Is the armor alright? I found a ppicture I really liked and... just wondering? not the thing with his face out, it's in equipment. I just wanna make sure you think it fits GOT:ASoIaF
I've gone ahead and posted, though not quite everyone has. It'll be easier to start off responding to this than making small talk at the table, I think.
I'd love to be able to keep this alive, but it seems a lot of the people who initially expressed interest have since lost it. I blame myself for the lengthy period between the interest check and the OOC, and especially the OOC and the IC -- it was a bad time to start a roleplay, on the brink of finals and the holiday season.
Well, I'm here. And I feel like it wouldn't be much to make sure it stays afloat. A new OOC, new interest check... basically a simple copy paste job. And now we can make it faster! @DeltaV I'd be willing to help! I want to see this RP happen, and I'm willing to help keep it afloat
I'll consider trying to start again in the near future, maybe shortly after New Year's. If it doesn't work out and one of you wants to try to same concept, feel free to take what you want from this one and copy-paste or rework it as necessary.
I don't see an issue with this being a small affair if we can keep it along. Though recruiting would benefit much, I wager. The Holiday Season was more of a gamble than anything I think.