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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eevy sighed a little as she walked down the streets of Coruscant with Kasari, her long time teacher and friend, and wondered why four Jedi were being sent to get one force user they knew nothing about, "Master, why are four well trained Jedi going to find one force user? I mean for one thing, only one of us would be needed and two is this planet isn't like Nar Shaddaa, but it still has an abundant amount of life forms that'll make tracking down whoever we're looking for difficult." Kasari glanced over at Eevy with a look that she used to give her when Eevy was a child, almost that of a mother and said, "If you had come with me for the briefing when this one had been discovered, you'd know why." Eevy always disliked that stare, it made her feel like a child, even now with her being a Jedi knight of the Republic. "Jeez, do you always have to give me that look, mom?" She emphasized the last bit to Kasari, sometimes saying that to her whenever she got scolded, "Besides, you know I'm not good with the whole briefing thing, although I guess this particular case would've been good to have gone." She spoke, more to herself than to Kasari.

"We're going to find this person because he had been sensed and the energy was pretty strong, even if they're not of the dark side, if they plan to use such a gift like the force for their own selfish deeds, we as Jedi must stop them." She responded in a slightly high tone. "Alright, "Alright, No need to get all stoic on me, I was just curious is all." Eevy glanced back at the two other Jedi that were with them, one was a yellow twi'lek, the other was a grey Zabrak, "So do you two have anything to say about this?" She asked, but neither responded, they were more focused on the task at hand then Eevy's complaining. Soon they arrived at a market with a lot of bustle of aliens from all over the galaxy, looking to sell wares and others there to buy goods, being in a dense area like that was going to be hard to find anyone, let alone someone connected to the force. "Alright, we should split up, Eevy, you be sure if you find anything, you don't engage and contact me, got it?" She was mostly speaking to hear because even though her student had matured more, she was still prone to jump headfirst into a situation. "Yeah, I know Kasari, I'll head down this way near the cantina, even if this person isn't there, someone might know something." She soon started to head off in the direction she mentioned whilst Kasari and the other two Jedi went their own separate directions.

Eevy walked down the street towards the cantina, looking at a lot of the neon signs that were abundant in the district she was in before eventually starting to come up to her destination when she started to sense a strong, dark power coming from someone in the crowd of the streets, she peered side to side as she walked past each person, trying to determine who it was she was sensing. The crowd broke for a moment, almost as if the force was shining a light on who was being sensed and then looked straight ahead, seeing a man and could definitely tell for sure that he was the one she was sensing, she could sense worry in him and didn't know whether he would run or fight her, either way she wasn't going to take that chance, "Master, I found him, I don't know if he's going to run or not, but I'm not going to give him the chance." She spoke into her wrist communicator and then drew her lightsaber from her belt using the force and then ignited it, the crowd around her backing away as a lavender like blade extending out of the hilt, "Don't move, I'm with the Jedi." She yelled to the man and then started to run towards him.

"No Eevy, I said not t-" Kasari spoke back into her communicator before seeing that her message wasn't transmitting, meaning that she had shut her comms off, "I tell her not to go rushing in, and what does she do?" She spoke quietly to herself before getting on her comms again and told the other two Jedi that were with them to meet and Eevy's last transmitted signal, she hoped that her former student wasn't being so impetuous as to draw her weapon before even calmly talking to the man, well she would find out when she and the other two Jedi got there, for now she cleared her head of her thoughts and focused on getting to Eevy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Orias couldn't see the Jedi, but he could certainly feel her. He then heard the unmissable sound of a Lightsaber igniting. He stayed perfectly still, then slowly looked over as a flash of purple was caught in the corner of his eye. He looked over to see a rather young girl charging him. "Poodoo..." he seethed. He wasn't sure it was him that was her target, until she was rather close, it was then that his lightsaber flew into his hand, igniting and knocking away her initial thrust, before jumping high into the air and landing on the roof of the canteena before jumping away to a neon-sign for a casino, it was on the side of one of the skyscrapers too tall to see the top, that litered Couscant. She had seen his face. This was bad. Very, very bad. He turned to see her in hot pursuit. Luckily, as the ship flies, they were less than a mile from the space-port. Unluckily, on foot, it was about 5 miles. As he landed on the neon sign, he pointed back to her, still on the canteena roof. He threw his arms wide, indicating that it would be foolish to jump, he had the high ground. He had a moment to figure his next move... Or at least, he would, if he didn't see another Jedi pushing his way through the crowd down the street. "Not good..." he looked upwards, there was a balcony about 20 meters upwards, then a skyway 30 meters above that. He quickly sheethed his lightsaber and jumped to the balcony, only just making it, gripping with his metal hand, he pulled himself up, then jumped up again in another fluid movement. but this time, he landed on a flag-pole that stuck from the side of the 10-mile-high skyscraper, before using it as leverage to jump to the skyway tunnel, the roar of air-speeders whooshed by at hundreds of miles per hour.

Pulling himself up into the tunnel, he was just on the inner shoulder. He looked down to see the girl follow him, he ignited his lightsaber and started running through the tunnel, the air was freezing, due to the immense amount of wind that the speeders were making. Thanks to his thermalated armour, he was at a relatively comfortable temperature everywhere except his face. As he ran along, he timed his jump to the passing of the cars, then looked back to see the Jedi just catching up with him. He then jumped onto the roof of an Air-speeder. He kept low as he was carried off in a hurry, he looked around, watching the city pass by in almost a blur. It was at this point that the driver noticed him and the speeder started descending to a street bellow. Just before it touched down, Orias jumped off and continued running along the street towards the space-port. He noticed a few guards. They saw his red lightsaber and both raised their blasters, firing at him, he ducked and weeved, deflecting blaster bolts where he could, but as he got close to the gate to the space-port, he raised his hand, before clenching his fist tight. The two guards flew straight into each other, hard enough to knock the wind and weapons from them. He vaulted over their unconscious bodies and ran into the port. Several people scattered as they saw his ignited lightsaber. More guards. 3 extended shock-battons and rushed him. He parried the first batton with his lightsaber and sent the guard spinning away, before the second one attack him. He managed to hit the batton upwards, before giving him a kick to the stomach. But, at that point, a Shock-batton was stuck in his back he let out a paint grunt, before swinging his lightsaber around, forcing the guard to remove the batton from his back. He threw the guard against the wall with a force-push, but this had given the Jedi girl enough time to catch up. He sheethed his lightsaber and began to run. She would enter the gate, just in time to see him vault a turnstyle towards the shipyards. An alarm blared as he did so.

He stumbled into the shipyard and looked around at all of the ships. He began running through the many ships that were anchored. A few pleasure-yachts, a few diplomatic ships and a few fighters. The Jedi was coming. he had to choose fast... That's when he spotted the ship he wanted. He smirked as he gazed upon the older fighter. Jumping in it, he flicked the controls and waved a pair of fingers at her as the ship sped out of the hanger and out into open sky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eevy watched as the man drew a lightsaber from his belt and watched the crimson blade extend from his hilt and then felt him use the force to send her flying back, though she quickly used the momentum to aim her self at a wall and then flipped, her feet touching a wall and then quickly pushed off it with the force to get her somewhat back to where she originally was and then started to chase after him, giving herself a little more of a boost to her sprint with the force, "Won't get rid of me that easily." She spoke to herself as she continued her pursuit.

She watched, as whom she presumed to be a sith since that's the only other Jedis she knew of to carry a saber with a color like that, jump higher up onto the balcony and then other objects before making it to the skyway tunnel, Eevy herself deactivated and returned her saber to her belt as she used the force to leap after him, almost slipping as she landed onto the tunnel and resumed the chase after the presumed sith. Kasari watched this happen and quickly pursued after the two of them, the other two Jedi not far behind as well. ""Eevy, you need to slow down, you're getting too far ahead." She spoke into her communicator, "No master, I'm not letting this sith get away, hurry up, I can't wait for you." She responded back, keeping her focus on the man as he ignited his saber once more, though she just guessed it was more for defense if she tried attacking him, so she kept her saber unlit for the time being.

Eevy shivered as she felt the cold air go through her less hindering, yet not as insulating garments, they were great for free movement, but didn't insulate too well, though she wouldn't let that slow her down; watching as he leapt onto an speeder, she followed to another, one that wasn't so nonadjacent to his. "Where are you trying to go?" She pondered to herself in her head as she made sure she didn't lose sight of the man trying to flee from her. Meanwhile Kasari was only keeping up by sensing Eevy, so she had a good idea of the general direction they were heading, thinking how Eevy was still not thinking of the consequences that could arise from catching the sith, for all she knew, it could be a trap, separate one of them and quickly kill Eevy and move onto the next, she didn't want to lose her student whom she practically raised, sure it was through combat training and studying, but they did have a bond.

She watched as the man jumped off the speeder and Eevy jumped off the one she was on, a little higher than him, she used the force to cushion some of the impact, wouldn't have been enough to really harm her, though it would've caused her to stumble; Eevy spotted the spaceport and knew exactly what he was after now, he was trying to get off the planet, "Oh no you don't." She thought to herself as she tried to speed up her run as she saw him dispatch some guards trying to stop him, noticing the few good hits one of them got on him, she would've stopped to check on them, but knew there was no time, every second counted in trying to capture the man in question fleeing.

The alarms blared as the shipyard was broken into and Eevy knew not much time was left, she could catch him in the high atmosphere of Coruscant, but needed to be quick about it; seeing the old fighter he was take off, she quickly looked around to try and find a ship that would be fast enough to chase after him, eventually getting into a small fighter and taking off into the sky after him. She contacted a Republic cruiser located in orbit around the planet to prevent him from entering hyperspace; with that in motion she knew she nearly had him. "Eevy, where are you?" Kasari's voice suddenly came through on her wrist communicator, Kasari herself at the shipyard where she last sensed Eevy while the other two Jedi attended to the injured guards, "The sith grabbed a ship, so I did too, but I contacted a cruiser to prevent him from entering hyperspace, that ship won't be able to get far now." She smirked to herself a little cockily as she spoke. "That maybe the case, but we don't know what he'll do if he feels trapped into a corner, let him get away for now, we can track his coordinates and then go after him, together." She spoke, attempting to persuade Eevy from putting herself in further danger.

"I-" She started to speak though was quickly interrupted as she noticed he was going to try and plow his ship into her's, either trying to take himself out or both of them, she wasn't about to let that occur and checked to see what weapons the ship had, she noticed some small ion cannons, "Perfect." She remarked and then activated them and blasted his ship, a wave of electricity going over the ship as the two small shots made contact, disabling the ship. "Master, I've disabled his ship, send someone to collect him." She finally responded back to Kasari.

Kasari sighed and then contacted a ship a fleet admiral to have the disabled ship collected, once it was, the man's weapon was confiscated from him and he was put in restraints, "That's what you get for making me chase you." Eevy taunted to the man in a both irritated and slightly cocky manner. They were soon in an interrogation cell and Eevy wanted answers, "So tell me sith, why did you come to Coruscant? You should know better than to run from a Jedi, we'll always catch you." Kasari who was also in attendance gave Eevy that familiar look and Eevy soon restrained herself a bit, waiting for the man's response.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kaylee and Rush had tracked the injured Anzat for several miles, but because of the high winds of the sand storm, it became impossible to follow his tracks, and the severity of the storm made it too dangerous for them to continue the pursuit, so they reluctantly decided to wait until morning to continue their search. With so many hours having passed, and the high winds of the storm covering up any tracks that the Anzat may have left, Kaylee relies on something else entirely in order to find the murderer.

The Force.

She reaches out through the Force and tries to home in on the man who had attacked her. Within moments, she feels something in the Force that makes her think that she might just have found her attacker. She feels a presence- one not too far from their current location, and a presence that is strong in the Force, and remotely familiar.

“This way.” She says to Rush.

“Are you sure?” He asks.

“I think so, I don’t know. But there is definitely something over in that direction.”
She says, pointing over to a rocky outcropping.

The outcropping is farther away than it looks, and it takes longer than expected for Kaylee and Rush to get over it. When they do, they see a small homestead surrounded by nothing but the desert, with the exception of a luxury yacht, which looked to be a customized Starwind pleasure yacht parked on the other side of the small dwelling, looking completely out of place in the relative squalor of the area.

“I think we found our man.” Kaylee says as she heads down to the house.

As she approaches the home, she feels something, the very same presence that she had felt before that drew her to the area in the first place. Whatever the presence is, it is coming from within the ship itself. She looks to Rush, and nods in the ship’s direction as she pulls her lightsaber from her belt and makes her way to the ship. As she approaches the ramp, which surprisingly leads to an open entry hatch, she can see movement inside the ship. She starts up the ramp with her finger on the activation switch of her lightsaber, and stops suddenly as the ship’s occupant meets her at the entry hatch. Not only is the figure standing before her not the man that she had confronted the night before, it was a man that she never thought that she would ever see again. The man before her had at one time been one of her closest friends, a man who had made the long days at the Academy bearable…a man who had suddenly left with no warning, and not even a goodbye.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Orias sat back in his cockpit and lent back. He looked around at the controls. This ship was a VERY old design. Of course, the Theed Shipyards had had very little reason to come up with new designs as the old N-1's had worked swimmingly. But, the main reason he had wanted this one was because of his liege. As a Child, Vader had single-handedly defeated an entire Blockade fleet using one of these... Ok, not one of these, he had used an N-1, whereas this was an N-1-7. It was much more nimble and light on its feet than its predecessor, although looking identical. Suddenly, he felt a twinge in the force and pulled hard-right, spinning out of the way of incoming fire. "Good luck, Jedi." he smirked. He began pressing buttons to get coordinates from the navi-computer. Until the calculations were complete, he'd have to hold the Jedi off. Performing a loop, he slammed the ship into attack speed and darted straight for her. Luckily for her, his piloting skills were not those of Lord Vader. Luckily for him, so were hers...

Narrowly avoiding each other, she fired off several shots to try and cripple his engines, but a quick spin avoided it. Coming about, he targetted her engines. Dead Jedi and Sith were not something that the Acolytes wanted on their hands at the moment, it would make them a target. The green bolts lanced from the nose-gun, but her skills were enough to avoid them with only minimal carbon-scarring across the wing of the fighter. The Jedi's fighter pulled into a hard dive, just before they were about to collide with a large freighter. Orias was forced to pull up. He, naturally, tried to make a break for open space, just as the Navi-computer came through with the calculations. He pressed the Hyperdrive controls forwards, but the ship was just sent into a spin, facing towards a large ship, obviously equipped with a Gravity Well Generator. He seethed. "Alright, sorry Jedi, gotta make this look like a Sith attack or my people are dead. I'll be joining you soon, my lord..." he said with a sigh. Acquiring her fighter on the scope he pushed the fighters engines to max in an attempt to ram. She tried to veer off at first, but soon brought the cannons to bare. He didn't care about being destroyed, as it would only shorten his life by about 2 seconds, not much he could do with them. But to his surprise, the bright blue energy blasts simply knocked out all of the electrics. The fighter floated helplessly in space. He slowed his heart-rate and took one last deep breath as he entered a state of Force sufficiency, where the force would provide the necessary air to live. The fighters were then swallowed by the large Interdictor ship.

Orias' plan was simple, as soon as they opened the cockpit to retrieve him, he would jump them and fight his way to the interdiction system, sabotaging it, then back down here to rescue his fighter before getting the hell out of the sector. Unfortunately, the Republic troops had been briefed about the fact that it was a Sith in the cockpit. As soon as the hatch slid forwards, a soldier appeared at either side of the cockpit, unloading 5 stun-blasts into him to make sure he was unconscious. This, was not something Orias could shrug off.

He awoke in a cell, his arms and legs restrained and a force-field preventing his escape, even if he were to break the physical bonds. The Jedi was stood in front of him. Asking questions and, from the sounds of it, stroking her own ego. "So, you're the Jedi that tracked me down? I have to say, I feel completely ashamed of myself. I suppose Master didn't beat me hard enough during the training." he said, trying to sound like a Sith. There was still a chance that he could convince them that he was a Sith... Unfortunately, he had gone out of his way to not kill people, which was a trait most un-Sith-like... As was the attempted Kamikaze, Sith value their own lives above all else. All things considered, he would have to put on quite the stellar performance in order to not get found out. "Be careful, young one, pride, like all fun things in life, is a path to the Dark Side." he sneared. "Now, release me and I may not turn you inside out when I am released. Who knows, I don't actually have an apprentice. Maybe I could show you the true power of the force." He was trying to sound as un-charismatic as possible to hopefully have her reject him. Honestly, at this point, if she said yes, he'd be rather stumped. But it was all down to her deductive skills to determine his fate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eevy felt that the supposed sith was perhaps trying to get a rise out of her, but after having been able to calm down off the chase that had taken place moments earlier, she picked up on a few things, ”You're not going anywhere, rather you're going to answer me why you came here." She spoke in a calm yet firm manner and then added "Also something that I'm curious about, why would a sith try to take himself out? I thought the whole point of being sith was to kill Jedi like me?” Though not all were like this, usually most developed plans that at least involved that; Eevy had a suspicion the man was hiding something, perhaps he wasn't really sith, but something else, though she was sticking with him being sith, he had the appearance and the right blade color for it and a few minor details could just be one offs, sometimes desperate people did desperate things.

Kasari was glad Eevy was being more calm about the situation now, best to not get manipulated by a sith and fall for any tricks, ”It does seem odd that a sith would come to Coruscant and yet not attack anyone until we started to pursue you, you have the skills to defend yourself, that's clear to spot and most sith welcome a fight, did you just happen to come here by chance?” She added on top of Eevy's questions. She too was curious why someone supposedly sith would flee rather than fight, the few that she did face didn't run, well at least not straight away, only when either they got what they were after or were severely out numbered did they make a retreat.

It was clear that Eevy wasn't going listen to any of his threats or demands to be released that he had said moments earlier, if he was planning an escape, he would need to think of something else than using her. She knew that the ship he was on was being searched, perhaps at least see if he transmitted anything or planned some coordinates, she could at least try bluffing the sith into talking, ”We're searching the ship you were on as we speak, we're bound to find something, just talk to us and this whole process can move along a great deal faster.” Eevy had never really talked to a sith like she was now, it felt a tad strange to her, the only two she had assisted in fighting hadn't really been open to discussing things calmly, though she'd do her best to keep things civil, even for a sith.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

Joren got up from his seat beside Nyna and slowly made his way toward The Darq Dreams’ entrance ramp. When he reached the ramp, he saw a pair of humans approaching the entrance of the ship. As they approached one another and Joren was able to get a closer look, he knew that his instincts were correct, and that his past had finally caught up to him.

“Joren?” The young woman said with a mix of shock and astonishment. Joren had known the woman what seemed to have been a lifetime ago, and in many ways it was.

“Kaylee.” Joren said flatly. He had been dreading this day for years, and now it was here.

At one time Joren had loved Kaylee. The two started out as friends at the Jedi Temple on Yavin 4, however, with the rigors of training and the general solitude of the moon itself, the two had become much more. Unfortunately, their love was not meant to last. Soon after Joren had been granted the night of Jedi Knight, his father and master were killed on a mission and Joren left the Order, and Kaylee behind. He never expected to see her again, yet here she was standing before him on the ramp of The Dreams.

“What are you doing here?” Kaylee asks. “Where have you been?”
Kaylee hasn’t seen Joren in almost 3 years, not since the day that he vanished from the Academy, without so much as a goodbye. It had taken Kaylee a long tome to get over his sudden departure, and now here he was once again in her life, threatening to resurrect those feelings of anger and betrayal that she had worked so hard to suppress.

“I’ve been around.” Joren said; he was not entirely ready to have this particular conversation. “What are you doing here?”

“Rush and I were sent by Master Datch to investigate a series of strange deaths in the area. We tracked down the culprit responsible, but he got away.”

“Let me guess, an Anzat.” Joren said.

“Yes. But how did you…how did you know that?”
Kaylee asks.

“He came here and attacked us.” Joren told her. “But we took care of him. He won’t be killing anyone else.” Joren finished as Nyna joined him at the entrance to The Dreams.

“Joren, who are these people?” Nyna asked as she looked at Kaylee and her companion.

“This is Kaylee Starsmore, she’s an old friend.” Joren told her, “and I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.” He said to Rush.

“I’m Rush Diel. We’ve actually met before, at the Temple. But you probably wouldn’t remember me.” Rush says.

“Rush Diel? I do remember you. You’ve grown up a lot since the last time I saw you. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a lot of work to do if we’re going to get off this rock today.” Joren said as he turned to go back into The Dreams.

“Don’t be silly, why don’t you join us inside. I think you have a lot of catching up to do.” Nyna said as she motioned for Kaylee and Rush to follow them into the Dreams.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Orias kept his confident smile, but inside was almost ready to put on the brown trousers. "Come now, maybe I wanted to take in the sights?" he said. "As for trying to kill you, you know the Sith code, if I was too weak to survive, then I was not worthy of the name Sith. My death could only help my sith brothers. The last thing I would do would be to bring them down with my incompetence." he said, offhandedly. Of course, this was a severely outdated Sith philosophy. Almost all Sith in the galaxy now saw themselves as the center of the universe, helping Sithkind as a whole would only be a byproduct of their actions, rather than the main goal of them. "And Kill you?" he laughed "We don't want the Jedi dead, we want them to pull those sticks out their asses and have a good time. You know, if there is one thing my master taught me about the Jedi way, it's that everything in your religion is either forbidden or mandatory." She the conversed with her master over the commlink. before asking him about his ship. To which he raised an eyebrow.

"Umm... Ok, search that ship as much as you like, I stole it. You won't find anything in there that wasn't whoever the rightful owner's is. By the way, when I escape, i'm gonna need that ship back, because those N-1 series are really good." he said. He then thought about it. What if she meant that she was searching the ship that he had arrived on. The port security holo-cams would have seen him get off the ship... "Alright, tell you what, I'll give you this one for free, on the transport I arrived here, on, you will find a helmet stored in Jeffrey's Tube 31-sigma-sigma-6. Have it brought here and i'll tell you the truth." he said. "But, if you move me off this ship, then the deal is off. Get me that helmet and bring it here." he said. "And I don't want any other Jedi coming here." he then bared his teeth to her, before letting his face back to normal "See one of those pearly whites? One of them is a good-ol' Dioxis capsule. One good bite and any chance of you getting info from me is gone." he smirked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“What are you talking about Master Jedi?” The sith lord sneered back, his lightsaber unignited in his hand. “I did not bring anyone here, you followed upon your own volition. There was nothing forcing you to come down to meet me, you did it all by yourselves...both a brave and foolish thing to do. What if I was down here with an army of thugs and blaster rifles? You would have walked right into your own demise!”

His visor switching its gaze between the Jedi as he took a casual few steps toward them, the mask doing well to hide his face as he continued to address his pursuers.

Now getting a look, Malov was already busy trying to peg his pursuers, his dialog only testing the waters to see what kind of people he was up against. It was very clearly a Jedi and his Padawan from the way they felt in the Force. The Master was a Male humanoid, and a militant one at that judging by his attire and stature. He was tall and muscular, his expression remaining cold and stoic as he seemed to simply be waiting for Malov to finish talking so they could battle already. This was a mind of focus and drive, Seducus could already feel the man sizing him up as well, methodical and calculating, looking for physical weaknesses and blocking out the Sith's words. This would not be a man he could simply mock into making a stupid move, Dun Moch would have little affect on a man like him, or at least would take a while to work. As much as The Sith Lord disliked a fair fight, if it was the only way, he would have to see it done.

The Padawan was a different story, on the other hand, her inexperience was displayed in her color and shifting of weight, her fear very clear on her twitching brow. She was a Falleen, a race that based itself on pheromone use to read other's emotions, much like his own race, but lacked the natural Zeltron ability to implant emotions onto another person like he could. She was a pretty young woman, her frame being that of an athlete, evidence of her training with the man at her side. Though training was still fresh, from the looks of it, as even before the man could force his emotions into her, the Sith Lord could feel her fear rising up from within. If Darth Seducus was going to gain an edge in what was undoubtedly going to become a fight, she would have to be the exploit he would utilize.

“Apparently the Jedi Order these days do not teach caution, only blind fervor and one-track minds.” He taunted. “Alas, there is no grand trap for you, no large explosion of thermal detonators or blaster fire from all directions. Just a single man waiting to see what you would actually do in this situation, and...for that matter...what you are doing here in the first place.”

Absent-mindedly, the Sith ran a hand along the cold durasteel plating of a nearby generator as he ambled off-center, his visor never leaving the two jedi. “It’s a long way from Republic space, out here in the land of the Hutts...quite a distance to be travelling to be threatening no-name thugs and angering Hutts. Tell me, are you here just chasing gangsters? Looking for the Republic’s next conquest? Or looking into yet another corrupt senator's dirty deeds?”

Seducus gave a short laugh, his attention turning to the padawan, a Falleen from what he could observe. The Sith Lord honed in almost immediately on her emotional state being influenced by her master, like a bloodhound to a fox's scent. He stared at her for a while, his stance adjusting as he continued his ambling pace around the room. The emotionless mask pointed in her direction as he continued to speak.

"You...you're frightened, aren't you?" the Sith Lord taunted. “Your master is doing well to hide it...but someone like me can see through such a trick. Fear runs rampant through you, my dear, your haggard breath and trembling frame says it all. Tell me, are you more frightened of me, or the lessons your Order taught you about men like me?” He opened his arms out to her, beckoning her with an outstretched arm. “I must tell you, fear is a powerful emotion, young lady. It can drive people to cower or run in the face of danger...or it can cause them to fight and lash out, channeling their fears into adrenaline and power....what will your fear do for you? Will you run, or freeze and leave your master to face me alone? Or will your fear drive you to fight until your last breath?”

He then turned, his cape flickering about as he revealed his back to the two Jedi, walking back towards the other side of the generator room, ambling towards the exit on the other side. “Of course, we could all just pretend we never saw each other and go on our separate ways...what happens on Nar Shadda stays on Nar Shadda, after all. It’s not like you have to kill me out of duty, correct?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


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It talked too much for Ael's care. It was quite similar to the Dark Jedi he'd encountered many years ago, but this one was different if only due to the blanket of sadness and fear over the both of them.

He wasn't surprised the Sith had found them and glared at them through a black glass, but Ael was still irritated that it was trying to demean and intimidate them. He stepped in front of his Padawan, her entire body disappearing behind his own, but she still tried to peer around him. There was something about the Dark Creature that held Javilla's interest, or, at the very least, attention.

"It tries to take mind," Ael told Javilla but looked straight at the Creature. He wouldn't give the Sith the courtesy of using gendered pronouns. In his culture, the workings of Evil were done by Dark Creatures devoid of gender and emotion. They fed on the emotions of his people, but he would not allow this physical manifestation of such negativity affect him in such a manner. He called upon his Ancestors to keep up the screen in an attempt to block out it's negativity.

"Focus on me," Ael told his Padawan through his mind. He didn't know if it actually reached her, since his telepathy skills lacked entirely. More so, the current situation was probably too much for the girl.

"Javilla. Run," he turned his head with his eyes still following the Creature across the room. She understood that he wanted her to reach the ship and flee the planet. "Now!" he shouted, his voice making the metal around them vibrate.

Ael's concern for the female turned into a fire that shot toward their attempted mental aggressor. With the generator between the two of them, the heat from the fire threatened to make the contraption explode. He then fled through the tunnels, attempting to track down Javilla's now erratic Force signature. His 7'4" figure made quick work through the pipes but couldn't remember or even recognize any of the passages as he raced through.

He followed Javilla's erratic Ancestral Essence. He eventually found her hunched over, allowing the loud, dull hum of another generator counteract the welling negativity inside her.

"Javilla," his voice growled in an attempt to show concern. "You do well?" he wondered aloud in his still-broken Basic.

She sniffed, she was clearly crying. "It was awful," she whined.

Before she could complain further, the Darkness that surrounded them fell down hard. Javilla, once again, wailed in emotional distress and Ael turned to see if the Creature had followed them or if he was performing this trick from afar. "You must get up, Javilla!" he shouted, trying to make his voice exude the Light to reach her, for he hadn't the focus anymore to perform this mentally.


"No, don't bother," a rather callous female voice stated behind a wall. Master Cluyr had arrived as per the request of one of the Jedi chasing the unknown Force-user on the planet. "There is no threat from him."

Her tone made her seem irritated with the four Jedi tasked with this mission. At'chaa's understanding of how the mission proceeded made her wonder if these Jedi, in particular, were a poor choice or if the man was truly so elusive. But the quick, and rather rash, decisions made by the girl, Eevy, at least made the retrieval quick.

"He is no Sith and I've had enough of you both claiming he is. He is a Gray Jedi at the most. He poses no threat to the Order, or anyone for that matter."

At'chaa believed Gray Jedi to be weak. They did not hold the resolve to keep the Jedi Code and they were cowards to not turn to the Dark. She held no interest in what the "Neutral Side" of the Force held. She'd done her fair share of studying, as any Jedi Master had, on the subject. To her, it was denial of the Force rather than an accepting or controlling of it. It was a strange philosophy that she passed off as unconventional and unnecessary.

"I'm surprised even you, Kasari, could not pick up on this man's unusual Force signature. He's clearly trying to be so negative," she stated. Master Cluyr was gifted in the use of Force Senses. The Master was surprised she wasn't consulted in the selection of the team for this mission since the Master, herself, was one of the best trackers in the Galaxy.

"However, I am not surprised by your actions, Miss Hunt. I warned the Councilors of your lack of training in self-control. I don't understand your deductive skills that led you to igniting your Lightsaber in public and shouting through a crowd. You lack grace and understanding, my dear girl."

The Nikto had always been offensive and condescending to every member of the Order, even her fellow Masters. But not quite to this degree. However, if At'chaa would make the girl cry from this, it would not affect her as it wouldn't have been the first time.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Now a collaboration posted by mattmanganon
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Orias watched the conversation between the Jedi. Every second that this new Jedi talk, was another second that he wanted to shut her up. "Oh great, one of you. See, this is why I didn't want one of those here. Their stuck up "better-than-thou" bantha poodoo is something the entire universe could do without." he said as soon as Cluyr had finished. "I choose to reject everything that makes life fun, so I must be better than you." he said in a shrill, girly imitation of the womans voice. He felt a twinge of agreement from one of the guards. "See, that guy knows what i'm talking about." he motioned over to the guard, who simply put on his most serious face and stood to attention. She then mentioned that he was Grey "Please, i'm more Sith than any of those bickering cowards that you've faught. True Sith isn't evil. True Sith are those that embrace every single part of the force, not just that flower garden that you cowards limit yourself to." he said. "Being Sith means that I do what I want, when I want. If I want to slaughter an entire planet, that's what I'll do. If I want to shower food upon a famine stricken planet, that's what I do. I can't stand all of those fake Sith. They're as bad as you are. They're as much afraid of the Light as you are of the Dark. I fear nothing." He said. He then let them bicker a little. He was almost positive that they would try to read his mind. He let his mind go blank. Mental barriers erected and all he thought about were the many Podraces he had been to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


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Now a collaboration posted by @mattmanganon

Please ignore the posts directly above and below this post by @mattmanganon
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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He was a little un-nerved as she approached him. But, then she began to talk to him and her imposing manner seemed to slip away. "Yes, we do have different opinions, there's my opinion, and your, wrong, opinion... I suppose, from a certain point of view, they're opinions. If we only ever did evil, then we would just be an evil version of you. Who wants to be that? People choose not to be Jedi, because they choose to have everything the Jedi have and more."

He felt her try to crawl into his thoughts, but the only thing she would see were sights of Podracing. As she mentioned his troubled past, he simply gave her a look to ask if she was even trying. He thought back over his life and he couldn't remember a time when he wasn't happy with his life choices... Ok, a few times on his trial across Endor and he slightly regretted never knowing his REAL parents, but, his adoptive mother had always been in his life, Darth Traal had always treated him fairly and he was now the apprentice of the leader of his sect of Force Users. He was effectively their second in command... Ok, that wasn't true, but he was still respected as having earned the respect of Traal. He then snapped back to reality. "Ok, lady, you are just making things up now, because, in all honesty, I can't remember a time when I wasn't happy. You know, that emotion that you guys aren't allowed to feel, because it leads to the Dark Side." he said. "Then again, I assume that "troubled" means that I wasn't just emotionless and stoic my entire life and was allowed to have fun."

And as wise as she was to be on the council, she was still a Jedi and as such, not that much of an interogator when she couldn't simply rip the information she wanted from him. Her mistake being to threaten him with severing his connection to the force before walking away. After she left, he looked at the other two Jedi. "Alright, tip for when you interrogate a prisoner. 1) never go in with the worst punishment first, then you have no-where to escalate to. 2) Never make a threat that the prisoner knows you won't go through with. We both know that the technique to do such a thing to someone else has been lost for over 3000 years and even before then was reserved for the most severe of cases. The only way to do it now is to consciously do it to yourself. The only way the Jedi Council could do that is if they molecularly bonded a Ysalamiri to my back. And anyway, apart from Grand-Theft Auto and three accounts of assaulting a Police Officer, I have committed no crime that you can pin on me." he said. "We both know that that is a hefty fine or a short stint in jail, at most. And we all know that the courts will side with me when I tell them that you tried to perform an illegal search without cause." he confidently stated. "What... I'm educated. It's not a crime to claim to be a Sith." he replied.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

Joren sat across from Kaylee and Rush in the lounge of the Dreams while Nyna went about checking the newly installed regulator as well as the other systems on the ship. Joren and Kaylee had once been very close, but that all changed when Joren walked away from the Jedi Order. Now, instead of a joyous reunion with an old friend, Joren sat there awkwardly as the silence grew to be nearly unbearable.

“So, how have you been?” Joren asked, not sure what to say.
“Joren, where have you been?” Kaylee asks. “After your father- we looked for you. But you just vanished.”
“I know.” Joren told her. “After my father and Master Skreel were killed, I knew that I didn’t want their life.”
“So you turned your back on me…on us.” Kaylee corrects herself.

“I guess you could look at it like that.” Joren said. “Look, I didn’t mean to hurt you, or anyone. I just wanted to be alone.”
“But you aren’t alone.” Kaylee says.“You’ve surrounded yourself with friends here. It wasn’t your desire to be alone that drove you away. It was something else. You need to search yourself and be honest about why you ran away, if not for my sake, then at least for yours.”

Joren sat there for a moment silently as Kaylee spoke. He knew that she was right in a way. He hadn’t left because he wanted to be alone. He had wanted to live his life as he saw fit, and not according to the Jedi Code. His father as well as his master had dedicated their lives to the Jedi Order, and it had gotten them killed. He wanted more than that out of life.

“Kaylee, I don’t know what to say. I should have said goodbye. I shouldn’t have left the way that I did, but I didn’t feel like I had any choice. I couldn’t stay any longer, I did what I had to do. If I hurt you, I am sorry. But I did what was right for me.” Joren told her.
“None of that matters. You’re here now. We can help you make things right.” Kaylee says.

“Kaylee, I’m not going back. I can’t.” Joren said.
“But we need you. Joren, something is happening. There are rumors of Jedi going missing. Master Skywalker is concerned, but he isn’t saying anything to anyone. Come with us to Coruscant to see Master Skywalker.” Kaylee implores him.

“He’s in.” Dono said as he came into the lounge.

“I’m what?” Joren asked with genuine shock in his voice.

“He’ll go with you to Coruscant to see the Jedi, and we’re coming with you.” Dono told them.

“Would you excuse us?” Joren asked Kaylee and Rush, who up to this point had sat quietly during the exchange. Kaylee and Rush nodded and got up from their seats went into another section of the ship.

“Fierfek Dono! What the kriff are you doing? I…I can’t go back.” Joren said, exasperated by what had just happened.

“Mir'osik.” Dono spat. “This is exactly what you’re supposed to be doing.”

"Have you lost your mind? What are you saying, you're a Mandalorian, you hate the Jedi just as much as the next guy." Joren asked, still in shock over this turn of events.

"I don't hate the Jedi. Some of my people...alot of my people do. My people have fought against the Jedi all throughout our history. But that's what it is, history. I may be Mandalorian, but I'm not controlled by what happened millennia before I was born." Dono explained.

"But why...?" Joren asked.

"Listen to me Vod'ika. I've known you for a long time, I've seen you waste your...talents all your life. But I won’t let you do it anymore.You have a greater purpose Joren, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you waste your potential." Dono told him.

“I just don’t know if I can do this.” Joren confessed. It had been years since he had been a Jedi, and the thought of seeing his former mentor terrified him.

“You can, and you will. But you won’t have to face this alone Joren, we’ll be with you every step of the way.”

Joren sat there for a moment and looked down at the floor as he contemplated what Dono had been saying. He knew that perhaps Dono and Kaylee were right, that he had been running from his past for too long. But there was still a part of him that wasn’t sure about this.

“Fine.” Joren said. “I’ll do it.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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He didn’t want to follow the pair of Jedi. As he recoiled backward and threw his cape up to shield himself from the flames he contemplated just letting them run off.

But the Sith Code would not allow it, neither would the entailing suspicion of such an act. As much as it would be easier just to let them run off with no conflict it would bring up too many questions, too much doubt as to why a someone like him would just let a pair of Jedi escape. On top of that, there was another reason to give chase to the Jedi investigators.

The girl.

Among the array of emotions layered across the area, the girl had a flicker of curiosity among her fear. He could feel it among her panic, a tinge of interest in him. She was in awe, leading him to only guess that she had never come across someone like him before. Maybe she had seen those who had some semblance of power in their hearts, but none who had the ambition and potential that he possessed. If he could capitalize on her interest, make her see what kind of power he possessed, perhaps he could set aflame a darkness in her, a lust for power only a few potentials could relate.

After all, he was the Master now. He would need an apprentice soon, and a well-trained Jedi like her could be a potential candidate.

He did not pursue at a fast pace, simply striding after the panicked girl and her master, but he wasn't going to let them get away unscathed mentally or physically. He was quick to hone in on the girl and her master based on their emotional state. They weren't hard to track, the male was very vocally trying to dispel the air around him, trying to create a focal point of light in the air as he prowled about them. He was a light in the dark, which while it made him safer than most from Darth Seducus' mental influence, it also made him a beacon among the area, allowing the Sith to easily track his location. His Padawan fared no better when it came to hiding from the Sith Lord, her erratic state practically giving away her position. Her lack of mental control made her extremely easy to follow, even without visually seeing her he could tell exactly where she was. He could judge by her erratic pattern in the pipes that she did not know the layout of Nar Shadda's pipelines like he did, and he could reasonably assume the same of her master. Another advantage for him, as his time under Trubba the Hutt have him intricate knowledge of these tunnels, and as such superior maneuverability.

He strode through a separate tunnel, coming around a bend in the weaving pipelines to cut off their original escape route, but at his leisurely pace, he was not going to be able to reach them. He could sense they arrived at a separate platform, another control room with a few other connectors. Rather than expand the extra energy sprinting to cut them off, he instead gave a flick of his wrist, grabbing hold of the air around the girl with the Force and ripping it downward around her. He didn't need to locate her by sight anymore.

"You know, when I suggested that we part ways without any violence, I did not expect you two to take such an offer.” He called out, his voice echoing through the durasteel tunnels. “I did not expect the Jedi to train such cowardice among their Knights, where is your backbone? Is it not the task of every Jedi to seek and purge darkness whenever it rises? Or do you consider me beyond even your power?”

He did not put himself out in the open, moving along the borders of the area, just out of view of the Padawan and her master. He sent small ripples out with the force, shattering nearby light sources at he moved with simple crushes, allowing him to darken the area more and more, leaving only his prey in the light.

“It’s very clear that you did not come here for me, I’m just the little bonus you found along the way.” He uttered, his voice amplified through the darkness, channeled through the Force with his ambitious passion, flowing through the air like a poisonous fog as he attempted to force the emotions. “But that still leaves the unanswered question...what are you Jedi doing out here? Is it really in the Republic’s best interest to be sending their oh-so-important Jedi Knights to Outer Rim dumps like this? Is it really worth trying to bring hope to such a hopeless planet?”

The Sith let out a laugh, channeling his darkness to project into the increasingly dim surroundings, piling on a display of power to send waves of fear into their hearts.

“For that matter, is it Jedi should they be sending? Usually your kind is sent out for diplomacy, but I’ve heard your Common and a diplomat you are not. You’re a warrior born, Master Jedi. There is a fire in your heart that cannot be quelled by words. So what are you here for? Who did the Republic send you to kill? And why send Jedi? Why send lightsabers for what blasters could easily accomplish,albeit with less of a show? Is this just a display of power to keep the other worlds within their overbearing fingers? Or could they just find no better use for you other than chasing brigands across the scum planets of the Outer Rim?”
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

((Sorry about the mixup of who was supposed to post this))

Kasari had been surprised to see a member from the council show up. Whilst there was a report that had been filed, she didn't think it had warranted a member of the Jedi council. She wondered why she was here. Hashira, the Twi'lek, just turned away, almost ashamed she had called for assistance and guidence during the chasing of their current prisoner.

”Ah, Master Cluyr, it's all been a rather hectic and exciting day so things were hard to detect-" Kasari began.

"And discipline aides in the ability to remain focused even in the midst of Chaos," the Jedi Master responded without looking at the female human.

"Oh great, one of you. See, this is why I didn't want one of those here. Their stuck up 'better-than-thou' bantha poodoo is something the entire universe could do without," he said as soon as Cluyr had finished.

"A charming disposition as always," Kasari thought to herself as she had been interupted.

"I choose to reject everything that makes life fun, so I must be better than you," he said in a shrill, girly imitation of the woman's voice. He felt a twinge of agreement from one of the guards.

"See, that guy knows what i'm talking about." He motioned over to the guard, who simply put on his most serious face and stood to attention.

"Silence," she said dryly in a sigh with a sharp look at the man, as if it wasn't rude or unusal to speak to a potential threat in such a manner. Orias met her gaze with a look to accuse her of being a "spoil sport."

"As I said, this human is no threat to us, unless any of you believe otherwise -" she continued, looking at the four Jedi in an unimpressed expectation.

Eevy glanced over at the council member, then back at Orias. ”But his blade matches what most Sith usually have - or, at least, it was similar to the one the Sith she had met carried," she thought to herself, mostly keeping quite. However, when she heard the woman's next set of words, she couldn't hold her tongue.

”I have plenty of 'training' in self-control-"

"Could have fooled me, " Orias mumbled. But Eevy took no notice.

"Your actions prove the contrary," Cluyr cut in once more and without looking at the girl.

"My actions are what caught him-"

"Yes, and your actions were questionable at best, dear."

She wasn't even attempting to be polite anymore. The child clearly couldn't prove having any kind of self-control regardless of Eevy's own beliefs.

"Questionable at best? I don't see you or any of the other council members getting off your high and mighty positions and do what us real Jedi do!” she responded in a slightly irritated tone She disliked when her actions were questioned. She bent the rules sometimes, but never broke them. She knew better than that.

"Ooo, little Nexu has claws," Orias thought.

Cluyr glared at the girl and peered into her mind. She did away with any kind of grace and forced her way through any kind of barrier she had made. Cluyr watched Eevy's memories of her training and childhood. This gave the Councilor a better understanding of the child's experiences and training under Kasari.

Eevy grasped at her head as she felt it being pryed into forcefully. "What are you doing...get out of-" she spoke weakly, trying to keep her head from being dove into through the force. Orias watched the display, tutting.

"Using the force as a weapon. I'm shocked at you. What is it that Jedi Grand Master Yoda once said?" he thought back to the holocrons that Traal had made him watch. "Not to be used as a weapon, the force is. But as an ally, stand by you, it does." That little blue guy was a wise one," he said.

Unfortunately, the holocrons were the old ones filled with static and only showed the person in a mono-colour. As such, he assumed that the famed master was Blue.

The Nikto released her mind and let the girl flop to the floor. "Your Master," she started, her attention toward Kasari, "seemed to lack the kind of discipline you required to learn respect for your elders and the proper manner in which to conduct yourself."

Her aggravation aleveated somewhat for the harsh punishment Cluyr believed the girl deserved. It didn't show in her face, but her shoulders relaxed a bit.

Kasari knelt down next to Eevy, gently resting her hand on her back as she started to get to her feet. "The - only ones I respect - are the ones who have earned it, like Kasari. Not you, who just sit on your butts and listen to the force to guide you. How many times in the past has waiting caused the Jedi and the Republic to lose critical battles because the Jedi would rather wait than act?

"Where would we be now if I hadn't chased after him? What would you have done if he got away?" She spoke in rather shallow breaths as she collected herself.

"Hey, I was just minding my own business when she yelled 'Stop, Criminal Scum!' or something like that. She drew the weapon first. She tried to attack me without provocation. Can I get a lawyer?" he asked. "It'd be nice to have someone in the room that is more evil than the Council woman."

At'chaa was impressed by the girl's resilience and strong will. But such a will had proven to be the downfall of many Jedi. The man, on the other hand, was even more exhausting, somehow.

"Please stay silent while I try to deal with this girl and release you as you should be."

Perhaps her priorities were out of order, but she cared little about the man's well-being. There was something about him that didn't set well with her, but she passed it off as being irritated by all those in the room. She then continued to attempt to teach Eevy something about her actions.

"You fail to understand how your actions impact this, clearly, innocent man, those guards there, your fellow Jedi, and the Force at large. You think your physicality is all you need to get by in the galaxy. You are naive and proud. I warned the Jedi of your juvenile attitude and behaviors, but they still Knighted you because your physical attributes were impressive. And, indeed, they are. But your lack of understanding the grander repercussions of your actions will be the death of you one day. Your training was incomplete in this manner."

Her voice changed quite a bit during her monologue. She actually seemed to care about the girl and spoke softly and with some warmth. At'chaa was trying to make the girl understand that she was short-sighted and rash, something Jedi are trained not.

"Innocent man? He isn't innocent, I declared myself as a Jedi and the first action he chose was to run-"

"And your igniting your lightsaber in public was just so warm and welcoming," Master Cluyr added. Her condescension entered into her voice once more.

"And you have no idea what it is the Council does," she continued, clearly unaffected by being interrupted herself. "You continue to prove your naivety by assuming knowledge when there was little to no proof of that being the truth."

"Innocent people don't run from Republic officials, no matter what. So explain to me why he did if he's so innocent?"

"Maybe it had something to do with you threatening me with a Lightsaber. There had to be at least 100 witnesses there that'll testify that I was doing nothing till you attacked me."

Eevy glanced at Orias with a glare, "I never once tried to strike you. But, you were more than willing to launch a force attack at me."

"I felt my life was in danger, thanks to your very threatening posture," he smirked. "It was a provoked response."

Master Cluyr's eyelids drooped a bit as if she was tired, which she was of the girl's ignorant arguments.

"I have no wish to speak with you any further," she started.

She then turned to Kasari. "His Force signature is not typical of a Sith, something that could have been determined upon initial interaction," she explained as if Kasari should have been able to perform such a task easily enough. "Regardless, if there was any concern, he should have been tracked with stealth. He did nothing in the way of criminal and your Padawan, an example of the Jedi Order overall, chased him down over a misinterpreted 'feeling.'"

"It was the Council who had first detected this Sith and sent us after him!" Eevy spoke with greater frustration.

"Silence!" Master Cluyr amplified her voice to fill the room and a crack formed on one of the walls. The Force then made its way towards Eevy's mind to prevent her from speaking any further.

"This man is to be released," she continued, her voice still imposing but no longer aided with the Force.

The guards entered the room in haste to release the prisoner and escort him out of the room. She turned to Kasari, who's face was still winced in pain. "I want to see the four of you at the Council Chambers tomorrow to discuss this poor excuse for a Jedi," Cluyr's voice ordered and with no lack of disdain. "And we will discuss your future within this Order, Ms. Hunt," she added. The Master's voice would have rang loudly in the girl's head while the others would have recieved it at a normal volume.

"With all due respect Master Cluyr, Eevy only did what she thought was right, perhaps it wasn't the best course of action, but she only had the Republic and it's citizens' well-being in mind," Kasari interjected, hoping to plea a bit of Eevy's case.

"And that judgement, young Jedi, is the reason we much assess her, and the rest of you by extention, further."

The Councilor refused to debate the point further and whipped around and exited the cell, allowing the four of them to, hopefully, reflect on the actions of the immaturity of the girl and possibly get through to her as a wise and learned Council member could not.

The guard had been a little cautious and had taken a little bit of time to undo all of the restraints. Orias was relieved that he seemed to have gotten away, scott-free.

"Well." He grinned a slightly evil grin.

"I hope you have learned your lesson. I want my lightsaber returned to me, if you don't mind."

He then walked towards Eevy. "Better luck next time, young one." He smirked before being led out. "Oh wait. You don't believe in luck, do you?"

"I know that you were up to something. You're lucky that a Council member was here," she added as he taunted her. "Know that if you do anything outside the law before you leave this system that I'll be right there to put the shackles back on you."

Eevy didn't like how the Sith had effectively won and there was nothing she could do about it.

Led to the Hangar bay, Orias waited patiently for the shuttle to arrive that would take him back to the surface. He had been told in no uncertain terms that, they would forget the charges of Grand Theft Auto and Assault, if he didn't bring up, what was essentially, police brutality. He needed to get his mask back from that station locker he had left it in. He watched the young Jedi approach him, obviously also waiting for the shuttle "Let me ask you something, Jedi. Why do you do what you do? What are you a Jedi, when you lack most of their discipline? Hell, how did you make it past the Trials? I hear they are rather difficult, even for someone with the greatest of discipline."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

Grand Admiral Vonn Sayall sat in his command chair on the bridge of the Firebrand came out of hyperspace. Sayall had wanted to maintain the element of surprise, so he had ordered Captain Darklighter to bring the fleet out of hyperspace within close proximity to Rodia. Sayall was impressed with the captain and his crew, as their navigation skills proved to be second to none, as the brought the super star destroyer and the rest of the fleet that accompanied them so close to Rodia that they could see the water and energy domes surrounding the cities on the surface.

Sayall stood and approached the transparisteel window of the bridge, and a slight smile formed on his lips as he looked out at the swampy world before him. Right now, at the Senatorial Palace, a representative from the Republic Senate was meeting with the Grand Protector himself, trying to persuade the Rodians that the Republic not only has Rodia’s best interests at heart, but that they can protect them from hostile forces, whenever they may arise.

It was up to Sayall and his fleet to show Rodia as well as the Republic just how misguided that line of thinking truly was.

“Captain Darklighter.” Sayall said to the man standing beside him.

“Yes Grand Admiral?” Captain Darklighter responded.

“You may begin the orbital bombardment of the planet.” The Grand Admiral ordered.

“Of course, Sir.” Darklighter replied.

“Once the bombardment is over, sent the TIE fighter squadron to the sub orbit to show these…primitives the power of the Empire.” Sayall spat.

“It will be done.” The captain told him as he turned to issue the orders.

“And captain?” Sayall called.

“Yes Sir?” Darklighter replied.

“Once the planet’s defenses are rendered useless we will need to…suppress the local population. Prepare a legion of stormtroopers for touchdown.” Sayall ordered.

“Yes, Sir.” Darklighter replied.
“Captain, it is time to remind the Republic just who it is that truly rules the galaxy.” Sayall said with a grin as he watched the planetary bombardment commence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Eevy was frustrated that they had to let the Sith go, but with a high ranking member of the Jedi giving the order and she not being in a position close to that, she had to just accept it. She made her way over to a shuttle area, waiting for transport to take her along with the released Sith to the planet, glancing over at Orias when he spoke to her. "I'm a Jedi because I want to keep citizens of every planet safe. The Empire was a plight on the galaxy and as for Sith," She spoke as she raised up her arm and pulled down her sleeve, revealing her cybernetic on her right arm, "This is a gift from the last one I faced with my Master when I was still a Padawan, so I'm not too particularly fond of Sith." She glared at him, as she put her sleeve back down.

"Relax Eevy, he's just trying to get a rise out of you," Kasari spoke to Eevy as she rested her hand on her shoulder.

Eevy inhaled deeply and then slowly exhaled, calming herself a little, she wasn't about to attack the Sith or anything like that, but it was frustrating for her, "I know Master, I just wanted to prove myself, that I'm deserving of the title 'Jedi Knight',"

"I know Eevy and you are a good Jedi, just perhaps your actions in regard to this were a bit overzealous, I'm not mad at you, just I don't want your actions getting you into trouble."

"You don't think I'll be punished too harshly, do you Master?" She asked, being slightly worried, though it didn't show too much on her face.

"I don't know, though I would hope they would see you were just trying to uphold the law, it's not something I would strictly punish you for, having trained you or not." She smiled to her reassuringly.

Eevy nodded her head and closed her eyes, reflecting a little more on her actions and whilst she felt they weren't completely out of line, at least from Kasari's perspective, she could see how she may have gone a tad overboard and should have at least addressed the man, Sith or not. Soon transport arrived and they all boarded the shuttle, it being a little cramped and unfortunately she was right next to Orias, though she didn't like it, she decided if it was her in that position, she'd want what she was about to do.

"I'm sorry for not approaching you in a more civilized manner when I first spotted you," The words for her difficult because of his affiliation, but an outside party would probably see it deserving. Though she knew if the situations were reversed, they wouldn't give her the same courtesy, though that was the way of the Jedi, at least in the sense of admitting fault when warranted as well as forgiving and moving past it.

Kasari knew how difficult it was for her to be near someone affiliated with the Sith, but she was glad her former student was being civil about it, that's why she had promoted her student to the rank of Jedi Knight. she knew within time, as Eevy gained more experience in life, she wouldn't act as rashly as she sometimes would, for now though, as long as she could, she would continue to watch over her and guide her back on the right path if she ever needed it.
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