Location: Lincoln Memorial High School, then to Alicia's house.
Characters Interacted With: Alicia Smith and Jade Taylor
Time: 7:50AM
Jade didn't look back. Not for where she was heading and not to see if the scene of death was gone. She didn't want to. She just had to keep on running until she was sure she was confident in her mind that that wouldn't be tied to her. In her mind, Jade couldn't be tied to that because, in the back of her mind, she was scared that she might be treated like her uncle has been in the past, which was nothing good.
Not even knowing where she was, Jade stopped purely for the fact that her back was giving out and she was nearly at the end of her stamina rope. As she stopped, she felt a buzz in her pocket.
"That must be Alicia." Jade said, pulling out her phone.
Jade was right. It was Alicia. She had texted Jade to tell her that she was at the meeting place. She also made a mention to urge Jade to hurry up so that school security didn't catch Alicia.
Catching her breath, Jade looked around her and she saw she was near the school. She then started to text Alicia back.
"Yeah, I'm still down. I'll be there in a few."
After Jade sent the text message, she pocketed her phone. She then took to waliking. It would only take her a few minutes to get there if she walked fast. She was exhausted and pretty much sapped of most of her reserve energy, but she kept on trekking. She had no choice but to do so. If there was one thing that Jade wanted to do right now, that would be seeing Alicia, especially after what happened to her with Connor and his men.
Within those few minutes, Jade had made it to the spot that she and Alicia had promised to meet at.
"Hey, sorry I'm late," Jade breathily said. It would be obvious to Alicia that Jade looked worse for wear.
As Alicia stood there she had her phone still out in her hand, she was still trying to wrap her mind around what happened in the girl's bathroom. Then she saw a reply from Jade and smiled gladly that she was still up for hanging out. A few minutes later, Alicia could see Jade. She, however, wasn't expecting to see her all beat up and bloodied.
"Jade, what the hell happened to you?!" Alicia quickly ran over towards Jade, seeing blood on her clothes and some on her lips trying to get a better look. "Should I take you to the nurse?" She looked at her friend with a concerned look in her eyes.
"NO!" Jade snapped at Alicia, instantly refeusing to go to the nurse's office.
Alicia was taken back slightly when Jade snapped at her, she nodded slowly looking around the football field wasnt to far off.
"Do you need to sit down, what can I do, who did this to you?" Alicia offered her hand to Jade.
Jade realzied how much of a bitch she must've sounded like when she snapped at Alicia.
"I'll sit once we're off the school grounds," Jade, sounding more pleasant than before, politely declined Alicia's offer to sit. Even if she wanted to — and a part of her really did want to rest her ass — the fact was that she couldn't right now. If she did, then she might not get up.
Alicia nodded towards Jade. "Did you want to go to my place or something then?" It was the only place off campus she knew where it would be private, and both of her parents wouldnt be home until late afternoon or early evening after school.
"Your place? Isn't Tony still around? Or am I mistaken?" Jade asked Alicia, a bit confused about her suggestion.
"My brother? He wont be back until like Thanksgiving break he is in college remember? We would just have to be out of the house before my mom comes back from school which isnt until like four-thirty. And we would have my place to ourselves." Alicia answered.
"Oh yeah. I guess it must've slipped my mind." Jade was lying. She did forget, the little fibber,
"fine, let's go to your place then." Jade said, gesturing Alicia to lead the way.
"Heh, it's all good Jade; you will see him on break, that is if you are gonna hang out and party with him or something." Alicia said jokingly as she started to lead the way back towards her house, which was on the other side of town and was about a ten to fifteen minute walk on foot.
Jade looked at Alicia.
"Why? Did he say something about wanting to get with me? I mean, your bro is super hot, so why wouldn't he want to?" Jade said, laughing; although, she was also serious.
Once they were back at her house, Alicia dug into her pockets and pulled out her house keys, dangling from them was a Zelda keychain. Alicia quickly unlocked the door and motioned Jade to go in first. "What do you want to do?" Alicia asked as she walked in and closed the door and locked it.
As they walked into ALicia's home, Jade smiled and whistled at how glamorous it was. Sure, it might not be some richy-rich celeb glam, but it still wowed Jade. Well, at least compared to her house it was.
"You got any food? I could go for something fatty. All I had this morning was some coffee — three cups in fact — and I'm fucking starving." Jade commented, heading towards the kitchen,
"you know how fast I can devour coffee." Jade said, laughing.
Yeah you are a coffee addict and you need to go to rehab." Alicia said with a laugh as she took off her shoes setting them by the front door and looked at her phone, it was around eight now.
"But yeah we have a lot of food here, help yourself to whatever you want, I'm a bit hungry myself anyway.""Yeah, among other things," Jade laughed. The lifestyle that Jade lived, she would probably need rehab at some point in the near future. However, this day was not that day.
Alicia started to walk into the kitchen and opened the fridge, inside there were a lot of left overs over the weekend and from last night.
"What would you like?" Alicia asked turning to look over at her friend.
"If you got steak, I'll take that. If not, then whatever is fine." Jade yelled to Alicia from the kitchen table. The chair she was sitting in might not have been the most comfortable(most chairs weren't). However, given the morning that she had, Jade was willing to sit on anything as long as she didn't have to stand. Added to that, her back was killing her.
"We do have steak." Alicia yelled back as she grabbed the container that held four seasoned steaks inside. She grabbed two of them and set them down onto a plate and gently sets the plate into the microwave, putting it in for one minute. She grabbed two forks and two knives, by the time it finished cooking.
Alicia then grabbed a second plate for herself setting it onto its own plate and headed into the kitchen setting the plate down in front of Jade.
"Anything to drink? And no you cant have any of my parents booze." Alicia said jokingly.
"Your parents have weak booze, anyways." Jade pouted slightly. She didn't like that she couldn't have booze, but then she remembered looking at Alicia's parent's supply of alcohol and remembered that they were pretty weak compared to the shit that she's had from...friends.
"I'll just have some water," Jade said,
"Oh and throw some lime juice in it, if you got it." Jade said, telling Alicia what she wanted to drink.
Alicia smiled slightly and shook her head, they mainly just had wine and beer other then that.
"Sure thing Princess Jade." Alicia said gently patting her friend on the shoulder and headed back into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and a small container of lime juice and squirted some into it. Alicia grabbed a can of Vanilla Coke for herself and headed back into the dining room sitting next to Jade.
"Princess Jade huh? You know, no one has ever called me that, not even when I would be...doing things for people," Jade said, laughing.
"I like it." She said, approving of the name.
As Alicia sat with her at the table, Jade not only smelt the steaks, but she saw the vanilla coke.
"You know soda is bad for you, right? Not that I have any room to talk about putting stuff into my body that's bad for me, but still." Jade spoke freely as she always does.
"Well then i'll give you that nickname." Alicia said with a smile as she cracked open the can setting it down in front of her, she started to cut her steak into cubes and started to eat it turning to look at Jade.
"Meh if I eat and drink thing I like then I will die happy, besides its not illegal."Jade then lost it as she heard Alicia,
"unlike the things I do, right?" More laughs came from her mouth as she started to cut up her steak and eat a few pieces.
The can of coke slowly then started to move forward on its own moving closer until it was in her hand she froze for a moment and looked at the can and then over towards Jade.
As Jade saw that can move, her mouth was frozen and the chewed up steak fell down back to her plate.
"Alicia..what was that? What you did just now? What. The. Actual. Fuck." Jade was speechless.
Alicia froze as well, she was just as speechless as well and quickly pushed the can away but then it came right back into her hand again, it happened earlier that morning as well with her mothers car. It was just like Moon in the girls bathroom, and Gerard back at the nurses office.
"How the hell should I even know, this has never happened before.""You might think im high or something. But some weird shit has been going on since last night, you know my friend Moon right? I found her glowing and floating, and Gerard freaken froze time.." Alicia said setting the can back away from her again this time it didnt move again.
Damn, mystic chick and that lamo, Gerard too?" Jade was a bit dumpfounded.
She had to admit that this was much more than simply a coincidence. First Alicia pushed that can, then she says that spirtual hippie Moon can fly with some kind of glowing aura, and then, of all people, Gerard can freeze time?
Shit was getting cray-cray, that's for sure."Alicia, I need to show you something." Jade said, setting down her knife and fork on the plate, the metal clinging.
"But, not here." she said, standing up.
"Let's go to your backyard." Jade said as she started to go towards the backyard entrence. As she did so, JAde was limping slightly and her right hand holding her lower back.
"Uhm alright then." Alicia said sighing slightly, she felt relived that she wasnt crazy and stood up and noticed Jade limping slightly and holding her back and offered a hand to help Jade if she needed it. Alicia then opened the back door to her backyard which was fenced off, there was an old childrens swing set and some swings that looked like they havent been used in years.
With the aid of Alicia's help, Jade was able to walk better, if only just slightly.
When they got outside, Jade instantly felt the rush of the breeze hit her as her hair was blown behind her lightly.
Alicia shivered slightly when she felt the cool air brushing against her, she looked at Jade and nodded towards her friend. "Alright." Alicia said as she stood there for a moment tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
Jade stepped foward onto the grass.
"Okay, so I don't know how to exactly do this, so just bare with me okay?" Jade said, turning around to face Alicia.
Jade took in a deep breath, hoping it would help her. The last time she did it — well, she wasn't awake for it. So, technically the last time she did it was also the first time and that was just some other kind of shit. Then, as she stomped her foot on the ground, Jade was hoping it would happen, but it didn't. Nothing did, actually.
"What the fuck?" Jade exclaimed angrily.
"Why isn't it happening?" She repeated the same overall sentiment of anger and disappointment.
She started to think that Jade had something happen to her as well, she stood there patiently and watched Jade stomping her foot into the
ground. Maybe it had happened through some kind of stress?
"I believe you Jade, what happened last time when this started?""Uh," Jade briefly said, trying to recall what exactly happened last time.
"I don't know. I mean, I know I was pretty damn annoyed at my Uncle Charlie giving me that lecture, and before I knew it, the ground was shaking and every car within my neighborhood had their alarms set off," Jade told Alicia.
"This is so fucking frustrating!" Jade said agrily, her nostrils flaring and her voice high.
Jade stomped on the ground mildly and suddenly the ground started to shake. It was like a light vibration going through the ground beneath them. It wasn't enough to cause any real damage or even to be felt from a far distance.
And then it stopped.
"You felt that right? It's not just me." Jade seemed excited that it worked.
Alicia looked at the ground as she felt it rumble as well, turning to look at Jade and nodded at her slowly.
"Yep I did actually feel that." Alicia finally said she then quickly remembered the astrology club meeting, looking over at Jade.
"I know you probably think its lame, but maybe you should come to the astrology club meeting around lunch? I dunno if its something you want to do, but I know Moon, Jay and Gerard are going to be going there as well." Alicia suggested.
"You're right, I do think it's lame." Jade said bluntly,
"But I guess you do have a point. We suddenly have these superpowers — or whatever you want to call them — and from what? A solar eclipse?" Jade said, laughing,
"I didn't know that the concept of Heroes floated over into real life." Jade sighed,
"fine, I'll pop by. It's not like I have anything better to do." She sighed again, giving Alicia a nod that she'll be there.