand, was doing Henry a solid.

"Hey, who are you talking to?" Trevor said, wearing a flannel shirt, and jean pants, scarfing down a donut from the counter.

"The TV! I need to cheer on the team!" Sonya said. "I wish that I was the one doing the interviews for the news! Maxi is so droll sometimes!"

"... You know those things are one way, right?" Trevor put on a wry grin as he bit the last piece of donut.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Sonya flicked her hand as she hopped up to her feet. "You ready, Obott?"

"To shoot your fancy guns, nah, nah," Trevor closed his eye as he shrugged. "Just came here to eat all your donuts, and watch you shout at TVs."

"Oh you." Sonya said as she skipped her way over to the door. Gesturing for Trevor to follow, "Come on." Trevor followed behind her as she made her way over to the shooting range. This was the solid; taking this little brat shooting. She's only doing this because she's waaaay better at guns than Henry, and she's always one to share her knowledge. What good is this impressive marksmanship if you don't share it? This might actually be fun. Best of all Sonya would have made a friend in the boy!

"You know," Trevor said as he walked alongside Sonya. Running his hands through his hair. "Do you think I can become an Agent, and all that noise?" He asked.

"Ooooooh! What makes you want to do that?!" Sonya asked.

"Big lizardman Henry." Trevor said. "He's a real inspiration, y'know?" He knew that Henry was a good friend... despite the fact that he exploited the lizardman for stupid demands. Though... after the raid, the boy thought about the impact of his actions. Hell, they managed to save a lot of people because of him, and maybe he should think about that rather than stupid favors to annoy Henry. Maybe he could put this awful power to good use, and help more people.

And increase his chances of getting the booty.

"Yeah, yeah, I know..." Sonya said, putting her hands behind her back. "But, seriously, your odds are as low as they get! Have you taken a look at yourself?"

Trevor looked down.

"... You're thin as a rail! And barely even taller than me! You need to bulk up if you're going to be a real NEST Agent. Because, on the job, you need to be in peak physical condition if you're going to last five seconds!" Sonya explained.

"... but I'll shatter my fragile femininity!" Trevor sarcastically shouted.

"In the war on evil Metahumans," Sonya started off. "You gotta make sacrifices! Know how many times I lost this arm alone?" Sonya put up her hand. "At least ten, it's like the universe wants to tear it off because it'll come back!"

Trevor laughed again.

"Though, maybe you'll make the cut," Sonya said, looking him right in the eye. "Maybe-" but if you do become a NESTie, you'll never beat my record, darling! Maybe you might beat Leon's friendly fire record, but definitely not mine! I have over three-hundred confirmed kills."

Trevor shrugged. "... How about I prove my shooting prowess in the range?"

"I'd like to see that," Sonya started off. "I'll have to teach you a few things. Oh, yeah, we're here."

Sonya and Trevor stepped inside the shooting range.

Lihua Vuhong, Meifeng Vuhong, & Mika Baozai.

"... How annoying."

Lihua said to herself right as the news report ended. Not only did those bastards go on to storm the castle without her, they have the utter audacity to move on like she was never there in the first place. Like her contributions never mattered. Lihua let out a sigh, as she reached into her purse and pulled out a metal flask full of whiskey.

"Yeah, that's definitely appropriate while holding a baby...."

Meifeng's voice came from the seat next to her. Wearing an outfit that was unusual for her (Mostly because Lihua made her wear it). A white dress shirt, and a plaid pattern skirt (With red converse sneakers). A deviation from Meifeng's usual tomboy outfits - mostly because Meifeng never wears a skirt unless she was forced to. She was sitting in the chair with one leg folded over the other. She reminded Lihua that she was holding Lijuan in her other arm. Keeping this feisty child from running all over the place. She couldn't risk it.

"... And in a public place."

Meifeng said, rolling her eyes. She also reminded Lihua that she was in the Grand Byzantium Hotel, in Turtle-Creek. Here to meet a certain someone. The Hotel lobby was a nice place. Tile floors, a nice wooden ceiling, and this lobby was large, with plenty of sofas, and a nice large screen TV. Due to the status of the hotel, they were essentially the only people in there.

"... I don't get why I'm here." The last of the three noted in Chinese. Mika Baozai. Lihua's niece, who is currently staying with the Vuhongs for now. The chubby woman was wearing a white night dress, with white wedge sandals. Her eyes were, of course, behind thin-framed glasses.

"Well, for starters, stop using our language." Meifeng was quick to hiss at Mika in English.

"Oh, I wasn't aware an entire language was exclusive to you." Mika narrowed her eyes at her cousin.

"You're not even Chinese - you're part Chinese. You're half Japanese."

"That's incredibly racist." Mika noted.

"Girls, enough." Lihua hissed as she put her flask back into her purse. Even though Mika is older, hearing them bicker damn near all the time made them both sound like five year olds.

Meifeng grunted, giving her mouth a flat look. Well, Mika did ask a question that went unanswered. "You're here because I want to settle this little dispute between you and your dad so you can be out of the house."

Mika gave Meifeng a dry look. "It has nothing to do with you."

"Well it does since you're taking up space in my house." Meifeng said. "And I mean space."

"Girls...." Lihua stood straight up, sounding like she was about to reprimand the girls, before she nodded her head ahead of herself. "He's here."

Lihua quickly stepped over the front doors, followed by Meifeng and Mika - who were bickering pointlessly as usual. Though, Lihua didn't pay them any mind. She was facing the two people who just walked into the hotel. A man and a woman. A man and a woman that was very familiar to her.

"Brother..." Lihua said in Chinese. Lihua was facing her much older brother, Jiao-Long. A man that was taller than she was, which was hard to tell since he was hunched over. He held his hands behind his back. He was wearing a suit, and his hair was starting to grey. Lihua and Jiao-long didn't look all that much alike - with Lihua's features being sharper - but there was at least a resemblance.

"Hello, Qiao-" Jiao-long said, before the man caught himself - earning himself a fierce look from Lihua that left the two girls befuddled. "Sister, sister, how have you been?" Jiao long asked, opening his arms for a hug. It hurt Lihua's pride a bit, but she moved in to accept the hug. She was released from her brother's grip soonish.

"Father." Mika said the word, like an insult. Which Lihua caught up on, but was unsure of just what caused their fight. However, this was just about much of what Mika said. Her lips were sealed during the rest of the conversation.

There was something that Lihua noticed about Jiao-long that seemed a little off... her eyes drifted towards his hand, and she eyed that it was covered in bandages. Huh? She pointed at her brother's hand. "Jiao-Long, what happened to your hand?"

"Oh- this?" Jiao-Long put his hand out as he quickly stammered for a response. There was a couple second pause. "There was a lab accident in one of the Savior buildings. I got burned. Everything should be fine."

"Alright then, I hope you are okay."

Jiao-Long merely pulled his collar as he focused on Lijuan. A subject change. He leaned in, and put his finger out. The baby grabbed onto it, and playfully bit it. "And this is little Lijuan? I never seen her in person!"

"Wait, what?" Meifeng scratched the side of her head the exact moment that Jiao-Long said this. Throwing a suspicious look over to her mother. Because she swore that, before Lihua's little downward spiral, Lihua said that both of them were hanging out with Jiao-Long... and suddenly he has never seen her in person? "Yeah, you never seen her before, huh?" Meifeng said as she turned towards Lihua.

Lihua tried her best to ignore her daughter. "Yes, and she's been quite excited to meet you." She said in a mushy tone that was almost uncharacteristic. "Would you like to hold her?" She asked, holding out her baby daughter a bit.

"Yes, yes..." Jiao-Long said as he grabbed her. Holding her by her sides. He examined her - however, Lijuan didn't exactly like this. She started smacking him in the face, shouting, until Lihua took her back. There was a brief awkward silence.

"... She just does that sometimes." Lihua said. "Sorry."

"It is fine... maybe she'll come to like me when she gets older." Jiao-Long said to Lihua, sporting a cheerful smile on her face. "But... there is something I wanted to talk to you about, Q- sister." Jiao-Long said, stepping in and getting a curious look from his sister. "I've been having a few conversations with Meifeng...."

"... Oh." Meifeng said out loud. Oh boy. She was sincerely hoping that he would keep his mouth shut about what she said. This was not going to be good....

"And?" Lihua raised an eyebrow.

"... And she's been telling me when you have been acting... strange. A bit more stressed and exhausted than usual. Which I believe might be because of your NEST work, and if you need me to, I will take Lijuan and Meifeng back with me to Black Fall until everything is looking safe here in Verthaven."

Lihua's hand clenched. God damn it. Why can't this little girl keep her mouth shut for two god damn seconds? One thing that Lihua hated was having her business broadcasted. "... Maybe someone needs to keep their mouth shut, yes?" Lihua's eyes drifted towards her daughter. Good grief. She better not get the same speech she's been getting for the past two weeks. Because it's something she's getting tired of. "I'll tell you the same thing I told Meifeng; I am fine[i], and you do not need to worry about me."

After the words left her mouth, she pulled her flask out of her purse, and started drinking it.

"Sister, you shouldn't drink in such excess." Jiao-long noted.

Now that annoyed Lihua a bit. Buzzed on alcohol, the woman stood her ground, "I may be younger, but I am not a child, Jiao-long. Stop treating me like one." Lihua said - but before she let Jiao-long say anything in response. "And my girls don't need to go anywhere they've been fine with me because I've been working my ass off keeping it that way."

"You don't need to be defensive, I am merely suggesting." Jiao-long said.

"And I am merely suggesting that you mind your own business for once in your life." Lihua leaned in hissing out the words. "Especially, when you don't even take care of your own kids. In the two years I was there, I was taking care of your girls more than you did."

Now that pissed Jiao-long off.

"You're always pushing everyone away!" Jiao-Long shouted right into his little sister's face.

"You're always getting into everyone's business like you're a god damn hero!" Lihua shouted back.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...." Meifeng said in English as she got in between the two, holding her hands up. "This is getting a little heated, don't you think? How about we take five and come back...?"

Lihua groaned as she turned and walked right out the door. Followed by Meifeng. When she stepped out the door, she shook her head.

"... Hey, what the hell?" Meifeng said, running up to her mother. "You didn't have to be such a di- jerk, mom. He was only trying to help."

"And I keep saying I don't- know what? I tire of this. How about we "take five" just like you said?" Lihua resigned.

"Yeah, sure. There's lots of stuff in the Downtown district."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Nathan was trying to remember something. This was a constant: he was forgetful, but not as one would expect of a seventy year old. He was forgetting things he had not experienced, just as he learned that which he had not known. He was remembering the smell of gunpowder after five days and nights of the ghost dance and the way the smoke rolled off the first train to screech through the transcontinental railway.

Also, he couldn't remember the name of the one guy from Friends.

"Not the short one," he muttered. "Rose. Rose, what was his name?

"Who's name?"

"The guy from Friends."


"No, how could I forget Joey, the other one."

"I dunno, I never saw Friends."

Nathan sighed. He had tried to raise Rose well but, clearly, failed in some regards. No man can accomplish everything. And Joey couldn't accomplish anything. "I fear for you, sometimes."

The park bench was peaceful, as were most places that Nathan went. He had a disarming personality - something about the genial old smile and gentle aura he gave off. He was many-in-one. Sometimes when he closed his eyes he saw himself through the eyes of a pigeon perched thirty feet away, or had a brief little glimpse through the eyes of someone long dead. If he listened close, he could hear the whispers from beyond the passing cars and constant noise of city life. Many people had died in this city through the centuries. Someone had a heart attack on this park bench only a few months ago. If he focused, he felt the pain creep up his left arm, saw the colors blur and run.

"...It definitely wasn't Joey," Nathan muttered. He turned to look at Rose for a moment. She had on her proper prosthesis - the leather-and-steel one was crude, but she preferred it. Understandably. There was a beauty in simplicity, and the electronic one was prone to break. You don't have to recharge steel. She was constantly working with it, idly making her fingers dance one way, then the other, rolling her wrist, flexing and releasing. The prosthesis lacked the finesse of a real hand, but was better than nothing. Nathan wondered how precise they'd be in another few decades. Won't matter. She'll still be wearing the leather one.

"What," Nathan began, looking across the gathering. Downtown was always busy, he had found, the few times he had come through Verthaven before. Nathan did not care for cities. There was lots of noise, too much energy and life all bustling about. The desert and the wild was simpler: a big empty expanse, and the noise was all animals and the occasional person. Easier by far to listen to. That was a solo performance; this was a rock concert. Nathan remembered rock concerts - these he had actually attended. He managed to get backstage by convincing Led Zeppelin's bouncers he had mescaline. I love stereotypes. "Do you think of this place, Rose?"

"It's different," she decided, brushing some hair back behind her ear with her left hand. "But not bad. Maybe not good either. I don't really know yet."

"There are more like us here," Nathan said, a statement that was wonderfully neutral.

"There are," she said, the subtext of what he had said not lost on her. More like us. But not more of us.

"They have academies. I like to think I have trained you fairly well, but these people haven't had their brains boiled in the desert for fifty years. Might be they know a thing or two I don't."

I doubt it. "I'm sure they do," she said, nudging him with her prosthetic arm. "What are the plans for the rest of the day?"

Nathan shrugged. "I thought you knew."

Rose rolled her eyes, watching people pass by. There was certainly lots of energy in this place, and she would have been lying if she said she wasn't a bit excited to experience being a teenager in the big city. Hers had been a bit of a nomadic lifestyle. Mom and Dad had been wont to move around a bit, and then...some cold feeling lurched in her gut, like an empty where everything should be...Nathan was constantly on the move. Coming to Verthaven had been extremely surprising for her: he never went to one place, not like this. Not buying an apartment and packing a bag for more than a few nights. Nathan had a smile across his weathered face, and a devilish gleam in his eyes - one that she had learned to signify "I'm thinking of ways to mess with that person over there" - but there was something below it. He is close. Or thinks he is.

"They are here?" Rose asked very quietly in their native tongue. It was truly theirs now. She heard it only from him. He heard it from her and the dead.

Nathan's smile broke for a minute as he turned to look at her. He did not say anything, he merely nodded.


"...so, if it wasn't Joey, and it wasn't Ross..."

"You never said it wasn't Ross."

"I never say lots of things. Learn to listen."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

The Dreadnaughts

Eyes locked on target: heavy coat wrapped figure shaking his finger at a crew of working men unloading a box truck behind a grocery market in a strip mall under the pouring rain. An uninterested mid-height young man leaned against a fence nearby, lean build, fingered the cigarette in his hand and the hood of a brown rain coat hid his face. The docking manager looked in his direction before leaving his crew with some final words before walking off in a hurry between the buildings.

Grit looked up, watching his target make his escape. With a grin, he eagerly flicked the cigarette away and marched in the direction the coated man had gone, between the alleyways. He shot the workers a curt nod. As the brick-laden walls enclosed him on either side, the young mercenary broke into a sprint, each foot smacking against the pavement. The sounds of footsteps followed him, and then the familiar sounds of clicking metal. Grit snatched a flashbang from inside his coat and threw it at the feet of his pursuers as they began to open fire on him. He ducked down, feeling the bullets whiz past his head.

'God, I nearly shit myself.'

He heard the bomb explode, and the gunfire stopped, and then came the agonized moans of men who've had their senses deadened. Grit focused back to the chase, watching the muddy prints on the ground before they suddenly came to an abrupt halt. He heard footsteps above, and he saw the man working his way up the scaffolding on the side of the building. He had pulled the ladder up behind him, and Grit was unable to follow him the conventional method.

Determined, Grit gave himself a running start and jumped on a dumpster and propelled off the side, clutching onto and climbing up pipes that ran down the backside of the building - he pulled himself up and set a foot on top of one of the vents before hopping over and rolling onto the top of the building, where he came face to face with the man he was pursuing. The man desperately dug through his coat as Grit made his charge toward him, just in time as the man pulled out his 9mm pistol.

Grit slid on the ground beneath his aim and pushed the bottom of the barrel up and off to the side - a gunshot went off - as he pulled the man's arm down. His target cried out in pain as he like suffered and broken or dislocated finger. The man didn't try to fight to take the gun back, Grit just barely dodged in time to have his target's knee brush across the side of his face. Grit grabbed the man's other leg and pulled as hard as he could on it. Already off-balance, the man fell. Grit threw the gun off to the side, grinning like a fool as he cracked his knuckles in the face of his enemy.

The man jumped to his feet and threw himself into a blind punch at Grit. He pushed it to the side and delivered a left hook to the man's face, dazing him. A right uppercut followed immediately after and before the man could fall over, Grit grabbed his head with both arms and held him close, hitting him in the face repeatedly with his knee, before dragging him over and slamming his back against the fencing of the scaffolding. Grit pulled his head up by his hair - his face was puffy, bleeding from his nose, and bruises were swelling around his eyes.

He spat out a glob of gore, and a tooth came with it.

"You... you... thure run pur' fast... for a smoker."

"Aw, yeah? Well, what'd you expect! The name's Danny Grit. Sorry to burst that bubble there, but I ain't actually smoke. Just one of my many qualities, ya know?"

"So... ya know who I am. Who th' fuck are you s'posed to be?"

"Aw, darn it. I was hopin' you'd ask how we know." Grit replied disappointed. "Had a couple good lines in mind, ya know? One goes like, ain't no secret safe from me."

Jim blinked slowly, either confused and didn't know what he was talking about, or taken back by Grit's stellar personality.

"But lets be straight with each other, buddy." Grit said. "You're Hands, ain't no hidin' that. I'm a mercenary. My friends and I got a lot on you - all the way down to your credit cards."

Jim's chest began heaving as he struggled for breath. It was apparent he was entering a panic.

"And we know about your, uh... what do you call it? Your distribution. So what I got is a friend o' mine on my ear thing, y'see?"

Grit pointed to the bluetooth ear piece - a light shone blue.

"And he wants to ask you a few questions, alright? Best work with him, he ain't very, uh... patient. Ya know? I don't wanna hurt you no more, but if he asks..."

Grit handed the man the ear piece, who begrudgingly took it from him and put it on. He spat, "who's this?"

"Your worst fucking nightmare, that's who." Snarled the rough voice on the other end. "This is how it's gonna go: you're gonna spill everything you have or I'm gonna have that fucking chatterbox blow your head up. He's wearin' a handgun that can fit .50 caliber rounds."

Jim glanced at Grit with a look of shock. Grit confirmed the warning, and drew out a massive revolver from his coat, clumsily spinning it once as he did - fumbling and nearly dropping the damn thing as he did so. That's what a .50 caliber handgun looked like. It looked real fucking heavy. Jim hesitated talking back to the man on the other end. "And then?"

"Glad you asked." Washe said with a smirk. He spun around in his chair, throwing his back to an array of lit monitors. He winked at an amused Baron who was sitting across from him with his legs crossed. "When we're done, you're gonna go back, and tell them all about the Dreadnaughts."

"Hello people of Verthaven, welcome back from to VN Channel 11 news. With that commercial break out of the way, we'd like to return to a... very interesting interview. We will be doing a recap with reporter Amy Schuler and will then be covering this week in sports."

"Hello Verthaven, this is Amy Schumer reporting live in Bazaar Riviera. Here I am conducting an exclusive live interview with a representative of an actual mercenary organization, where we'll be discussing their reason for being here and their relationship with the meta-specialized law enforcement agency, NEST."

The man that stood next to her was unmistakably Isaiah Washe, more clean-cut than he could ever seem. A flawlessly clean black suit over a white collared shirt. Black tie. His hair was gelled and combed back and parted in the front. No makeup. His eyes penetrated the camera, looking as though he could see the viewers themselves.

"For the folks at home who might have missed it, can you tell us your name again? Which organization was it that you worked for and what do you do for it?"

"Yes ma'am." Washe replied matter-of-factly. "For now, call me Caesar. I work for the elite PMC known as the Dreadnaughts, where I perform as acting chief tactical officer. What I do is construct strategic and tactical routes for the Dreadnaughts to follow, as well as oversee operations and operational activity."

"What are the Dreadnaughts be doing in Verthaven?"

"We have been contracted by NEST to aid in the cleansing of organized crime in the city, and to return peace to Verthaven. We don't insinuate NEST is incapable of handling this matter on its own, but I can not disclose more than that."

"You said you were asked to cleanse Verthaven of organized crime."

"Yes." Washe confirmed. "We have already made numerous stride toward that goal. We've subdued several of the Fiends bosses many weeks back and have uncovered with NEST agents the Miranda Caryl Conspiracy. Now we're turning our eyes to the Hands of Science, and their hired Changeling Unit, to pick off and incarcerate what is left of them and to bring them to justice, by any means necessary."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"The walls have ears, Schuler." Washe responded dryly. "The Dreadnaughts have hidden in this city's shadows for long enough. Now we're confident of our intel and are ready to bring the fight to them.

"In fact..." Washe began to say slyly. "We are already taking action. You can expect to see results by, say... the end of this week."

"Any last words to wrap up this interview? To the viewers at home, or to the Hands of Science?"

"Of course. To Verthaven: soon you all will have nothin' to fear. This nightmare has drawn itself out long enough, and we've come to put it to rest. The danger the Hands poses to your friends, family, and children, will be exterminated. To the Hands of Science..."

Washe paused, letting the silence linger on for a couple delicious moments longer with a smug expression on his face..

"...keep checking your windows, you pissant bastards. You'll know it's us when you see it."

The interview closed, and the two bid their farewells before the news stations turned over to the sports anchorman. But the biggest question in mind was "why are the Dreadnaughts here?" All this time being spent hiding in the shadows, why now, of all times, to come out and make themselves known to all of Verthaven and to their enemies?

What was their rationale in all of this?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Lihua Vuhong, & Meifeng Vuhong.
@He Who Walks Behind

It was a short walk that managed to cool Lihua off a bit. Through the streets of Downtown, it was oddly desolate. Few people were walking about, save for the brave. Might be because of the increasingly strange attacks during the rain. Lihua took a step, and her high heel had splashed a puddle that she had stepped over. Lihua looked down, before she kept walking. With Lijuan in her arms, and Meifeng by her side, the matriarch was proud to admit that she feared nothing that could appear in the rain. For she has faced some of the most horrifying things known to man, and came out unscathed. She was confident enough in her abilities to make sure that the same would apply to her daughters.

Though, she was a bit disconcerted that so many people were afraid... She didn't have access to the full NEST systems and databases, so she couldn't see the, uh, full extent of the situation. Even then, she felt like NEST was too concerned with the Hands of Science, and the Changeling Unit. While they say they're looking into it, Lihua knew that the real focus was on those two organizations. Hopefully, this situation won't escalate - because with news of the raid, this might be the turning point in this whole pointless war.

That was none of Lihua's concern, however. Long as Max has her badge, that is.

For now, Lihua guessed that she was going to let things play out, and watch from the sidelines (And hope that she doesn't run out of money - fortunately, Lihua has amassed an enormous emergency fund). Lihua's eyes drifted over to Meifeng. Maybe connect with her children a little better. Repair those broken bridges with Jiao-Long... etc. Anything to just keep her mind off the job, honestly. Perhaps it's time to get something to eat. Lihua kept walking down the street, and every now and then, she'd peak into the buildings just to see how desolate they are. However, once she came by one electronics store - with TVs in the front window - one of the TVs showed something quite curious.

"Of course. To the people of Verthaven: worry not. This nightmare has drawn itself out long enough, and we've come to put to rest any fear or concern you may have for your friends or family, or for your children. To the Hands of Science..."

The man of the Dreadnaughts... Baron Moreu, as he told everyone (He seemed to have trusted Lihua enough with his true name - if he wasn't lying through his teeth), standing in what had to be the Bazaar Riviera. Which obviously meant that he wasn't in France. Lihua narrowed her eyes.

"...keep checking your windows. You'll know it when you see us."

"Good grief." Lihua muttered to herself, and rolled her eyes as she watched the TV. Oh, it appears that Baron lied to her... Not surprised. She thought to herself. Now that she was in a more sound mental state, she was more than certain the Dreadnaughts were still in the cit. After all, it was less about the Fiends, and more about "restoring order" to Verthaven... and, if anything, the situation escalated into a complete storm. Though, the Dreadnaughts were being quite open about their "return" to Verthaven. It didn't take a genius to deduce that this was all apart of their plan... Though, she hoped that they can handle what the Hands can throw at them. NEST had a hard time.

"... Someone you know?" Meifeng put her hands on her hips, and gave Lihua a curious look. Flashing her a toothy grin.

Again, this was none of Lihua's concern.

"An associate." Lihua shrugged. "Nothing important. Let's keep moving."

The woman just brushed it off just as that. She kept walking, with Meifeng at her side. She could call up Baron now, and raise a fuss about him lying to her - but what would that solve? All it'd do is make a fool of herself. Best if she just shrugs it off, and keep going. Though, Lihua had to admit that it'll be very interesting given that RAVEN and the Dreadnaughts are going after the Hands of Science. She wondered how the RAVENS would react to this news. She had a feeling that they wouldn't get along... and she'll be unable to mediate any conflict.

Eventually, the two found their way to a park - It was mostly Lihua, physically dragging Meifeng into it - and Lihua felt much more relaxed here. A very peaceful place, had plenty of people here. Kids playing, and families enjoying themselves. For a moment, Lihua briefly felt like it was a time before the Fiends attacked the city... when everything was simple, so to speak. The only threat was the occasional Meta-criminal, and the gangs. When people could live in what little peace you could get in this city. Lihua sighed.

That was going to return soon. Once the Hands are removed from the picture- ah, what is she kidding? After one threat is removed, another will always take it's place. A simple facet of life which Lihua has seen a thousand times before. A very pessimistic view on life, but it's clear that the alternative - total anarchy - is far less preferable. At least removing the Hands would give her some peace of mind.

As the woman scrolled through the park - instinctively keeping tabs on every person in here - one person (In this case, two) turned out to be a familiar face. Lihua turned towards him, stopping, and making Meifeng stop and look.

"Nathan," Lihua said, putting her hand on her hip. Her own arm was holding up Lijuan. She gave him her usual callous look. "It is a pleasure to see you here." In fact, Lihua knew about Nathan because he tended to cause a stir in NEST. The elderly man was vigilante... A trait that he should put behind him. Given the teenage girl - which had to be his granddaughter - sitting at his side.

"Huh?" Meifeng found herself scratching her head. What did mom have to do with this old guy? She has no friends. Meifeng peaked around Lihua's shoulder, and caught eye of a girl that had to be around her own age. That's what made Meifeng a bit more curious. "Hey there! Nice to meet you... two, yeah, you two." She smiled widely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 1 day ago

Quentin & Reed Taylor

Quentin shook his head as Sonya and Trevor headed off for the shooting range, chuckling as he drove a palm into his knee to stand up. Damn, he thought as he glanced over the NEST lounge. Never thought I’d be sat in a place like this one day, working with these people. It was strange. When he’d first started working for NEST it had been out of necessity, a means to survive - but now? Working with these people, seeing these sides of them as opposed to the cold, calculating demeanor that had always been presented before was interesting, reminding him of how both Cass and Reed were different people when they were on-duty. Hard as it was to admit but... he liked it.

It was different to before - working security had been a monotonous day job whilst the other business had slowly crept up and into his life until it finally led him to the abyss. And somehow, it was never just about the money - he’d had other motivations for doing what he did, deep down inside.

But this? It made him feel alive. For the first time in a while, even.

And, as strange as it was, he had a nagging feeling at the back of his head. Reed. Something told him he had unfinished business with his younger brother, if not because he was tired of the kid getting on his back whenever they met. They needed to talk - but first, he’d grab something to eat.

As he left the lounge there was a vending machine containing a wide variety of snacks for him to feast upon. Digging out his wallet as he scanned the interior’s contents for a targets, he found a packet of M&M’s to be suitable and quickly popped a dollar bill inside. Of course, the machine had seen better days and had probably seen it’s share of abuse over the years - so it took a while to drop the packet of chocolate and peanut deliciousness.

In the meantime, Quentin whipped out his phone and dialed a number that he’d not logged for a few months. After a couple of seconds of empty dial tone, a familiar voice piped up.

“Yeah, who is it?”

“Hey, it’s me - are you busy, by chance?”

“Nah, I’m off today. Why?”

“Alright, good because... well, I wanted to talk.”

“Seriously? For real, this time?”

“As I said, I wanted to talk. We need to talk. Just me and you, no bullshit - no lies.”

“Alright, sure. Stop by in an hour, if you want.”

Hanging up, it wasn’t until he popped the phone back into his pocket that he remembered he was due some M&Ms...

Driving down to Cass’ old place on University Row, it was strange to see the old neighbourhood again, after what he’d seen and been through. He’d not dropped by in over a year, if not longer - and even then it had been to drop something with Cass rather than paying Reed a visit. Rapping his knuckles on the door, he heard someone shout “It's open,” prompting him to step inside.

For all the maturity and wisdom Cass had, he was still a kid in ways - Quentin noticed the assorted 80’s-90’s action film memorabilia that decorated the house, from the Predator statue standing vigilant on a nearby shelf to an original Terminator 2: Judgement Day film poster with Arnie’s signature on it, framed upon the wall. Yup. Cass definitely lived here. But then again, so did Reed.

Helping himself to a couple of beers from the fridge and taking a seat at the table, he tossed Reed a nod as his brother stepped in. As he sat down, Quentin pushed the other beer across the table as a hint. Reed didn't seem to be taking it just yet, mind.

“What'd you want to talk about, exactly?” Reed was straight to business, as usual.

Quentin shrugged. “It’s… a lot of stuff. About what's happened this past year, how I've.. changed, I guess.”

“You changed a long time ago.”

“I didn't mean that.”

“Oh, really? Because I remember it clear as crystal enough. One day you just started acting different and distanced yourself from us, like that-” Reed snapped his fingers “Like you had something else going on. You kept going dark on us, disappearing for days at a time. Then you had the condo, the job, you had all that set up pretty easy looking from where I was standing. Me and Cass, we both had our suspicions - you leading the kind of life that he did as best he could to keep us out of.”

“I had my reasons for what I-” Before Quentin could get out an answer, Reed cut him off.

“What reasons? What the hell were you doing, exactly? I checked the file not long after you went missing, where they found your bike. Yeah, I know who Alec Lebedev is - or should I say, used to be. Is that what this shit was?”

Quentin didn't answer that time.

“Oh, here we go again. Silence is always convenient for you. God dammit, you're lucky I never took you in. The only thing that stopped me from doing that was because I knew it'd break Cass’ heart and for the sake of our Mom. What would she think if she saw this shit, huh?”

“Mom?” Quentin seethed, “Mom’s dead and she was barely around for us when she was alive. I'm the one who had to take care of things, I did more for you than she ever did!”

It took a moment for it to sink in before Quentin realised why Reed was looking at his balled up fist where he'd slammed it. In the table was a clear fissure in the wood, as if someone had smashed it with a hammer.

“What happened to you, Quent?” The younger of the Taylors finally asked. “I'm not even talking about how you were able to do that-” he gestured to the great crack in the table, “I've never seen you acting like this before. Shit, you're an asshole but… you're still my brother and it fucking concerns me for a reason. Even Cass worries about you too.”

“As I said, a lot of things. Look - you’re probably too young to remember this but things got worse for our family as the years passed by,” Quentin began, sinking back into the chair with a sullen look on his face, his tone finally apologetic, “Mom went from one deadbeat to another, trying to drown her pain through one thing or another. If it wasn’t booze it was painkillers, if it wasn’t painkillers it was booze - it went on, and on, and on. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always appreciated what Cass did for us in the end, and he was there for us, but not all the time - I don’t blame him for that, either.”

Reed wasn't convinced yet. “What’s your point to all this?” He shot back.

“My poin-.. my point is that I grew up before I should have had to and took the reigns all through that. Using the money I made through that life to help out with things and make sure we had something to eat at the same time. It’s always felt like you’ve never got that - never understood it. But, fuck it - that’s in the past. You were right, I never did entirely let go of that life for a time, and I’ve come to regret it.”

“..Thanks.” For the first time, Reed had finally heard it openly from his brother and softened his resolve. “Is that why you wound up working for NEST? Did they offer you some kind of amnesty?”

“Something like that. I kept my name off the register for a long time because... I just wanted to keep it to myself, I guess,” Telling Reed about what those twisted bastards had done was still too raw a wound expose, so instead he kept it brief. “One day I wound up in a situation that changed me, through that I ran into NEST - and they found out that I was a Metahuman and told me that with my background in security, I could still work for them as an agent. I doubt that the alternative would’ve been preferable.”

“So.. is this why you've been acting different?”

“Yeah.” Quentin answered.

A few more minutes passed as the two spoke. Reconciliation felt good, like taking a weight off Quentin’s psyche. Eventually it felt like it was time to head back home, so he pressed a couple fingers against the cracked table to stand, noting “Tell Cass I'll replace the table when I've got time.”

Just before he touched the door, Reed spoke up. “Hold on. You got anything else planned?”

Quentin arched an eyebrow. “No, why?”

“I know a good place downtown not far from here, they run discounts for cops.”

“I'm not a cop-” Quentin got cut off.

“You work for NEST, don't you?” Reed’s tone was dangerously sly.

For the first time in many years, the Taylor brothers grinned in unison.

A couple hours later.

Turns out that Reed wasn't bullshitting. Whilst it was hardly the kind of place you’d see the high-class Knightdale Rows types flooding in, Bermuda’s had its merits. The drinks were good, the prices not too bad and the patrons lively enough to create a decent atmosphere. Senior students often dropped by to unwind and unlearn after a long day at studies, lectures and work whilst other colourful characters dropped by.

In a corner by the pool table, the Taylor brothers sat across from one another with a couple beers beside them. For both of them, this reconciliation was long overdue and, for the oldest of them more than anything, it had been a boon to his psyche.

“Say, how’s that new placement you’ve had these past couple months? Cass seemed real proud for you.” Quentin asked after swigging from his bottle.

“It's good,” Reed nodded, optimistic as ever, “I mean, it's hard but it's fulfilling. Makes you feel like you're making a real difference.”

“Yeah?” Quentin arched an eyebrow, reminded of something he'd meant to say, “Y’know, ever since I started working for NEST, I’ve felt... different. Strange, even. In a good way. I’ve felt like I’m... doing something worthwhile, for a difference.”

A fox’s sly smile formed across Reed’s face. “I can’t believe the words that our coming out of your mouth. Did they... brainwash you, or anything? I know your workplace has those telepathic types, maybe they scrambled your head.”

Quentin chuckled and flipped him off for that. “Hah, fuck you too. Yeah, I’ll admit it - I thinking I’m getting that same buzz you and Cass love to brag about. And it’s had a weight off my chest.” Finally, he’d admitted it. To the last man he’d expected to no less. Though... planting that boot on Heartbreaker’s hand had contributed to reducing the weight, but that was better left unmentioned.

Incidentally, it also reminded Reed of something he'd had on his mind. “Whilst we’re getting things off our chest... you know about that little incident down at the beachside area a couple of weeks ago, right?”

“Yeah..” Quentin answered, having already made himself familiar with Reed’s report a few weeks back, when he'd first heard of it.

“Well... remember how the report - yes, I know you’ve got access to that kind of information - mentions that me and Gabe were helped out by a couple of anonymous kids who left before I could take their details down?”

“Go on.”

“I had the opportunity to speak with them. By the looks of it, they were probably young enough to have parents who’d be pissed if they got caught out on a night like that. So I let them slip for once, figured they'd earned it and keeping them wouldn't serve any purpose.”

“So you’re saying that you, Officer Reed Taylor - poster boy for Verthaven’s Finest - bent the rules? Bullshit.”

“That's Detective to you. And if it weren’t for them, those Met-.. those suspects might’ve killed Gabe and I would’ve gone the same way, most likely. I owed them.”

“No shit. Heh, maybe there is still some hope for you, little brother. Consider your secret safe with me.” Quentin snorted, amused at the notion, before adding “Don’t short change yourself though - you held up pretty well. Better than most in your place.”

“Nah, there was a girl with her friends. Had a mean ability to control water and ice, almost matched her personality.” Reed remembered the girl - she wasn't exactly easy forget. “She and her friends did a lot of the ‘hero’ work.”

Quentin was about to move on when something clicked at the mention of those particular traits. “Hold on. Just out of curiosity, was she asian? Dark-brown hair, ponytail, probably has a scar on her face or something?”

It took Reed a moment to think things through, before nodding, “I think, yeah.”

Quentin burst out laughing at that one. “For real?”

Reed wasn’t exactly in on the funny side of it, answering “Yeah, for real. You know her or something?”

“No shit, it’s a small world.” Quentin wiped a palm across his face and downed another gulp of his drink. ’Damn. Wonder if she has a thing for lifesaving. Who knows, but having worked with her mom - I wager she had her reasons for wanting to be kept out of it.’

“Anyway..” he decided it best to move on, tugging his wallet out of his pocket. “Next round’s on me.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BantlingBee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jan Sawyer

More than once, Jan awoke that night to the smell of rain. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence, save for the fact that she was no longer in Seattle or anywhere else in the Pacific Northwest. She would roll over and look at the still unfamiliar walls of her apartment before realizing where she was. The third time her slumber was punctured by the aroma of petrichor, she finally realized that something was amiss. She had heard rumors in training about strange weather patterns bringing violence to Verthaven, and this had put her on edge considerably. Actually, everything had put her on edge considerably. Tomorrow was her first official day at NEST, and anxiety had caused her to sleep fitfully since coming back to California.

Her cat, Mugsy, stared at her from his perch on the windowsill, where he peered outside. It was 5 am, and sunlight had just begun to seep through her bedroom’s flimsy curtains. She made a mental note to buy better ones after she finished unpacking. Although her position was supposed to start that Monday morning, she had only arrived the previous Saturday and was still living out of boxes and suitcases. Finally deciding that sleep was a losing battle, Jan rose and decided to face the inevitable dawn. She turned on the tv while she made breakfast and fed Mugsy, more for background noise than because she had a pressing concern about local news or sports scores.

They were still playing clips from the previous night’s interview with some man claiming to be the head of a PMC recently contracted by NEST. She paused, and studied the screen for a moment in between bites of her apple. Although the man claimed to be a psychiatrist, there seemed to be something…off…about him. He seemed familiar, though she was fairly confident that they’d never met. Still, he reminded her of someone. There was something oily about him, though she wasn’t sure if that conclusion came more from his smug smile or the excess of product used in his hair. The interview finished with an eloquent threat for the Hands of Science, and Jan found herself studying the man on tv more closely, trying to parse who he reminded her of. Then the camera zoomed in show the man shaking hands with the reporter, both of them smiling and exchanging pleasantries. Of course! Between the smarmy smiling and the clean-cut charisma, he reminded her of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.


The drive to NEST HQ was uneventful, and Jan found herself trying to memorize landmarks in hopes of finding a nearby café or restaurant for her lunch break. She had hastily grabbed Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque from one of her many boxes of books, and realized with some sardonicism that Poe was probably not the best conversation starter. According to all of the paperwork that she had received, she was being placed in the I&I branch of NEST. This made sense given her abilities as a linguist and a computer expert, and she was a bit relieved that she wouldn’t likely be in the field. She still hadn’t learned how to properly control the ‘sonic boom’ portion of her power, and that made fieldwork somewhat dangerous. Unlike her pitch and echolocation abilities, her ability to create shockwaves with her voice had just recently become apparent. It had proven itself destructive and embarrassing and she had begun speaking in a low voice in order to avoid further incidents. Still, part of her had hoped that field training would help her learn to control this so that she didn’t have to interact with the world like a perpetual laryngitis patient.

She arrived at HR, or what passed for HR at a place like NEST. A somewhat snippy woman told Jan to wait at a nearby table while she got someone named Eli from I&I to come and get her. So Jan waited. And waited. And waited. About half an hour later, a very tall man walked into the office.

“January Sawyer?” he asked, looking down at her.

“Yes sir. Jan Sawyer, sir.” She replied, standing up to stare at him.

“We’d like to talk to you about an opportunity here at NEST that we think might be mutually beneficial.”


“What, if anything, have you heard about taskforce RAVEN?”

Several hours later, Former Desk Jockey January Sawyer became Rookie Field Agent January Sawyer. She was sitting at her desk, stunned at the turn of events and the diversity of metahuman coworkers that she had seen pass in front of her desk in the past few hours. ‘Overwhelming’ was an understatement.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by UrbanEvolution
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UrbanEvolution Meme Historian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Maximilian Cornell, Dana Alcott, & Henry Olin.

"... What did you get on our little guests, Dana?" Maximilian asked as he leaned up against the wall of the observation room. Once again, they were asking the Changelings questions... well, one of them. Only one that bothered to talk was the Witch Mother. Fig kept quiet, and kept laughing. While Heartbreaker shot obscenities at the interogators.

"Well, for starters," Dana said as she looked up at the leader of RAVEN. "I have information that Fig is associated with many Middle Eastern terrorist groups... Causing widespread destruction regardless of who's on the recieving end. I don't know how she wound up in America - not without us knowing about it - but it was a few months ago when she was last sighted... In Iraq."

Maximilian sighed. "Great, we have a terrorist. What about the Witch Mother?"

"Her? I could get some more information on." Dana nodded her head. "Her name is Patricia Hermilus. She's from Haiti. It's hard to get information on this subject, but stories say that she comes from a long line of Metahumans in which the females get incredible power over biology. The Haitians, back then, called it Voodoo instead of it's proper name, hence why they're called Witch Mothers."

"That's pretty typical of humans. Create a name for something you dont understand to explain it." Henry, who was leaning against a wall, piped in. "Just look at the gods of Olympus."

"Hmph." Maximilian nodded in response to Henry, simply acknowledging him. "Is there anything more to note?"

"I... Believe she was forced into this - Adam and Leon say so, too." Dana started off, hesitant. Wondering what the two would think. She had a feeling they'd swat down her theories. "Leon and Adam say that she's experiencing... guilt. But, she's not telling us much. Like she's afraid of something. I read deeper into the legends, and it doesn't say that the Witch Mothers are [i]evil[i]. Just feared for their ability."

"She's not talking because she knows her boss is going to break her out."

"I personally dont think we should let up or let her off the hook. Legends or not." Henry stated. "I've been having Eli do some digging into what we know about he changelings... it's not good stuff. We should probably move her soon if we think she's at risk of being liberated unconstitutionally."

"Oh, I have this all planned out." Maximilian said, almost grinning smugly.

"We know that they are in the city." Dana noted. "They practically announced it when we found Mark and his daughter dead." She hung her head.

"And my plan relies on them trying to break Heartbreaker and the others out."

"It's a damn shame Mark and his daughter passed. He just about saved my life." Henry said, crossing his arms and shaking his head. Mark was a bad person, but bad people sometimes did good things. He was used to people dying in this field of buisness- he almost expected it given Mark's lack of experience with the whole situation he had been in. But hearing or seeing it, no amount of preparation could prepare a person fully for that.

"I wish we could have done more to help them - it's what we agreed to do in the first place." Maximilian shook her head, lowering it in shame. "But, we have to do our best to bring the Changeling Unit down once and for all. They made the mistake of revealing their hand too early, and giving us plenty of time to prepare."

Dana nodded her head. "And the key to stopping them lies in keeping Heartbreaker detained. If what the information Mark gave us is correct, the Unit is going to break her out. In case they breach headquarters, I mixed up the information a bit; the files say that Heartbreaker is being contained in a cell that she isn't. Only RAVEN knows otherwise."

"It'll prolong them just in case." Max said. "But, that reminds me of a group of people we drove into hiding." He started off.

"The Hands Chairmen." Dana nodded her head. "After the raid on their stronghold, it's likely we won't be able to find them."

"I doubt they're off the grid right now. I'll talk to a few of my sources and see if I can get a few... tips on where to look. Might be able to point you in the right direction." Henry said, his lips tugging upwards lightly.

Maximilian didn't want to question who his sources are. At this point, it's proven that the Hands of Science are so dangerous that it warrants acting... outside the law. Just a little. "Do what you need - in the meantime, we'll just have to keep knocking over labs."

"The information that Co- Cyber got us is helping Branches in other cities." Dana smiled. "This raid has really given us a leg over them."

Just as their conversation was coming to an end, Maximilian's cellphone started vibrating, playing a song. Max reached into his pocket, and pulled it out, and the caller ID read Sonya Mayfield. He wondered what she wanted, she should be fulfilling Henry's little deal with Trevor. He pressed answer, and the first thing he heard was automatic gunfire.

He realized that he should have pressed answer.

"Agent Cornell, speaking," Max started off. Henry could hear Sonya's voice chattering, and how Max's heartrate almost immediately sped up. "No, Agent Mayfield," He started off, shaking his head. "He can't shoot the minigun. No, he can't shoot the grenade launcher either."

He clenched his cellphone, and turned his heard halfway to Henry. Giving him an angry look that just conveyed how angry he was getting.

Max put his hand over the cellphone's speaker, and said to Henry, "Agent Olin, how about you go down to the shooting range, and stop Agent Mayfield from wasting our entire ammo supply for one deal?" It was hard not to tack on "that you made".

"Yeah, I might as well help her out in doing that." Henry said, giving Max a sly grin and pushing off of the wall he was leaning on to head to the gun range.

"Olin, please."

"Yeah, yeah. Party pooper. No cake for you."

When Henry walked off, Maximilian facepalmed so hard. He said to Dana, "At this point, I don't know who's the bigger threat; Hands of Science, or my team."

Sonya Mayfield, Trevor Obott, & Henry Olin.

"... Okay, I didn't get the minigun, but I got the grenade launcher!" Sonya said as she ran into the room with a M32 Grenade launcher.

"Oh shit, how'd you get it?" Trevor asked as he aimed down the range with a ACR. He stopped firing when Sonya came in.

"Blackmailed the Quartermaster." Sonya said so casually that it implied that she does this on a regular. "Said I'd tell his wife that I caught him getting head from one of the privates if he didn't give it to me."

"Oh shit. Looks like he should have kept it in his pants." Trevor started laughing, then the question hit him. "Was she hot?"

"It was a guy."

"And? Question still stands."

"Some would say that's something you should report to HR." Henry said, slinking through the doorway with his arms crossed. "Although I'm not really one of those people."

Both turned towards Henry. With Sonya shoving the grenade launcher into Trevor's chest quickly.

"... He stole it." Sonya grinned.

"Hey!" Trevor snapped at Sonya (Jokingly, of course), before he faced the lizardman in the room. "But, uh, hey, Henry! We were just having some fun here in the shootin' range with all these fancy. I was hopin' to start shooting with you, in fact." He smiled widely.

"Give me a shot. It's my turn and the only time I can hit a target is with collateral damage." Henry said, putting one of his hands out for Trevor to place the genade launcher. He was shit with most weapons because they were rather... small.

Sonya put her hands on her hips, and tilted her head. Giving Henry a curious smirk. "... There's a reason why I'm the sniper, and you're the spotter!" Sonya chipped, her tongue flopping out her mouth.

"There's also a reason why I'm a higher rank than you. Now put that thing away before someone steps on it." Henry said, giving her a friendly grin. He then caught himself. "Oh! Nearly forgot." He said, reaching into his pocket and handing Sonya his ID.

'Captain Henry J. Olin.'

'NEST First Class'

"Take that to the quartermaster. No need to make sexual abuse claims on anyone. Just show 'em that I'm asking. Now go get that minigun."

"Ooooh, naughty." Sonya said as she sucked her tongue back into her mouth. "Maxi is going to literally explode if he finds out that we're using the grenade launcher, and the minigun." She started laughing as she jumped to the door. "I'll be back. You boys have fun!" She said as she hopped through the doors.

Now that left Trevor and Henry. The former was having a blast. He was in the headquarters of one of the greatest organizations in the world (I.E The one that didn't beat him up as much as the others), shooting all their expensive guns after helping save the day. Oh, yeah, he wanted to talk to Henry about that.

"So, uh, Henry," Trevor said as he grabbed the ACR, and walked over to the range. "Wanted to talk to you about, you know... what happened that night, if it's okay." He shrugged.

Henry aimed down the sights of the M32 grenade launcher, and fired off a few shots. Henry was huge and the gun was very small on him. Because of this Henry wasn't a very good shot. The flares, which were in place of actual grenades fired off and despite this Henry still counted it as a victory since it was... close enough. Once he had deemed himself not a failure, he turned his head away from the gun to face Trevor.

"Uh... yeah, what do you want to know?"

"Whoa - oh wait." Trevor got his hopes up when Henry fired the grenade launcher. The boy wanted real grenades, not these gay flares. He'll have to convince them to get actual grenades later (Well, he did convince them to get the minigun, he can do anything with his Texan charms!). Though, that's a whole another discussion.

"Well, it's less of wanting to know something, and wanting to say a few things," Trevor started off, looking off to the side for a moment. "I was just, uh, thinking about how I helped people. Even indirectly." He shrugged. Okay, Trevor knew he was sounding a little awkward. "I mean, NEST didn't suffere any casualties, right? And ya'll got a lot of people out of there? I feel like I'm putting this stupid-ass power of mine to good use."

Henry contemplated his response. He was, unfortunately, fairly certain that not everyone walked out of that building okay. Some dude probably got stabbed by an HIV infected needle and as always someone probably fell down the stairs... and he and Max got beaten to a pulp. He was still figuring out his new ability and just... gah. Shit's weird, yo.

"We got everyone out. A few agents, myself included, had to be taken into the hospital on a stretcher but... You did an amazing thing. If anyone... didn't go home, they were by far the minority. You did save a lot of lives, though." Henry commented. He lowered the gun and heaved up the next gun, which was a combat shotgun.

"Your sister and parents, wherever they may be, would be proud Trevor. If there's one thing I've found about people it's that no matter if they shun you or dislike you because you're one of... us," Henry said, motioning to himself for emphasis. "It's that using what you have to help other people is always smiled upon. Even if they dont want to admit it." Henry finished. He turned back to the target and with one arm aimed the shotgun and fired off two shots. One of which missed completely, while the other hit pretty dang close to the bullseye.

That speech... that really felt like it was something that Trevor needed. "You know... yeah, thank you." Trevor nodded his head. That cheeky grin was nonpresent. Henry was right, he helped people. Even if it was for rather stupid reasons at first, and even if he pissed himself, he made sure that people made it out of that hell-lab.

"I feel great making sure that everyone made it out alive, and you stuck it to those bastards." Trevor just flat out and said it. "But, you know, I was..." He trailed off for a brief moment, thinking about how Henry would feel about this. "... Ah, screw it, I was thinking about joining NEST." He shrugged.

"Hah, more like they stuck it to us. Max and I nearly got fucked right, I got lucky too." Henry stated, taking another shot. When Trevor said he was going to join NEST though, Henry jumped a little, and his arm moved, making the shot go way off course.

...Which resulted in the pellet's spread being perfectly on target. Damn.

"Well, you know how I feel about that." Henry said, lowering the gun and clicking on the safety. "I supported your sister, and I'll support you. Verthaven needs all the help it can get right now." he continued, reloading the gun and then setting it on the counter next to Trevor for him to use next.

"Just make sure you're okay with it... Since... the incident our reputation's gone down. We're working it back up and the RAVEN program has been a massive success so far, just... just make sure you want to do this." Henry said, motioning to all around him.

"You'll be fine either way, but I dont want you having any regrets. Ya know?"

Henry had a few points here. Verthaven needs a hero... well, more heroes - but was Trevor ready to be one of them? He wasn't completely sure himself. Meifeng always said something like "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". He was ready to give this NEST business a try - even if he becomes something lame like a nurse (He'll be the cutest nurse there is). Either way, if it doesn't work, he can always pursue his earlier dreams of becoming a male pornstar!

Trevor grabbed the gun, and walked over to the range without a word. He braced himself on the stand, before aiming down the sights. Taking a breath.

"It's a shotgun, so it's got some kick to it." Henry commented, crossing his arms and watching the young man.

Fortunately, due to years practicing shooting at a ridiculously young age, the boy was ahead of the game, shall we say. He was getting ready to shoot when Henry....

Henry smirked. "Hold on ooooone second." he stated, before turning around and disappearing around the corner. He returned a few minute or so lated holding a rather large but otherwise normal looking rifle.

"It's all loaded up. Give this one a shot." Henry said, a stupid grin on his face.

Trevor's otherwise plain facial expression turned upside down into a comical frown, upon seeing the ridiculously large gun. "... Is that a damn T-Rex gun?" Trevor had to ask. He saw a few videos of it on the internet.

"Elephant gun, actually. 577 Tyrannosaur." Henry stated. He turned to face the target and fired off a shot himself. Despite Henry's immense size, even his shoulder moved some from the force behind the gun. He whistled lowly and peered down the shooting range to get a look at the size of the entry hole the bullet left in the target.

"It's like, ten bucks a shot," Henry commented, moving his arm in a circular motion to relax his shoulder. "Wanna give it a shot?"

Trevor knew that saying yes was a stupid idea. That could result in his shoulder getting destroyed (Not just any shoulder, his shooting shoulder!). Though, he couldn't resist shooting such a comically powerful weapon (What the hell are guns these even for? Elephants are awesome!). Damn, he wished that the others were here, so he could blame all of this on peer pressure.

"... I'll do it."

Henry gingerly passed the weapon into Trevor's hand. "Be careful with her, she is special to me..." He said quietly.

Trevor ignored the innuendo he could make right now in favor of focusing on the matter at hand. He took a step to the range - and that step felt like he was walking the green mile. He couldn't bitch out now. Not when he can look cool in front of Henry, and prove he'll be a great NEST Agent! He had to brace himself just right, or else this was going to hurt. A lot. He aimed down the sights right at the center of the target... a red dot. He hated red dots.

There was a welling feeling in his chest that this was not going to end well.

But when the hell has that stopped him?

Feeling as if he needed to stop being a bitch, Trevor pulled the trigger, and god damn he should have turned it down. The kickback was so strong that Trevor was launched backwards so fast that, the next thing he knew, he was on the ground. Hard. The gun hit the ground right next to him. His shoulder was crying in pain. On the bright side, he hit the target right on the mark.

"... I did it." Trevor said, as he raised a finger. "I didn't miss... Yay... Aren't I NESt material?"

"I got the minigun! Thing's heavy as hell." Sonya shouted as she kicked the door open, holding the minigun in between her froggy hands. She took two steps in, and looked down at the groaning Trevor... and the gun at his side. "God damn it, Henry. You're supposed to do this stuff while I'm watching. Might have to report you to Maxi now."

"I got it on Snapchat dont worry!" Henry said, passing his phone to her.

"Ooooh!" Sonya took the phone without hesitation, and watched it - before she burst out in tears laughing! "Hahahaha! You could have did a flip, Trev!" She laughed.

"... You're a dick, Henry."

Henry looked over to Trevor, and walked over, grabbing the young man by the arm and lifting him back up to a standing position, grabbing the elephant gun with his other hand.

"Yeah man, you're in." Henry said. He had pulled the same thing on Scarlet. "Just submit your application and I'll pull the strings from there."

Trevor brushed himself off. "... Thank you, thank you, thank you...."

"I'll warn you, for now you might not go on any huge missions. Might act as a NEST deputy for the time being and work with another NEST agent just cause you're a minor. Just... write your age down as being seventeen." Henry said, scratching the back of his head. He'd make sure no one... noticed anything.

"Yeah... I think I will..." Trevor looked around. "... After I put my shoulder back in place."

Henry's phone started ringing, and he glanced at the caller ID saying "MAXIMILIAN CORNELL". Henry sighed and answered the call, making sure to put the call on speaker.

"... A god damn Minigun?!" Max shouted through the phone, practically shaking with rage. His pectoral muscles were almost at critical explosion levels. "I just told Mayfield she couldn't use the Minigun, and you just give it to her?!"

Henry could hear Crawling playing in the background.

"Well I mean it's for my person use because I felt like I needed practice, ya know, heavy gunning and all..." Henry said, doing his best not to snicker or bust out laughing.

"Olin," Maximilian started off. "Echo is heading to your location, and he's going to punch you through. The. Roof." He paused for a moment. "You best start running."

"Why run when you can minigun?!" Henry said, and then he hung up.

"Whelp," Trevor started off. "I think I should go, before Max sends his punch-ghost here."

Sonya, on the other hand, quickly turned invisible. Like hell she was going to miss this ass whopping!

"Yeah, since you're planning on joining up, you'll get your tour another day. Dinner tonight with the gang is at eight. Seeya then, Trevor." Henry said, winking at the young man.

Trevor nodded his head, and quickly made his way out of there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Lihua Vuhong.
@He Who Walks Behind

There was that slight air of confrontation in the area. Nathan might have expected a fight of some sort - but with the entire Vuhong bloodline here... that was quite unlikely. Long as Nathan plays nice, so will Lihua.

She'd hate to ruin this nice park.

Most of Lihua's attention was on Nathan, not Rose. Though, it was hard for her to ignore the prosthetic arm. Oh, honey, how did you lose that? The thoughts ran through her head before she answered her question, "I am Lihua. It is a pleasure to meet you." That was all Lihua said to her. She was hoping that Meifeng would keep her occupied, for now. That meant that Nathan had her full attention.

"I needed a tan, so I came in to visit." He glanced up at the grey skies overhead. "I suppose the clouds heard I was coming, eh? But the people here are just as sunny. And the ladies. I just saw some lovely sixty-year-olds sha-shaying past us a few minutes ago."

Lihua more or less shrugged off the joke. Small talk, etc. "Yeah, right." She blankly said, looking at the baby she was holding underneath her arms. Lihua wasn't buying it. She was sharp as a knife... she knew that Nathan was here in Verthaven - after avoiding the place for so long - for a good reason. She was suspended, but that didn't mean she was going to start turning a blind eye to things. She spent ages amassing a collection of information in that head of hers. Which why she created that boast "NEST knows everything" - mainly because she learned everything she could from NEST, and by simply keeping her ears to the ground.

Her suspicions were proven true when Nathan asked about the Changeling Unit... Ah, THAT'S what you're after, Mr. Danse.

Lihua wished that her daughter had dragged Rose off for some adventure by now, her legs were starting to get tired standing here. She'll have to make due. While she couldn't officially ask for his help, Lihua would be dumb to simply brush him off. The old man still has his uses, and Lihua couldn't say otherwise. "Perhaps I will, Danse." She said in response, half-grinning. "Someone needs to bring an end to the Changeling Unit, after all. Those monsters just can't be allowed to wreak havoc freely. It'll simply be unacceptable." She looked down at Lijuan for a moment, and the child was staring worryingly at Nathan and Rose. Hmph. Lihua promised herself that she wouldn't let any of those bastards touch Lijuan again. They'll get one hell of a fight out of the woman if they ever try. She leveled her vision back on Danse. Oh dear, she feels as if she's conveying more than she'd like...

Though, that statement was more to get a reaction out of Nathan than anything.

"I am currently on vacation." Lihua was quick to note. She was wondering how sharp Nathan was, because anyone who "knows" Lihua knows that she's a workaholic, and insanely dedicated to her job. She wouldn't go on vacation now of all times, when her talents are needed the most. Eh. She'll have to deal with it. Maximilian and his RAVENs are a massive success, even without her, so she doubted that he was in a rush to give her back her badge. "The stresses of the job were starting to get to me... I needed to remind myself of what mattered the most." She nodded her head in the direction of her one year old daughter in arm. "Not that I'm all that needed - NEST and their new team has been dealing all the major blows to the Hands of Science, and everyone who stands by them."

That was more of a reminder to herself that the whole conflict against the Hands of Science had little to do her anymore... no matter how many times she told herself that, it still hurt her pride just a little. "I'm fine sitting this fight out, either way." She said, it wasn't all that true to begin with. Before they could continue their little conversation, Nathan mentioned Rose and Meifeng's conversation. Which caused the woman to turn her head to look over, and saw them chatting each other up. "Oh, dear, is it true that my daughter has found someone as talkative as herself?" Lihua started off, sarcastically, snapping her head right back over to Nathan. "I believe that the world might end." She chuckled for a moment.

There was that feeling that she was getting a little off-track here. "So, Nathan, would you mind me steering our conversation back into the direction of, ah, work?" There was a question that she had to ask, and Nathan better answer it. "I'm not stupid, and I know much about your... travels, across the West Coast," Lihua let the words hang in the air. "You're in Verthaven because you're chasing whoever destroyed the Wodokai, correct?"

The Wodokai... A entire group of people gets massacred, and someone will notice. NEST was curious, but they weren't entirely sure that Metahumans were involved. So they left it to local law enforcement, and no results were made. Lihua had to sigh. If that happened in current times, it would have made news. Lihua only knew about this because she was looking into Nathan one time, and came across the information.

"... And if I were to venture, the Changeling Unit is responsible? Hm?"

Meifeng Vuhong.
@He Who Walks Behind

Meifeng had no idea what mom had to do with that old guy - probably some NEST crap - but hey, she can at least talk to someone her own age instead of playing third wheel to the older people. Only thing she did was that she prayed that they didn't date. That'd be nasty as fuck!

Regardless of that, Meifeng had someone new to meet... then wondered how long it'd take before Lihua ruins this relationship. Well, better make the best of it while she can. "Oh, Rose, that's a nice name, you know?" Meifeng started off, showing her usual kindness and friendliness above all else. "I'm Meifeng, an all star, you'll be hearing a lot of me." She boasted, leaning in with one hand on her hip, pointing a finger up into the air. Her eyes rested on the prosthetic arm for a brief moment. Huh. Reminded her of Ratchet. She was wondering how the girl was doing up there in Black Fall. Though, out of respect, Meifeng wasn't going to say a word about it. Because she had a feeling that the girl was thinking the same thing about all the scars on her face.

"So many people moving into the city." Meifeng shrugged, with a wry grin on her face. "With all the sh-" She stopped for a moment, realizing that she was going to swear in earshot of Lihua, and her friend. "-Stuff, with all the stuff going on, people would be going away from the city."

The girl scoffed, putting her hands on her hips. Keeping up that demeanor friendly at all times. "Well... other than all that crazy stuff that's been going on, I'll have you know that this is one of the most wonderful little cities you'll find." Meifeng said. "Beaches! Great people! Excitement! This city's got all that and more."

She shrugged again, maybe she's overselling it a little bit. To another person, Verthaven was just another city - but to Meifeng it was paradise! Just needed to get rid of the Hands to get rid of the drama.

"If you like, I can show you around later, meet some people. I know this city like the back of my hand." Meifeng offered, before she realized that she was getting a little ahead of herself. "... If you're not busy, yeah." She awkwardly shrugged.

Trevor Kevin Obott, and...

Despite it feeling like his shoulder was nearly blown off, Trevor managed to power through despite his horrible injuries.

The young man, black hair blowing through the wind, stepped out of the NEST Headquarters, and looked up. He had the same complaints as before, it's cloudy as hell, and he's getting tired of it. Oh well, Trevor could easily head home from here. The Headquarters was, fortunately, right on the Crystal Shores. So he could just grab a bus - or walk, even. Didn't matter, because Trevor was going to stay home, and chill. Maybe check up on what Titty Monster is doing.

Trevor stepped right out the front gates of the Headquarters, and looked around. He felt a slight breeze, and immediately shivered a little. His scarf managed to protect him from the abrupt wind, so it was okay. It honestly felt like November weather, opposed to summer sunshine it should be!

He shrugged and started walking down the sidewalk. Trevor walked up to the bus stop.

"... Now looky here." A teenaged girl, Caucasian, and with very short hair and wearing sunglasses, was leaning up against the wall across the street from the NEST Headquarters. Wearing a T-shirt with some stupid indie band logo, jean shorts, and sandals - as Luis told her, it's her incognito outfit. She was playing on her phone - inanely, not doing anything of note. Just to keep suspicion off her. She was appearing as if she was waiting for someone. Her eyes were on Trevor... A boy walking out of NEST Headquarters? Now, is he the child (Or sibling) of an Agent, or just going in for checkup? That was the question.

Luis walked up, wearing a similar outfit, except his long-coat was draped over his shoulder. Ah, the advantage of anonymity. Any of the Changelings could take a scroll through the city without anyone knowing who they are. Up until they pull their big plan, of course. Luis started walking alongside the unidentified Changeling.

"Ah, look at this city!" Luis grandiosely said. "Isn't it just the most perfect place? Did you see anything interesting?" He winked.

"Oh nothing," The woman said. "Just saw some kid walk out of NEST Headquarters." She nudged her head in his direction. Luis looked over, and saw the boy.

"The gayboy?" Luis asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah... Maybe we should walk him home, don't you say?"

"No, no, no...." Luis shrugged. "I think I'll walk our little friend back to his house... Just head back to the hangout, I'll be there in no time."

The woman smirked. "You got this one." Before she broke off from Luis.

The bus was coming up, and Luis immediately ran across the street, and got on behind Trevor. Instead of making his moves too early... Luis just found his way to the back of the bus, and just waited.

The bus ride was boring, but Luis would rather stalk his quarry for a bit. By the time the boy got off, they were well into the Crystal Shores - going off the beaches. Luis grinned as he stood straight up, and started walking over to the exit, and stepped down. He kept a distance from Trevor, staying across the street, and out of his direct line of sight. Of course, he didn't have to worry too much about the boy looking around, he was heading forward, and only looked down to look at a text or two. Luis tilted his head a bit, raising his chin.

That poor bastard. He doesn't have a clue as to what's about to happen.

It was time for Luis to give the boy a "hand". He quickly waded through the crowds, and crossed the street. He picked up his walking pace a little bit just so he could catch up with the boy. Once he was close, he immediately violated Trevor's personal space. He wrapped his arm around Trevor's shoulder, and brought him in real close.

"Hello, hello, friend," Luis said, in a European accent he managed to perfectly pull off. "I just saw you walking home alone, and did you know this city is dangerous...?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm- I'm fine." Trevor managed to yip the words, while attempting to force his way out of this stranger's grasp. Though, every time he felt that he was getting free, the man tightened it, and pulled him closer. It felt almost like this man could break his neck in one squeeze. "I live here. I walk home every night." He wondered if his power could get him free.

"Oh? Things change, friend." Luis said, he pointed down an empty alleyway. "You said your house is down here, yes? Then let's get you home before somebody gets worried, yeah?" He immediately pulled Trevor into the alleyway, and got him out of sight.

They turned a corner, and Luis immediately grabbed Trevor by the neck, and slammed him into the wall. Holding him up over his head. Luis stared the terrified Trevor right in the eyes.

"Now, friend," Luis said, still using his accent. "I saw you walking out of NEST Headquarters... I wonder, what were you doing in there, boy? I wonder how much you know."

Trevor was shaking, he was hopelessly flailing about, trying to get out of this man's grasp. Grabbing onto his hand and trying to pull them apart, not even getting them to budge. "I-I don't know anything! I was just getting my checkup!" The boy said, determined not to betray RAVEN's trust.

"Well...." Luis shrugged. "I don't know what I was expecting in the first place." He looked Trevor right in the eyes, and grinned. Next things he said, he dropped the accent, "Unfortunately, you'll just have to make a nice little message to NEST, then..." He brought his hand back, and stuck out two fingers. Nice and ready.

"Wait, no, please!" Trevor screamed as tears were running down his cheeks. He couldn't believe he was going to die. Right after he thought his life was going to get better.

Luis ignored his cries, and immediately drove his two fingers into his side, creating a hole, and sucking out his blood... However, Luis was immediately assaulted with a strange sensation. He started seeing colors, and felt momentarily dizzy. He dropped Trevor, and stumbled backwards, grabbing his head. "Something... something in his blood!" Luis managed to groan.

Trevor, landed on his behind, and looked down to see the two holes in his side. He hissed in pain as they stung like a motherfucker. But that wasn't important right now. Looks like his magic drug saved him from this bloodsucking maniac. Trevor didn't know who the hell he is, or what he wanted, but Trevor knew that he had to get the hell out of here.

The second Trevor gathered himself, he immediately got up on his feet, and started running.

Trevor's drug was quickly cycled out of Bloodsucker's system. Turning what would have been a powerful high into a stun. He stood up, and faced down the alleyway to see Trevor's feet. Looks like he's going have kill him the usual way. Luis started running down after him.

Hearing frantic footsteps behind him, the only thing Trevor could think of was run faster, and call for help. Anyone. The boy wrestled his phone out of his pocket, and immediately phoned for Henry, the only person he could think of. He was getting desperate. When Henry picked up the phone,

"Henry, I-I I need your help! I don't know what he wants, but there's this maniac after me, and he's tryna kill me! Please God, come help me!"

"God can't help you now, boy!" Luis shouted from behind Trevor, unsheathing some knives.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BantlingBee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sonya Mayfield, & Jan Sawyer.

Whelp! While Maxi and Henry are working out their little difference, Sonya figured that she should, ah, find something else to do. She probably could have walked Trevor home, but the sonny-boy has everything under control. After all, he's been in this city longer than Sonya has. She was walking down the halls of the headquarters, and figured that she'd contact their little voice with a computer. Naturally, her fingers went to her earpiece, and she said, "Grue! What's going on in Verthaven that I can help with?"

"You can call me Dana." Dana answered.

"I like the name Grue more - but that isn't important." Sonya said.

Dana groaned before saying, "The rest of RAVEN is out on a mission at the moment...." She trailed off, looking through some files on her computer-screen. "Staking out some more members of the Hands of Science... Hey, by the way." She trailed off "There's a new member of RAVEN, January Sawyer. Just joined the Task Force now."

"Oh! Sounds delightful!" Sonya said. "Where is she? I'd like to have a word with her."

"She's with I&I, so she's in that part of the building." Dana started off. "Desk 263."

"Good, I'll be right there!" Sonya said.

"... Just take it easy on her. She's pretty new. To NEST I mean."

It was a short trip through the building to go from the firing range to the Intelligence and Information branch involving lots of elevators and climbing! Sonya managed to arrive there. Now, she needs to find Desk 263... She was at desk 219. God damn it. It took even more time for Sonya to find Jan's specific desk. However, the moment the amphibian arrived, she hopped right over to Jan's desk, and put her hands down on it (Getting a little bit of her mucus on it). She gave Jan a smile.

"Hello there! You January Sawyer!?" Sonya asked. "I hope so, because that means that the team's eyes were wrong. Anyways, I am Sonya Mayfield, darling. I came here to meet our newest RAVEN!"

Jan looked up from her desk at the strange sound of Sonya's hands plashing onto her desk. She jumped slightly, having previously been staring at the contents of the cardboard box of supplies she had brought from home. There was now a sticky residue on her desk, and she raised her eyebrows slightly at the mess.

"Yeah...Jan's fine," she finally replied, looking up at the woman and trying to offer a convincing smile.

"Jan? Jan's great." Sonya started off, nodding her head. "Well, welcome to the team. I bet that you're just about ready to fight those dastardly Hands! Have you met the rest of RAVEN? Leon? Henry? Max? Quentin?"

"Um no...I don't think so..." Jan trailed off, trying to keep her voice both audible and calm enough for Sonya to hear. "There was just a woman at HR that told me where to put my stuff." She shrugged, "actually, they haven't told me a whole lot about what's going on."

"You're one of those I&I chaps anyway. You probably looked at their files!" Sonya said, snickering a little bit. "Well, if you need a few pointers, I'm here for you. I'm a ten-year NEST Agent, and heavily experienced sniper - with over three-hundred confirmed kills - I can help ya' with just about anything."

Jan smiled in response, "Thanks. Ten years, huh? That's a long time. Where you military before this?" Sonya seemed nice, a bit overenthusiastic, but nice.

"Well," Sonya's eyes drifted over to the side for a moment. "No. I was with a gang a while back. Was young and stupid... Eh, heard of Mendel and that crisis?"

"A bit, nothing real specific though." Jan admitted.

"Well, I rolled with one of the gangs for a little bit with my wifey... before I got my ass kicked by agents and thrown into a cell. When I turned eighteen, they told me that they'd let me out if I agree to join them." Sonya said. "So, in short; no, I wasn't with military." Her tongue flopped out of her mouth for a moment.

Jan looked at Sonya, trying to determine if she'd offended her or not. She hadn't meant to bring up old wounds, but she figured that if the amphibian had been bothered, she wouldn't have said anything about her past. "Oh...sorry," Jan finally said, blushing slightly, "I didn't mean to pry or anything."

"Oh, what? No, no, no." Sonya shook her head with her eyes closed, before opening them with that same stupid grin on her face. "I'm glad that happened. I finally stopped being a little troublemaker and dedicated myself to improving society! And became a kickass agent while I was at it."

Jan chuckled a little bit. "Well it's good you see it that way." She paused for a moment, surveying Sonya. "So what are these other members of RAVEN like?" Jan had always found herself oddly comfortable around chatty, boisterous types, and Sonya seemed to fit that description at first impression.

"Gladly!" Sonya started off, and briefly thought about where to begin. She could start with Maria! Or Henry! Might as well start with good ol' Maxi. "Team leader, and defacto Director of this particular branch is Maximilian. He's a real hardened man, and one of the best and brightest of NEST. We wouldn't have won half our fights without him, or his Echo... Though, I think that we have been pushing him just a little." A little doesn't cover it.

"Adam, you definitely would have heard of him. He's an old man, but, he, in his hayday, was one of the best NEST Agents, and served as a mentor. Then there's Henry... when you see him, you'll know exactly who he is. Because he's this huuuuge-ass lizard person. Just like how I'm a frog girl!" She put her hands up, and showed off her long fingers with bulbous tips, and retracted the webbing in between her fingers for a moment. "He's my partner. A spotter - because, have you seen him shoot? You'll swear he's been aiming with parkinsons! Then there's my wife, Maria! Again you can't miss her. Well, if she's disguised you might, but when you see her true form, you'll probably be weirded out far worse than ever before. Because she's made of ink!"

Jan laughed.

"Then there's Leon... The All-Seer... We swear he's drunk half the time - we only keep him around because his power too useful to give away." Sonya stood straight up, and extended a finger. Standing valiantly. "That's the sacrifice we have to make! After all. Quentin, I haven't talked to him that much. Nice guy, he's kinda quiet and all that. Though, a competent member of RAVEN - unlike Leon. Helena, she's kind of a stick in the mud, but she's fast. She can basically teleport! And she keeps a cool head in the field. We also have Daphne Hope, a little bit of a weirdo. I like to call her our plant weirdo! She's a member of I&I, and helps us find threats with her plant powers so we don't get murdered. Though, she likes to give everyone goofy nicknames." She started laughing.

"Nikki, she's a nice little gal that got into NEST the same way that I have. Though, she has one of the scariest powers I've seen; bugs! Swarms of 'em! I hope she stays on our side. Then we have Savanah, she's a cat Metahuman like me and Henry. Haven't seen much of her, but she's quite charming. And last but not least, our eyes: the two mission controls over RAVEN. Dana Alcott, and Elias Winzer! Dana is like the nicest mission control ever, though I feel like we take her for granted sometimes... even though she's one of the strongest Agents. Eli, he's more of Henry's personal mission control, but damn he's good."

Sonya's tongue flopped out of her mouth again. "And that's all of 'em. We're like one big family! Any questions?"

"Um...no, not really," Jan said, her head spinning a bit from all the information. She was fairly confident that she would remember next to none of that information, but it was good to have some idea of who was who.

"Great, then!" Sonya said. "You should get familar with them! Lovely group of people, and they could save your life."

Jan nodded "That's certainly true, though I'm not sure how much time I'll be spending in the field. I mean, I'd like to, of course...but..." she trailled off. "I'm not sure how much help I'd be, especially since I don't know much about the current state of things."

"Oh coooooome on, you're I&I. You should know everything!" Sonya started laughing. Well, this is unexpected. They put her in RAVEN, and didn't even tell her a thing! They were probably going to make Max do it - but he's busy punching Henry, so Sonya will have to do. "Okay, do you at least know about the Hands or the Changelings?"

"I know a little bit about the Hands. As far as the Changelings...they're either kidnapping infants or have a poor understanding of literary allusions, if I'm not mistaken."

"Alright, lemme start from the top." Sonya took in a deep breath. "Hands of Science were uncovered experimenting on people about a month ago, and our former director, Miranda Caryl, was making deals on the side with both those assholes. Which is a change from the sex scandals that those horny bastards get into - but that's neither here nor there, really. Fast forward a few weeks, and we get our hands - hehe - on a Changeling, Mark Emerson, after he took the baby of the esteemed leader of I&I Lihua. Thanks to him, we get information on the Changelings in Verthaven, and launch an attack on them. We took out the mooks, but once we got to the leaders, the Hands just dropped a superweapon on us. It literally came out of nowhere. Fortunately, we managed to capture it while the leaders of the Unit disappeared." Sonya explained. "That's when we formed RAVEN - Oh, I feel like one of those wikipedia articles now!"

Jan laughed, "Well, that's probably an accurate assessment. Thanks for filling me in. I hope I didn't take you away from any important work."

"But there's more!" Sonya explained. "And don't worry. If I was doing anything important... I'd be doing it - well, always ready to help another Agent."


"Now, as I was saying, we formed RAVEN, and we followed the worker bees all the way to their Headquarters. Which we raided the following night after employing a little chemical warfare and hacking. It was a bit of a pain in the ass, and Max and Henry got their asses kicked, but we managed to take out a major Hands operation and captured hundreds of scientists and REAPERS, and liberated many, many, more people. Along with bagging those Changelings that got away. Finally helping our shitty reputation a bit. Oh yeah, and we knocked over a few smaller labs, but that isn't important.." Sonya explained. "And here we are, chasing after the top brass of the Hands. So far we have absolutely no god damn clue where the hell they went! They might be in Nigeria by now." Sonya started laughing.

"And that's that."

Jan furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, "So what's with that man on the news? The one who claims to be a member of a mercenary group? Do you know anything about that?"

"Oh, them?" Sonya raised an eyebrow, and that cheery smile turned flat. "To level with ya', I don't quite know myself. They were hired by high-comannd during the whole Fiends shitstorm, and they helped out a bit before they told us they vanished. Eh, I don't know why they hired them, instead of calling in people like me. I don't trust mercenary types to begin with - because they got no conviction, no honour. Only in it for the money. You catch my drift?"

"Oh absolutely. I didn't exactly get good vibes from whomever they were interviewing, and he certainly didn't seem to think highly of NEST."

"I wouldn't worry too much about it. RAVEN will get results, and bring an end to those bastards at the Hands." Sonya shrugged. "Push comes to shove, and Maxi gives the order, I'll put one between the bugger's eyes before he ever figures out what's going on." Sonya shrugged again. Well, she hoped it didn't come down to a fight, but she doesn't exactly trust the Dreads not one bit. Something didn't add up to the whole "hiring mercenaries" thing, so she was going to be on guard. But that's, again, neither here nor there. "Now, speaking of getting results," Sonya started off, facing Jan and giving her a smile. "... You need some experience, obviously - and I'm just the person to help you!"

"H-help me? With what?" Jan said, uncertain, but trying not to be rude to Sonya.

"Get your feet wet, of course!" Sonya said. "Look, I like you, but all that training isn't going to do jacksquat if you never put it to good use. So, maybe we can go find a mission, for the two of us! There's lots of stuff going on in this mad, mad, city - so it shouldn't be a challenge."

"Well...alright," Jan conceeded, still a bit overwhelmed by the day's sudden turn of events. Sonya did have a point. "So where too?" She asked amicably, standing up.

"Good ask the Grue! Oh yeah, that's Dana, in case you didn't catch that." Sonya said, before she pressed her earpiece. "Dana! I'm with our rookie January, and I'm wondering if there's a job out there for us. Maybe the REAPERS are setting orphanages on fire? Or maybe the Changelings are stealing cand-"

"I have intel that there's REAPER activity in the Iron District." Dana started off. "A couple suspected REAPERS."

"Oh that's not good." Sonya said. "Think me and Jan can handle it?"

"Of course."

"Alright then, that settles it." Sonya turned back to Jan. "Found us a little job, just some REAPER knuckleheads up to no good, you ready?"

Jan laughed, "Sounds good." She didn't think she would have had much of a choice, even if she had said no. But this would be good for her. Right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
Avatar of Spoopy Scary

Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

The Dreadnaughts

"Without a core fighting force, they have to rely on their resources. If we want to draw them out, we must focus on their center of gravity."

Outside the door, Baron took a careful look around the motel's surroundings. The parking lot was clear, nobody was coming up the stairwell. He could hear nothing except for the rain hitting the asphalt and the distant cars - and of course, Washe's lecture just on the other side of the door. All clear. He took off the jacket of his suit, showing his black vest and white collared shirt. He swung it open and hurried inside.

"Caesar, you're leading a minimally manned team of three. I don't think it was a good idea to draw so much attention to yourselves like this," Maria's voice said. Her face was shown on a monitor on a nearby desk. Washe was seated in front of it with a headset on. The bathroom light was on, where Grit probably was.

"It being a bad idea is the idea."

"I get that you like deviating from the books, but this is ridiculous!"

"If the Hands got even a bit of a clue on how to do their homework, then they'd know the Dreadnaughts. Fucking nations hire us. Three people? Bad idea, and that's exactly the point. They're going to predict platoons, and we take advantage of them overcompensating."

Maria sighed. "You're going to face that with just three men in the operation squad and some nearby supplementary units?"

"Three men can easily slip through the cracks. The reputation of our name alone will apply pressure. As soon we execute our operations, continued applied pressure should force them out of hiding in an act of desperation. Once we do that..."

Baron smiled as he watched the two discussed back and forth over strategy. He finished Washe's explanation, "once we do that, we sneak into their OODA loop."

Washe turned around to see Baron standing there watching them. The man was apparently annoyed that he wasn't the one that got to explain his plan to the last detail. Even more annoyed that Baron was able to see into his plan. Washe turned back around and continued.

"Right... once we do that, we ease up on the pressure. Once we can predict their thought cycles, we give them a golden bridge to keep them predictable. No corners, no acts of desperation, no unpredictability."

"You don't know what they're capable of yet." Maria warned.

"We don't gotta know what they have, we just gotta know what they'd do. We can assume worst possible case scenario and make preparations for them."

"...I'll inform Belroth what we've gone over. Just don't try anything stupid."

The call ended, and Washe made a tired sigh.

"Can't believe I gotta justify myself to that broad."

Baron set his coat on a hangar and set it in the closet. He closed the doors and turned back around to face Washe. "It is her responsibility to oversee recon missions, to advise them and report intel back to command."

"You think I don't know that?" Washe grumbled. "I done her job before. I have decades of military background over most of you guys and last thing I need is someone young enough to be my daughter thinking they know better."

Baron shrugged as he paced across the room and said, "at least she is doing her job to the letter," preferring to not rile him up any further.

Washe rolled his eyes and spun his chair back around, looking intently at the scribblings on printer paper, which were covered in arrows, and x's and o's. Baron looked over his shoulder.

"So, how tactically sound do you feel our temporary cover is?" Baron asked. He was, of course, referring to the motel room they were currently occupying. He had personally talked to the owner of the facility to covertly interview his psyche, and the man seemed fairly reliable. Not the type to easily sacrifice confidentiality.

"What do you think?" Washe asked. For once, it wasn't particularly condescending, though some element of it was certainly present. "You talked to the guy. This place is nestled between NEST's HQ and the academy, and we have a clear vantage point of our assigned hotel on Providence. Any records that exist of us point there. Hands might suspect we'll be somewhere else, and honestly, the only more fuckin' predictable spot would be in the NEST building, but you can't trust anyone that sees us in the other districts to not sell us out."

"So this is the best we've got."

"Yeah. We'll go around a circuit of different places to crash just so that we don't get pin-pointed too quickly, but this is the ideal spot."

"Especially if the incarcerated Changelings receives reinforcements."

"Oh, fucking-- you know what? I don't want to get involved in that messy freak show. Un-fucking-fortunate-fucking-ly, they're the Hands' pitbull. They're not the only thing to worry about either, they still got that weapon."


"Both him and some of the Changelings are being held. Bust out the Changelings first, they can easily free the meta-weapon out of spite. Free the meta-weapon, they can easily free the Changelings, wreaking havoc all the way. Considering how PR-fuckwit helped the Changelings out, they're probably on the same side, and they'll try to break him free too."

"Assuming they're the kind of sort who cares about paying off their debts."

"Assuming they're the kind of sort that frees their fuckin' boys. It's not a question of if they'll care about their debts and maybe free PR-1. It's a question of if the Changelings intend on releasing their colleagues at all. All or nothing."

Baron shrugged and nodded, agreeing to Washe's argument.

"You stick to brain diseases or some shit, I'll stick to the tactics, okay?"

"Hey Barry?" A voice called from the bathroom, taking both of their attention. Washe looked back at Baron.

"Your favorite customer."

Baron sighed as walked to the bathroom door and knocked. The door immediately lurched open. Grit was holding his hand.

"Hey doc, got a remedy? I punched Jimmy a bit hard and broke some skin, don't hurt much, but--"

The door was closed.

"Oh come on!" Grit pleaded as he pushed the door back open, walking after Baron.

"I think you need to go out and get some fresh air." Baron said nonchalantly. "There's a bar nearby, I'll give you some money. Make friends, get drunk, just don't say anything about us. Loose lips sink ships."

"Uh... sweet!"

"Leave your BFR here. A gun that big draws attention, and quite frankly, you already threatened a Hands contact with it. Take two glocks with you and only two. Footlocker is under the bed."

As far as Grit was concerned, the old man Washe could say whatever he wanted to about Barry. Because his counselor was his top ace. Real bros lookin' out for each other the real way. After Grit properly equipped himself, he threw a peace sign as he walked out the door and took off. Washe looked at Baron.

"You really think that fool is gonna keep his mouth shut?"

"He's a young man and a notorious private military company showed up on the news." Baron reassured. "I wouldn't be surprised if a good quarter of men his age in this city were suddenly claiming to be 'super cool Dreadnaught agents.' Hands or Changelings don't know his face like they do yours."

"And that's all your fuckin' fault for throwin' me in the spotlight, ain't it?"

"You're a much more intimidating man." Baron mused. "It wouldn't have the... same impact. But anyways, we both know we can't afford to let me be seen. And Daniel, well..." Baron said with a smile.

"Whatever. You do your spook thing and don't get caught. Everything's resting on none of us fucking up."

"So here I am, right?" Grit explain, leaning against the counter sitting on a stool. Around him were all sorts of people; bikers, white and blue collared works, busybodies, the ladies - some of them genuinely interested in his story, others, either staring in disbelief or unimpressed with him, all holed up in this dive bar on the Crystal Shore boardwalk. But that didn't shake our fair Danny Grit, nay, he continued right on with his story.

"They fly me right into corrupt Venezuela with this mission, and Colombia is asked us to assassinate a man called General Hugo Armandos Carvajal Barrio. A flipping general. Old guy retired back in '11, which was when I joined, but apparently he's important enough that he's got guys backing him up. So I'm flown in, rest up and stuff, and we begin the operation."

Grit paused for a moment, with his hands held up.

"Freaking El Nino comes in!" Grit exclaimed expasperated, inciting a bout of laughter from the crowd. "At night! And I'm on the top of this pine tree which swinging back and forth, with my sniper rifle, and my eyes are wide like a deer in headlights!"

More laughter.

"I'm thinkin' to myself, who could I have possibly pissed off to deserve this? I'm on the top of this damn tree, the whole thing is bending back and forth, I'm holding on for dear life. Got this beaut called Maria on the other end worryin' about me and asking if I wanna fall back and wait out the storm. And I'm trying to aim with all this wind, and a swinging tree, while not trying to fall off. I'm sayin, 'gimme a sec, gimme a sec, I'll be right there'. Lookin' through my scope and all I see are these blurs."

He took a drink from his glass to dampen his drying mouth.

"I'm lookin' back and forth, through my scope, then my eyes, back in my scope - ain't got a spotter. Just as the tree bends over on one side, y'know, with that pause? It gave me this split second of time that I needed. I saw my general, had wind blowing in one direction, compensating, and I just pull the trigger without a second thought."

"What then, Danny?" One man asked. Button up shirt, slacks - businessman type o' guy.

"I didn't see what happened, just that there was a whole crowd on my ear-piece just carrying on like animals. They're yellin' stuff like, 'what!', 'are you kidding me!', and 'you got 'em, you got 'em!' I made the shot! I made the freaking shot of a life time!"

"Was that it?" A woman asked.

"Nah, nah, nah. Just as I begin celebrating, they shine their spotlights on me, and the next thing I know, they're peppering machine guns and stuff at me! I'm practically falling from branch to branch out of this tree with bullets as long as pencils flying past my head and shredding the tree to bits!"

Grit surely loved this story, it being one of its greatest accomplishments. Telling it brought a smile to his face from ear to ear. He looked back at the bartender and grinned.

"Refill me, buddy, come on!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Haruka Takashiro.

ENTRY #15712 | RAINY

It had been three weeks since Shizu and I came to Verthaven. A lot had happened during that period of time...and I had completely forgotten that I was still keeping a diary.

I did a bit of research about the place before we came here: sunny, close to the ocean so there were many beaches - very similar to the image of California so often depicted in Hollywood films. Father told us that we would be staying there with someone called Akemi, who was Mother's younger sister. Shizu was pretty excited about living in America (he kept raving about guns), but to me, nothing could be better than the peace and order in Japan or Singapore.

Verthaven showed us more than just the coast... We were even greeted by a raging storm on the first day. Arriving in a Chinatown that felt more westernized than those we had been to in other regions. Aunt Akemi was generally nice, though she had a bit of a scary side if we got into unnecessary trouble (most of the time courtesy of Shizu). Meeting our first friend in a foreign place - Trevor Obott - who further widened the circle, adding Cindy and Meifeng into the mix.

And then getting grounded for a week - again, it was Shizu's fault. Obviously he could not stay put in the room the whole time, and even got me to cover for him in case Aunt Akemi came in to check on us. Luckily she did not (the breakfast episode was a close call though), and brother was back by noon. Shizu was oddly silent for the rest of the day - no matter how I tried to question him he refused to tell me what was going on in that crazy mind of his. Later - during dinner - he then told Aunt Akemi and I that besides helping out with the laundry job he would be also working at Cindy's club.

What surprised me was not about Shizu, but Aunt Akemi's reaction: she did not bat an eyelid, making no comment. Shizu simply took that as a silent yes. After we went back to our room, Shizu then told me the reason was to pay off a debt he owed Cindy - something about a scooter. He also seemed to have suddenly matured ever since he slipped out that night. On the surface, it's a good thing - at least he stopped teasing me as much as before (even his jokes were becoming less rude) - but this change...made me all the more curious what exactly happened to him.

Ah, I should stop talking about that idiot brother of mine. There was another thing that happened yesterday.

Half an hour before we were closed, a young lady came to the cleaning shop. She was pretty in her own way: auburn-haired with a stylish bobcut, sea-green eyes, wearing a figure-hugging black suit... But that's not the point. It was how secretive she was with Aunt Akemi. Right after she entered Aunt Akemi brought her to the table and chairs at the corner. At that time I was still at the washing machines, so I could not hear what they were talking about over all the noise. After a couple of minutes the lady left, and Aunt Akemi had a frown on her face, deep in thought.

Ever since we arrived in Verthaven, Shizu had been saying about feeling an unknown bad vibe. Maybe he was right - something terrible was about to happen here. The strangely frequent rain, the weird behaviors in Aunt Akemi, Shizu and the mysterious lady...

I really had to say this: what the hell is exactly going on here?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xeronoia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Earbuds looped loosely around large round ears, speakers bouncing lightly about as they dangled in front of them. Too quietly for any but the wearer to hear, music poured out to distract from the sounds of traffic and people.

Clad in a white tanktop and blue jogging shorts, a variety of essentials clipped to her waistband and barefoot, Roxanna lightly jogged her way through Knightdale Rows. Or rather, lightly for her. The sight of the long-haired young teenager running through any given part of the city was not an entirely unusual one, and she had run through here plenty of times before. What was more unusual, however, was this time she was doing so along rooftops.

Pushing off with one foot, she caught the raised edge of the apartment complex roof with the other and launched herself across the 'small' gap between buildings. Thick mane of hair trailing out behind her, her back foot swung foward and found purchase on the lip of the next roof. Toes curling around the edge for a little extra grip, she pulled herself into a quick hop down to the roof itself.

Slowing to a walk, the concrete of the roof felt delightfully cool against her warm feet. Tugging the water bottle clasped to her waistband free, she popped the cap and took a long, refreshing drink. With a happy sigh, she capped the bottle and returned it to her side. Pushing her hair back and away from her ears, tinged red as heat rolled off of them, she slowly walked over to the far edge of the rooftop.

Peering over the side, hands still holding her hair at bay, a briefly puzzled frown graced her buck-toothed mouth. Light brown eyes flicking this way and that, Roxanna calculated her route down from the roof. Window ledges were the same way she had gotten up here in the first place, and window ledges would be the same way she would get down. Nodding to herself, she released her hair and slung herself over the side.

Feet braced against the wall, she ignored the corners of the roof digging into her hands as she 'hopped' down to a window. Long toes briefly planted on the ledge, stopping her momentum before pulling away to let her drop down a little more. Fingers stronger than they looked grasped the same ledge, and once more her feet were planted against the bare wall. Mostly a matter of position, Roxanna found herself curiously peering through the window for a moment before dropping down to the next one.

The process repeated itself a few more times, though some of the windows had thick curtains drawn across them that prevented any curious peeping. One of the windows, however, was not such smooth sailing. Misjudging where to place her legs after her fingers caught hold of a ledge, her bare feet instead smacked firmly into the top half of the window below. Rather than shatter as it might if she had smaller feet, the impact was wide enough to instead result in a loud crack.

Bewildered at the sound and the, admittedly pleasant, feel of cool glass on her feet, Roxanna quickly dropped from the ledge and caught herself on the one below. Making sure to plant her feet properly this time, the brown-haired girl had a 'face-to-face' view of a spiderweb of fractures snaking their way down the length of the glass. Brow knitting together in concern and embarrassment, she quickly 'hopped' the rest of the way until she lightly touched down on solid ground. Giving her fingers and toes a wiggle, she nervously made her way to the sidewalk in front of the building.

She had accidentally broken things before, but that was at school or home. Anxiously shifting her weight from one foot to the other and back again, the teenager brought a hand to her mouth and nervously wrapped her teeth around the knuckle of her index finger. She definitely had to own up to the mistake, but she wasn't sure which apartment room it even was or who lived there. That aside, she also couldn't really fix it as she, well, had both no idea how much replacing a window cost nor the money to pay for it regardless.

Her parents could, and would, but that consideration hardly made her feel any better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Lihua Vuhong.
@He Who Walks Behind

To lose an entire group of people... now that would push a man to the brink.

Lihua was unsure of how Nathan was capable of keeping such a kind and friendly outlook. A tragedy like that... it'd turn a man into a monster. Hm. Lihua narrowed her eyes at Nathan. She would keep her eyes on him, and make a note to keep him at arm's length. For now, she would give him the benefit of the doubt.

Meifeng and Rose were in a rush to run off, and Lihua was fine with that. While hardheaded, Meifeng was very capable of handling herself... though, with the monsters that are running around, she'd rather be safe than sorry. "Be careful." Lihua said to Meifeng. "And if you see anyone strange, come right back here." While it sounded like she was being a bit overprotective, and that she was speaking to Meifeng like she was years younger, this city was turning into a warzone. She'd rather not they run into a REAPER, or a member of the Hands, and have a repeat of what happened a few weeks ago....

That scar on her face was a constant reminder for all the Vuhongs.

For now, the matriarch was going to focus on Nathan, and his war against the Changeling Unit. Now that Rose was gone, Lihua was quick to plant herself on the bench right next to Nathan. Placing her purse opposite of him. She made sure to hold Lijuan close. The infant was keeping her eyes on Nathan. She already has her guard up. Cute.

"Hehe. I think I can tell we're both getting older, Madame. We don't have the time to spare beating around the bush."

Lihua barely even reacted to this. Her body didn't move one little bit, and her eyes were blankly staring forward. "I'd rather get to the point when it's so obvious what you're here for rather then dance around the question with mindnumbing small-talk." Lihua stated. "I'm a patient woman - but not that patient." She was quick to note.

"I'm not particularly surprised you deduced these things. I'm here to get Rose a good education, partly. And I am partly here to investigate those matters. Our methods differ. I did not spend five decades hunting the things that bump in the dark to let a genocide go unnoticed." Nathan's smile flickered, a look of sadness stretching across his features. "You have your little one in your arms, Lihua. I had hundreds. They all slipped through my fingers but one. I have no intentions of causing any trouble in your city...though with your 'vacation' I imagine we may have trouble there, eh?"

Hmph. Rose would be better off dropped off at an Academy far away from Verthaven and away from the coming bloodbath. While Nathan does his own investigation. The woman was more than certain that the Changeling Unit are monsters. They'll go to any length (Not all that different, huh?) for their unsavory objectives - whatever they may be. Though, when he mentioned Lijuan, it struck a particular note. Specifically it reminded Lihua of the quite frankly desperate lengths she was willing to go to ensure her daughter's survival. She brushed the thoughts off, and figured that she'd answer him. Slowly, and surely.

"To wipe out an entire culture, and all it's people... It's simply unforgivable." Lihua started off, still keeping that stoic, cold, demeanor up. She was wondering if Nathan would interpret it as uncaring. Lihua cared... that cold heart of hers wasn't frigid as she presented it. "And it's utterly unacceptable for the world to just turn their heads and ignore it just because it doesn't concern them." Lihua knew that it was salt in Nathan's old wounds. It wasn't hard to tell why he was determined to get revenge against them.

Lihua's reasons for eliminating the Changeling also boiled down to revenge, and principal.

She was no hero, but she couldn't allow such a violent band of psychopaths to run freely. Especially with the power they possess in their fingertips. It was oh so unfair how the vile get the ability to strike out and sate their inner-needs for senseless violence. Or were they corrupted by their power? At least Lihua prided herself in her self-control and training. She would never become something like them.

It at least gave NEST job security.

"I think we would benefit from working together more than working against. I am getting too old to make any more enemies, eh? I imagine I'll spend the next few weeks playing bingo and feeding pigeons in the park and then I'll be out of your hair."

"I'll level with you." Lihua started off. She was going to be brief and concise here. "I don't want to make an enemy out of you, either." She started off, "I see no benefit in starting a fight, or attempting to arrest you, when, clearly, you are causing no trouble... Well, not to the wrong people." Lihua sighed, looking down at Lijuan. "... The Unit has made an enemy out of me as well. I cannot compare it to your loss, but I'm determined to eliminate them-" No matter the cost. "-so I don't see why we can't work together. Perhaps... once I get a lead, I'll "tip" you to them, and perhaps I'll have no idea who you are, or where you went."

It was funny. One of the most dedicated Agents was so willing to abuse her powers, and break the rules.

It was also funny how Lihua fully understood that she only followed them until they became inconvenient.

Good grief.

Meifeng Vuhong.
@He Who Walks Behind

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Meifeng repeated with a chill expression on her face, both hands on her hips. "I promise she won't come back pregnant or anything - well, can't promise that. Hahahaha!" She joked, earning a facepalm from Lihua, and Meifeng began walking down the street. Though, she kept what Lihua said to her in mind. Opposed to taking it as her mom babying her, Meifeng just acknowledged that she had cared about her. Instead, Meifeng looked back at Rose, and saw her little purse and giggled a bit. "Cute little purse." She just said.

Forgetting that, Meifeng stepped into the not-so-busy streets of Downtown... Odd. The girl looked around. There wasn't too many people here for some reason. Well, other than all the weird going down, and the rain. But a little bit of rain never bothered Meifeng! In fact, she loved it. So, Meifeng stood at an intersection.

"So... This is the Downtown, baby!" Meifeng said, laughing. "Usually, there's crowds of people." She scanned the area and saw how desolate it was. "Usually. So, we can get on one of those kickass ferry boats and see the city from the ocean, baby. That sound cool?" Meifeng threw a thumb behind her, back towards Turtle-Creek. "I don't think you'll want to head towards Turtle-Creek, because they'll kick us out in a second for not being white enough."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shizuka Takashiro, & Daphne "Holly" Hope.

Working for both Akemi's cleaning shop and Cindy's Candy Club did help to ease Shizuka's hyperactivity - in the day he would go out with Haruka to the homes of their customers to do door-to-door general housework; by evening he set out for the club, then rushing back to the shophouse before midnight. Akemi's job helped him to familiarize the areas of Verthaven, while Cindy's helped him to gather the happenings and rumors going around the city.

Because he needed more information. Especially since after the that episode with Cindy at Knightdale a week ago.

He could have just asked Cindy - they would meet each other a lot at the club, and he also had her number from their first meeting - about this whole Metahuman shit (she was obviously the most level-headed out of the three new acquaintances the twins met - besides, her glass power was awesome); or maybe he could have tried Meifeng, since her mother was a NESTie. The club work kept him busy, and as far as he's concerned he wanted to pay off the bike debt as soon as possible; he barely had much time for himself, so hanging out with Meifeng and Trevor was out of the question (they were probably busy with their own life too, anyway).

Today was a rare day-off for the silver-haired teen - there wasn't any housekeeping orders, and Haruka chose to stay in the shop with Akemi. Of course Shizuka would definitely take this opportunity to bounce out of the door and explore the city to his heart's content. Even the weather was on his side - the sky was clear, finally a day without all that eerie, unnatural raining. That didn't had any effect to bring back the crowd on the streets; Chinatown was more deserted than the time when the twins first arrived here, most of the shops had been closed for weeks except a few like Akemi's and the restaurant opposite of them... Even the neon lights were forgotten, the usual nightscape was reduced to mere street lamps scattered across the otherwise darkness by nightfall.

As he passed by the little bar wedged between an office tower and an antique shop, he bumped into someone who was exiting. This person caught his shoulders with a firm grip; Shizuka looked up into the green eyes of the lady he saw at the shophouse just yesterday. "Ah, you're one of Ms. Akemi's nephews. Platina."

"Huh." He raised an eyebrow at the term.

"It's the Japanese pronunciation for 'Platinum', isn't it?"

He nodded. "But no one has ever called me that as a nickname." Then his face broke out a smirk. "How about my bro'? You've seen him at the shop too, right?"

The young lady gave him a small smile. "Harry Potter."

Shizuka let out a howl of laughter. "Good one, miss! So, what should I call you then?"

"Ah, yes. How rude of me. I'm Holly." She extended out a hand, but Shizuka ignored the hint for a handshake, choosing to give her a short bow. Daphne Hope - callsign 'Holly' - shrugged, keeping her hands back into her pockets. "You're an interesting person."

Shizuka was fast in regaining his composure, as if the mirthful outburst just now did not happen at all. "Looking for me?" It was subtle - this boy appeared to be quite skilled in concealing his thoughts, controlling his feelings - but Daphne could still catch a cautious note in his casual tone. She could almost hear the unspoken 'What kind of business do you have with us?' from the silence that followed after his question.

"As the saying goes: walls have ears. But so are the ground beneath us and the air around us." She gestured at Shizuka, then to the bar. "After you."

Shizuka's eyes had to take a second or two to adjust to the dim lighting in the bar compared to the sunlit brightness outside. It was rather spacious for a small bar; other than the two of them and a bartender behind the counter, the place was empty. He gave a sideways glance at the lady before he followed her to sit at the counter.

"I've enough of alcohol for today. Just plain water please," Daphne told the old Asian bartender, who nodded and shifted his gaze to the teenage boy. "And the same for him." After placing two glasses of water before them, the bartender left to continue polishing the cocktail glassware.

"I'll get straight to the point," Daphne began, circling the rim of the glass with a finger slowly. "First, to answer you and your twin's curiosity of my relationship with Ms. Akemi, she's more than just a friend to me - she has taken good care of me when I first came to this city. I owed her a lot."

When Shizuka didn't reply, she continued, "Second, Ms. Akemi has requested me to watch out for you two." Shizuka narrowed his eyes at her, but he still made no comment.

"Third," Daphne turned to face the boy. "I am a NEST agent."


Daphne chuckled at Shizuka's defensive reaction. "Don't worry, I have no intention to use my job authority on two innocent teenagers. Also, I'm merely a low-ranking officer; I do not have any power to arrest people." Her eyes were still fixated on him. "I see what is required to be seen, I hear what is required to be heard, and I say what is required to be told. I have no interest beyond what is necessary."

Shizuka crossed his arms before him. "And...bury what has to stay silent?"

Daphne was beginning to really like this boy. "If you mean your power...yes." Shizuka widened his eyes and opened his mouth to speak, but she raised a hand to stop him. "If you need any assistance, I can be your eyes and ears. My ability is chloropathy - I prefer to call that 'Flora Network' - and every living plant in this city are my allies, watching the whole of Verthaven."

"So...that's how you knew what I can do." Then something struck the younger twin. Given who this lady is... "But...why?"

"I think you should already know my answer. Especially after this conversation with you." She stood up. "I'm sure you probably have felt it: Verthaven is about to meet its biggest turning point. A crisis that could determine this city's future." She gave him a cheerful wave and left, leaving Shizuka still deep in thought at the counter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by UrbanEvolution
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UrbanEvolution Meme Historian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Trevor Obott, Danny Grit & Henry Olin vs. Luis.
Written in collaboration with @Spoopy Scary, & @Mr Allen J

When Henry got the call, he could hear Trevor's tone before he even began to speak. When Trevor requested help, it only confirmed his suspicions.

"Eli," Henry said, rushing out of the building and into an especially large hummer. "I need you to get the location of a young man named Trevor Obott. Sister of NEST Agent Scarlet."

"He piss you off again?" was Eli's response. He was tapping away very quickly on his end. Obviously put on alert by the urgency of Henry's voice.

"No, he needs help. Dana, get any and all NEST personel to his position once Eli relays it to you. From what I'm reading he's about twelve miles away. Buy me time." was Henry's instruction.

"We'll do the best we can." was Dana's reply.

After making his desperate call for help, the only thing running through Trevor's head was to get the hell out of there and hope for the best. It was starting to rain again, not that Trevor didn't pay too much mind since he was running for his life. Only thing that reminded him was the puddle splashing underneath his feet. Place started gettinga little darker, but all Trevor wanted to do was get the hell out of this maze-like alleyways. God damn this super-power of his - he can't tap into the adrenline he needs to get the hell out of here. Getting a little tired. He started seeing the streets, and he picked up the pace. He broke through to the streets, and immediately looked around. The people looked at him like he was crazy. There wasn't any time to explain, or to scream, the first thing Trevor did was keep running.

"God damn it." Luis hissed underneath his breath as he put a none-too-pleased look on his face as he watched Trevor run down the street. If the boy gets away, then Luis would have outed himself for the stupidest reasons. If Heartbreaker was here, she'd shoot him in the dick for fucking up so badly. However, it was simple as killing the boy before he squeals.

Luis put a confident smile on his face as he sheathed his knife, and draped his longcoat over his shoulder, and simply followed.

Trevor was running for his life. Okay, all he had to do was get back to the house - yeah! Just get back home, and everything will be safe. Trevor didn't even waste a second as he forced his way through the crowds of people. Most of these people were just leaving the beaches. Trevor finally started to realize that there was rain falling.

He was entering familar parts of the Crystal Shores. Yeah, there were shops, and bars and restaurants everywhere. He went here for dinner before with Lucille, and his friends. However, in his haste, Trevor tripped, and fortunately managed to catch himself and land on his knee. He immediately picked himself up-

His entire being was swung aside, and he hit the wall, really hard. He was grabbed by the neck by his pursuer, who gave him a pleased grin. "Wow, you honestly thought that I wouldn't try to cut you off, eh....?" Luis trailed off, "That little trick you did with your blood was cute. It was almost like you knew a little more than you should." He raised an eyebrow. "... Are you [i]sure[/] it was just a checkup?"

Trevor was desperately trying to get free of Luis' grip. Screaming nonstop. He even released his drug in some attempt to get free - but it was clear that it had no effect on him.

"Stop screaming already, jesus." Luis started off, rolling his eyes. "By the time help comes... you'll already have been dead, and I would be far away from the crimescene." Luis raised the knife in his other hand. There was a crowd of people staring in shock. "Look at these people? None of 'em are gonna help you, kid."

"I'm not buying it." One man in the crowd grumbled. He pointed his finger at a confused Grit. "If you're one of 'em Dreadnaughts, then what the fuck are you doing hanging around this dump? Don't you got better things to do?"

"Oh, that's an easy one." Grit said nonchalantly, waving his hand at him. "I got my orders to be layin' a li'l low so I don't draw too much of the Hands' attention, y'know?"

There was silence in the crowd as they all stood and stared at the oblivious young man sitting on a bar stool taking a leisurely sip from his drink. They looked apalled, unimpressed, or as if he had a third eye on his head. After all, had he really just said that, after bragging and show-boating and telling stories of his past missions? Grit set the mug back down on the table, and looked back at the crowd. He caught their glances, and he looked around him in confusion.

"Uh... what?"

"This guy is a fucking moron!" One of them exclaimed. "What a joke!"

"Wait, what?" Grit repeated.

"Can't believe I fell for this idiot's story."

"Wow, uh... talk about a plot twist." Said another.

"Haha, right? Man, at least his smile's pretty!"

"Ha! What a fucking tool!"

"Hey, hey! Hey now!" Grit yelled over the crowd, now getting ramped up from their goading. He felt his temper getting to him - his temper never got to him! His face was glowing red in embaressment and frustration. He squeezed his eyes shut and felt a tingle in his face. Soreness in his eyes. Damp. Oh, no. Oh no, oh no, oh no, not now. 'C'mon Danny, pull yourself together!'

"Haha... hey... what's going on over there?"

Grit felt himself relax now that the attention was off of him and he opened his eyes in curiosity to see what saved him any further humiliation. He couldn't see it at first, but as he looked around, he noticed the whole crowd was either staring wide eyed at the scene or were covering their mouths.

"Oh my god... somebody do something!"

Then Grit saw it: one kid was struggling, damn near crying, with a grown man on top of him out in the street under the pouring rain. Even in the dim weather, he saw a shiny gleam coming from the man's hand. The shimmer of metal.

Grit didn't have time to think. Instinct simply took over.

He pushed one of the men aside as he marched forward, his other hand reaching inside his coat. He pulled out a black handgun, reflexively twirling it around his finger, and aimed it at the assailant through the glass.

He pulled the trigger.

And the glass exploded.

Despite the off chance of it hitting Trevor, the bullet went through the air at speeds no man can track, and hit Luis right in the back. The Changeling let out a ghastly scream as he fell forward, and released Trevor (Who got the hell out of there). However, the bullet was forced out of his back, and the wound closed up soon after. Luis rolled his eyes as he turned halfway to see the man who shot him.

"Looks like we got ourselves a hero," Luis called out to Grit. "Do you know what happens to a hero, kid?"

Grit made a smug expression to one of the frightened patrons beside him out of the corner of his eye and said, "y'all wanna make this interestin'?" before making some few steps forward, his boots crunching the shattered glass underneath. He chuckled silently to himself at the man's goading. The man was still standing! Looks like Grit finally got to fight himself one of them meta folks. Might as well return the banter.

"I heard we get a couple o' country songs sung after us and maybe get a girlfriend or two."

His other hand reached into his coat and, drawing his second glock. Now, he wasn't much of an akimbo guy, but he reckoned he could use that extra bit of fire-power if a comic book super-villain could still find the time to bitch after getting shot once.

"But looky here, you're still standin'! Well... metaphorically. Ah, I'm guessin' you're one of 'em meta boys too? Got me a friend kinda like ya, but I think his superpower is a bit cooler."

God damn it, Luis will have to kill this guy, then go find the brat. It'll be a god damn bloodbath. At this point, Luis realized that the original goal of making sure his face doesn't get out has all but vanished. However, he wasn't going to flee because one person had stood up against him.

Ignoring him, Luis quickly jumped on one of the cars, and unsheathed a knife. He made one more leap, and made it across he street in spectactular fashion. Grit watched, not sure if he should be in awe at the man's acrobatics, or holding in a laugh because of how hammy he was. The moment Luis' foot landed, he looked up at Grit, and threw a knife at him. Grit regained his composure upon the realization that - oh yeah, this guy was a damn psychopath that attacked a kid - and moved to the side. It flew into the bar where the crowd was, fortunately only embedding itself into the wood of the countertop, but it was enough to make the bystanders realize that they were in the line of fire. They scattered away from the scene in a panic. Grit looked at the knife.

"Damn, you've got throwing knives?" He said, looking back at Luis wide-eyed with surprise. "I'm not sure if I want you to teach me that or think you're some 1700s wacko!"

"Shut up!" Luis shouted as he dashed forward, with his other knife outstretched. He was going to make this extra slow. Because Grit was annoying him.

If there's one thing a sniper knows, it's to not waste a bullet if he doesn't have to. With Luis charging in like a mad dogs straight toward him, a smirk crawled up on his face as he felt the adrenaline start pumping. Luis was fast, but just far enough that Grit could afford luring him in. As soon as the crazy guy was close enough, Grit took his boot and kicked a pile of the shattered glass into the air where it'll be sent flying into his opponent's face and eyes.

While Luis could regenerate, that glass slicing him up momentarily stopped his charge. He growled as every piece of glass that was in his face was pushed out, and hit the ground. Unfortunately, he couldn't get the glass out of his eyes the usual way. Claws extended as Luis pulled his eyelid off, and gently pulled the glass shard out. His eyelid near instantly regenerated. This guy's good... Luis was starting to question who this fellow was. Either way, he was a threat to the Changelings. So he had to be removed.

Instead of assuming Grit was some usual fool waving around some guns, Luis started seeing him as a soldier. Maybe VPD... whatever the case was, Luis quickly grabbed a table, hoping to catch him off guard while he was distracted.

Grit watched Luis' power at work, pushing the glass out of his skin, but noting that he had to work the glass out of his eyes manually. Weak spot? He reached for the table beside them, but before he could get a grip, he fired his two glocks at both of his hands.

"Come on, buddy, you're kneelin' at my feet here. Be a tad bit more polite."

The bullets made a hole clean through Luis's hands - which were quickly healed. However, Luis let go of the table. He pushed himself up to his feet, and groaned as he shook his head at Grit. He pointed at his guns, and said, "Buddy..." He started off. "You're going to run out of bullets before you kill me. So you might as well just turn them on yourself while you have the chance."

Before giving chatterbox the chance to reply, Luis, demonstrating his speed, grabbed one of the chairs and threw it at Grit, who found himself unable to retaliate in time and reflexively crossed his arms to keep the chair from hitting him and knocking him off balance. Luis quickly followed it up by getting close, and performing a roundhouse kick, striking his guard and knocking the gun out of Grit's left hand. Despite his flinching, Grit had enough time to land a shot in Luis' chest - at point blank range, there was no excuse for missing. Which put another hole in Luis' chest. The Changeling stumbled backwards onto the ground, as the wound healed. He bought himself just enough time to sprint for his other gun, grabbing it mid-roll and putting himself back into the street and out of close quarters. He was on one knee with both guns pointed at the fallen man in the building. The middle of his left forearm felt weak from the kick. This freak wasn't just tough, he packed a whallop.

"Damn it, and that's the thanks I get for being merciful!" Grit grumbled.

Luis' groaned as Grit made his grand escape. It was... annoying. The wounds had completely regenerated, and Luis hopped back up to his feet. He took slow steps following after Grit through the window. He saw that Grit was aiming guns at him, and rolled his eyes as he prepared for the bullets to come flying towards him.

Another shot went off.

"Even if I can't kill ya, gunshots got a nasty habit of getting attention." Grit yelled at him through the rain. He fired one more shot. Grit was actually a bit worried if he was gonna get out of this mess. He pushed that thought out of his head - he's been in tighter spots before. He just had to focus on dragging this out. "How many VPD you think will come flyin' in this close to NEST?"

The bullet hit Luis right in the center of mass - and was once again pushed out of his body.

This man was more annoying than anything.... Luis looked up, and the light rain was replaced with a heavy downfall while they were inside the bar. He shrugged as he stepped from the windowframe, and right into the rain. He looked at Grit.

"Was that your gambit all along...?" Luis asked, as he slowly pulled another throwing knife out of his holster. "Well, it's useless. You'll be dead before they get here, and then I'll go put a knife between the eyes of that boy - which I would have done before you so rudely interrupted me...." He said, in a bored tone. Demonstrating his speed yet again, he tossed at the knife with hands blurring speed.

Grit was too close to the ground to really move swiftly. Stance too rooted to roll. All he could tell was that he is having something thrown at him. He brought himself to his feet hiding his face and felt a sharp thud in his chest. He looked down, seeing the knife hang limply, caught up in the material that was protecting him. Underneath it all was a kevlar vest, out of sight. He looked back at Luis, the corner of his mouth smirking. He holstered his left gun before pulling out Luis' knife.

"I've been through a lotta things that shoulda killed me. Set myself a record for it too." Grit said, trying to ease his nerves after narrowly avoiding death once again. He raised his left arm up, and set barrel over it to help him keep his hand steady. Honestly, Grit was wonderin' if he was the type of soldier that should be pit up against the likes of this freak - he was a sniper deprived of his two best friends: a rifle, and approximately three thousand feet.

"Let me guess," Luis started off, putting his hands on his sides. "You're wearing armor... and the way you move, you have to be trained. Hm... You can't be with NEST, or the VPD." He put his hand on his chin. "So, tell me, who are you with...?"

"What, like agents and officers don't wear armor or know how to shoot?" Grit said sarcastically. If this guy was one of the meta criminals they were lookin' for, Washe's warnings of not blowing his cover came rushing back to him. "Well you aren't wrong, I was National Guard a couple years back."

"... And they let you carry around two guns and wear body armor like you're ready for war to this day?" Luis asked.

"You didn't get the pamphlets at eighteen?" Grit pryed, sounding genuinely stumped. "We folks work local and gotta be ready. Y'know, disasters and stuff? Hurricanes, earthquakes? They ain't exactly on a schedule like us."

That doesn't answer his question - though, at this point, Luis didn't have evidence to believe otherwise (Nor did he care anymore). Honestly believing this kid was just some wannabe action hero. Well, around here, heroes don't last long - and neither will this kid. Luis unsheathed another knife, and displayed it, rotating it so that it shimmered against the light sources.

"Well, I don't know if you're telling the truth or not." Luis shrugged. "So, I think I'll just kill you and sort everything out after-"

Grit fired again at Luis' hand, interuppting him. He mused, "Boss told me once to never stand around talkin' about how I'm gonna beat the turd out of some slicker and just get it over with. See what right good that did me?"

The bullet struck the knife, and knocked it out of his hand. Luis took in a deep breath. Looks like the time for words is over. Luis decided to forfeit the knives for once, and just figured that he'll tear Grit's head off, or suck his blood. He quickly broke off in a super-fast sprint, moving in a zig-zag motion that was so fast that it'd be hard to track. Grit, of course, was no exception, too momentarily confused and flustered to even try aiming at him. It was like trying to hit a hummingbird.

When the time was just right, Luis lunged at Grit, with one hand outstretched, aimed at his neck. Grit could barely react in time before he found Luis on top of him, and his back flat against the wet asphalt. His shoulder blades were sore from the impact. "Ugh..."

Luis started smiling manically, keeping Grit pinned to the ground since, now, Luis has basically won the fight. He pulled back his other hand, and outstretched two fingers. "This will be a grim reminder to anyone else who decides to get-"

Grit wasn't gonna have any of that today, not after all the times he nearly died in the past. Channelling the inner power from his days as a dirty-fighting south Alabama youth, he snorted in and took all the mucus out of his sinuses, and shot a great big loogy in Luis' eye.

A critical hit.

Luis cringed when the man spit in his face. Because it was an enormous, nasty, glob of spit. Right in his eye. And it stung.

Unfortunately, neither did it make Grit's day that much better. A fair share of the glob also broke off mid air, and landed back down into Grit's eye as well, receiving a taste of his own medicine.

"Oh God, oh God, oh my God , that is right nasty!" Grit cried out loud. "Forgive me Lord for sayin' your name in vain, I -- Jesus H. fucking Christ!"

"You truthfully are a disgusting man." Luis said, in between the sheer cringing. He had to take a moment to wipe his face off with his sleeve - but it stuck, leaving a nasty line of spit from his face to his sleeve. Grit, whose arms were pinned, didn't have this mercy. Luis looked at him, and exclaimed, "This is an expensive shirt, and now it's ruined." Honestly, Luis' bloodlust was fading quickly - which meant he had to kill Grit extra fast now. "Now, where was I...?" He cocked his fingers back, ready to impale the Dreadnaught and suck his blood.

Grit squinted out his other eye. Oh god, here it comes. With speed and the power to push bullets out of his body, for all he knew, this freak had the power of super fingers. Why else would he be threatening him with them! Grit was struggling to move his legs - maybe he could kick this guy in the back of the head. If he was a little more flexible, he could do what one of the gals back at base does and wrap his feet around Luis' neck and pull him off that way - but with the kind of pressure this situation was weighing him down with, he could barely focus on anything other than trying to wriggle his way out of his grasp.

'What I wouldn't give for a mile of distance on this guy!'

And then time seemed to almost freeze.

"Stop right there criminal scum!" A voice boomed, then as if he had been hit by a cannon ball Luis (And Grit too, to a degree) was launched from his hunched position by a powerful kick to Luis' torso. It would have no doubt collapsed every one of Luis' ribs and lungs. The man rag-dolled through several pieces of furniture before coming to rest. Henry Olin, The Dragonfly, had finally arrived. And boy had he rushed, those red lights didn't stop him this time.

"NEST Agent Dragonfly," Henry began, showing his badge to Luis' general direction. "You are under arrest for assault, and attempted kidnapping. You can come the easy way or the hard way." Henry stated, cracking his neck.

Cause this guy... He wasn't gonna come the easy way. He'd played this game long enough to know that.

The impact was enough to make Grit roll on his side. He scrambled to his feet, rubbing his eye clean with his sleeve. He snatched up the gun he had dropped when Luis pinned him, and fell behind his rescuer. A giant lizard man. Grit didn't question the insanity of it, he was just glad that a NEST agent happened to be nearby. He also had a hold a bit of amusement in! Stop right there criminal scum? A classic.

The kick sent Luis flying through the air. With a comical expression of rage on. He hit the ground and did a roll, but jammed his claws into the aspalt in order to slow himself down. He looked up... Agent Dragonfly. Oooh. Luis grinned. "And here comes the bigger fish..." He muttered underneath his breath.

"Phew, nice timing!" Grit commented. "Was wonderin' when I was gonna get some backup."

He stood straight up, and looked at his side - collapsed as Henry predicted, but quickly healed. He put his hands on his sides. "Oh, I take it that you don't know who I am, Lizardman." He started laughing. "Or else you would brought the rest of your silly little RAVENs.... No matter, you're as good as anyone to relay my demands."

Grit was smirking ear to ear. If this guy wasn't totally crazy, and really did deserve some RAVENs on his ass, then that meant this wacko was Hands! Or something. Grit's specialty wasn't really capturing targets. If Godzilla here couldn't do it either, then he'll just have to see how many bullets it takes to kill him! At the memory of Luis' taunting, Grit chuckled. "Looks like my lil gambit wasn't so useless after all, eh?"

Grit's still here? God damn it, he's old news! Luis wants the big fish now. He disregarded Grit, for now. "If you're still confused, let me give you a hint, Lizardman," Luis narrowed his eyes at Henry. "I believe your friend Mark told you all about me."

"Wildfang, Ironsides, and Wendigo personally told me about you." Henry replied, cracking his knuckles. He turned his head over to Grit and gave him his typical shit eating smile. He reached to his body armor and shook it some, making sure to knock a certain canister off. He pivoted with his foot so his heel rolled it over to Grit. Grit caught it with his foot, no stranger to subtlety either. He wasn't much informed on weaponry, but Washe had taken a couple of these with him while they were still working with NEST. There were a couple of tricks they learned with this things - like how to make 'em go boom instead of letting them sitting there like they're ripping a long ass fart.

"Then you must know why I'm here, then." Luis said, turning his head slightly to the side as he watched Henry give up one of his precious canisters to this fool. He narrowed his eyes. "Release Heartbreaker, Fig, and the Witch Mother, and we will leave this city be."

"They're rolling in their graves some where, I bet." Henry stated, and then he lunged forward at Luis using his own superhuman speed and strength to cover the distance relatively quickly. He raised his claws arm high in an attempt to clobber Luis' much smaller frame, and brought it directly down- like a hammer to nail.

"Looks like you aren't too good at listening...." He muttered to himself. Luis merely sighed. Looks like he wants to do this the hard way - which is great, because Luis will just kill him instead just to send a message to RAVEN. Henry wasn't the only one packing speed and strength. Luis quickly jumped up into the air, and hopped over Henry. He grinned as he turned around to face the Lizard.

Henry then effectively sent him flying by turning, using his muscular tail as a baseball bat and Luis as the unfortunate baseball.

"You're not very good at this, ya know?" Henry commented, stalking forward in the direction Luis had been thrown in. "Like, there's more backup on the way as we speak. You really think I'd come alone? I'm not quite as dumb as you bro."

Luis picked himself up, and rolled his eyes. "Getting a little ahead of yourself?" Luis said - he briefly considered calling the rest of the Unit to tear them apart but... he'd rather not expose them either. Besides, he has this. He reached behind his back and pulled out some more throwing knives. Hm. Mr. Dragonfly will be expecting him to throw these, so how about Luis gives him a little surprise, eh? "Take your best shot. Trust me, it won't work."

Henry opened his mouth and shot his stream of boiling chemical at Luis in response, the two liquids met in the center stream, and with a loud hiss and the smell of matches, the gooey chemical reaction went off and sailed at Luis' face at an alarming pace.

In an instant, Luis dashed to the side, throwing knives in between his fingers. The second he was out of the way, he tossed three knives towards Henry's face.

One of the knives went into the side of his body armor and, while it penetrated, did not get through the carbon fiber combat armor he was equipped with. The other two nailed him in the neck. Thankfully because his scales are fairly thick, the knives did not do any mortal damage. But he'd definitely need a few stitches.

"Big boy's givin' me the diversion I need." Grit muttered to himself in entertainment. "Gotta say I prefer it much better this way."

The mercenary rolled the canister back and kicked it up onto the vamp of his boot, making sure to balance it before turning his eyes back to the fight between the two combatants. Agent Dragonfly might get caught up in it, unless he reads Grit pretty well. The wacko had his back turned to Grit now. Well, even if the agent did, surely they'd be alright until help arrived.

Henry saw Grit moving, and hit a button located on his left jowl. Part of his suit moved upward and encased his snout and jaws- taking away his ability to bite or spit, but it would also keep him out of the crossfire that was no doubt coming his way with that gas. Grit caught his cue, and kicked his leg out slinging the canister forward in response. He fell back into stance, aimed his gun against his forearm, and fired his shot as it flew toward Luis' head. The canister was ruptured, letting the pressurized gas come out in an explosion.

Henry, in almost unison with Grit's kick, dove forward and tackled Luis, using his superior size and strength to take away Luis' leverage and pin him to the ground, so the canister could do it's work.

"Hmph." Luis made the sound as he finally realized their plan. Henry managed to slam him onto the ground - however, Luis quickly put his foot onto Henry, and displaying surprising strength, managed to kick Henry off of him. However, this was the point where Luis decided to make his grand escape. His finger went onto his own earpiece, and he shouted, "Flashbang! Extraction!" In a few seconds, a portal appeared underneath him, and he fell through. The portal quickly closed behind him, the veil of the gas hiding his means of escape.

Henry coughed and rolled up to a sitting position. He would be alright in here because of his filter. The man who helped him? Well, not so much, if he was a meta.

"Hey, you alright? You're not a meta are you?"

"Me?" Grit mused, squinting through the chemical fog. "Not unless you consider good looks a superpower! Nah, nah, I'm just a good shot. How 'bout you?"

"Okay. We should probably get out of the building." Henry stated, standing up and waving the air. He could see Grit through thermal vision, but Grit may not be able to see him.

"I'm approaching from your left." Henry stated as to not get shot on accident. "You hurt?"

"Hm, eh, a couple scrapes." Grit said, inspecting his person. "A bruise on my left arm, no biggy. Where's our slicker?"

"Called out to an ally. Got away through a portal. Probably a remote teleporter." Henry said, moving over to the building's exit

Grit frowned. Well ain't that a shame? And after the awesome fight they just had, and after coming so close to knockin' him out to next Friday.

"So, uh, what're you from? You're too well trained to just be some run of the mill gangbanger or whatever from the Highway Star or Iron Cross."

The mercenary made a smug expression as he twirled his gun around and hid it away in his coat. He announced proudly, "the name's Danny Grit! At your service."

Henry nodded and offered his hand to the man. "Henry Olin, Task Force RAVEN." He stated. He was, of course, a member of some of the more... hush hush stuff. But he probably shouldn't talk about that.

"Hey, hey, hey! A RAVEN! So we're practically colleagues or somethin' like that." Grit exclaimed. "NEST hired me n' two other guys. I'm your friendly neighborhood Dreadnaught!"

Henry smiled. A real, genuine smile this time. "Seems to be that way then. Glad to have finally met you- an in some good combat too. Puts a good idea of a Dreadnaught in my head." Henry stated, crossing his arms, with one hand covering the cuts on his neck.

"Well shucks, thank ya buddy." Grit said with false modesty. "Truth be told, this ain't my, uh, preferred rodeo. I'm a sniper, y'see."

"You two should come by sometime tonight, me and the rest of RAVEN will be having dinner at Arby's with-" Henry cut himself off.

"Oh shit." he stated, and then whipped out his phone and dialed in Trevor's number.

"C'mon, pick up. Please be okay..."

Grit looked at Henry confused, not picking up that the kid that was attacked earlier was somehow affiliated with the RAVEN.

Trevor picked up the phone, hiding in another alley. Back pressed up against the wall, and peaking out, looking around. Praying to God that everything was well. Trevor was freaking shaking! "Heeeeeey, Henry..." He tried force that cheery attitude he usually has. "Please God tell me you killed that maniac. I'm freakin' shakin' here." His Texan accent became thicker than usual.

"He got the hell out of dodge." Henry replied back, doing his best to mimic Trevor's texan accent. "Uh, where are you bud? It's safe to come out."

"I'm, I'm..." Trevor looked down, it was so damn hard to focus with all this shaking. "I'm down the street. Jesus, I felt like I was gonna die there." Okay, if Henry said that it was safe to come out, then it was safe to come out. He needed to compose himself a little. He started taking deep breaths. It's okay. It's okay. He assured himself. "I'm headin' out now." Trevor said as he stepped out of the alleyway, and started walking down the street. Shaking, he wrapped his arms around his body.

It wasn't long before Trevor made it down the street. He was shaking slightly - but he was trying his best. He walked up to Henry, and this strange man he never seen before. "Oh God, thank you." Trevor said, eyes staring blank. "I... I don't know what the fuck just happened. Who... who was he?" He started shaking some more again.

"Oh, hey!" Grit piped up upon seeing the kid he had saved before shit hit the fan. "You're alright, the one I saved from that lunatic! You two wouldn't happen to be friends, would y'all?"

Henry put a protective arm on Trevor's shoulders in an effort to calm him down. "Trevor, this is Danny Grit. Danny, this is Trevor. Grit here is a Dreadnaught, and is working with NEST. Danny, Trevor is a young man who saved a lot of NEST lives recently and wants to become an NEST agent himself- just like his sister." Henry said, introducing them to each other.

"N-n-nice..." Trevor trailed off, uncontrollably shaking. He could barely get out a single god damn word right now. "Thank you." Trevor said to Grit. He didn't notice that it was Grit who shot the gun (On the account that he was busy hauling ass), but he was eternally thankful. That maniac would have killed him. "Thank you so much... I-I... don't know what to say right now." Trevor looked down, he spotted the two holes in his side when Luis impaled. To think, if he didn't have his power, Luis would have killed him then and there.

"Would'ya like a drink, it's on me sounds like it might be worth a shot." Grit joked with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Ye-yeah.... Sounds like fun." Trevor managed to yip. "I'm sorry- I just- I just need to get out of here."

"I'll take you home, Trevor. We'll get that wound taken care of. I'll take it we should do dinner another night?"

"Ye- yeah." Trevor said.

Then out of nowhere a golden being flew around the street, delivering a solid punch to Henry's pecs before disappearing. Henry fell on his ass with an 'oomph!', and laid down for a moment, groaning.

After a moment, Henry lifted his keys in the air for Trevor to take.

"Just... wait for me in the car. I need a minute."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BantlingBee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sonya Mayfield, & Jan Sawyer.

Just as Dana's information stated, they found themselves in the Iron District, stalking a certain target.

Sonya perched herself on one of the rooftops, and pulled out some binoculars (She swiped them from Henry while he wasn't looking), looking down at the street below. An Asian man with hair cut very short, not particularly tall, but Sonya could see the bulk he built from up here. She almost whistled. He was wearing a black sweater, and some jeans, as he walked down the rainy streets holding an umbrella. The other arm was holding some groceries he got from the local corner store. Sonya caught his face on the binoculars, and scanned it. She looked it up on the databases, and the name Chul Jun came up.... As one of the known REAPERS they got off their databases. Poor bastard.

Sonya pressed her earpiece. "How's it looking from down here? He's our REAPER." Sonya said to Jan. "Bastard went to get some groceries like it's nothing. It should be easy work for a rookie like you. Just go arrest him. Don't worry, I got your back. It's a sniper's job."

Jan nodded from her seat in the NEST car, though she didn't quite know why--it wasn't like Sonya could hear that. "Roger." she said, swiftly parking the vehicle on the side of the street. Their target was in sight, but he seemed relatively oblivious to her presence. Just getting groceries in the middle of the day? Jan had to suppress her natural suspicion and her curiosity as she grabbed her sidearm.

She pointed the glock at the man. "NEST agents," she said, in a voice slightly louder than intended. "Put your hands above your head and freeze...or I'll shoot." She had cover from behind the door of her vehicle, in case he had a weapon. She trusted Sonya, of course, but having an additional barrier between her and a potentially dangerous criminal, especially one that looked like he could snap her like a twig, was never a bad idea.

The man stopped, and peeked over his shoulder at her.

"Make sure that he drops the bag - not put it down - drop it." Sonya warned as her eyes narrowed. "I got a bad feeling about that bag."

"Drop the bag," Jan commanded to the man.

The man didn't move. He looked at Jan for a moment from over his shoulder. Tightening his grip around the bag subtly, like he was trying to reach around.

"You deaf or something? Drop the bag and put your hands up!"

The man dropped the bag, but quickly pulled a glowing green syringe out of his sleeve, poised to jam it in his wrist.

"He's got Mutagen!" Sonya warned. She quickly pulled the trigger, and a taser dart came out of her sniper. It hit him right in the neck, and before he could shoot himself up with it, he started convulsing. He dropped the glowing syringe as he stumbled backwards.

Jan moved forward, kicking the syringe away as she struggled to restrain the man.

While he was regaining himself, the REAPER started struggling, lashing out against her with his fists in some attempt to get free.

This presented a problem for Sonya since she couldn't fire another dart with Jan struggling. That'd be a rookie mistake. Instead, she swung the sniper over her shoulder, and grabbed her sidearm. She jumped down, and put her fingers on her earpiece in mid-air, "Just taze him!" Sonya said. Tasing him was the best way to handle this situation.

Jan followed the advice, and pulled out her taser. She had been attempting to handcuff the target, but the force of his convulsions was enough to knock her slightly off balance. She engaged the device, and the wires shot from the device, hitting the man squarely in the back. He convulsed again, and Jan finally managed to pull out a pair of handcuffs. She trembled slightly as she put them around his wrists, maintaining a positioning of her knee on his back. "Is the area clear?" she asked into her headpiece as she struggled to bring the man to his feet.

"Excellent! You did well, honey." Sonya assured, she quickly did a scan of the area around her, before she jumped across the street. "Area's clear... well, pretty clear." There weren't too many people out. They were probably scared of all the attacks, and the rain. She stepped over to Jan and the captured REAPER. "Just get him in the car, I'll have a look at his things." The first thing she looked at was the bag full of groceries... he was a tad bit hesitant to drop it - which meant there's something in there that he doesn't want NEST finding. Of course, if he didn't want NEST finding it, then he was better off leaving it at home.

Jan nodded, still feeling slightly dizzy. Getting used to this would take time. The man, however, seemed more compliant as she led him into the backseat of the car. She locked the vehicle and stood outside, simultaneously surveying the scene and keeping an eye on the REAPER.

The bag of groceries contained some rather... random things. Some meats, some vegatables, but it seemed like he was stuffing food into a bag rather than buying stuff he needed. She opened the bag a little bit, and went through it's contents... where she found a small black case. She raised her blonde eyebrows as she grabbed it and opened it up. Surprisingly... there was only a few more syringes full of Mutagen inside. "... Why couldn't have it been a bomb or something?" She asked no one in particular. She put her fingers on the commpiece and said, "Coast is clear. Heading back to the car now." She put her pistol in it's holster and went back towards the car.

"Roger that.

Right when they made to the car, that reminded Sonya. "Grue, we captured the REAPER Chul Jun. He was trying to smuggle some mutagen... where, I don't know. Probably should have tailed him."

"It's fine. Every REAPER we arrest means there's one less member of the Hands to worry about." Dana said through the comms. "Bring him back to headquarters. Good work, RAVENS."

"Right back at ya'!" Sonya said as she slid into the passenger side seat of the car. There was a reason why Sonya couldn't own or drive a car. She was such a bad driver that they barred her from it. "Alright, head back-"

"Oh wait, I have something to report," Dana quickly said. "The leader of the Changeling Unit, Luis, or Bloodsucker, has been encountered."

"Oh?" Sonya said.

"He was... going after Trevor, before one of the Dreadnaughts stopped him from killing Trevor. Agent Olin was on the scene soon after and chased him off."

"Oh, that's not good." Sonya said, dead serious. "Do they know about what Tr- Panacea did during the raid?"

"Talking to Trevor, and it doesn't seem like it." Dana said. "He only went after Trevor because he saw him walking out of headquarters."

"I hope the lad is okay." Sonya said. "That means they're watching us."

"They really want Heartbreaker back." Dana said. "Alright, Grue out."

"What's going on at HQ?" Jan asked. She was both curious and trying to make conversation. Her heart was still racing slightly, and she thought something else might calm her down.

"Nothing that I can tell is going on at Headquarters, just a little incident with one of our... associates, yeah." Sonya answered, unsure of what to say really since the conversation with Dana over the comms summed it up pretty well.

"Oh..." Jan let the silence hang in the air. She wasn't sure exactly who this Trevor/Panacea person was, and she was curious. However, she was starting to get the feeling that she'd asked enough questions for now. She was comfortable with silence, but often felt obligated to keep talking since most people weren't. But, if Sonya had said her piece, then she also wanted to respect the other woman's privacy. "Didn't mean to pry or anything..." she said mildly, looking around the city streets as she drove back to Headquarters. It was odd how quiet everything was. The streets were all but desolate. She knew that the rain was driving them away. "Thanks for all your help." She finally said, smiling warmly at Sonya.

"Of course, of course!" Sonya said, returning the smile. "It's what Agents do - well, least not the Agents who are assholes - but we're wearing down those Hands of Science." She chuckled a bit. "Soon, we won't even need to worry about getting the Chairmen, because they'll have no worker bees soon enough!"

Jan laughed, "Well, I have a feeling they'll be plenty of work for us in the meantime." They had just arrived at Headquarters, and the rain had let up somewhat. Jan stopped the car. "So what do we do with this guy?"

"Just take 'em back to headquarters, and toss him in a cell. Same with do with most of the REAPERS we bag." Sonya said.

"Sounds good,"


Jan lead the man to one of the many unoccupied cells as soon as they got inside. Her first REAPER. She smiled a bit to herself. Although the mission hadn't gone quite as smoothly as she might have hoped, she felt a little bit of pride at what she had accomplished. Now, there was just a seemingly endless stack of paperwork.
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