Work in Progress (Editing and Revamping)

Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Chokashi is considered one of the few heavy hitters of Konaha thanks to his style which can be considered Shock and Awe. His style encompasses brute force with a mixture of agility and speed, which for most in the Akimichi clan, is fairly hard to do however his father and his closest friends helped him accomplished this through extensive and intense training regiments, some of which would last into the next morning. His calm nature and ability to endure a lot of pain thanks to his tolerance he built during his years in the academy and in the Akimichi compound allows him to take massive amounts of pain and inflict just as much back. As an Akimichi, he holds large reserves of chakra due to their eating habits and how they use their calories to convert to food.
【Ninja techniques】
Canon Jutsus.
Rank A:
Bunshin Daibakuha
Doton: Yomi Numa
Rank B:
Hari Jizō
Baika no Jutsu
Rank C:
Bubun Baika no Jutsu
Many more are known but here are some of the ones listed for Chokashi
D-E rank techniques:
He knows the basic D-E techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Akimichi Style: Buddhist Palm
Touch - 17 meters (pending chakra imput)
How it is made: Chakra is concentrated in the palm of the hand and condensed to a fine point. Once it is at the users liking, it is forcibly released from the palm outwards in a cone like shape. From max distance it is enough to knock back an opponent and cause loss of breath. Half the max distance has enough force to knock back single or multiple targets a few meters with a chance to cause disorientation and/or loss of hearing. Direct impact and up to 1.8 meters is enough to shatter bones, rupture organs, cause brain damage or death but once again this also depends on the amount of chakra used and its density.
Appearance: When forming it gives off a light golden hue before turning into a bright gold at the center of the palm. It can also turn to a whitish-gold but this is mostly at a higher level of mastery that Cho has not reached yet. When released, a quick flash of white followed by a dark gold cone-like beam is shot outward, enveloping those in its path.
Sound: When forming, it's sound is relatable to that of a group of monks meditating (humming or whatever it's called) and then when released, sounds very similar to multiple gongs being hit in unison.
Weakness: Like the Akimichi human boulder technique, it is limited in direction as it is a linear attack. Also thanks to how powerful the attack is. The best way to negate this attack is with any high powered wind attacks.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Because of his status as an Akimichi, an heir nonetheless, he does hold himself highly however he does not let that get in the way of his friendships or interactions with others as seen in his humbleness and hospitality. He is usually very easy to get along with, even with those who have a more...abrasive personality. He likes to poke fun at others' problems but nothing in a demeaning manor, mostly out of fun. Chokashi is a protective individual and has a need to make sure the others around him are safe physically, emotional or spiritually. However he doesn't tolerate disrespect to him or those around him, especially when it comes to his family name. Being called fat or anything about his weight does not bother him however talking about his family name in his eyes is considered fighting words. He believes in Naruto Uzumaki's nindo way, "Never break a promise" and holds this to a high standard which can also make him appear stubborn at times, however to those that know Chokashi well, this is when he is serious. When a situation becomes life or death or just tense, his usual happy go lucky attitude is replaced with an eerie quietness and a for gaze. His stance changes from a loose feel to something more sturdy but battle ready.
At a young age, like all Akimichis, Chōkashi was teased about his weight. the first few years were a bother since he didn't understand why he was being bullied. It was something however he later learned after graduation to embrace thanks to his father teaching him about how an Akimichi gets their strength and abilities from their weight and would show the boy through training what he meant. His mother, a kind, gentle soul taught him how to cook at a young age, since it was expected that not only did the women know how to cook but the male as well. The better the cook, the better the relationship would be. With this, Chokashi would offer the few friends he had from the academy over to their monthly cookout which to his friends was "overwhelming" thanks to the abundance of food. This however only helped add to his bullying later because of the other families who were invited, some of their kids being the ones that teased him in school.
Later in life after graduation, when he was put in his team. He was put into a team of former "bullies", much to Chokashi's dislike. They would go about like any normal team as genin, completing menial tasks but what made it difficult at first for Chokashi was that his teammates would not give him the chance to actually show his worth. So one day during training he vowed to prove to them hpw strong he truly was in the Chuunin exam. Most laughed at him but he swore on his families honor and his own life, to him and later to many, that would show when he was truly serious about what he said.
The chuunin exms had rolled by and the first round went by with some complications that almost cost him and his team advancement. The second part of the exam, the fights, were a bit of a challenge to Cho because of how intense some of the fighters were. Many were surprised that Cho could last this long however his father had proclaimed that whatever Chokashi put his mind to he could accomplish. It was in the final exams where he proved just that by defeating a Hyuuga with his on Akimichi move the Buddhist Palm. Many were shocked that someone like him could even pull it off but that was the moment many changed their opinion about him. From there, he had quickly gained friends, many of them he considered family. He vowed to them all that he would protect every last one of them, even if it cost him his life.
Times have changed since those years. With the downfall of the former hokage and the death of a few good friends, Chokashi had decided that he would attempt to prevent the loss of any more and the way he would do it would be through learning and studying medical ninjutsu. So for 7 years he would practice and hone his skills in it until he was 28
【Family ties】
Because of the Akimichi's history in Konaha and the ninja they were consistently paired with, their main ties are with the Yamanaka Clan and the Naru Clan, both of which had supplied great ninja for great teams as seen with the Choj-Ino-Shika team back in the days of Naruto. They also have gained strong ties with the Uzumaki clan, the Inuzuka clan and the Hyuuga clan however not as strong as say the Uzumakis.
Chokurou Akimichi | Cousin (Surrogate Little Brother) | 21, Akimichi Compound, Chuunin Considered to be the next Chokashi as far as combat goes. Taught by Chokashi and his Uncle
Chokuto Akimichi | Father | 47, Akimichi Compound, Jounin, Deseased.
Haruka Akimichi | Mother | 45, Akimichi Compound, Jounin Cooking nin and head cook for the Akimichi Open Barbeque. Also violent towards those who disrespects her cooking.
Choji Akimichi | Ancestor | Deceased, Konaha, Known for aiding the Shinobi Forces during the fourth shinobi war. Also hated being called fat.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Tengoku no Bunki
Weapon, tool or object type:
7ft Bo staff
Description: Tengoku no Bunki, also known as Heaven's Branch, is an 7ft bamboo bo staff carved from one of the most dense trees in the forest near Konaha, bored out and filled with chakra infused metal. Its neck is semi thin while either side ends in a heavy knot. This bo staff, as heavy as it may seem is actually quiet light and very manageable on the field. It's ability is to transfer some of the users chakra into each end and release with concussive force.
【Dreams and fears】
After the death of his father he is more afraid of losing someone else who is close to him and fail him as the new leader of the Akimchi clan. Dream wise he wants to take the Akimichi to a greater status such as the Uzumaki or the Uchiha. As cliché as that is, he wants them to have the same influence as those clans but he also understands that it just might remain a dream rather than a reality.

"Just remember that you can always count on Cho. I'll always be there."
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Chōkashi Akimichi
Cho-sama, Akimichi-sama
Chōkashi Akimichi
Cho-sama, Akimichi-sama
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Chokashi is considered one of the few heavy hitters of Konaha thanks to his style which can be considered Shock and Awe. His style encompasses brute force with a mixture of agility and speed, which for most in the Akimichi clan, is fairly hard to do however his father and his closest friends helped him accomplished this through extensive and intense training regiments, some of which would last into the next morning. His calm nature and ability to endure a lot of pain thanks to his tolerance he built during his years in the academy and in the Akimichi compound allows him to take massive amounts of pain and inflict just as much back. As an Akimichi, he holds large reserves of chakra due to their eating habits and how they use their calories to convert to food.
【Ninja techniques】
Canon Jutsus.
Rank A:
Bunshin Daibakuha
Doton: Yomi Numa
Rank B:
Hari Jizō
Baika no Jutsu
Rank C:
Bubun Baika no Jutsu
Many more are known but here are some of the ones listed for Chokashi
D-E rank techniques:
He knows the basic D-E techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Akimichi Style: Buddhist Palm
Touch - 17 meters (pending chakra imput)
How it is made: Chakra is concentrated in the palm of the hand and condensed to a fine point. Once it is at the users liking, it is forcibly released from the palm outwards in a cone like shape. From max distance it is enough to knock back an opponent and cause loss of breath. Half the max distance has enough force to knock back single or multiple targets a few meters with a chance to cause disorientation and/or loss of hearing. Direct impact and up to 1.8 meters is enough to shatter bones, rupture organs, cause brain damage or death but once again this also depends on the amount of chakra used and its density.
Appearance: When forming it gives off a light golden hue before turning into a bright gold at the center of the palm. It can also turn to a whitish-gold but this is mostly at a higher level of mastery that Cho has not reached yet. When released, a quick flash of white followed by a dark gold cone-like beam is shot outward, enveloping those in its path.
Sound: When forming, it's sound is relatable to that of a group of monks meditating (humming or whatever it's called) and then when released, sounds very similar to multiple gongs being hit in unison.
Weakness: Like the Akimichi human boulder technique, it is limited in direction as it is a linear attack. Also thanks to how powerful the attack is. The best way to negate this attack is with any high powered wind attacks.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Because of his status as an Akimichi, an heir nonetheless, he does hold himself highly however he does not let that get in the way of his friendships or interactions with others as seen in his humbleness and hospitality. He is usually very easy to get along with, even with those who have a more...abrasive personality. He likes to poke fun at others' problems but nothing in a demeaning manor, mostly out of fun. Chokashi is a protective individual and has a need to make sure the others around him are safe physically, emotional or spiritually. However he doesn't tolerate disrespect to him or those around him, especially when it comes to his family name. Being called fat or anything about his weight does not bother him however talking about his family name in his eyes is considered fighting words. He believes in Naruto Uzumaki's nindo way, "Never break a promise" and holds this to a high standard which can also make him appear stubborn at times, however to those that know Chokashi well, this is when he is serious. When a situation becomes life or death or just tense, his usual happy go lucky attitude is replaced with an eerie quietness and a for gaze. His stance changes from a loose feel to something more sturdy but battle ready.
At a young age, like all Akimichis, Chōkashi was teased about his weight. the first few years were a bother since he didn't understand why he was being bullied. It was something however he later learned after graduation to embrace thanks to his father teaching him about how an Akimichi gets their strength and abilities from their weight and would show the boy through training what he meant. His mother, a kind, gentle soul taught him how to cook at a young age, since it was expected that not only did the women know how to cook but the male as well. The better the cook, the better the relationship would be. With this, Chokashi would offer the few friends he had from the academy over to their monthly cookout which to his friends was "overwhelming" thanks to the abundance of food. This however only helped add to his bullying later because of the other families who were invited, some of their kids being the ones that teased him in school.
Later in life after graduation, when he was put in his team. He was put into a team of former "bullies", much to Chokashi's dislike. They would go about like any normal team as genin, completing menial tasks but what made it difficult at first for Chokashi was that his teammates would not give him the chance to actually show his worth. So one day during training he vowed to prove to them hpw strong he truly was in the Chuunin exam. Most laughed at him but he swore on his families honor and his own life, to him and later to many, that would show when he was truly serious about what he said.
The chuunin exms had rolled by and the first round went by with some complications that almost cost him and his team advancement. The second part of the exam, the fights, were a bit of a challenge to Cho because of how intense some of the fighters were. Many were surprised that Cho could last this long however his father had proclaimed that whatever Chokashi put his mind to he could accomplish. It was in the final exams where he proved just that by defeating a Hyuuga with his on Akimichi move the Buddhist Palm. Many were shocked that someone like him could even pull it off but that was the moment many changed their opinion about him. From there, he had quickly gained friends, many of them he considered family. He vowed to them all that he would protect every last one of them, even if it cost him his life.
Times have changed since those years. With the downfall of the former hokage and the death of a few good friends, Chokashi had decided that he would attempt to prevent the loss of any more and the way he would do it would be through learning and studying medical ninjutsu. So for 7 years he would practice and hone his skills in it until he was 28
【Family ties】
Because of the Akimichi's history in Konaha and the ninja they were consistently paired with, their main ties are with the Yamanaka Clan and the Naru Clan, both of which had supplied great ninja for great teams as seen with the Choj-Ino-Shika team back in the days of Naruto. They also have gained strong ties with the Uzumaki clan, the Inuzuka clan and the Hyuuga clan however not as strong as say the Uzumakis.
Chokurou Akimichi | Cousin (Surrogate Little Brother) | 21, Akimichi Compound, Chuunin Considered to be the next Chokashi as far as combat goes. Taught by Chokashi and his Uncle
Chokuto Akimichi | Father | 47, Akimichi Compound, Jounin, Deseased.
Haruka Akimichi | Mother | 45, Akimichi Compound, Jounin Cooking nin and head cook for the Akimichi Open Barbeque. Also violent towards those who disrespects her cooking.
Choji Akimichi | Ancestor | Deceased, Konaha, Known for aiding the Shinobi Forces during the fourth shinobi war. Also hated being called fat.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Tengoku no Bunki
Weapon, tool or object type:
7ft Bo staff
Description: Tengoku no Bunki, also known as Heaven's Branch, is an 7ft bamboo bo staff carved from one of the most dense trees in the forest near Konaha, bored out and filled with chakra infused metal. Its neck is semi thin while either side ends in a heavy knot. This bo staff, as heavy as it may seem is actually quiet light and very manageable on the field. It's ability is to transfer some of the users chakra into each end and release with concussive force.
【Dreams and fears】
After the death of his father he is more afraid of losing someone else who is close to him and fail him as the new leader of the Akimchi clan. Dream wise he wants to take the Akimichi to a greater status such as the Uzumaki or the Uchiha. As cliché as that is, he wants them to have the same influence as those clans but he also understands that it just might remain a dream rather than a reality.