Name: Stretto
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Weapon?: Muddy Spikes - Can't kill what you can't catch [Att + 5, Spe + 12]
Armor?: Old Headphones - Tune out the world with these. [Def -10, Att - 7, Spe -2.5, Inv + 12]
Skills (up to three) : Running, stealing, and deceiving. The trustworthy sort, of course.
Personality: Stretto doesn't like you. Stretto doesn't like himself. Stretto doesn't like many things, and he always looks like he'd rather be anywhere else but here. Thank god he's not one to complain, though, or else he'd never shut up. He's got a blunt tongue, a cynical mind, and a deep rooted love for sarcasm. (And bad puns, but good god, he's not going to admit that.) Not the most popular of kids. He tends to take on most tasks with a very casual attitude; not so much that he's not serious, but more so that he's not the sort to stress out over the possibility or result of failure. He seems to simply accept things for what they are, like them or not, and usually only fights for something if push comes to shove comes to bodyslam, or if they're roped into something by a friend. Yes, despite being, pardon the language, quite the asshole, he holds whatever few friends he can make dear, and doesn't like to disappoint them.
Bio: Stretto grew up in a [REDACTED] with a [REDACTED] and a [REDACTED], so right off the bat, he was heading places in life. And by places I mean he was already surrounded by trouble, and soon he himself would be causing it, getting suspended on his very first day of Kindergarten. Not much punishment was going to get to him, for it was nothing like what he faced at [REDACTED]. So he soon became desensitized and unfazed by most everything life threw at him. Including the monsters that arose from the Underground. With his nonchalant nature he quickly accepted them as yet another fact of life, and being one of the quicker to accept, one who hanged around them a lot more, and by that, they also began hanging around Frisk, whom he soon began to grow fond of and eventually became the first person they have befriended in years. Though not usually a fighter, Frisk's disappearance was one thing they just weren't going to let slip by without at least trying to change.

Other: Their SOUL colour is a mud grey [trait: ACCEPTANCE, battle mode: Each attack and each hit become less and less effective]