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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

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Yea I will.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Apoalo YAY!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Abefroeman
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Abefroeman Truck Driver

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We will sacrifice you to our Dragon Gods, Bob Porter and Bob Slydell.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Priest is done. I'll get Yronwood finished tomorrow along with the other Lords. I'll mention briefly in a letter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

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Arecel: "Heard you like fire."
Red Priest: "That's rather simpl--"
Arecel: *shoves case at 'em* "Have some scented candles. You like?" B:
Red Priest: B:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 3 mos ago

so its 1 am where Iam... about half the post is done I'll have the rest up in the morning... sry for the long wait guys!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Abefroeman
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Abefroeman Truck Driver

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Posted, sorry for my long delay. Hurray for never sleeping!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Excellent post @Dawnscroll! Makes me feel worse about my own writing!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ok my post is LITERALLY like... 20 or 30 min away
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Eddard must be spinning so hard in his grave right now, Rickard really doesn't give two fucks :P

Oh, and I do plan on posting a little further down the line, probs after Manatee and perhaps either a Vale/Riverlands post. We haven't heard much from them in a while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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@kingkonrad Sounds good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Eddard must be spinning so hard in his grave right now, Rickard really doesn't give two fucks :P

Heh. Well, the Starks learned their lesson. Many of the same virtues that Eddard value are there in some form. He has some form of honor and his own code. But no, Rickard is a man who has little qualm with subterfuge and putting pressure on people to get what he wants.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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@DawnscrollHonor in a different form.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I'll make a post after the Tyrells. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Btw I'll edit it in, but forgot to say, also sending a discreet raven to the alchemists guild, wanting an estimate on the cost of enough wildfire to fill a galley... Tyget has plans
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vhagar
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Vhagar Dark Lord of the Sith

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@Dawnscroll I have to admit, while your post is well written, I'm a little confused about what exactly is going on. I mean, the very first part... why on earth would there be Ironborn raiders on the riverbank if they're making a bolt for Torrhen's Square? Following that, how did the Ironborn Fleet of forty ships get magically reduced to twenty by the time they reached Torrhen's Square? And I mean, probably my main issue... you made the Ironborn fleet seem like a bunch of total amateurs. I mean, Ironborn longships are not small at all; they're 100 oars and stand up to Westerosi Galleys. The Ironborn raiders are renowned for their skills in ship-to-ship combat, they're talented and fearsome warriors - in your post you had a crew of Northmen cut through them like farmboys.

I know that by this point this probably seems like I'm just picking holes in absolutely everything. I would like to clarify that this is not the case, it's just that there are some parts of this particular post that don't quite add up, in my eyes at least. I did ask that Jakkon's fleet isn't totally wrecked... (yes I know I said decimated in my actual post, I didn't know decimated meant 10%, but you got the general idea of what I was asking).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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I suppose, you can observe it, but it's that willingness to use pressure and subterfuge, that Garland wouldn't use, or at least, he does it in a way that would seem by modern standards, to just be politically manoeuvring, not even by marriage or killing people, it's just making things exist, be it men in the capital, or the fact that on paper at least, the Tyrells are not wanting to incite war, they won't cast the first sword...while we know that Alerie plans to do it so indirectly, it basically is. It's why half his letters are pretty inclusive, it's that sort of surface PR you see, in some ways...and I would say that honestly, while he's provincial and he is a little cynical at times, he knows how to put a smile on his face and be that image. As I've chatted with Blue before, he still has to learn a lot, and no doubt, his character is one that has problems, many of which come with the fact that he isn't born for his Lordship. I wouldn't dare compare him to Eddard, he isn't the person who would make the same mistakes, but he IS similar in that he probably is too bound to the ideas of the "Realm" when others just see it as something to snatch. It wouldn't be slavish honour that would kill him, it would be someone that just would flat out kill him, just because of reasons.

Remember, the Tyrell word is still really, really strong- would anyone know they were responsible for killing King Joffrey because they felt he was a bit of a dickhead and had to get taken down? Nope, and neither does anyone know that right now outside of that tower, they're going to, well, starting with the south-west coast of the Westerlands, basically start giving a green light to steal Westerosi freeholders and peasants for Yunkish purposes, with not a single Tyrell man involved, and even right now, no great exchange of gold. That is where Alerie shines the most- she knows how to control that trust, and knows that at the end of the day, Jehrilla is a means to an end who wants to do that. It's a risky buisness, and who knows, Jehrilla could run and use that information to help the Crakehalls, or the Martells, or the North, anyone to say "They have lots of shit", but Alerie wouldn't have taken her up to that tower to tell her what she said if she didn't have a prior knowledge that it would work, that it simply just would not backfire for the both of them. It's that beautiful mixture, it is so well controlled, that within the family, they have a huge respect, this sort of really golden image, unlike many other families for what they do, the Tyrells are liked by many, or just a bit too fancy for some people's liking. People like Garland are never going to rule, mind- he's either going to win and be exactly where he was you know, before all this shit happened (which is depressing for the best of us), or he's going to end up dead, and the Reach is going to spend the next decade, regardless of any external war, in it's own civil conflict, or just really, really uncontrolled.

Remarkably, I haven't seen a SINGLE character even like Tyiron Lannister, thinking about it. If there is, then I haven't felt it yet, the wit and the absolute badassery hasn't hit me just yet. There are one or two in my mind that I have seen, but I am not sure.

And yeah, I will wait for Vale/River, I feel like we have left them for a while, and I am still reeling- though I think it will basically wrap up all of the posts, including pork maester, and Willas seeing dragons afar from the hills over Flea Bottom.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Wait for my Priest to being talking. :) He's like Tyrion and Melisandre combined haha!

Also, yea. I guess I could make a quick fill post, while waiting for the Tyrell's letter. Letter.
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