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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

So Mr. Creepy McLongneck has apparently attracted some attention that he may not have wanted....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So Mr. Creepy McLongneck has apparently attracted some attention that he may not have wanted....

You mean the Animal Cracker brigade? Oh yeah things will be heating up as everyone converges on Lost Haven. Gonna try and work on a post here, I was waiting on FacePunch but I guess life has caught up with him. I'll stretch out my post a bit and see what happens later.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

So Mr. Creepy McLongneck has apparently attracted some attention that he may not have wanted....

And he would say to Not-Doctor Doom, "Bring it!"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

And Angel would say:

"You're all crazy!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Character you have created: Aurelia Nirealh

Alias: NA

Speech Color: Orange

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: It's Complicated

Character Personality: Fanatical willpower, utter willingness to make any and all sacrifices to achieve the necessary goal, great devotion to the cause, these are all elements that are critical to understanding her personality. Due to experience and a vast amount of training for this mission she is extremely quick to react. Her survival of them is evidence of an ability to set aside emotions like fear or the drive for self preservation to do what must be done. At the same time, she is not an unfeeling machine. Casualties are avoided when possible, the beings of this world are considered to be people, albeit primitives, and as such efforts are taken to when possible avoid harming them. She does have a personality beyond that of the dedicated soldier, bent on accomplishing the task that has been set before her, but at this point it has been of little value in the endeavor, and she is capable of suppressing her personal desires for the good of mission.

Uniform/costume: Like all Praetorians Aurelia has a series of shards of unknown material that are at times attached to her, and at times floating in a halo of sorts around her body. Hers as befits one of her station has many components, and they are quite developed. When they are anchored to her body a pair of them anchor against the sides of her head, stretching up nearly a foot in height above her head even when attached. Two shorter ones anchor against the upper sides and top, reaching slightly higher than the longer ones below due to the higher start. Finally one at the peak of her head that extends higher than the rest. In addition to the shards that attach to her head she also has a pair that attach to the outside of her upper arms and rise up to be level with her head.

Also like all Praetorians Aurelia has sheath of sorts around her body. Rather than skin there is a hard layer of a highly resilient and durable material that has a bright white coloration, almost like fine china in most cases. This layer is form fitting and covers the entirety of her body. In its natural state her mouth, eyes, ears, and nose to some extent, have openings to allow for sight, scent, hearing, and eating, and her features are clearly visible beneath it as if it was another, if thicker layer of skin. In less natural states the covering can extend to completely block all openings and form a protective seal. The sheath can be shed at will and regrown in a short period of time, how long it takes depending on the individual.

Beneath this layer is what would be most comparable to a human layer of skin. Her skin is a pale silvery blue in color and should she be wounded a dark fluid would flow from her wounds. Her skin at this level is more fragile than a humans and is extremely porous, as well as being extremely sensitive to stimuli of all kinds.

For the actual physical structure of the Praetorians, they look oddly similar to humanity, their bodies are proportionally extremely similar and they possess analogous anatomy. As such Aurelia looks quite similar to a human, albeit one is either wearing a suit of porcelain, or who has silver blue skin, slightly glowing orange eyes, and silver hair. Her features are rather delicate and refined as well, something that is visible even when covered by the sheath.

In terms of actual clothing Aurelia will typically wear a raiment of gold and crimson that is amorphous in nature, reshaping itself as necessary and able to define itself into a number of different patterns as needed.

Origin Info: Aurelia is an agent of the Empire, an elite operative specially chosen from the most potent members of her kind for mission of utmost importance. One of the few members of her kind capable of surviving a transit across the boundaries of reality through an unsecured gateway she has been dispatched to this world to create a gateway device and allow the true linking of the worlds….

Hero Type: Technically Aurelia's powers like all of her kind are technology based. However due to the extremely advanced nature of them, the ways in which they work are not obvious and to this time period on earth they will most likely seem magical rather than technological.

Power Level (Select one below):
D. Cosmic

Powers (Be Specific):

Like all Praetorians Aurelia possesses racial abilities.

She has the ability to grow and shed her protective sheath at will and has the ability to do so within a few seconds time, extremely quickly by the standards of her people, most of whom can take up to an hour to fully generate the sheath. Aurelia also possesses the ability to interface with Praetorian technology, an ability granted by her array of shards that she like all Praetorians possesses. Further she has the ability to commune with other biological and synthetic lifeforms and to use this for a number of purposes.

Communion for the Praetorians is a part of life and normal existence. With as little as a touch of their skin to that of another lifeform they can initiate a link. These links are often used to share information, divine intentions, reveal feelings, share experiences, ect. But communion can also be much more than that. They are capable of merging, of melding with what they touch and assimilating or altering it. Often this is used for the rare medical condition that requires outside intervention, or to assess the damage to something. But it can also be used to harvest biomass from another source and directly incorporate it into the body, or other less pleasant things. On the whole the biomass harvesting is incredibly rare and used only as a last resort for survival in most cases, and typically communion is a way of reinforcing closeness or bonding.

Aurelia's unique power is her ability to interface directly with the matter around her. This ability allows her to with concentration and focus shape the world around her. Air can solidify to form walls, metal can warp and reshape, the building blocks of the universe answer to her. At least within a relatively short range and to a certain degree. Aurelia can only retain control of and alter things within approximately 100 yards of her, though something once altered or created by her will behave naturally until it has run its course or been destroyed. With her particular ability as one of the most talented shapers among the Praetorians she is uniquely suited to create the necessary components for the gateway device assuming she can amass the raw materials required. Aurelia also cannot break the laws of physics. Though considering her vastly superior understanding of physics, some of what she does may seem supernatural or magical to others.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Naturally she could pick up a car and throw it assuming she was sheathed, with technology augmenting her or some form of device quite a lot more. (Notably she is substantially stronger than the average Praetorian)

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Reaction time is fast enough to allow her to process and react to the strikes of even metahumans such as Icon. How much of this is training and how much is inherent is at this point uncertain.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Aurelia can courtesy of her training and the nature of her people function at maximum efficiency for a period of 6 or 7 hours. Notably as using her technology does not drain her noticeably, should she not be forced to use her ability to interface she could function at maximum efficiency for even longer.

Agility: 5X

Intelligence: Genius, while her intelligence is moderate by the standards of her people, by the standards of this world she would be considered a genius

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Minimal (Currently, this is subject to change)

Weaknesses: Like all Praetorians Aurelia's core body is fragile and can be damaged more easily than a humans, further her power's limited range can often come into play as well. Aside from that she has no obvious weaknesses.

Supporting Characters:

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Sample Post:

The dockside security station was filled with the scents of smoke and sweat. Technically they weren't supposed to be smoking inside, but with it still being cold, no one made an issue of it. The group of three men in rather shabby uniforms were huddled around a table in the middle of the room, not really watching the screens, instead their attention seemed to be much more focused on the game taking place in on the table.

“Alright, show the hands.” One of them said at last and dropped his own. A pair of jacks was revealed as he did so.

The man across from him however dropped his as well. “Hah.” And his dropping revealed a hand with three aces. “I win.” And he began to reach for the money.

Before he could do so though the last man put his down showing something amusing, 4 twos.
“Now that's some bull-” The second man began before he was cut off as the office began to shake and a sudden wind whipped cold air through the half open windows.

It was about to be dismissed as some strange thing, like so much of what happened in Lost Haven but before the attention could turn back to the game there was an intense cracking sound as what looked almost like a tendril of blue lightning erupted in thin air outside. All three men were drawn to the window, looking out at the sudden lightshow.

The effects did not stop, instead growing more frequent and intense as pulses of the blue energy erupted from thin air to strike the ground and in some cases began to swirl around themselves in the air. Eventually they seemed to form what was almost a pool of sparkling and crackling energy in the air. Then something, it was difficult to see what, slipped through portal, crackling energy and sparks clinging to it as it landed on the ground outside.

The swirling nexus of energy then disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, leaving the men looking at each other.

“Was that a metahuman?” One of them asked the others

“I don't know.”

“We should call the police.” The first offered again and actually moved around the office, over to the phone.

Then the third man spoke. “Whatever it is, its moving and it doesn't look good.”

In a perhaps surprising display of decency the two men who were not on the phone left the security station and approached the site of the of the lightshow. One of them carried a flashlight and he turned it on. The light stretched out, illuminating the scorched earth where the bolt of energy had struck, and something else as well.

It was difficult for the men to be sure what they were looking at, it was horribly burned, with what seemed to be a bluish black fluid dripping from the worst of the burns. But as they approached it looked more and more humanoid. And then it raised its head and spoke, “…… …..” <Help me.> That the head didn't look quite right, with additional growths and such didn't matter so much in the face of what was clearly a voice, a quite human sounding one even if one they didn't understand

And as the men drew near and reached out the thing moved suddenly in a way that belied how damaged it looked to be. A hand closed around the arm of each of the two men and there was an instant of warmth as the touch seemed to burn their skin and meld with it. And then there was only oblivion for them.

It would be a moment later that the man who had stayed inside to call the police emerged, both to inform his fellows that the call was finished and to investigate for himself, and he was to find an unexpected sight. His two fellows slumped upon the ground withered looking, though there were still plumes of visible vapor rising from their mouths in the cold, and standing above them what looked to be some sort of woman.

She was badly burned and much of her was hidden in the darkness but he could see she wasn't normal. The long white things attached to her head and arms were a give away, as was the faintly luminous orange eyes that illuminated a bit of her face. At the sight the man, in the wake of what he had seen opened his mouth as if to scream, only to find that something was blocking him, muffling his attempts to speak, something that also had wrapped around him, making it impossible to move aside from his head.

And the woman began to walk towards him, speaking as she did so. “…… … ...” <Do not struggle and you will live> It was clear that she expected some form of response but the man had no idea what and shook his head. She seemed puzzled by this and paused, speaking again, in words that still were not recognizable but sounded markedly different from the first. “------ ----- ----” <Do you speak -----?> And again the man shook his head.

In the end it made no difference as with a frown the woman reached out with a pale bluish silver hand and as their skin touched there was the feeling of heat and then oblivion.


Amid the scorch marks that the energy left behind a figure stood. Now coated almost entirely in a gleaming white layer of what looked almost like porcelain, though with her head still exposed, and with a layer of what was presumably clothing that bore an odd mix of qualities, seemingly armored and dress like at once.

The growths that had been noticeable to the men before were not visible now, rather a series of spines seemed to float in the air around her, forming an odd corona of sorts that stretched loosely from one shoulder, up over her head and down to the other. There was an expression that looked an awful lot like confusion on her face as the white layer finished spreading and covered her face, forming into a perfect copy over the silver skin that lay below.

But whatever it was that had led to the look of confusion clearly was not about to slow her down as she stepped upwards, seemingly into thin air and then rose, accelerating through the air away from the sight of her appearance.


And when the police arrived they would find the men in the checkpoint, moved as close to the heater as possible and with a piece of paper on which was written fine and precise text, that sadly they could not read, though an oddly familiar set of numbers.

– --- –- – –- – - –- –- <I have left instructions for their medical care.>
I – - –-
II–- – – -- - –--
III –----- –-
IV - - –- - –-- - -

- – –-- - – - – - – –- - - <If they die, their sacrifices will be honored in the Empire>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

And Angel would say:

"You're all crazy!"

And my answer to Angel would be that you have to be a tad bit crazy to survive this world.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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*stretches out and yawns*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Aquilifer post up.

Oh... yeah, I got my laptop back.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

HOUND! You're back!!!

Shape, @dedonus, how do you want to get started with Alexa and Lyger's mission to New York?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

HOUND! You're back!!!

Shape, @dedonus, how do you want to get started with Alexa and Lyger's mission to New York?

You gotta stop by the local toy store, gear up ya know. The fun kind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I'm waiting for you guys to push ahead a bit...

I'll intermix some references to how Isaac's life has been changing... but I'm just trying to hold him up a bit so Vigilante doesn't sort this whole thing out while you're having your little picnic in the park.

Because I'm nice like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I'm waiting for you guys to push ahead a bit...

I'll intermix some references to how Isaac's life has been changing... but I'm just trying to hold him up a bit so Vigilante doesn't sort this whole thing out while you're having your little picnic in the park.

Because I'm nice like that.

Isn't nice overrated?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hound55>

Isn't nice overrated?

You don't see the Shroud being nice, or Umbraxis and they have a lot going for them. So yeah I agree being nice is overrated!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

We also might see an app for a certain ex-naval officer from Massachusetts who Byrd might know...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

HOUND! You're back!!!

Shape, @dedonus, how do you want to get started with Alexa and Lyger's mission to New York?

Shape said that he was trying to write his part of Lyger and Radiance flying to Albany. You might want to contact him to get in the loop of things. I will try to write a post of where Raptor and Wasp are at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

You don't see the Shroud being nice, or Umbraxis and they have a lot going for them. So yeah I agree being nice is overrated!

Funny you should mention them, I have a post working up for the Cowl on the current events.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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<Snipped quote by VATROU>

Funny you should mention them, I have a post working up for the Cowl on the current events.

Oh goody.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thanks to Lyger, we now have yet another Villain to face off against. Thankfully she has it out for him. Oh and to top it all off Nightmare is back. Welp here's hoping he doesn't find Eva.

Barron "Oh he'd thrash her good."

You're still around??

Barron "Hey! Just because I'm mostly retired doesn't mean I'm gone."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

By the way.... is Nightmare back?
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