Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Gabarne reacted with: "Yes that is a problem" With sarcasm adden in his Voice.
After that he said that it was no problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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"Let's go then. Dermot is a good man as is Alexander. They know what they are doing which is better than the younger gypsies for they want fast money for the least amount of work." Ixonia spoke as she guided them.
"Dermot, I have brought business to you. I will need a a couple decent swords and so does this lady."

"Fine Ixonia. So you did join like i figured you would. I have several put away for you plus oil and a new stone." Dermot spoke with his hands on his hips.
"What kind of sword are you looking for?" he turned to Gabanre.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Gabarne turnen towards Dermot, asking if he can try Some of them? The twohanded sword, the most expensive onehanded, and Some crap swords.

Dermot gave him the twohanded sword and Gabarne, got srs for the first time since joining the academy. He was pointed towards Some trees to Practice upon. With one chop he cut the tree in half, showing his true Swordfighter capabilties. The grip is to small, he said. He tried the most expensive onehander. Cutting the next tree in half with just one chop again, Nice finesse he said but the balance is bad. So he tried the scrapweapon. With one chop he cut 3 trees in half, saying what is scrap about this one, he has perfect weight, balance and finesse. Dermot did not know what just happend, he never seen someone doing this Before. Gabarne went back to Dermot, saying he liked the scrapweapon the most. Dermot Warned him about the weight but that was no problem. The blade was fitted, what is the price asked Gabanre him. You'lol get it for free, i have never seen such a potent Swordfighter. And since it is of no use here and you use it like out best blades. Gabanre thanked Dermot for his help and still gave him 5 gold pieces, even though way to much. He turnen his attention to Ixonia, asking her to come with him towards the evening meeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"After I receive what Dermot has put back for me." she spoke then finished her dealing with Dermot and he frowned at the fact that she gave him any coins. She did point out that he got so little for the last several months and he couldd charge a bit less next spring if he wanted to do so.

Son she was ready to head back to the Inn as The Lore Master was shooing others along.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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Pica was done felt a bit restless just laying around and waiting, but thankfully, the Lore Master was signalling everyone to move off now. Getting up to her feat, Pica dusted off her skirt and followed the others back into the inn, looking at all her different companions. They really were a strange and varied bunch. Pica was almost overwhelmed by how so many of them were . . . eccentric, to say the least. They were certainly like no other people she had met before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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We are now back in the Inn.

The Lore Master lead them to a new meeting room which was behind the Inn. Only she could use this particular room.

"We will meet here for tonight's meeting and we will eat together during the meeting. The serving girls will be bringing us homemade stew, fresh bread, butter, drinks and various meats. Please be seated."she spoke as she went to the head of the table to watch the students find a place to sit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Galbatorix walked towards the inn, he noticed the poster of the Dragon Acedemy, where he Should be lore master. He asked the innkeeper about a the poster stating it was urgent. The innkeeper said there was a meeting in another room, the innkeeper felt Kinda influenced to show him. He was in front of a door, he opende the door and there were Some young adutls. Having dinner toghether. He pointed at clearly the leader of the group, and said Hi there lore master, i am Galbatorix and i Should be lore master to
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whitewind
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Stacey sat down diagonally in relation to the lore master at the table. The holster rode up on her hip, so she set it under her chair. She was ready to eat, she had been lacking in food recently so some fresh homemade meals would be great for her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Gabanre setteld down in a chair near the lore master. He would love Some homemade stew and just as it got served a unknown man stepped in the room, declaring that he Should be lore master as well. Gabanre found the situation pretty weird. What if this woman was fake... Then he would be pretty damm... He decided to let the conversation between the man and lore master continue
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whitewind
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Stacey looked up from stuffing her face with stew and saw a man, she snorted a little.
He should be lore master as well? she snickered again.
Mystique clearly stated that she was the only lore master left. Stacey just continued eating, relishing in the taste of the stew, bread and meats. Her eyes almost rolled back into her head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

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Shitara did not want to be rude at all, but decided to sit in the oposite side of the tablea bit distant from the others. She ignored the man demanding the position as Lore Master complelty, as if he did not exist.

"Me and my bad luck, I was not able to find string for my guzheng..."
She said with a low yet clearly audible voice, she just drowned her sorrow with a bit of bread
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Pica thanked the serving girls as they brought her food. Looking at the new arrival that was demanding for the Lore Masters position - didn't she say she was the only one left? - Pica hoped that there wouldn't be any trouble. Deciding to wait and see, Pica just ate in silence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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The Lore Master stared at the man. She could see his lineage through a special technique that only The Lore Master can do. And The Lore Master has the key......

"Please come to the corner where we can talk a bit." It was a simple command. She walked over to the corner where she could see the man and the class.

"You do know what we must do to established the Lore Master claim." The Lore Master pulled out the Pendent for viewing."

Ixonia gasped as she saw what Mystique was doing. She saw IT once by accident and she swore not to ever speak of that time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Gabaltorix put his hand in one of his sacks. After they got out a talisman appeared in his hand:

As you noticed this is mine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"You do know that the one who holds the key, rules." she pulls out a key.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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I know.

For you young adults, i am now an extra lore master, so i can teach you things to. I am still under ruling of The Lore Master
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"Let's begin our meeting and learn a few things." The Lore Master spoke as she walked back to the table.
"I want to go over a few things because by the time we get settled into the caves we will be exhausted. The volcano will begin to rumble during the night. That is the sign that the eggs will be hatching soon. After the hatchlings are fed and bedded, we will set up a nursery for them. The rest of us will work on the harvesting. Each morning we will meet for classes then in the afternoon we will harvest until all of the crops are in. We will take turns in the Daycare and Harvesting Teams.

This is what we will be studying this fall through later winter.

Mental/Mind Control Magic
1) Telepathy – Ability to speak mind to mind
2) Telekinesis- ability to move objects or bend objects
3) Levitation- the ability to float
4) Empathic- able to experience the feelings or sensations of another creature
5) Mind bonding – a close bond with a specific creature

Fire/Heat Magic
1) Make a spark
2) Small flame
3) Heat something up

Light Magic
1) Shining-Brighten darker areas
2) Glowing- able to glow dimly

Skincare training

When the eggs call us, we must respond to them. Each Rider to Be will hear their own hatchling. You will need to get some chopped meat and some chopped fruit. There is a basket with a soft towel and 2 small bowls. Put food in the bowls and put them back into the basket. Take this basket with you into the cave. You will follow the sounds of your hatchling. You will soothe your hatchling by toweling it off. You will want the egg shell just in case of an illness of the hatchling.
The newly hatched dragonlings will be very hungry and might mistake your fingers for food so you must be very careful when feed your new baby. Like all babies they need to be fed often which is why they are allowed in classrooms when they are quite young.
All of the dragonlings must be fed ground food or minced food. Each type of dragonling will prefer to have certain diet.
Carnivorous dragonlings will want ground meat while the herbivores will want plants.
As the dragonlings grow, their needs must be met so it wise to start oiling the ones with leathery skin, brushing the furry ones, rubbing the ones with scales with a soft cloth so that any kind of debris will be brushed off and keep the dragonling's body looking and feeling good.
You will need to check their mouths for teeth coming in, becoming decayed, chipped or broken before the next set comes in. Teeth on a dragonling will emerge as they begin to be able to eat chunks of meat or able to tear the plants themselves. These teeth are considered their baby teeth. The dragonlings will be cranky and are easy to anger. Each dragon are now developing their own personalities and you can help them be what you wish them to be by encouraging some traits while discouraging and even ignoring other traits if possible. You must be patient and know not only what you want in your dragon but what your dragon can actually realistically do.

Are there any questions?" The Lore Master spoke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Ixonia and The Lore Master in the Inn's Meeting Room.

"The Lore Master, how do you know that we can learn magic? I mean I never did any of those things that you mentioned and it sounds like we will automatically be able to do them when we get to the academy." Ixonia carefully asked Mystique.
"Also, what is the proper way of speaking to each other?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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The minors about harvesting crops Pica dismissed - that was something she was used to doing. What she paid close attention to was every detail the Lora Master gave about the procedures of hatching a dragon. It wasn't so difficult, now that she thought about it - the steps taken were similar in process to that of delivering a horse or a cow, the single major difference being how deeply involved they were after the hatching. They couldn't just leave it to a Momma Dragon afterwards, no, they would be doing the raising themselves, a prospect that both excited and frightened Pica. There were so many things that could go wrong in that period, so many ways in which they could err in the raising of their dragonling.

Despite all of her worries, there was one thing that incessantly nagged at the back of her head; the moment the Lore Master brought it up, her breath caught and her mind refused to put it away for long:


She was talking about magic, as if it were a real, actual thing. Pica had never seen much outside the village, and everyone here had regarded magic as something of myth, something that existed only in poems and ballads. Now here it was, as real as the bread she had eaten this morning, and she was going to learn it!

Pica raised a hand in question: "Do we have to buy all the supplies ourselves?" she asked with a soft voice.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Gabanre walked towards the old man, which named himself Galbatorix. He bowed down and said: "Greetings Galbatorix, my name is Gabanre and I am one of the students you will teach things." After that he asked Lore Master Galbatorix this: "On our way towards our new home, can you teach me some magic already, I am superduper exited to learn magic."

Galbatorix was quite suprised when Gabanre walked up towards him and asked him to do private lesson. He accepted to do the private lessons. He asked the group: Does any of you want to learn magic private as well, if the entire group does want this then ill make a class on the trip, if not we will discuss during traveling, pratice during brakes and during nighttime. These private lessons are a on-time offer for now, so during travel we will do this. Later joining is not possible

Gabanre was happy to hear Galbatorix answer. He thanked Lore Master Galbatorix.
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