-inspired by the nickelodeon television series-

B O O K 1: C O N T R O L

Close your eyes.
Breath slow.
Breath deep.
Relax and listen.
To the sound.
Of clear blue water.
-inspired by the nickelodeon television series-

B O O K 1: C O N T R O L

Close your eyes.
Breath slow.
Breath deep.
Relax and listen.
To the sound.
Of clear blue water.
"Gooood Morning and welcome to Shinobi News. It's a bright and beautiful day in the Republic. Clear skies with no forecast of rain from the North or dust storms from the East. Perfect weather and what better than that for our kick off to the one hundred year anniversary of the end of The Great War. A tragic time in our history where the bending menace tried to set the world on fire. We remember not because of the dark days but because of the bright future those days brought for us. Look out for the festivities that will be taking place through out all of the City. The mass parade in the Middle Ring will begin at two a.m. so don't miss out. Expect heavy traffic especially around the parade route. The Republic Inter-Ring Transit System has also added a number of extra trains to their schedule to help alleviate expected delays. Also, and unfortunately, we won't be expecting an appearance from the King this year. Due to an illness, he will not be heading the parade. We wish him a speedy recovery..."
"...As pressures arise from the Lower Ring due to demands on resources from a steady and equal rise in both population and poverty. Concerns have been raised about the strain placed on the local Synergy Storage Facility. As demand for power increases, energy from the plant is stretched and experts fear that soon the system may collapse resulting in catastrophic failure and a return to the use of fossil fuels at least for a time. Discussions in the palace saw that a team be assembled and sent to the Republic City Plant to speed up research on the condensing of Synergy and to make repairs in the hopes that they'll improve the conditions at the storage facility..."
"...In the wake of large criminal activity in the past year. The RSF have been called inadequate to handle their duties in the lower ring allowing for a steep rise in gang population and the selling of narcotics City wide. One of the most prevalent drugs on the streets, Zen, has steadily made it's way into even the Upper Ring with the recent narcotics raid on several noble houses. It is widely believed that the laws governing the use of these drugs are much too lenient and that the RSF should move to completely abolish any use of drugs in the city..."
"...Has once again struck in the Upper Ring. Yahan Zu, a strong bending reformist who worked closely with the king to not only increase antibending security around the city but also decrease capital punishment for accused benders, was murdered in his home yesterday night by the man known infamously as "Unity". The killing was committed execution style, recorded and broadcast across various stations for public witness in what was to be a message to the masses. Unity has since made himself known as a killer for the bending cause further bringing to light the danger that all benders pose and reinforcing the laws against them. Security has been tightened around both the Palace and the parade today in light of recent events and law enforcement have already begun steps to find and capture and bring an end to his reign of terror. The RSF have reassured that Unity poses no threat to the public as his motives have become quite clear...
"...And remember. Our City's greatest defense is you. It is your responsibility to report a bender sighting. Help ensure the streets of the Republic remain safe by keeping a vigilant watch."

Upper Ring. Palace.
"Ladies. Gentlemen. Thank you for coming today. Please, take your seats. We have much to discuss." Wu motioned toward the circle of empty chairs. While the room was busy filling them in, he turned and pressed a white cloth to his forehead. The fabric soaked up what few beads of sweat there were before they trickled down over his brow. It was taking everything in him from calling the meeting off. He turned around again when everyone else was finally seated and quickly joined them. "Let's get right into it."
A woman entered the room and placed a tablet in front of Wu before taking her place a little to his right and a few steps behind him.
"First item on the list. Yahan Zu."

Upper Ring. Yahan Zu Residence.
It was always a beautiful thing entering the Upper Ring. A drive down any one of the streets presented an entire spectrum of green. Green topped by flora never before seen in the Wild or the walls. Colors alone were more vibrant here than anywhere in the world, now a drab sphere of faded brown and gray. The air here was pure and clean, thin and easy to breath and the sun always seemed a lot warmer. The houses themselves were of gorgeous design. Though crammed into the limited space provided by the Upper Ring, their size and beauty and the surprising space available in each home more than made up for it. Most were multiple stories tall and all of them were intricately adjourned with gilded edges and precious metals meant for more than just decorative pieces.
Cypher stared at each with mild interest as he passed them by on the road. He'd seen his fill of the other life. He'd lived it too at one time. If he tried now he could think back on memories of a paradise he called home with walls that held back the realities of another world. Where the faces that protected him spoke of nothing but the words a young child wanted to hear and not of the truth a man was meant to uphold. Where all he had was time. Time and peace and warmth.
Those memories were more foreign than the Wilds. All he had now was the truth. The reality of a world oppressed and a people he was meant to protect who were plagued by the never ending nightmare of benders. Their nightmare. A dark dream they could never wake up from and one that lived on even to this day. Right now.
Yahan Zu was the latest victim of this nightmare and while simple murders were the problems of the RSF, one man's fanatical idea to change the world suddenly made it his problem too. He'd been dragged away from a potential day off to clean up someone else's mess. It was an irritation even if only slight. While he no longer had a day off, he'd been saved from Koeska's idea of festival fun: Working on his social skills. She'd set him up with a date, a date he was only too happy to cancel and replace with work.
The perfect neighborhood was suddenly interrupted by the flashing blue and red of parked security cars. The immediate area around the home was cordoned off by caution tape and the few men in blue posted outside the perimeter to keep prying eyes away. Cypher's driver came to a stop in front of one who was particularly interested in getting them out of the area and continuing on with his immensely important duties. He stepped away from the tape and walked over to the driver window. The driver rolled it down.
"Morning. Sorry about this but you'll have to turn around an-"
Cypher reached around from the back and flashed his badge. LSF was printed somewhere on the front with a bland picture of himself and plethora of other useless information nobody cared about. They usually stopped at the big bold letters.
"Oh...Right." The man nodded before returning to his place and hoisting the tape up as far as he could above his head. It was an obvious struggle but Cypher and the rest of his car managed to slip underneath. The found an open spot between two other patrol cars and pulled in.
Sir." Came his driver. Kato had been Cypher's chauffeur since he was a child. He'd grown old while Cypher had grown strong and had remained loyal despite his change of lifestyle and career. "I'll be waiting outside."
The crisp morning air and beautiful scenery was the perfect distraction for the confusing headache that was his crime scene. He pushed past a number of men in blue, flashing his badge to the few that were a little too curious for their own good, and stepped through the front door. Inside he found more of what he'd expect of a Upper Ring home. Everything in the house was clean, dust free, organized. Everything was placed with meticulous detail; Everything was where it was meant to be. From pictures of family grouped together on the walls and various intellectual rewards standing on a number of shelves underneath to the exotic furniture placed carefully around the house. There were documents on display in different rooms signed by men and women of noble power, one of them by the King himself. Upstairs was more of the same, all things familiar to Cypher... until he got to the bedroom.
Already inside were a number of CSI who were too busy dusting for fingerprints and picking through a maze of probable evidence to notice his sudden appearance. In the corner of the room was Yahan Zu; his eyes rolled back, his mouth open and hanging awkwardly to one side. His throat was cut clean open and his suit was stained a deep red, almost black. He'd been tied to a chair by his wrists and ankles and despite what looked like an initial struggle, wasn't able to break free of his restraints.
"Gruesome isn't it?"
Edwin Howard, a detective on the force, who had arrived only moments before Cypher. He was only slightly taller than Cypher himself and looked to weigh in at about the same weight. His hair was short and slightly unkempt, his face framed by stubble at least a day old. His eyes seemed a little heavy. He was dressed in a black trench coat, dark jeans and darker shoes.
"You LSF?" He asked when Cypher didn't say anything.
Edwin smiled. "Heard about you guys. Never seen one in the flesh though." He paused as he looked Cypher over. "You uh... know how to bend?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"No. So what happened...?" Cypher motioned toward the body trying to steer the subject back on track.
"Right. Yahan Zu." Edwin began. "Was preparing for the day yesterday in the bath." He pointed to the adjoined room. There were objects that had been knocked on the floor due to a struggle. "Brushing his teeth, cleaning his face, whatever it is these rich people do for success when he was attacked. The assailant came through the front door, managed to bypass security. From there it was easy. No one else was in house. He simply made his way up the stairs, into the room and BOOM." Edwin made a show of grabbing Yahan from the back by the neck. The loud noise startled some of the CSI. Cypher shook his head.
"A little bit of a struggle ensued and ended here with Yahan being tied to the chair. From there... well you saw the video... a lot of people did."
Indeed he had. Somehow Unity had managed to hack into the various broadcast networks around the city and hijack their signal. His message was played to all of the Republic... well at least the meat of the message did. Luckily technicians managed to cut his feed off just has the killing began. However Cypher wasn't interested in what happened to the man or how he died. He was called on site because this had become a political issue. Unity had declared his intent to bring awareness to the bending cause and his supervisors weren't having any of it. They needed the man silenced before he became a bigger problem than they were prepared for.
"I just want to know if the man could bend." Cypher asked. Edwin shook his head.
"Not likely. There was a scanning device installed over the front door that didn't go off. However, just like the last one, the torture and subsequent killing are identical to that of Triple Threat Triad killings, reserved for high ranking members of rival gangs. Their hitmen are often fond of this style. It's bloody and is meant to intimidate."
Cypher nodded. "Okay. Then that's where we'll start."
"The Middle Ring."

Middle Ring. Parade Route.
"Hello?" Koeska chimed into the phone.
"K. I need you to-"
"OH. Well if it isn't Cypher-has-to-work-today. Enjoying your day 'off'?" She teased. She stuffed another cabbage cookie in her mouth and moved on down the street. All lanes were clear due to the streets being closed off for the parade. On either side were road blocks and beyond that crowding the sidewalks were numerous food and drink stalls. People were already bustling into the area to get the best seats and taste some of the food.
"I am actually, trying to follow up on a lead on the Unity killings. Which is why I called you."
"Oh? I'm interested." She continued, ignoring one of the RSF officers who was trying to get her attention.
"Seems like our guy is using a killing style identical to Triple Threat Triad killings. Reserved for the higher ranking members of rival gangs."
"And you need me toooo..."
"Visit one of their bosses, ask a few questions if you can. You're the best at infiltration."
From the corner of her eyes Koeska could see the officer break away from the line and make a beeline for her. "Um... excuse me miss?" He began when he was within ear shot. When she didn't turn around, he waited until he was standing right behind her before he tried again. Miss? You can't b-" She cut him off.
"So let me get this straight. You finally get a day off right? And I go and set up a nice date for you and a female acquaintance of mine and not only do you cancel the date for... wait for it... more work but you also expect to drag me back into work as well."
"Yeah. Essentially."
"Miss!" The man was yelling now.
"I'll let you know what I find out." She hung up and immediately turned around to face the officer. "Look, James."
He furrowed a brow. "My names Yuri actually and-"
"I need you guys to beef up security in this area here. This intersection is especially vulnerable to attack."
"These guys don't play around and we want to make sure we're ready for them."
"Who?" James... or Yuri was clearly confused now.
Koeska pointed at a nearby building that stretched from the street into the sky. "Make sure we have trained men at the top of those skyscrapers overlooking this area specifically alright?"
"Look I don't know wha-"
"Thanks James!" She finished, hoping over one of the road blocks and moving into the crowd.
"It's Yur-"
"I'm counting on you!"

Lower Ring. Pawn Shop.
"And who did you say you worked for?"
An elderly man, sat behind a cluttered desk situated at the back of a cluttered room. All around him were various objects from all around the now unknown world. Trinkets of lost history that had once upon a time been a common thing. Most of them now were outlawed though their beauty and rarity made them a treasured thing regardless of the the numerous antibending laws, one of which governed such items as a part of bending history and culture. It was just another thing that the Republic didn't want to spread. Etsel didn't care. There was money to be made and if there was one thing he enjoyed, it was making a bit of coin. The woman in front of him apparently had plenty.
"I'm just a simple maid for a noble house." She replied. She was young... well younger than him and although her eyes were full of curiosity, it was a different kind as if carried for someone else. She picked through a few of the items on display before she plucked at one that drew her interest. "This one." It was a sliver of black rock affixed to a silver chain that could easily fit around someones neck.
"Ah..." He smiled and stepped around his desk to stand next to her. "Quite the eye you have. That is a piece of meteorite. Strong durable material and it is said that Earthbenders once used the stuff to learn metalbending."
"Really?" The woman chimed, her interest was genuinely piqued now. Etsel nodded and began to feed the fires that lead to his first sale of the day. He talked a bit about the Earthbenders themselves and the eventual discovery of Metalbending by some woman he couldn't quite remember the name of. How the art itself was difficult and how through the use of the same meteorite in her hand, the skill was made easier to adopt by others. By the time he was done, she was already stuffing the thing into her purse and spilling the required coin into his hand to finalize the purchase.
"This is beautiful. She's going to love it."
"Yeah I'm sure she will..." Etsel mumbled to himself. At that point he didn't care what the lady did with the thing. He'd been paid.

Tu Zin Settlement
It was a quiet morning as it was most days. The dusty streets were empty save for the few early risers already going about their business. Shops were just beginning to open up and their delivery boys were starting their rounds. The sun had only just crested the mountains in the distance and because of the rare occurrence of a clear day especially with a settlement that was situated west of an angry desert, warm golden light had indeed found the land and brought the a former ghost town to life.
People were roused from their slumber and set about getting ready for what was to be one of the greatest days of their lives. The festival celebrating the end of the Great War was now in it's 100th year and there was talk that the Leaders of the settlement had something special planned.
Today was going to be a long and glorious day.