Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Thinking more about colours of magic Zephyr tried to remember what his was, yellow? Or was it more orange? He'd make another ball of magic right now if he wasn't nearly certain the master would have his head for using magic when not instructed to do so. He would just have to pay more attention to it next time they were doing practical work. "Lightning?" Zephyr asked more to the room than just Alex specifically, "I got glimpses of a lake freezing over, though I do admit your sounds cooler."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@KatherinWinter @Eklispe @booksmusicanime @Rex @duskshine749

The master would shake his head "you'll get to eat later Bristle" he states "we still have Magic Practice after this" he says "you don't got to be embarrassed" he says looking at Mecca, "first time using magic so bound to not notice some things" he states then looks to Alex and Zephyr shaking his head "First of all we don't always live in our homes Alex, we do spend time in the outside world, sometimes random and sometimes scheduled, and there are also times when people get angry and try to attack us" he states "and should they somehow win they would then have access to said book and hell would rein" he says shaking his head "Magic is always in one form until the caster changes it" he states "Pure energy, that Telephone wire and lighting, along with that frozen lake thing.. is just your imaginations" he states "That isn't how it actually looks, that's just what your minds are putting in your heads, and like I said you never force magic or else it become volatile, could show a very easy example of such.." he says giving a bit of a dangerous look. "if you use your heads you can see how it really looks inside" he states.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Bristle resisted a sigh, they had more magic practice? Just thinking about it was getting him tired, still at least he'd confirmed that they got food. He wasn't quite sure with the spartan like ways their master had shown so far. Bristle winced a little at the last pointed statement, if words were real he'd be bleeding right now. He would've tried to look at his magic again but figured that he'd better wait until magic practice. And there was no way the master wouldn't notice so there was no point in trying to sneakily do it. No stupid questions was a phrase that had always amused him, as Alex seemed to be hitting every one of them reliably. Still, it was better than not asking. Kinda. It wasn't that Bristle didn't to talk, it was just he didn't have anything to say.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 21 min ago

Liz sighed silently. She was used to a demanding schedule up this one more then she was used to. Still she wouldn't complain. Doing so would only anger the master and that was the last thing she wanted. This could be her only chance to do what she wanted. She was willing to do just about anything to have the chance to help others. She could adjust to this new schedule. There wasn't any choice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Zephyr didn't have much else to say on the topic, he never really was one for saying things in class or asking for help. He'd much rather just try and figure it out on his own, he was more likely to remember it that way. The thought of more magic practice excited him, though he did share what seemed to be Bristle's sentiment on food. A nice breakfast or lunch right now would really hit the spot and get him ready for more training. But he supposed for now he'd have to wait for this lesson to be over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Grace had been silent for the entirety of the lessons. Watching the others already falling into social groups and ignoring her. Even the Master had seemed to be focusing on everyone else but her--not that she minded fading off.

Her thoughts drifted to the initiation, then back further. Again her mind replayed the scene of the boy who'd let himself be eaten and she cringed. Why had he sacrificed himself...? And then there was the matter of the others who'd definitely been there at the initiation but hadn't been there afterwards....

She shuddered. She was likely in over her head. But it wasn't like she could do anything about it... it was probably best to keep a low profile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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β€œWhy would they want to attack you?” Alex asked before he continued, β€œI would understand if they were mad that a friend entered the pact and died, but it was their decision. Therefore, you have no fault.”

β€œAlso, isn’t there like shapeshifting magic you masters could use to disguise yourselves? That should work because that seems like more advance magic?” Alex asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mecca tapped her fingers against each other. She slowly sat up, though her hair still covered her face. She let out a quiet sigh as she settled back in to listen to the rest of the class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Eklispe @KatherinWinter @duskshine749 @Rex @RomanAria @booksmusicanime

The master makes a gesture as the door opens and small plates float in and fly to each one of the apprentices, a small meal of eggs and beacon, and a small goblet.. which fills with what ever non-alcoholic drink they think of. "Here is a small meal sense most of you seem to be complaining about food" he says shaking his head "Alex not everyone likes magic, in fact a lot of people are scared of it" he states "so a lot of people wishes for us masters and our apprentices not to exist" he states "why do you think I live in a place surrounded by the very monsters that almost killed all of you, same with others you never seen yet" he states "Shapeshifting isn't as simple as you may think" he says "If one is not careful they could lose themselves entirely in what they transform and become someone else, or into a beast.. I've had two apprentices who loved using shapeshifting.. but they didn't pay attention to the signs and had turned into beasts that roam this forest" he states

He would look to grace "after all of you eat, we'll head to the magic practice room" he states "..and Grace I wish to speak to you alone after the others start practice" he states.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Grace ate quickly, then stood up and walked over to the Master and curtsied to him.

"You wanted to speak with me, sir?" she asked softly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"Thank you sir," Zephyr said as he started eating. He was used to just eating cereal for breakfast, then again this was more of a brunch. He had his goblet fill with water, he didn't need anything fancy to satisfy himself. He was sure the liquid was coming from somewhere, you couldn't just make food and water out of nothing, could you? He'd get that answered another time, for now he was enjoying his meal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 21 min ago

Liz was amazed when the food and drinks appeared. Coud she do that? Could any of te there's? Had the Master created the fod of just teleported it from the kitchens? She had so many questions. Most of them buzzed through her mind so fast she coukdnt ask them even if she found the courage. For now she could only hoe the others thought to ask him or the master covered them at some point. She picked up her glass which turned out o have her favorite raspberry tea in it and took a drink.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Alex looked at the food and his stomach growled. He was so enthralled with the lesson he had forgotten how hungry he was. So magic can also make food appear. I wonder why no one’s tried to us that sort of magic to solve world hunger. I’ll ask it next time, but for right now: Thanks for the food Alex thought before he began to eat meal.

β€œMore magic training huh,” Alex said as he drank the coffee in his goblet. I’m going to pay more attention to the color and what the magic truly looks like. Maybe I can learn more about it and understand it more Alex thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yeah food. Bristle eagerly dug into his food and the apple juice that came with it. He wondered how the master knew that he loved apple juice but then dismissed the notion. Magic. Then more magic training afterwards. He wondered how long it would be until they could begin doing impressive things like fireballs and making pretty colors. Probably too long. Oh well, they'd already been out for a month and it wasn't like Bristle had anything waiting on him. His father probably thought he was dead if he'd even noticed or hadn't died himself from robbing one too many people. Would the magic training simply be a repetition of before or did they have some new exercise? Well they'd found out when they got there. Bristle finished his meal and leaned back with a sigh of content, it hadn't been a big meal but then again Bristle's idea of a small meal was slightly smaller than most people's. Hopefully he could figure out something more concrete about his magic this time. Something about how a journey started with one step.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mecca's eyes brightened at the sight of food. She quickly sat up and took a sip of her favorite drink, Unsweetened Tea. She gave a small grin as she set the goblet down. She pushed her hair back from her face before grabbing her fork and started to eat. She didn't really care where the food came from as long as it was edible, nor was she too bothered by magic training after this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@booksmusicanime @Eklispe @Rex @KatherinWinter @duskshine749 @RomanAria

The Master looked at grace and nodded "ya but when the others are training unless you want them to hear everything" he says to her "With your emotions being the way they are" he states.

He would look at the others then groan some at Alex "..Magic can't do everything Alex.. Magic didn't 'create' the food your eating. All I did was use magic from here to Cook the food in the kitchen and have it brought it" he states "You can't just create anything from nothing, there is limitations as to stuff like that." he states "And don't get to curious about magic, just do as i say and do nothing more, if you get to curious and try to experiment you can very well just kill yourself or one of the others" he says to them all. "an example would be if i told you only to create a sphere, don't go trying to make a cube or anything, don't go trying to infuse your magic into something else" he states "Only make the sphere" he says.

Once they was all finished he lead them out the room an down the hall into another room that was marked 'Magical Training Stage: Beginner' when they enter the room they would suddenly have a warm feeling inside them "This room Naturally attracts magic to those inside it, so it will supply you with a slow regeneration to your supply of magic. When you run put it'll take about a 15 minute rest before your at full power again" he states to them "I want to you to practice Creating the Sphere I had you create before, there is two goals for this" he tells them all. "Speed and duration, Before we move onto a different training, I wish for you all to be able to create your sphere within seconds without having to even focus and concentrate on it, You'll have to be able to create it in 5 seconds minimum." he states "And be able to hold a baseball size sphere for approximately 4 and a half days" he states "This entire training is to train your supply and control over the basics of magic. Once you finish this we're continuing on the second basics of magic." he states "There is three or four basic sections over all, give or take one or two, that you must go through before we get to the real dangerous stuff" he grins some. "You five can go ahead and start practice" he says motioning towards Alex, Mecca, Bristle, Liz, and Zephyr
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Four and a half days? He could barely make one for 4 and a half seconds. Unfortunately it seemed that they were going to be in here until they were able to do it as the master wanted. He wondered what the master's name was, no one had even bothered to ask. Oh well, if he hadn't told them he probably didn't want them to know. At least the room was warm and comfortable. Bristle found a place to stand and focused, how did he do this again? Look at his hand. Turn on magic vision. Look at the deck. Slowly draw the top card. Feel the magic in the card. Slowly, very slowly, take out the magic. What now? Cube? No, no cubes, defiantly not cubes, only a sphere. But how hard could it be to make a cube? Surely he was just exaggerating right? I mean, it was just a shape, if he could make a sphere he could make a cube. If anything a cube should be easier. But he shouldn't. Hm. Despite his incredible urge to make a cube Bristle slowly cajoled the magic into a sphere. It held for several seconds before it began to warble and Bristle reabsorbed part of the magic before it all vanished. He was getting better at this, not a lot, but a bit better. He knew how to make a sphere now with a little thought, now apparently he just had to remove the thought and increase the length. Speed and duration. Bristle took another deep breath and started again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 21 min ago

Liz looked around the new room while she listened to the master speak. She was feeling overwhelmed but she was doing her best to take everything in. Regenerate their supply of magic? Didn't their magic regenerate on its own? Maybe he meant ypthat the room helped their magic regenerate faster. How long did it take for their magic to take to regenerat on its own? How would they know if their store of magic was low? How much magic did they have? She frowned at te master's instructions. She had no problems practicing she could understand why they needed to be able to create sphere witching seconds but why did the have to hold it for four day. That was a long tie. Surely they would use their magic more often then that.mwoukdnt it be better to start the day by creating a sphere? Where we're they suppose to hold the sphere of magic for four days? Surely they couldn't just all around with a sphere of magic in one hand. She had more questions then answers. She tried to push them to the bak of her mind as she started to try making a sphere of magic again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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β€œFour and a half days huh? Guess we need to take off the kid gloves,” Alex said before he found a spot away from the others. Alright, just make sure you’re a good distance from everyone else just in case Alex thought as he remembered the master’s words in the first part of the training. Alex closed his eyes and concentrated. He knew what he was looking for, but it still took him a while to locate the telephone poles and wires.

β€œThere you are,” Alex said before he imagined reaching into the wires and pulling out the bright blue stream as he added, β€œNow use that energy to make the sphere.” Alex held out his hand and took a deep breath. I can’t keep closing my eyes for this. I need to see if I’m going to get any further in this training Alex thought as he opened his eyes and concentrated on his palm. He watched as the sphere began to form but stopped as it grew to the size of a golf ball.

β€œDamn it, this isn’t good enough,” Alex said as he began to force more magic from the wires. He sphere started to slowly grow larger before stopping at the size of a baseball. The sphere suddenly disappeared and Alex stumbled before getting his footing.

β€œit’s going to be harder than I thought,” Alex said before a smile formed on his face as he added, β€œgood. Where’s the fun in this if the goal is just sitting there waiting for you.” Alex took another deep breath and started again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mecca let out a quiet sigh. She was going to take forever, especially with how weak her first sphere was. She walked until she found a very secluded corner and took a seat on the ground. She placed her palms out in front of her and focused on how her magic had felt earlier when she had created the first sphere. By them time she made a half-dollar sized sphere her eyes were squinted from concentration.
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