Name: Shyren
Monster Type: Angler Fish
Gender: Female
Occupation: Back-up singer to Mettaton. Additionally, she's been trying her hand -er, fin- at piano again, and is hoping to become a composer and maybe, someday, a singer of her own. For now? She's more than content -and comfortable- following the leader. The spotlight is a little too much for her as is.
Weapon?: N/A
Armor?: N/A
Magic (up to three) : Shyren's magic is her own voice, manifesting as single eight notes. Having improved quite significantly since first encountered, they can alter their notes from typical white notes into aqua (these notes manifest as an 8th rest notes) and green ones (these manifest as double eight notes).
Personality: Shyren, as her name would suggest, isn't exactly the boldest or bravest of monsters. They're also not the most confident. Or proud. She's quite the introvert, is easily embarrassed, and is borderline asocial, though she's come quite far from her days of hiding away in corners due to the shame of her scary face and tone-deaf voice. Or at least, what is tone-deaf without a little guidance. Unlike her friend Mettaton, Shyren feels far more comfortable following rather than trendsetting, and feels out of place in the limelight. She's far more content working backstage. She tends to be rather quiet, but for those who listen long enough or have the patience to get her talking -or more likely, singing- you'll have her going on for a while. She tends to hold everyone else to a higher pedestal than herself, idolizing them, and is quite harsh on herself, often holing up when she feels she's letting others down. If you befriend Shyren, you can count yourself a dependable, if not equally dependent, friend. Her dedication and potential is unquestionable but her will and self-esteem is easily broken...Not quiet as determined of a fish as another well-known monster.
Maybe she just needs a little more encouragement...?
Bio: A little fish from Waterfall who's dreamed of being a singer since childhood and has had their confidence crushed through the mocking of her dreams and the fear of her face, Shyren spent most of her life feeling not unlike the trash that so often fell through Waterfall and keeping her dreams secret since. After much time, she eventually shared her dreams with Napstablook, the local snail farmer, after he revealed his own dreams to become a composer. She was soon hooked up with Undyne for piano lessons, but after feeling like a let-down, stopped attending them and began to hole away as she used to, until a certain human came along. With Frisk relighting the spark of her confidence, she rejoined Blooky, who now worked with his cousin and her new friend, Mettaton, along with Burgerpants, on the surface as a back up singer.
However, when Frisk went missing, Shyren was crestfallen, and worried for her new friend. Shortly after Mettaton set off to find them, Shyren, as any good back-up singer would, followed suit.