It is the year 56 in the AGE OF DAWN. The lands of BOREA, better known as the IRON KINGDOMS, marked beginning of this new era with the fall of the ancient ATLANTEAN EMPIRE, following a decade of war, plague and corruption known as the YEARS OF DUSK. Fallen, too, are the upstart KINGDOM OF THULE and the vast civilization of IIRAM. Much destruction was wrought in the devastating Years of Dusk by barbarian hordes, hailing from HYPERBOREA to the North, and the LEMURIAN STEPPES to the East. Death swept through the land on the winds of sickness and mutation; an unholy pandemic the likes of which never before seen in this world. However, even these disasters pale in comparison to the chaos sown by the emergence of dark enclaves wielding unnatural power not seen since the founding of the Empire many thousands of years ago. Many thought this to be the end of the world. It was, however, merely a new beginning.
Even as the forces of DESTRUCTION, DEATH and CHAOS bring ruin and misery to Borea, there is still yet hope. The unearthly power of MAGIC has returned to the world, both in the hands of mortal men and in the form of mystic beasts not seen for countless aeons. Though the mighty kingdoms that wielded it are dead, the arcane practice of ALCHEMY still holds strong in this new age, though its remaining practitioners must fight tooth and nail to keep their craft from dying out. Lawlessness and savagery run rampant in the Age of Dawn, and to be a man in these times takes a rare courage. Those who dare to stand against the tides of darkness are truly free, as no man has been since the shackles of the Atlantean Empire fell over Borea.
Rarer still are men of such mettle and spirit that their wills shape destiny, and their exploits are the stuff of legend. The Years of Dusk wiped clean the slate of history, and these heroes have risen up to write it anew. These living legends wield might and majesty that has not been seen since the the time of the OLD GODS, before the founding of the Empire. Rumors and mysteries surround them, as followers flock to turn their deeds to myths and their words to scripture.
Hey hey, so this is a little thing I've been cooking up for a couple of weeks. The basic premise is that YOU are a hero in this Age of Dawn, shaping history in this exciting new era. It is a time of adventure and excitement, the beginning of a new golden age. However, there's a bit more at work beneath the surface. Magic has returned to the world, after having mysteriously vanished in ancient times. Dark and otherworldly forces have returned as well, as well as whispers of the Old Gods, who disappeared with the sorcerers eons ago.
Think of this as a dynamic, character-driven adventure in a world that is suddenly and jarringly changing from one of low-fantasy to high-fantasy. Your characters are the real movers and shakers in this setting, so I encourage dramatic and far-sighted plots and ideas. Inspirations for this include games such as Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Exalted, the writings of Robert E. Howard, and symphonic metal bands like Bal-Sagoth. I'm leaving much of the setting open for the players to fill in as they desire, but I have a framework established beyond the blurb that I wrote up there.
Please let me know if you're interested, or if you have any questions or comments.
Thanks, and I hope to see you soon!