I can't seem to get inspired right now, so going to step out for the time being. Sorry. ^^;
I couldn't find the adult and ultimate forms so I have no idea what they actually are.
I assume that the purple elecmon exists for a certain reason and not just because of genetic mutation.
Is it possible that in this AU, especially considering the Digimon will cease to be data and become concrete organisms, that similar color shifts can occur in other Digimon? I'm not suggesting anything like a complete color invert, but instead slight changes based off of Digimon within their evolution line.
Say @Sheeny, You wanted something a tier up from the Free one? You could try both. If you feel like not having 2 RPs with the same theme/fandom going on at the same time, feel free to drop by if the other one feels unsatisfactory.
@Sheenyi recommend you use that, since your current line seem's rather generic and overused? Just my opinion i guess. Something to spice it up would always be welcomed uvu
@Windicator you're good on this ask, you're GMT+2 i believe uvu
Pupumon - Puroromon - Funbeemon - Flymon - Jewelbeemon - Bancho Stingmon
(Will post picture references later.) Thank you both for helping me with that.