Four and a half days? He could barely make one for 4 and a half seconds. Unfortunately it seemed that they were going to be in here until they were able to do it as the master wanted. He wondered what the master's name was, no one had even bothered to ask. Oh well, if he hadn't told them he probably didn't want them to know. At least the room was warm and comfortable. Bristle found a place to stand and focused, how did he do this again? Look at his hand. Turn on magic vision. Look at the deck. Slowly draw the top card. Feel the magic in the card. Slowly, very slowly, take out the magic. What now? Cube? No, no cubes, defiantly not cubes, only a sphere. But how hard could it be to make a cube? Surely he was just exaggerating right? I mean, it was just a shape, if he could make a sphere he could make a cube. If anything a cube should be easier. But he shouldn't. Hm. Despite his incredible urge to make a cube Bristle slowly cajoled the magic into a sphere. It held for several seconds before it began to warble and Bristle reabsorbed part of the magic before it all vanished. He was getting better at this, not a lot, but a bit better. He knew how to make a sphere now with a little thought, now apparently he just had to remove the thought and increase the length. Speed and duration. Bristle took another deep breath and started again.