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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"Thank you ladies. We have a very busy schedule today. I will give you a bit of the background of The Dragon Riders Lore of this area and why we have not had any dragons in over a hundred years.
Here is the Legend of the Dragon Riders as I was taught:

Many a long year ago, there was a wonderful place where there were many dragons and dragon riders. They were trained at one academy called Dragonopia.
Dragonopia was pretty much hidden away in a large mountain range in a distant village. This village had an Inn where you could apply for a dragon rider. You had to do much work and book work before you were allowed to even have an egg. Many tried applied, some were lucky enough to enter the school and even less was allowed to have an egg.
Whether the reason was due to the actual hard work, not being able to pass the strict written test or if there was not enough eggs to go around, I do not know. But I do know what was passed down to me from my grandfather.
Dragonopia became very prosperous and quite powerful. Some said too powerful in the lives of regular humans. They even were judges of the courts. They were hard and tough beings. Their hearts must have turn to stone for they gave out such stern decisions in the court. Some say that they barely heard what was said by either side and had made up their minds before they even held court.
All of the Dragon Riders had magical powers as well. Fearsome powers like being able to throw fire across the room just to turn a person to ashes…. Just like that! Some even were able to appear and disappear like ghosts. There were so many different powers that these Riders held that people became very scared of them. Scared enough to declare war on the Dragon Riders.
At first it was just not coming to meetings when they were called or not showing up in court or not paying the high fees of protection.
The Dragon Riders were not happy in the least. But they tried to reason with the people about needing their supplies and their taxes. Finally the people seemed to give in. The Dragon Riders got their taxes and supplies but the food was tainted with various poisons and diseases. They tried to fight back without fighting. It did work for a while but after a while the Dragon Riders caught on. They had a mage who could tell diseased food from good food. The person who gave the diseased food had to cook it and eat several helpings as punishment for the crime of pestilence spreading.
Once more the people refused to give the Dragon Riders anything for the loss of the family member- usually young males who had the job of taking the food to the collection centers- and they declared an all out war on the Dragon Riders.
Of course the Dragon Riders would not stand for this and fought back. But the Dragon Riders had become lazy and not as quick as they once were except the young ones who were in training or not out very long. The techniques and skills were diminished by not working out and by over eating. Even the dragons had become lazy and sluggish due to the lack of exercise and overeating.
With that in mind, the war was pretty even. The war went on from springtime when everyone should have been planting crops to the dead of winter where the last of the Riders and Dragons disappeared from the face of the Earth.
Some say however….. deep in a hidden cave lay many eggs of the Queens. Yes there were more than one Queen. Each species of dragons had a Queen Mother. She was the main egg layer and would protect all of the eggs with her life. All of the females had to bow down to her for she was always the best of them. She was the strongest, fastest and the most intelligent of all of the females and she would not mate with a lesser dragon. To do that would thin her blood line. So it was always a contest to mate with the Queen of any of the dragon species.
Except for this one last time where all of the males that were left mated with the Queens. They knew that their hours were limited and they wanted their species not to die out. Even if they could not see their young, they wanted them to have a chance to live in the future time. Each Queen rider was a Mage of Magic Spells and after each Queen had laid their eggs, the Rider would close the cavern with a sleep spell of protection. She then would lay with her own mate, become pregnant with his seed, then leave by a secret way of the Riders, never to return again. She would pass on what she knew to her child once it was born. And the child would pass the information to his or her children who would pass it on their children.
The Hundred Years of Sleep of Protection Spell should be nearing the end. Then Dragonopia open her secrets once more. Students will be trained by a new set of leaders and hopefully they have learned from their past mistakes. Hopefully the eggs will wake from their long sleep unharmed and healthy. Hopefully the bonds will be made strong and last long.
The Lore Master took a deep breath before continuing on.
“This time will be different from the last time. I will be leading the Dragon Riders and Dragon Riders will have a specific code to go by. Here are the Laws that I have set so far. More will be added. These are based on what is considered to be the downfall of the last group of Dragon Riders.
1) Leaders are Leaders-They must keep their morals higher, must have a monogamous relationship with their mate, will keep order and laws.
2) All people are equally able to do jobs. Everyone has their own specialty.
3) Males cannot force females to lay down for a pecking.
4) Females cannot flaunt their wares.
5) Everyone will pull their own weight and will do chores.
6) Teachers will do their best to teach each student on an individual basis if they need extra tutoring.
During the winter months, those of us who have had Ancestors of the Dragon Riders will sit down and discuss what should be set into Laws. Until then these Laws must suffice and I will uphold them.

Any questions so far?” The Lore Master asked as she gazed around the room

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

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"I have nothing to ask."

Shitara said before closing her eyes calmly and stay silent, maybe someone else in the room wanted to make a question so she did not want to interrupt
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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((Gabanre, meeting room))

"I have 1 question: When will we start traveling"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

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((Samuel, meeting room))

Samuel opened the little black box, smelled the pen to check if it might contain any poison, and looked at the others, who didn't seem to have any side effects of the pen. He then used the pen on himself, and wrote his name on the vows. When listening to the Lore Master about the dragons, he heard a few words that made him have a weird feeling.

...Those of us who have had Ancestors of the Dragon Riders...

He was still standing in his normal stance where he was observant and cool, but he felt confused, and at the same time hopeful. He didn't know why this was happening, but it made him curious. He raised his hand, and asked the lady: "Lore Master, may I ask who these descendants of the Dragon Riders are?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Whitewind
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(( Bar countertops: Stacey ))

Stacey had missed the passing out of the vouchers, so she picked one off of the table and nodded thanks to Mystique. Lacking any questions, she made her way over to the bar and sat on a stool. When the bartender made his way over to her, she politely declined, she was just sitting for a place to rest. Her holster has been rubbing up on her hip, she took the shortsword out of it and laid the leather holster on the table. She sighed and asked politely for a rag of some kind. The bartender threw one over to her, she caught it and nodded thanks. The gauntlets she wore clanked together as she wiped down the shortsword.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wagtail
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wagtail Motacilla alba

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Robert opened the box and picked up the pen. A "blood pact" felt weird, but he knew it was already too late to leave now. He pricked his finger and started writing: Robert Outerbridge. Then the lore master started talking about the dragon riders history. even though it was only a brief summary, it was very interesting. He had no questions so he remained silent. Although he was excited about the answer to Samuels question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Lore Master in the Meeting Room
The Lore Master noticed that someone left the room before the meeting. She held a sigh inside and looked at Ixonia

"Ixonia, please go tell the female who left that the meeting is not over. If she wishes to receive her sign on bonus she had better get her booty back to the meeting.

We have many things to discus and do before we leave tomorrow morning. Has everyone signed the Vow?" she spoke calmly.

Ixonia didn't say anything but got up quickly and hurried downstairs to find the female (Stacey) who happened to be eating at the bar.

"The Lore Master has asked me to go find you and give you a message. I'd heed it if I was you just because I personally know her. She says that if you want your sign on bonus and finish the meeting, you had better get back to the meeting. I have to get back now......" Ixonia spoke a bit unsure like.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whitewind
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Stacey glanced up as the young woman began speaking to her, she nodded as she was told to finish the meeting. She slid the holster onto her belt loop and threw the rag back to the bartender. She swung her blade around a little to show off, and then put it in her holster. She walked around the young woman and made her way back into the meeting room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Lore Master in the Meeting Room

The Lore Master looks around and then spoke to the class.

"When the few Dragon Riders and their families left, they were instructed to keep the information to themselves. They were also told that they are not to speak to each other for a certain period of time. I was not born since it has been a hundred years ago. My ancestors kept ourselves away from anyone for we were the last of the Lore Masters. At one time there were more than one Lore Master and the Head Lore Master was called The Lore Master. I am the last Lore Master and only I can open the Dragon Lair."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ixonia returning to the Meeting Room and The Lore Master in the Meeting Room

Ixonia was not at all sure of this female. In fact she acted more like a male than a female and she did not need to show off her weapons like she did. Didn't she know that she could be inviting trouble?

"Now while the contract finish drying, I will explain what shall happen next."

Mystique spoke as she pulled a small trunk out from under the table. She unlocked it.

"Each of you will receive a bag of coins. Fifty of each copper, bronze, silver and gold as a sign on bonus. You will get this money one time. The rest of the money you will earn while you are at Dragonopia Academy. I will explain what you may do to earn more money when we have class.

Just outside of town is a gypsy caravan. There will be wagons with trunks and supplies for us. Each student will receive the following so DO NOT BUY:
One trunk will contain pieces of leather.
One trunk that contains a hand press and dies.
One trunk that contains metal and a shape cutter.
One trunk that will contain leather protective garments.
One trunk that will contain various beads and such ornaments.
One trunk that will contain a variety of books such as Leather Making, Basket Weaving, Herbal Gardening, and other useful informational books. “ she spoke as she placed a bag of coins in front of each student.
“All magick books are at Dragonopia and I will issue you them as you need them. I have wands and staffs as well if you wish to learn how to use them.
This is what you need to buy for yourself. You will want to get a bed, table, chairs, kitchen equipment, blankets, at least 6 buckets, an axe, saw, baskets. If you want other things, buy it now for we will not be back here until spring. Of course you will want to barter with them for they will expect you to do so. There are wagons for you to put your items in. I have assigned you to a wagon. You will be driving these wagons tomorrow. There is no need to get food stuff because I have plenty in Dragonopia and there should be more on a few wagons waiting for us to take.
We will go as a group. I will greet Damon and we shall speak for a bit then I will release you to do your bargaining. There is a lot of tension in the camp at the moment. Damon’s daughter, Ixonia, just left the camp today and she has her own cart. This should not affect you or your bargaining.
Are there any questions before we head out to the gypsy camp?"
Damon- leader of caravan

“Greetings, Damon. I have brought my students to bargain with your people as agreed upon our last meeting.” Lore Master spoke calmly.
“Greetings, Lore Master. Please allow them to do their bargaining quickly and depart quickly.” Damon spoke in a monotone voice which meant that he was still attempting to control his anger.
The Lore Master turned to the students and nodded. Yet she was wondering what Damon was upset by. It couldn’t be her students for they had just arrived…… Or did one meet up with the gypsies before hand?

After the students left to go bartering, Lore Master walked beside Damon. She spoke in a low voice which was meant for Damon only.
“I am sorry that Ixonia is leaving the caravan. I know that it will result in a large loss of money as well. But I will make sure that she is well taken care.”

Damon shrugged then spoke
“It is the way of the world sometimes. Sometimes they come back and sometimes they don’t. I trust you to keep her out of trouble which she is. It is the fact that she is promised to another in another caravan. That is what disturbs me. She doesn’t like him and this may be her way out. It is her way of saying no.”

Lore Master smiled and spoke softly
‘So you must be angry with her to show your authority of the caravan. What about as her father?”

“Her father weeps for he is losing his daughter to a way of life that he does not approve of. Yet he will greet her before she leaves in the morning. He will give his blessing on her future and wish her well.” Damon responded as they approached the wagons.
“I have 12 wagons. 4 have food stuffs. There are 2 with your student boxes. The last 6 will be filled with what your students buy. Shall we deal?” Damon spoke softly to his adopted daughter, the Lore Master.

After the discussion, The Lore Master placed signs on each wagon so that everyone knew what wagon to put their belongings in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 5 days ago


Gabanre followed the loremaster towards the gipsy camp. Once there he started examinating the goods of the gipsy's. There was leather, metal and beads. Which he should NOT buy. Since they would get that anyway. After that he went to the craftsman, seeing axes, saws, buckets and baskets. Asking the price of an axe a saw, 6 buckets and baskets. A total of: 20 silver and 5 bronze. After that he went to the furniture specialist. Asking the price of an bed, a table and 3 chairs. A total of: 15 bronze and 35 copper. After this he purchased 2 blankets, and a cooking set. A total of: 20 Bronze and 1 Gold. The total spend is: 1 gold, 20 silver, 40 bronze and 35 copper. He thanked all of the shopkeepers after purchasing their goods. After he was done putting everything on the carts, he went searching for @IronWillShitara Sonel. Since he met her, he fancied her a little. Once he found her he bowed down, asking if she needed any help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

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Shitara heard all the explanation without saying a word and when they arrived to the camp the only thing Shitara was interested in finding was strings for her instrument, though she was almost sure she would not find in that place.
She sighed slightly as some of the merchancts tried to sell her rings, necklases and other accesories.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lore Master and Ixonia wandering about the gypsy camp area

The Lore Master went up to a specific gypsy lady and gave her a small bow then a hug for they were close. Adeline was her foster mother after she had lost her own parents. And the reason why The Lore Master favors this caravan over others and has known Ixonia for a few years.

Ixonia was simply wandering about after purchasing her belongings. All of her things were placed in her own wagon since she was leaving the caravan. It was an old caravan wagon that she had inherited from Old Grandmother as well as some of old Grandmother's belongings.

She knew that she needed to get to know her new classmates and decided it was best to see if she could help others with their purchases. She noticed two standing together and smiled as she went up to them. (Gabanre and Shitara)
"Hi. My name is Ixonia and since I lived all of my in this caravan before siging up for academy, I thought that I'd offer to help either one of you if you needed it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Just after Gabanre got to Shitara, a young gipsy woman came towards him and Shitara. It was Ixonia, whom had lived here her entire life. She asked them if she could help one of us. Since Gabanre had done all his purchases exepct for one, which he could get some help with. He responded quite happily, he mention that he did most of his purchases except for one thing A massive two-handed-battlesword. Since his old sword was unussable, he needed a new one. He felt emptyness since he needed a sword for his life to continue. He also thought: "This is a good oppertunity to contact another woman." Since he is searching for himself he would love to start a good romance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Two of the students appeared in front of Shitara, it was a good oportunity to introduce herslef to the others, as she did in the taver, she lifted her dress a little with the tip of her fings and bowed her head with a warm smile.

"My Name is Shitara Solen, it is a pleasure to meet you two.

She said before asking Ixonia for help.

"The truth is, lady Ixonia, that I need new strings for my intrument, but I am afraid I don't know where to look for them

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"A brand new one would cost quite a bit but Dermot has some old ones that he wants to get rid of. Something abouts the fact that they are imbibe with something. I am not sure what he means but he is at the far end of the camp close to Alexander. He is a deaf mute but he is the best with various strings. He can tell by vibrations how the instrument string sounds like. Want to go over that way?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pkken
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After arriving at the gypsy camp and giving a task Lance knew what he had to do. "Alright lets get started" he sighs, Lance walks up to the craftsmen store and greets them.

"Good evening sir, I would like to purchase 6 buckets, 3 baskets, an axe, and a saw for now please"

The craftsmen replies, "this will be 20 bronze and 30 copper, is that all you need sir"

Lance scratches his chin, Lance also needs some furniture as well. "I also require a bed, a table, some chairs, a kitchen set, and 3 different blankets." Lance replies.

The craftsmen takes a couple of minutes to gather everything."Alright this on top of all the other items will cost about, 1 gold 10 silver 20 bronze and 30 copper sir." Lance hands the craftsmen the money and starts loading the items onto the caravan starting with buckets and baskets. Lance then takes the axe, saw, and blankets. Lance was actually pretty excited, it had been forever since he had a bed to call his own. It is basically like he will have his own place. Lance returns to the craftsmen, "I will need some help with the bed" the craftsmen leaves his post and assists Lance in moving the bed. "Thank you, sir" Lance says in relief. "Now the tables, chairs, and kitchen set." Lance finishes moving the last of his items.

Lance Lays against a tree and puts both his hands behind his head. " I think this a good decision he says" Yawning. "Can't wait to start" he says closing his eyes dosing away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by wagtail
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wagtail Motacilla alba

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Robert was walking around the camp looking at various nooks and crannies. He needed some more bullets for his gun and a sharpening stone for his sword. He walks up to a merchant and asks about bullets. "Twenty should be enough"

"That'll be 5 bronze." The merchant replies.

"You wouldn't happen to have a sharpening stone as well?" Robert replies

"Yes, I have one right here. That would be 15 bronze" The merchant says.

"Thanks sir!" Robert says while fumbling in his pockets after the coins. He put the sharpening stone in his backpack and the bullets in his satchel. He then walks over to another merchant to buy all of the other stuff he needs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Gabanre asked Ixonia to help her with Darmots for a scrap sword( Still a deadly weapon in the hands of Gabanre).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Pica listened with avid interest at the tale of the Lore Master. Her heart went out to them. To everyone in that tale. To the people living in fear of the Dragons and their Riders. To the Dragons and Riders who were hunted down to the last. To the world engulfed in war. Pica didn't care who's fault it was, and she didn't ask. All that mattered was that it had happened, and now, there was a chance for it to happen again - starting with them.

But she resolved that she would do everything in her meager abilities to avoid that outcome. As ready as she'd ever been, Pica pricked her finger and copied the letters her friend had written: "PICA", and therefore, signed her name, sealing the Vow.

Pica was wondering on what she should be doing next. Obviously, there were things to prepare: food to pack, clothes to . . .

"Hold on, did she just say fifty gold pieces?!" Pica's thoughts came to a very abrupt halt at the mention of the amount of money the Academy would be providing for them. She'd never so much as held a single silver, let alone a gold, piece! Imagine the supplies of food she could afford with that kind of money.

She shook her head. Now was not the time to be distracted. The Lore Master was giving them instructions on what to prepare and what to buy for the trip. Pica nodded and with a determined face, set off for the village market that. Pica, as the resident orphan, was something of a darling to the locals. They had each had a had - some small, some much - at raising her, so everyone was familiar with her. More than that, her helpful nature was endearing to them, and they regularly gave her good prices; of course, they avoided telling her that, otherwise, she would have refused the offered price.

Now, she was here again, carrying more money than she ever had in her life. Looking around for a certain someone, she finally spotted him. Her friend, the Apprentice Librarian, who had written the letter for her. A child about twelve years of age who could read and write for her. "Tommy! Listen, I got accepted into that Academy I told you about, so that thing I-"

The thin librarian lifted a hand to interrupt her. "Say no more Pica. I've got them ready for you, free of charge." And with that, Tommy Librarian pulled out three books. Titled: How to Read and Write, Volume's I, II & II. "I have to say, I'm glad for you Pica, but we will miss you here."

Gratefully accepting the books from his hands, she nodded, a wistful look crossing her face. "I'll miss you guys too . . ." Pica put the books down and hugged the small boy, before bending down and placing her hands on his shoulders. "Here Tommy, hold on to this," she said, taking out two gold coins from her purse. "For your family."

Without another word - and without listening to Tommy's sudden shocked protests - Pica bolted down the Market. She went around, distributing most of her gold pieces without return, only stopping once it was time for her to pack her things. Along the way, she asked favors from longtime friends at the market, to help her prepare the things she needed.

She came back to camp, with 50 copper, bronze and silver pieces and 5 gold coins. Packed with her were baskets, her bedding's, an small hatchet, blankets, a saw and her windpipe. A smile on her face, Pica hauled her things into the wagon and settled down besides a man with what was probably the largest sword she'd ever seen before.

"'Scuse me, you don't mind if I rest down here a bit while we wait, do you?" she asked politely.

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