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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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@mattmanganonYeah, wouldn't mind working something out, was actually of thinking of having something happen to have her turn to someone or something, be it good, evil or whatever, more of a manipulation thing than anything else, ya know?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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@Sohtem Well, she's already missing her arm, so that cuts out one of the more gruesome of initiation rituals.

But you will have trouble figuring out where we stand...

Alright, i'll stop with the Zapp Brannigan quotes. But's just so damn funny.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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@mattmanganonWell yeah, I know that, hehe, I just didn't want to make her like that right off the bat is all, have her develop into it and don't worry about the Zapp Brannigan quotes, I don't mind them. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

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Well, here it is, hopefully I did well enough to be accepted, am a little rusty, though knowing my dumb self it's probably not quite right. :P

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's been awhile, but I got my segment posted. 'Shape, I'm finishing up my part of that collab then I'll get it to you and we can get it posted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 12 days ago

So, a few things came to mind.
What exactly are the mechanics of the Force? Are the movies and games the "norm" for most Jedi? If so, that changes the way I have to play my character.
Also, Eevy would not have been made a knight if there was any possibility of her behaving the way in which she did in that first post, even if it was a more liberal Order.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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@Phoenix She isn't always like this, it was just to build something for the story that @mattmanganon and I discussed in a pm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 12 days ago

I didn't mean to say that she is. But the Council would have been able to judge if her lack of self control would still show up and put others (Jedi and others) in danger. The post portrays an inability to approach an unknown situation in a hyper-aggressive manner that is entirely uncharacteristic of a Padawan, nevermind a Knight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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@Phoenix I get what you're saying and I'm adjusting that a bit more in my next post, I may have overdone it a tad, was just trying to get a message across is all, she can usually be pretty tame about such incidents, I just wanted to add a little more to it, get the ball going straight away so to speak.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

As far as the Force goes, mostly movies and games and such, but I'm also allowed the previous EU stuff as well.

Also, the Jedi Order is not quite as strict as they had been previously, such as allowing relationships and romance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

Also, Eevy would not have been made a knight if there was any possibility of her behaving the way in which she did in that first post, even if it was a more liberal Order.

Oh I don't know. Star Wars Canon as well as the old EU is full of young Jedi who don't exactly follow instructions and take things into their own hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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@Phoenix I have a post coming soon!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 12 days ago

I just realized how harsh I sounded. I haven't been on the computer in a while. I'll get on after work today. (:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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@Phoenix no no! You have every right to be impatient at this point! I have been in your shoes, and I will have something up by tonight! And I will make sure to get my CS on the character page!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 12 days ago

@Phoenix I get what you're saying and I'm adjusting that a bit more in my next post, I may have overdone it a tad, was just trying to get a message across is all, she can usually be pretty tame about such incidents, I just wanted to add a little more to it, get the ball going straight away so to speak.
Sorry again for my harshness.
My point was, and this is purely from my understanding of what the Jedi Order is "supposed" to represent, Jedi are taught to proceed with caution and only enter combat as the defendant. With Eevy not knowing how to interpret Orias' Force signature, I, personally, feel that Eevy reacted in a very non-Jedi manner. Yes, some Padawan might behave that way, but before ascending to Knighthood, that probably would have been beaten out of her.
However, I'm not sure how Nite intended to have the Order be represented by others and within themselves. I know one of the Councilor NPCs I created, should she have learned about this action, would make a movement to place Eevy back under a Master and deem her a Padawan again. And this would be an action considering still the fact that this "may have been" a 1-time thing. Possibly something that could be explored in the near-future.

As far as the Force goes, mostly movies and games and such, but I'm also allowed the previous EU stuff as well.

Also, the Jedi Order is not quite as strict as they had been previously, such as allowing relationships and romance.

<Snipped quote by Phoenix>

Oh I don't know. Star Wars Canon as well as the old EU is full of young Jedi who don't exactly follow instructions and take things into their own hands.
Well, I'm more wondering the extent of individual's control/power with the Force. Is Luke/Vader/Anakin/Obi-wan/Revan/Meetra the norm? If so, I'm going to have to add some things to my character.
Disclaimer: I understand that you will interpret things differently than what I have experienced, but that is why I'm asking questions.
To me, Revan/Meetra/Vader (Anakin) are exceptions to the norm for most Force-users. In my opinion, they are over-powered. Still, during combat, one cannot use Force Powers while striking at an opponent. Time (however little) and Focus (however quick) are necessary for both actions (Lightsaber Combat and Force Powers) and performing both simultaneously is, to me, considered a no-no.
But I just want to get your opinion so I understand how I should proceed with combat/skills.

I didn't suspect you would have this Jedi Order so strict on relationships, marriage, children, etc. But thank you for clarifying considering my character has so many children -_-...that fu(king family tree is a nightmare.

Well, that Star Wars canon follows Luke and Anakin. Anakin being one of a vast many Jedi. Even as a Knight, he didn't portray such blatant aggression (as a Jedi). Luke, on the other hand, only had Obi-wan...and look at that man's track record for training Jedi -_-...heh
My understanding is that most Padawan/Young Knights exhibit a great level of self-control (something that is trained very at the beginning and throughout). My point was, the degree to which Eevy took action to an unknown and not knowing the possibility for aggression was out-of-place in the Jedi Order. Even if she was like that only rarely, she would be severely reprimanded for such behavior. Again, I'm not saying this is a bad thing, just something to consider. But, like before, I'm not passing a judgement on this manner. I mean to only state my opinion and try to clear up what tenants the Jedi are following and how closely. ^^

Give it to me!! *groan
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 12 days ago

@NeutralNexusB!tch, I wasn't talking to you. Slow your role...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

Very interesting. Very interesting indeed.

And yes, Vader, Luke and the such are the exception, the typical Jedi is not that powerful. That being said, there could be others with that power level that are flying under the radar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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@Phoenix To address the concerns with Eevy's behavior, I don't think she acted contrary to Jedi Code. Had she lunged at him with no regard for judgement, that would be directly in conflict with the Jedi Order's code in any right. However, what was described was a verbal warning and a display of intent to prevent him from running. That isn't an attack, that's a peacekeeping attempt. It's the same as a cop drawing his weapon in an attempt to apprehend a criminal and prevent him from running(which Jedi would do from time to time). Jedi do what they must to protect the peace, and it was already reviewed that the force-sensitive they were chasing was at least powerful, if not possibly dangerous.

I don't see this as disobeying Jedi Rules, it's bending against them. Unless she tried to strike him, I don't see that as a direct violation.

As for Jedi/Sith rules, I'm good with Force-Users not all being super-force-gods. Sure, they should be given a bit of leeway(Being able to force push and use a lightsaber isn't an out-of-place idea at least, though bigger attacks would need windup), but most Jedi and Sith could still be beaten by enough blaster fire, especially well-trained blaster users.

Though Nite's got the final say, video games like SWTOR at least give me a basis of what I can do.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 12 days ago

I'm sorry if I'm not giving you enough @NeutralNexus. But I'm thinking it going to be short posts for a bit as action occurs.
And my post didn't tell what Malov did...only alluded to the idea. ;)

I interjected. ;)
EDIT: Let me know if I'm going to far. I don't want to ruin your guys' plans.
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