Kurumi Hiei
"I'm a boy as far as you want to believe it.
Feel free to personally check, fucking perverts."

Kurumi Hiei
Kurumi, despite his male gender, appears to be a very womanly. He's short but has the "ideal proportions" of a girl minus his chest. Despite his attempts at looking more masculine, he remains a very attractive, cutesy trap. He's basically given up at this point and resigns himself to wearing female cloths but still tries to wear masculine clothes, not that they actually make him look any less like a girl.
5 ft 6 in
119 lb
- Clothes
- Compliments
- "Being a man"
- Pudding
- Books
- Hardcore Heavy Metal Dubstep
- Constantly being told he looks like a girl, he doesn't really care but constant reminders grind on his nerves
- Any tea beside milk tea
- Being woken in his sleep
- Scawwy movies ;-;
Party Trick:
- He can make people very confused on the sexuality and/or crush their dreams
Profession: Unemployed
Kurumi's fate of blurring gender lines and making people debate about their sexuality started at a young age where he was the only male in family run by a widowed mother and three sisters. Being as poor as they was and with Kurumi being the second youngest, the family saved money by simply having Kurumi wear hand me downs and other wise a single gender style of clothing. Kurumi himself never saw anything wrong with this as he just assumed how broke families did stuff.
His life got better once his mother had found a new job in Shrine City, prompting to move the entire family with her and Kurumi as well. It was here that he first discovered that he was not truly a male nor a female. In his mind, he just saw it as transcending the known genders into a third gender: the Hideyoshi gender. He still wears dresses though, preferring them over male clothes since he think's their cuter (he'll never admit this though).