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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“It does not help that your retinue is so strikingly unlikeable,"

"It's not our fault that the citizens of this city are so strikingly culturally intolerant!" Rithrynn was quick to respond, placing an hand on her chest as her eyes narrowed on Thea.
"I'm sorry we prevented the assassination of Li and her boyfriend, infiltrated an evil organization and crashed a dark ritual intended to sacrifice one of your own apprentices! People normally tend to appreciate that kind of stuff but this town... "

Rithrynn rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders while throwing her hands back and letting them rest by her sides.

" ... I guess it's a special place!"

Fortunately for the diplomatic relations between Thea and Rithrynn, no further words were said as the tiny High Elf managed to become the center of attention with his long monologue about evidence, counter-evidence, the White Hand's true guise, or false?

Whatever he had said, he lost Rithrynn before halfway into his long speech, the Night Elf only perking up at the last part.

"Wait... you're saying we're gonna take a boat ride?!"

But while the conversation was going on inside of the room, on the outside, Aleena had stopped as she had been interrupted by Kathlin intent on searching Lithrielle's minimalistic uniform.

Aleena's eyes kept growing bigger and bigger as she watched Kathlin search through the sleeping sentinel's black satin belt, the Sentinel raising a brow high into the air as she stood behind the persistent little human apprentice who seemed as obsessed with the sleeping Lithrielle as a dog who had caught the scent of an old sweetroll in the pocket of a jacket!

"What... are you doing?"

Aleena asked, a growing 'WTF' look appearing on the Sentinel's face as Kathlin moved her hands down to Aleena's crotch and tried to get into her metal thong which almost functioned like an impregnable fortress in its own right as far as Kathlin's invasive search was concerned.

Lithrielle in the meanwhile seemed quite happy in her sleep, even wriggling and giggling happily; but whether that was due to Bella or Kathlin was for the moment unknown.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“An investigation may not be sufficient, but it’s a necessary first step” Thea noted, looking over at the Runeblade abandoned in the corner of the room. “This ‘White Hand’ will find great difficulty maintaining clients in this city if they are under suspicion for harbouring cultists. Those photographs will be invaluable, and Apprentice Lennox will need to give evidence of course…”

The priestess’ eyes strayed back to Sharon. “…meaning hiding the Night Elves involvement will be almost impossible, I’m afraid”

Observing the look of dismay on the High Elfs face, the priestess raised a finger to interrupt as he opened his mouth to complain. “I am sorry Mr. Dal’dieb, but a full investigation was inevitable the moment your retinue brought an unbound rune blade into this Cathedral. This is not something we can overlook, and the church is not in the habit of concealing evidence. Once the matter is taken to the city guard I rather doubt anything can be concealed from the papers, and so your retinue will in all likelihood have the choice of: leaving the city, or becoming its celebrities”


“Of course if they do stay, their behaviour will have a substantial impact on the reputation of the case”

Thea let out a small sigh, before finally looking at the last Night Elf, Rithrynn, who remained in the room. “Don’t misunderstand me Miss Syndial, I am extremely grateful for your assistance in returning my apprentice. If it were up to me, you would be heroes of the city”


“Don’t worry, I’ve studied anatomy. I won’t damage anything” Kathlin reassured Aleena as she continued to root around in Lithrielles loincloth. Thankfully, her efforts were soon rewarded as her hand came out with a very, very dishevelled and sweaty Bella. “Are you alright, Bella”

Gasping for breath, Bella stared into the near distance with a distinctly vacant expression on her face. “….I’ve seen things.”

“Ah. Well. You’ve seen it before” Kathlin said, with a poor attempt at sounding consolidatory. It did very little to comfort the little human, who craned around to give her a death glare.
“This never happened. Never. Have you got that?”

Kathlin opened her mouth to stay something, before aborting it to stare up the corridor as the sound of thudding footsteps entered her awareness. Moments later, three Paladins rounded the corner with two Priests chasing along behind, Paladin Damon in the middle and leading. “Move aside! Go upstairs, Apprentice. This isn’t a good place for you”


In the room where Thea and Sharon sat, the quiet was abruptly ended as the door slammed open and Damon and his retinue stormed into the room. Two of the paladins and one priest immediately headed over into the corner to start examining the runeblade, Damon and the other priest approaching the table where Sharon stood and Thea sat. “Priestess Thea. You should come with us. The Bishop will need a report of what has happened”

“You should probably have a check-up too, Thea” the priest chipped in at this. He was a middle aged, kindly looking man that smiled down at the priestess, while giving Sharon a brief confused look. “Paladin Damon told us you were taken ill. And is there anything we can do for your…uh…friend?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
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Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While listening to priestess Thea, Sharon bit the lower section of his lips when he heard her preach about the openness of the church.

Although it had been something he might have suspected, it was nonetheless regrettable. Still, if it was any kind of mental comfort, any problem Sharon might have with the Night Elves would probably pale in comparison to the damage control his brother was currently doing for the reputation of his organization.

"Blows were shared, yet I think we came on top this round."

Sharon's ears would suddenly twitch however as the sound of heavy, plated boots of the Paladin stomping along the solid rock floor echoed throughout the corridor outside the room, the elf quickly looking over to Thea.

"I appreciate your assistance in this matter, Priestess Thea." Sharon would perform a slight bow towards Thea.
"Rithrynn and her sisters may not be... as used to the norms of our city, yet they nonetheless possess ultimately noble intentions, even if it might not always seem that way."

As the door swung open and the Priests and the Paladins flooded into the room, Sharon would watch them. At the comment of one of the priests, the High Elf would shake his head.

"I thank you for your offer, but I am in the best of hands." Sharon would respectfully deny the middle aged priest's offer, shaking his head.
"Your apprentice Rune is already on her way to solve any of my volumetric concerns, I'll be fine; thank you."

Sharon spoke with a calm tone as the tiny High Elf casually walked alongside the bed table, noticing how the priest's eyes became noticeable wider at the mention of 'Apprentice Rune' and 'solving' anything. Yet his eyes would expand only further as the High Elf walked towards the edge, stepping off it; and before the priest could even reach a hand out to catch the High Elf from plummeting to the ground; Sharon would have disappeared in a puff of blue, mystical mist.

Reappearing shortly afterwards, Sharon would suddenly appear on Rithrynn's right shoulder, where he would be standing and looking out across the rest of the room from the tall Sentinel's point of view.

It may just be Rithrynn's shoulder, but even still; in terms of the view; it was a big improvement from the bed table!

"There may be boats, Rithrynn." Sharon would speak without warning, leaning towards Rithrynn's face as the Night Elf had just recently noticed his new whereabouts. The priest on the other hand was still bedazzled by the bed table where Sharon had once stood.

"The ocean is a big place, and we can't just go sailing off without having some sort of lead. Still, first things first, we should probably see to it that your sisters are reunited back at my house. I would hate for them to launch a raid ala V.2 on the castle, believing we were captured."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
Avatar of Rithy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rithrynn continued to stare at Thea as the Paladins and Priests entered the room, the Night Elf still undecided whether she should feel offended or forgiving towards the older priestess.

Yet that dilemma soon vanished when something just appeared on her shoulder, causing her to almost jump to the side when Sharon spoke all of a sudden right next to her!

"Don't teleport up on me like that!" Rithrynn whispered beneath her breath as her eyes which had been wide open a moment ago began to narrow down on the tiny High Elf now on her shoulder.

"I'll never get used to teleports!"

"I don't think my sisters back at the mansion will be doing anything anytime soon. Most of them will be too wasted to even walk out the front door!" Rithrynn replied to the High Elf's mention of a reunion back at his house. Which reminded her that it had been almost twelve hours plus since she had last seen them.
"But we should probably get back... "

Rithrynn muttered, casting a glance at the room now featuring a bunch of Paladins and Priests crowding around Thea and the Runeblade, the room's current celebrity objects by the looks of it.

Taking it as her cue that she didn't have anything else to do in the room, Rithrynn would turn to walk out the doorway left wide open by the entourage which had recently flooded the room. Looking back at the people in the room, Rithrynn did not have time to stop when she finally turned around, only to realize she was about to walk into a large pair of breasts contained within an ornate chainmail bra!


The sentinel would inevitably collide into said pair of breasts with her face, burrowing into them before she managed to step back and look up; only to see none other than Serphia standing in the doorway, giving her an odd look.

"Uh, oh... Mistress! I-I didn't see you!" Rithrynn would suddenly exclaim, stopping dead in her spot and immediately entering a salute for the Captain!

" ... please don't kill me... "

Serphia raised an eyebrow at Rithrynn as she looked down at the Sentinel, glancing quickly across the room before finally focusing on the former.

"At ease, Syn'dial." Serphia would finally speak, giving Rithrynn a softer smile after the initial confusion. Looking at the Captain, she looked a lot more at ease and calm than before, not to mention more ragged. Moving one hand down to adjust the black silk loincloth which hung a little sideways over her voluptuous hips, Serphia would tilt her head slightly as she looked down at Rithrynn.

"I heard mention of returning to the mansion?" Serphia asked, casting a look across Rithrynn's shoulder before she grabbed her shoulderplate and guided Rithrynn out of the room.

"Oh yes! We were worried that the rest of our sisters would be getting restless without any word from us... and using this place as a sanctuary seemed like a worse and worse idea by the minute!"

"It's a reason why I had no intention of having any of us stay here. We are not welcome in this sanctum of false idols." Serphia spoke as the two walked down the corridor. Rithrynn cast a glance over at Serphia walking besides her, and noticed how the Captain was happily bouncing her big butt around with every step.

"Sooo... how was Falere?" Rithrynn would ask with a weak smile, looking up at Serphia.

"She was particularly feisty this time." Serphia answered with a grin, closing her eyes for a moment.
"So much so I don't think I'll be able to get either her or Shani out for quite a while. I believe your little human pet has a good effect on her behavior, and speaking of which... "

Turning to look down at Rithrynn, Serphia raised a brow.

"Where is your little friend anyway?"

"She went to the laboratory, mistress! It should be around here somewhere... "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“It should be around here somewhere….”

“It’s on the other side of the Cathedral actually” Kathlin piped up helpfully from underneath Serphia’s elbow.

The girl, absolutely dwarfed in comparison to the big Serphia, was bobbing along to keep pace with the group as she smiled at Rithrynn. “It used to be down here, but somebody flooded the crypt with swamp gas. So it got moved. Can I help you at all?”

“Er…yes. Where is it then?”

Serphia cast a look downward with a snort, before ploughing resolutely onward. “It’s almost like you attract them, Syn’dial. Mark my words, I’m only letting you keep one”

“In one of the outbuildings. I can take a message if you’re leaving? You are leaving, aren’t you?” Kathlin asked curiously as they walked onward. “Because, uh, I’m sure you know….you’re going the wrong way if you’re leaving”

Serphia paused in the stone corridor at that, to give the passages and doors around them a nasty glare, before looking down to give Kathlin an even nastier looming glare. The girl bore it with considerable fortitude, only shrinking slightly under her gaze as she smiled back. “I do understand. It is a maze down here”


“Soooo…I could show you the way out if you wanted?” Kathlin suggested weakly, after the silence stretched a bit too long. The girl jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “There’s uh, the main entrance but you’ll probably be stopped for questioning if you go that way. Paladin Damon looked very angry. Or I guess I could show you the back door but it might be a bit, uh….”

The girl’s eyes very obviously strayed over Serphia’s rear end at this, with a very thoughtful pause before she spoke again. “Tight”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I apologize for appearing without a warning. I just think that our time in this room is becoming well overdue." Sharon replied to Rithrynn's comment.

Come to think of it, sneaking up on Rithrynn could be a bad policy of behavior, especially when he was in his current, much diminished volumetric state. The idea of being swatted across the room and into a wall like a fly crossed Sharon's mind, something that would have been a most unfortunate; not to mention discomfortable; turn of events for him indeed. And that was only one of the possible scenarios.

Teleporting below her arm height might reduce the off-chance of accidental swatting, though would probably increase the chance of being sat on, which tended to be even worse!

"Only for emergencies then, I guess."

"But we should probably get back... "

"My thoughts exactly, Rithrynn. Liaena is probably waiting for me already. I would not want to,- ... !"

As he turned his head around to look forward to see where Rithrynn was walking, Sharon was no less surprised than Rithrynn when he found himself staring right into Serphia's deep, purple cleavage moments before imminent disaster!


Sharon opened his mouth to yell, but before he could even utter Rithrynn's name; the Night Elf would already collide right into her Captain! The tiny High Elf found himself thrown from his position on Rithrynn's shoulder, and launched right down in between Serphia's cleavage! Buried well down between the two big pounds of flesh that was Serphia's bosom, and constrained by a ridiculously tight metal reinforced bra, Sharon would squirm around in an initial confusion before he realized where he actually was!


Poking around, Sharon was unsure whether Rithrynn even knew where he had landed. On the other hand, a mixed set of sensations ran through Sharon's mind about his current whereabouts. Ideally, it would be a place he wouldn't normally mind being in. But considering the person who owned his current set of whereabouts, he found himself unable to determine on which side of the luck coin he was on.

"I better get out of here before we reach Liaena!"

Sharon began to wriggle, trying to escape his new and tight quarters. Coming up with an excuse as to why he had been stuck in Serphia's butt was infinitely easier than coming up for one for being stuck between her breasts!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
Avatar of Rithy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“It used to be down here, but somebody flooded the crypt with swamp gas. So it got moved."

"Heh, we all probably know who that was." Rithrynn would mutter quietly to Sharon, leaning her head over towards her shoulder.
"Don't we, Shaw?"

" ... "


Rithrynn finally turned her head away from Kathlin and Serphia to look towards her shoulder where she had last seen the High Elf, only to notice; he was gone!

"WHAT?! Where did he go!?"

Eyes widening, Rithrynn's eyes scanned her ornate shoulderplate for any clues of the now mysteriously vanished little High Elf. Turning around, she would look back through the corridor which they had walked through, but even her trained, superior elven eyes with their natural night vision couldn't see the little elf anywhere in the corridor.

"He was on my shoulders just moments ago!"

Turning her attention towards herself and looking across her sentinel uniform, Rithrynn began to move her fingers through her hair, beneath her shoulderplate, glancing down into her cleavage and running her hands down across her body as she patted frantically for any bulge that could indicate a stuck little elfie!

" ... but it might be a bit, uh….Tight"

"It matters not. Take me this rear entrance!" Serphia said, extending her arm and motioning for Kathlin to lead on, before her eyes suddenly narrowed down on the smaller human priestess.
" ... and what is that supposed to mean?"

Fortunately however, before the Captain could make any assumptions about the priestess own assumed assumptions about the former's assets, Serphia's eyes would be drawn towards Rithrynn, who was patting herself as though she was trying to put out some invisible fire!

"Syn'dial? What's wrong?"

"Oh! Nothing!" Rithrynn immediately reacted, standing up straight as if everything was alright, before slowly leaning her head as she looked aside.
"Erhm, well... I sorta lost the tiny High Elf... kind'a... "

"Can you do nothing... huh?" Resting her hands on her powerful hips, Serphia was about to exclaim, when suddenly she noticed a tingling sensation between her breasts. Raising a brow with a perplexed look on her face, the Captain would dig into her own cleavage to unearth a disheveled tiny High Elf.

"Oh, mistress, you found him!" Rithrynn exclaimed cheerfully, whilst taking a careful step towards her Captain.

"I should've known he was there!"

Serphia, on the other hand, did not say a word at first. The Captain merely stared at the High Elf dangling in front of her face with two big, glowing silvery eyes.

"This... is the second time you've ended up close to me, Quel'Dorei. Are you sure you are really into humans, and not Keldorei?" Serphia suddenly asked, a mischievous grin appearing on her face. At this point, Rithrynn was desperately holding out her hand to the Captain, eventually succeeding in gaining her notice.
"Maybe try asking next time."

Dropping Sharon into Rithrynn's hand, Serphia turned her attention around to motion at some of the passing Night Elves in the corridor to form up behind them before finally looking back to Kathlin.

"Lead the way then, human. I have already infiltrated a high security fort tonight, and so highly doubt you could ever come up with any challenge I can't overcome."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Lead the way then, human. I have already infiltrated a high security fort tonight, and so highly doubt you could ever come up with any challenge I can't overcome."

“Hmm? Oh, I probably could” Kathlin responded absently as they wandered down the corridor together. The girl appeared to have taken the incident between Sharon, Serphia and Rithrynn entirely in her stride, as though miniature High Elves got lodged in the bust of Night Elves every day where she came from.

Apparently oblivious to any ire she may have sparked in the Captain with her remark, Kathlin turned to Rithrynn with the distinct air of a tour guide. “It’s really quite, uh, impressive the architecture down here. The crypts below the cathedral are quite extensive….records show that consecutive arch-bishops all decided to expand them, until the Cathedral underwent subsidence and they had to stop”

As the girl talked the corridor seemed to open out in front of them, as the group walked through an archway into a high roofed vault. It was unlit, with the only light cast being from the lantern that Kathlin carried. From the light it cast, the place appeared to be being used as a little-used store-room of some sort, with extremely dusty crates stacked up the walls on both sides. “There’s lots of stories about secret passages down here going to different parts of the city. You know, in case the Cathedral was attacked. It never was of course” Kathlin added in a confidential tone as she turned a corner to walk into a side room. “It’s terribly easy to get lost down here though, so it’s out of bounds to apprentices. So, Li and I came down here once, and uh….got lost”

The room she had led them appeared to be for all intents and purposes a dead end, again lined with crates and boxes. There was however a distinctly musky smell in the air of this room, almost of damp.

Kathlin walked forward to grab onto one of the larger crates, a vast wooden one sitting against the wall on the far side. Large it might have been, but it could not have been fully filled as the girl managed to drag it away from the wall with only some expenditure of effort on her part.

The musky damp smell intensified in the room as the crate was pushed to one side. Where it had been, a jagged break in the stone wall could now be seen, large enough to comfortably fit a little girl….or extremely uncomfortably, maybe a Night Elf.

The hole led only to a dark void, from which the unpleasant smell was coming. Kathlin walked confidently over to it, to stick her head out and glance around before looking back at the Night Elves. “I don’t think anyone else knows about this, but it’s twenty minutes maybe tops to the trade district if you follow the route of the Canal. Oh and there is a giant squid around here……”

Kathlin paused as she appeared to rethink her next comment, as her eyes settled on the large sword Serphia had at her side. “You need to promise me not to hurt him. He’s terribly tame, really”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“You need to promise me not to hurt him. He’s terribly tame, really”

"Why do I get the itching suspicion that such was a very subjective interpretation of the use of 'tame' on behalf of Liaena and Kathlin?"

Sharon looked down at Kathlin from where the tiny High Elf sat atop from Rithrynn's shoulder, giving her a small, if almost sympathetic smile.

"Do not worry, apprentice Kathlin. We all know that Night Elves, and particularly Serphia and her great warband are excellent diplomats who are more than capable of solving disputes and conflicts through peaceful means without having to resort to crude or violent methods."

The High Elf spoke with a calm, almost sincere voice. But through the cracks of it, the sarcasm merely oozed. He might as well have said outright to Kathlin that she had just made a terrible mistake, and that her little squid pet was on its way to becoming squid filet!

Whether the Night Elves caught on however, that was a another story...

Sharon looked across the group of Night Elves standing behind them, noting the presence of Vashi. Maybe if he managed to somehow cooperate with her, there was a possibility that the two mages could use their powers to prevent the impending "War of Elves and Squids" that would certainly abound if Serphia "The Crusher" encountered McBig Squid "The Tame"!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
Avatar of Rithy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"A giant squid? Nobody said anything about that before!" Rithrynn would remark, before throwing a glance over at Sharon as the High Elf spoke.

Serphia, in the meanwhile, shifted her eyes between the tunnel; grimacing slightly at the stench emanating from it; before her eyes shot back at Kathlin. Patting the handle of one of the vicious swords hanging at her hips, she would take a sideways step towards the small hole in the wall.

"Squid or not, I don't want to suffer the brainless squawking of those monkeys up in the temple any longer." Serphia noted, having few fond thoughts about her encounter with the priestly order of Stormwind just recently.

Resting a hand against the edge of the small crevice in the wall, Serphia's eyes would narrow on Kathlin as she pointed at her.

"And you are coming with us! You know these tunnels better than us, and know which one to get to that Liaena girl the fastest. And if this is a trick, it'll be on you as well!" Serphia remarked with a suspicious glare, before the Captain turned towards the small crevice, studying it for a moment.

Rithrynn was quick to rush and 'grab' Kathlin before any of her other sisters could, knowing full well that they wouldn't be quite as benevolent towards the little human girl!
"Don't worry, it'll be okay! You'll be off the hook as soon as we're out!" Rithrynn would whisper reassuringly to Kathlin.

"Light." The Captain then said, holding out a hand towards the rest of the Sentinels. One of them would produce a small cone shaped like root with a hallowed core, occupied by a small, bright blue moon butterly that fluttered around within it and emanated a strong blue light reminiscent to that of a full moon that helped lit up the gloomy catacombs. Grabbing the butterfly cone from the Sentinel and stringing it around her neck with a thread, letting it rest in her cleavage as it lit the way in front of her, Serphia would finally bend forward to begin to squeeze herself into the narrow crack.

With some intricate maneuvers, the Captain managed to wriggle her upper body relatively easily enough inside of the small hole. But as she tried to enter it fully, she got stuck. The captain's generously proportioned and well trained butt was stuck in the hole, wriggling around but not going anywhere no matter how much the Captain tried to crawl forward.

"Goddess curse this place... " Serphia would mutter with a growl as the other part of her body was still in the hole.

"Girls, give me a push!"

"Yes, mistress!"

The rest of the sentinels answered out almost like in a perfectly synchronized choir behind Rithrynn and Kathlin. Rithrynn merely stared at Serphia's bubble butt for a moment, before realizing that they were next in line!

"Oh crap!"

With little to no warning, the rest of the Night Elves suddenly surged forward; pushing Rithrynn and Kathlin right up against Serphia's ass as no less than seven fully grown and strong sentinels worked to forcefully help and squeeze their Captain through the gap! Rithrynn let out a muffled groan of discomfort as she was pressed against Serphia's big butt, holding onto Kathlin who was in a similar situation.

The scuffle, though brutish and uncomfortable, was however very successful, as soon Serphia disappeared completely into the hole in the wall, quickly followed by Rithrynn and Kathlin who were both squeezed up against the rear, and finally, a steady stream of impatient Night Elves following right behind.

"I hope you didn't bring that shrunk Bella girl with you." Rithrynn would groan between all the pushing to Kathlin, realizing how little warning the girl had actually received.

"In fact, I had hoped we could've just used the main door!"

Whenever Serphia would get stuck, the tiny tunnel would experience a bottling effect, until the pressure from the elves in the back succeeded in pushing the former forward yet again!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Nope. Thea has her” Kathlin uttered from somewhere below Rithrynn’s head, the girl wedged tightly into Rithrynn’s cleavage. At least the curve of her body offered some space for the human to shelter in, to save her from being crushed completely. “Don’t worry. This part isn’t so far…”

At her words there was an audible ‘pop’ from in front of them as Serphia finally burst out of the crevice. A wave of pungent fumes washed over those still struggling, as new air was finally allowed to enter the crevice…although one could hardly call it ‘fresh’. A few moments later, the struggling of the latter Night Elves was enough to propel Rithrynn and Kathlin out into one of the subterranean canals that ran through Stormwind, aka the sewers. Fortunately, there was an extremely narrow ledge that was elevated out of the murky water, presumably to allow maintenance. Unfortunately, there was impatient Night Elves right behind the pair.


“Careful, there isn’t much space” Kathlin remarked both helpfully and belatedly as Naliyah sat in her ass in the filthy water, coughing and making expressions of disgust. Rithrynn and her captive/companion human on the other hand, were floating an inch above the surface of the murky liquid. The former edged back towards the ledge, to step back on it and beat a hasty retreat down the tunnel after her Captain before Naliyah regained her senses enough to try and even the score.

“So, which way to Li?”

“…Er, back the way we came, actually” Kathlin explained meekly. The girl shifted in order to give a slight shrug to acknowledge her receipt of the stare she was getting from Rithrynn. “This is the way to the Trade District. I was going to go and find her. But you wanted me to come along, so…”


“…she’ll probably come join us when she’s ready, anyway” Kathlin added belatedly, after apparently considering the matter internally for a moment. “You should tell your Captain that it’s going to be the second manhole from here. Oh and er….that might be a bit tight as well”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
Avatar of Rithy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

During the trip, Rithrynn was in hardly any better position than that of Kathlin, or at least so she imagined, spending most of her time with her head or shoulder pressed up against her Captain's large rear end, a human below her, narrow walls all around her and the cold top of the helmet of the sentinel behind her constantly prodding her butt!

"Why couldn't we just take the front door?! ... "

Rithrynn thought to herself, bemoaning the uncomfortable journey through the earth.

Finally reaching the end of the small tunnel, Rithrynn would be too consumed with her personal annoyance about the tunnel that she completely failed to react when she was suddenly pushed out of the hole alongside Kathlin!


Shortly afterwards, Rithrynn would find herself staring wide eyed down towards a revolting, murky and smelly river of raw sewage, containing all manner of foulness! Her look of shock would soon be replaced with that of disgust. It took a while for the Sentinel to actually realize that she was floating in the air, and she let out a sigh of relief as she was levitated towards the edge.

Aleena, on the other hand, had not been as lucky; sitting in the despicable river of sewage and voicing an impressive vocabulary of darnassian swear words and derogatory terms to nobody in particular!

"Thanks for the save... " Rithrynn would utter to Kathlin whom accompanied her. She would have taken a deeper breath, if it hadn't been for the fact that they were still in the sewer, and the air was very much despicable in every possible way conceivable!

Behind them, most of the rest of the sentinels emerging from the crevice, although a scream followed by chorus of hate could be heard as at least one of the sentinels accidentally fell into the river alongside Aleena!

"This isn't the time to be taking a swim, girls! Hurry up!"

Serphia's voice could be heard through the tunnel, calling back to her sisters. Apparently she was not amused by those who had taken a dive in the sewer.

"I suppose we'll have to meet her somewhere... " Rithrynn reasoned in reference to Liaena, whom Kathlin said was still behind.
"I just hope she doesn't get herself into more trouble. She seems to have a knack for that kind of thing."

Rithrynn spoke as they fell in behind Serphia who was marching through the sewer at a steady pace, eyeing the manholes over them.

"What do you think, Shaw?"



After a moment of silence, Rithrynn would turn to look over to her shoulder, suddenly realizing that Sharon was no longer anywhere to be seen on her shoulderplate. Eyes widening, Rithrynn's head would snap back to Kathlin!

"Have you seen Sharon?!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Nope” Kathlin uttered quietly, following Rithrynn’s line of gaze to stare at the extremely empty shoulder epaulet. “Maybe he fell in the sewer? If he was separated from us when you fell earlier, my levitate spell wouldn’t have included him…it requires touch range”

“Dammit! Shaww! SHAWWW!”

“Then again, he does have his teleport spells, doesn’t he?”
Kathlin added consolingly as Rithrynn turned around to start heading down the tunnel again back the way they had come. Cries of anger from the Night Elves that had been following them, showed very clearly their displeasure with Rithrynn attempting to push past them on the narrow ledge. “What are you doing!? Get back in line!”

One of them, Aleena, still dripping with sludge from her impromptu bath in the sewer, gave Rithrynn a good hard shove as the latter attempted to bulldoze past her. Feet sliding on the slimy stone cobbles, the Night Elf slipped with a scream into the sewer – only to start floating once more in mid-air as a levitate spell arrested her fall.

Meanwhile, down at the tail end of the queue of Night Elves, one of the elves apparently got fed up waiting for whatever was taking place up at the top and started to push forcefully at the girls in front of her. Feeling the effects of this up at the top, Aleena squealed as the elf right behind slammed into her and both started to fall towards the sewer!

“Ah…mind yourself , please”

Kathlin gasped as she grabbed onto Aleena’s shoulder, just as the elf fell past her on the way to a beautiful belly-flop. Both elves, both Aleena and the other she was tangled up with immediately stopped in mid-air, to also bob along above the sewer water. Kathlin gently disentangled herself from Rithrynn to step onto the ledge and safety, the strain of holding up three large Night Elves plus armour clearly showing on her face as she dragged the others after her. “Would you mind just holding still? Else…”

“This is your fault, stupid! Your monkies brought us into this cess pit!” Aleena cursed as she lashed out, clobbering Rithrynn across the chest with a sodden stinking fist. As the blow struck, the levitate spell dissolved around them and all three elves plummeted downwards, to land with an almighty great SPLASH.

“….you might, er, disrupt the spell”

Kathlin finished pensively as she glanced around the sewer. Humming a tune under her breath, she raised a hand that began to glow with a golden light. In the light cast by it, her eyes settled on a tiny elf that carefully ventured out of a corner now that the chaos on the ledge had abated somewhat. “Oh, hello Mr. Dal’dieb. Rithrynn will be glad that you’re safe”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Oh, hello Mr. Dal’dieb. Rithrynn will be glad that you’re safe”

"Greetings again, apprentice Lennox." Sharon would bow slightly with a smirk as he was noticed by Kathlin and the light she cast across the otherwise gloomy and murky sewer tunnel, the smaller High Elf stepping across the stone floor as he cast a look across the three Night Elves, including Rithrynn, Aleena and Ms. Unfortunate Collateral, 'enjoying' an involuntary group bath session in the disgusting river of sewage in the middle of the tunnel.
"Oh yes, I'm sure she would."

One might think that the journey through the cramped tunnel would have been easier for Sharon, given his current and very much diminished physical size. It might have been the case, had he not had to share the ride with more than half a dozen large Night Elves pushing into one another! If it hadn't been for some quick thinking at the start of the trip that involved blinking himself off Rithrynn's shoulder, Sharon might now have been back in the very, very safe and escape-proof confinements of Captain Serphia's big butt!

"Nope, I'm not letting Rithrynn hold me again until she's gotten a real bath. One that does not involve sewage... "

Sharon thought as he eyed Rithrynn, now covered from top to toe in foul-smelling sewage. Night Elves might normally be quite beautiful creatures, but it was perhaps more difficult to appreciate that when combined with a big dose of sewage.

Looking around, the High Elf would find himself on the narrow ledge, with the towering shapes of Night Elves on either side of him. The fact that some of them were standing no less than a few inches away from him, combined with their natural light clothing, left very little to the imagination whenever Sharon might have gazed upwards.

He did contemplate teleporting himself to Kathlin's shoulder, if it hadn't been for the fact that the now sewage-covered Rithrynn would've been able to easily snatch him off.

Therefore, Sharon would teleport to the non-sewage-covered Night Elf right next to Kathlin, appearing with a blink on her left shoulderplate. Receiving a surprised look in return, Sharon would simply nod and smile back to the elf.

"Don't worry, miss. I'll be like a shadow." He said, before turning to Rithrynn and the rest who finally seemed to be emerging from the esewage.

"I appreciate your concern, Rithrynn. I'm fine as I ever was! But if you don't mind, I'll take a ride with your sister back to the mansion." Sharon smiled as he motioned with his thumb towards the Night Elf on who's shoulder he was sitting.

With any luck, she had better balance than Rithrynn, and was hopefully without the personality of Serphia. With any luck, Sharon might have found a 'normal', non-crazy elf!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


It was the only word that came out of Rithrynn's mouth after she had fallen into the disgusting river of shit.

Covered from top to toe with what she wouldn't even dare think about, she slowly made her way towards the ledge to pull herself up. She was mad, and it was obvious in the way she gave Aleena the stink eye all the way.

She wanted to start a fight, but 1. They were in a river of shit. And 2, that would mean touching Aleena, who also smelled! Though exactly how 2 could make things any worse was debatable...

"What?!" The moment Sharon would teleport onto the shoulder of Ashira, the Sentinel would spin around with her sword at the ready as soon as she noticed the slight, blue flash in the corner of her eyes. But when she finally noticed the tiny High Elf sitting on her shoulder, the expression on the green haired sentinel's face would soon turn into a royal 'WTF' look.

"Don't worry, miss. I'll be like a shadow."

" ... "

Ashira just looked at him. She did not say anything, but there was not any look of dislike or apprehension in her face. In fact, there seemed to be a lot of different emotions running around on the surface, as she spent most of her time merely studying Sharon while also pretending not to by looking forward. While mostly confused, she almost seemed excited as well, as if wanting to say something but trying to contain it.

"ARE ... well, uh, my name is Ashira."

As they reached the ledge after a session of complaining and disgusted facial expressions, Aleena was the first person to put her hands over the ledge and begin to pull herself up. But halfway on the way to do so, Rithrynn would suddenly reach past her with her arm and place her hand on Aleena's face; the Sentinel immediately cursing when one of Rithrynn's sewage-caked fingers incidentally reached her mouth; before Rithrynn shoved her right back into the sewer as she climbed up the ledge herself.

When she eventually noticed Sharon as the small High Elf spoke to her, Rithrynn merely glared at him.

Normally, she'd be both relieved and happy to find him. That was not the case now however, with the Night Elf being covered with shit! Instead, she merely gave him a nod of acknowledgement as she placed herself next to Kathlin and the other elf.

"Don't you have a spell for this?" Rithrynn eventually inquired, motioning down towards her body and the sewage that now covered it!

In the meantime, after Sharon had mentioned his desire of riding on Ashira's shoulder instead, the Sentinel would look over Kathlin (who was between them) at Rithrynn from behind the High Elf on her epaulet, motioning at the tiny High Elf and giving Rithrynn a silent 'LOOK AT WHO LIKES ME MORE!' expression of triumph when Sharon wasn't watching, causing Rithrynn's own expression to grow very dark all of a sudden!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“….Shall we go?” Kathlin enquired meekly into the deafening silence, Rithrynn looking strongly tempted to bull-rush Ashira into the river of sludge, Sharon and all. Without waiting for an answer, the girl turned to wander down the tunnel after the now very far ahead Serphia.

The Night Elves finally reorganising themselves after a lot of snarling to follow the girl, the sewer was noticeably widening as multiple small pipes dotted along the wall leaked into it. The murky water looked considerably deeper and there was a noticeably black oily tinge to the water.

“Agggh! Something grabbed my foot”

The scream from Aleena came as the other sentinels whirled around, that Night Elf having drawn her sword and now pointing it at random locations around them in the gloom. The dark water in the sewer below ‘glooped’ innocently.

“Oh….that’ll be the squid I mentioned. You probably had something nice tasting stuck to your ankle” Kathlin said consolingly to Aleena, who was quite obviously not at all consoled by this. “Don’t worry, he’s quite friendly”

This comment was punctuated by two large tentacles whirling out of the dark water, wrapping them around the unfortunate Aleena and dragging her bodily into the water. A scream of rage was ended by a loud ‘BLUB’.

“Now that’s mean. Bad Marvin! Naughty!” Kathlin said sharply. Flapping a hand at Rithrynn (all the sentinels now had their bows out, arrows nocked and pointed at the water), the girl made a ‘just bear with me’ sort of face as she stepped out to levitate above the murk. “Drop it. Go on, drop it!”

With a loud ‘SPLAT’, Aleena’s sword rocketed out, sans owner, to clatter onto the ledge. “Drop the elf. Who wants a treat, now?”

The murky water seemed to tremble noticeably at this, as what looked like a small whirlpool started to develop right under Kathlin just as the girl produced a small package out of one pocket. Unwrapping this to reveal a chunk of raw meat, the girl waved it enticing above the water.


In a shower of gunk that splashed everybody in the area, Aleena soared out of the water to land with a similar crash right beside her sword. “What a good boy! Well done!”

As the girl dropped the meat into the water, it was sucked down without a trace. Kathlin turned to walk back across the air to the others, before dropping down as she reached the ledge. Irrespective of the gunk, Aleena got a consoling pat on the shoulder as she turned to walk on. “He can be a bit difficult with strangers…but he’s lovely when you get to know him”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"The creature choose an old chunk of meat over you." Sharon would comment from the safety of Sentinel Ashira's shoulder, gazing down towards Aleena who sat on the ground, somehow covered in even more sludge now with the addition of some newly added saliva.
"I do not know whether you should feel lucky or offended. Or maybe both."

The High Elf said jokingly, before turning around to look towards the water in the deeper lake of sludge in the middle of it.

"I have heard stories of a giant crocodile roaming the Stormwind sewer, but a giant squid is a new one. I ought to question Li and her friends about this. Having a giant carnivorous cephalopod roaming freely around the sewer could hardly be defined as safe for the public!"

For some mysterious reason, Sharon had an inkling of doubt with regards to Kathlin's story. As did obviously a lot of the elves too when he quickly glanced across the rest of the group.


A simple and shoddy windowless wooden carriage was riding through the streets of Stormwind's Mage District, pulled by two muscular and large black horses directed by a bearded middle aged man shrouded in a heavy trench oat and large tophat.

The chariot would eventually stop behind one of the houses, having parked in a small alleyway outside the main road.

Throwing a rather suspicious look around, checking to see if the coast was clear, the driver would then lean backwards and knocking against the surface of the carriage.

Inside of the carriage would be a small team of nearly a dozen people, cramped together. All of them were humans and were wearing simple commoner's clothes, with the exception of two of the passengers. The first was the towering presence of a large and dark blue Draenei woman who was sitting in the back of the carriage, wearing a full White Hand uniform of polished platemail armor and satin white cloaks and tabard, and easily taking up more than two seats, leaving her fellow passengers rather cramped for space. The second one was a lone, hooded High Elf, sitting in the corner closest to the door, and apparently having done a good job at pushing away the nearest human passengers.

"Why are we stopping so early?" One of the passengers would ask, who was a young human woman by the name of Silje. The girl stood easily out from the rest of the humans, all of whom were more rugged, strong and fit fighting aged men and women.

"We have reports that the Night Elves had posted sentries on the rooftops. We cannot risk going any closer." The driver would speak through a small window in the front of the carriage.

"Ohh, okay." Silje then said, before realizing that every other occupant of the carriage was giving her a dark stare!
"Nevermind me, I'll just... sit here, doing nothing, ahem, I mean LISTENING! ... I'll be quiet!"

Silje was quick to forfeit, quickly throwing a pleading look over at the large Draenei, Malizia, who was sitting in the carriage along with her, gesturing and begging for her to say anything to take the attention off her!

"Right, we're here... " Malizia would finally speak, looking out across the rest in the wagon.
"I'll make a quick recap of our mission: our goal is to infiltrate a mr. Sharon Dal'Dieb's mansion, a rich High Elf living in the district. With the aid of our polymorph potions and the genetic material left behind by the Night Elves during their terrorist attack on Honor's Watch, we will fool the elven guards, assume command over the garrison in the absence of their real warlord, and make them vacate the mansion. I will pose as a prisoner, and Specialist Valion will shrink down and shadow us, dealing with any potential complications that might arise. Once we have successfully cleared the mansion, Bravo team will move in, set up the ambush, and kill the criminal Sharon Dal'dieb when he returns. Understood?"

All of the other occupants in the carriage gave a firm nod, with the exception of one man who cautiously raised his hand. Malizia turned to him and nodded.

"Yes, Leroy?"

"I don't speak Darnassi or whatever the hell language the purple elves used. What do we do if they address us in their language?"

"Fortunately for all of us, you won't have to speak a single word during the mission." Malizia replied, before turning to Silje.
"Silje Vanderan is a grade-A Cultural student, versed in both Orcish, Dwarven, Gnomish as well as Darnassian, including their cultures and lore. She will take the role of the elven warlord and do the talking. The rest of you will only follow her around, supporting her every decision."

"Uh, hi guys... I'm Silje." Silje carefully said, meekly raising a hand and attempting to smile towards the rest of the rugged looking chevaliers in the carriage.

"Enough. Time to dismount. Potions and sentinel uniforms are in the bags. Let's not delay any further!" Malizia spoke with a clear voice, moving to stand up and inadvertently forcing the rest of the occupants to begin barreling out of the back of the carriage lest they be squeezed by Malizia!

After being disgorged out the back of the wagon, the chevaliers had dragged their bags with them and were already beginning to consume their own polymorph potions. After numerous complaints about the taste and stripping out of their old clothes, half of the chevaliers had already completed their transformations, now mimicking the exact looks of the elves Serphia had brought with her to Honor's Watch!

Silje, peeking out of the carriage, immediately blushed when she saw some of the chevaliers strip down before taking their potions, eyeing her own worriedly before looking towards Malizia.

"Uhhh, Miss Malizia... do I need to strip down too?" She asked with a worried tone.

Malizia looked at her and shook her head.
"No, it is only recommended that you do. It's your call though."

"Thanks!" Silje exclaimed, and snuck around the carriage.

Moments later, the girl would have found a profound change! Silje, having originally been a girl of little more than 5.4ft tall, was looking thoroughly amazed when she was now towering at 8ft as Captain Serphia's exact lookalike.

"Light, this is amazing! I'm as tall as you now!" Silje exclaimed, sounding excited as she looked towards Malizia. Malizia merely nodded in return.

"Yes, though I hope you were not too attached to your old clothes.

"What?" Silje asked, gaining a confused look on her face when she eventually gazed down, only to let out an audible 'eeep!' when she saw her clothes, now turned into torn strips hanging loosely around her much larger body. The originally tiny girl, now standing at 8ft, leaped into hiding in the carriage. Malizia merely let out a sigh, turning the other way and offhandly tossing the bag with the elven uniform after Silje.

"Seriously? I thought we were getting uniforms, not this!" Chevalier-Ashira, originally known as Lisa, would exclaim furiously when the chevalier-nelf held up a metal thong towards Malizia!

"It IS their uniform. Don't ask me why. It's a cultural thing." Malizia responded, simply letting out a sigh.

Lisa simply murmured something under her breath while reluctantly pulling it on. Yet Malizia wouldn't manage to as much as turn around before she again heard the voice of Lisa-Ashira calling out!

"LEROY! Stop doing that!"

"What? This is cool!"

When Malizia turned to look around, she could see Chevalier-Night Elf Leroy-Aleena, currently deeply interested in examining his, or her, new body; with particular emphasis on enhanced upper front assets. Next to him was Lisa-Ashira, giving him a big stink eye.

"Both of you, shut up and get dressed! We're doing this mission TODAY!" Malizia would bark out, causing the both of them to almost jump off the ground when the Draenei called them!

"I will... go ahead and cover you from up high." The High Elven specialist named Valion who had been quiet up to that point eventually added, walking next to Malizia. He was wearing some simple, darkened leather armor and cloak, with some red strands of hair running out from his cowl. Producing a small vial, he would drink it, suddenly shrinking down to the point he was small enough to fit in a person's palm. Yet before Malizia could say anything to him, the now shrunk elf would disappear in a magical blink, vanishing into thin air!


A few minutes later, the chevalier-Night Elves dressed in their copied elven armor would finally be making their way down the main street and heading towards the front gate of the mansion.

Malizia was in the middle of the group, her hands bound on her back and the chevalier-elf next to her holding her sheated swords. Silje-Serphia would be walking in the front, having to occasionally be pushed forward by the chevalier-elf behind her as she secretly tried to be anywhere but in the front of the troop!

As they approached the front gate and the elf standing watch there, Silje-Serphia would raise a hand while bringing on a big smile.

"Hiiii there! Can you let us in?" She would ask, looking down at the watcher. Malizia, overhearing the conversation, would take the oppertuniy to give Silje-Serphia a swift kick in the back of her greave, causing her to quickly change her tone.

"OFH! Uh, I mean... I demand that you let me in right now, Sentinel!" Silje-Serphia then said, changing the tone of her voice into something that a timid person would believe a bossy voice would sound like!

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While most of the Sentinels had been initially startled when Aleena had suddenly been grabbed and pulled into the murky water by a pair of dark, large tentacles, the mood would eventually shift to that of a more light hearted one as Aleena was spat back onshore, with some of the Sentinel snickering quietly at Sharon's comment though they would never admit it.

Among the few who weren't smiling was Aleena herself, who simply sat on the sidewalk; looking both disgusted and surprised as she merely stared blankly back at the water!

"Well, that's our Aleena... she does go do stupid things and somehow survive." Ashira would comment with a slight snicker at Sharon's comment, looking down at the flabbergasted Aleena below.

Eventually however, the initial motions would wear off, and Aleena would get a new look on her face as her eyes grew more clear, a look that was one of pure, primeval rage and a desire for righteous murder!

"I HAVE HAD IT!" She would suddenly exclaim as she shot to her feet, now brandishing her sword and long dagger in a dual wield stance, slicing the razor sharp blades against oneanother to the point they generated sparks in the air!

Aleena said, walking towards the edge as if she was planning to jump right in whilst brandishing her weapons. She wouldn't get far however before Lithrielle would intervene, throwing herself around Aleena and pulling her backwards.

"No, wait, it's not worth it, Aleena!"

"AARGHH! DO NOT COME BETWEEN THE HUNTRESS AND HER PRAY! I DEMAND THE RIGHT TO KILL THE BEAST!" Aleena roared as she waved her swords, struggling against Lithrielle's grip. It wouldn't be until Rithrynnn arrived to help Lithrielle pull Aleena away from the edge that the two finally succeeded in dragging the furious Night Elf with them!

"Stop playing with the native marine life, girls!" Serphia's voice could suddenly be heard across the sewer as she appeared around the next corner and threw her sentinels an impatient look.

It was enough to make the rest of the Sentinels quickly tear their eyes off the pool and the mysterious squid living in it, to all hurry after their Captain!

... all except Aleena, whom had to be constrained by at least three other elves as she was pulled after the party!

After a while of trekking through the sewer however, they would eventually reach a small iron gate beneath one of the numerous bridges spanning the canal of Stormwind. Kicking the door out, the party was relieved as they walked out into the fresh morning air of the city. Or well, at least out from the stinky air of the sewer to the less-stinky air of the canal!

"Let us NEVER take the sewer ever again... " Rithrynn muttered with a defeated look on her face, grimacing as she dared to sniff her shoulder.

Serphia looked around, noticing how some of her girls still seemed to carry the stench of the sewer even out into the city as they left the underground behind. Turning to her sisters, she immediately pointed at them.

"I'll not have you walk around in the city smelling like that! Take a quick bath in the canal while we wait for our missing human." Serphia ordered, motioning towards the water of the canal. Indeed, it may not be the cleanest water, but it was still certainly a large improvement over sewage that they had waddled through earlier, and some of them even bathed it!

Turning to look towards Kathlin, Serphia motioned for her the human to follow her as she walked up the steps towards the bridge, looking out across the streets.

"This is one of the bridges leading to our district. Do you think we'll see your crazy alchemist friend that Rithrynn calls "Li" if we stick around?" She asked, turning to look down at the smaller human next to her.

Standing not far behind Serphia and Kathlin would be Ashira, overhearing some of the conversation. Standing behind the wall along the stairs to the street, she would lean against it and throw the tiny High Elf on her shoulder a sly smile.

"Sooo, this 'Li' human, how well do you know her?" Ashira would inquire, leaning her head slightly as she looked at Sharon with a curious smirk.


Outside of the gate, when she saw the troop of chevalier-Night Elves, the gate Watcher Delilah would quickly assume an even stricter stance when she spotted Serphia leading them.

"Mistress, you're back!"

"Hiiii there! Can you let us in?"

" ... what?"

Silje-Serphia's surprising tone had left Delilah completely surprised, the Sentinel simply frozen in her salute motion and merely staring up at her Captain with an obvious 'WTF' look on her face!

"OFH! Uh, I mean... I demand that you let me in right now, Sentinel!"

"What!" Delilah exclaimed, but not so much in response to what Serphia was saying, but to when she noticed the prisoner behind Serphia doing what seemed like nudging her, and the Captain did seemingly nothing in retaliation for the slight!

"Don't you dare hit Mistress like that, squidface! I will teach you some manners, Den'dweah!" Delilah exclaimed, furious on the person she thought to be Serphia's behalf, as she pushed herself past the 'Captain' and the nearest chevalier-elf towards the tied up Malizia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“…Maybe” Kathlin said, after a hesitant pause. The girl gave the large Captain a long shrug, that served to demonstrate the futility of ever hoping to predict Liaena’s movements. “She might just have called a cab, and gone back to Mr. Dal’diebs house. We did spend a while down in the sewer, after all”

The girl glanced around the canal path they had found themselves on, to observe they were garnering quite considerable amounts of attention – particularly towards those Elves that had been unfortunate enough to find themselves in the sewer water, Aleena and Rithrynn. “…you are getting stared at, so you might just want to go home. I got the impression you wanted a low profile”


Not so far away, one of the cities hackney carriages clanked to a halt in the slush right outside Sharon’s mansion, right next to where the group of ‘Night Elves’ were trying their best to stop the actual Night Elf defending ‘Serphias’ honour. A petite girl with black hair was clambering out of it before it had even had time to stop properly, tossing a coin to the driver as she landed in the slush.
Tossing her head to look over at the group of Night Elves, Liaena spared ‘Serphia’ a single glance as she stepped towards the gate. “I’ve got the antidote. Did you….”


Pausing, the little human did a double take as she turned back around to stare at Malizia. “Who in the Light is that? Are you kidnapping citizens now? If they’ve kidnapped you…” (this was to Malizia) “…I’m sure whatever happened, the elves started it”

Having stopped to survey Malizia, Liaena cast her eyes over the rest of the elves. ‘Serphia’ was still preoccupied with trying to hold Delilah back, alternating apologies and weak orders. “….where’s Rithrynn? And Sharon? Did you leave them back at the Cathedral or something?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
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Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Sooo, this 'Li' human, how well do you know her?"

Sharon, having initially been smiling back at Ashira, grew slightly more uncomfortable all of a sudden as he leaned a little away. Staring back up at Ashira's face, it was hard to not notice how very interested the Sentinel looked.

An amount of interest that was almost worrisome!

"Well... we've been together for a while." Sharon responded, biting his lips as he looked around.
"She's a nice girl. A little adventurous, some might say dangerous or even manipulative, but truly well-intentioned with a heart in all the right places."


Ever since the carriage stopped close by them, the whole group of 'Night Elves', including Malizia, had become completely silent as they all merely threw awkward looks, first at the carriage, and then over to the girl who stepped out of it.

“…I’m sure whatever happened, the elves started it”

While most of the chevalier-elves seemed to mostly be giving Liaena a bunch of blank or confused stares, Malizia would immediately recognize Liaena. She had been briefed well enough about Liaena to know that she was Sharon's girlfriend, though whether it was official or unofficial had yet not been confirmed by any of their agents for some reason.

"They have been terrorizing this town ever since they arrived!" Malizia; still wearing her full White Hand armor; would respond, the Draenei pretending to be resisting her binds as she threw the surrounding 'elves' a dark glare.
"Would you please inform the authorities, young girl? This charade has gone well past the point of silliness!"

Lisa-Ashira, having picked up a note from Delilah's own behavior, would take the opportunity to suddenly raise her hand and slap Malizia across the back of her head with her wristguard, with an audible 'oof!' escaping from Malizia's faceguard, and judging by the smack that accompanied it, 'Ashira' hadn't tried to be nice!

"Quiet, Den'dweah!" 'Ashira' shouted!

" ... you will regret that." Malizia growled as she glanced over at Ashira, with a surprising amount of seriousness in her voice that made 'Ashira' raise an eyebrow at her.

Silje-Serphia, who had been watching the whole exchange with a peculiar amount of silence, eventually opened her mouth to speak.

"Rithrynn?" She muttered, looking back out across her little troop of chevalier elves. That was when she could suddenly feel a small gust of wind beneath her right ear on her shoulder, as the High Elf named Valion would teleport onto her shoulder on the opposite direction Liaena was standing, essentially shielding himself from her sight.

"Rithrynn Syn'dial. She's a close friend of the black haired girl, Liaena Rune. 'She'is standing right next to you." Valion quietly spoke into Silje-Serphia's ear. To everyone else who couldn't see the tiny figure, it was as if a light just went up in Silje-Serphia's face as she turned around and looked down at Chevalier 'Rithrynn', and then back at Liaena.

"Ohhh, she's here! Sorry for blocking your view!" Silje-Serphia smiled to Liaena, stepping away as to not stand in between Liaena and the impostor. Chevalier 'Rithrynn' looked back up at Silje-Serphia for a moment, seeming surprised, before looking back at Liaena, smiled and raised a hand.

"I was here all along, hehe... what took you so long?" Chevalier-Rithrynn said.

"Tell her this: 'Sharon is in a safe place'." Valion continued.

"And don't worry about Sharon, he's in a safe place!" Silje-Serphia then said, smiling down at Liaena.

"And, elven warlord never says 'sorry'! Please shape up before you ruin this mission, or we will pull your student loan." Valion spoke again into Silje-Serphia's ear.

"Serphia" was about to open her mouth as to say something, suddenly stopping, and then looking down at Delilah.

"I... " Silje-Serphia was about to speak, before she placed her hands against her hips and looked down at Delilah with a grumpy look all of a sudden!

"(Darnassian) I have had it with these delays already! Let us in right now, Sentinel!" Silje-Serphia spoke in Darnassian to Delilah. Behind her, some of the Chevalier-Elves exchanged odd looks but said nothing.
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